Life of the Evangelist – Nature

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist – Nature

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

The life of the evangelist must become an answer. This answer doesn’t come to you just because you’re diligent, but when the word of the life o the evangelist is within you, it becomes an answer, and that’s what it means for evangelism to take place.    People think they have to diligently evangelize instead of the Biblical evangelism.

This promise of evangelism must come to you as a promise.  If you don’t have this, then you try to make something for yourself, so it becomes hard.  That’s religious evangelism, a legalistic evangelism.  That’s how you’re oppressed.  That’s why people end up choosing a church that doesn’t talk about evangelism.  If you don’t have the Word of evangelism in you, it means you have another word in you.  In other words, you must have important words in you, but you have words that aren’t important.  You need to be filled with the Word of Jesus Christ, but instead you’re filled with words of actions.

Then, what is the field you must see?  You must see this in Christ to know this answer.  We can’t see this, but we try to find an answer, then we’re stressed.


Just because you read the Bible 100 times and memorized it, do you know? You don’t have to tell someone to pray a lot to come to church, just give them the address and put it into the GPS.  What is the biblical word saying about the problems in the world?  You think the problem is irrelevant to the Word, so you don’t know the word correctly.

Satan, Sin, Hell – World

Adam fell into unbelief but the problem is that Satan is still alive.  His authority is broken down but he deceives us.  You emigrated here for a long time but you don’t see the spiritual problems.  Instead, people talk about issues of human rights or privacy, they are correct but God says that’s not the right problem.  People come and talk about human relationships, but if that is so, I have a deacon friend, “How could you do that as a human?” I ask, “Why do you say that?” “How could a pastor do that, as a human?” That’s what went into him as he went to church, humanism.  But God doesn’t talk about that, God says the problems of the world must be seen through the Word, but we consider useless problems to be problems. 

Only Christ

If we align ourselves with this direction and can see the correct problems, We come to the answer of only Christ, John 19:30, it is finished. You may ask, “Pastor, I thought we were saved from this through Jesus Christ, and that’s why we must come out of this to live for Christ, centered on Christ, and that’s how we won’t be overcome by the forces of darkness.”  But even though we come out of this, we go back to being self-centered.  “I thought it was finished with Christ,” but you go into your problems yourself.  “I can’t do this as a human,” that’s talking about American things, centered on America and people.  You cannot solve this with that.  The more you talk about that, the more you come up with this. 

Only Christ. If it is not only Christ, your heart and thoughts will be overcome by this. That’s when disasters and family problems will come upon you.  You continuously live a life, separated from God.  Even though you’re not an unbeliever, you live like an unbeliever.  People don’t understand so they look to other problems, they continuously talk about their children’s problems but they can’t see this.  They look at their circumstances as if those were problems, but they can’t see this.  When you see this, you can say, “Only Christ.”

The problem is you can’t see this, so the more time passes, it doesn’t work.  There are churches in America that cannot solve this problem, so God has given us the answer to this.  But not seeing this, we see other things instead, so until we can open our eyes to this, we need training.  When it is only Christ, the Kingdom of God is established.

Kingdom of God, Satan, Evangelism, Missions

When you live for the Kingdom of God, you don’t need anything else.  First seek His kingdom and righteousness, that’s talking about evangelism and missions.  When you proclaim the Word of the gospel, that’s the mission given to you.

Only the Holy Spirit, Prayer

Set time to pray for the missions field, that’s great, but you don’t know the content of prayer, “God knows everything so I don’t have to pray,” but we don’t know the mission so we can’t pray.  God takes responsibility for everything, but what kind of prayer must we pray?  We need to pray so the Holy Spirit will work upon the people and people will be set free with the Word. You can tell the person’s time schedule based on their prayer. This is not used to judge someone, but it’s used to judge a person’s state so we can help them.

What does it mean for Pastor Ryu to change the prayer topics?  They have prayer topics that are answered.  During the holidays, we ask people to submit prayer topics, and people pray for useless things as they do not believe in God.  They write a list of things and I think, “what a list.”  They write about their children and things like that, meaning this isn’t organized.  On their own, they write things diligently and write a lot.  If you have so many things, but you need to pray for one thing continuously for 24 hours, but you become confused without this answer.

Enjoy the blessings of a child of God, then you can open your eyes to the field.  So, pray about the Word of evangelism.  Then comes the heavenly mandate, calling, and mission. Rightful, necessary, absolute. One heart, whole heart, and continuation. 24, 25, eternity.  Imprint, Root, Nature


Without this answer, it will not take place. We try to force these things.

