Jesus Reigns over His Church (Hebrews 10:23-25)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Jesus Reigns over His Church (Hebrews 10:23-25)

The title of today’s message is, “Jesus Reigns over His Church.”  What is the role of In Problems, Hold onto only Christ Like Daniel and Give Thanks To God

 church?  Why do we need the church?  Why don’t we just give people salvation individually and then send them to heaven?  Why do we need the church?  The church has a role, because the beginning point for solving all problems is the church, and this is why we need the church.


We ourselves are the invisible church, but there is also the church you see with your eyes.  God has already prepared to solve all problems through the church, so if you get to know the church very well, you receive the power and Word to solve all problems


Your personal problems will be solved; you will receive the answer.

1) Joseph (Genesis 45:5)

because you personally are coming to life, you save everything else, like Joseph. In Genesis 45:5, Joseph saves his older brothers who were his enemies.  Honestly, everyone should have starved to death, not only Israel, but Egypt was saved as well.

2) Moses (life)

It was the same with Moses.  He was separated from his family before he even had memory,  solved all his problems with the answer, the Word of God, and that’s how he restored his life.  We have one life to live, and most people don’t even understand the problems they’re stuck in, but God gives us the answer through the church.  Moses received the Word and the power from God and restored his life completely.

3) Paul-answer

Paul’s entire life was in the Word; he gave his entire life to God.  He lived a life that received lifelong answers, and that’s the role of the church.  All his life, Paul raises up churches.  The churches are a gathering of saved people, so you go evangelize, save people, and raise them up so they have the answer to heal their personal lives and can give the answer to others.  Paul didn’t just know the answer; he experienced the answer, he tasted evangelism, and he is someone who saw the answers in the Word of God.  It was not a theory to him, but was actualized.

2. Society

When the individual is saved, the society is saved.  In Genesis 6, we see the death of all society.  

1) Acts 13,16,19

In Acts 13, Paul saves the entire island controlled by a shaman, and he saves a fortune teller in the region of Philippi, and that’s how much he influenced the region.  In Acts 19, he saves an entire society of idolaters.

3. World

Even though he’s just one person, he saves the world, and this is the church. If you’re not aligned with the church, then you’re not aligned with God.  You might not get along with people, but each person is the church of God, saved by God.  But you just see them as a person, if you see them as a church you will see them differently.  This is why the church is so important.  Even now, the Lord is reigning over the church. Jesus Christ died on the cross, resurrected, and gathered the members of the Early Church into Mark’s upper room to raise the Early Church.  It’s not that he set up a church building; Mark’s upper room was always there, but it was a gathering of the people, so there is a church you can see with your eyes and a church you cannot see, but we call the sum of this, “the Church.”

1. Individual Believer (Intangible Church)

Even now Jesus Christ is reigning over every single believer and this is called the intangible church.  What is the fundamental thing that Jesus does?  Jesus is reigning over each and every believer, 

1) Lord-individual 

He comes to us as the Holy Spirit, and the Lord is reigning over each and every believer.  

2) Discouraged Disciple (John 21: 15-18)

In John 21, Jesus also goes to find Peter who is discouraged and he raised him up, so he encourages the discouraged disciples.  Through the church, God raises up the discouraged disciples.

3) Helpless Believers (Luke 24:13-31)

Jesus also raises up the helpless believers, like the ones on the road to Emmaus, Luke 24:13-31.  

4) Believer who prays

He also rules over those who pray.  God is working as the Holy Spirit upon all believers who pray.  Right at this moment, when you pray, God works with the Holy Spirit.  At this moment, when you pray, God opens the doors of the throne of heaven and sends His heavenly angels to answer you prayers. When you go to school, you go to learn knowledge, and if this is your business, people go there to make money.  

What is the church?  It may be the same people, but you are going into the rule of God, so you receive the answer to all problems and incidences through the Word, and there’s no reason to listen to the words of people, and you’ll end up staking your entire life on worship.  That is the person who will save their family, their society, and the world.  

If you don’t receive this answer, nothing you do can help anyone else be saved from their problem.  

5)Testifies Gospel (Acts 7)

Jesus Christ also rules over who testified about Jesus Christ.  In Acts 7:56 , Stephen.  It said that Jesus was standing at the throne of God while Stephen was being stoned, and Jesus received him.

