Jesus’ Method for Evangelism (Matt. 4:19)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Jesus’ Method for Evangelism (Matt. 4:19)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Gospel Oh

Today’s title is Jesus’ Method for Evangelism. Last week, we talked about the vision, vision means we are looking towards what God is looking towards. This is important. There is a great difference in the walk of faith for those who know and not know what’s going to happen in the future. So the most important thing in your faith is to know and understand this vision through God’s perspectives. We have to look at the faraway things but also the near things. We can see the field but it’s important how we see it. We have lived in america for a long time and we see the field but we cant say its the correct field. Because we have only seen the physical things, if we can’t see the spiritual side, then we have not actually seen the field. In other words. We have to look at the field with God’s word. Even though we may need someone, we can’t judge with our own perspectives and experiences. We need to come out of looking at people with our experiences and that’s only through the word. We have to get training for this. Or else you’ll misunderstand the other person. And especially our remnants have to see this in the field and they have to know this through the 12 problems of non-believers in the field. 

And so lets say you are in a field with the remnants and you are looking at people in the field. It’s important whether you see them according to the word or your experience. And the one who looks at the field with the word will be used by God. No matter how long your walk of faith might have been, if you can’t see the field, you can’t be used. Just your long experiences in America in the field isn’t looking at the field. Simply put, humans that are separated from God are focused on the flesh and success. And everything is covered in religion, idolatry, shamanism, and meditation. And everyone is trapped within Satan’s 6 snares, you have to be able to see this. You can say these are the 12 problems. 

And you have to make it so that  we can imprint and root these things with the word. And at the field here, we check and confirm these things. And even today in your respective fields, you are supposed to confirm these 12 things. If you’re not able to confirm these things, you’ll look with the eyes of Genesis 3 and share the same problem. While looking at the field, confirm the fact that you’ve been liberated from the 12 problems through Christ. So it’s a matter of whether you are looking at the field and confirming you have these 12 problems and have been liberated from it, or looking at the field and being in these 12 problems. The one who sees these can give the answer of not being trapped in it. The reason why you know this and have received salvation but you’re homeless and within suffering is because you haven’t experienced this and confirmed it. You have to believe and enjoy the fact that Jesus Christ has completely liberated you from this and he is with you right now and guiding you through prayer. So the meaning of doing the 24 hour prayer inside of the field is not to fall into these 12 problems, but instead confirm it in your field and enjoy this. And with the authority of the name of Jesus Christ, whenever you pray, Satan’s  forces are broken down and angels are mobilized. And through prayer as you look at the field you have to enjoy the background of heavens and raising disciples in your fields. 

Every day we live these 24 hours, and everything is about our perspectives. And so God has given you the vision of world evangelism and you must look at the closest place in the field with this. And don’t just look at this but confirm it with the word. 

And so the missionary’s son from Kenya arrived today, and I went to the airport to pick him up but it’s not just the matter about going to the airport to just pick him up but rather it’s about picking up, serving, and devoting my time to the future  Remnant disciple. In other words, we have to look at the meaning. If we just live then your soul will be tired. In other words, it’s because we keep looking at and living within these 12 problems that we are tired and weary. So if you are able to have the time to yourself to collect your thoughts at the end of the day, then I hope you will take the time to look at the field in these 12 problems and enjoy the status and authority. 

Then the perspective of the field will change so when they ask you to go to the field you’ll go.You go to the field every day, you walk toward the field. And if we are to set up a time and a specific name for the evangelism camp, then we are setting off differently.  But if you go out into the field with the words of the gospel and  it’ll naturally come to you to change the field. We have remnants going out to camp every Saturday, going to camp is normal and automatic, all the students around the world go to school but it’s the matter about how well they are listening and understanding the teacher’s words. 

And so it’s the same lesson they are being taught but there are some good and bad students. It’s not that they are ditching classes but they are attending class. It’s not that everyone hasn’t gone to the field, everyone has. But because they aren’t seeing what they are supposed to be seeing they don’t have the answer. That’s why the training to change these eyes through the word is everything. And so if these are the 12 problems of the field, you have to look at yourself with the seven blessings. Even right now you have to be within this, you have to properly look at yourself, that’s prayer. But if you don’t know who you are and you pray, that isn’t prayer. In other words you are praying with the 12 problems and that’s not prayer. You have to change that. And because this is very important content, I’m reiterating it this week. 

