Life of the Evangelist – Imprint

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist – Imprint

What is going to happen in the future? It’s what’s imprinted in us.  When you print a picture, the image is on the film.  The life we have will be determined by our imprints.  Simply put, can we change our lives?  You cannot change your life, no matter how much you regret or how much you try.  You have to change incorrect things within yourself for things to change naturally.  Before I received the gospel, I was filled with my imprint, root, and nature, and that’s what happened in my life.

If I don’t have the gospel, I have the law.  What is the core of the law? It is the Word of God, but it is kind of skewed.  It’s my action of the law, so the person is always judging, and they can’t help themselves.  But if the gospel is imprinted, everything will be used to save.  Only the gospel saves.  We can only kill people with our actions, we can never save.

People want to do things correctly, but what God has given to us is not about doing right things, but it’s the gospel. I cannot do things right because I’m separated from God.  Only when I’m with God through the gospel can I do what is right. Then the gospel will save others.

This is the greatest dilemma of the church. Even as they talk about the Word of God, they emphasize actions, so they’re confused.  God gave us the law to teach us towards the gospel.  Do not remain at people’s actions, but the spirit will come to life.  The most important part of a person is their spirit, but if that person doesn’t come to life, then everything else will be death.  If someone has evil actions, you can immediately tell. 

But let’s say someone is trying to do good, trying to follow God’s Word? Because we say, “Let’s follow God’s Word with good actions, everyone is being deceived. If we could follow God’s Word, we wouldn’t need Jesus Christ. If we could do something with our actions, Jesus Christ wouldn’t have to come.  But we cannot exist without Christ. We understand this but cannot apply it.

These words sound correct but they kill.  The law exists, but we cannot do well, and to save, we must allow God to work.  They said, “Hey, let’s try to raise up the Tower of Babel well,” and they all failed.  The way to do well is for the Holy Spirit to be inside of us, and to be led by God. The Holy Spirit saves me and others.  But us trying to do well doesn’t match with God, so that’s where problems come from.  This was the ideology in the Early Church. Even now, churches without the gospel emphasize the law.

They say we have to live a good lifestyle.  People who listen to the legal teachings without the gospel cannot decipher between the gospel and the law.  The law sounds so good, it matches with us, “Let’s try to live a good life according to God’s Word,” but we cannot.  I am confident that the one who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it in the day of Christ Jesus. He is the One fulfilling everything, but if my standards come out, I block God’s work.

My doing well will block God’s work, so Satan had been completely deceived.  There’s not a single person who doesn’t try to do well, but Satna deceives them. Even with your friend relationships, the relationships get damaged.  The other person says something else, then that’s just my standard. That’s why our conclusions don’t match.  It’s the same with husband and wife. Everyone is trying to do well, nobody tries to do something bad. I was trying to do well, but it’s death for the other person.

But we need to match our feet with how God guides us, so I need to hold onto the gospel such that God does the work, and I have to wait for God to work in the other person. But it’s so frustrating because I’ve lived according to my standards and the pace is too slow.  Your impatience isn’t able to endure, you just have to yell at them.  If you just stay still, the wife would take care of it, but the husband has to yell, but from that person’s perspective, they’re correct.  That’s because the law is their standard, they want to create a good family. “Let’s just do our actions well ourselves.  It won’t work out.

You have to align yourself with God’s face and time schedule.  It’s the same in the church.  We have two elders, and if one disagrees, I don’t move forward. Why would I do it? It’s better for me not to do anything but I wait until they do, then once they both say okay, I say okay. But we’re under a misconception, they think they’re blocking each other and doing good things?  God will do things and create things.  Both are trying to do well before God but their standard is the law, so you just stand still.

Later on, we say, “Okay,” then we do it. Otherwise it’s not God’s plan so we don’t do it.  What happens if they just disagree to be contrarian? God is alive, God promised He would move, then God is going to change that person and make them move, but we don’t believe God.  All we have to do is believe God. If you believe God, God is in control. That’s just one example.

I think God is making me completely gospelized because of my daughter.  She wears black everything, even her mask and shoes are black.  She wants to dress that way at her age, but either way, I say, “Just live according to your personality and colors.”  God is guiding her forward, no reason for me to say this or that.  Am I just going to dress her in my favorite colors?  She must enjoy herself.  She has to have her own imagination and coordinate her own outfits, I won’t control her outfits, telling her what to wear. 

But whatever we try to do well is actually disturbing the kids.  God is holding onto this child, guiding her forward, but I’m blocking that.  We just have to play however we were created in the gospel. If she likes black, we give that to her.  If she wants white, she wears white. It depends on her age. Pray and God will change her heart. 