6) One person

He rules over each of the believers, the saints.  This is talking about the church that is present in every believer.  

7) Holy Spirit

How does He rule over us? The one who is seated at the throne of heaven rules over us with the Holy Spirit within me, and I just need to enter into Him.  


In Revelation 3:20, it says that the One Who is seated at the throne of heaven is within me.  

9) Trinity- with

2 Corinthians 13:13 says that the Triune God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, are together working in oneness in me.

10) 3 Ways

There are three ways that the Lord rules over the saints. He fills us with the Holy SPirit and if you ask for the filling of the holy spirit, He gives it to you as He promised.  God promised to give you anything you ask for, so that the spirit of the lord is controlling my heart, mind, and body and you give it all to the Holy Spirit, then you’ll be His witnesses until the ends of the earth. Because you have the evidence, you become aw fitness.  The Lord also promised to come again. 

Second, Jesus Christ is ruling all the churches.  These are the tangible churches you see with your eyes.  In Revelation, there is a good explanation of how the Lord reigns over the churches.  

In Revelation 2:1, it says, “These are the words of him who holds the seven starts in his right hand and walks upon the seven golden lampstands.”  The seven stars and golden lampstands means he is the Lord’s servant.  The Bible uses the number “seven” to show completeness or perfection, it’s not about the number exactly.  Therefore, Jesus Christ holds onto the seven stars representing the Lord’s servants and he walks a,on the golden lamp stands which mean he is walking among the churches.  

In Revelation 2:8, it says, “These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again.”  It means the one who is the first and the last controls the churches.  All of our beginning and end must be Christ.  You received salvation through Jesus Christ, we live our entire life for Jesus Christ, and in the end, we receive salvation through Jesus Christ, we live for Jesus  Christ and in the end e go to the kingdom of God where Jesus Christ is, because that is the way the Lord is ruling over everything, even now.  In Revelation 2:12, it says, “These are the words of Him who have a sharp, double-edged sword.  What does it mean to have this?  It means, anywhere He goes, He can heal and perform surgeries, and when you fight your spiritual battles, you fight with the sword, that is, the Word.  

In Revelation 2:18, these are the words of the son of God His eyes are like fire, He is watching each and every one of us with eyes that blaze like fire and His feet are like burnished bronze, it means that everywhere He steps, everything crumbles, all of the forces of darkness is crumbling everywhere he goes. Burnished bronze is extremely heavy, and people use burnished bronze when people go scuba diving and they make their oxygen tanks from this material.

In Revelation 3:1, it says, “Him who holds seven spirits of God and seven stars,” meaning God is moving the heavenly hosts as well as the servants of the Lord.  In Revelation 3:7, “These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David.  What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.” it means he’s the key, and if you open something, no one can close it, and if you close it, no one can open it.  The one who has the key of David.  If God opens something with His Word, no one can close it; if God closes something, no one can open it.  He is the one who gives the Word and moves through the church.  

In Revelation 3:14, “The words of the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation,” meaning He is the Creator.  God is the One who heals those who are sick, and He can make things out of nothing, so the ruler of God’s creation rules over the church.  Even if we have nothing, we don’t actually have nothing because the ruler of creation is with us.  When you hold onto the word of God and hold to the covenant, you’ll find everything within that.

The Temple Construction to save the 237 nations do the healing and summit movement are all within the covenant, because the Ruler of God’s creation will fulfill his covenant God answers those who believe, but there are never any answers for disbelief because disbelief will give answers of disbelief.  However, for those who do believe, the works of faith will be given as answers.  You must hear this in order to believe it, and this is why God continuously pours out His Word to the church.  However, Satan will disturb us by not wanting to gather together, and disturb and walk the gathering of the church in the end days.

2) Blessing

Second, there is a blessing God is giving to us. What is that blessing? Acts 4:32 says, “All the believers were of one heart and mind, no one claimed that any possession is their own; they shared everything they had.”  They had one heart and one mind, through God’s Word, so God works such that there is no lacking in finances.  They shared everything they had and used it together, not claiming that anything belonged to anyone.  So, anything I make from my business is given as offering, and I use it to save those who are lacking and to save the next generation.