And if there’s a leader inside of this field, they will be raised up quickly. However if there’s not a leader to be raised up in that field, the blind will lead the blind, that’s why they are saying weird things. But people who know and say the correct things, they properly raise them up. But overall, people just speak about the field with their own experiences. And there needs to be a leader that can, through these experiences, change that. That’s how this person can be raised with the word.  Or else they will be forum and gathering and everything, but it would be the blind leading the blind. It won’t develop or grow because no one’s eyes are open. If there are parents like this, their child’s eyes will be opened quickly. The students worry about these 12 problems, but if the parents are worried about the same problems, they will teach the child with the eyes of legalism. But if you’re able to teach them about the 12 problems in the field, they will look at themselves with the gospel and they’ll be able to  properly know themselves. 

When you first meet a non believer and you’re evangelizing to them, you have to first plant this seed of vision. And when I’m sharing forum, many people lack vision. Even though they have this planted gospel, because they lack this vision, they are very vague and shaken. You have to especially pay attention to the younger kids because they have a further future to think about, so when you give the gospel you have to place this vision inside of them to have security. But if you don’t have the vision, you can give the vision to anyone else.  If the parent doesn’t have the vision, they can’t plant this vision inside the children. Then the children will live constantly worried about their future and security. 

So even if it’s a new believer, if they understand the gospel, plant this vision. Not the person of dreams, but the person God prepared for you. That’s how you won’t be shaken. Or else, the children will continue to ask about their future. And so eventually there will be no marriages. Because they don’t have the vision of the future they meet just anyone. Just anyone means they are meeting with Genesis 3, lacking the vision. If you just hold onto and have the vision, the person will come to you. Then, having the proper direction is everything. 

So the method Jesus  talked about in evangelism is, “Come follow me and I’ll make you fishers of men”  . Jesus showed the vision and field with the word and said “Come follow me,” meaning the Lord is with you. The Lord is with you and drags you along. What’s the condition? You have to let go of yourself. If you’re following with your own thoughts, you’re considering Jesus with your own thoughts so that’s not fully following after Jesus. More specifically, we are listening to the pulpit message, sometimes we follow after the word, sometimes your own experiences, that’s not fully following the word, that’s just considering the word. 

To be “with” means we no longer need me. If you’re following with your thoughts, that’s calculating, not following. And to be with Immanuel. God is with me, God is with us. That’s why the church is important because God is with us. Not only me but also that person. There’s a great blessing inside of this. If you know this, you’ll receive healing. And if you know this when you’re within the society you’ll be the spiritual leader. People who don’t know Immanuel, may seem to have the background of the gospel but are not able to lead. Simply put, it’s always themselves. The gospel they have understood and discovered, it all ends with themselves. But Immanuel is God is with us and that’s within the church  and we can see this person is lacking and that’s why God is with them as well, and we have to devote and serve that person.  

You must know this very well, even within the family. God is with me, that person, God is with us. Looking at that person we can discover Genesis 3 with the gospel. Legalism will judge and condemn that and you try changing it. But that’s not God being with you. You are going into that person’s life and you are trying to change this thing. And because the person is weak, that part is empty. And it’s only when you pray for their lackings and devote yourself to the empty parts, and that’s when God is with us. That is the church. If part of the church seems to be lacking, you pray for that. 

If it’s not something you can change with words, you have to pray. And mistakes for example can be quickly covered up, but if it’s lacking it cannot be changed with words, you have to pray. We have to be good at this for the family to be revived. If the family is uneven and non cohesive, it’ll be a problem. And because the family members are attacked, they are   non cohesive. They have to see Immanuel but they only heard the word and never saw it. That’s the place and location of the church. 