We talked about the law verses the gospel today.  People don’t talk about Satan so things don’t make sense.  Satan is alive, but what is he doing?  Satan is holding onto this person with the standard of the law, and he makes it so that they’re completely seized and fall.  But if you know this, then you wait.  You shouldn’t just interfere with them so they’re seized by Satan completely; raise them up with the gospel. That is how that person will live and Satan is destroyed.  America has no spiritual knowledge so the church is completely filled with the law.  Especially in America, it’s such a law-abiding country so there are so many lawyers. Our entire lives are about the law, and that’s right, we must follow the law but that’s not how the spiritual law works.

Only the gospel is the law, and the gospel is the law of the spirit of life.  We stand on the side of testifying the gospel, and the way to save is to change our DNA to save others, otherwise we always want to fight, even fighting with our spouses.  I’m talking about myself right now.  But if we don’t have the gospel, we glare at others who are staying still. Even if we don’t like someone, we glare at them.  I’m talking about how I lived as an unbeliever. 

Nowadays, I walk around the park and realized I would go around, glaring at people whom I did not agree with, and ultimately we ended up fighting.  I realized this is how I used to live.  What is the gospel?  You naturally see that person and wonder how to save them.  It’s fascinating but if you don’t understand the gospel, instead of going in the direction of healing them, you kill them.  I don’t know if it’s the DNA in my family, but if someone offends me, I must let them know that I’m offended.  We see such people in school every day so we end up fighting. In reality, I’m the one who started the fight.  But we blame each other.

Nowadays, I walk to the park, listen to the Word, and a tall guy runs and I don’t like his face. Why do I think his face is disconcerting? In the past, I would hate it and glare as he came, so I ran ahead of him in the past, but I would start arguing with him as he said something to me. This is how I used to live and my father was like that. The spiritual DNA is like that.  It’s really nothing to fight about, “Their expression shouldn’t be like that,” and you fight.

Evangelism is a blessing, it’s not about action.  We’re legalistic, we think it’s an action, so it won’t last.  When I see someone, I think about evangelism. You need the DNA that thinks about how to save that person.  On the other hand, you hate the person and pick fights? That’s the law.  I’m beginning to see how I lived in the past, I hated people inside on my own.  Even if they didn’t say anything to me, I hated their expression, and I turned around and talked badly about them, even though I had the gospel.

Do you hate them again? Then you’re killing them.  But now when I look at people like that, I wonder how I can save people like that. That’s the beginning of evangelism.  But if they make you feel bad and you force yourself to evangelize by your knowledge, you cannot last.  God changed me so I could evangelize with the gospel.

Demons don’t do anything else, they seize your thoughts.  Law.  Demons work with the law.  Through the law, our sin is revealed and we die.  We did all these things to bring our kids to America and have them not criticized by others, but the more you do that, the more your limitations are revealed. You cannot do this, you make them not do this, to not be seized by demons.

What happens when you put in the gospel? Everything comes to life and now you become someone who saves people.  But instead you’re in the seat of success, killing other people. That’s not right. If you’re married, you should save your family, but we don’t save people just because we want to. It’s a mystery. If you go to your job, you should save people.  You cannot save people because you want to. You kill them with the law.  If they just talk about the gospel, it’s not enough.

If you’re within the gospel, then the works of saving take place. Then the way you look at everybody will change so you save everybody with your DNA, then you have more leisure.  If I poke you with the law, what happens?  Someone will say, “What about you, Pastor?”  Ultimately the pastor creates fights because this comes from the law.

Wait until God does it.  The way to believe is to pray for this person and wait until God gives them the grace to change.  If the pastor makes a mistake, you say, “Okay,” and that’s the gospel.  Have you ever been in a family?  If you have the form of the law, you’ll always be at war.  If someone really knows the gospel and spiritual things, they can wait, but we can’t see spiritual things so they cannot wait.  “Just do it,” but that person cannot.  They do other things well but cannot do this.  Understand and wait for them.

If you really want to help them do that, you have to give them strength.  Then, they will be strengthened.  The gospel gives them strength and that’s the way to bring the law to completion. It’s not enough to tell them to keep the law.  If you give this person the grace and strength through the gospel so that God can work, then God will work.

A lot of children are hunted because of their parents.  The parents try to do well but that is the law.  Even now, you must realize, “I raised my children but why did they end up like this?” If you’re seized by legalism, then even when you’re old and dead, you won’t realize.  The reason God entrusted me with these children is to give them the blessing of the gospel and faith, but I lost that chance. I just taught them things that would help them live well. “Let’s try to do well, following God’s Word,” and no one will criticize that, but you can’t.  God must be with them, guiding them to do well, but it’s possible to misunderstand. 

Does that mean we can’t do anything?  That changes based on how we understand the Word.  God lives within us and does it inside of us, then what must we do?  God is the Word and we look for God’s will through prayer.  We go out in the direction of missions and evangelism that God is doing. Then the invisible Holy Spirit guides me and is revealed in my life.

