Life of the Evangelist – Re-Creation and the Teacher’s Meeting

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist – Re-Creation and the Teacher’s Meeting

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

This time of training is to allow the evangelist to go deeper into the evangelist’s life. When you go out into the field and your regional churches, the works of evangelism arise.  The training in the church supports you so you can do this in the field.  Because you must become people who give the answer to anyone you meet in the field.

In order to do that, it’s not about learning a method, but have the answer within you. If we keep teaching different methods, that’s not the proper training. You need to be able to touch this person’s fundamental problem.  We might be able to do this for unbelievers, but it’s harder for believers since birth.  “This person is a pastor’s son!” that’s when we get confused.  That person definitely has their basis, whether they’re the pastor’s son, and it’s a basis of the law.  That’s why you’re not able to give them the answer. 

You must be able to see their spiritual state.  Help them realize their problem stems from a problem in their thoughts, heart, mind, and spirit.  People deceived by Satan are in sin, separated from God.  Even if they’re saved, diagnose their spiritual state and you can only do this if you have the gospel.  However, if you only focus on the behaviors of the law, you have no answer.  “They’ve been a believer for so long, how could it be like this?” That’s a misconception.

It’s the same for you, do you think Satan exists on his own? He makes you hold onto something that isn’t God’s Word, how?  Me, without God’s word, then I have no choice but to become physical.  I may go to church but I fall.  That person’s spiritual state and their soul aren’t the gospel. It’s not hard, relay this to them. “It’s so hard,” that means I’m thinking of the gospel in a difficult way, so that’s why we train.  We do not change because we go through a lot of training, but we receive God’s grace.

Paul didn’t know this. If someone is destroyed, they’ll be ready. They seek shamans or great individuals because they haven’t heard of any other methods.  This is not the field of unbelievers, it’s believers, even though someone goes to church, we pass over them even though they have incredible spiritual problems.  Everyone in LA has gone to church at least once; it doesn’t mean they have the gospel.  Because they don’t have the gospel, Satan overcomes them.  It doesn’t matter whether our church or your church is right.  The only answer is the gospel.  The gospel has finished every problem, but the devil deceives us, so that we don’t look at the gospel.  We train to come to this answer.

If you come to the answer, you diagnose people, then you give the answer.  If they accept Jesus Christ, they change by God’s grace, but they’re still rooted. Each individual has a deeply rooted ideology like an idol. The characteristic of Koreans is an ideology of legalism.  They have something of gospel and something else.  That’s the Korean ideology, “But even still, how could a child be like this?” They can be like that, that’s why they need the gospel. Getting rid of “but even still,” that’s evangelism. If you leave that there, this is futile. You nurture them so they’re no longer seized by what seizes them.  You cannot change someone with only the gospel letter alone. If someone accepts Christ, they’re still seized by some ideology, and without changing that, you can’t change them.  “How could the church still be like this? This is the nurturing to change this.  Other methods won’t work.

Give them the method for a problem to not be a problem, then it’ll be different with the people you meet. If you look at the kids and their family, you can see what seizes their family line, but if you leave that alone and give the Word of God, it’s just a theory.  You have to give the answer to their problem with the Word for them to be liberated, then you have to know.  When you go into camp, you’re analyzing people this way. That’s why Rev. Ryu doesn’t move until he analyzes the region; it’s futile otherwise.  Give the accurate answer with the Word in order to live.

We’re not just evangelizing. If you want to evangelize, you can, but you have to analyze them. If you understand them, it means you know their deep problems, then you know this person needs nothing other than the gospel.  Then if they come to the church, they may say, “but still this and that” you can understand them, but if you haven’t really understood them, you may say, “you have the gospel, why are you still like this?” You have something that doesn’t change the field. But if you know the spiritual problem of your family line, then you can give the answer.  If you don’t know, then you think you already know this.

The gospel letter was made in the beginning for us to disseminate because they needed it, because he couldn’t do anything on his own, he just handed that out, but we’re talking about nurturing now. Yes, you disseminate the message, but how do you raise them afterward? You must be able to see the deep aspects of Genesis 3 that Satan uses to control people.

What about America? 3 Organizations.  Satan controls America. If you don’t know this, you can’t give the answer. New Age, Genesis 3, me.  Freemason, Genesis 6, and Jews, Genesis 11.  How have these problems come into the family line? In Korea, it’s Confucianism.  For example, they come to the church and they are afflicted when kids don’t bow down to adults.  Moreso than the gospel, they have Confucianism.  “Why are the boys and girls messing around with each other?” But Confucianism separates men and women.  Even though they have the gospel, they were deeply rooted in Confucian ideals for 500 years. 

