Lifestyle of the Evangelist – 25 Hours

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Lifestyle of the Evangelist – 25 Hours

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Esther Han, Tiffany Han

The problem of mankind is unseen, it is a problem that appears from a problem you cannot see. 


You can’t see the spiritual state with your eyes, so you can’t see Satan is working.  He makes you leave God, this is a spiritual problem.  When spiritual problems come upon you, it’s game over. 


If you solve the invisible problems through only Christ, problems will no longer seem like problems.

(John 19:30) With

I receive the answers I do see.  Even if you’re with a president, there are things you can see, but what happens if God is with me? God guides me and works upon me.  Because he’s with me, because he’s backing me, I have His power.  This tremendous blessing is only within Jesus Christ.  But if you don’t have this and you think you’re smart, then you’re just pretending to be smart but you have nothing.

Even if you look at one nation and see all the smart people, it is 237 nations, even if you have one person.  There are 50 states in America. Even if you selected the smartest people in each state, look at how many there are.  There are 5000 universities in America, so you can find smart people, but the spiritual problems cannot be solved.

People go to church but don’t talk about spiritual things, so people are crumbling. Because the churches are not giving the answer of only Christ, they cannot find this answer.  If the resurrected Christ is with you, everything is finished.  Even right now, He is guiding you and working upon you, how? Through the Word, and that’s why every time you worship and pray, God is working.  In order to fulfill this work, God sends His angels ahead of time.  Before you fight the spiritual battle, He sends the heavenly hosts to fight that battle. This authority and power is with us.  The background of the throne is mine.

It doesn’t matter what kind of situation you’re in because my background is of heaven and everything comes from here, so there’s no reason to hold onto people or to be disappointed.  It doesn’t matter if you’re weak or powerful, nothing matters, why? Because the background of heaven is mine, and this is within Christ.  That’s why we have the blessing of world evangelization.  For us to be able to evangelize to the world means I’m able to spiritually evangelize to people.  How do I study?  Find it within the covenant.  How will I grow my skill?  According to God’s covenant with His will.

Answer, Conclusion, Kingdom of God (Acts 1:3)

You must have this answer and conclusion, then God’s Kingdom will come upon me.  If I’m a child of God, doing whatever I want, what kind of kingdom am I in?  President Biden’s word has to go through all 50 states in order for him to reign over the nation, but if there’s a state that goes against this word, then the law hasn’t entered in that place.  Such people get kicked out or jailed.  God’s Kingdom comes upon you so His will is guiding you.


The mission of evangelizing to the world comes automatically.  If it’s not only Christ, then there’s plus alpha, some action.  But only Jesus Christ is concluding on only the Word so you can receive the word.  How? You have to have the answer of only Christ and finish it with this.  This is enough, I need nothing else.  God’s Kingdom only by the filling of the Holy Spirit is my life’s direction.

Only Jesus Christ is not the words of people, but it’s my heavenly mandate and it’s my calling, right now.  What am I doing right now?  It is a calling of what I’m doing right now within the church, where God has put me.  This is the mission you must go with the church your life long.  There’s no mission that is not connected to a church.  God called them the Mark’s Upper Room church and gave each person a mission.


If you don’t know the church, you don’t know the mission, and they think they know their mission but it’s not working out for them.  To do world evangelization, God created Mark’s Upper Room.  Do you think Jesus made a mistake and tied 120 people together?  That’s why we must understand, in doing the work of world evangelization, why did Paul raise the churches?  In Revelation, Satan brings his organization into the Jerusalem temple, so God raises the churches because it’s not something else; we fight the spiritual battle. We’re not doing this by programs, but Jesus Christ, God’s Kingdom, and the Holy Spirit.  God does all this you can see because you need physical things.  Talent, specialty are given by God because you need it, but then what’s next?

