Lack of Workers (Matthew 9:35-38)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Lack of Workers (Matthew 9:35-38)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

According to the word, there is a lack of workers. Even though Jesus was on the earth, He said there was a lack of workers and to pray for the Lord to send His workers into the harvest field. When we talk about workers, we are talking about the workers who work instead of Christ. These people are the ones who are able to witness who Jesus Christ is.

1. Gospel- Cross

And so the witnesses who are able to arise and witness about the gospel and the message of the cross. So those who are witnesses of the law can’t become workers .you have to become a witness who relays the work of Christ

Mankind can’t solve the problem of sin. And they cannot overcome the authority of Satan. And as a result, people are bound to live under the background of Hell and they have no choice but to suffer and they cannot solve this problem. This problem of mankind cannot be solved by mankind’s efforts. 

Only through God’s grace, the grace of Christ, is how you can be liberated from these problems. And this problem is what we call the spiritual problem, the fundamental problem. 

In other words, this is also the spiritual state. You need to understand this very well. If you can’t understand this well, then you cannot continue as Christ’s workers. 

Because mankind’s problems began from something that precedes the mental problems. It is this problem you cannot see, the spiritual problem. Because you can’t see the spiritual problems, that’s why the law comes out. Because you can’t see this state, that’s why you see the person’s mental state and their actions and you judge them based on that. Then you cannot be a worker who can be continuous. 

SO the workers need to know why Jesus came to this earth and they need to relay this to other people. So this isn’t just relaying the gospel the first time. 

If you perceive this as the first time you share the gospel, then it becomes a headache. So you need to understand this very well. Because continuously mankind’s problem is this problem. We need the workers who continuously change people from this state with the gospel. 

2. Word

We are also talking about the word in the gospel, so this isn’t the word in the law, but the word within the gospel. In the bible, there are a lot of words. Instead of the word in the gospel, people try to relay the law based on the actions that they see. Mankind’s problems are these 3 problems but if you do not relay the gospel, but the law, they can’t come to life. And that’s why you can’t save other people. This is very important. When you talk about the gospel, people think about just the way of salvation, but that is just a misunderstanding. 

So when we think about the gospel, people think about the 1 min, 2 min, 5 min, 10 min gospel, but that is a misconception, in order for you to continue, you need continuous words. 

3. Prayer – Evidence

And these people need to be able to pray with the Word and that becomes their evidence. 

So with your intellectual knowledge, you can do it a couple of times. But if you don’t have this evidence of this day, and word and prayer then you cannot continue. So when we first talked about this, we talked about being able to pray by yourself and you need to pray with the word God gave you. People who can’t do this can’t be continuous workers. They just do the actions but they cannot be workers. God is with me, but if I cannot pray then it means that I’m disconnected from Him. 

Someone told me that when they first believed, they thought that because they believe in God and God does everything for me, I don’t have to pray anymore. And that is true because you’re a child of God and God will take care of everything for you and there’s nothing you need to do. But how will I confirm that God has fulfilled everything? And how will I know that God has prepared everything? I receive guidance through prayer. 

If you can’t pray, it means that even though you received the blessing, you cannot enjoy it. These people cannot be workers. they might have a lot of knowledge about the word. But this word that is given to me must become my evidence through prayer. 

During the week, we received the word, With the Cross Let Us Save and Raise Other People. We cannot do it with anything else, we can only do it with the message of the cross. So with other words, the PHarisees ended up killing other people. Only the words of the gospel. And so we go together and save together. How do we save? “Oh you’re right, you’re wrong” that is how you kill other people. With the eyes of the gospel, you need to have peace and rise up together.. 

So when you go into the field and relay the gospel, if you do it for a long time,  the general number of people don’t like that. But there are certain people who need it to be long. So in China, apparently they request to have messages for several days and nights. So they don’t like it if the message is 30 minutes because they have such a hard journey getting there that they want the message for several days and nights. So you need to be able to relay the word based on what the field wants. So the speaker needs to be able to deliver the message for several days and nights. And if you don’t have time you should be able to relay in just one minute. If the other person has an hour, you must be able to relay it in an hour. 

