Know the Importance of and Use Your Talent for the Church to Save Myself and the Field (Numbers 34:1-15)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Know the Importance of and Use Your Talent for the Church to Save Myself and the Field (Numbers 34:1-15)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

We will share the word of God from the entire chapter of Numbers 34.  In Numbers 34, after they go into the land of Canaan, God is telling them how to divy up the land.  Then, starting from Numbers 34:16, He talks about the names of the people who will be in charge of each of the regions, in other words, the 70 workers, the leaders.

As soon as God called Abraham, He told him to go to the land of Canaan.  Before Abraham received salvation, the land of Canaan was irrelevant to him.  Before Abraham received salvation, his life in the Ur of Chaldeans, was always focused on how can I make a living and how could he succeed. Because his strength was lacking for that endeavor, he had to serve idols. That’s a life that all mankind has lived, and everyone is bound to live that way if they do not know God.  

We are liberated from this only if we know Christ through the gospel.  I am no longer myself but my life is now Christ living within me.  Christ gives us His Word and then guides us.  So, the saved people of God listen to the correct Word of God and then follow, then there’s no reason to listen to the words of people, and my own personal thoughts are also unnecessary, why? Because God is with me.

Satan will keep tempting the saved people of God, telling us to live according to our thoughts, to do things according to what we’ve learned.  Then, you will never enter Canaan; you will end up going back to Egypt.  Christians fail from the thoughts in their heart.  Without a doubt, God has prepared the land of Canaan for them, but the problem is, Christians fall into, “How can I go back to Egypt and live a good life again?” Or, because they cannot go back to Egypt, they just wander back and forth in the wilderness and then die.  You have to quickly renew yourself.

If life worked out the way you thought, then the Lord would not have come to earth, and if everything worked out according to the words of the loudest or most assertive person, we wouldn’t need the Bible. If the leader were the most powerful person and could control everything, we would not need GOd’s Word.  But when I save myself, I can only come to life when I no oone neger hold onto myself, but the word of God instead. The fact that we’ve received salvation means the problems of our past, present, and future are completely finished. If we don’t hold onto that then we will slip back into our past.  

If we do not hold onto this, then we get sucked into the present reality and the problems we’re facing, or we’re going to get stuck in the worries and fears of the future and die that way.  Therefore, you must hold onto the covenant of only Christ Who finished all problems, and God will guide you until that takes place. It doesn’t matter how much you pray holding onto your own thoughts, the only answer you’ll receive is that you have to change your thoughts. Answers do not come according to your thoughts. Maybe demons might do that, but God will only work according to the promises He gave.  

So, if you’ve lived your walk of faith for a long time and it’s still not working out for you, you have to change yourself.  You have to quickly let go of your stubbornness, your assertions, your experiences, and your thoughts, because you’re already dead. Even your powerlessness is not your own; let go of that as well. Quickly go into the covenant of Christ.  

Such people can hear God’s Word; on the other hand, people who live with their own thoughts cannot receive God’s Word because it doesn’t matter how much God gives them His Word; they keep living with their own thoughts. It’s not that they want to, but it’s because the covenant of god hasn’t gone into them yet, then when they face a problem, it’s an actual problem for them because they cannot overcome their problem with their own abilities, why? Because they’ve continuously lived according to their own thoughts. But for the people who hold to the covenant the problem is an answer, then nothing will be a problem for you.

Conquering Canaan is God’s plan.  God never told the Israelites to conquer Canaan with their own strength; God said to do it with God’s strength.  That’s why God is telling us to do it with the filling and working of the Holy Spirit.  If we lose hold of that mystery of prayer, we will be colonized by the world. People who use their own thoughts and brain will be enslaved by Satan.  I’m not telling you to not use your brain, but I’m saying use your brain in the word of God and the working of the holy spirit.  Otherwise, if you’re trying to spin your brain this way and that way, you’ll be seized by the devil, and after next year passes, you collapsed again, but that person doesn’t realize why their doing that, It’s because they’ve trusted in their own thoughts, it’s because they trust their own brains that aren’t even that smart. Inside of God’s power will follow wisdom.  Money follows within that.  But instead of relying on God’s power, we keep trying to solve things with our own brain. Your brain is perfect for being enslaved to the world and the devil, and it doesn’t matter how much things work out according to your thoughts, you’ll still be enslaved by the devil. 

