Life of the Evangelist 62 Points – Mission

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist 62 Points – Mission

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

My daughter’s friend’s dad is an assistant pastor.  Last Sunday, her friend had a birthday party so I took her all the way to Orange County, but I had to go to Portland the next day.  He is an assistant pastor in a church in Orange County, and he graduated from Talbot, and he runs a copy machine business.  He used to come to our Wednesday night services, and we would talk about evangelism a lot. Yesterday, during prayer school, he gave me a call and we talked about evangelism.  

Last Sunday, I gave him the pulpit message, and he also listened to our Friday healing evangelism school message and a few other messages.  He told me he didn’t have an answer for evangelism.  I was about to tell him about the El Salvador missions, but he interrupted and asked, “How do I evangelize in my daily life? Even the pastors can’t do it.”  He tried evangelizing to students in Cal State Fullerton, and he tried to evangelize to his family, and nothing worked out.

So, he was wondering how to evangelize one-on-one.  You may not think the Way of Salvation is very much, but it’s amazing to such people.  I talked about the 62 points, “Can I get a book for this?”  I said, “You don’t need a book, these numbers aren’t meaningful. You must do this according to the Bible.”  When the Triune God is your “only,” everything follows. It’s not about memorizing the 62 points and studying them. 

He was someone who had worried about this a lot, “I feel that a lot of my worries have been resolved, can I contact you more often?” I said, “Of course you can.” The things you do now are rightful but also not rightful.  A large majority of people don’t realize how important these things are.  Even though we have the term, “Evangelist,” God is the One Who calls the evangelist to their work.  He seemed like a person of great faith and I wanted to talk to him more.  I’m not someone who tried to teach him, but we talked about facts based on the Bible.

 We don’t have to talk about what the organization is talking about, but we must talk about what the Bible says.  What did the Bible say is the problem of this world?  When the things God speaks of and the things we speak of are different, it doesn’t matter how much Bible study we do.


Satan was an angel who had fallen as he went against God, so this problem originated prior to Adam.  I’m not trying to emphasize what the organization is saying, but it’s biblical.  Before mankind was made, this fundamental problem existed.  The root of all problems is Satan, the evil one. He sinned against God and was corrupt. 


Because of Satan, sin entered Adam and Eve. Because they listened to Satan’s word, they fell into disbelief and sinned.


They have no choice but to live a hellish life on earth then they will go to hell.  What does it mean to be an evangelist?  This must be your answer.  Unbelievers get confused and misunderstand, “Because I believe in Christ, these problems have nothing to do with me,” and that’s the reason why they cannot enjoy “only Christ.”  I have come out of this authority of being enslaved to Satan and have moved to the Kingdom of God, but Satan deceives me with lies and his words


When I have Christ, I enjoy everything in Christ, but Satan deceives me to center on my own thoughts and experiences, using my nature against me.  The things I say will have no value, but they think, “I’m of great value,” they emphasize that they are right.  The words, “Christ” is correct, but we fight. Families fight against one another.  Churches fight in this way.  That’s what it means to be seized by Satan.  We have been liberated from this authority of Satan, but Satan deceives us with our experiences, thoughts, and nature, so we have no choice but to fall into sin of not wanting to believe in God.

I believe in my own God instead of the Word of God, but that’s what we call “sin.”  This must be solved first. Sin is a physical action and some people say very harsh words without knowing it, but besides that, we’re talking about the sin of not believing in God.   God is with me but I live as if I were not with God, seized by the world.  Even though I have only Christ, I lose hold of this.

Physical-Centered, Benefit

The sons of God married the daughters of men, whomever they chose, because they were beautiful.  Genesis 6.  Churches became physical-centered.  We need “myself” and physical things, but instead of Christ, we’re centered on such things.  People suffer because they think they’re under their own finances.  Knowledge is also given by God but we don’t agree to this because we think, “I’m the one who had to study all day and night for this,” but who is the one controlling the sun?  Who controls your life, who allows you to think with your brain?  People think it’s theirs, but the Bible says it is God’s, the Creator’s. 

