Led by Thoughts of the Spirit (Romans 8:12-17)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Led by Thoughts of the Spirit (Romans 8:12-17)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

When the way of salvation flows out from you, you understand the Bible and how it applies to your life.  That is why I’m using this time for you to practice.

You just have to believe.  I believe that during this worship time, you will receive God’s grace and reaffirm God’s blessings.  “If I do this, it will work out; if I do that, it won’t.”  But the Bible doesn’t say that.  God guides and leads us even now, and when we believe this, we follow, and that’s why we are able to call God our Abba, Father.

This is because our identity has changed to a child of God.  A child doesn’t have to put up a good front to receive something; we are God’s children, so we just receive God’s power, but the world teaches us that we can only receive our own power with our own diligence and work.  Physically this is true but this is not true of the Kingdom of God.  God guides us according to the covenant He has given to us.  That’s why when we go out into the world and learn these things from school, we come to church but that gets in the way of what’s being taught here.  If I’m a child of God, I receive the guidance of the Spirit.  When you follow the Spirit of God, you see word fulfillment. I can never keep the Word of God because I say I want to.  That’s why it’s important to have summit time in which we go into the spirit of God and receive God’s guidance.

I woke up early in the morning and prayed to God.  I have this continuous pattern in which I pray, “Christ has overcome all curses, disasters, and the power of Satan, and He is with me.  Please rule over me so that my spirits, thoughts, and mind may be completely filled with the Holy Spirit. Give me the spiritual power to raise disciples and to do Temple Construction, not just any Temple Construction, but the Temple that can save the 237 nations. 

Then I pray it again, Christ Who has solved all problems, may You fill my entire being today.  Give me the wisdom and power in order to save the region of Los Angeles, California, and to raise 3 million disciples. Give me the blessing to do Temple Construction may the forces of darkness that cause unbelief be broken down in the name of Jesus Christ.  The I ask for physical power, all the way to human power, and that’s when I receive the power of the Holy Spirit.  There is a huge difference to when I receive the Holy Spirit and when I don’t. When the Spirit is within me, He holds onto my thoughts realistically.  

Without receiving the filling of the Holy Spirit, you may know the words in the Bible but you don’t have the experience. “I’ve listened to the words already,” what kind of state is that? It’s like Adam avoiding God. It happens even though you received grace yesterday.  It happens to me, so it can happen to you, and that’s normal. When I go into the covenant of Christ today, I receive power, so I pray for all my church members, then that’s it.  All is fulfilled within this.

I believe in this. When I receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, I change.  I do this every day, even if I don’t do anything else, I do this every day. I do this without a break. Before having this method of prayer, my thoughts were all over the place, but I edited my prayer topics so God made it so that I can design my field, until I realized I could pray like this.  If I think this prayer is lacking and I need to pray for other things, too, it means the Word hasn’t been edited yet.  When you’re able to edit the Word with seven prayer topics, prayer becomes so easy, and you just do that. 

They’re talking about the 70 disciples right now, but he had talked about the 30,000 and 3 million disciples.  We’ve been talking about the 70 tribes and nations all along, and as time passes, works arise.  In the beginning, without editing this Word, I prayed a little bit and stopped.  We just have to pray for that. I don’t pray for anything else because everything is contained within this.  When you go out into war, you have to go out with just one thing. If you have a lot of complicated things in your head, it’s hard.  You just need to have this one thing to do 24 hours, and if we had to do a lot of things, only smart people would be qualified for this, but even like me, someone not smart, can do this.  Whenever my daughter hears this, she thinks, “You’re not that smart.”  She says, “I think I’m dumb kind of like you, Dad.”  I reply, “I can brag about things but it’s a sermon so I must be humble.  Before Christ, everything is useless because our works, efforts, and intelligence cannot solve this problem.  My prayer topics are 24 hours, so I can’t pray about anything else.  Later on, works arise.


You must think about this covenant.  If you don’t know this, you think you have to put effort in the field, but when you know this, it naturally flows out. In the beginning, when our thoughts are not filled with the word of God, then we have to solve our problems.  We have such a great blessing, this is the time of worship and summit time.  Because the covenant came into Joseph, he was able to change the field.

Success and making your name great will follow, making your name great means everyone knows your name.  It means that you are at a high position in society so everyone knows who you are.  So, all things are incorporated within this, like your studies and talents and field.  God doesn’t work separately; He works through the field.  When you focus on the word of God and have summit time, you won’t change right away; the change takes place slowly, and God does things one by one, according to the time schedule.

Joseph received the Word of God after his mother passed away, the vision of doing world evangelization came into his heart. He already knew the gospel before that, that the sun and the moon would bow down to him.  He didn’t see it as a hallucination. If you don’t have the Word, that could happen, but in the Bible. God actually gives us the correct words into our thoughts and minds so we can follow after it, and this is what He solved first.

Seeing in advance means you know what will happen as it comes into your hearts and minds, and those who can see in advance won’t have to worry what they need to do.  It comes into our thoughts and mind, then into our brain.  We have a physical brain but also something is moving us, and this also determines our spiritual state.  This communicates with God. 

But if Satan is connected, we even have physical suffering. Some illnesses occur because of Satan, so physical diseases may arise. When you go out into the field, you face a life of suffering.  Where do you need to start? You need to start receiving the spiritual thoughts in your heart and mind.  Religious people will instead try to do some kind of action to move people in the field instead of believing God’s Word. Others have misconceptions, “They have great faith,” but why do they continue to fall.  They think by doing diligently, they can rise up.