That’s why we need the strength of prayer.  Prayer is a blessing, why? Because we can only conquer Canaan with the power of God.  Only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you will you receive power and become a witness. If you’re not able to evangelize, it’s because you lack the power of prayer. If you lack the power of prayer, it’s because you don’t yet have the answer of the gospel. You’re relentlessly living centered on me, my plans, and material things.  That’s why evenagelims cannot take place, and world evangelization cannot take place.  

Then ultimately, we’re taken captive by the physical things within Satan, and we’re relaying this from generation to generation, down to our children, and that’s why the Ten Commandments says this curse will go down three to four generations.  But everything has already been given to us by God’s Word. you have to quickly save yourself through the blessing of the throne of heaven.  What do you think is the throne of heaven? It’s enjoying Christ and the strength of prayer.  It’s enjoying GOd’s plan, not my plan, but God’s plan of world evangelization as your own. 

You individually have to come to life in order for the darkness to be broken down in the family line.  No matter what you do, you cannot escape from the problems of your family line> It doesn’t matter if your family line is a believing one or not.  

When God told them to conquer the land of Canaan, He didn’t tell them to go individually, but as a whole. That’s the blessing of the church.  God didn’t send Abraham individually into the land of Canaan, but He sent in all the people of the 12 tribes into Canaan, and that’s why God told them to build the Tabernacle, why?  Because that’s the method for God to be with them.  

The Tabernacle is the place that breaks down all the curses of Israel and where God’s blessings are established, and even the materials to prepare the tabernacle were by God.  The reason we talk about the Temple is because that’s God’s method, and the people who understand this will receive the economy of light.  

But people who don’t understand this will live by their own standards, so they will stay at their own level. They give the five different sacrifices at the Tabernacle.  They have the five different offerings, the fellowship offering, the burnt offering, etc., and at the very end, there’s the atonement offering, what’s that?  That’s worship. The five different blessings come upon worship and God said, “When you come to worship, don’t come with an empty hand, but with the economy of light.  That’s how you save the church. You use this to do world evangelization, and that’s why gathering together to form the church is God’s method.

Then what do we do in the church? We heal, because all the people who come to church are still so entrenched in their Genesis 3, 6, and 11.  That’s why Matthew 28:19, Jesus Christ says, “Teach them to obey everything I have taught you,” so you raise up the 70 workers and commission them out.  So, the church isn’t just a place where you come to eat and play.  The church isn’t a place where you come to meet other immigrants, hang out for one day in the week and then go home. The church is the place where you hold to the Word, receive his strength, receive strength together.  The people who have the Word of God will raise up the people who don’t have the Word of God, and then we relay that to the next generation. That’s the church and that’s why the church has roles because God gives you the blessing through this position to do what you have to do.  

People who don’t know the blessing of the church yet just go back and forth.  They don’t know the church yet. The church is a place where everyone has their role to save.  Worship is the place where the blessings of the throne of heaven are coming on earth, but if we don’t know this blessing people are losing hold of worship; they don’t know what worship is.  The reason God told them to make the Tabernacle in the wilderness is so they can worship. Why do we lose hold of worship? Because we prioritize the  world over worship. Ultimately, their enslaved by the devil.  So after so much repetition of this, they still don’t realize, that’s why we need God’s grace, that’s why we must save the church.  We save ourselves and we save the church.  

