Joseph Who Enjoyed in Advance (Genesis 37:11)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Joseph Who Enjoyed in Advance (Genesis 37:11)

As a young adult you need to hold on to the correct answer to go into the right path. Depending on what is your answer you will put all your energy into that. Depending on the perspective through which you see the problem you will pour all your energy into what is the problem of life? In the Bible in Genesis chapter 3 God tells us what the problem of life is. The problem of life is physical. We saw the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of Good and evil was good and we wanted to eat it, so people who think that the physical world is everything have already fallen into problems, and you yourself want to be like that, in other words you want to be centered on yourself. Instead of having God as your Center you want to be centered on yourself.

As you look on the physical things you should be centered on the word of God, but instead, you are focused on yourself, then what happens? You are attacked by satan. If your spiritual eyes are dim then you are being seized by Satan and that is why the suffering of Life comes to find you in Genesis 3:16 through 20 if your spiritual eyes are dim it means that your physical eyes have become bright so if you’re only looking at the physical things your spiritually blind and have no choice but to suffer. That’s why God promised in Genesis 3:15 to send us the Christ and that is what we need right now. If you are not able to see the peak problems of people after that in Genesis 6 we see the problem of the nephilim. People are completely possessed by demons falling into religion and idol worship. they use things like worldly meditation to try to help people but actually it is causing them to be demon possessed. religious actions and prayers seem like they should help people but in actuality it is the way for Satan to control us.

However if you look at Genesis 6 verses 1 through 8 it says that Noah walked with God period Walking with God does not mean he lived a 50/50 life but it means that he understood God is everything meaning God is absolute. That is the reason you were able to hear the word to build an ark for himself. Build an ark for yourself and your descendants, make an arc in order to save your life. How does he hear these words? Walking with God is about being with God he held on to God’s word and walked with God his entire life. This is the problem they are in right now. There are many religions right now and they may be beneficial to us physically and mentally but they cannot help us in the way that Christ does. The problem of America today is the Tower of Babel. They built a Tower of Babel for their name, for my name and our name. so they are in a state where they are completely spiritually diseased period in order to exalt my name and the name of america, or for the sake of my name or for the sake of my school period or to raise my name or to raise the name of my family, let us succeed. How do you succeed and how does success come to you? Because of this they have no choice but to face suffering.

In the field of Genesis 3 6 and 11 it is a field that has no choice but to be difficult and full of suffering you are centered on yourself and you want to get some kind of strength or power through some sort of religious act or behavior and you have no choice but to fight with one another in order to succeed but this is the reason why God gave us the gospel period what is the gospel? It is saying that you cannot do it. Everything the is already seized by Satan you are seized by ideas of materialism and success so you cannot do anything, but this is why you need Christ you died on the cross period this must be imprinted in us that there are some people who listen to the Bible on their wife life but their lives are full of conflicts because they have not been imprinted with Christ who solved all problems.

Their state is self-centeredness and if they left their self-centeredness nothing would be a problem. If you have financial problems and you say, “it is okay if I do not have any money . “Then you will not have a financial problem. But the problems begin when you think you have to do this or else. because you are holding on to such strong thoughts of wanting to succeed they are causing you to suffer, that is why you need to imprint the gospel. Not me, but Christ. When I face a problem, it is not me, but christ. You must Root down in this.

The more you live your walk of faith without this the worse you become period this is the Pharisee and the jews. They had disasters but did not know where those come from because they did not have the gospel imprinted in them. What is the imprint of the gospel? You have not once believed that he has solved all problems on the cross. You have heard it so many times but it has not been imprinted in you, so instead of the gospel, you hold on to useless words. When he says he forgives all your sins, nothing is a problem and you must be imprinted in this otherwise I will continue to face problems and disasters, but the Lord has finished it all and he has completely broken the authority of satan if the gospel has never been imprinted in you then you should not get married. At the very least you need to come to the conclusion that the gospel is truly correct in order for you to be rooted down into it.

If you are not imprinted in the gospel then you are just like the Pharisees because you are not able to acknowledge that all problems of mankind come from Genesis 3, 6, and 11. Your life will change depending on what you see as the problem period this gospel must become our nature. Do you guys have the words of the gospel and within the words of the Gospel there are the words that will save and through the gospel this must become rooted and your nature . These are the words you must understand as young adults. The prayers that we talk about are not the prayers that religious people or commoners pray, but prayer is what we call making the word of God into my own. The Lord tells us there is no reason to pray for anything else, you don’t have to pray for physical things because the Lord already knows. when you take the word that God has given to you and make that personalized and it becomes your imprint root and nature, that becomes prayer. You guys listen to the word so much, that’s not bad, but it might not be effective.