They’re so obsessed with appearances, you can’t even hold hands. They pretend to serve their mother-in-law so they won’t be judged, that’s the Confucian ideals.  Otherwise, the village will criticize the daughter-in-law.  The law was passed down from generation to generation until today. Even though they have the gospel, they have Confucian ideologies. How can we change the Koreans? They’re otherwise stuck with Confucianism and legalism.  “Why don’t the kids bow, why are women talking so much?” The only result is division and war.

If you’re so full of legalism, then demons work to even stab the pastor.  If you’re so strong in your legalism, the devil seizes that and you want to kill others. You’re just by yourself and you’re flipping out, afraid of your own Confucianism.  But God says all are sinners, and no one can argue about righteousness, but the gospel begins here. If you don’t have the gospel, you can’t be human and that’s why we cannot become human without forgiveness and love. That gospel must be relayed for the person whom you are nurturing to be saved.

My wife is nurturing people, I don’t know how she’s doing it. I believe this is what nurturing is, it’s the same thing with a pastoral ministry.  You teach them to obey, but if I don’t know the spiritual state of Koreans, what do I do?  I’ve just entrusted things to others because I can’t do anything. Just listen to the pastor’s words well. There’s a reason why I say everything.

We’re continuously nurturing now.  There’s no one who knows the second generation better than a pastor.  They do the things they do well, but some things can’t be overcome like the cultures of America.  But if you’re stuck with the actions of the law?  “I’ve lived as an immigrant for a long time,” that person is like that because of their spiritual state.  You must know this and give them the answer.

There’s no answer other than only Christ.  Even when you nurture them, there’s no answer other than only Christ. If you don’t know the problem, how could you know this fully?  Then they’re just going to parrot you, just like everyone else saying that. That’s not enough. When I look at this problem, I realize the only solution is only Christ and that’s easy.  

Analyze the Karen refugees and what seizes them inside.  In El Salvador and South America, they have the gospel, but what seizes them in commonality?  Look at Russian museums.  They don’t have the gospel even though they say they do.  For example, they emphasize Mary as more important than Jesus.  How can you know an entire nation as big as Russia? Their museums contain their bragging points.  This is their ideology.

When Rev. Ryu goes into a new region, he doesn’t listen to the people’s words, but he circles the town in the early morning, and then he gives the word appropriately after analysis. It’s not just the words in the Bible, but it’s accurate, and that’s why people are changed. Even missionaries are uncertain in the gospel so they cannot analyze this way, so he personally goes to survey the field. He only does this in the morning or evening because otherwise he’s in a conference. He looks at the religions. He cannot meet everyone, so he asks what the main religions are, then these things that are not the gospel have gone into these people. 

What is their economic lifestyle like?  Is it a poor region? A middle class, or wealthy region?  That will determine the person’s mental state.  If somebody doesn’t have money, they are lacking.  So, the way you proclaim the gospel in Europe or Asia are different because their economic state and religious states are different.  Their culture of recreation is different.  Their culture is their ideology, Korea’s ideology is that we work hard and play hard, so the kids play well, and because they play well globally, they make money globally, but that’s not what Japanese do, they do not play well.  To some extent, analyze the region and give the answer.

We’re going to Navajo.  You must know what they’re seized by; it’s not enough to go blindly.  Underneath the fact that the gospel is not working for them, their problem isn’t being solved.  Then you need to know their state and give the answer of only the gospel.  If somebody doesn’t know the field, why do we talk about Christ?  When she first received Jesus, it was Christ, abut it’s also Christ now.  The answer is still Christ.  But if you don’t know the aspects she’s bound by, you’ll think she doesn’t like it if you talk about Christ, but if you see it, you’ll keep talking about Christ. She may not know her problems, so you reveal those and talk about Christ.  If someone has a lot of pride, they may be scarred, so circumvent that and give Christ.  If someone has low self-esteem, they’ll be oppressed as you say that, so raise them up then give them Christ, “You will do world evangelization.”  Do not receive help from others.   The reason you have the illness of poverty is because you keep taking handouts, it’s the same gospel but relayed differently. 