First and foremost, pastors don’t acknowledge Satan.  I didn’t know Satan works through the law.  I used to think when I was an unbeliever, I did ancestral worship, but I was liberated from Satan, but the more I spent time in church, I realized something different.  Satan attacks through the law. That’s the reason why churches are closing down and being converted to mosques.  The churches planted the law and the kids got tired of it. In the age of postmodernism, people don’t listen to what is right.  There’s a difference between modernism and postmodernism. Modernism is where you could get through with the rules, but now we’re in postmodernism.  “Why do I have to do it like that? Can’t I do it like this?” We now have no standard.

In the past, we used to have IQ, but now there’s EQ.  EQ arose during the postmodern age.  People have to look a certain way and it’s different. That’s postmodernism. In the past, they were centered on knowledge and rationality, but now it’s about creativity, not just about one thing, but many different things.  “Why do I have to dress like this?” That’s what they say.  “Do I have to interpret the Bible that way? Do we have to have separate bathrooms for men and women?” It’s all postmodernism.   

Age by age, Satan attacks with different appearances, but if you don’t know this, you’ll fight with your kids.  I look at my kids with modernism ideologies, it doesn’t fit with her.  There are pastors who come to preach in t-shirts and jeans, and they think nothing is wrong. They are breaking down the law and the standard, so the kids say they don’t like the standards and there’s this almost renegade rebellion style, casting off authority.  “I don’t like authority, I don’t like your opinions,” it’s like this even in the elections.

You have to know the age in which we live.  We don’t know how Satan will change his appearance and work in the next age, but if you don’t know this, you’ll hear weird messages in church, and people will go so far as saying, “Why does it have to be Jesus Christ?  Why do we have to interpret the Bible this way? Can’t we do it some other way?”  The goal of the devil is to break down the authority of the Bible.  He makes it so we cannot say absolutely only Christ. 

“Why is it only Christ? What about the occasional Christ? Do we have to do this?”  Where do we hear this from? It’s the postmodern education that seizes the kids.  If you talk about absolute standards, the kids pass out.  In the past, even if the adults thought it was wrong, they would follow along, but it’s because in those days, they used standards of knowledge, but now the kids don’t follow.

My daughter asked for a bean bag chair.  Now she does her homework there.  “I gave you that bean bag chair for resting.” “Can’t I study here?” “Your eyes will go bad.” “It’s okay.”  If you don’t understand, you’ll give one-directional direction, “you have to study at your desk.”  “I understand, come here,” and I pray for her.  “May the evil spirit making you disobey your parents be broken down, may the forces of darkness making you talk back be cast out,” and sometimes if I’m really upset I dig my nails into her forehead.

Either way, I say, “You know what makes you do this to your dad, right?” and I break down the forces of darkness.  The fastest way to change this is to pray God will move her heart. In the past, I made her do pushups, or make her worship.  She does pushups very aggressively, even 200.  This is a bit Spartan, so I said, “from now on, we’ll give family worship.”  It’s almost like she’s going to pass out.  “Wow, the demon is really going crazy.”  “From now on, we’ll sing this hymn” and she’ll face the wall. 

I took what she did today and give the Word of God.  In the past, I used to nag, but now I give the Word of God.  She didn’t forgive her friend, so I said, “The Bible says you should forgive your friend.” “Why should I do that?” She brought a friend to church once, but she hates her because her friend lied to her. But the Bible says to forgive, but she can’t, “She lied to me,” and I said, “Come here, let’s worship.”  Jesus Christ told you to forgive 70 times 7 times, because your great sins are crucified on the cross.  I help her worship.

That’s what this age is like.  She’s 40 years younger than me, of course we’re not going to match.  The generation is completely different. This is not the age for that. However, I believe in the gospel that the Holy Spirit is within her, guiding her.  Her mom strengthens her, “Fanny Park is the remnant who will do world evangelization,” and it’s correct. That’s right. Raising one person is not a simple thing.

We can say the law easily but that’s not a blessing because ultimately the fruit will bear according to the law. But if we hold firmly to the gospel, blessings will come endlessly. The devil knows this, so just because it’s the church, it’s all the same, I’m sorry to say this. It seems like we understand the gospel, but in honestly, we don’t, and it’s something contrary to life.  We live on earth and talk about the things of heaven, how could we possibly understand? The Bible says we turn the other cheek, but we are taught to fight to not get beaten up.

We understand the words but cannot apply it. Only when the value of the gospel comes into us will we change. This gospel is not an easy thing. Once you’re imprinted with the gospel, you’ll have fruits of the gospel. Being imprinted with something else will yield something else. “I really don’t like this person’s face,” that could cause a fight, “but I must save this person. I can pretend to be like this person to save them.” In the past, I used to hate them and I hated them, and if their facial expression was bad, I just hated them.

