Life of the Evangelist – Rightful (Gen. 3:15)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist – Rightful (Gen. 3:15)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

Many things on this earth cannot be solved by efforts, and those are the spiritual things.  It would be great if spiritual things did not exist, but that’s not the case. 


Satan is there, working unseen to the eyes. 


With the authority of sin, Satan makes us trapped in hell.


This is a spiritual work that can’t go away, it can only be done through Jesus Christ.

Only Christ

People think, “I understand Jesus Christ and He solved all my problems, but what about my desires?” It means they don’t understand this.  They understand as terms of knowledge, so they don’t really understand, so they focus on their problems and desires. 

Self-Centeredness X

As you live your life, think carefully. This makes your life hard, this makes you sad.  I’ve obtained the answer of “only Christ,” but my entire system, my thoughts, it’s all focused on myself.  In other words, this is the nature of sin. 

Physical-Centered X

It is pleasing to the eye, good for food, so we want it.  Plastic surgery.  Physical-centeredness. They have the answer of Christ, but being self-centered, you make your decisions and choices based on physical things.

Success-Centered X

They think, “If we succeed just a little bit, we can block curses and disasters.” It’s hot in China so they want to launch missiles into the sky to change the environment. “If the earth lacks something, we’ll go to the moon. If God doesn’t give it to us, we’ll take it ourselves. God can’t solve our illnesses so we’ll just clone people.”  If your heart fails, don’t get a heart transplant, but just use your clone’s.  Some people question, “Do I want to be a man or woman?” They change their God-given gender.  People just think it’s rightful, “Anyone can do plastic surgery, so if a man becomes a woman, it’s all the same, right?” Will mankind’s suffering go away?  As time goes on, they have no choice but to live, centered on themselves.  Invisible to the eyes, Satan continuously drags people along this direction. 

“I believe in Jesus Christ but why is my life like this?” It’s because of these three problems.  We continuously talk about imprint, root, and nature and God.  If we don’t talk about this, we live religious lives and actually advances our self-centeredness, physical centeredness, and success. Then we have no choice but to fight, and God closes these churches as Satan causes division “We all believe in Jesus Christ!” but we don’t let go of our self-centeredness. They’re not centered on Christ, they’re centered on themselves. They even pray to God, centered on themselves, “We’ll see who’s right in the end.”

Will it really go according to people? It goes according to God, those who have come out of self-centeredness.  Legalistic people cannot come out of this, they attach their own opinions and thoughts, so they fall into heresies and cults.  Those are the Jewish people.  They haven’t realized even now, they say they’re right with the Word of God, they have no intention to change their own thoughts, then it is continuous suffering. They’re always afraid, thinking someone will attack them.  They worry about Lebanon and Iran, so they make preemptive strikes and have the best missiles.  This is how all things move.

Kingdom of God

When Christ is my master, the church is the Kingdom of God and I am the Kingdom of God.  The Kingdom of God on earth is the church, and it says that Christ taught about the things pertaining to God.  Christ taught about what the church is.  They know what a temple is, from the Old Testament, but they wonder if they have to gather all the Israelites into a building with priests. That’s why the Lord talked about the Kingdom of God for 40 days.  When the Lord reigns over me, that is the church. If you don’t know the church, you don’t know the Kingdom of God. The church and the body of Christ are those who go out into the world to break down the kingdom of Satan. 

Another pastor told me yesterday, a person talks about the gospel so well but they aren’t part of the church, and they wondered why.  But people are self-centered so they can say all sorts of things about the gospel without understanding the church.  First seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, so that’s the church.  Your priority may be your family, and so your system can’t change this.  You can describe your family as a church but we’re talking about something else.  The Kingdom of God, the local church where we praise and give offering to God with other families.  Wherever Paul went, He raised churches.  But I ask you, what is a definition of a church? Do you understand biblically or based on your experiences?  That’s why the future generations no longer go to church. They think, rather than the church, elite groups are more clean and wealthy, so they go there because they haven’t been told what a church actually is.  The Bible says the Church is the body of Christ, connected with the Lord.  If you see it in that way, then the Church is so precious.

