Life of the Evangelist – 62 – Only

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist – 62 – Only

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Even without knowledge, we can only save people with God’s word, why is that?  because God Himself is the Word, the Word of God is life and it is light.  If you listen to the words of people, you’ll always be betrayed.  If you receive God’s Word, you’ll receive life to shine the light in the field.  The way Satan works the most is to prevent you from relaying the correct word of God, so when you face situations like this or that, God gives you the accurate Word, but Satan prevents that from happening.  Then, the Word of God doesn’t go into such people with spiritual problems, and they cannot relay this in the field as they themselves have not received that in the field. They evangelize when they succeed, but that won’t happen either.  When you succeed, something else will be in you. You can only save with God’s Word.

There are Satan’s 12 strategies, but confirm it in the field.  Earlier, when Rev. Ryu was giving the earliest training, he told us to see the field through the 6 states of the nonbeliever, and enjoying the seven blessings that escape from the states of the nonbeliever.  I didn’t understand what it meant to pray while seeing the six states of the nonbeliever in the field.  I was only interested in myself, so I didn’t understand why he said those words. I was only interested in my own suffering and problems, I didn’t really see the six states and confirm them; I thought it was another tool for evangelism.

Now, I realize you must be able to see the field in that way.  If you don’t see their problems accurately, you’ll diagnose them incorrectly and say incorrect words that people want to hear.  Those things are unnecessary; your life will be in vain. You may help them physically but not really. 

Satan – New Age

They seize you into thinking you are God, and the professors relay this to the children.  There’s a huge difference between a developed nation and an underdeveloped nation.  Developed nations don’t teach technical skills. What do they teach? They put in the ideologies with which America rules the world.  We send kids to school without understanding or knowing much, but America doesn’t care about those kids. The elites focus on them. They bring all these leaders and great minds into the world and make them America’s brains to rule the entire world.

What is America interested in?  They want all the American people to be aligned with the direction in which America leads the world.  “You are important.”

Me – Human Rights

Politicians rule places with human rights and attack places with human rights violations. Even when kids are young, they’re taught to not be racist. “Don’t use discriminatory words,” my wife would say something and my daughter would say, “That’s racist,” as she emphasizes what her teacher said. She knows, “We shouldn’t discriminate against people,” because if you start discriminating against people, the land of America will fragment and shatter.  In Korea, the schools teach the students technical skills and knowledge to save the nation, but the superpower nations teach ideology ever since they’re young. If you go to China, they don’t teach the kids that. 

Do you know why Communism invested so much to develop kindergarten?  The communists wanted to separate kids from their parents while they’re young to indoctrinate beliefs.  In North Korea, they have great afterschool programs set up even in elementary school to train them in ideologies so that they are no longer kids of their parents, but kids of the nation. 


There’s no word of God there. They’ve grown up with a great environment but they’re being educated with something else.  Now, kids go out like this and the world looks so different so they’re confused. They look at police brutality on African Americans.  I saw on the news recently that a black police officer abused a black civilian.  In the past, there were Caucasian police harassing blacks, but now it’s blacks harassing blacks.  That’s the education America desires.  They raise up kids to follow the ideologies of America.  If these things are not being followed, the kids get so upset.  Parents don’t know this, they think American education is great so they stay still but they’re just numb.

“You are the standard of everything,” they put this message into you through every single medium, books, music, movies, and these ideologies seize the children.


They do spiritual possession movements.  These people give a lot of influence to business people in society.  Because they have demon-possession power, they give influence to the successful.  But if you hear this, you feel like falling asleep because you think it’s irrelevant, but your kids will die. You yourselves don’t care; you’ll leave the earth soon, but your children will die.  “Oh, the church will take care of it,” but what are the parents doing?  You need to give them the correct education, spiritually and physically.

