Life of the Evangelist – Necessary

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist – Necessary


Let us pray, God we thank You.  May the life of the evangelist become our answer.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

The greatest blessing is being an evangelist, because the Lord of heaven and earth is with me.  But Satan makes it so that we lose hold of this.  Satan makes us centered on ourselves, focused on what is happy or good for ourselves, we go on our own path. That’s the method of Satan.


If you become trapped in it, you can’t come out of it.  “It’s hot.” It is hot, and that’s why you’re frustrated, right?  Depending on the environment, we change.  What is God’s plan, Who has allowed the weather to be hot?  Only through that can we come out of Satan.  Only through that can we come out of sin. Only through that can we come out of the authority of hell.

Sin, Hell à Me

You are entrapped by yourself and you suffer. 

Only Christ

Only Christ sets me free.  Religion is filling myself up. Living a religious life means you seek God to fill your own greed and motives, and that can never change.  Only the outer appearance changes so you go to work and give offerings and things like that.  Now you start using Christian words and terminologies, and only the outer appearance changes.  For example, if you’re a Buddhist before, they pray with hands folded, but Christians don’t even fold their hands, so it’s just the outer appearance that has changed.

There was a lady who came to our church, and I had seen her many times before, but I asked, “How did you come to our church?” “I came because I had a problem,” and she listened to the sermon today so she knows, and inside, I said, “I hope you come often because you can only come out of it when you listen to the gospel. You can only come out of it when you listen to the gospel.  Listening isn’t enough. Coming out of your problems can only come through only Christ. 

People think, “I have to accept Jesus Christ again,” and when I was a new believer, there was re-acceptance messages that influenced me.  People lived 30-40 years entrapped by themselves, then when I said, “accept again!” Then an elder said, “I want to accept again,” but the head pastor got mad, “Have I not been preaching the gospel?” If it’s not the gospel, then it’s about me. If the gospel is mixed with religion, “I have already heard everything I need to hear,” and that’s why you have to do the biblical evangelism and missions. 

The problem isn’t about going back and forth from church.  The gospel must come into me so I change.  The Triune God must come upon me and reign upon me completely.

(John 19:30)

God’s Kingdom

Because I’m the master, it’s not God’s Kingdom; it’s a different kind of kingdom, and there’s a similar thing, a kingdom I rule over, but in actuality, in the background, Satan is ruling.  If Jesus came as the Lord of my life, He rules over my life.  How?

Only the Holy Spirit

The complete Gospel.


Change from the kingdom of Satan to the Kingdom of God, and I must enjoy the Kingdom of God before that, He is my Lord.  If He is not my Lord, then I have no choice but to be worried and filled with fears and concerns.  “Pastor, I believe in Jesus Christ, but why do all these things happen to me?”  It is because you were trying to rule over your kingdom and life, so these things surely come, and that must be broken.  The Kingdom of God must be established.  Before that, the Kingdom of Heaven must come upon me, how? He must come into me as my Lord and the Holy Spirit.  When you concentrate on this just a little bit, the Kingdom of God is established upon me and my field.

If you don’t know the gospel, you pray incorrectly like most Christians. They also evangelize incorrectly because they don’t know what the gospel is, so they can’t evangelize.  Buddhists, Mormons, Jehovah’s Witness, even Life Insurance companies and McDonalds evangelize or advertise, but what about Christianity?  Evangelism will take place, but these people don’t have the Biblical content. 

Only Christ, only God’s Kingdom, only the Holy Spirit. 

Heavenly Mandate, Calling, Mission

Without Christ, we suffer in these three backgrounds, but what I can do is my Calling.  Should I become a pastor?  I came from a nonbelieving family. How would I receive the mission to become a pastor?  If my parents were believers who said I should be a pastor, then maybe, but we receive our mission and this surely takes place.  You know the future so there is no need for you to hurry.  No reason to hurry because you already have the reason and vision. 

Rightful, Necessary, Absolute

Isn’t it rightful to proclaim only Christ?  People think of “rightful” logically so you must proclaim Christ to all people who are under these three problems, that’s why it’s rightful. If you think proclaiming Christ is a special thing, that’s incorrect.  Eating a meal is rightful and proclaiming Christ is also rightful.  All people are caught within these problems, and they squirm around, and receive answers according to that.

