Life of the Evangelist – Eternity

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist – Eternity

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

Let us pray.  Father God we thank You.  May the life of the evangelist become our nature.  May You work upon us so we can save the 237 nations.  in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

I told her to translate so she doesn’t run away.  Without having this, some people may wonder why she is translating, but she’s a young adult.

We’re evangelists with the life of the evangelist. If we try to do this, it’s hard. Someone who tries to translate will find it hard.  How should you do this? Apply the Word by prayer, “God, fill me with the Holy Spirit” as you translate.  It’s like this, “May the Holy Spirit work upon me so I can live the life of an evangelist.”  When everything is changed in a gospel-manner, it’s easy.

Legalistically, you become a slave, but when you enjoy prayer, you’re liberated. That’s the difference.  You need to apply everything to the gospel, then you can enjoy all things.  What does it mean to see in advance?  You don’t even know what’s going to happen but you just enjoy it in advance.  “I need to do it”?  No, then it’s hard and you can’t.  It’s easy for successful people to be deceived by this because they’ve done it with their own strength the entire time.  Successful people can either understand this very well or very poorly.  They have done everything they could with their strength.

Paul was successful but then he had the gospel, “God will use me to share the gospel to Gentiles, and their kings.  That’s the mission. So there’s a difference fulfilling the mission on your own or enjoying the mission being fulfilled.  It’s the same when you listen to the message, “I have to fulfill the word I’m receiving,” that’s hard, but that’s how the Jewish people lived.  But instead of me doing it, when God works, that’s when you can receive the greatest blessings, because it’s not coming from your own thoughts, but it’s coming from God’s thoughts.

When we live the life of an evangelist, why did Jesus Christ come to this earth? Do we have mental or physical problems, or problems pertaining to our basic needs?  Did he come to solve all the political problems.

Satna existed from the beginning and caused people to sin, then sin has entered.  This is the work Satan does.  But we cannot overcome this, so we’re separated from God, divided.  It’s easy and simple to make it easy to remember, but what does it mean?  How can we be with God? Only Christ.  Only God’s Kingdom.  It is different to think, “We need only the mission, only evangelism.”  God needs to come upon me and this gospel is necessary among people as well, but if it doesn’t come from “only,” we have to do several things.

What Satan hates the most is doing “only,” and he makes it so we don’t do “only” missions and evangelism.  So he takes “only” away, so does that mean we only do missions and evangelism and nothing else?  No, but as you do missions and evangelism, your finances and volunteering will follow.  If you focus on volunteering, you fail.

It’s the same for this, Christ must be only, it’s only possible through Christ.  Not +food or +success, but Satan is broken down when we have “only,” and disasters are broken down. God works through only Christ. The  main emphasis of today’s Word is “only,” because God has given us a message to relay.  As I prepared for the word this week, I realized I need the Holy Spirit to do 24 hours.  Why can’t we focus the Holy Spirit within me?  I don’t have only.”  “Only” doesn’t mean we don’t do anything lese; Other things are incorporated within us.  Within that one thing, all things follow. 

As time goes on, why do churches lose power? They tried to do something else.  Only through missions and evangelism are the forces of darkness broken and the Kingdom of God is established.  Olympic gold medalists have found their “only.”   Judo masters only do judo, but everything follows like fame and money.  Even musicians focus.  Only means only.  Those who cannot do only will have to do other things. Do you not need other things? You need them but those are average people.  Those who have only know all things are contained within this.

“Even though I listen and I know all the Bible verses, why isn’t it working?” It is “only.” I know it but I can’t do it.  Only.  Only when the Holy Spirit comes upon me, I can do all things.  That’s why Pastor Ryu does this 24 hours, he knows he doesn’t need anything else.  Does it mean he doesn’t need other things? No, they follow after this, but that’s what Joseph was like.  Only gospel, only vision, only the Holy Spirit.  You just need this. Even though he was a slave, he worked as a slave. 

Genesis 41:38, “can we find someone like this, one in whom is the Spirit of God?” God worked upon this ”only,” then who could block that? The reason why the church and individuals lose power is because they don’t have “only.”  Or else, they become very busy and are invested in what they have to do. Then Satan works and when you’re deceived by Satan, you’re led to useless things, and you’re on a path that is distant from God.  When this becomes “only,” that’s when the heavenly mandate follows.