If you do not Center on prayer which makes the word mine, that might not be effective. when you go to church on Sundays they give you the word and within the flow of the headquarters messages, you hold on to the pulpit message from church. because we have been called as the evangelists who will save, we need to hold on to the headquarter messages and the pulpit message on sundays, and everyday, as you imprint root and nature becomes the word that’s how you change. People who study a lot may know a lot of things, but you need to make it into your own so that it remains. So don’t be greedy just use the word that God gives you on Sunday and make that your imprint, route, and nature throughout the week period if you have not tasted this, you may ask,why is he saying this the reason is because you understand prayer from your perspective, physically, and you think that physical answers are answers to prayer, but what is the prayer that God talks about? God gave you the gospel, and he wants you to walk with the gospel 24 hours. He wants you to walk with God, that was Noah. You guys need to go into the imprint route and nature of prayer when the words of the Gospel become your imprint root and nature, if you can see into the future . If you do not understand what I mean let’s talk about Fortune tellers. If a fortune teller tells you that you will get married in august, and you’re holding on to that for 24 hours thinking you will get married and it is amazing, that is one example period do you think that will be fulfilled? this must be imprinted in you first, and that is why you must hold on to the word because the gospel is enough and everything. you don’t have to hold on to many words of God but you need to hold on to the word that God is giving to you, do you understand?

Do you think Joseph was able to see in advance or not? because the word of God is rooted into you, you’re able to believe the word of God will be fulfilled exactly as it was given to you. That is what it means. For example if the owner of a company says in two years you will be a director if she holds onto those words and knows she will be a director in two years it will be different. The word of God is eternal and is fulfilled, especially the words God gives to me will be fulfilled in my life. When you are rooted sometimes you will see, but sometimes you won’t, but when you have the nature of Faith you will be able to see clearly. Even when you work, when you have a job, your work and God must become one just as you become one with god.

How does that happen, you must lay down everything of your own and hold on to only what is got the minute you and precise what emphasize what is of yourself you will have become one between yourself and others, and that is the person who receives the gospel period that is the blessing of meeting then you God and your job must become one. If you become one with a cut the card is working when the work that you do will be used.  What your life is difficult because you are not one with God, but you look at your problems physically.

Your job is difficult and hard because you are looking at Genesis 3:6 and 11, success period you are young adults so you must experience the blessing of your job and God and you being one period then there is no reason to worry about whether you have a job or not because God is working. Do you think such a person would do their job haphazardly? They cannot if people are self-centered, they can cut Corners in their job but God would not allow you to work like that. In other words the work that you are doing becomes an instrument to fulfill God’s work this is what we mean by oneness.

People who don’t have this yet means that you have not become one with God yet. When your relationship with God becomes your imprint root and nature, that means you have become one and all the people you meet become a meeting for oneness and you can relay this in oneness. The meeting between people who use their job for God’s work becomes a platform. You need to know why you need the gospel by looking at America and the world, then as much as you are imprinted, rooted, and natured, you can see God’s work.

Why are there so many disasters? Nobody can solve the disasters, but only Christ who has the covenant can solve the disasters. It is not something that mankind can solve because we are emphasizing the effort of mankind these problems continue to come. Because people have no way. People  are confused about their life so allowing them to see this way is their Vision period people have given up, and because they give up what happens? They don’t have a dream.

We are not able to see the blessings God has given to us

If you could solve your depression with medication that would be great, but no matter what you do, you cannot fix it, even with a psychiatrist, then what do you need to do? You can only receive healing through the word of God and prayer. Because a person is so stuck in their self-centered brain, they have no choice but to have all these diseases. Have you ever talked to someone with a mental problem? What is their characteristic? They are centered on themselves, they never listen to the words of other people. They just hold on to what they feel and how they think, so their brain is being enslaved by satan. They are very strong by themselves, and people like that do not listen to other people. then, they have no choice but to fight and raise conflicts wherever they go, because they listen to the words of other people, and they only think about themselves, so they have no choice but to fight. You guys need to know the reason why your parents keep fighting at home in order for you to understand the gospel.