Rightful, Necessary, Absolute

Jesus Christ is rightful, not extraordinary.  Jesus Christ must rightfully come to me.  Why did a problem come to me? You don’t have Christ, so it’s rightful. Then you find God’s absolute plan. There’s nothing else except the gospel.  Let’s say you’re holding onto idols and you come to church? Rightfully what will happen to such people?  You have to find God’s absolute plan, isn’t that correct?  Why is it that our Mark’s Upper Room meetings getting cut off?  You must help them by God’s absolute plan.  Why? They’re holding onto something else, so you have to help them find that thing.  The problems coming into me are rightful and necessary but they enable us to know God’s absolute plan. 

One Heart, Whole Heart, Continuation

If it’s one heart, and it’s correct, you put your whole heart into it.  God uses such people, people do drugs with their whole heart. If your whole heart is one thing, it will continue.  If they hold to the covenant and play, that play will go into world evangelization.  You must have whole heart to have continuation.  Why can’t we continue? Because our hearts are not all-in.  Why is it that our drug addictions continue?  We put our whole heart into continuation. Why do we keep drinking? One heart, whole heart, continuation. For that person, it’s alcohol. Every day, alcohol is rooted in them. They live their lives with this strength.  This is their heavenly mandate. 

Everyone has this.  Edison’s “only”  was electricity, that was his heavenly mandate. It was rightful, one heart.  It’s not about whether they have power or not, but all people who have succeeded are all the same, so even world evangelization is something that happens to successful people, but Nobel Prize winning also comes from success.  Missions and evangelism is also a successful life.  This mission is not because of how strong we are, but how deeply this is rooted inside of us. 

All flow of success is the same.  Whether you receive help from evil spirits or other things, it’s the same.  If you’re able to evangelize, it means the physical things will work out here.  If you think evangelism is knocking on apartment doors, this isn’t taking place for you.  That’s also evangelism, but that’s not the evangelism that they talk about in the Bible.  Absolutely, God will give you the specialization to make disciples to do this work. 

Look at David, when shepherding his sheep, God gave him the skill. If he was to make disciples of other shepherds, what would that look like? They would come to David to learn and he would have disciples, so you plant the covenant and because of that, God blesses you with skills.  People from all nations would come to receive discipleship.  The shepherd who holds onto the covenant, they go towards globalization and all nations, that’s the life of an evangelist. Even when you work, this is how it must happen.  You must find the answer of specialization that only you can do, within this. 

Whether I do music or open a restaurant, this is the specialization God gives.  So, disciples will come to learn from you, and there are disciples whom God sets aside, and you give the covenant.  Then, everywhere they go, they will hold to the covenant and do the same things. This goes towards 237.  Yes, opening an apartment door, “Will you receive the gospel?” is important, but America evangelism is something else.  The three organizations plow into the online age, but we’re handing out pamphlets, going back to the Stone Age.  It’s the age of information and data, but do you think the Stone Age is enough? We’ve already passed the iron and industrial age. We’re in an information and data age, so we can’t do evangelism like we did in the past. That is within this flow.

When remnants give the gospel, they must give it this way.  Going into the White House is possible for the remnants, but what will you do there? You must do this. If you quietly hold to the covenant God will attach people to you. This is an important person.  Many people go into the White House, there are so many college professors, there are professors who relay their skills and make disciples, but God doesn’t want that kind of person, God wants a person who can relay their skills.  This is the same for everybody.  

We have to raise people who will continue this.  The ones who can continue this have to shake up the church for others to follow. Isn’t that correct? It’s hard to continue this while you work.  There has to be someone who does only this to shake up the church for the ones to do business to follow after this.

Only, Uniqueness, Re-Creation

Jesus Christ is only, there’s nothing else.  Christ, God’s Kingdom, the Holy Spirit, it’s all “only.”  Then the answer of uniqueness is something only I can do. When I have only Christ, God’s Kingdom, and only the Holy Spirit, I will realize why I was born on this earth, and this is something you can receive only when you have the Triune God.  There are unbelievers who can find their “only” and “uniqueness” within this, there are people who say, “Only Nobel Prize” and work towards that, so they will get the Nobel Prize, but because it doesn’t come from God, they will eventually spiritually crumble.

Especially for those who have a lot of skills, we’re born for this, it’s ours kill, but what will become of this? We have to have the re-creation to save people. Yes It’s important to bring food to people, but it’s also important to re-create themselves.  Change what’s on the inside.  Helping with side projects won’t help with the inside.  Because they don’t change from the inside, they will ask for help and will never change.