We give the 10 minute message after the second message and go to the class, because you cannot give this message when you go out into the world.  To what extent do you have to be?  You have to be at a point where you can listen to the problems of other people and give them the answer directly, and if you’re not at that level, receive training, because we cannot do that yet, and that’s why we train.  You’re not just explaining everything you know, that’s just how we practice, but when you talk to someone, you should be able to diagnose someone and give them the answer, just like when you go into battle, you have to be able to shoot people with accurately, if you say,  “I’ll just fire randomly and hopefully one bullet will hit,” that’s not right. This is what the church does, if someone cannot do this yet, then the people who can do this have to contribute, and then we take this and conquer the field with it.

We’re not doing this by memorizing the message, maybe you can start that way, but when your spiritual eyes open, you don’t need to memorize like that. Even if you don’t have any basis, you have to be able to nurture others even if you don’t have a Bible in front of you, because God gives you His Word through the pulpit.  We need to be at that level to nurture other people.  What happens if you run out of the ten gospel letters and finish the New Life, New Living series?  What is the entire doctrine teaching us? You have to know this to save yourselves and to save others, and that’s why the church is a place that saves and heals.

That’s why the church is the place of the 237 healing and summit. Various types of people come to church, some people put up a front like they’re already perfect.  So you need to first lower your head and start from the lowest position, for example, just practice shooting by pulling the trigger. If you go directly into battle, you’ll die. You have to practice shooting low on the ground. Just because you put on a soldier’s uniform doesn’t mean you’re a soldier, you have to be able to kill someone with just one shot, and that doesn’t take place overnight.  Simply put, the church is a place of rest, but it’s also a training ground Jesus Christ uses before sending us out to the world. 

It’s also a school that teaches because God told us to teach and to heal, to do what? To send them out. We are not remaining locked in the church; we are used to save the world. So, this year, you have the roles you’ve been given in the church. Try doing that in prayer. You must never ever do that with your own experiences, then without a doubt, you will not be able to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If you’re doing this with your own experiences, you don’t need the Holy Spirit and you don’t need Jesus because you’re going to do something with your own experiences anyway. That’s not right, this situation changed all the time. 

With your experiences as your basis, you must receive the guidance of teh Holy Spirit, because everything is changing; the circumstance, and the time, and that’s why you serve with the power of prayer.  If someone isn’t able to pray, they will struggle.  They’re always going to have conflicting thoughts, but if someone prays, even if they just do one thing, they’re going to receive detailed guidance. That’s what we’re training to do in the church. We’re not training to speak perfectly, we are training to receive the accurate message of God holding onto His promise.  When we go out into the field, what do we do? We enjoy this blessing.  

People who aren’t able to enjoy this blessing will go into the field and get sucked into “me,” Genesis 6, material things, and my own plans, in Genesis 11 again. One day, when their Genesis 3, 6, and 11 changes into the throne of heaven, God will work upon them, and we train the individuals in the church to do that.  But instead, people go out into the field, and immediately, they’re centered on “me,” material things, and “my plans,” then of course they are seized by Satan. We have to completely change that into God’s covenant.

The day when it changes into the throne of heaven, of only Jesus Christ, only world evangelization, only the Holy Spirit, then God’s blessings are bound to come upon you.  That’s when the economy of light that God uses to save people will be upon you, but people misunderstand.  They relentlessly are focused on “me,” material things, and “my plans,” and praying for God to give them the economy of light.  God’s economy of light doesn’t go there, because inside of you, you’re holding onto yourself, then Satan is going to come upon you instead.  The economy will come upon you, but it’s the economy of darkness; in other words, you’re going to make money, but you’ll end up wasting it all away because the darkness is holding onto us, so you cannot use it for world evangelization.  

Especially businesspeople, you have to receive training properly.  I think most people will think about it very religiously like this, “In the year 2022, God is going to give me the economy of light because he gave me his word,” but when does this actually take place?  When you change from the inside, when it’s changed into the throne of heaven. Not me, but only Christ.  Not my power and calculations, but by the power of God’s prayer. Not my plans, but when I go into God’s plans for world evangelization, God will begin to work.