1 Thessalonians 1:6-10.  “You became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering, with joy giving them by the Holy Spirit; however, you welcomed the message in the joy given by the Holy Spirit. We may face severe suffering; however, because we’ve received the word o God through the Holy Spirit, we have so much joy.  They blocked the proclamation of the gospel unless it’s by the law, and if they block the proclamation of the gospel by law, you’re not allowed to proclaim the gospel.  If you did proclaim the gospel, you will be sent to prison and kill you even so, nothing could block the proclamation of the gospel.  And the spreading of the word of God. 

If you’ve received the gospel, you have to reach the conclusion that you will give your life and everything to God. That is the reason why God is raising and reigning over His church with his word even now.  The people who follow the stream of the word, a problem is not a problem to them, but if that doesn’t take place, that person, without a doubt is living in His problems.  

Hebrews 10:25 warns us against our habit of not wanting to meet and gather together.  The tangible church you see with your eyes is a gathering of those who have received salvation; the Catholic people call it the Catholic Church, but we don’t want to say “Catholic,” so we say, “Universal,” but originally speaking, the original church was Catholicwere but they were baffled by this word. However the Catholic Church is misusing the word so we are changing the word to Universal church, either way, you must not be with people who prevent you from understanding the church.  Either you change those people or if you don’t have the strength do not be close to them.  Because without a doubt, God gives us the answers, the answer to the problems of our life through the word from the church but Satan uses people to block me from knowing that, so he break the pulpit of the church in other words, he makes the church close down, then what will happen to the members of the church? They have to live their life in suffering, why? Because they cannot find the answer. Only the Lord has the answer, and He is moving, but if we cannot find the answer, we wander and suffer, and our spiritual state is in a state of infusion.  Then, what do you think will happen to the next generation?  Generation by generation, Satan is taking us more into confusion, so how important is the church; He raised the church, went to Philippi, and raised the church for world evangelization.  In order to raise that church, he first went to Philippi and found Lydia, and if he left Lydia alone nothing would happen, and it would crumble, so he raised up a church a community, if you’re not able to do this, you cannot evangelize and it’s the same with multiethnic people if you want to have a continuous ministry with them a church must be raised, how Paul was aligned with God.  Without thoughts, then you have no thoughts then your not aligned with God because it is through the church that God gives continuous answers to the problems of the region, so if you’re evangelizing, then you first look for the people, and if there’s a church nearby, you should but if they’re far away, it’s possible to do it online right now, but how do you do the regional evangelism over there? Without a doubt, there must be a church that is raised up, there must be a servant to relay the Word of God. It’s possible that if it is not the servant of the Lord but if there’s a big problem, that person will not come to deliver this, because that’s just a businessperson who delivers the Word of God optionally. You need someone who has a mission to deliver the word of God full time you need to have someone who has convictions, saying, “Even if I die, I will die delivering the word of God.”

Before you need a job, to deliver the word of God “” But if you want to go to the end, you need someone to go all into that region.  Of course, there’s a big difference between someone doing all into doing something or someone who only does 50 percent, so for example if I had my own job and I come here to give a message do you think I’ll be able to give a proper message? Maybe once or twice, I can, but until I’m able to do this 24 hours a day, it’s important. So, in order to do that, what must you think about? You have to think about going all in to the job. 


There are also four important aspects.

Worship the word of God  and you have to pray to receive answers; there also must be fellowship … Within Worship, there is the Word of God, you receive this. There is praise, prayer and offering, that is worship.  How important is the church? That’s why they have praise.  I feel the difference between first and second service.  The worship is different between when there is a praise team or not.  The working of the Holy Spirit is different and that is why at every worship, there is a choir, but during the first service, we kind of blow that off.