Even now, it’s not too late, so uproot the incorrect imprints.  If you don’t start with this, you can change their outer appearance and actions, but their inner state will never change. They’re just being diligent, their inner state cannot change, so how can you change this?  I cannot change myself; the things of God must come upon me for the inner things to be uprooted.  Christ finished everything, and this comes into me for the incorrect things to be pushed out.  Without this, even though you go to church for a long time, this will not change.  Satan is continuously deceiving you with your standards and scars.  People think, “Why don’t I change even though I go to church for a long time?” People think going to church is of no use, so where do they go? They want to rest at home.  They have no choice but to fall.  The inward things must be imprinted with the things of God.  That’s the root. Christ, the Kingdom of God must be rooted so that fruits will bear. That’s why it’s important what kind of message you give. 

This isn’t something that can happen with any kind of message. If you just give any kind of message religiously and this gets imprinted, these things will result.  You must open your eyes to this.  Even though they seem like they’re going to church well, it’s not true.  As time goes on, their inner things will be revealed.  It is revealed when they face a certain environment or circumstance.  That inner state will bear fruit. 

I know someone who went to church for a long time, but I have done ministry with them, “Why am I still like this?” They hold onto their own inner things instead of the things of God, so of course they won’t change.

Family, Family Line

“My daughter,” you must have imprints of the things of God to have true freedom, but what’s the problem?  I have the incorrect imprints, and without changing this, even though I hear a lot of the Word of God, it doesn’t change.  Only the Word of the gospel must come into me for this to change.  “Our church,” do we just ignore the other churches? That’s not aligned with God.  “Instead of my church, then other churches.”  But don’t be an elementary school student.  It’s everybody.  God has placed you in this church, so you’re in this church, and we have other churches going along with us.  “My child,” that’s why you face destruction, you’re imprinted, rooted, and have the nature within this. 

It’s not just your child.  That’s when you can be free from “my child.” If you can’t bear children, and you’re focused on having your own child, I need to come out of “myself.” I talk about myself so I face suffering.  I wondered why I only had one child, but God said, “Aren’t the children at church and on the street your children?” They’re all your children.  So that’s world evangelization.  How else could you go to other nations, then? If my children are precious, other children are precious, too, and we must have these thoughts.

These must correctly go within us for correct things to come out. Answers don’t come because you’re diligent, but if the correct things are within you, they will bear answers.  Imprint the correct things, not the incorrect things. These are the blessings of God. Making it fun is just for fun. If you’re just making it fun and the correct things are not imprinted,  then other things get imprinted, and the children know because the Holy Spirit is within them. 

When John the Baptist was in the womb, he recognized Jesus Christ.  Children may not know, but they know through the Holy Spirit.  When the Holy Spirit reveals it to them, they can understand.  That’s why the teachers must imprint the correct things, and this is the teacher God desires.  It’s the same in your family, but as you talk about the gospel, other things get imprinted like legalism, so the children get oppressed and later on, they explode and rebel against their parents and leave their home, and they never want to come back because they think, “Why do I have to go back?” They always want to leave. It’s not because they are second generation, but they have other things. If you have correct things imprinted, you’re thankful for your parents and you understand them because they came here from another culture to take care of you.

I became thankful for my mom once I received the gospel; I never had that thought before.  I wasn’t a great child who was thankful for my parents ever since I was young.  When I received the gospel, I was so thankful for my mom who gave birth to me.  Even though my mom was powerless, I was able to be thankful because I knew the gospel.  But she is the one who gave birth to me, so that’s how I came to know the gospel and that’s how I’m thankful. 

You are thankful for your parents instead of being resentful, “How could they come to America and do this to me? I’m learning this American culture and church, and I hate my parents with a different culture,” no.  Once you know the gospel, because you’re born through your parents, you’re thankful because of your parents.  So, you’re not thankful for anything else, but you have this gospel through your parents and through this land.  But this gospel is not being imprinted.  That’s why no matter how much a person goes to church, they live with their feelings instead, they live according to the standards of America, because they emphasize the things of the culture, they oppress with legalism, kids don’t want to meet their parents.  “Are they just acting like this as they grow up?” That’s not true.   They’re so oppressed, they don’t want to be oppressed again and they have oppression imprinted within them. I talk about this to explain imprint, root, and nature. 

Where’s your future? It depends on what’s imprinted in you.  People don’t know this, so they think they need to perform some outer action, but that will not work.  No matter how much you live religiously, that won’t work. No matter how fervent you are for evangelism and you evangelize, you’ll face limitations. Who knows my incorrect imprints?  Satan knows.  Satan knows I’m imprinted in other things.  We can’t raise our children like that, so that’s why we need to have the correct imprint, root, and nature.

We need to continuously have this become our children’s nature.  Offering must become their nature from a young age.  I can say that to my children whom I raise. If I don’t teach them, then incorrect things will go away. All your child’s friends are unbelievers, and they live and eat with the ways of the world, so if that goes into your children, it becomes difficult for them, so you must teach your children about the field.  From the children’s perspective, if they don’t receive this world, they’ll be confused, “Maybe I’m poor because I’m a pastor’s kid and I have to live like this to go to church, and I’m envious of unbelievers.” I used this as an opportunity to explain about finances because correct finances originate from correct offering.  Because you don’t know about this, someone tells you to give offering but you think it’s a loss. 