What must I do for this church to be healthy?  What is the disease?  I will play that role.  Those who do not understand the church will judge and point out mistakes and weaknesses, but I ask them, “What are you doing, then?”  God called them to do that work, but they point out problems so they don’t understand what a church is.

Young adults, listen very well, it’s the same for marriage. “This is your problem.”  The family is also a church but the person doesn’t know what a family is.  This is my story, I’m not talking about anyone else, but later on, my perspective changed, “God has attached a spouse to me to do this work.”  Before, I was resentful, “Why can’t they just solve this one problem they have?” Things change less after a while. God made me realize I must support them in their weakness. 

This is the grace of God. I saw the family from an unbeliever perspective, but what happened?  God is joyful so He gives me the strength. Is it a problem? No, I just have to overcome.  Why? Because there must be some time and room to rest.  A family needs a place to rest, but if you’re fixated on making something well, then your family isn’t well and can’t even come to church. You may do the same thing to your children and they’ll go crazy.  In the church, you may package yourself in various forms, but you’re relaxed. If children are on edge, they will leave the home more quickly.  The family is comfortable and restful.  The Kingdom of God.

This person thinks they just need to say the correct things to change someone, but that’s not right. Be the supportive tool to assist them in their weakness, then God will fix them as their Lord is Jesus Christ.  If I make their life so miserable, talking about perfection and being complete and whole, then they will talk back at each other resentfully.  “I have no power.” That’s why I pray.  “I’m lacking.” God will do it. Pray for things God will answer, not your greed or motives.

“Why did God reveal that to me?” So I can fill up the church in that way.  Because I have no strength, I must receive it from the Lord.  That’s the opportunity for blessings, but if it’s an opportunity for hell, it’s miserable, so the church must be the Kingdom of God, not the kingdom of the devil.  That’s why Paul taught everybody for two years about Christ and the Kingdom of God. What is the kingdom of the devil?  The law comes in and divides people and separates people, so instead of going together in oneness, they’re separated, and that’s the kingdom of the devil.

Only the Holy Spirit

God didn’t say He would give us the filling of the Holy Spirit to do the things of the world, but we receive the filling of the Holy Spirit to raise the Kingdom of God.  But if the remnants don’t understand properly, “I’ll just do everything for my motives, goals, and success, and afterwards maybe I’ll do it for the church,” but you haven’t told them about the Kingdom of God.  They just believe about the kingdom of the world.  That’s why they continually misalign.  God has called me as the salt and light of the world, but I think I can do something of  myself, but I must go out into my field and shine the light of Christ and establish the church in my field, so the filling of the Holy Spirit works upon us. 

The Holy Spirit doesn’t just work upon anyone, but when the Kingdom of God is established and devils are driven out, the Holy Spirit has worked.  Shamans and evil spirits will flee when we receive the Kingdom of God.  These three things are our  fundamentals, so our Triune God must be our strength.  The Holy Spirit will surely work, how can I do this? I can’t do it with my strength, so I pray.  There are many people who pray for useless things, they pray so they can become someone in the world, but they put those down first.

The prayers of Buddhists and Christians are the same.  “My son has to go into this college,” why do you even pray for that? If you have skill, you can go in. Why do you beg and plead for it? Unbelievers don’t have this.  If you do it for the Kingdom of God, the Holy Spirit must work because I can’t do it myself.  Pray for every person in the church, don’t ask me to pray for other things. I didn’t pray so that Joyce could get a job at the LA Children’s Hospital. Am I strange? Am I a monk to do such things? I’m a servant of the Kingdom of God so why would I pray for things of the earth?

“Because you have to do things at church, whether it’s translating or folding bulletins, don’t waste time with commuting.” But people don’t believe in this. Esther is another witness.  She lived four hours away in Tulare, but I told her she’d come to LA in the time schedule, “You need to come here to raise and help the church in this time schedule so God will bring you here. Even though it seems impossible, God will let it take place.” Most people don’t believe in this.