And so you need to be trained to relay the word according to the state of the field. You as an individual give the word, you can do it for 5 hours or even 5 days and 6 nights.  But if you go into the field, you need to be able to evaluate the other person’s state and relay the word according to that state. What is the standard? The standard is the field. You need to do this and that. No, that’s not right. You need to do it matching the field. Then you will be able to save everybody. Relay the word in 5 minutes. For the people who can’t do it, they won’t be able to do it then. But that’s not right. There’s some people who cannot summarize things really well, those people will be used to save other people because other people like it if it’s very long. But if you can summarize it very shortly, then you will be used to relay it to other people who like it short. 

And so each individual has their own talent and they go into the field to relay the word, other people. To ultimately save the field. And this is the word given to me. And on Wednesday we learned about idols. What is that? What is an idol? When you lose hold of the covenant, that’s when you hold on to an idol. When Moses and the Israelites lost hold of the covenant, that’s when they held onto an idol. And in church, we get rid of that on Sunday. Because people go to church without knowing idolatry, we need to help change them. And that is the word and answer that Ireceived this week. 

When I went into the field myself, I realized that I don’t need to say these words in a complicated manner to just regular Christians. Because these people go to church but they don’t know what it means to believe. When you ask them what they believe, they don’t have an answer for that. “Why do you believe in Christianity?” they don’t have an answer for that so when you go to church just once and listen to the sermon that doesn’t really answer anything. 

So i explained what christinaity is. What does it mean to be a christina? When all aspects of your life are centered on Christ, that is a christian.  Musician is someone who can see everything according to music. Even when they hear a sound, they interpret it in a musical way. Christians see everything with the center of Christ. Just going to church doesn’ tmean you’re a chirstian. 

So in all aspects you see it with Christ and have the answer of Christ. And this is what I told the person. Why is that? It’s because our spiritual problems cannot be solved without Christ. Then toes that have nothing to do with me once I receive salvation? No, this state is always there. That’s why our spiritual state keeps going up and down. What is sin? Being separated from God. you accepted God but you constantly want to leave God and that is sin. 

Although Satan’s authority cannot capture me, he deceives me so that I leave God. and so Christians uselessly live this work in a hellish way. 

So I told this person there is no other problem for mankind. If you talk to some people, they say “I don’t like it when you talk about hell.” Some people say “I don’t like it when you talk about the bible in a complicated way” because they themselves are god. And for others, they go to a church for the first time, but they go to a weird church. And later on, they hear strange rumors that the pastor went to jail. 

The church may be like that and I’m not trying to take this person away from anywhere but I told this person that I’m here to relay this problem and the answer of Christ. 

A lot of people think that Christinaity is coming to church and listening to the message and leaving after benediction just as Buddhist monks, how they just go to the temple and attend. But there are actually a lot of people who think this way. And that’s why you ended up relaying the correct reason for christ. And the person who can continuously relay this is the worker. You can’t just relay it in one way. You need to do it in 30 seconds or if this person has a lot of time, you can do it for an hour. But the important thing is, do you know the reason without knowing the reason, by doing it short or long, it doesn’t matter. If you don’t know the other person’s state but you’re wondering if it should be short or long it doesn’t matter. Because you’re not able to get the point, and  Satan knows this. And so workers are the ones who always know why they need Christ. 

And through the 66 books of the bible, God gives us the word through the Sunday pulpit  message, if you don’t know this you have no choice but to follow after the word of the law. And when you pray holding on thot hsi word, you will receive the answer and the evidence. 

Then you will rise up as the witness and you don’t even have to talk about evangelism because you’ll just rise as a witness, and those who can continuously do this are workers. 

With the evidence you receive from the pulpit message, you will stand as a witness. If you can’t do this, then you can’t go to church very long. Because the church and the pulpit are not aligned. And because you’re only thinking of it as knowledge, you can’t continue. Church is not whether I like it or not. The church that I have is God’s will. 

The word that God gives is the pulpit. And these people will not crumble and will be able to continue. 

Where do we send out the workers? We send them out from the church. The headquarters training are things that assist this pulpit message. If you can’t listen to the pulpit message, you aren’t trained. Then you can’t continue and that person is within spiritual problems. 

In the church then and even now, there are too few workers. We need to pray for workers but we ourselves have to stand as workers. So instead of complaining this is lacking or this is lacking, you need to rise up and do that work. 