If you prepare God will send people, it’s the same for EM, we have our praise band for EM. If you prepare a spot for everyone, He will send people God desires to receive our worship.  If you’re not able to do that, you’ll run your entire life can’t make a church like this. Third, there is a blessing for those who you can see your entire life. Do you think you make money in your job because of your job? The one who is holding onto the job is God, and God is the one who is holding onto the time schedule and direction of your job.  But because you don’t know this, you concentrate on making money in fulfillment rather than worship. This person doesn’t know who God is later on in their life, they will see their diligence was not enough, and they’ll taste very bitter.  It’s the same with me,I didn’t used to go to. However,  I’ve heard many testimonies of how people had left the church but have had to come back because without the church there is nothing in life that takes place. This means life will never work out without proper worship. However people stop coming to church because they are tested mobs the message. That person doesn’t know what the church is. That person thinks that a church is defined in the by the outer appearance, that is why you are thinking about the wrong thing and so you’re recovering the wrong answer.

If you receive the correct viewpoint of the church, you receive the correct answer if they are saved by the Lord, then the Lord lives within them, but you’re affiliated and tested because you say the Lord is inside you are like this. Don’t know the Gospel, you learned legalism from unbelievers, and you’re bringing that directly into the church.  The law is simply a guidepost to help you go towards the gospel, but instead of going towards the gospel, you remain within your legalism that is why you personally are crumbling, and that’s why you need to teach the new believers correctly.  As evidence of this, there’s a Bible study that opened up with someone who doesn’t go to church. Their church split up into two and I don’t want to go to either.  He said he used to go to a church in New York, he liked it a lot and this is a brother church split up and he doesn’t like them.  I can understand that. This person feels that this church might be a little different then the world, but the church I act exactly like the world “Oh, this is difficult,” but God is not dead, so don’t you think God will give his word there. This person lacks the strength and doesn’t go to church anymore. This person was actually a believer for a long time; there’s a pastor in his family line, he grew up in a Christian household, but he says, “. He believes.” I don’t think has faith because if he dies he would hold onto the word of God and save his church.”  However, this person is someone who wants to be loved and appreciate people, but because this circumstance happens he is not able to go to church anymore then if the church split up into 2 because a fight, then I’m pretty sure it’s spiritually influence the children there as well.  Especially the individuals who destroyed the church, God sent people to the church to receive an answer for their lives and to save other people, but instead they have made it a playground for Satan, and I think it’s just because of their personalities.  Don’t you think they were imprinted and rooted in things that would decrease their However, they have to take what I have to disease Even if you try not to fight, if there’s something within you that makes you no choice to fight then you end up fighting. There’s a lot contained within that as well, like in the pulpit, more so emphasizing the Gospel, they are emphasizing the word of the law this is what the members of the church were rooted in and it ended up in a fight,  no matter how much someone is going to the world, Jesus Chirst bought them with the price of His blood, then there is something God is doing in this person. However, if this person is controlling this church left and right, then that is the work of the devil. This is an estimated 4-23 but that’s not the church.  It doesn’t matter how smart this person is, but the Holy Spirit has been one.  Even if someone has completely, physically collapsed, the Holy Spirit is with them and is guiding them.

But if you’re not able to see from the perspective of the Gospel and you see from the perspective of the law, you have no choice but to fight. What is the Law? It’s saying whether someone did well or not, even if you’re not fighting outwardly you are still fighting in your heart. You always had that heart within you, but it’s only revealed when an incident occurs but you’re personally deceived into thinking you did good and that’s the deception from the devil,you only did God when hold to Gospel but instead of holding onto the Gospel held onto something else deceived by the devil and  and seized by His lies.  Therefore, continue to reach the Word of God.

There are some things more, when you come to the church, don’t just listen to the covenant not as theory.  If you just know it as theory and words of the bible it doesn’t become actualized in you. You have to make it so that you really taste and experience Matthew 16:16, the incident that frees from Satan, curses, and darkness.  Saying “Jesus is the Christ” is not enough, even if we hear it so many times, it doesn’t work.  You must have this actualized, by tasting and experiencing that the curses and disasters are ended for you, and you must help the next generation so they can experience this through the Word of God, instead of experiencing it personally. 

Is it just enough to say Christ continuously even non-believers say the word Christ and even when you eat, you pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  WIthout a doubt, when you relay the words of Christ, you have to relay the reason Christ is the solution to all problems and that’s why Christ is not their answer, because they’re holding onto the physical things as their problem, and even though they were holding Only because they think that receiving physical answers is a blessing. If you’re poor, there’s a reason to get out, so you quickly change that. You’re not poor just because of one thing. If you’re constantly enslaved by money and you’re helpless and powerless, that’s not simple.  It didn’t happen to this individual all of a sudden, but for long ages, it continued down the family line.  Honestly speaking, it’s not just a personal problem, but it’s actually a problem related to the darkness that surrounds you .  You’ll see it if you research your family.  