The doors to Central America opened.  No one goes there, why? Because the gangs are so rampant that nobody goes.  That’s a nation with the most homicides in Central America, but God completely opened the doors to evangelism. What kind of faith do we have?  We believe God will send the heavenly hosts to defeat the forces of darkness first and foremost.  “God gave us the blessing for world evangelization,” but because it’s a theory, it hasn’t come upon us. 

Even for Paul, the Jews tried to kill him using gangs.  But when he prayed, God worked and sent the heavenly hosts so he could complete his work.  When we hold to the word and pray, God will send angels ahead of you to find people who will arise with the Word, then there’s no problem. But if you don’t have this, you will be fearful as you might get shot.  There was a Korean pastor who went to South America to evangelize, but because someone put a gun to his head, he had to give up.   In the past, he used to be a gangster, and God gave him this experience for this work.

He was driving his car and someone put a gun to his head through the window, and another Korean Pastor next to him, Pastor Jo, had a gun to his head.  They were getting carjacked and cars were expensive but this pastor didn’t even bat an eye, why? He was beat up as a gang member so he was fearless.  So he gave a testimony about his situation, “When can I strike back?” so, he really looked for the right moment to speed off. I told him, “It seems like you had all these gang experiences for this moment,” and he said, “Is that so?” God has prepared everything and allows things to happen. No matter how much someone talks, they pee their pants out of fear when in the moment.

I went to the missions conference, and I told the pastors I was going to go to El Salvador, and all the American pastors know what kind of field it is like.  What is there to fear? You just go.  But for me, I have the experience of a soldier.  Either way, I fight in a war; this is normal. You are shaking in fear and that’s why God gives me the grace of His Word.  Elisha said, “When the Aram nations gather their forces, we outnumber them.”  When the servant was afraid, Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes.” It doesn’t mean Elisha actually saw the angels, but he believed in it.

7000 disciples gathered in Dothan and Satan’s armies were attacking, but Elisha believed God was sending greater numbers to protect them. This is spiritual faith.  In Revelation, there will be wars and this and that, but no, just proclaim Jesus Christ.  The ones who have this faith will live.  As we approach the age of Revelation, there will be difficulties and tribulation, and many will become pale with fear, but faith will overcome.  It is not just any kind of faith, but it’s faith in only Jesus Christ, the Triune God, who can overcome this.

You cannot do world evangelization with anything else, no matter how much research you do or how many programs you run.  If we come to LA, the spiritual background of LA is different, so how could we research this from Korea and do this?  It is only the people who have the answer of “only,” according to his time schedule.  Many pastors ask, “Why doesn’t this or that work out?” This isn’t just the end of it.   The pastor assumes that if this is how it works out, this is how it will continue to work out, but actually, this is the only to get it to work.

There are many shamans in Korea, and fewer here, so people said the six states of the unbeliever are different in America and Korea, so they cannot see clearly.  Everything is the same.  Through the three organizations, Genesis 3, 6, and 11 are going into the superpower nations all the same.  The forces of darkness working in the Bible through the superpower nations affect the superpower nations exactly the same way right now. It has become part of the New Age culture, and ideas of individualism, “In my opinion and thoughts, I think this is correct.”  But the topic of our conversations are not aligned. 

We’re talking about something spiritual, but we talk from the perspective of physical things.  When will it work out? When “myself” Is removed.  That’s Satan’s ideology being pushed into America. I researched the freemasons, on YouTube, there are so many perspectives and thoughts.  But, freemasons started because they wanted to change the world, and they combined with a Catholic group, so that’s why they’re seeking supernatural power, mysticism.  With that, they are really overtaking all the economy and finances.  Because the congregation members do not have any strength, they’re completely seized It says in Genesis 6 that the sons of God became flesh in the age of the Nephilim, completely overtaken by physical things.