What about America?  The pastors say they get fat in America.  They say America is abundant with food and things to consume, they’re saying, “You’re only focused on physical things because the churches remain the same.”  If you go to South America, it would be different, the reason I’m talking about this is because of nurturing, what is the answer to this person’s problem?  It’s not just theory, like your problem being Satan, sin, and leaving God. That’s just reading from a paper.  You have to tell them, don’t just explain Satan, sin, and separation.  They’re continuously leaving God, give them an answer to that. 

I’m going very in-depth into this because we’re starting the nurturing class now. I believe people are listening online.  I should be doing the nurturing class as well, but I think the remnants are more important so I come here to do English Ministry. My goal is to raise people up who can do this nurturing, that’s why it’s Christ.  Just as everyone understands “fish,” if I say, “that’s why it’s Christ,” you should just get it.  Only Christ is the head of the church, but if you’re not able to analyze the field, you end up with Confucianism.  If Confucianism is the head of the church, there’s no church so it crumbles.  Same with your family. If financial security is everything, you cannot overcome and your family collapses. It’s not something you can cover up with the fig leaves of economic stability; hold onto Christ and reach your answer in that.  Then Satan cannot attack you.

That’s why it’s only Christ, only God’s Kingdom. 

I just followed along without knowing, but as I kept confirming by looking at the Bible, one day I was rooted.  I just did it because I was told to do it.  Over multiple years, it was rooted, and later on, it became designed where the Word is fulfilled in my field, that’s why we do this. Why else?  People focused on actions will ask, “Why are we doing this? We should proclaim the gospel.” You’ll go to the office anyway, but what are you going into the world with? If you go without this within you, you’ll be tested.  

Even though it seems like it takes a long time, do you think we do this for no reason?  It is because this has been summarized through the evangelist for decades. He was able to do world evangelization through the received Word.

Go all in for the Kingdom of God, for world evangelization.  One heart, whole heart, continuation. Then you will change.  You know me, if my heart gets hooked on something or if I have continuation. When I was in the military, I read a lot of books that allowed me to move many people. I have to move people below me, and I can’t do it with brute force, so I learned a lot about how to motivate people, so I had to stop and listen, but I saw what people did.  I saw superiors at my job do this, so it drove me crazy, but I could see what they were saying.  I read books on how to motivate people so I understood what they were doing.

I tried my best to not do anything like that, but I learned that if you do that, you cannot receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  There are many ways to move or inspire people, “Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours,” you can support people, and there are ways where you can make people cry in messages. It’s not that I don’t know that, but why don’t I do that? I had to do that as an unbeliever because I didn’t know the gospel.

“Go comfort people,” how? They have to receive God’s guidance.  Someone said in the past that her old pastor drove her to the beach whenever she felt lonely and that she would leave if I didn’t take her to the beach. I told her she can leave, but it doesn’t mean I’m cold-hearted, it means I don’t have to use that as a method to gain something special. 

If I wanted to really gain your respect, I could get my doctorate degree at Talbot, but why don’t I do that?  When I got commissioned by headquarters during the World Missions Convention, and people were proud of me, but if I wanted that, I would have done that earlier. One pastor said, “Rev. Ryu looks at you with such different eyes.” I said, “Are you crazy?” Do you know why I think that? Those were things I did as an unbeliever, but now it’s rubbish. 

If you just hold to the covenant, hold to the gospel and do world evangelization.  If people acknowledge me or not, it doesn’t matter.  No reason to feel looked down upon.  If I am commissioned like this or not, I’m doing my thing.   The world has methods that work, and I’m not ignorant.  We may move people’s hearts but that’s not the answer.  Even if you do move someone like that, how long can you keep that up?  If you keep having to do that, the real gospel will not be relayed to them, that’s my background. 

What is today’s only?  What is the “only” in today’s life? You must find that, why? Because Christ is only. If you only know this as a theory, you haven’t found this.  If you do this like everyone else, that’s a physical benefit, but you lose hold of only. What is the “only” God desires?   Find your “only” every day because Christ is always with us, working through “only.”  Then you will change. If you pass over your “only” thinking you already know it, you’ll be asked to leave.  You’re unprecedented, you’re different from others. Our skills may be the same but our work is different.

Re-creation. It’s not just me.  If you don’t teach this to the remnants, they’ll be lost.  Every day, I have “only,” what is my “only” for today’s work? If you simply hold to this, God works and gives answers and you have to become the governor. That’s uniqueness.  This is just one aspect.  Proclaiming the gospel on the street is a tiny aspect of evangelism.  What is my “only” for today?  Then if you find the answer of uniqueness, then the answer that saves lives are bound to happen, but we’ve gone to church without knowing this.  You thought going out to evangelize was all it took, then if you go out into the field, you’re like everyone else so you can’t change the field. Then, Joseph’s life is irrelevant to you.  People may accept but your life is the same.

