Life of the Evangelist – Re-Creation

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist – Re-Creation

Life of the Evangelist – 62



What is the healing God desires? You completely renew, change the foundation from the ground up. It seems like it takes some time, but you need to do that in order to receive complete healing, then why were we diseased? It’s because we’re imprinted with incorrect things.  Then what was wrong? 


Original Sin -> Sin – Me 3

Me 6

Me 11

Religion Idol (Greed) Transcendental meditation, Satan, Spiritual

You want to escape suffering but even now, it’s not working. I changed into Christianity for myself, but that’s just a change in religion, that’s your idol, your greed.  All of this is greed.  There’s nothing you can do; it’s a spiritual problem, so if you get a spiritual problem, there’s nothing you can do.

Mental problems

If you just talk about everyday matters with them, they’re very strange. How can this person think like that?


These come while we’re adults and these are invisible to the eyes, but they are constantly in progress.  You are giving others a hard time because you’re so trapped in yourself. You look at everything with thoughts that are centered on you, so from your perspective, these words make logical sense.  From the other person’s perspective, they’re wrong. This is the spiritual and mental problem, and without God’s grace, you keep living like this. 

Only Christ

Legally you are set free. Now it is only Jesus Christ, but in reality, what’s inside you is “only me.”  It should not be only you, it should be only Christ within you, but even as you talk about only Christ, it is really only you, still. Even with that problem of your mind and heart, you go to church.  Then, of course, Satan will not leave you alone; he attacks you.

What do people say when they have an issue? “Why does that person attack me? Why are you only attacking me?” That is that person’s mentality.  You have to understand them.  “Oh, they’re way out there.”  You have to know that and pray for them.  On the outside they seem perfectly fine, but on the inside, they’re completely far gone, they’re babies.  What’s the characteristic of a baby? They only think about themselves.  It says in the Bible to give away your immature faith, and to quickly mature. 

When people go to their families, they only think about themselves. My daughter received a lot of discipline in this, “If you only think about yourself, you’re going to die.” I lived my life without knowing that that was a bad thing, I was under the misconception that that was good, that it’s objective, it’s my life.  But I’m afflicted in a way that no one else is, in my own personal way. I can’t speak because of my pride, but on the inside, I was rotting to death, so I had to speak strongly that I have no problems as an unbeliever, do you understand?  I looked fine to everyone on the outside but on the inside I was not okay. I was faced with fear, and to overcome my fear, I had to express myself forcefully.

Someone like me is very weak.  If there’s anyone you know like me, they’re very weak on the inside. That’s when you have no choice but Christ. If anything, the quiet person is scarier because they are strong. That’s just a general thing. Ever since we’re born, we’re hooked onto the 12 problems of Satan so how do we change that?

God’s Kingdom

Within Me – Word

As the old things are taken out, God’s Word must come in, and it’s going to be very hard to let go of these things. They change over time and the devil will keep blocking you so this process cannot continue.  Satan has to seize you in order to seize your children, but Satan makes you think lightly of and to laugh at God’s Word.  If God’s word is laughable to you, it means you enjoy the words of successful nonbelievers more.  Because there are so many successful nonbelievers, these spiritual problems come more severely.

Do you understand God’s Kingdom? How?

Only Holy Spirit

Instead of praying for God’s Kingdom, you pray for what you want, and even though you pray, you don’t receive answers. But when God’s Kingdom is established, the Kingdom of Satan is broken down. In the Kingdom of Satan, you have no answers. I’m a person of God’s Kingdom, so when I’m established there, that’s where my answers come.  Just like Russia has to conquer Ukraine for Ukraine to become Russia’s land.  This means everything within that land becomes Russia’s.  But we don’t know that so we say, “me,” and we fight against it, then the devil is waiting for you. He doesn’t just eat you right away, he waits because Satan makes you fall into a misconception that things are working out, that’s why the Bible says Israelites were taken to Babylon as captives.  It may seem like things are working out at first, but that’s how Satan works.

This evangelist lifestyle has all the healing within it.  The seven journeys of the evangelist is changing the 12 life problems with the imprint, root, and nature of the Word of God. If someone doesn’t know true healing, they may say something, but that’s a conman. If someone’s life is completely set in the 12 life problems of Satan, then they cannot be changed all in one go. We think we’re shamans who can completely change something in a miraculous event, but it’s slowly changed.  That’s the reason why we emphasize the middle and high school years as the last chance. Once they go to college, they’re set in their ways and have to get surgery.  They follow along but they keep asserting their own opinions, strongly rooted.  Middle and high schoolers don’t have set opinions, they follow whatever you say. 