Poverty is not a sin, Powerlessness is not a sin. However, if you want to do the work of the Lord, but you can’t because of your powerlessness, that’s sin, because you need to have the power to do the work God desires at the time God desires.   Simply put, you shouldn’t receive a blessing for the time God prepared and desired. But instead of receiving the path of blessing at the time that God desired, you’re going in another direction. Because you kept going down this path that was in the wrong direction, you fall into powerlessness and poverty.  There are some people who are completely financially powerless, and their entire lives become enslaved by money, even if they want to give offering, they cannot, it’s not something that happened overnight.  It was a combination of many things that had flown down from the parents, so you shouldn’t think of this so simply, and you need to know the fact that if you, one person, are able to find the answer through the church, then you will be able to save not only yourself, but all of your family line and all of your future generations.

I met one of my friends in Korea, and he’s from a particular region of Korea that always speaks in opposites.  He always says, “I married the wrong person,” so it’s possible he married the right person.  I asked, “How did you meet your wife?” He said, “I was just coming home from my stint in the military, and I met her at a crosswalk.  Then I asked him, “If you didn’t meet your wife, would you have been able to have your son who is now in the military, and your beautiful daughter? You have that handsome son and beautiful daughter because you met your wife,” and I don’t know about the heart with which that was spoken, but it’s not just you.  

You are related to your children as well, and you are the “you” that is not only related to your children, but that’s children’s children.  That’s what we call the family line.  The “you” that is “you” right now is actually related to the many generations above you as well, therefore, if your family line is powerless, it is actually falling down.  If it is a spiritual problem of your family line, you didn’t get it overnight, but it was actually flowing down for a long time, and the church is the place where you receive the answer to that, receive healing and restoration. However, without knowing the church in a biblical way, it will be difficult to receive biblical answers.  

“Oh, the church is a place where you can have fellowship,“ because it’s hard to make friends when you’re an immigrant in a new nation. If you see that, then the only thing you’re going to see is the fellowship.  If you look at the church and think, “There are people who can help me here,” that’s all you’re going to see.  If you see the church as a place for dating and meeting people, then that is the answer you’re going to get.  However, that is not the church God is talking about.  The church is the place that solves the fundamental problems of our lives.  The church isn’t a place to help you make money; there’s no law that says that by worshipping a few times, your poverty will turn into riches, because the poverty in your family has been that way for a very long time, but the church solves that problem. If the founding source of the problem is not solved, the problems will continue. This is the church. 

Prosperity is not the problem, but what you need to fix first is powerlessness and disease.  The church is the place where you receive the solution to every single problem to your life, and the church is the place that can give the answer to the 237 nations and the region; the person knowing this will receive that answer. Are you seeing the church properly?  Especially for the younger children, they compare the church to the physical places of the world.  

If you go to the colleges, there are so many educated professors there, they call the educated people and pay them to teach there, but when you come to the church, it is more lacking than the world. It’s actually a natural thought to have, but if that student knows the church like that, that person will fail.  We relay to the next generation that the church is the place that gives the fundamental solution to all the problems in your family, in the region, your past, present, and future.  The church is controlled by the Lord, and if you look down on the church, you’re looking down on the Lord.

If you have a little ability and you look down on the weaker people in the church, you look down on the Lord. If someone more renown comes to church, everyone flocks to them and admires them, but that’s looking down on the Lord.  Every single person has Christ within them, and they are individual souls that have been bought with the price of Jesus’ blood. You must be able to see them that way, and that’s what we call the Kingdom of God.  It is a different place from the world, but problems arise as you look at the church with the value system of the world. Changing the world means you change the world to become like the Kingdom of God like the Church.  This blessing must be imprinted into the next generation and the new believers.  


God, we thank You.  Jesus Who reigns over the Church, Jesus Christ Who is with our personal, intangible Church, as well as the community of believers, the tangible church, may You bless the Church to be the solution to our individual and societal problems. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.

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