Life of the Evangelist – Rightful

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist – Rightful

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

The life of the evangelist follows when you know who you are. The world tells us to become something. That’s religion, we have to work hard, we have to pour out our efforts, but for us, we live by believing in Jesus Christ, we become children of God, and we have the authority and answers.

Jesus Christ

Not by actions, efforts, or diligence.

Satan, Sin- Curses, Hell -> Jesus Christ, Faith

Only Christ (Jn. 19:30)

Original sin means you’re born, wrapped up in yourself, and that in itself is the beginning of all problems.  We don’t know that, so we blame other people, but the real problem is that I have my own pride of being my own God, “How dare you hurt me?” I have self-esteem and exert that upon others and my parents and friends.  If people react, that’s fine, but they get scarred, and that’s Satan’s strategy.  Satan prevents you from seeing your problems and you only see other people’s problems, but the start of that problem was me.  You’re able to understand the other person’s perspective and the family background to know why they do what they do. You can understand.

If I’m completely satisfied with being with Christ, it’s not a problem for me. People have an inferiority complex, everyone has an inferiority complex, even the top 1% have their insecurities because they always think they’re less good than the person above them.  So, people try to get to the top to be like God, even though they cannot, and that’s when the devil makes us enslaved.  If we accomplish something, we try to step on people below us, and we have to kneel before those above us. The world is so used to that. 

Christ destroys that flow.  Even the lowly ones say, “I’m a child of God, you’re blessed because of me,” and that changes the culture of your business.  If I have this, then no matter how much people look down on me, I’m not influenced by that. But the Lord is my Shepherd, so I lack nothing and I’m not scarred by people making fun of me. But if you don’t have the gospel and you only have religion, you have nothing and you are deceived.  It’s not my righteousness, but it is Christ.  I get it for free and give it for free.

You must realize, you’ve received everything and lack nothing.  You face a problem but it’s okay because God guides you. If you have a big problem, God guides you with his very great plan, then you finish it with this. Everyone needs Christ. If the church doesn’t have this, it will be destroyed as they do not have Christ; they have the Law.

The more I realize the Christ, the more I realize my legalism, and I didn’t know before.  The law says, “Do what I say and follow me,” people have a lot of strength but they never change. If we receive the guidance and working of the Holy Spirit, people move naturally, and the glory goes to Christ, but the Jews create their own laws, “Do it or not,” there is no cross.  The church or the family moves by the law, then they follow but it’s hard.  You have to let them be so that the Holy Spirit moves them and gives them grace.

If we pull them by our strength and the power of the law, that’s not Christ.  But if you don’t do anything, there’s no structure, but they’ll fall into a structure later.  People used to say, “No reason to pray because it’s already finished.”  Why would they say that? 

Me – Law -> Pray X -> Pray

You used to pray for physical things but now you realize you don’t need them, so you don’t pray.  But you have this old nature and law remaining in you. Once Christ becomes your Master, there’s a prayer God desires. I’ve experienced this time schedule.  “What is there to pray about? God knows everything already so why pray?” I was so focused on myself.  Now, God tells us to pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit for world evangelization.  But I’m stuck in self-centeredness so I don’t go to that extent.  There’s a process and time schedule.  Meditate to see if it’s the words of Christ.

Once you experience the taste and joy of meditating on only Christ, everything else seems so bland.  People say, “Let’s go to great places like Switzerland,” but you can look at it on YouTube.  They already have the best places on video.  But to do evangelism camp there?  That’s better. If God wants me to evangelize there, that’s better.  Even now in October, I’ll be in Utah for a few days. In the past, I had to travel to get rid of my stress, I had to go on vacation to get rid of the stress from working, but that’s not true anymore; I go for evangelism camp. 

Now my eyes are different. It seems like I’m going out to play, but I go to save. I’m not there for tourism, it’s very different.  Success has to follow you.  If you don’t understand, you can’t communicate. Do you understand?  The things you need follow the things of God.  It’s all for the glory of Christ.  Then later on, you receive the answer of everything following you, all the way to the 237 nations and the 5000 tribes. 