Even though it seems like you’re listening, you’re listening to this already set in the 12 things, so you only keep the Word of God as a reference, as your imprint, root, and nature are in the 12 things and you go in that direction. This is the problem of America and the churches in America.  It doesn’t matter how much people go to church; unless this changes, it’s impossible.  This is what we do right now, know this to give them the answer, and that is how you arise as the correct mentor who can heal.  Doctors may be able to perform surgeries to cut out the external things, and this person has their imprint, root, and nature with which their software is programmed. 

Just because you cut things out doesn’t mean the inner things are changed, it’s the same with counseling. However, if you do counseling while knowing the 12 life problems, it becomes a tremendous tool. If you yourself don’t know, you cannot heal yourself, even. This is the problem of America and the world.  That’s why the churches give the Word of God that is absolutely necessary for our imprint, root, and nature, but we are impatient and cannot wait; we need the works to happen quickly, and unless that happens, we feel at ease, but that’s not right. One person’s life doesn’t change back and forth so quickly.   Moses experienced life for 80 years; how could he change in one go?  By God’s Word, people may change in one aspect all at once, but it takes time to be healed.  When the Word of Jesus Christ is correctly imprinted in this person, then little by little, it roots down into them. 

For you, even if you sit in worship and training very well, over time, you receive training, but that’s the correct training and change. For me, as soon as I believed in Jesus Christ, I followed Rev. Ryu even now.  There are very few pastors like me because most people went to a traditional church before coming into this movement.  But some people say, “You’re so lucky, you didn’t receive any other thing,” but I received the 12 states so much.  I don’t have religion but I’m rooted in the 12 things.  It takes time for you to uproot religion and the 12 spiritual problems, so it’s impossible without God’s grace.

You add things like legalism, you look at it physically and with mystical power, so you receive the Word of God with unnecessary things and you think that’s the standard. Your inner state is completely unchanged, so what is the life of an evangelist?  You change this all with God’s Word.  You change it by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

How many years have we done this?  Seven years?  I don’t know.  How can we keep doing this? I keep receiving answers in my imprint, root, and nature, so as I talk about it, I see myself changing.  If you know someone who has a terrible personality, relay it to them.  You’re in the process of changing tremendously. The characteristic of people who change and arise quickly is that they have a heart to relay this to other people, but if you work slow, then God has no reason to move quickly.  God just allows you to stay.  However, if you set your mind to do a DRB meeting, do you know how much time you’ll have to invest in this? God gives this to you as grace.

For church officers, do regional church. Just do it.  Don’t do your own research, but take whatever you’ve received, and as you do regional church, God will organize it for you. If someone has a picky personality, they have to organize it well, but whatever God has given to you, tell other people about it, and when you tell someone else, God will work to give you what you need to say anyway.  Think about this, in order for you to give something to someone, you have to pray about it, then as you go to give this to them, you pray for them, then the person who is going will change. 

We are so shortsighted that we talk about the targets, but we are the ones who change, and we think like this, “How could I do something like that?” But Jesus told His disciples to make disciples of all nations, and we obey out of obedience, but people who give messages experienced this before, but God gives you the grace to relay what he wants.  God gives me the message to give to others, and I influence others. 

Many of you are under a slave mentality, beaten up, but you go out and influence others as the captive. You could go to Babylon and give the message yourself.  The way you’re thinking, you’re dragged and beaten up into a nation as a captive, but when you yell and scream, that’s when God works.  It doesn’t exist for me; God created the universe for Christ and Christ works for me. 

Then you realize how you must live but you think everything is for yourself, then you’re only Christ, then God will not leave you alone, He has to change you. He changes you.   I would hold onto my own ego without holding onto the track itself by God’s grace. I’m’ a sheep but I thought I was a lion; I didn’t want to be a sheep, I wanted to be a sheep with horns, a strong sheep. You don’t let go of yourself.  It’s not just me, everyone is like that.  People of the world do not understand, they cut you off immediately, the world has no mercy.  Because I lived my life as a nonbeliever, I know what the world is like.

People in the world are merciless; gain your own ego because you don’t believe; we’re seized by Satan.  I never would have been able to realize this without God’s grace, but if someone told me that this wasn’t the place go.  “That’s not right.”  When you go out into the world, people may not accept you, so you may die.  The world doesn’t take notice, they think it’s okay.