That’s why there’s a certain thing with which you must go into the field, just as God has divvied up all the boundaries and the regions. There’s a mission entrusted to you.  Businesspeople, you must use your job as an instrument and do that work to find and save people.  But most professionals think about how they can work well.  Then, those thoughts are not aligned with Numbers 34.  Without a doubt, God says to go and conquer.  He never told you to go back to Egypt according to your thoughts; He told you to conquer. In other words, break down the kingdom of Satan and change it into God’s kingdom.  In other words, save people. “Use my business as an instrument to save these people.

But instead, all our businesses are focused on physical things, “What do we have to do?  How can we make a living?” Then of course we’re enslaved by Satan.  However, for the people who have reached their time schedule, God will use their business to do the life-saving movement and the disciple-movement. That’s the exact same content as Numbers 34.  Your business that God has prepared, God will divide the land according to the tribes.  This is not a life of diligently working hard as you did in Egypt for “me,” material things, and success.

There’s something else God has prepared, there’s the economy of light and the businesses to save people.  When the next generation aligns themselves to that mission, of course their talent will be revealed. You have to quickly change your imprint, root, nature.  If you’re using your studies and jobs as instruments to eat and survive, you have to change that from Genesis 3 and Genesis 6, but you still have that so you serve idols and live a religious life.  But the one day when that changes into the blessing of the throne of heaven, then God’s blessings will come to you.  

Our God-given blessings are so perfect. Those who understand God’s Word are bound to keep listening.  But if people are only isnteingin with their calculations in mind, then their going to stop listening and go where that will benefit their business more.  Like idolatry or religion, there are people that are so focused on their business they say, “Is God going to help or not?”  Some people hop from church to church to church, and if there’s a church that helps their business, they say, “This is the best church.”

Those people have not receive the word of God prospect later all, but those people exist, they’re exactly the same as in all the religions, as these Shamans, and idol worshipers, because that person’s background is shamanism, and religion, and fortune telling. You have to quickly escape from that for God)s rightful blessing to come to you more quickly.  

Especially our next generation, what are you rooted in more deeply, are you thinking of your studies as a way to make a living and as a tool, or are you more deeply rooted in using it for God?  That’s why we’re told to do the future camp where we meditate on the Word of God with the next generations.  The future camp is the camp for world evangelization. 

Secondly, the prayer camp is for power, to receive the healing to receive the power to save the 237 nations, then your talent will naturally be revealed. That means God has prepared the talent for you with which you do world evangelization, but if you’re trying to look for it so you can make a living, you’re going to fall into the same problems, then your entire family line from generation to generation will continue to be enslaved.  The church is the place that correctly changes this in the students, so they can do world evangelization.  

No matter where you look in the Bible, Old or New Testament, these words are correct, then you have no idea how simple our lives are.  You have no idea what you’re thinking; it doesn’t matter what your level or standard is because Christ is inside of you. The only problem is that you keep falling into your thoughts and your level. Then when you pray to the covenant in the field, God’s Holy Spirit fills you.  

Otherwise, how can we do America and world evangelization? I can’t even evangelize to my own daughter. You pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit and you pray for the field.  If you just do that, because it’s God’s covenant, it will work. Just keep doing this, and as you work, God will work according to His time schedule.  

We have to give this to the next generation to send them out. It’s not enough to just have them give them worship once on a Sunday, do you know why? Because they don’t listen to the Word of God even one hour the rest of the week, then what are they going to do the rest of the week? It’s just things of the world.  They’re continuously rooting down into the things of the world what do you think is going to happen, even if you just look at it on the cursory level, you come to the conclusion, “It’s not enough,” and that’s why Jesus Christ took his disciples with him and trained them 24 hours a day, completely uprooting them.  At first it seems like that’s hard, but it gets easier and easier. That’s how you raise the next generation to the summit, that’s how you do world evangelization.  