If you hold to the fact that everything you’re doing is connected to saving the 237 nations and 5000 tribes, everything will follow you, but instead, “I’ll work hard so I can vacation or travel to the 237 nations,” then you’ll die before being able to do that. Why make a plan like that? God works.  So you need to see the meaning behind everything.

Why do I sit here? Why am I in LA? There’s a reason for that.  But if you don’t find the meaning for being here now, you’ll travel your entire life, seeing trees, forests, architecture.  Is there anything really different? The hearts of people are all the same, they run away from wars, every nation is the same; they all hate things like that. What are you looking for that is so new? It’s all the same. You haven’t experienced this yet, so you’re looking for something new.  I see that in my daughter as well, she doesn’t want to go anywhere.  The great thing is that I save money.  God gives us this heart to save money, and she says, “Mom and Dad, go; I’m a homebody.”  I say, “Hallelujah, keep living like that.”

God’s Kingdom

This is where God rules over me and it’s not my strength.  The forces of darkness have no power over me, but my thoughts and heart are controlled by Jesus Christ. The method of God’s Kingdom is the Word, the kingdom of heaven is neither here nor there, but it is in your heart through the Word.

Heb. 1:3

When you look at someone, see them as the Word; otherwise, you’ll see her outfit is pretty cool. No, she’s a channel of the gospel to save people, see them through the Word.  She has some acne, but she’s a channel through the gospel to save people. That’s being aligned with God’s Word.  When she sees me, she might think I look disgusting, but I’m an evangelist to proclaim the gospel. That’s correct.  This fan is spinning, but it’s used for the gospel. Look correctly.  The Kingdom of God works according to the Word, and when you discover that, it becomes an answer.

He Chree, Nay Say, Cameron are sitting here to save their own nations and 5000 unreached people groups. That’s how you look at it according to God’s Word.  But if you look from the perspective of your kingdom or standards, that’s looking based on your kingdom or Satan’s Kingdom.



God promised in His Word, if we make something up, it doesn’t matter, it’s not going to work.  However, Jesus Christ gave us the word that commissioned us as Ambassadors of Christ, so it works out. All the witnesses in the Bible are fulfillment of the Word.

Only Holy Spirit (Prayer)

When you pray holding onto the Word, you see the forces of darkness broken down.  The freemasons work by sending out evil spirits and receive that strength and do their business with it.  God the Son, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit must be set as our foundation. This is with me as one, and when I say “Christ,” these three work.  He has finished all problems, He is with me as my Master through the Holy Spirit, and establishes God’s Kingdom with the working of the Holy Spirit and evangelism.  It’s working in advance.  You need to do the work of missions and evangelism, so don’t leave it at Jesus’ death, but carry it forward.

The New Testament talks about Christ Who died and resurrected, then gave us the Holy Spirit and does the work of missions and evangelism.  All the Old Testament is for Christ Who died and resurrected, and He gave us the Holy Spirit to do the works of missions of evangelism through me.  That’s how all 66 books of the Bible are for me. 

Some haven’t concluded in only Christ.  You must give them the answer to the fundamental problems.  If you give them the fundamental answer, nurture them so that they may be ruled by the Kingdom of God by giving them the Word.  Then you pray for them to have the filling of the Holy Spirit to do the works of missions and evangelism in their field. Pray so the Triune God can work upon them at the same time.  See the time schedule.

Heavenly Mandate

God does this, not just when you feel good.  Christ has been prepared for saving people, from now until the future, from long ages past. That Christ works in oneness with the Triune God


What can I do right now?


My whole life and my talents. Once you have the Triune God, your eyes will open to see these answers.  David’s calling was tending the sheep. Being a shepherd was his world evangelization.  He was doing world evangelization to become a king, but when the nation was in trouble, his calling was to break down Goliath.  After that, the calling was being chased around to death by King Saul.  He wasn’t being chased to death, actually, but he grew in faith and found people to be by his side.  His mission was to become king to do the Temple Construction to save people.