If Christ isn’t rightful, then what is rightful?  That will surely come as a problem and that’s necessary because Christ is not your “Rightful.”  If Christ is not rightful but instead it’s your work or studies, then problems will come.  Work is not rightful, it’s logical. Christ is rightful.  Then your work and studies will come as a necessity. If a problem is before you, you say it’s a problem because it doesn’t meet your expectations. If you have an expectation, then you have another kind of root.

For example, you need to get married, but there needs to be people around me, but if not, how can I marry?  Right?  Because my standards and experiences say, “These people are con artists,” but what if that’s not the case? If this repeats, the person becomes mentally ill.  We are all mentally ill as we judge the present with our past experiences and knowledge.  Our standard is not the Word of God, but it’s our experience and knowledge, and we believe these facts with assurance instead of believing in God. 

You can come to work and receive grace, but that’s not true faith.  Then that person cannot come out of their family line, but they will fall into the same problems as their parents.  That’s why you need scheduled prayer where you change your standard and center, then you will surely receive answers.  Why? Your standard is now the Word of God and those answers will follow. 

You must know this and help the future generation.  If you don’t know it, then how can you help others?  You can’t see why this person is facing problems and you can’t help them.  Instead, because you don’t know, you just say, “Listen to the Word of God,” but that results in nothing.  A famous doctor can diagnose physical problems and prescribe treatments, but a fake doctor won’t know.  They say, “Just eat whatever medication.” But if they listen to the words of legalism, the person will die. That person has nothing for saving other people.

But from God’s perspective, when you evangelize, it’s exciting.  Do you get excited for that, or do you get excited to go on vacation?  David was excited for souls prepared at the law school. Have you felt that? It means he knows what God desires, and the Holy Spirit continues to work and give him joy.  Without this, if you go to different places with your bag, will you be happy?  Even though you set a date for a certain thing, the joy comes and disappears. 

Even though you’re very happy, God may give you jobs you don’t like, because God does all things for evangelism.  This is more addictive than drugs. Drugs cannot compare to this. Taste this to go crazy for it.  Paul said, “I wish you would be crazy as I am,” other people are crazy for other things, but he was crazy for the correct things, and that’s when the Kingdom of God continuously expands. It’s not something I do, but I am aligned with the direction of God and that’s when God works.

People try to manage themselves and maintain their health, but a 52-year-old died from a heart attack suddenly, and they had a young child, and that could happen.  We think, “Exercising will help me live a long life,” but that’s my standard.  Young people may not die young, but that’s my standard.  Someone may be healthy and strong, but they die when called by God.  Life doesn’t move the way we think it does.  God is the center and He moves according to that.  God is most happy in such a person, because it is good from God’s perspective.

God delights in those who are centered on Christ, and those are good people. Who are evil people? They live centered on themselves without Christ.  Proclaiming Jesus Christ is what God is most happy about, because for God, “Good” is Jesus Christ. There’s nothing else.  Even though you do good and nice things, if that’s not with Christ, that’s evil.  If you do it without Christ, you have no choice but to be influenced by Satan, sin, and Hell.  When Christ is your center, you’re good.  When you go out into the field as an evangelist and missionary, God gives you joy and excitement. 

Otherwise they try to make their day better by planning things out.  Athletes must constantly win every game, it’s like a battlefield. If they lose, they lose value, and that’s what the basketball player said.  “Even though I have a lot of money, I have mental problems.”  There’s OCD where everything had to be perfect.  Before starting every single day, he had to wash himself multiple times, as a general would make sacrifices.  When he wins a game, he thinks the jersey gave him good luck, so he constantly wears it in subsequent games. He thinks he won because he maintained his state, so he won’t change his clothes. It’s not normal, but you do this to maintain being a renowned athlete.

As I saw this person, he had a mental illness and couldn’t live with his wife.  After coming out of the shower, he washed himself for an hour. At first, it was just during the games, but it dominated his life.  It’s the same for NBA players, they have a jinx or something they hold onto.  There are so many NBA players, “I need to play with a woman’s bra or underwear because that’s how I win games.”  You may not understand, they don’t know whether they will win or not, but if they do, they see it as a change of fate.  That’s something all the famous athletes have, that means, Satan has trapped them with this fate.