For you guys, receive the answer of the 70 workers, but your imprint, root, nature are elsewhere, so you’re going to shake back and forth, but the way for you to quickly resolve that is to pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit. Quickly pray to let go of your old self and to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and keep doing that. Then, it takes place in your field.  Because the filling of the holy spirit is taking place, even if you don’t pray for things like money, money will follow you.  The reason you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit is to be a witness to the ends of the earth, but we’re not able to do that.  

If you’re trying to receive the filling of the holy spirit without being a witness until the ends of the earth, you’re going to keep going towards unhealthy mysticism. God promised you the filling of the holy spirit for world evangelization, and that’s so easy, but you’re not able to do it.  Do this every day, then the five powers come upon you. This happens even if you have nothing because the Holy Spirit is working, so the five powers follow.  What are the five powers? It  means God is going to give you all the strength you need to go and make disciples of all nations and to save them. 

You need to receive this power as you do your work in church. If you’ve been given a task, it’s going to be hard only because you’re trying to do it. If God has truly given you this task, and you pray for it, then God will work on it. You have to see God’s answers like that in order for you to receive answers in the Worley jobs as well.  If you’re entrusted with a role in church, don’t say you can’t do it. Can you do your work in the world? You don’t do that either, and if you can’t do that, you’ll be poor, and if you can do it, then the five powers will follow you.

Ultimately it’s your faith. You’re not doing it with your power. If this is something God needs, God will do it.  That’s the place to practice and train in the church.  “If no one else is doing this, then I will do this,” then ultimately wait and see, you’ll see the evidence that God is alive. You’re just doing it alone because you say you don’t want to do it, then ultimately that person will crumble and I’ll receive the answers don’t be like that; do it with faith.

If this is something God really needs, God is bound to work upon it, but if it’s an unnecessary task, you should not do that. We need to eat because God says He will take care of all our physical needs, and He takes care of it through people.  So as soon as we had the roster out, it should have been filled up immediately. You shouldn’t be too timid about putting your name and taking it out. I was tempted to put my name in all the spots. If I was a business person, I would use my business to feed everyone’s lunch for the whole year. You have to think that way. No need to put your name down and then erase it. If you don’t want to do it, I’ll do it. For example, someone needs to have that level of faith.

Is your business not even able to do that? Then what kind of economy of light are you expecting for your business? If you do that, then God will work so that this happens.  The reason I’m able to speak so boldly is because even though I’ve had so little, I’ve seen how God has worked in that way.  That’s God’s method.

Honestly speaking, church is a blessing, but it doesn’t help us make money. The reason Jesus Christ was born in a manger instead of a palace is to take away all the people who have ulterior motives. God did that to take away all the people that have calculations for something else. If you look at the church, the people who calculate and manipulate will not be there. Only the people with faith will do that. That’s their blessing. God is testing us, and that’s this week’s Word.  

God prepared the blessings to give you, but He tests your faith first. Do you really want the economy of light?  Then He will give you something you cannot do with your own strength, and then He judges, “We’ll delay you a little longer,” or you will overcome. Is this what God needs?  If it is what God needs, then you’ll go even in depth to do it, but if it’s not what God needs, don’t do it. You keep on wasting time with things God doesn’t need, so you cannot do what he really needs, then you keep wasting your money on unnecessary things, why?  Because it depends on the center of the person’s heart.

Not even I know how great of a blessing the church is.  I used to be an unbeliever.  I’m sure you don’t know unbelievers very well, for people who’ve gone to church for a long time, it’s possible that you don’t know the way the nonbelievers were educated and brought up. They’re so strongly forced into Genesis 3, 6, and 11, and later on, they’ll fall.  But now that I’m in the church, I realize that all the blessings are in the church.  “You can be a presider in the church, you can be the interpreter in the church,” otherwise, how else would Esther be able to preside and come out and sing praises? But God allows people to do things like this. 