Matthew 28:20, “I’ll be with you always and eternally,” Mark 3:13, the reason he called you is to be with him forever. This is Jesus’ method. What method is there? It’s the method of God being with you. How do we save the family? It’s through the method of Immanuel. Saving the family means saving the children.  Being unable to save the family means you are unable to save the children. Then the next generation cannot be revived. So not just the word Immanuel, but you have to think about it deeply and understand the word of Immanuel. And so people dont understand Immanuel, a lot of people fall into religious agnosticism where you don’t need the church. They think they can just read the Bible and have their own walk of faith. 

That’s why we lose the blessing of Immanuel.  For instance, I have a problem but the opposite person also has a problem.  But you don’t know that about each other so you keep going against that person, it’s a spiritual problem.  Knowing you have a spiritual problem, as time passes on, it will be fixed, and weather you know you have this spiritual problem or not, if the opposing person knows that you have a spiritual problem or not, and they pray for you, the spiritual problem will be healed quicker, and that’s the blessing of Immanuel. 

That’s how the church will also be revived. Is someone saying this or that? they see this person but they see the person in the wrong way. You have to look at this person with the blessing of IMmanuel for it to be a blessing.  Let’s say this person goes into the field of the world, and they pray in Immanuel with the person who has received the gospel, because there will be people who receive the gospel in the field, and when the gospel enters into that person, it becomes the blessing of Immanuel.  That’s why you have to be able to know and enjoy this. Jesus is with us and is Immanuel, and that’s why some churches call themselves “Immanuel Church.” If it’s “Immanuel Church ” but they don’t know the meaning of Immanuel, they can’t say that’s a church.  I hope you will be able to enjoy this well.

Are you lacking? That’s why God has given me this role so God can be with us.  Am I lacking? That’s why this person has been set up so God can be3 with us through Immanuel.  But if it’s not this type of gathering, but instead it’s a gathering to judge other people, it’s a gathering that blocks Immanuel.  I hope you will be able to come out of that. It may seem like correct words, but it’s not a gathering where God is with you; it’s a gathering Satan enjoys.  Hearing it, it may be correct because you condemn people but it ends with just that.  People may say, “You have to fix this or that,” but the world is good at that, so what is Immanuel? It is a gathering where you can come together and pray about this, and I hope you will enjoy this time of Immanuel.

But if it’s not this type of gathering, I hope you will come out of it, because if you just stay in this, you will just have the same works of God not being with you.  This is how you can differentiate the gatherings in the field. This is how you can discern whether this is a good church or not. That’s how the church comes to life.

5 Basics

1) Meeting (Field)

This is the training for the 5 basics, so where do we have the gatherings? It is in the field so you must not forget this. If you forget this and have this gathering, this is a gathering that will lose steam . In the World Leader’s Conference, there were lectures, and if it is a gathering without evangelism, it will eventually dissolve.  If it’s not for only evangelism, it will eventually dissolve.  So, gatherings and the field.  

What is the field?  What is the field?  You have to know the field to understand it.  So, let’s say you’re gathering online or in regional churches, if you don’t know the field, it’s a gathering in vain, then you don’t have to gather or have a church.  But if it’s not a gathering for the field, what is the point of gathering?  It’s just a waste of time, it bothers you and concerns you, and it has no effect.  

Let’s say you come to the gathering and say a few words, it’s of no help.  You have to let the people hear the proper Word of God through the pulpit message.  If you just say some words, that is not the proper ministry.  But that person and I gather, talking about the problems of the field, and if it is about the field,it is okay.  

(Word, Prayer, Evangelism)

No matter what kind of gathering you may have, whether it’s online, gathering, one-on-one, regional church, it must always have these three things, the Word, prayer, and evangelism.  It seems like these two things, the Word and prayer, go very well because we have forum afterwards and pray, and people seem to always have prayer topics regarding the Word, however, evangelism is missing.  If evangelism is missing, we cannot say this is the correct gathering God desires; we can just call this a regional worship.  So, it is good they’re gathered there, but it is a gathering God does not desire without evangelism.  The Holy Spirit cannot work.  

For instance, I have this evangelism camp, and we’re talking about this, and relaying the Word and we have forum about the message and they give their prayer topics, but there’s no evangelism, meaning they have no prayer topics from their field, they have no prayer topics regarding the saving of lives in the field, then what is this meeting for?  You can just gather at the church.  So, that’s why you have to have gatherings about the field, the gathering at church is just a local gathering.  So, the most important gathering you can say is about evangelism, and the Word and prayer for evangelism.  