They think they’re smart, “I a diligent,” but God is the one who gave this grace.  The person is very athletic but God allowed them to be athletic.  Why did God allow me to be born here instead of Africa? You’re focused on physical things.


We’re in the superpower nation of America and all these things are given as blessings and answers, but if we follow after that, we’re seized by three problems. Before only Christ, you can’t enjoy this.  That was the Israelites. They could have come out of Rome, but they couldn’t. Even though they came out of Egypt. So when you live a religious life, believing in Christ for yourself, being centered on yourself, you evangelize and do missions for yourself and success. “Only Christ” isn’t just a Word, but once you believe this, instinctively, these things will disappear.

When you don’t know this and you try to use the name of Jesus Christ, Satan knows.  “If I eat this fruit, I can become a great person and do great things,” they think, “Only if I go to America, I can become a If you don’t understand this, you may live a religious life. When he saw the church, he saw the fighting , but one day, it came to him that Jesus Christ based on these centers.  You hold the word in your heart.

Once Christ is your answer, the Kingdom of God comes upon you.

Acts 1:3

Jesus talked about the kingdom for 40 days. Before that, the disciples followed after Jesus for these centers, “If I follow Jesus, I will get to sit on His left and right.”  When Christ died and resurrected, only then was the Kingdom of God established and the mission given to them. This is what I shared with the Assistant Pastor, let’s talk about this. 

When being self-centered, they were enslaved by Assyria and taken captive to Babylon.

40 Days, Prayer, Word

When the Son of David Who is the King of Kings comes into my life, I can let go of my own life. Is it really only Christ?  Are you holding onto Christ based on these centers. Only Christ so you won’t be deceived. Not about how many camps you went to.  She kept praying, “God, why did this happen?” She realized where the problem was.  So her prayer changed and God works according to the Word.  Then she met a guy but he was so spiritually great, before this, she didn’t want to marry anyone, so she had a heart of wanting to marry him.  It was such a blessing of meeting.

I said, “Don’t tell your husband to keep coming to church, but come to church yourself and the influence will become clear.”  She’s a director of a great company organizing restaurants in Orange County, so it doesn’t matter what kind.  “You don’t have to drag your husband to church; come yourself and the influence comes upon your husband.” “I was going to force him but now I won’t.”  She came to America in her 20s and studied fashion design. God had guided her until now. 

Physical things are not the real thing; Christ is the real thing. See the real mission of God given to that person. The work God is doing.  These are the eyes of the evangelist and how evangelism takes place. Without seeing people around you, evangelism will not take place.  If you think evangelism is street or apartment evangelism, that’s not great.  “It’s not that we don’t need that, but if you see most of the self.

If you don’t have the location to embrace these people, more doors will open. A church members come this church and doesn’t matter if you go outside or not, jus tell where is God’s desire based upon? This.   It doesn’t matter if it’s the Old or New Testament, as long as it’s not from a comic book, they ran proclaim this as something biblical. Satan uses something

Acts 9:15

Paul met Christ on the road to Damascus. According to the Bible, he received the mission to establish only Christ.  The mission cannot continue if you’re not holding onto only Christ. “What about this regional church? I don’t want that; I want y apartment and to live in my life,” but you’re seized by the forces. They have no answer.

Mark 3:13-15

God called me to be with Him and to evangelize. But people feel burdened by living here. “Do I have to evangelize?” Why do they say such things?  They’re centered on me, physical things, and success.  They do it because they are wary and oppressed, but Satan knows this.  Only Christ is with me.  He is doing the work of evangelism through me, driving out demons, why?  “I’m going out to evangelize but why do I have to drive out demons?” I wondered for a long time.  No one told me about this but I wondered, “Why do I have to drive out demons?”

When you go out into the field, the demons bother you, so I was bothered. Without knowing the region, you must think of the evil spirits seizing the region.  “I must have this grace,” and it’s binary.  Are you using the authority to bind demons? You can’t overcome with your strength. This is establishing the kingdom of God. 