FOr example, people have to go to academies and tutoring to learn the things Tiffany learned. THey have to pay money to learn how to interpret. But what a blessing the church is.  These people get paid to do it.  Realistically speaking, they should be paid to do this work, but instead we give them a stipend just so they won’t run away; it’s not a real compensation, but people try to get compensated by the church, then when you go out into the world, the economy of light has been prepared for you, but you don’t get it.

For people in the church, you have to receive the economy God has prepared for you from the business in the world; you shouldn’t try to get money from the church.  “I will be the host of the church, I will feed everyone here” hold onto that covenant. “I will be the first to write down my name on this roster,” but there’s a big gap between my thoughts and my actions, then just wait, “It’s not my time schedule yet.” There shouldn’t be any empty slots. Try it.  Goodness gracious, are the slots full yet? It’s so frustrating sometimes. You’re going to be so stingy trying to get money then you lose all of it. Because you don’t use it when you need to use it, it’s being wasted somewhere else.  Do it in the place God really needs.

If you want to run a proper business, you have to raise the proper business people with proper faith.  “Do I have to give offering for temple construction?” If this is God’s will, I just put it in.  If you’re conflicted about this, I hope you will be renewed.  What am I saying?  God is doing world evangelization and He built the Tabernacle for that.  He says, “Raise up the next generation,” and God tells you through His Word as the 70 workers to save the field, then that’s how we need to be led, and God is going to work according to His Word. 

Then the church is preparing one by one to allow people to do that, but in reality, we come to church and we don’t want to do it.  We just want to hang out and play and do whatever we want.  Chagne your nature of slavery.  You should be used to change your nature to learn and be used in the Word.  Use yourself to teach other people, to raise other people, and heal them.

Does this hurt your pride? That’s why you’re used by Satan out in the world. What pride is there before God’s Word?  It doesn’t matter who’s giving you the Word; you’re standing before God, and all this takes place within the church.  That’s why the church knows what you do wrong, but they forgive you, but your job, they would fire you from your job, so the church is good, because the church is a place where, even if you make a mistake, they will forgive you and embrace you. If you do the same things in your business in the world, their going to fire you immediately. 

So you have no idea how important the church is for raising up people and children.  So, use your talent for the church.  If there’s an instrument you know, don’t use it to make money out of the world, but use it for the church properly.  If you majored in accounting, go into the treasury department and serve the church through that. If you know an instrument, there’s no need to boast about it, but use it to praise God.  Doctors, don’t use that skill in the world, but come and use it for the church. That’s the reason God gave you that talent. He didn’t send you to medical school to make a lot of money.

In July, we’re going on a mission trip to Mexico with a missionary.  They’ll go maybe for 4-6 days with a medical team.  There’s a few reasons to do this. There are medical teams inside the churches, and out in the world, they work in hospitals, but they don’t know what to do in the church. So as they go out into the missions field, they have oneness. Then, this is also a footstool to raise up the remnants with this. The reason people that are not part of the medical team will also go on missions is to see the field.  We have to have these things set up so that when remnants come into the church, we can give them an internship with the medical team. 

It’s the same with a legal team.  You have to establish these settings for people to come in and to be hooked up into an internship, and they can also share the Word of God with each other because their field is the same. If there’s an educator’s group, they can gather together, too. If there’s people that retired, then they can gather together with retirees, and even before you retire, you’ve had a profession before, so you can share the knowledge and experience from your previous job to the next generation.

In the church, everybody is used and everything is used, and all of that will be rewarded in heaven because if what I’m doing is for Christ, all that work will not be lost.  If we’re using it to make money in the world, then money would be our reward, but if our money is used to save lives, then there’s a reward from heaven by God. Then it’s going to help us mentally and physically as well. But if we don’t know what the church is, we’re going to take the talent we have and then drop it.  

