Jesus Christ with Sinners (Mt. 9:9-13)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Jesus Christ with Sinners (Mt. 9:9-13)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  I hope that the answers will come according to your confession.  A person’s life will change, based on their words.  People who keep on speaking the words of people will live their lives trapped within conflicts and fighting.  However, if somebody speaks the words of God, then their life will receive answers of conquering. The reason is because God Himself is the Word.  Your life will also change based on what words you listen to.

Matthew shows that Jesus Christ came to this earth as the King of the Kingdom of God. Because Jesus Christ is the King, the works take place like the demons being cast out and the paralyzed man being healed, but the people are more interested in their own diseases being healed.  However, God is more interested in the fact that Jesus Christ is the King of the Kingdom of God, and as a result of that, demons are cast out and diseases are healed.  The people who receive grace and are able to correctly see that fact are able to conquer the world without exception.

In Matthew 9, we see three different types of people.  These are things that happened 2000 years ago, but they are happening in the same way today.  In today’s scripture, we see when Jesus Christ was having dinner with a tax collector named Matthew.  

1. The righteous in delusion

  1) The Pharisees (Mt. 9:11)

The Pharisees who saw that, asked the disciples, “Why does your Lord eat with sinners?”  On hearing this, Jesus replied, “I have come to heal the sick, not the healthy.  I have come to call the sinners, not the righteous ones.”  It’s a short conversation, but it reveals the reason why the Israelites failed 2000 years ago.  Even right now, they are living in suffering, terror, and war. It’s the same thing for Christians who believe in Jesus Christ. In today’s conversation, I hope you will check yourself to see what side you are standing on, then you will be able to see for yourself the reason why you are either receiving answers or suffering. 

    (1) Law (Mt. 9:13)

The Pharisees here are the highest class, the elite of the Israelites who were controlling society, and they were people who lived their lives according to the Bible. They are people who tried to follow the laws God gave them to the letter.  

    (2) The righteous (Mt. 9:13)

Because they kept the law of God so carefully, they thought they were not sinners, that they were righteous, but there was one misconception they had. They only interpreted the law God gave them in a physical way, in an external way. Just like we interpret the laws of America today, they think, “If I do not commit this act, then I am okay.” They thought, “If I don’t actually murder someone else, then I’m not a murderer.”  However, the law God gives to us is, “Even if you hate someone in your heart, that is murder.”  So, these people changed God’s law to be physical.

    (3) Do not associate with sinners (Mt. 9:11)

Because they themselves had never murdered someone, they thought they were righteous, and the righteous people will never mingle with sinners, and from that perspective, they were asking why Jesus would eat with sinners.  

  2) Lost hold of the Gospel

    (1) Bible – Long awaited Messiah

These people knew the Messiah was promised to come in the Bible. Even right now, the Jewish people are waiting for the Messiah, but what is the Messiah they are waiting for? The Messiah they are waiting for is the Messiah who will destroy all the other nations and raise Israel to the top. It’s the same thing today. They say, “Israel is the holy, chosen nation, and everyone else are Gentiles,” and that’s why they interpreted the Messiah in the scriptures in a different way. 

    (2) Met Jesus Christ (Mt. 9:11)

These people in those days met Jesus Christ and saw him, but they did not need Jesus Christ because they thought they were already righteous, they thought they were keeping all of God’s Word.  They were extremely proud because they were the chosen people who were keeping God’s word and God’s law and all the sacrifices. Because of their incorrect understanding of the Bible, Jesus Christ is the blessing of all blessings but they lost hold of that.  

The blessings they desired are the blessings they see with their eyes.  We call the visible blessings a physical blessing, but these people do not know what the invisible blessings are.  It’s possible they go about this in the church as well, they went to worship for a long time, and they know the Bible well, but the standard of their faith is physical.  They think, “I’m okay as long as my actions are not dirty,” that is someone who is physically successful in the world. If they see someone at a lower level than them in the church, they may not say anything, but they think something in their mind.

    (3) Did not need Christ

And when these people come to worship, they don’t really need Jesus Christ because they think they’re righteous, so even though they go to worship, they don’t receive grace because they have another standard by which they are believing.  That’s the reason why the Israelites and the Pharisees failed; they suffered for thousands of years, but they still did not realize this.  Even though they were colonized by Rome, the nation that was worshiping Satan and idols, they still did not realize.  For these people, they have their own form of success, and they believed in God, but it turns out these people did not know what sin is.  

  3) Situation

    (1) Rome – Colonized

    (2) Physical blessings – Standard of faith

The Bible tells us that every human is born with Original Sin.  This Original Sin is something that I did not commit myself, then how unfair is that?  You are not receiving problems in your life because you did something wrong, your life is being dragged in that direction regardless of who you are.  Your children are not suffering in America because you did something wrong; you tried to live the best you could.  Are the people who are committing shootings in America doing so because they are evil? No.  Everyone always says of shooters, “They were so quiet and they were so nice.”  