Re-creation, you change them. How can we change the field? Receive the answers.  You have to give them the answer for them to change, and no one can take this from you.  No one could steal from Joseph.   If you remain within only God, no one can take anything from you. If you don’t raise the remnants in the field of America like this, they become unnecessary.  If someone is unnecessary, they cannot overcome Satan, if they’re unnecessary, they are replaceable.   They must be a critical person, that’s only, uniqueness, re-creation

2 Corinthians 4:16

It’s not that you follow Paul’s actions, but receive the word He received.

2 Corinthians 5:17

It changes us into a new creation. If you become old, your muscles get weaker, that’s natural, and your body becomes weaker because you’re not young.  But my inner self is renewed every day, so the older we become, the younger we are.  But there are some people who are young but they are old in their heart.

Galatians 2:20

I’m not changed by actions; it’s not by a determination of the heart.  I will only change when I receive the grace to believe I died on the cross with Jesus Christ and I resurrect with Him.  That’s why we cannot change the state of this person’s soul without the gospel.  The worldly education changes the outer things, not the inner things. I’m not saying it’s unnecessary, we have to receive that education as well because these are society’s norms, but we think that’s the end, but the inner things are unchanged.

Worldly things are basic and you must align yourself, but the person must change their inner things.  Until we’re able to change the inner part of someone who makes us want to go into a school to shoot and kill, no law can change that.  Inside of the schools, the complete gospel must go in so even though we don’t try to block it, the darkness will be broken, and that is the way to block disasters.  We’re not talking about others, if we’ve been raised as a church in this region, we have to relay God’s blessings here. If you do not relay the gospel, the harm will come upon you; you’ll be sent as captives to Babylon.

All of these things happen for a spiritual reason, it’s the same as California. Think if your child was shot to death, there were 14 elementary school students who died. Imagine their parent’s hearts. What sins did they have?  They just sent their children to study in school, but they were killed by a strange person. Imagine that parent’s heart, “How could this happen to us?” All the parents must know how much they love their kids, why do these things keep happening?  Because we lost the mission and the gospel, disasters overtake the field. 

Relaying the gospel isn’t our number one priority, so the teachers can only disciple and educate; only the evangelist can change the inner things.  We have Judah in the south and Israel in the north.  Israel was taken by Assyria, and Judah in the south judged Israel. If anything, they helped the Assyrians overtake them because they knew they would be protected. They should have seen Assyria attack and restore the gospel, but they lost hold of the gospel, so disasters went into Israel.  Because of this, wars took place.  If you lose the gospel and this mission, this harm will be upon you.

Acts 2

You know the content. Because the Holy Spirit worked, it was different. It’s not possible at your level with your correct thoughts. It doesn’t matter how correct you are.  Your correct actions and thoughts are dirty to God; you’re seized by another ideology, you keep the rules of the society well but that doesn’t block disasters.  Then, should I not keep the rules? That’s basic, if you don’t keep the rules, you’ll be empty, but people think that’s all they need to do.

“All I have to do is live in society without telling lies,” but Satan is deceiving you. It’s impossible with your incorrect thoughts.  The Holy Spirit of God and of Christ must change my thoughts to be aligned with the words of Christ to have re-creation, but we will never change. Even if we change, it’s only an outer change.  IF we live in America for a long time, our outer appearance is changed to associate with Americans. 

Only your outer mannerisms change, for example, if you call someone in America, you do it with your palm up, but that’s rude in Korea.  You say “You” in America, but you’d get slapped in Korea.  Only when the Holy Spirit holds onto me fully will I have re-creation.  I have to change to the level of my family line to become a human. We must rule and subdue, but we think like slaves. We think, “All I have to do is do well,” but that’s not enough; we must have Christ.

As they were doing this, God opens up the doors to 15 nations. These aren’t just words.  As soon as I believed in Jesus Christ, I went to evangelize, I’m sure you do not evangelize once you accepted Jesus Christ, but I did, and I’m someone who lived until now by evangelizing.  The evangelist received words over the past 40 years, and it’s correct. These aren’t just words.

Have you contemplated evangelism? Have you lost sleep because you weren’t able to evangelize? I’m sure you have lost sleep because of your business, but what about missions and evangelism?  If not, just listen.  Because at the very least, if he is suffering for this and have given up decades of his life , there’s something worth listening to.  