So the kids have to go out into the world to learn what this is.  They have to learn their talent from unbelievers and give their money to unbelievers.  Then, what do you think they’re going to get? It’s all Genesis 3, so instead, do it in the church.  All the talents I have. People who are painters, the paint is peeling, so do that.  This is the Lord’s Temple so everything is used for the Lord. God will remember it, so you have no idea what a big blessing the church is. 

The New Year’s message was about saving myself, my church, and my field, and from Numbers 34:16, it says to raise up one representative leader to save the region. In New Testament terms, it is to raise up the 70 workers to save each region. There’s a special 70 workers training that enables you to see the entire Bible centered on Jesus Christ.  So even though we’re laypeople, we need to be able to look at the entire Bible from the central point of Jesus Christ and explain everything to people.  That training goes through Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus.  

But we can’t explain everything like that; the church is doing that for you right now, explaining everything in the Bible while focusing on Jesus Christ.  So if you just follow the church properly, then your eyes will be opened, then you will have more than enough to play the role of the 70 workers in the field through the work of God.  God is going to move in that direction because that’s the covenant He has given to us.  I don’t know about other churches; this is just the grace God has given to our church.  

The reason we started this is because there was a specific pastor whos message confused many people, and there was a message God specifically gave to me.  There was a pastor who was giving a message that wasn’t even like a message, and I was an assistant pastor at the time, so I had to give that exact same message the pastor was giving.  You don’t know this but if the message doesn’t come to me as my own, then it’s hard to give it, and I knew without a doubt that this pastor’s message was completely unbiblical but I had to give it.  I knew that message was so strange, but I wasn’t able to prove how and why it was strange with the Bible; I just had assurance by myself that it was strange, but if you’re just at that level, you can’t save other people.

That’s when I came to the conclusion, “We have to do this with the Bible ,” so I didn’t even use a board, because the new believers would come and say “Why are the churches using a blackboard.” And so I stopped using it, so I could be centered on the field, because we don’t need to use a blackboard; it can go in even without that.  So, even right now, I don’t use the blackboard, I use the Bible more. We began in Romans.  Because the book of Romans is very accurate. So on fridays I started going through the book of Romans. Out of my consciousness before God, I couldn’t give the same message my senior pastor was giving, I went through Romans. 

That’s how it started at least.  I didn’t do it so that I could drag more people to the church, and from that point on, God opened my eyes. I received assurance that, if the pulpit message is truly the Word of God, it will be aligned with this Word, then I will take the pulpit message and confirm it with the background of the Bible and relay it. I didn’t relay it exactly as it was proclaimed.  For example, the Headquarters message is given to us, but I don’t relay it exactly.  Ever since I saw that very strange pastor, I realized the message can come from anything, so the only thing that can organize that is the Bible, and that’s why, as you know, I do everything with the Bible. Then the eyes opened for me to see the entire Bible from the perspective of Christ.

You don’t do this by learning it somewhere, but this incident became an opportunity.  Nobody taught me this, but just by myself, I was praying. This is how I was led. I was so ashamed as an assistant pastor that I didn’t know the words of the Bible, because no matter who it is they have to kneel before God’s Word.  If someone says, “The headquarters message says this so Pastor Park is wrong,” that’s not going to work. You have to able to back yourself up with the words of the Bible.  “Oh the headquarters message is right with this” That’s the mission God gave to me.  

So even now, I keep doing that.  That’s why, as you keep following, your eyes will be opened.  If you go into the 70 worker training that’s officially set up, they only go through Leviticus and say, “Do the rest yourself,” but that’s the role of the church, you have to be able to take the book of Hebrews and do that in the field, you have to be able to take the book of Numbers and save the people in the field with that, because out in the field, there will be priests and pastors, there will be people stuck in heresies, so you have to be able to save them using the words of the Bible, and that’s the mission of the church.