There are a lot of people who can ridicule others for not standing up but there are few people who actually stand and do the work. It is God’s will for you to rise up  to do God’s work. 

1.Forces of darkness’s greatest attack

Satan’s greatest strategie is  to bring down the workers. No matter how much grace you have, Satan doesn’t even bat an eye but once you rise up as a worker, more workers rise. So Satan will attack that. If workers do not rise up then the church can’t rise up. If the church can’t rise up then the church can’t save the field. And if you can’t save the field, then you can’t save the future generation. If all of the church members arise as the 70 workers, then Satan will be  in a frenzy. 

If the church just remains for 10-20 years to receive healing, thenSa tan loves it. Satna loves it when people just go to church to receive comfort for 10-20 years. They only know how to receive but don’t know how to give, that’s why they are children. What’s the difference between a child and an adult? Child just receives, but an adult gives. So spiritually are  you an adult or a child? If you do business in a childlike or adult-like manner it changes. So if you do it in a childlike manner, you don’t receive a lot. You only want to receive so you only know how to do business to that extent. Because you are spiritually a Child. When you spiritually mature then God will work upon you that way and he will work upon your business that way. Within your business you tend to be awake so that God will work according to the size of your vessel. 

There needs to be a lot of workers who are willing to devote then God will work upon us with the material things. And power. And so all of you sitting here today need to do this. Don’t worry about anyone else you need to be like this. 

The characteristic of a child is to always say “mom do this and do that for me” there’s no need for you to say that. I can do it. Then Godwill give the strength to raise the church and save the fields. 

God is waiting for the workers, the church members, who have the right motive who want to save the church and save the field. And Stn knows this very well. Satan doesn’t want these workers to rise up. Satan does his very best to attack the church. And that’s why when you know this you are able to bind the forces of darkness. 

That’s why in order to prevent workers from arising in the church, Satan attacks making people lose hold of the main things, causing them to fight. And so Satan makes it so that The church has no relation to Matthew 28. 

God told us that Satan is the one who attacks us and causes division. This is in Ephesians 6:10-18. 

In order to defend against Satan, we need to be strong in his might. Not within the law, but within the Lord. 

The law is something you have to do and Christ has already completed that. Christ has already made a way, I don’t have to make any effort. I just need to enjoy it. And so be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Enjoy the power that comes from the throne of heaven .

It is not about trying to strengthen my mental power, but instead I’m enjoying the mighty power that God gives. 

And assurance of salvation. Put on the helmet of salvation. And put on the breastplate of righteousness. The shield of faith. The belt of truth. The shoes that proclaim the gospel. The sword of the WOrd. Prepare yourself with the word, gospel, prayer, and evangelism. 

You ended up binding Satan with the word and going out and saving people but instead you’re waving the sword around like a stick. The only thing that can attack Satan is the word. So that’s why the sword of the holy spirit, which is the word. And this is how you raise workers. 

The prayer that allows us to communicate with the throne. This is how we fight against Satan. 

“Oh I’m so old so I don’t have to evangelize or have ministry” the more you say that the more you’ll become weaker. While you’re on this earth, it is a fight against Satan. 

Although there is an end to human life, Satan does not die or end. If pastors have this ideology of wanting to retire faster, then they will retire faster. You might be able to retire from your job, but you can’t retire from spiritual battle. “Oh because you are old, satan won’t attack you,” that is not true. Because Satan will deceive you and also attack your children. 

2. Interest

So number 2, where do the workers and the church members have to have their interest in. The church members must not be interested in the position. They cannot be interested in “my fame, my name.” That is Satan’s first target. 

“Oh I want to be comforted.” you might say that as a new-believer, but even if you are saying that as an adult, it will be difficult for you.  Although it is needed, you cannot overcome it. 

If you’re interested in love and receiving recognition, it will be difficult for you. You need to receive it but if you continuously want it, who will give you that continuously?  