But it’s for evangelism?  If a person who doesn’t know evangelism hears this, they will think it’s very hard because they’re already misunderstanding the concept of evangelism, of thinking of it as going out to find someone.  Acts 13:1-4 states, even before they started evangelism, they already set up and prepared everything in the field about prayer, evangelism, the people thye are going to meet.  

So that’s why whenever you have a gathering in the field, prepare a list of the people you will meet and evangelize to.  So, you just have to go into the field and prepare a list of people you want to evangelize to, in your evangelism field.  Then, before you go into your evangelism field, God has already worked, transcending time and space.  Then, going into the field, you will be able to see the time of your field.  But when you pray, if you don’t believe the Holy Spirit will absolutely work, this becomes a joke. 

When you have this gathering, that itself becomes a platform for evangelism.  Even if 100 years pass of gathering together, and it’s lacking evangelism, it’s just a gathering for yourselves, it’s not for the Lord.  Those are the gatherings the Jewish people in the Temple of Jerusalem were good at, but it’s not that kind of meeting.  So, the gathering that God desires and works in is very different. It starts from a different perspective.  

Gatherings about the field.  Gathering for the field.  Gathering for the field.  That’s Mark’s upper room.  It’s a gathering for the end of the world, and it’s the gathering to save the region.  But what happens if the leader and fellow person lose hold of this? It’s not for evangelism and it’s not a gathering.  When you hold onto this and gather, you’ll start to pray and the forces of darkness are broken down in that region.  It is at that time that God will raise up His disciples and God’s forces through prayer will work, and it’s the same.  

We talk about the platform, there must be the content.  The watchtower, the light to save, it should have the content.  We have to continue the role of the active antenna to relay this message and save the people.  If you’re able to understand this, you’ll understand why we have this new terminology updated yearly; if you’re not able to understand this, you’ll go along, following the words just because they changed.

The basics are very important.  The remnants are receiving this training. There’s nothing much to it, just receive the training, the basics.  If it were me, I’d start with the training of the basics of reading, writing, and memorizing the verses that correlate to the 12 problems of the unbelievers and confirm them in the field.  Also, enjoying the 7 blessings of me and my identity and authority.  

If you listen to the Word without these basics, you won’t be able to understand these words because it’s built upon these basics. If you know what the Upper Room means, you won’t have a problem understanding the core messages. It’s all talking about the gathering for the platform that raises evangelism.  But I’m trying to listen to the messages without thinking about the field? That’s why you keep getting confused. We can understand the words but you can’t get the spiritual understanding. However, if you hold to the field, you’ll be able to see the spiritual flow of the Word, then you’ll be able to understand what the Word means. 

Though there may have been people who are meeting with the field in mind, make sure you meet, holding to the field.  Holding onto the word, prayer, and the field. You may have looked at the field with Gen. 3, but hold onto this and do forum, holding onto the things of the field.  No matter how hard you may try to insert yourself into this, it’s troublesome and hard.  If you have nothing to say but the words of Gen. 3, just close your mouth. Confirm and check with the Word every time. A situation arises? Check it with the Word.  Look at the field with the eyes of the gospel and the word and you will grow; however if you look at the field with the eyes of Gen. 3, your head will become big but your body will become frail.

2) Meeting

There are meetings with people with the gospel.  Meeting is part of God’s plan and answer.  It’s not just an answer, it’s within God’s plan.  It’s not that you share the gospel to every person you meet, but what is God’s plan within each meeting?  So you have to pray about this meeting, that God will absolutely use to eventually share this gospel with the person. As evidence God is with you, God will reveal His plan to you.  If this does not take place, continuously ask yourself the question, “What am I going to do?” You can ask, “Pastor, what do I do when I meet this person?” but Jesus never trained His disciples to live this way.

We talk about meetings. Meetings that do not work out, discipleship training that doesn’t work out, as time passes, they will dissolve.  With the plan of evangelism, if you ask God, “What is your plan within this meeting?” Discipleship training will fall into place.  For instance, let’s say you keep asking God, “What am I to do with this person?” They may give answers like a shaman, but rather, it’s’ the same thing, you get married off but you ask your parents with questions, but it’s not the same as raising a disciple.  