David serves in the choir. When the Kingdom of God is established, the forces of darkness are broken down as the Word of God is proclaimed.  God entrusted this to me.

Only Christ is rightful. It is distant from me, but as God works upon me, it’s rightful. We need to do rightful and necessary works.  So, when you do rightful things, necessary things will follow. If you look at the Israelites, they did unnecessary things.  Those were things that were unnecessary.  They bought things others bought just to follow after them and threw them all away. Why do people live like that?  It’s one reason: they don’t have the correct financial posture, so they buy whatever they want instinctively.  When it is rightful, you do necessary things. 

What happens? Then you can save money.  You can use it for necessary things of God.  If you’re not able to use your money for God, then you’re wasting it on useless things.

One Heart, whole heart.  All church members who can do it will invest their whole heart in prayer for El Salvador missions.  No churches are in El Salvador.  It is not to pray for success, but the forces of darkness are broken.  As I focus on El Salvador, the forces of darkness in my life are broken down, and as all.

Is God telling us to do this, to return. God makes us pray because the region is dangerous. We pray to break down the forces of darkness. 

God prepared only and uniqueness for me, but if we do other things, the answer of “uniqueness” is lost.  I am a unique individual, and when you hold onto “only,” God gives you the answer and blessing of uniqueness. Going to El Salvador is the answer of uniqueness.  We don’t need to compete into going to El Salvador. People are afraid so we do the works of God.  We don’t compete, these are the answers of uniqueness. We thought of it as a business so no one goes there.  Wherever you go, draw a line and that’s yours. 

Wen you’re within “only.”  How does the Spanish missions continue?  We do this upper room meeting every Thursday, and every day, at 7pm, we meet with people in El Salvador online, and now we deiced to troup them together.  On Thursday, we assign a Spanish ministry so it can be a Hispanic meeting without a translator.  Then all of those around them can come as much as they want.

This is what we call a disciple who can be in charge of one region, one nation. The ministry makes this happen and it comes out.  The70 regions and 70 nations.   The Assistant Pastor Helen told us about having a program where we do the Saturday schools at 7pm and the Mongolians do worship but we give the message instead.  We match Emma’s time, so it’s 7pm, and we allow Mongolians to lead praise however they want, but we give the message.

Answer of uniqueness, something only we can do, no one else can do. It’s the same for business and academics, it is the answer to success.  The Early Church went into “only,” and that’s why uniqueness and re-creation arose.  If you don’t have “only Christ,” you’re similar to others without an answer of uniqueness.

24 hours doesn’t mean the hours in a day but we’re continuously in this flow.  25 hours, the answers follow after 25. Even though I don’t try to succeed, the answers follow.  There’s a difference between being caught up in success or success following you, that’s 24.  This is eternal, Christ is with us eternally. 

Romans 16:27

He existed before creation and is revealed even now. Romans 16:26 He lives forever. We live for eternal things, and that’s “only.”  Nothing else is eternal except the Triune God. Only Christ is eternal.  Only world evangelization and saving lives and only the Holy Spirit. Those are the only things that are glorified and will save lives, so that’s why that is a reward for evangelists.   They have the eternal crown.  If you try to do something on this earth, things happen, but we live for eternal things. Success is momentary. Through Success, we Through Christ, we can do the work of saving lives.  These people are wise through the wisdom that comes through the Holy Spirit.

I’m not just doing this work as a job.  Otherwise I just do it for the money, then I would be the most stupid pastor. I live for eternal things.  Even for your studies, don’t do it for temporary things but for eternal things.  If you live for worldly things that will one day disappear, that’s stupid. Live for eternal things. She studied so hard to become a nurse, and if she doesn’t become a nurse, it’s a wasted life. God will guide her, moving according to what He needs for His child.

Why are you going there?  Pediatric.  Her mother and sister work with children.  They need to save the children first.  I think she has a lot of opportunities for that.  Her job is far, but may she serve the church and be closer at Children’s Hospital.  God allows the path to be smooth. 