And so the works that are hidden, the works that are small that you can’t see or seem kind of useless, those are the things you should be interested in. Those things, you don’t need to be concerned about positions, because those are things anyone can help with. When a new-believer coms, a new-believer training is helpful, but you can also help them individually, and you have to continuously help them so they can focus on the pulpit message next week. Those who do business well are different, those who cannot do business make it so it doesn’t work out. And so when new-believers come we want to help them be raised as a worker within the church. So we need to help them continuously so they can listen to and understand the pulpit message. New-believers need to be able to understand the message in order to continuously come to church. If they don’t know this but you relayit to them, that’s ministry. You can help them personally, or meet them one on one. Or share your forum with them. Then you can make it so that they concentrate on the word and think, “Oh so that’s what God’s word is” and so you need to continuously raise workers. If people are more focused on receiving healing more than giving healing, then that church is done. If churches are only filled with people who are spiritually a child, then they are lame. So you yourself need to be raised as a worker and give comfort instead of trying to receive comfort. There’s some people who say, “Oh, pastor, I’ve never heard a word of comfort.”  Is comforting someone true comfort? 

Christ has finished everything and true comfort is within that. Think about it. Is someone telling you “I understand what you’re going through” is that comfort or is Christ finishing it at the cross comfort? And that is why I continuously say Christ is comfort. If someone talks to you and pats your back.  Is that real comfort? 

So if non-believers come to you and try to comfort you by pouring you a drink, will that truly comfort you? No. True comfort and true love is helping them come to the church and receive the word. So I’m sure no one is going to say, “Oh, pastor, you don’t comfort anybody” because I comfort you through prayer and the word. Christ is comforting all of you through the word. That’s why the church must be interested in people. Jesus came to save people not to give us money so we need to be interested in saving people. If we’re more interested in something else rather than saving people, it’s going to be hard to be a worker. If a minister abandons their ministry because of the work they need to do, then they are not a worker. 

And so there was an assistant pastor who had a lot of children, but when i asked her, “have you done this?” she would say, “Oh I  couldn’t because of my child” so inside my head i thought, “Oh you need to stop” So it is important to tend to your child’s need physically, but what about the people who need the word? And satan knows this very well, and satan makes it so that you are continuously busy in your family so you cannot save others. 

 And so it’s very important for workers to see where their interest is. So every tuesday at 8:30 I always do ministry with a couple.Sometimes if they end up looking late, we push back the time, is ay it’s ok and i match that person, and  if the person says i cannot do tonight because of work, i say pick another night and i will match it to another schedule. Because that couple could only come to life if the word is continuously relayed to them. But if you think only about respecting their privacy or their space, then it wont work out.  

For example, imagine you forgot to feed your child one day, you need to feed them the next day. You can’t just say this is my style. You need to feed them. Because of their own frame, these people cannot save other people. 

So, this couple knows that I won’t skip a week, so they always try to make that time. So when I talked about the baby, i dont know how people thought. And you might think, “Oh, you are able to do this because you are a pastor” but its the same for everyone. 

I went to UC Irvine for 0ver 10 years every Tuesday, it isn’t a simple task. I am a person who does ministry in LA, Irvine has nothing to do with me, how could i even continue that? It was because I received the blessing in order to continue, I was able to continue. Because I’m not just a robot who blindly goes to Irvine and back. Because it’s a long drive. God has to give me that grace. 

And so one time I was driving there, I had the thought, “Oh, do I have to continue this?’ because there’s a lot of traffic. I thought, “Oh, if I did ministry in LA, I could do so much more” and so this was on my way to Irvine.And so most people ask, “How did you go to Irvine every week, for 10 years because it isn’t an easy task.”  So God gave me the characteristic that if I’m invested in something, I go all the way in that. I can’t change my course. While I was going, I was continuously thinking, do I have to keep going? Because I kept thinking it was a waste of time to drive back and forth. On my drive there, it was time to listen to a training message. And on the way back it was the same. But the drive was so long. And this was a situation where I didn’t know what the end was. And at the time, I had this thought. 

IF the car isn’t going to Irvine, where else would it go? The car has to just go the direction that God wants it to go. For us, we have this one sided thinking where we think “oh that’s such a long drive though” but that car has to drive somewhere. And since I had that thought, distance never mattered to me anymore. And God gave me that grace. So think about this logically. 

Imagine I go to San Diego for ministry, why would I go? In order to save lives there. If i don’t go that far, then where else would i go? In what direction will I use my car? 