In Korea, weak people do spiritual works, but here in America, it’s the opposite.  All of them are the same fortune tellers, Korean shaman houses are the But, in America, the fortune teller is actually saying, Genesis 6:1-2 says they’ve become physical so disaster follows.  Gen. 11, they thought they could gather their strength and create something.  Even right now, Satan moves, using Genesis 3, 6, and 11, it’s just that the outward appearance of how he’s doing it has changed.

This is not their spiritual strength, but they race towards physical things.  Pastors say things don’t work out here, but in Korea, there’s a different environment.  You can go to evangelism school and receive this grace, but here, there’s nothing.  From “nobody” to “everybody,” there’s nothing in America that’s different. It’s about things riding out because they are into the field as a doctor.

? Money, Disciple

Everybody is the same.  You have to go into “only” for you to see the answer of uniqueness and re-creation.  You can see yourself and go into “only.”  That’s how you’re going to align yourself with the time schedule.  “The believers aren’t like this in Korea, they’re like this in America,” but the answer is the same as in the flow. It means they haven’t concluded in this.  It should be the same because God is the same; the people are different.   They shake without the covenant because they don’t have money, or the Upper Room movement isn’t taking place. Even here, God fulfills the covenant.  It’s because the covenant shakes within them due to the environment.  Just don’t shake, and if you lack something, you’ll just die. It will work out.  Is the covenant going to win or is your environment going to win? 

The hardest time for a pastor is when nothing is working out, but God test the covenant within everyone. When you’re in a time where nothing is working out, God works.  God still works according to His time schedule but you can’t see with your eyes, so you get impatient.

24, 25

When do we do this? 24 hours, everything you do or see, pray.  Hold onto the Word and pray, the method is 24.  When the time schedule comes, the answer comes.  You may say nothing is working out, but in this time schedule, the answer of 25 gets there.  The answer of 25 means It’s impossible.  This is prepared for your fields but you shake based on circumstances and people’s words.  We shake, so Satan seizes you, and the words you say are, “I can’t do this,” but of course you cannot. The covenant within you shall do it. The reason it doesn’t work is because you shake. 

God gives you the answers and you shake again.  Then, what does God have to do? He drags you around the wilderness for 40 years. I hope you will know this.  Even if you just raise one remnant and leave, that’s ok.  Ananias raised Paul. 


Romans 16:26

God reveals the answers. It is according to the time schedule of America and the church, of worship and the region.  This is not with me; God has the time schedule.  Why did Jesus Christ come 2000 years ago? That was the time schedule, but we’re impatient as we do not acknowledge God’s time schedule.  25 hours.  Once you’ve rooted in this, it won’t matter even if you have nothing.

John 14:16-17

The time schedule where the Holy Spirit appears, the filling of the Holy Spirit comes upon us according to His time schedule every day.  The standard isn’t based on you individually but God works in His time according to your time schedule.  When you wake up, what do you do? “Let me be filled with the essential natural thing,” otherwise, what will happen to you? You’ll be seized by nonessentials.  If you have the strength of the essential things, the nonessential things take place naturally and you’ll see according to God’s time schedule.  It’s God’s imprint, root, and nature. 

Live the life of an evangelist. It’s not about being diligent; that’s an unbeliever.  If someone has the priority, you have those spiritual things, but it’s a time schedule where the Holy Spirit fills you every single day. The Holy Spirit is within you and nobody said anything about that, but your thoughts are stronger, so you’re filled with your own thoughts, not with the Holy Spirit.  Because your thoughts are stronger, you cannot handle problems and your thoughts become so complicated.  You think like a philosopher, thinking you think enough, but we don’t need our own thoughts. 

Once you get this, you take off.  Then, God’s answers come through the work you are doing. But you get rid of this and you get rid of your words, your diligence, your effort, your best, but it’s still not aligned with God.  We fall.  Why?  You went to church, losing hold of the covenant, and you give the Way of Salvation.  There’s a remnant with an IQ of 170, and if he doesn’t receive the gospel, he’ll go crazy. 170 IQ means, if he hears how a car sounds, he can tell what’s wrong.  His mom called, “Both my husband and I aren’t smart, how did we get a son like this?” She wants to go to a program that talks about the world in Korea. He’s never studied about cars but he helps people fix cars. 