Why is it that people in the world will have a small disadvantage? They have no answer, no matter where they go. People have no choice but to fight. Why is there a war between China and America? Both are centered on themselves. There is no conflict between America and Vietnam right now but when they get into a fight the moment Vietnam gets a little more strength America would fight period it is the same in the church, it is the same when you get married. No one gets married because they want to fight. You have to see this in advance you have to see yourself and the field. There was one Remnant who said to me I don’t understand how Christians can be so confused in the field. How can the people who work downtown in the sales department can act like this?

It seems like churchgoers are worse. Why is that? Because they have not been imprinted rooted in nature in the gospel. You have to endure and as you continue to endure you will face an illness. We have to be able to see this to enjoy the gospel and pray. It’s the same with your job and everything. The problems that arise because the work you are doing is not one between you and God. God has allowed you the blessing of meeting to proclaim the gospel and evangelize that person but because you don’t see them that way and you don’t understand come you think it is a problem for you it means you think that the problem is Genesis 3 6 and 11. That is why it is most important for you as a young adult to be imprinted in the gospel. It would be great if this would happen in one instance but it is something that we must live with.

The main message is that we need to enjoy an advance Joseph was able to see in advance through his family. I told this to you last week too, but you need to be able to see the problems in your family correctly to see the problems come from Genesis 3, 6, and 11, and that my family is stuck inside this. This is not something you need to grin and bear, and it is not something you can do by rejecting your family. But when God has given you this problem within his absolute sovereignty it is the greatest opportunity for you to hold on to your God-given vision.

That is why the difficult situation of Joseph’s mother passing away becomes the greatest answer to Joseph’s dream. The fact is that he saw the stream as the solution to his spiritual problem. Then he grew up hearing the words of a gospel. That is the only unique way for you to escape suffering. There are only one two methods to get rid of your suffering, either you die, or you give up on yourself period if you die, your suffering doesn’t actually end, but this is just an example. Because he was rooted in the gospel and was sad when losing his mother, the sadness is why he was able to see Egypt and world evangelization and events. And only see ahead in your life when you are rooted in the word of God.

His older brother’s hated him and were jealous of him but Jacob health the words in mind it said that Joseph held onto this matter. Then Joseph went as a slave. When he went as a slave and Genesis 39 verse 2, the reason why he was okay was because the gospel was his standard. If he was still in the state of Genesis 3, 6, 11, then being a slave would not be overcome period all the self-centered things that make you successful will actually make you fall. If you work in a company which is easy for you to think, I studied all my life and I have to do this work? When you first get into a company the people. People who are rooted in Genesis 3, 6, and 11 they pursue success. Why was Joseph okay with being a Slave because God’s plan was there, and the fact that he believed God we become slaves? We will become alcoholics. Stress keeps piling up so every Friday you have to go out, but every Monday you go back to your slavery so you’re always afflicted. so, you look around to see if there is any other job. I’m not saying that person is wrong, but I am saying that that person has not been rooted in the gospel yet period but the ones who usually in advance.

Because God had a plan for Egypt evangelization this was also part of the process. Later on he even becomes the head of a household. Every time you start a job, you must start at the very bottom. The reason why you don’t like this is because you do not want to be at the bottom. When I first started working one of my others took me out drinking, and because there was not a single person below me in the company, I think my light started shining towards the elders because I had been a commander in the military I was used to giving orders, not receiving them. Just one month earlier I was commanding people but I was in a company and I was not able to adjust, and the elder saw that in me, so they took me out drinking. As we were drinking, there is  something he told me. 

Even though he was speaking to me and offering honorifics he told me that underneath me is the concrete ground so I should know my place and start crawling.even though I went into the greatest Department in the headquarters, the one that makes all the rules, I thought they would give me responsibilities, but all they did was ask me to make coffee. I got into this job with my ability but why are they making me do that? It is very difficult for your heart to start in the lowest place, but you should not always think you will always be in the lowest place, but you must resolve in your heart to rise to the highest place.