Matthew 12:28-29, Luke 11:20

First you must bind the strong man to be victorious in the field, but you can’t.  “America is hard to live in,” and you don’t know this so you complain about school, studying, or running a business, because the strong man is there.  First, bind the strong man.  Without doing that, you won’t receive answers and the life movement will not take place.  That’s why when you received the spirit of God and then drive out demons, the spirit of God has come upon you. If you don’t have these eyes and you think other things are the truth, you can go to seminary and become a pastor, but it’s the blind leading the blind, because the strong man isn’t bound. Satan lets people attack you.  That’s why there are murders, people hate and fight with one another. 

1 Corinthians 4:20

The Kingdom of God and the Holy Spirit is of power. You can’t overcome with your words. The world has a power I do not have, so we’re seized by evil spirits capturing Rome.  The person has great physical power but they are seized by Satan.  That’s the power of the Kingdom of God.  Christ, only the Holy Spirit, only the Kingdom of God.

If you’re not guided by the Word, your eyes are not opened. If you could open your spiritual eyes, you wouldn’t need this. Because your spiritual eyes are not opened, you cannot see the people in the field.  If you’re blind and you’re talking about methods, it doesn’t matter; your eyes must be opened first. People live centered on these things, but that’s the way to die. 

Romans 14:17

Eating and drinking well cannot solve anything.  Righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.  No matter how much happiness you find in this world, people have no choice but to get anxious as they do not have any righteousness, peace or joy in the Holy Spirit.  That’s not the Kingdom of God. The throne of heaven must be established upon me and the field and the entire world, then that’s when world evangelization will take place, and the content will be righteousness, peace and joy.

When this is relayed, then this peace comes upon you and your mental and spiritual problems disappear. This is the greatest gift you’ve received.  But you don’t realize how precious the Word of Christ is, so you’re only focused on eating and drinking. Is eating wrong? You must eat but that must not be the only thing. “If I become a President, I’ll eat well,” That’s not it.  “I have no power so I must eat less,” that’s not it, either.  Eating and living have value once you use that to shine the gospel to other people and to save lives.  I hope the more you like food, the more you can enjoy the Kingdom of God.

When people met Jesus, He first talked about eating because you do need it for your physical body, he had fish and said, “let’s first eat then talk.”  You may think, “Will I listen to this mission with a full belly?” It’s best if you can do this with a mission home where you can eat and talk together, it’s different based on your faith.  The goal of eating is to establish the kingdom of God.  What is the reason you go to a good school? To establish the Kingdom of God. The reason why I become a pastor is to establish the kingdom of God.

Why do I become a nurse? I give shots to people in their buttocks and establish the kingdom of God.  Without establishing the kingdom of God, it is of no use.  Why did she become a prosecutor?  They are great people, at first, I thought they weren’t that great, I didn’t realize what great works they are doing, but they do the work of protecting victims.  There are lawyers and defense attorneys but she helps victims.  That is why district attorneys seem to have a sword. It must be a sword of Christ because that sword saves.

Why are you a district attorney?  They have to be sharp, not clumsy.  How could she share the gospel in the court? She can’t.  She counsels people but is legally not allowed to share the gospel, so that’s why there’s YouTube.  I am a district attorney who counsels people and saves people.  You can do this on YouTube, it doesn’t matter.  I don’t know too much about the law, but there are a lot of laws, and certain laws enable you to tell people through YouTube.

The more you open up to your audience, the more followers you get. That’s not illegal, share the YouTube with the gospel, that’s not illegal. We live in an age where you can share the gospel so easily and it’s the same for teachers. It’s illegal to share the gospel as a teacher.  Because of COVID, people all over the world use YouTube and Zoom. God created such a great environment to share the gospel.  I hope you can enjoy this during this age and time schedule and relay it.


God, we thank You. May this life of the evangelist become my life.  Help us to see the 62 answers through only Christ, only God’s Kingdom, and only the Holy Spirit.  


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