Who cares if you become king? What did he do?  Temple Construction to save people and proclaim the gospel to the world, that’s the mission.  Calling changes based on the time, but mission doesn’t.  In the past, I used to be offended when people told me that my mission was already set, “How dare God to set my mission already in advance?” That was my nature, and I hated to hear my fate was predestined, how dare someone determine my fate?  I struggled to fulfill my mission.

I told you before, I didn’t want to become a pastor. I was first in my family to believe in Jesus Christ, but God broke me in half and made me believe in Jesus Christ.  It’s impossible to believe in Jesus Christ without God’s grace.  It’s completely impossible for me to become a pastor.  We had five gods in the house, my mom and dad were gods, my older brother was a god, my younger brother was also a god, and I was a god in my own mind.  That’s why I didn’t listen to my father because I was also a god. 

I packaged myself with my words.  “This is how strong I am,” but we were weak, that’s the way people live in the world.  If your pride is broken, then you find religion. Until that, “I’m God; why do I need a church?” If you find religion or a church, you’re already broken down as a prideful person. If they go to church, it means their pride is already broken.  If you come into the church, you’ve had broken pride.  That’s why when people come to church, they’re completely beaten up, they live their life as their own god and then they come in.  It’s a blessing to receive this while young without being broken down.  It’s softer that way.


What is the state of an unbeliever? They live as their own master and god, and they face their limitation. That’s sin, they live deceived by Satan, and Christ desires to pull you out, to liberate you from that.  When you become a child of God, you have the authority. It’s very simple. When Rev. Ryu was giving the gospel, I wondered how to do that, but it’s simple for everyone.  If someone is predestined to receive salvation that day? It’s easy. But if they’re not predestined and you try, it doesn’t work and you say it’s hard. 

Rev. Ryu talked about a woman in Busan who really wanted to receive salvation, so she would walk around the church outside, but when a senior deaconess invited her to come in, she came in.  There are people who are destined, but we don’t have the eyes to see.  Rev. Ryu says, when it’s their time schedule, it’s easy.  Before, you have to persuade and convince them. I’m a witness of that. 

After my friend committed suicide, I faced a limitation in my life. “I can no longer live in Korea, just waiting to die.” So, I learned that my friend was studying in the Philippines, so I moved there to study and get away, but that was the process for me to receive salvation.  God had already touched my heart but my pride was so strong, I never let that show to anyone. 

I thought, “Finally I have a refuge in the Philippines,” so I left Korea with the excuse of finding a refuge.  But actually even before I left, while in Korea, God had given me the heart to follow my friend in the Philippines to church.  Even before that point, God was moving my heart little by little. In college, I read through a prayer book and religious manuscripts.  Then when I learned that my friend was going to church and the Philippines, God moved my heart.

God has already prepared people, so don’t be deceived by the way they express their words.  Because they’re still unbelievers, they are still their own gods, so they have pride and cover it up with their words, “I didn’t go because you told me to go,” and every night, my friend would say, “Can you count the stars?” They were trying to convince me to go to church, but I didn’t let him know I’d already decided to go to church. Don’t be deceived by words. 

I thought, “If I go to church and hear good words, my heart will be purified,” that’s unbeliever thinking.  I was so exhausted by the world and life so I wanted to find religion to find rest for my soul.  When I went to church, I got really angry because they had us sit on mats, and the people around me were screaming and yelling, so I thought they had to be reeducated. 

So, even though God gave me the heart to go to church, my other heart was, “I have to purify and clean myself. Who am I to judge people?” I thought this way because I was demon-possessed.  I thought it would set a bad example if I stood up there with a mic, “Why do you want to live like this? Get up and explore the world!” That’s the kind of person I was, I had my own legalism and when I saw something I didn’t like, I couldn’t endure, so I had to fight.  I would protest even to the point of getting fired, but I’m relatively smart. 

So I was about to give them a taste of my mind, “Maybe not this week, then next week I’ll give them a piece of my mind,” but God destroyed me on Monday because I was in an urgent situation.  Many people in that church repented because of me. “Wow, God really is alive, this person is changing before my eyes.”  They would give me money, so I gave tithe of the offering people gave me, and I’d offer a tithe of my financial aid.  All the believers and assistant pastors passed out because of me. I went out to evangelize as a new believer.  People couldn’t say anything about me, “Now that I see him, I really believe God is alive.” January 1 was hot, so I evangelized on the bus on the way to the beach. We evangelized on our way back too.