Because I lived with my own standard, but it was supposed to be for me, myself. Because I didn’t know the problem or solution to myself, I kept making own my problems.  It doesn’t matter how much you pray; when you pray, you’ll get the answer to just change yourself.  That’s what I wanted to tell them.  When the light of the gospel shines in more and more, Gen. 3 is revealed.  I’ve never told my daughter to study well, but there’s something else more important. However, if she’s completely wrapped up in herself, I cannot leave this alone.  Every so often, I shock it out of her. She’s going to suffer so much because of her self, so she’ll lie saying it’s other people causing.  This is the same thing for the people you meet, being imprinted with the Word of God is true healing, but people with spiritual problems cannot handle it.  “If I just receive this prayer, I’ll be healed.”  The 12 problems outside of them are not changing, but that’s the message of Satan  Even after receiving the gospel.  He was shocked into receiving the gospel. Some people take 3 years, 5 years.  Now, in the Friday healing messages, I’ll go through the seven journeys.  I don’t do things until I receive my mission.

Heavenly mandate, calling, and mission

Rightful, necessary, and absolute plan

What happens if you believe in Christ? You enjoy the blessings of the status and authority.  If you yourselves are able to enjoy this personally, you can explain to other people.  People who are perfectionists think they have to be perfect so they do a lot of work. Quickly change your thoughts, “That person has so many spiritual problems, it will be hard for them to do this movement.  We think we can do things after we are cured, that is a wrong calculation. As long as I’m alive, I do the work of the Lord, whether I’m happy or not. 

If someone is trapped in self-centeredness, God has to heal you first. I just testify of Christ.  Whether you get better or healed, that’s up to Christ. What is the goal of healing?  You only become clean when God is with you, so the way you think about healing is wrong.  You think doctors cutting up your wounds and putting band-aids on you is healing? No, you must change. I may be like this or that, but I will testify of Christ.  We keep talking about this.  Even for me, 90% of my family hasn’t accepted Christ.  They are so sized by self-centeredness.   

Whether in season or out of season, proclaiming Christ is God’s will.  America cannot escape from self-centeredness, but they package themselves with religion. Those words may be correct but they have to be comfortable.  Having received Christ, you live like this until you die. 

One heart, whole heart, continuation

You go until the very end, it’s the same for successful people in the world.  Look at professional skaters, they do it until the end of their lives without taking a break.  Someone from Korea changed their major four times, and she’s still in college.  She’s a perfectionist thinking everything has to be right, so she changed her major four times.  She wasn’t able to complete her education.  No need to be like that, but with whatever God has given to you, be used by God.  You wait to receive healing but you die the next day.  If God has allowed me the time of today, escape your “me-centeredness.” Whether poverty or abundance, it’s okay. 


God is Only and uniqueness is something only God can do. If you don’t have only, you can’t do everything.  Look at David, he was a shepherd, praying, looking only to God.  When the situation occurred of Goliath, he did what nobody else could do.  Then the gospel went into all the world.  Daniel wasn’t just there, but he always prayed, facing the Temple of Jerusalem, and he resolved to not eat food. 

The person doesn’t have “only”,” but we have “only the Triune God.”  He received the answer of uniqueness.  Later on, even though he didn’t eat the food offered to idols, his eyes shone more brightly

King Nebuchadnezzar, King Darius, they devoted themselves to prayer because the answer is to save people. Whenever I ask what we went through next week, only one can answer. 

Only, uniqueness, and re-creation

Acts 1:8

This is God’s method.  The way we’re used to thinking and we misinterpret God, but anyone with faith can do it. You can only receive the power of God through faith. If you have strength within yourself, you can trust in God but you cannot be re-created. Your state will continue to exist You just get mixed in with the field. Only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, then you will change, and you will be witnesses of Christ to the ends of the earth. 

You are changed, so everything comes to life including your business, your family, and church.  That is the prayer of 3, 9, 3.  That’s what it means if you briefly summarize it.  The work the remnant ministers and teachers must do is to not talk about anything else, but to allow them to continue these satisfactory results. If you talk about what you do, that’s a big problem.  It must be the Word God has given to you, and the answers, in order to be a remnant minister.


God, we thank You.  May the 62 lifestyles of the evangelist be our lifestyle and may we be witnesses to the 237 nations. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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