2 Thessalonians 2:19-20

Our crown is sufficient. Through that, all our physical things will be led.  God works even now to save lives, and He is guiding one individual to do this.

Daniel 12:3

Those who are wise will shine.  There are people with lots of wisdom like Einstein. They shine, but that light is not eternal.  Those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever.  Assistant Bae says, “My life on earth may not have been good, but in heaven, it’s great.” She received that grace and lives in that manner. She wishes her leg will heal, but we believe God will work.

Matthew 10:40-42

Those who welcome and serve others will have their reward.  Of course you need to conserve while you’re living life, but there are times to use or spend money. Then you reap an eternal reward.  Imagine paying off a car in 7-10 years to use it forever. Because you paid for seven years, you have freedom and liberation after that. We don’t live for 7-10 years, but we live for eternal things as evangelists.  Those who even give a cup of cold water, it isn’t worth much, but such people will not lose their reward.  Devoting yourself to evangelism and missions will not lose their reward.  When you open your eyes to this, you have wisdom to know when to use your health and finances.  If you live for certain things, you do it with your diligence.  If you know the important things, you devote just a little and you know the priority, so answers arise. 

She interpreted because I told her to, but she’s interpreting for eternal things. You never thought about it that way, did you? You do it because the pastor tells you to. Many people interpret for the UN, but she is interpreting for eternal things. Holding onto this, you receive wisdom.  Tiffany wanted to do it, but I said, “Don’t do it, you’re falling asleep.” If she did this, she probably wouldn’t have fallen asleep, but instead, Joyce would run away.  So I told her to sit down and Joyce couldn’t run away.  Such people know where to invest their money.

Mark 10:29-30

People abandon their most precious things for the gospel and leave them behind for the gospel.  Does that mean we don’t have anything?  With what cause do I live my life?  What effects will follow).  I do things for myself and there’s no fruit. But if I do it for the gospel, the fruits of the gospel will shine. It’s not only the fruits of the gospel, but the fruit of physical things will follow.  Things will become great according to God’s plan.  But, the motive is important. 

What’s my motive? Is it because I’m a pastor, doing it for physical things? Such things disappear because they will just come and go.  Celebrities have the hardest time. When they’re famous and people say good words, they feel satisfied and complete, but people without this feel lonely.  They have strength from fan letters, but imagine if they lose their popularity?  When people don’t acknowledge them? They do drugs and other things to maintain their popularity.

That’s why a lot of people do plastic surgery to hear words like, “You look so young as if you’re younger,” you need to change your face for the gospel. It’s easy for us to share the gospel because El Salvador and Korea are similar. “We’re so great because of this,” that will disappear. You need to hurry up and relay the gospel.

What is the cause?  A Hispanic couple came, I said, “Bring the kids at 1pm on Saturday so they can continuously listen to the word.” When that Word is imprinted, it will surely bear fruit.  But at that age, if they’re imprinted with other things, it will lead to rotten fruit.  They said they understood. If you know the reason, your actions follow.  Why do we need this class at this time?  The life of an evangelist is surely prepared but we need to have this answer of “only” to enjoy the answers that follow, but if we’re not able to do this, we reach a limitation where we cannot kneel or surrender. 

It’s necessary for the overall picture, but the individual may face a limitation.  The most blessed time where you have no choice but to go into these answers, then all these things will change into an answer.  I’m saying this as a witness. I don’t have to do this class, it’s not for me, but I stand as a witness.  Someone told me to do this, but as this Word came into me and rooted in me, the fruits began to change.  The Word continuously being relayed is “only, uniqueness, re-creation.”  We continue to talk about rightfulness, necessary, and absolute. We continuously talk about the Triune God, the words are all the same.  I realized this as this Word became rooted within me. 

It seems as if the evangelist is changing the words but it’s so that the word becomes rooted within us.  For us, when we hear a word we think we know, we forget it, so we need to change the word and make it confusing so we understand. Later on, we think, “This is actually a word I know,” and it becomes rooted.