There are people who are prepared.  What was I like before, in college?  One friend believed in Jesus, and he never once talked about Jesus to me.  I thought of him as very classy, and his thoughts were very old.  “These are the thoughts of one who believes in Jesus.”  There was also one person in the military leading the church messages, “Please try believing in Jesus Christ.”  Imagine how much he prayed for me?  It doesn’t even end with that.  In elementary school, my neighbors took me to church and I went to Bible School there.  Don’t you think the heads of the children’s department prayed for me?

Why am I telling you my life story?  Because, in order for God to create one child of God, there’s an entire lifetime of God touching them like this, so don’t be disappointed; you may be a step along the process.  Just be sure that everyone you meet has a plan for salvation.  The reason I told you about my whole lifelong story is because there were people used for this mission my whole life long.  Everyone has a plan for salvation; you have a role in that.  So don’t be disappointed when they don’t accept Jesus Christ then and there; they go through the process to explain Jesus Christ later. 

The correct way for you to think is, “Wherever I go, whomever I meet, there is God’s plan for salvation.”  The people you meet now won’t say anything yet, but later on, when you see Jesus Christ, you’ll see them.  This is a testimony unique to someone like me, a pastor who grew up as an unbeliever. I didn’t grow up in a church or a family of believers, I never wandered around in my church life, but I can tell you the very detailed process in which God saves unbelievers.  I can tell you about the process in which God led me. 

God’s message for the church.  The reason God allowed the messenger of this church to experience all this is because this is the message for the church. I was trained for 10 years in Korea. I went through all of that, I had absolutely nothing.  “How will you survive?” They almost passed out.  “Manna rains from the sky,” but they haven’t experienced that, so they will suffer.  “Pay tithe even if you don’t have money.  The money is there.” People who are calculative won’t understand but I tell you as a witness.  The people who believe in this will receive answers because money is in God’s hands and He gives you answers accurately.

People think, “I don’t have any money,” but you’d die if that were true. Give to God what belongs to God.  I’ve experienced God working so accurately.  I have experienced my life in such detail how God led my life up until evangelism. This is all testimony.  Imagine how much I’ve thought about evangelism.  That’s why God raised me as a witness.

I’m an evangelist.  Even if evangelism takes place before me, but I can’t see it,?  If you receive the grace to believe you’re an evangelist, the answers so the evangelist comes upon you.  It’s rightful and necessary, it’s absolutely God’s plan. What is God telling you today? What is God’s absolute plan? You will receive answers to that.  Do you know why you’re not receiving answers? You can’t see God’s answers.  When you ask for God’s plan, “Why am I listening to this message today?” You’ll get answers.  “Why my job?” God will answer you.  Once you’re secure in your identity that you’re an evangelist to save lives, that’s the gospel. That’s why it naturally takes place.  But without this, you do religion, that’s the most difficult thing, missions and evangelism.  The church talking about evangelism drives you crazy because it should work but it doesn’t. God calls you as His child as an evangelist, and your business will follow. God will answer your studies for this purpose, too, so don’t just study. Studying alone is stupid, if you work diligently, you do more; if not, then less, but if you evangelize, the doors open. That’s the blessing of the life of the evangelist that comes to you as an answer. Being satisfied with Christ in faith, and the joy comes from there; your depression and scar will disappear.

I’m insecure and prideful so I had to be beaten up; I thought it was just me, but everyone is like that, it turns out. I tried to hide it but I realized everyone is like that. This is in the Bible, so that’s why you’re able to see everybody. Until then, I can’t see but that’s why I need the Christ and God’s grace.  God became my Master, “God, work upon me with Your power.  If You have called me an evangelist, open up the path, and God works with His Word.


God, we thank You for calling us as your evangelists. We pray You will be with us with the power of the Triune God. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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