It’s not normal; they’re seized by something.  Is it just athletes?  It’s also the same for musicians.  They need to create something, but it doesn’t come out, so singers start doing drugs since it doesn’t come out of their heads.  They need inspiration so they travel, then they start doing drugs.  Athletes do drugs to gain a different strength that surpasses others.  This special thing doesn’t come from themselves.  New Agers as well, and with transcendental meditation, they connect and intercede with evil spirits.  They do this deep meditation where they beg to evil spirits to give them new inspiration and strength.

People who live careless lives will just simply live, but if you want to maintain your status, you need to receive a different kind of strength.  If you want to maintain the mystery and secrets of God, you must rely on God’s strength. But people rely on their logic instead of God’s strength. That’s not Christianity; that’s a religious life. Most live religious lives advertised as Christianity.  Christianity in the Bible says you have finished your problems in Christ, and that is when the Kingdom of God comes upon you as your Master and Lord.  The person whom Christ works through the Holy Spirit. 

These people will receive greater power and strength that supersedes evil spirits.  This is a normal Christian.  If you are a normal Christian, you will be a biblical evangelist.  If evangelism doesn’t take place, it means you don’t have these three things.  This person doesn’t have Christ as their answer to all problems because they’re centered on themselves. Because of that, there were times they faced limitations and looked to God for a different strength, and they were the Lord of their lives, so they had problems.  Then that’s a religious life.  When the Kingdom of God comes upon you, you receive power, pray for that; this is normal. One day, the problem that was so stubborn and unsolved on its own will be changed; one day, your mental problems will go away.  One day, the problem where you were anxious all the time will change. That’s what we call “healing.”

For example, if you were healed through prayer but you were still not centered on Christ, it’s meaningless.  If you just receive the outer shell of training, it’s a religious act.  Through Christ, it’s not a problem, but you think it is.  Your financial problem, your loneliness, your relationship issues are not issues because of Christ. These are the disciples I’m talking about, then they will surely live for the mission of God.

Whether they work or study, they align themselves with the mission.  The person doesn’t ask for anything but the Holy Spirit works.  The answers you receive through prayer gest immediate answers, and we train and receive answers for such people.  

Satan likes it when you repeat words you heard, and God wants you to speak about Jesus Christ.  Not the Jesus Christ you speak halfheartedly as a recitation, but the devil knows and evil spirits know whether you have assurance in this or not.  These are the people whom we call the evangelist, the disciples.  The time schedule will come and has come. This person will never shake.  People say useless things as they have not come to this answer. When you meet someone, you must say necessary things.  Relay the important words.


Isaiah 7:14

God said He would be with us in Immanuel, so it’s necessary.  Those strong in their own opinions think they don’t need this, but later on, they face a limitation. “I don’t need to be with God.”  They come to the answer, “I only need to be satisfied with only God. It’s not that I don’t need money but you don’t need to need money. It’s not that you don’t have a problem, but that problem should not be a problem, “Then what kind of absurd words are you saying right now, Pastor?” The Bible says, “He who has ears, let them hear.” It’s the working of the Holy Spirit, not our heads. 

Genesis 39:3-5

God was with Joseph, what was the mystery of being “with”?  “With” means God is with you as your Master, and because God works, you have no choice but to be fruitful because God is working.  If I try to do things with my own effort, I will try to survive and eat because for us, we only live with that standard, and that’s why even for unbelievers, even though they don’t believe, they’re still able to survive, but for the people of God, it’s rightful and necessary.

Acts 1:3

This is the answer of 25 hours. It’s not something we make ourselves.  When we’re able to enjoy the rightfulness of 24, God gives us the blessings to enjoy what is necessary.  The condition is that Christ is my 24-hours.  Then, God will give me the answer and blessings upon this earth which are necessary.  Some people say, “I received answers,” but think carefully upon what those are.  Something not taking place is an answer.  What is your standard of answers?  It is the kingdom of Christ being established.  The things you want, your motives, that’s not the kingdom of God; that’s yourself.

God is my Lord and Master, and with Him reigning over me, Think about your week very carefully with this Word.  Why can’t you see this? It’s because you are your own master of your life and the Word has nothing to do with you.  See how God is fulfilling His Word.  Get rid of your thoughts, have Christa s the Master, so you’ll receive answers. You receive answers but Christ is not the answer to your life, so when you receive answers, you’ll see that’s not the answer.  God is fulfilling His Word in the field where you’re placed. This will take place.

Don’t imagine things, but God fulfills His Word even now.  Because I have a standard or expectation.  What is the standard?  It’s not if something takes place.  Temple Construction.