I’m not looking down on you, but regardless of age, if you go into one area with specialization for a long time, there’s something there.  Even when we talk about music, there’s a difference between someone who’s learned their entire life vs. someone who learns in their 40s. Not that they should not pick this up, but they tried this and that, she tried everything.  As a result of doing all these things, he realized this is what the Word of God has been trying to tell me.

Even the fact that he was able to go to the college field where nobody went for 3-5 years was God’s grace.  I started with this and realized, “This is what God’s Word is telling me.”  When I hear about evangelism, I listen but I don’t listen because I tried it all.  We listened to the training messages. That’s not what God is telling us.  Do you have the covenant inside of you that leaves no choice but for evangelism to take place?  If you don’t have that and you keep doing it by your actions, it won’t continue.  The disciple is the one who can continue.  You can only continue if this is deeply rooted inside of you. It’s very simple, it doesn’t mean, “How can I evangelize and do this or that?” It’s talking about what is able to raise up a disciple who can have continuation. 

When people say, “Someone is coming from Korea to do this or that,” I say, “Good luck.”  I’m not looking down on them, but if you believe this, it takes place naturally.  I said, “Try learning,” not anyone can do it. We continue without stopping, that’s God’s grace. If we keep holding to the covenant, we will see how God fulfills this. Because we have God’s covenant, Abraham believed without even seeing.  But if you don’t have that and you say, “Go to all nations or not,” that’s different.

So, that’s where we’ll stop today.  Now we’ll have a very short Teacher’s meeting.

3, 9 3

We have the message within this code of 3, 9 3.  Simply put, the first 3 is the Triune God.  In order for me to receive the blessing of salvation, I must have the watchtower and then the platform, and antenna.  The platform means God has no choice but to attach people to you.  You need to have the covenant to save the 237 nations for them to come to you.  Without the covenant to save the 237 nations and they come, that’s illegal.  Therefore, when pray holding to the covenant of world evangelization, God works transcending time and space.  Then as we pray for the 237 nations, God must work, transcending time and space. 

Then, me, the work I do in the church and in the field, is bound to receive unprecedented and never repeated answers as I’m connected to God.  The gospel and the covenant of world evangelization is connecting me to God, the answers come to me, the work I do in the church, and the field. It’s unprecedented and never repeated.  Then the three ages, the doors to save the church, the future generations, and the remnants, you enjoy this in prayer within you. 

If this is not within you and you pray for something else, that’s a religious prayer and you cannot have 24 hour prayer. If you do not have this, you cannot pray for 24.  Through Christ, the Triune God is with me.  Only by the Word of Jesus Christ can you shine the light.  When the covenant to save the 237 nations of the world are within me, then I can save my job.  Otherwise, the work you do will not match with God, and the work you do in the world doesn’t communicate with God.  Because you don’t have the gospel and the covenant of world evangelization, nothing you do will be aligned with God. Even if you want to save the church, you cannot. 

Because God must give you the answer, even if you want to do Temple Construction, you cannot. Even if you want to help the remnants, you cannot, because you don’t have this content. You have something else and you want to receive unnecessary answers. 

3, 9, 3 is what we received for months. Look at Rome. If you take out 3, 9, 3 and do everything else, you kill the remnants with legalism.  Plant the gospel that has no choice but to work out for them in the future.  But if you plant something unnecessary, they will be taken captive by the world.  It’s so important, I didn’t have this while I was young, so I have a passion for this.  It’s not whether this is possible or not, but give the covenant that Moses had.  If you just plant this, it will grow; otherwise something else will grow.

Jochebed relayed this while Moses was too young to understand.  Recently I went to a Korean village I hadn’t been to in 50 years, and I remembered everything. I even remembered my neighbor’s names and the people who fought with my mom.  I remembered the children fighting because their parents were fighting. I realized the village was completely cursed.  God moved us out of there into a village with a church.  When I was in 3rd grade, they invited me to their Vacation Bible School and had these floor mats.  Afterward, Deaconess Seo would give the word to kids.  It was imprinted when I was young, and it was the law, and maybe I was afflicted but I couldn’t do bad things.

I remember two things.  There was an elderly person who had no children, but a stranger came with money in a suitcase, but the elderly man wanted to kill the stranger, who turned out to be his son.  How could I do anything bad after hearing that?  I heard another story where there was an alcoholic father who broke down the stone shrines, and the alcoholic father killed his daughter who was worshiping in the shrine.  So he repented and went to church. That’s evangelism, or so I learned. That was when I was in 3rd grade.  I wonder what would have happened if the gospel goes into me when younger.