If it’s not the Word of God, that’s not it.  That’s why we received the Word of the 70 workers, and if you just simply follow, you’ll receive these answers in your field.  Then, because the words of the headquarters messages are being confirmed by the Bible, you won’t be shaken by it.  For example, he uses words like, “You have to be the watchtower,” but the terms aren’t enough. It’s not enough to know the word, “Watchman,” you have to know it in the Bible.  

When you go into the field ministry you can’t just say, “Be a watchman,” they’re not going to know what that means.  You have to give that meaning with the Bible.  That’s the ministry the 70 workers will do in the field using the books of the Bible.  Then you’ll realize the messages from headquarters are completely biblical. Until that point, you don’t know that you just think, “They’re saying that just because they’re saying it.”  

This blessing has been given to you and me. We have the New Year’s messages this year, the more time passes, the more it’s an answer. And even when I look in Numbers, it’s an answer, “Wow, this is truly someone whom God is using.” The more time passes, the more I confirm that, so even when we go through the book of Numbers, I receive strength, and you guys will also do this ministry in the field.  Nothing else will do.  May you have this blessing. If you hold to the covenant, then God will work accordingly. 

Let’s pray together, holding onto the Word God has given us.  Let us pray for God to give us the grace and power to do the role of the 70 workers in the field to save lives, to have an economy, and the business and Numbers 34.  

We’ll pray for one more thing.  It’s the beginning of January.  Right before January, we received a prayer journal message that it’s the time to really concentrate. Most people are playing at this time, but this is the time you concentrate on the Word you’ve received, and just as the Lord’s Day is the time to concentrate on the Word you’ve been given throughout the week. You have to have that spiritual rest.  It’s not about resting physically, but when you concentrate spiritually, you receive spiritual strength, and that’s why every week you need to have the strength of concentration, then every week, you’ll see yourself changing.  You should utilize that time very well.

Lately, I don’t go to the beach because of COVID, but whenever there’s a retreat or camp, I’ll listen to the message and concentrate on it while doing deep breathing at the beach. That’s my personal time of concentration, and it’s the same for you. If you have a vacation or long weekend, it’s a time for concentration.  So don’t just end the first, second, and third messages of the New Years, concentrate on it every time you can. I listened to it again on the way here because that’s the message that will be fulfilled. Whenever I have time, I listen again because it will take place. What I’m telling you is to have a time of concentration, and I hope you will especially have that time in January. 

Let us pray for the missions fields, it’s the missions fields we’re serving. When we pray right now, God works transcending time and space.  This year, we want to try going to Karen in Ontario and Mexico. Those are the two places we’re thinking of. Let us pray for our missions fields.  

In order to conquer the region, you have to be able to save yourself. Saving your business doesn’t come from your brain.  When you change yourself with the covenant of God, God will bless your business.  Otherwise you’ll keep trying to do something yourself.  Pray so that your business will be used as an instrument to do the work of saving the 70 workers.  Let us pray for the field.


God, we thank You. May we be the ones to save myself, my church,and my field, exactly according to the covenant You have given us. May the blessings of the throne of the Triune God be upon me and my field.  We desire for the evidence that will be used to save America and the world, especially may our businesses be used to save people.  May it be a business where the economy of light comes.  

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of the people of God, the multiethnic people, and the remnants, who desire to save themselves, the church, and the field, be upon their businesses and studies, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen

Personal Prayer

Tim:  Father God, thank You for Jesus Christ Who liberates me from all my sin, Satan, curses, hell, and from the problems of Genesis 3, 6, and 11.  May You fill me with the Holy Spirit so that I may experience complete liberation to see Your plan for the church and for raising the next generation.  May You show me what the church really exists for, what the church really needs, and how the church is the platform for saving lives, especially in my workplace and in my region.  May You bless the remnants to enjoy the power of prayer just as I enjoy the power of prayer in all my work.  Thank You for showing me that there is nothing else, but to follow only after Your Word.  In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.  

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