Imagine you’re lost in a foreign country and you can’t speak the language and you’re lost?  Someone then comes up to you and can speak your language, that’s what the word of God is like. In the beginning you’re lost in darkness but the word comes to you as light, so that’s why you’re happy and this time is so important.  Even though you may fall asleep, God will still work, but you must positively stand before God and receive so much grace from the Word.

Because God knows me very well, He made it so that I was completely at the lowest of the lows so I could focus completely on the gospel.  At that time, I didn’t know, but now that I look back, I realize God was working perfectly according to His Word.  Once this Word became my root and nature, I didn’t listen to or believe what people said.  I never believed when other people said, “This person has great power,” but I don’t think that’s true.  These things will take place even if one person has God in their thoughts and minds. 

I don’t believe it when someone says, “This person has great power,” because God has greater power, and through one person, Joseph, Egypt was revived.  When the correct Word of God comes to you, then this Word will be relayed in the field, so that’s why, one person. You are the one person who will find the 70 disciples whom God has prepared.  That’s what we call grace.  What is worship? Worship is an important time to receive the gift.

Others have thoughts of the flesh, and eventually they face death in their life and in the field, and Satan continues to deceive them.  That’s why you must enjoy worship, “May the grace and the covenant of God come upon me in this time of worship today,” and when this word of God comes upon you, you’ll be healed and be so thankful. “God is the Word,” and that’s why we do the Word movement, not with other works. We cannot comfort anyone because we only come to life through the Word.

The gospel is the same, so this is rightful. This gospel must be established within us. The seven blessings must become ours.  Those are the blessings God had given to Abraham.  The blessing of saving the entire world is yours.  When your imprint, root, and nature change, you will see God moves in this way.  That’s why you need training. You can’t change a person’s thoughts.  God changes their thoughts.  The Holy Spirit needs to reveal this Word and to enlighten this to me.  That’s why we need great praise leaders. 

Today, I told Alexandria that her spiritual state was different from last week. This is revealed through music even if not with words. Even when the choir comes to life, that spiritual state will be relayed to the rest of the congregation.  If people continue to have thoughts of the flesh receive this kind of Word, they come to life.  So, Alexandria is participating in a musical, so I told her to do the musical with the spiritual strength in the covenant, and her spiritual state will be relayed to others, and that’s world evangelization.  That’s why God has given each and every one of us a talent and a skill. 

For music, you don’t need to know the language or concept, because it’s relayed through the rhythm and through music, people can dominate the world even when it’s in different languages. That’s the praise leader and choir, that’s the Levite tribe.  That’s why David’s choir was amazing, Through music, we need to change others’ spiritual state, that’s what I felt spiritually.  So, imagine if a demon-possessed person came here, then the demon will stir. You don’t need to say anything, if a person comes with a spiritual problem you can’t be glaring at them. God let them come to the church to receive spiritual blessings.

But we think legalistically, “That kind of person cannot come to church!”  But we need to change our thoughts into, “God has allowed this person to come to receive spiritual blessings and receive grace.  Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more, and the weaker the remnants are, the greater God’s grace will work. That’s why the thoughts of the flesh and the spirit are different.

I speak as a witness.   You may have gone to church for a long time but I haven’t.  Until I was in my 20s, I was completely an unbeliever, I learned to always win in a fight, I need to win in a competition.  One day, I received the grace of Jesus Christ, but my nature was still a nature of fighting, so even when I evangelize, I had to go out and win. I had this ideology to fight against others with the gospel, but you have to believe you’ve already won. It’s so simple but I tried to put in all this effort.  The more problems, we must believe the more God’s greater blessings will be, but we put in legalistic efforts to solve a problem.

Relaying the correct gospel is God’s guidance, you just have to look at me, not anyone else.  I was an unbeliever, I don’t even look at anyone else, just look at me.  I could have never changed like this.  Satan listens to what I’m saying and he knows this very well, too, and I know this better than myself.  Because you receive God’s greater grace in numerous amounts, you receive God’s greater blessings.  You know Jacob? He did the way of salvation, recorded it, and gave it to my wife, and I thought a pastor was speaking.  When his mom tells him to become a pastor, he doesn’t reject it, so I told his mom, “Let him do whatever he wants,” so he will eventually be a pastor so let him experience that.  If he doesn’t want to go to college, it’s okay because he has to experience such things to become a pastor.  This could be one of the fruits to raise a pastor, so there’s nothing to worry about.  

God has given everyone a talent.  I tell my daughter to become a pastor’s wife, but she says, “I hate pastors and pastor’s wives,” she has no heart for that, but some people have this heart and they must be raised up.  This is the same for all of you. I asked my daughter, “What do you want to be?” She said, “I don’t know.”  She dances a lot and says, “I want to be a model.”  She hasn’t studied this but she knows so many poses. Who knows what she will be, but God has given things to everyone. Go into the correct covenant and the Holy Spirit will work.

If you don’t have this, then you have no choice but to enforce on your children, “Sleep for 4 hours and you’ll pass the test.  Sleep for 5 and you’ll fail.”  While I studied, I continued to think this.  You just need to live according to what God has given you, then can you just live however you want?  No, that’s not the way. It can only go naturally if God has given you that talent, so the covenant, worship, summit time. Do this every day for 5 minutes.

If you think you need to sleep for only 4 hours to pass something, do this for 5 minutes. I’m not lying to you.  I’m not trying to include extra content to make my sermon better. I can see this, it is certain.  That’s why I value my early morning time the most.  Even though I don’t act well, God has given me the grace to have summit time every morning, so I enjoy the early morning.  I’m originally a type of person who sleeps very late and wakes up late, but once my time changed, I slowly changed.  That’s why, because you have a greater background than me and have received this blessing longer than me, you will be greater than me.


God, we t hank You.  Bless the remnants. From a young age, may this become their imprint, root, and nature.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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