That’s how you should spiritually raise up disciples, where you don’t just answer the questions but place them before God to ask questions and receive answers from God, or else they won’t be able to serve or raise up disciples in different regions, because I’ve made them to only rely on me so they can’t go to different places.  That’s the act of heretics because if the heretic leader falls down, the heretics would not be able to continue. 

3) Home –

Mission home, the home.  The home with a mission for evangelism and missions.  This is all about the field.

4) Work Field

There’s an evangelism plan for your work field, and you have these gatherings, then what else can you ask?  You pray to God about this work field you’ve been assigned to, and as evidence God is with you, God will give you the answer within God’s time schedule.  But the reason why these gathering are not working out is because they are not focused on evangelism and the field so they just fall apart.  So, if you have this gathering without thinking of the field, it’s just a waste of time and will cause division among people.  

5) Culture

The gathering to change the culture of the region.  Whether it’s regional church or camp, it’s not just a simple gathering, but it’s a gathering to change the culture.  God being “with” means God is with us in the five basics of our lives.  Everyone has the five fields they have, respectively, and it’s a matter of confirming God within these five fields.  So, when it comes to night time, have a method to organize how God is with you in the five fields and have a time to confirm the 12 life problems.  

These people are able to receive training every day.  It’s not that someone must teach them this training, but if they know the basics, they are able to have self-training and it’s all guided by that.  That is how that person is going to be self-made and self-raised up and other people will also be raised up in that sense, but let’s say you coddle them? They will continue to ask< “What must I do in this situation?” That only means both of them are wrong. Because both people are wrong, they are acting in this role of God and asking questions to God, but you have to rely on God and ask Him the questions.

I’m not saying to not ask any questions, but that person can raise himself up in front of God up until that point. That person cannot just be in front of God by themselves? Then you have to help them, and that’s how this person can go alone into their own fields and do evangelism and missions.  There was a lot to go over, but I seem to have used all my time on these things.

Training – Healing

Training is a time of healing. Do we have to do training?  We just have to listen to the message, do we have to do more training? Training is a time of healing, it is the word we listen to, we are listening to it and repeating it to digest it.  Especially, concentrated training is a training that heals.


The reason this is healing evangelism camp is that there’s this focus on healing.  It is a time for us to concentrate, focus on the meeting of healing, raising myself as the healing minister and healing the people of the world.  

Camp Training

God raised up the disciples through camp training. It’s the same, Jesus gathered disciples together and they did camp training, you can call that a church. 

Continuation – Mission Home, Specialized Church

The family needs to be continued, and also, specialization, you have to receive healing through family and work.  Work is not about making money but it’s about spreading God’s Word, evangelism, and missions.  No matter how much training you may have, you cannot be healed.  Mission Home, what is God’s purpose in that?  The Bible clearly stated you will receive blessings up to 1000 generations, but there’s a condition, if you uphold God’s law, if you’re within God’s Word.  it must be that kind of family. Let’s say you just try to uphold your own reputation without God’s word? Let’s hope you will receive blessings up to 1000 generations so that the children can also see this through their parents.  That’s a mission home.  

But you haven’t seen this at all before because the parents are only fighting with each other with legalism, the children see this and grow up the same way. They have never seen Immanuel.  When the mother was lacking and weak, the father guided and helped her.  They have to see that the father, when he made a mistake and was suffering from a spiritual problem, the mother did not condemn, but comforted him and raised him up inside the Word.  

God is Immanuel, God raises the family within that, and if it’s not that, then it’s very different from the meaning, “Don’t worry about us, God raises us up in the family as Immanuel.”  But in contrast, if the husband has a problem and is suffering from a spiritual problem, the wife instead of comforting within God’s Word, is judging, condemn.  The words of Immanuel are there but they don’t see Immanuel in their parents, so it has to be a mission home.

Mission home. It’s the same for your children, they may be lacking, but there’s no time.


Dear Father God, thank You.  Let us see the method that Jesus spoke about in evangelism to be a method of healing and being together in Christ and Immanuel.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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