Jews, Mormon

The Mormons control 25-30% of America’s finances, and they made an entire region their own. Once you go there, you’ll realize the entire region is ruled by their laws.  Anyone who is caught doing drugs will be imprisoned, there’s not a single homeless person; they’re all in prison. There are no bars. These are outlawed by law.  But they rule within even stricter Mormon law.  Some see this as great, since it’s dangerous to send your kids outside, but with stricter laws, it’s great.  From ages 18-25, they have voluntary missionaries.  Right before they go to college, they take a two-year break to do missions trips, why? These young kids have this mentality.

Look at Christians, they have the weapon that can win, but the mentality of the people is falling asleep.  If you tell the Christians to take a two-year break and then go to college, not a single person would.  This person thinks studying is more important, and the Mormons emphasize this so much, but they conquer the finances, and the finances follow them. They have multiple airline conglomerates, they have so many enterprises from cosmetics to other businesses, so even though they have restrictive laws, they conquer the finances with laws. 

Even the people who received the spirit of demons go all in and give this to their kids.  This is the way Satan rules over America.  You need to know the spiritual background of the age of America to realize why God sent us to America and why we must do Temple Construction. God says this is relevant to us, but we find it irrelevant. We find ourselves too small.  God has given us the great tremendous mission, but we consider ourselves so small.  But that is not what the Lord has given us. 

Curses, Disasters, Hell, Suffering

If you want to talk about your answers, unbelievers work harder than you and people succeed without God all the time.  If you study hard, you can go to a good school and get a good job with your own efforts, but is that an answer? You can’t say it is not an answer, but we need to talk about the true answers.  You don’t know the real problem and answer, so believers are deceived by fake things and evangelism is impossible because you’re not able to see the correct things. You must know this.

Only Christ

I talk about “only Christ,” and some people say, “My business can work with only Christ,” but that person is wrong; they cannot see the spiritual background.

John 19:30

It’s like Siddhartha sitting beneath a tree and meditating. They already have spirituality with them, but they are unaware.  The spiritual problem has flowed down to me, but I hope you will not misunderstand. I do not look down on your suffering, but it shouldn’t just be that.  You need to confess, “The LORD is my Shepherd.” It’s true, you’re in difficulty in the valley of the shadow of death, but you don’t need to stress out.  Yes, if you’re in a difficult situation, you’re okay because the LORD is with you. That’s the forum you should make.

If something is difficult, don’t pretend that it’s not, but you must have the answer.  Yes, I’m like this, but because the Lord is with me, it is irrelevant to me. The problems of your past, present, and future are finished. Our names are written in the book of life. I used to be afraid of death as an nonbeliever, but I was afraid to be alone. See within them.

I was always filled with spiritual fear, so I lived with a roommate or went out drinking, and I always had to hang out with friends or call them.  It happened to be aligned with the culture of drinking or playing, but it was the culture of the spiritual background. What would happen if a girl was like that? Many girls are empty-minded like I was, they couldn’t be alone, they had to be with a man or a girl they can gossip with. Can our lives be like that? There are girls like that, it comes from their spiritual fear.

One day, the spirit comes to you as a fear of death.  You can’t even end it with spirituality because of your fear of death.  You can’t cross the street as you’re afraid to die. It seems you cross the street just fine, but do you think their mother would know? No.  Who would help me?  Only after I accepted Jesus Christ, I do concentration time in scheduled prayer, my fear goes away so now I like being alone.  If anything, I like being alone more than I like being with other people. What’s changed is my inner, spiritual state.  Aren’t others on this earth like me? Evangelism is just giving the answer to other people like myself. Is evangelism hard? It’s not.  You just need to meet someone like you. It’s difficult because you think God will give you unnecessary things.  Rev. Ryu says, “At the very least, I must evangelize to people like me,” that’s the bare minimum and how you stand as a witness. It’s so simple.

Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Satan, Mission

If I don’t have the Kingdom of God, I can’t teach others about it. 