Originally I did not care about making money and building a house. If I aligned with that, I would not have received salvation, but my life has to be aligned with God for me to understand the gospel. I’m not saying that having a career is bad but all the goals of these career people did not match with me, because I am someone who needed the gospel, and me realizing the gospel was like a fish in water, and that is a person who needs to go to work. Even if it’s the menial task of making coffee for everybody. They held onto their dream given to them by the word of God to begin their career there period they were not able to do that but they still did it but imagine how unhappy I was there is nothing happy about business life, but I am telling you that Christians should not live like this, but there are many Christians living like non-believers. They are centered on Genesis chapters 3, 6, and 11, suffering.

I thought I had to have a lot of work because that is power, but that is the world, and later on, the more work that I do becomes… Imagine how hard it would be to work, you’re full of resentment, and the only way you can relieve your resentment is by talking bad about your coworkers on the weekend.  Do you think there is much to life? Life is a connection of these instances, and you have no idea how important it is for you to have your imprint route and nature in the gospel. I’ve passed through all these things, I have passed through your age. If you guys are not imprinted rooted on the nature of the Gospel then you suffer.

even if you get another job it is the same, but people are misunderstanding and they are rightfully being deceived. at your age the most important thing in your life is to become one with the word that God has given you, then everything becomes…

Around my age people who make 6030 dollars, they are everywhere you are because of this. 

Because they live their life centered on material and physical success, they are not happy, and they are always drinking. that is life. You live as a young adult so you rightfully think that your job and success are important, but you must become one with god. If the gospel does not become your imprint, root, and nature, it will all be suffering, and one day you will have mental illness when that continues, you become physically ill as well.

You think there is something to life, don’t you? You think oh I went through this college and got a scholarship and award, but everybody does that period everybody goes to work, then how are you going to work? Are you able to see an advance and enjoy it, or are you going to be suffering? This is something I experienced personally in my job. I didn’t just go into my job, but I went into the military as well. I thought everyone was cool but inside they were suffering. Everyone was exalting me but I was afflicted inside.

If people think you are cool, you should enjoy that. Buddhist hold on to their self-centeredness so tightly, and because they are suffering so much for greed success and they go to a meditation Camp to let go of all that they get healed and that is the healing that they are talking about but there must be something else, you need to have something that is complete, you need to have Christ who is complete. However, because you have nothing to hold on to, Satan will seize you all. I am telling you this in order for you to understand the gospel.

The gospel does not need you, you do not need yourself. The more you are centered on the Gospel you are trying to self centered so that is why it is so important to have prayer taking place to make your spirit mind and soul into one and even now it is the greatest time for this to be imprinted into you.

It is okay even if you are in prison if you feel you are being treated unfairly, you are going to roll around with anger issues wrath and anger and that is how Satan completely controls you period the world is like that, unfair. So when I look at you’ll feel bad because I wish you would be mature in the gospel. you need to have the meeting with people within this gospel period may this be the answer that comes from within the gospel in order for you to enjoy the field of answers. everything you have that is not of the Gospel will lead to more resentment and wrath.

Joseph God and his position as Governor became one. The position of the governor became the same role of saving people’s lives. His authority and power became used for the sake of saving people’s lives. Every position and job that this person went through was used by God and that is a victorious life. Your idea of a successful life will lead you to suffering going as a slave or a prisoner was not suffering, because it is not about me being treated unfairly. When you go you realize God has prepared all these answers for you. Like the ideologies of emphasizing freedom more than the gospel or pleasure and enjoyment more than the gospel. Within the gospel you should receive all of your leisure and enjoyment, that is the real thing and your life will be used to save many other lives.

We do not belong to the gospel, we keep holding on to religion. When you hold on to Christ you need to hold on to Christ where you do not exist, but when you try to become at the same level of Christ, it becomes religion. The remaining one is the one who is able to pray with the imprint route and nature of prayer. That is when you have prayer and the gospel it becomes your power. I am the one who will remain in other words the one who will change and restore the culture from Genesis 6:1 through 11.

you need to discover the reason why we need the gospel in order for you to see. if you do not see the reason of Genesis 3, 6, and 11, there is no reason for you to be imprinted rooted and natured in the gospel, so there is no need for you to pray period once you have the implant, root, and nature of the gospel, you will be able to see an advance. What movies are coming out recently? I saw an advertisement for a movie, and I do not watch movies but let us say for example I watched a copy of the movie in advance and if someone watches that it will be less exciting because they already know what is going to happen. If anything you are able to enjoy even being a slave, and this is the kind of people we are. God is moving us towards the direction of world evangelization. You’re only able to share the gospel to the points that this becomes your imprint root and nature.


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