Romans 16:25-27

Christ has existed from long ages, and what is his role? It is the work of salvation. For long ages past, he had the work of salvation in mind, and he continued to work in the Old Testament.  But 2000 years later, he appeared in the form of a human as Jesus Christ. He died, resurrected, and will come again. Past, present, and future, Christ.  In the Old Testament, it showed Jesus Christ would come as the Savior. Without understanding this, you misunderstand evangelism.  This is the age where the gospel is being revealed everywhere.  When you know Christ, all the things through Church must be God sees this as good; all other things are just evil. Living diligently, live believing in Christ, people living for such things are the people whom Satan fears.  I hope you can enjoy these  answers.


May we enjoy the answers of the life of the evangelist.  in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

Teacher’s Meeting

Christ – Assured Experience

Experience that Christ is my experience, I have died with Christ and when I resurrected with Christ, I have this experience, then nothing will be a problem.  You can’t just talk about the acceptance prayer, but you are no longer the Lord and Master.  If they want to accept Christ as their Lord and Master, you do the acceptance prayer, but you say, “Just say the prayer and it’s all right.”  Then people perceive this as their walk of faith and they’ve begun incorrectly.  When you accept, you must really understand and experience that all problems of Satan, sin, and hell are real, then people will know.

(Lord’s Supper)


We concentrate now. Our minds do not wander, but one day, we realize it’s become this assured experience.   We have never concentrated a day in your life, but you concentrate on Sunday, then you’re healed as you concentrate on Christ, Who is your Lord and Savior. You’re not blankly emptying your heart; you’re focusing on Christ, then what happens? It leads to filling of the Holy Spirit. You don’t need your things as you focus on Christ. Trying to concentrate on Christ is actually obsession, not concentration. It’s obsession as you try to gather everything you have, that’s religious living.  Concentration means you don’t need your space so you focus on Christ.  In other words, God completely reigns over your heart, thoughts, and mind, and that’s concentration.  When you concentrate on the Triune God, that’s when power comes.

What if you focus on your worries? What would happen? You’ll be stressed and then your bones will rot and your nerves will be hypersensitive as you’re filled with worries. We are beings who must concentrate on God, and when you go to God, you must utilize this very well. Students who study well utilize their classroom time very well.  Those who don’t study will won’t utilize their classroom time to the max, but they utilize other things.

If it’s hard to do with your own strength, come to church and receive the help from the Early Morning prayer system. I’m not able to concentrate on myself.  There are diseases we have that we cannot fix. If we could fix it, then it’s not a problem. Concentration.   When you concentrate on the being who has strength, works will arise.  In Genesis 41:38, Potiphar says, “I have never seen anyone who has been filled with the Spirit of God like Joseph,” that was Joseph’s strength so everything came.

Special Prayer – Absolute Plan

Prayer isn’t solving what I want, that’s just begging on a  mountainside.  But you discover God’s absolute plan. At night before you sleep, you think of all the things you will do tomorrow, and from there, ask, “God, what is Your plan in this meeting?” God gives you His Word and you relay this.  Even though you meet them through your work, you forum with them with the Word of God, If you are your master, the day goes up and down depending on how people say it’s hard to work.  “I want to change my job because of those people.”  You are the master of your own life, so you live with your own plans instead of God’s.  God will relay the Word because God has a plan for that meeting, and that is a disciple.

3 Todays

It’s not that you forcefully do something you don’t want to do, but look at the Word of God, how God prepared your evangelism today, and God will give you His Word.  If people aren’t at that time schedule yet, hold onto the Word of God.  When you pray for “office picture’ In alignment with last weeks’ pulpit message, God continues to give His Word.  Why can’t you understand, “Stream”? Even for me, I asked about the Word God desired to live.  The time schedule and situation of each person is different, so you must see how God flows this Word to the people and you must give them the Word.  So many people are out there in the world like this, so we must help them to understand their Master correctly. If their Master hasn’t changed, no matter what church they attach themselves to, it doesn’t matter. It’s all based on their standard. That is the deep spiritual disease and problem If you can’t change this, then disease will continue. 


The background of the family line, if they are not in the gospel, they separate.  If you have this, there’s nothing for you to see.  They just followed the Word o God without anything else they have.  Do you need your parents? You do, why wouldn’t you?  Continuously enjoy this and then the gospel will be naturally relayed. Enjoy and proclaim this blessing. 

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