What will I use my time for? So my car, my time that is there to save lives, and that’s the direction I follow. And so it doesn’t matter, so God gave me grace through my thoughts. When I tell people I did it for over 10 years, they are surprised. I can’t just stop it in the middle, but there was a pastor that came and took over the ministry and he came every week, and so I said “You can do it,” if not him, I would still be doing it. Because wherever you are you need to continue. 

BEcause if a pastor is stuck at home at that time, is that true happiness? IS being withi n their home true happiness? No that’s not. But we only have the thoughts of the world that’s centered on me.  

We only see the close things. And so we only race on for the things we can see in the present reality. So  we might fall into the practice of only doing the work that needs to be fulfilled at that moment. But  in order to see the future, then you need to raise workers. 

Of course you need to comfort, love, and heal others but if you can’t raise workers, then the church cannot continue,  and will be handicap. And that is why the church has to continuously raise workers to do great things. In other words, the eyes to see the field of evangelism. Not just seeing the field, but seeing where the golden fishing ground is. 

As I did evangelism, I realized there is a separate evangelism field. There is a location where a lot of people gather and that is the place you can do evangelism. Where did Paul go? He went into the markets, the courtyards. You might walk along the streets and meet someone by coincidence but that’s hard. 

The job where you can meet a lot of people, that’s where you can do evangelism. And Paul knew this. He had the eyes to see the field. Without knowing this, he just worked diligently. But later on I saw how God worked and I saw the similarities between the places he worked.  So you need to utilize your field very well. 

That is ultimately the field evangelism. It’s possible to do this at an apartment because a lot of people are living together. 

4. Prayer

You also need to have the prayer to raise the workers. Only when workers rise up can work take place and the vessel grow. So there’s training inside and outside of the church. Although you won’t rise up just because you do it quickly because with just the sunday message it is kind of hard.. Why? Because Jesus didn’t just meet people once. If Jesus met His people once a week on Sunday, then we can do that as well, but He didn’t do that. He met them every day. So we need to wholeheartedly focus on God. That is how you save time, so we need to put our hearts together and pray for the workers. 

Why do we pray together?  It is for that. 

5. Realistically- Nurture

Number 5,we don’t have knowledge about realistic things. We don’t have the knowledge to realistically nurture them. Because  we don’t have the knowledge, we can’t do the work. 

So Jesus trained the 12 disciples, the 70 workers, and then the 127 people.  

In 2 Timothy, Paul tells us how to nurture people and in verse one, he says, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. The people who are strong in God’s word and the pulpit message, these are the people who can continue. If you can’t do this, then you can’t stay in the church because you are not aligned with the pupit. Right? Because I need to be aligned with God’s  words,  if I’m not aligned with it, what else would I do? Because even if you’re in here, it doesn’t mean you are actually here .

I need to be aligned with the word of God and be strong within that Grace In order for me to go out and save others. If I leave it doesn’t matter to that church and if that person goes to another church, it doesn’t matter. Because ultimately that’s how they fail. That’s Why those who are strong within grace, within worship, within the word are the ones who can raise workers.  

And number 2 “and the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses, entrusted to reliable men.” He gave a specific direction and goal. He said to entrust to reliable men. It means there are reliable men who are prepared. Don’t entrust this word to not reliable men but entrust it to reliable men who will receive the word, and be nurtured within it. so don’t misunderstand. 

This gospel letter is a very powerful message. And of course you can utilize it but what are you going to do afterwards? Then that shows how they are lacking  knowledge in terms of how to nurture.

Even if you do the gospel letters, you have to incorporate the word you receive from the pulpit message and incorporate it into the gospel letter so that it continues. 

Even for Rev. Ryu, he doesn’t just relay the gospel message but he has the basis of the word that’s been continuously flowing in order to capture the flow of the message. So with the base of the grace that you receive from the sunday message, you attach the gospel message . if you can’t do this then after the gospel letters, you ‘ll do the new life, new meaning. But after that, there’s nothing else for you to do.  Then you lose hold of why i need to stand as a witness 

The gospel letter is just the word. The grace that you receive from the Sunday message with that you have your prayer topics and answers, and with that you stand as a witness and relay it to others. And then that is when the other person will be able to be churchified. 

Because I am holding onto the evidence that God has realistically given to me and I stand as witness. Then I am able to continue. When you come into the church there are different trainings so you can go to the one that matches you. 