    (3) Slave to the world, Satan (Eph. 2:3, Jn. 8:44)

I’ve occasionally met with people who were in prison for 40-50 years, these people are delighted by fighting every day.  These are people who can only find some kind of relief ever since they were children when they fought.  Even when they go into prisons, there are different groups for different races and they fight every day, but when you look at their face, they don’t seem like someone who would do that.  One such person met God in prison.  You cannot tell whether someone is evil or not just by looking at their face.  There’s something inside of them that leaves them no choice but to fight.  They are so delighted to fight every day, but when I saw him, he wasn’t like that.  But we cannot say that this person is okay just because they look okay on the outside.  Ever since we are born, we are born with the Original Sin that was committed by Adam, and we are living with the nature that says we do not need God.  In Eph. 2:2, it says we are seized by the authority of Satan and dragged into our fate and destiny.

Shall I give you an example? Do things happen according to your thoughts? Your life is being dragged regardless of your thoughts, that is your destiny.  You cannot break free from your destiny, just as you cannot break free from the pandemic.  There was the plague in Europe hundreds of years ago, could you avoid that?  No.  There’s an unstoppable flood happening in California, can you stop that? There’s a limitation to what humans can do.  Humans have no choice but to follow according to the way the heavens move.  That’s their destiny.  Is there anybody who prays for mental disease ever since they are young?  Is there anybody who wants a panic attack so they get into car accidents while driving? Even though there’s nothing to be afraid of, people are having panic attacks and anxiety attacks. It is not because they experience something frightening; these are things that come into our life, regardless of what is going on.

People may get depressed when it rains, so Seattle may be a depressing region.  I went there and it was always drizzling, and it doesn’t rain a lot, just very lightly. And that’s why they sell coffee so well, but there are a lot of people suffering from depression because the environment is so depressing. I think there, people don’t need to believe in Jesus, because it’s so good.  I hope no one hears this message and moves to Seattle. It’s so fantastical when you compare it to LA, and I wonder if the students in Seattle wouldn’t want to believe in Jesus because it’s such a good place to play, but one day, they face depression they never wanted, even though there’s nothing depressing in their lives.  

Why is that?  There are the forces of darkness that are invisible to our eyes, and they are burrowing into your house.  Even though you struggle against it, you cannot escape. That’s why there is a stream in your family line, that’s the forces of darkness. You cannot escape.  Because this is a spiritual thing, you cannot escape by the efforts and will of mankind. Even if there’s no reason for me to commit suicide, I really want to kill myself? There’s no other reason than the darkness, but the Pharisees don’t know about the darkness and they say they are righteous in their walk of faith. 

2. Sinners

 1) Matthew (Mt. 9:9)

  (1) Tax Collector (Mt. 9:9)

Jesus Christ walks by this tax collector named Matthew and calls him as a disciple. Back in those days, the tax collectors were Israelites set up by Rome to collect taxes for Rome.  They would say, “I need this amount of taxes, and you can do whatever you want with everything else.” So let’s say they give $100,000 to Rome in taxes, and Rome says, “Everything else, we don’t care if you keep it or what,” so what the tax collectors would do is, they need to give $100,000 of taxes, but they would collect $500,000, and any Israelite who refuses that will go to jail.  Then, the tax collectors would keep $400,000 for themselves, and the Israelites knew that, so the people they hated the most were the tax collectors.

  (2) Criticized by Israel

These were people who were shamed and finger-pointed at in all of Israel. It’s even shameful if you’re caught once, stealing something, but these were people who were officially going out, being accused by all of society, but the Lord called him and he followed.  The Pharisees are right next to Jesus, but they still don’t need Him. What does this mean?  It is a blessing for humans when we feel our limitations, when we’re pushed into a corner. 

  (3) Followed Jesus’s Word (Mt. 9:9)

Because Jesus Christ tells us to follow Him, we do, but the Pharisees have everything they wanted, so they don’t go to Jesus. They have their own things they rely on; that’s what we call a curse. Even right now, they are cursed.  There are people who are living their walk of faith even now, and even though there are blessings for them, they go against the blessings. Jesus Christ is the source of blessings, He is the Creator God, He is the One Who can move your success and failure, Jesus Christ is the One Who can give you life or death.  If you know you need that Christ, that is a blessing; that is a true blessing, but we don’t recognize that as a blessing.

The reason we don’t recognize that as a blessing is that we think the physical things are more valuable. There are Christians in the Church just like Pharisees: they are successful in the world, they have some money, they are well-educated, they know so much about the Bible, and they have been living their walk of faith ever since they were young.  But there’s just one thing–they don’t need Jesus Christ that much, so even when they come to worship, they just go because they don’t think they are a sinner.  

They think they are righteous and they say, “Everyone should try to be like me. Anyone who gives as much offering as me, come out. If there’s anyone who’s been in church longer than me, come out,” so they don’t need Jesus.  They say, “I’ll be okay just with the things I have now.” Even though they’re colonized by Rome, they have no sense of that, and they’re not aware of this, but they’re actually being seized and dragged around by Satan. But the tax collectors have no place to go. That’s the blessing.