Even though I talk about it and they talk about it as well, their hearts are in a different place.  They believe it, once they face their limitation, “That’s what the pastor meant.”  At first, it seemed like their thoughts and plans went accordingly, but after sometime, they had no choice but to come back.  Start anew now instead of waiting until later.  Understand the Kingdom of God.  God has crucified His only Son on the cross for the Kingdom of God, but you don’t understand this.  You have heard about Christ and the gospel, you say, “Gospel,” but you haven’t understood the Kingdom of God.  Because God only works upon the Kingdom of God, you cannot receive the five powers.

I prayed simply to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit for the Kingdom of God.  I have no other prayers.  I prayed for the Holy Spirit to work upon me so that the Kingdom of God is established and the disciples are raised to save LA, CA, and the entire world. The Holy Spirit works so people come. Do I tell people to come? People call me and request it, so what do I do?  So, the working of the Holy Spirit is different upon every person. According to God’s time schedule, the Holy Spirit comes upon every single person and God’s works arise.  That’s why prayer is everything, and this is already the foundation.


Being salt and light is rightful.  If it’s complicated or hard, that person is strange.  The answer for the problems of the world is Jesus Christ, but if you think, “What if I add these other things?” Those people are abnormal.

Gen. 3:15

If this is hard for Christians, their life becomes hard.  But if they avoid this and talk about something else, it becomes more difficult.

Gen 6:14 Ark

Without Christ, the Ark, if He is not the Lord and Master of your life, your thoughts and feelings will not change.  Evangelism is rightful but if you think it’s hard and I can’t do it myself, those people are abnormal. It’s rightful because the problems in the world are those problems.  Evangelism is rightful, this is what the Christians talk about.  Some Christians wonder, “Why would God have us walk through bloody streets?” Evangelism is rightful and the only answer.  Your studies are for evangelism, that’s rightful.  Your studies cannot solve the problems of the world, it is only evangelism. But people don’t perceive rightful things as rightful.  Others don’t think it is rightful, so they are outside of God’s blessings and answers.

Genesis 11, 12:1-7

The problem isn’t the Tower of Babel, but the hearts of the people, “With our efforts and diligence, we can overcome all things,” so that’s why God calls Abraham in Gen. 12.  They had no choice but to be slaves.  Slavery wasn’t a problem; Joseph went as a slave, but their spiritual state was enslaved.  Children of God must do evangelism and missions with God, but they’re in a slave state that will not change.

Exodus 3:18

It is not about being liberated from one region to another. These happened in the Old Testament, but if it was also true today, we would have to leave our homes today. But God isn’t saying that, he is saying to come out of Egypt. If we talk about it this way, why would the blood of the Lamb be Jesus Christ?  Wouldn’t he be the New Testament.  There’s no other problem for the Israelites, and no solution but the blood of the lamb.  Only this can solve the problems of Egypt.

Isaiah 7:14 Immanuel

It was prophesized that they would be taken as captives, but they would never lose hold of Immanuel. They can go into slavery or not, that’s not the problem, but of course, the answer is Immanuel. Why is Christ the only answer? Christ is the answer to only You understood Christ incorrectly so even if you can evangelize because you don’t understand.

Colony Matthew 16:16

They don’t have this answer

Acts 4:12

Peter went to the temple courts and raised a crippled man.  This field was dangerous, they killed anyone who talked about Jesus Christ, but instead of being afraid, they shared this answer rightfully.  For example, if someone threatens me with something unreasonable, if I have the answer, will I be threatened?  The other person talks about incorrect things, “This is rightful and I can do what I want and back away from this threat.” 

If an iPad is $300, but someone is selling for $5000.  What would you say in that case? Don’t try to avoid it or be afraid, Jesus being the Christ is the rightful answer, “We will kill you if you say this,” so I rightfully shared it with other people.  Yesterday, I met Elder Choi, and as soon as I met him, he would fall asleep after sharing his testimony. If you have this one thing, there’s only one question you need to ask.  My job on this earth is a secondary job, but my main job is to evangelize. If you underestimate what the people can do.   

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