Soldiers don’t just go out and say I need to do my things. No, they focus only on war. “Oh i’m just going to go home for a little bit” what kind of soldier is that? The person who is the absolute soldier who will continue this work. 

In verse 5, it says if anyone competes as an athlete he does not receive the victor’s crown unless he competes according to the rules. The realistic training. Don’t just do bible study but give them realistic answers to the problems of the field. When it says according to the rules, it means according to the word. There’s no need for you to think about your thoughts, that person won’t listen to you,  that person isn’t coming because of your own thoughts. I am a witness and that’s why I need to relay the rules and the origins of the gospel. 

Verse 6 says that “hardworking farmers will be first to receive the share of the crops.” the people who can be diligent. Farmers are diligent. Even if it is raining and it is cold, they wake up early in the morning to do their work. And farmers of their work right now in the field thinking about the corps that will bear. This is continuation.if the fruits bear in the fall but this farmer slacks off in the spring, will the fruits bear? 


In conclusion, we need to be the people who can receive the blessing of the pulpit and the word and be in prayer with this. The word that God gives to me. There is no this or that word. There is a biblical word. And that word can’t just become the word, it has to become my prayer. Because we have our own lives. We have our own lives we have to live. The word is the logo’s word. Changing this word as mine, that is prayer and that is incorporating and planning it into my life. Because everyday, our lives are different. That’s why we need prayer. If we have the word, but we don’t have prayer then it won’t work out.  

That person might have a lot of knowledge but it isn’t theirs. So they can’ become workers. Because when you pray, answers come. Either your thoughts change, or you had incorrect thoughts, or you see the answers that God gives. And when you meet other people you will surely be a witness. There is no other method of evangelism. Word and prayer is the method of evangelism. People who cannot have the word and pray, they cannot nurture others. To what extent do we need to relay the word, we need to do it. If it goes longer than that, it won’t continue. 

And when you praise, praise is also the message. You don’t just pick another praise. Because there is a message in the praise. And so you need all of this to nurture people. And so if you lay the background of praise, they will understand “oh this is praise.” so if you look up whatever praise song, and then background, then it has all the information.  And if you relay it to new believers they’ll understand “Oh this is why the praise says this’ ‘ and so instead of buying a lot of useless things, use it for offering.

A lot of people just end it with food. If you don’t want to offer food, then just do offering. Temple construction offering. Just drink water. If there’s a lot of useless things, then other things will occur. If you want to go long, you need to do this. You can;t stop in the middle because of your mood.

If you want to go the long run, you need to be able to do this. Look at marathon runners, they are able to go long because they don’t have excess fat. So they are able to do this in 1 or 2 hours. If you do it for 2-3 hours, it won’t continue even if the other person just plays and has no job. As time goes on, it will not be able to continue. So you need to set aside a certain time and follow that time. 

And so if you see the company Samsung, you can see how the CEO trains the workers. They give them the book, and they tell them to summarize the book in 5 pages, then summarize it in 2 pages, and then 1 page. Then you are just not writing whatever.  It’s not easy to cut off the excess things but forward just one page of an entire book. And that is what the messenger does. If the messenger says everything in a complicated way, it will not go long. In 20-30 minutes, you need to relay everything. 

You need to meditate, summarize, meditate, and summarize. You need to relay what you have received as grace, because if you add on anything else, it’s just useless. You can’t just try to adjust the word into a certain form.  

You might be able to do that to yourself but to other people, you have to relay the word that’s been given to you and prayer. 

If you have a person who needs to be evangelized, you stand as a witness and relay this word, if you don’t, then you just hold onto that and pray for evangelism.  And then you can add whatever supplemental materials like the gospel letters. You need to be able to do this training in order for you to raise the workers. Or the word that you receive grace from every week. Or the word that touched me. You use that to stand as a witness. So what does this mean? 

I stand as witness of the word that God has given to me during the week. If you don’t do this then it becomes knowledge. Then I am not a witness, I am just a teacher. And Satan knows this. He doesn’t run away with just knowledge. You stand in front of people as a witness with evidence that God has given and you don’t need sexcess words. And so a lot of these workers need to rise up.  Remnants need to rise up. That is God’s will. I hope you have this blessing. 


God we thank you, through Healing Evangelism School may the worker rise up. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  

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