Only the Holy Spirit, Power

The 3, 9, 3 prayer.  Everything is contained within that, and if you don’t know this, you’ll always pray the incorrect prayer.  Even if you’re praying an unnecessary prayer, you must pray this to know this well. If you don’t pray this prayer? Or if you do pray, God will enable you to know later on that you were wrong.  This is the 3. 9, 3 prayer based on this foundation

Heavenly mandate, calling, and mission

Heavenly Mandate. At least in America evangelism, there are so many elites and intellectuals. Tell them, “rightfulness,” but for them, they swear in the name of Jesus Christ.  They say, “Oh my God,” and in this field, without telling them correctly with rightfulness.

Rightful, necessary, and absolute plan

If you’re counseling with someone who has a problem, they have no choice but to face the problem, but if they hold onto Christ, they will necessarily receive the answer of the Kingdom of God, but they hold onto something else. If they hold onto the answer of the law, they receive the answer of fighting and division.  Rightful things have no choice but to materialize.

Tell your kids, what is God’s plan? For our family to go into the accurate gospel. I apologize to my daughter, “It’s because your dad is corrupted by Satan and Genesis 3.  I told my wife, these things trigger my spiritual problems so be careful.”  At first, she just listens but she would continue doing the thing, so she has to be careful if she wants to be comfortable. I don’t remain like this; she prays for me, that’s the Mission Home.  But if we hide ourselves, that’s not the solution.

If there are two women fighting, I get activated so don’t do that.  My parents fought so it triggered a scar, so I must tell them about my scar; they don’t understand.  They have their own lives but if they don’t tell me, they don’t know no matter how much we live together. “Why is she like that?” I have to keep enduring it, but the family is the mission home.  Of course, you need to tell other family members about Gen. 3.  I tell my daughter, “Your dad has this kind of spiritual problem, and you have the same problem, so you wake up angry, so pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit.” 

My daughter is angry every time she wakes up in the morning, and she throws temper tantrums. That’s when Satan attacks her the most.  Satan bothers her in the morning. “You feel bad? So what? Don’t be deceived. Receive the filling of the Holy Spirit; this is not you. If you’re seized by Satan in the morning, you’ll be offended the rest of the day,” but nobody teaches you this, they think this is life. 

What is the mission home? Tell your children the spiritual experiences that you’ve had. But if someone hasn’t been healed, they will be embarrassed and their problems continue down the family line.  Have you ever seen my daughter talk about my spiritual problems? We have forum about this, we have to talk about and forum about our weaknesses.  My wife is a little more high level, she’ll be gentle and indirect, but I’m hasty and impatient, so not everyone should be like me. We just immediately and directly say it, we cannot talk in a roundabout way. That’s how God made me. So even for America evangelism, I must directly bring disciples, raise them, and send them back out.  We must send the messages to Mongolia. We must go to Spanish countries but also send the Spanish translations to them.  In America, only our church has these translations.  This is an extreme example, God made me this way and uses me this way, so inside your family, you can work however God made you.  However, if you cannot share genuine forum with your children? Don’t talk about other people. The kids listen to everything. 

One heart, whole heart, continuation

Even gangsters have one heart.  One guy got into fights with Chinese gangs, he said he doesn’t join Korean gangs because they’re a little weird.  There was one time where the boss had $30,000 in his pocket, and someone stole it.  Most times, they look at who would do that, and kill them, but this time, the boss gave them $30,000 and told them to spend it.  “I’ll do this for you three times.”  Then, the pastor came to church and realized, “The church is way worse than a gang, there are so many betrayers here. Gangsters are better than churchgoers, because in the church if you hurt someone just slightly, they kick you out.”

He did drugs before and said, “The best way to smoke weed is by rolling it up in the pages of a Bible.”  I don’t know, maybe this is a thought the devil gave him, but the pages of the Bible are light and soft.  The pastor would go to MacArthur park and do ministry there, meeting with them one by one, two by two. He wasn’t trying anything but it happened to be like that.  The pastor said the churches have less integrity than gangsters, the gangs and organizations stay like this until now and continue with one heart.

For us, one heart as well, whole heart.  We stake our lives.