I couldn’t do anything bad while young.  Even when I wanted to do bad things, there was a voice inside that said I’d get caught, so I didn’t.  That was the legalism of unbelievers that afflicted me. It’s very important while you’re young.  There was a lady in my village who knew we were unbelievers and tried to evangelize to us, but she knows we’ve become Christian, so she sees us differently.

The fact that our village had a church is a miracle.  Even though we went to the same elementary school, those kids who went to church and those who didn’t are different. This church separated girls and boys, and even now, when you go to that church, it’s the same.  The men sit on one side and women sit on the other.  The fact that that church still remains after so long means there’s something amazing. 

On the left and right side of the church, there are always people with mental problems.  On the left and right sides of the church, families were opposed to the church.  On the right side, there was an elderly person older than me who saw his son commit suicide, so he jumped later.  If you look at those houses, they had so many opportunities to receive the gospel.

After 40 years, I realized God guided me to that church that prayed for me, and I saw the difference between me and my peers, so God allowed me to go again.  It’s very important while they’re young.  This is God’s guidance.  What goes in once will be there forever.  If there’s one teacher who properly proclaims the gospel to these kids, it will control them for the rest of their lives.  I’m telling you right now, I didn’t even used to go to church. If you remain like this it will ruin your life.  I went there in middle school to play ping pong and that still remains with me, and my memories are apparently wrong, but that’s how important it is.

We don’t do things without reason. God prepared Moses while young, and He prepared Jochebed.  The remnants are precious tools, so invest everything, otherwise the sorrows, disasters, and tears will follow. This is the mission we have been given. There is a regional evangelism but also missions. If we have a very wide missions field without giving the baton to the next generation, then this ends and that’s a disaster.  Therefore, God allows us this.  Those who have discovered this give rides to the remnants because they have discovered what is precious.  When the disasters come, it doesn’t matter how much faith the parents have; the kids will stand.  Yes if the parents have faith, the kids will come back, that’s not life though. The missions that block disasters. We are here as missionaries. 

I simply receive the missionary’s commissioning representing the church. If this word that you’re a missionary and it isn’t relayed, then you’ll be taken captive, a captive to money without a doubt.  This is not talking about positions; this covenant must be within you, and I hope you know you’re doing a precious ministry. Even if you see someone old, they are not old.  You must see their kids and grandkids for you to see God’s plan. Each person is a door.

If you don’t know this, you’re not aligned with God.  David’s grandfather comes here.  He’s an elder from another church, but he comes here because it’s the gospel.  The grandfather is raising him instead of the father.  They are here now, I don’t know about the father.  I heard through David’s mom that he has told the elder that this is a very good church, and it seemed at first, David didn’t come for awhile, they live about 40 minutes away, and if the mother didn’t come, David couldn’t come either, but now the grandfather comes.

Do the small things that are connected.  You have to see that once to see that one person isn’t just one person.  If someone has not seen something, they have to do something big.  That’s not right.  I’m not saying only one person is the way it will work, but if it’s one person, the spirit knows and will spread the Word. 

Look at the Mongolians, for example, someone might not have citizenship, but they cannot leave, so they must have the gospel. She speaks Korean and right now, she’s going to interpret the messages into Mongolian, and Emma will start a church in Mongolia. It’s connected in this way.  You must see this as precious. If you say, “Oh, they don’t even come to our church, they’re Hispanic and they’re all the way in Hollywood,” it will end.  But when the gospel went in, the kid with ADHD was changed, and this was relayed all the way to South America.  Everything happened like this, but if you think big with big numbers, it won’t work.  I’m not saying doing something big is bad but every human, every individual is important.  I hope you will just know this, and as you do ministry with one remnant, you will imagine the future work. 

Look at me, when I was in 3rd grade, I heard the words of the law once, but God led me here.   God attached all these kids to you at church because God has a plan for their future.  If you don’t see that as a valuable treasure hidden underground, you are not aligned with God.  May you have this kind of value and when you move with that, that itself is a blessing.  I hope you will understand the content and enjoy this. 

I got mad about this, why does he keep talking about the watchtower, platform, and antenna? But it’s simple, that’s how you relay the flow of the message.


God, we thank You.  Throughout the month, we pray You will bless us to go all into raising the remnants.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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