Isaiah 40:8

This Word is eternal, and so that is why we do the Word movement.  The Jewish people failed even though they did the Word movement, but we do the Word movement. We have the Bible, but if we read according to our diligence and our own thoughts, we hold onto the words of doing this or that or not.  100 times, 1000 times, Greek or Hebrew, even though we diligently do it with our own strength, that’s why we need a guide so we can discover the gospel. It’s not something you need to do, it just happens, so you don’t need to do your walk of faith; it just happens.  When God does it, it just naturally happens, but when I have to do it, I just do it.  Because I do it, my spirit and emotions break down, and this is relayed to the next generation, and this bad thing will be relayed to the next generation.

Nothing is more sad than this.  The Jewish people lost hold of the Word, and they knew the Bible so well, but they went in an incorrect direction.  They understood, “I need to follow the Word so I’m considered righteous,” they don’t understand.  There are many church members like that, most church members are like that.  Those who have a lot of will or grit will stay. Others will say it’s too hard and will run, but some will think, “They don’t do anything and just enjoy!” Ignore such people.  It’s not useless things, because ultimately, answers no one else receives will follow, then you realize, “Oh, that’s the gospel.  There’s nothing we need to do because God naturally does it an fulfills it on His own.  You don’t need to imitate it or pretend to do it, but when you have “only,” I will naturally follow.

 Many Hispanics can gather for the Hispanic Upper Room, and I don’t have to give the message, but someone who speaks their language can do it. I’m so happy and overjoyed, anyone who speaks Spanish can come, and I’m hoping for disciples to arise in each region.  I told her to listen to this message and to relay it to others.  I didn’t say things before because it wasn’t the time.  When you’re at a stage where you can influence people in the region around you, that’s when I speak, and the Assistant Pastor had a great idea of inviting Mongolians to worship at 7pm, and the more I think about it, how great is this answer?  Korean people will not be able to touch it.  They can have this worship system on their own, so they can praise and lead the worship however they want, and the message will be from us until the messenger is raised as a disciple. There’s nothing else.  All the churches do their own thing according to what God desires, but there are no other churches that do this.

We still have Karen missions, we don’t know how God will work, and when we go into “only,” such answers arise.  Why do we go to so many places? God opened these doors to these missions fields.  I received a call while we were in Navajo from Pastor Song in Phoenix, “You could have called us!”  She was in Phoenix and couldn’t do much, and no works were arising, so she pleaded with me, “I’ll go to Navajo and it’s only 1-2 hours away, and I can help,” so for me, I relayed this baton to the mission to Tiffany already. I’m no longer in charge.  So it’s great if she joins us or not, but the time schedule has already passed onto the next generation.  It’s not because we have tried to do this on our own but God had allowed it. 

Now these upcoming remnants will be entrusted a region, and I tell them to come to this message.  If we don’t know this, we can’t enjoy these blessings and answers.  Because they are English speakers, I tell them to do it because I’m not an English speaker.  Even for El Salvador, I say I can’t do it, but Senior Deaconess Song might be sick of doing it every day, but she says she is strengthened by it.  Fish need to be in water to live, but until now, “I know Spanish but what am I doing here?” She is a fish returned to the water.   From Sunday to Saturday, she’s on a zoom meeting at 7pm. We would get sick of it. We need to go to other places, so one person must go to one nation to relay “only.”  Then all the things you’ve done until now will be used by God.

God makes it so you can use it as a platform.   This isn’t something that just happens, but when the Word of God is rooted in me, this is relayed.  For the children’s retreat, my wife has been entrusted with a message, so she listened to the message until the early morning because she has to relay the message.  Before talking about diligence, God gave her strength, so she has leveled up.  These are the blessings.

Philippians 3:20

Our citizenship is in heaven and we receive spiritual blessings from there to do world evangelization.  Why do we enjoy the blessing of the throne of heaven in prayer?  That’s where all things come.  It’s okay if you’re alone because the Throne of Heaven is still open. It’s okay when Joseph was alone because the Throne of Heaven was still there.  So, he always had this channel in order to enjoy this blessing of 24. For those who know that this is the only thing they need, it will surely happen.  Some people enjoy once in awhile because they think they need other things.  I hope we will live for eternal things.

God we thank You.  May the life of the evangelist become our answers and may we be the ones to save the 237 nations.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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