That’s why you need to have your children have the correct imprint, root, and nature so they can do this even though you’re not there.  Think about it, if they did this from a young age, no matter what kind of money you give to your children, and they give it as offering, how will God look at them and act as someone who has everything?  “When I give finances to my child, she will use it for God,” and that’s when answers will come.  When this is my imprint, root, and nature, answers will come.  That’s what it means to life the life of an evangelist. 

Let’s confirm the Word.

Revelation 1:1-3

Those who read aloud the words of this prophecy and hear it are blessed.  What kind of words are this prophecy?  Whether it’s the Old or New Testament, it’s about Christ.  It’s still not the end.  Until the name of Christ is proclaimed to all nations, then the end will come. Those who live for this fulfillment of God’s Kingdom will be blessed, why is that? It is because Jesus Christ is complete.  Because Christ is incomplete for you, you have to use humanism.  But if the complete Jesus Christ goes into your children, you can let go until that child leaves, then you can let go because God will work accordingly.  Until then, you perform your role as a teacher and parent. Once they believe it, they will rise up and fulfill their mission in Christ.

That’s why we need to change our spiritual DNA so we have the nature of praying for the filling of the Holy Spirit.  The prayer of 24 hours. You try to do this legalistically so it’s hard, but if you have the gospelized heart, you go together.  Jesus Christ fulfills the work of evangelism and missions even now.  If I try to do it, it becomes hard, and that’s why you can’t just pray a prayer you know.  Do the prayer of the Bible, missions, and evangelism that is in the Bible.

Acts 1:8

You can’t do this with your own diligence, it’s only possible with the working of the Holy Spirit.  That’s why prayer is everything.  When the Holy Spirit works, the 5 doors of evangelism will open, but you try to open doors that aren’t opened by God, things keep closing.  But when you hold to the covenant and continue to pray, the doors of evangelism will open.  This must become the standard for the young adults.  Because this is not the standard, they become frustrated.  Even though it’s not a door, they bang their head against a door, trying to open it themselves, but according to God’s time schedule and His will, it will open. 

You need to know this to do your business, so your business and evangelism go hand-in-hand; they are not separate.  You can’t go back and forth all the time; you need to open these doors of evangelism through people.  You need to know this and go into your work field.  If you don’t have this Word in the field, when you go to work, you become confused, “I have to work diligently and evangelize, so it becomes a burden.” Pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit to come upon you. The Holy Spirit is within you but God needs to work, the Holy Spirit needs to work.

The Holy Spirit shouldn’t stay still, may the filling of the Holy Spirit fill me and work upon my heart, my thoughts, my emotions, my body, and my spirit, may the Holy Spirit work upon my field.  That’s when the forces of darkness are broken down and the doors of evangelism are opened.

Eph. 5:18

Pray so only the filling of the Holy Spirit works upon you, so even as you study, pray for only the filling of the Holy Spirit.  I thought my daughter had changed from the retreat, but as soon as she came home, she went back to her original self, “Are you back to being demon-possessed?”  I asked her, “Didn’t you learn about deep breathing? Why do you have to do it?” “I don’t know, they tell us to breathe.”  She says, “You’re telling me to do it so I do it and get points.” 

What kind of works take place when you breathe deeply?  All your physical elements and body will change.  To help my daughter understand, I asked her, “What is the function of blood vessel?”  She said, “It carries oxygen.”  “Your brain needs to have a lot of oxygen to have power, so the prayer you’re doing right now doesn’t deliver a lot of oxygen to your brain, because when a lot of oxygen goes to your brain, it gets strengthened.”  But she just does it because her dad says so.  “What’s the difference between normal and deep breathing?”  

I asked her again, “Why do you do deep breathing?” “When I do deep breathing, I receive power so I can study.”  “When did I tell you that you need to study? You need to concentrate.”

Zechariah 4:6

Temple construction is only possible by the Spirit. You must have the reason to pray. You can’t do it on your own, it only takes place with the works of God.  When you continuously pray for that, God will work and give you the finances.

Psalm 23

If you don’t have this, “I am facing this problem.”  That means it’s not your nature.  “Aren’t you poor?” I have everything in heaven.  God is giving me things according to His time schedule so I may not use it uselessly, because the LORD is my Shepherd; I lack nothing.  This must be my nature.

It is very fortunate what this girl in El Salvador is going through. Her mom has a  mental illness and she lives with people who don’t want her to stay, so I told her, “Whenever you have time, read Psalm 23.” I can’t be with her all the time but the Word will be with her. Why do I tell her this? Because I’m a witness.  Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for God is with me.  I stand as a witness who received this answer.  When you have great problems, you have great answers.  You will be able to save others with great problems and that becomes your platform.  When this word becomes your nature through prayer, these answers will follow.

Other people say it’s a disaster but it’s a blessing for you.


God, we thank you.  May the life of the evangelist become our imprint, root, and nature.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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