We create standards of the law and the results follow. I’m strong in this, and there were many times I criticized other pastors for going astray, but what about me?  I thought everyone else needed to die.  But it turns out Paul said he was ashamed, the sinner of all sinners.  He said he was a sinner since his mother’s womb.  It’s not enough to educate them when they’re out because they’re sinners in the womb.  It doesn’t matter how we discipline or train them, it has to be within the gospel. 

Yes, we do have to receive education on how to keep rules and promises to live in society with people, but spiritually we’re already seized by Satan, the minute we’re born. That doesn’t change with education, it only changes with the gospel. That’s why the education we learn is valuable for the gospel, because it becomes education I learn to save people.  Only at that point will the English I’ve learned in America is valuable. That’s one example. Every circumstance we have in our lives comes to life because of the gospel.

You have no idea how sad life is without the gospel. I have a slightly negative personality.  Because I’m so negative and have strong standards, I will make sure they know I don’t like them by glaring at them with laser beams, but I realize that’s not right; I realize when God’s grace is upon me, so I will shine the gospel.  These are things that came out of myself because of my incorrect imprints. If I like someone a lot, the standard is based on myself.  I wander around, talking either bad or good about people.  I’m just living according to my emotions.

But once I change into the gospel, it’s not like I like anybody, but I wonder how I save that person. That’s God’s grace.  As this gets imprinted, the actions of the fruit follow.  Once this becomes imprinted and evidence, it becomes my life.  Just look at your scars, it’s not like someone tried to say something to you, but you’re hurting because of your scars. These results come because of your scars.

People respect me with their words, but if you look at my personality, I’m not someone who says that. On the outside, people respect me as a pastor, but my personal characteristics are not deserving of respect.  So, when I look at myself with the law, I’m embarrassed and ashamed.  It’s just that my title is one of a “pastor,” but it’s not deserving of respect. If anything, I’m apologetic as it’s a bit awkward. Even though God fulfills His Word, regardless of me.

That’s how it works with the gospel.  People respect me because I deliver the gospel God gave to me. They’re not doing that because I have a great personality; that’s what happens when I have the gospel, so how can I boast of myself? I’m not deserving of respect, God is doing that for the gospel.  Do you think David had great ability?  Without a doubt, he sent his own henchmen to kill Uriah and steal Uriah’s wife. He broke two commandments, do not murder and do not covet.  Did David have any reason to boast?  No, it was all the same.  God forgives us, gives us grace, and that’s why David became a great king.

Later on, the Prophet Nathan comes and criticizes him in a roundabout way, and David realizes his wrongdoing.  Some people will say, “Who are you do criticize me?” but David immediately knelt before God, “I have sinned before God and you, I was born guilty, a sinner even as my mother conceived me.”  So all his education was useless. “What kind of king am I? I’m only a king because God gave me grace.” If someone tells you to be humble, you cannot change that.  It’s important to know who you are.

Same thing with Paul.   He completely knelt before Christ. He used to think he was great, and his mission from God was to preach.  He thought he was right before God, but it was just the law.  Ultimately all 12 Apostles were killed or crucified. They went all into that. 

How can we save America?  If you want to save, go all into the gospel.  Then, if your imprint, root, and nature is in the gospel every single day, it will one day be revealed.  But if you just let every day go by, something else will be imprinted in you instead.  So, set a time in the morning to root yourself down in the gospel.  Why do you think I gave you such a detailed explanation myself?  I told you in such detail to tell you that I used to live like this but the gospel changed me so much. 

I gave a message before about how I got so mad at someone with road rage, I broke their side mirror, and people were amazed at what I used to do. I used to get drunk while in college, I would drive by expensive cars and hit their side mirrors, “You guys don’t have a heart for the proletariat, all the bourgeoisie must go.”  I got drunk and this was within me and it came out.

You see how God changes us?  Honestly speaking, I can see that still within me. If God gave me my daughter while I was younger, I would have completely ruined my daughter.  I would have raised her as a militant fighter. Even now, she has that nature, but now I’m excited to see how God will use her as a soldier to save.  I was like that, but now I’m changed without even realizing it.

It’s a miracle. This is not my effort, but God gave me the grace.  We’re all the same, let us all receive grace and save each other with the gospel.  I’ll be back from the World Missions Conference, so let us prepare in prayer. Without a doubt, when you pray, the blessings will come upon you, it’s so amazing.  When you pray, the same grace will be upon you, transcending time and space.  Those who go in person will receive grace there; those who stay here will receive grace here.

Please pray for the missions conference so we may see how God works with the covenant in the 70 people groups, 70 nations, and 70 tribes.  Nobody in the church is as evil and corrupt as I am.  The things I said  were just on the surface, but if I said real things, you guys might leave.


God, we thank You. Give us the grace to have our imprint, root, and nature in the gospel. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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