Even with an IQ of 110, you can receive the filling of the Holy Spirit and do things others cannot do.  170, 171 IQ, according to your skill, that’s why you can see what others cannot see.  That’s what’s important. It’s not about working harder, but having eyes to see. It’s not about selling materials, but see the flow of money to make sales.  Someone in front of our house sells fruits, and even if they sell $50, everything they sell is about $2 or $3, I wonder how they survive. It’s not about working hard; you need to have the eyes. 

I’m not saying this is bad but you must see a different flow. We keep talking about pancake sales, the delivery people don’t brush their hair and they may wear a miniskirt, and you can use credit cards, too, even if it’s just a few cents, you just use a card, and they deliver anywhere.  So, word gets around.  If you’re just sitting there and your head doesn’t spin and your hair is unkempt and you’re out of shape, why would someone buy from you?  Doing the same things, the doors must be opened for you.

We all learn the same skills in school but our eyes must be open, and God is the One Who opens those eyes.  I read the same Bible but my eyes don’t open. We look at the same field but our eyes are different. He sees the dog named “evangelism,” everything is evangelism.  It’s the same ministry, evangelism, and gospel and Bible, but he sees it differently, it’s given by God. Humans cannot boast on their own as human research. God gave this to him to do the evangelism movement. We do not follow what he does, opening up 30 regions as well, it’s not something we can imitate like a legend, God opened the eyes of the evangelist and God opened doors. 

We have a seminary student.  It’s possible to think that way, I thought that as well, I received this while I was young, but you have to personally go to the fields and receive guidance.  If you just memorize lectures and talk about them, you can’t go long because you only imitate. You keep this as reference and go into the field, then you stand as a witness of how God works in this time schedule.

How can we go to El Salvador or to the Karen people?  Nobody can teach me.  What about Navajo? We didn’t do this because we learned it, but it’s the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  He went to a prayer location for the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Whether he was going there to pray or to evangelize to those in prayer, there was a location for prayer.

Acts 2:1 continues to take place, that’s the life of an evangelist.  The covenant Paul proclaimed in Acts 19 in Tyrannus continued to repeat. In Acts 13, God raised up people who had the covenant and guides them in the field. In Acts 16, they went to the field holding to the covenant but it was blocked.  God opened the door to Macedonia.  It’s not that it doesn’t work out.  “How can we tell these people and evangelize?” Connect Acts 1-2 until Acts 29.  After you meet the resurrected Lord, Jesus, and he heard about the Kingdom of God for 40 days and then after 10 days, the Holy Spirit worked. This continues to be repeated. The one who truly understands and does this will open up disciples everywhere they go. This first thing comes as an answer.

Take only Jesus Christ and only the Holy Spirit to raise disciples. Testify of Christ as the answer.  What does that mean? The fundamental problem is a human problem.  The kingdom of God means you’re ruled over by God’s Kingdom and Satan’s kingdom is broken as Satan flees.  Rev. Ryu says there are people who go to this island, they must change everything into a blessing, into a mission of taking and relaying the greatest blessing. 

When they received the working of the Holy Spirit, that’s it.  Without these three “only’s,” the evangelism cannot take place.  Only word, prayer, evangelism.  If you do not conclude in this, then nothing happens, but if you do, it will continue and you raise up disciples. That’s camp.  That’s what we’re going to do. Even right now, we continue to do it before we go, until the three “only’s” take place.  It’s not about memorizing it, but it actually takes place. 

The disciples have this take place.  Amazingly this is all they understand. If you try to convince or persuade them, it’s hard.  But region by region, there are 7000 disciples who haven’t bowed down to Baal and they understand “only’s.”  Quickly go around, if they do not listen, go over them and concentrate on those who hear this. It’s the same.  Whether you’re here or Karen, the evangelism movement is the same. It’s all here.  Let’s conclude with that.

I think God was helping me take a long time because there’s a theologian from Korea.  Everything works according to the Word, and once time passes, it will be revealed. May you have this blessing.


God, we thank you. May the life of the evangelist be our lives.  We pray that the only disciples will arise through the Navajo missions. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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