Only (Acts 1:1), uniqueness, and re-creation

The island of Yeongdo was not like Seoul, there were no skilled or wealthy people so why did God send him to Yeongdo?  He found that, and did Darakbang in 30 regions. He found his “only.”  Some people may say, “If we just start 30 meetings, we can have revival,” but the key is, find your “only.”  There are so many people who think we have to imitate the method and copy it, but instead of finding their own “only,” this strategy only works the first time.  Why?  The other person knows the strategy and adjusts so don’t do the same thing. Find your own “only,” and then you’ll have uniqueness that comes from the Triune God.

Gen. 41:38

The answer given to Pharaoh was his only and uniqueness.  It comes only from the background of God, then you will receive the evangelism that only you can do. Every church is different.  You can keep this in reference, but everything is different in the land of America, the time schedule of the region, you must find your “only.”  But many think they just have to repeat the training they received in Korea, but it’s not working. What is that training? “All you have to do is this, this, and this,” but did you receive training on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, then?  The guidance of the Holy Spirit is always different depending on the circumstance or situation. But they’re trained to only imitate, and it won’t work.  This shouldn’t work.

Rev. Ryu would not be able to use the same strategies to gain celebrities and talented people on Yeongdo island; in that region, there were fortune-tellers and what is my message?  There’s no method other than prayer.  That is why he did overnight prayers on Fridays because there’s no other answers than through prayer.  He didn’t look for the method, but in prayer, God guided him to evangelize the region.  You find your own way of evangelizing to the region, that’s prayer, and God give you the answer through the word of the pulpit message.

1 Samuel 16:13

David conquered all the land of Canaan, and this had never happened before and was never repeated. Why was David like this? He received the anointing of the oil, which is the filling of the Holy Spirit. But it’s not just mysticism, God gives the power to fulfill the Word and even monks and shamans have the gift of healing. Even demons have that power, then what about us? Why did the Holy Spirit give us power?  David was anointed with oil to do world evangelization. 

2 Kings 2:9-11

Elisha asked Elijah for a double portion of the Holy Spirit. Why? To educate his kids well? To buy a  house? Why did he do that.  Because that is how you will save the missionaries of the field. God pours the filling of the Holy Spirit to be upon us to save the field.   What power comes into us, and is it in correct?  If you want to save the world, “God’s power and authority contains everything you need,” so you go with this alone, and everything alone is prepared for saving that region.  The person who is able to believe this has freedom in their field; if not, the person must shake in fear.  If you don’t believe, it’s better to believe and go out in faith. The Lord fills you with power on Sunday so you can go out to save the field on Monday.

Starting from Monday, do the members of the church gather to go out with a mission to conquer the field on Monday? It is relentlessly myself.  Even though it’s already finished, they’re still deceived by themselves.  God said, “No reason to start by myself,” but it’s already finished.  Yes, it is true, you need the grace to feel the real thing. Satan won’t take pity on you.  If you don’t know this, you’re captives to Babylon so you’ll be dragged of by superpower nations.

The older you get, the more life experience and it will be a springboard to save the next generation.  Senior Deaconess Oh continues to go to school. If you’re waiting to die, that’s hell. You need to have a mission.

Acts 1:8

He says, “I will give you power,” not money or success. Concentrate on this power on the Lord’s day, then you’ll conquer the field starting Monday.  You need to conquer the field and have this victory so you can forum and share about the victory in the field to the next generation.  Don’t think about other things to be right or wrong. God’s word is the truth and it’s only, and if you have that state.

Acts 2:1

People pretend to be strong but shake on the side.  Don’t be deceived by their empty shell.  “Oh, I am really good at English,” but do you think a Korean person doesn’t have a spiritual problem.  I am sent to save those people. Go to work with these answers on Monday.  For people who come to Early Morning prayer, they begin every day like this.  If you’re not able to come to early Morning prayer, recharge on Friday night or Saturday worship. You can’t see it because your interest is in unnecessary things. It’s all throughout Sunday, but you come and just eat and leave.  God made all this for you, but you go your own way.

There’s no other answer. May you enjoy this blessing.

May the blessing of only, uniqueness, and re-creation be upon us. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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