When do we go to church? People go to church when they are completely broken down. If they are not broken down, they choose another religion or they don’t choose any religion and they live, believing in themselves.  But the true blessing is when God destroys them so they come to Jesus Christ. If we believe in Jesus Christ, do we get food? Do we get success? What do we get? All of that is at the level of the earth. I’m not saying we don’t need that; we do. But we are the people, the creation who were created to live with the blessings of Heaven.  If humans are worried about the things that they eat that not even dogs worry about, that is a curse.  Even the flowers in the field do not worry about how they will live, but if humans are worried about that, that is a curse. 

Being with Jesus is the blessing of all blessings, do you know why? Because Col 2:3 says everything is hidden in Him.  Because it is hidden, we cannot see it; we can only see it with the eyes of faith, but because it is invisible, we think it is not a great blessing. But the people who recognize the blessing are the ones who will conquer Rome.  Instead of being influenced by the powerful people in the world, they changed those people. This is the work that sinners did.  

 2) Sinners (Mt 9:11)

  (1) Those who need Jesus Christ (Mt. 9:10)

These sinners were sinners because they broke the law.  Why did God give us the laws of the Old Testament?  To reveal our sin. That is the reason He gave the way for us to live, which is the blood sacrifice, Jesus Christ. Because these people know they are sinners, they go to Jesus Christ, but there are many people who are sinners and do not think they are sinners, they are under the misconception that they are righteous. 

Are you a sinner or are you righteous? Who are you? Answer this inside your heart, it’s embarrassing to say out loud. If you’re right, it doesn’t matter, but if you’re wrong, it’ll be embarrassing. We are sinners, right? We have become righteous because of Christ. You did not become righteous because of your abilities. You have no ability to make yourself righteous, your abilities are always going to be the abilities of a sinner.  

Only by Christ are we regarded as righteous, then now, do we have the ability to be righteous? No.  One day, I pick up a kid off the street and I adopt him, but I did not give birth to this child. My DNA is not in this child, I just regarded him as my son one day.  For this child, even though I am his father, he doesn’t feel like this.  I’m not saying this is happening in my family, it’s just an example.  There are always people who are a little naive when listening to this; they don’t believe in the Word of God, but they believe in my examples. 

We have no ability to be righteous, we are only regarded as righteous because of our faith in Christ. Our abilities are only those of a sinner. What is the standard of a sinner? It means we don’t need God; they say, “I can live my life on my own,” that is our nature, it’s in our DNA.  The devil knows that and controls it.  That is the problem.  The person is not the problem, but what is inside of me is the problem. Thinking “I can do this,” that’s the problem.  But somebody knows they are a sinner so they say, “I am a sinner so I need Christ”? That is a blessing.  

Today, the standard of the world is Christ, then where will you stand? You need to stand in the line that says Jesus is the Christ. You need to stand in the line of the One Who is moving the world, but the Pharisees did not stand on that side, they had their own standard. They say, “Everybody, line up on my side,” so even though they knew the Bible, they knew it backwards. They were completely their own god.  The characteristic of sin is not the actions you commit, but thinking you are in the seat of God? That is Original Sin.  

You get angry when things don’t go the way you want, right? Things should happen according to God’s will, but you get upset if things don’t happen according to your will. If you’re in a meeting and people aren’t listening to your words, you get upset, don’t you?  You’re not getting upset because people are simply not listening to you, but you’re getting upset because you’re in the seat of your own god.  If all decisions are not made through you, then your life is not even worth living, is it?  

Especially in the family, there are fathers who get upset if the mother buys their children something without discussing it with the father first.  They say, “Why are you outcasting me?” Is that a good father or a bad father? That’s a bad father.  A good father would say, “I’m thankful for my wife because she did something I couldn’t do because I’m so busy, and now because of this, my children are delighted,” but instead they say, “How dare you belittle my authority?” That is a bad dad, but the dad keeps thinking the problem is the wife.  But the Bible tells us the true problem is the fact that we are sinners: in your heart, you are your own god, and if the person doesn’t receive the grace to realize what the true problem is, they will always be deceived by Satan’s lie that the other person is the problem.

What is it that you think is the problem? That’s the real problem, the real problem is that you are in the seat of God.  If you change the seat of God to be the Lord, then there would be no problem because you would see everything in the way God is working, with God’s answers. That’s why it’s a blessing to be a sinner.

  (2) The sick – Needs a doctor (Mt. 9:12)

Then Jesus Christ says, “I have come to heal the sick,” but the Pharisees thought they were healthy, not sick, so they do not need Jesus Christ.  The time schedule where someone has nothing to rely on, when they have no hope in life, that is the time schedule where God calls us.  That can come in many different forms.  Even if you have great success in life, you have no satisfaction, then one day, you go to Christ.  Or one day, you have a physical problem that no doctor can do anything about, and that’s when the Lord calls you.  Or there are some people who have a mental illness in their family and they suffer for such a long time, and that’s how they go to the Lord, and the Bible tells us that’s a blessing.  

You have to acknowledge that is a blessing in order to be aligned with God.  But if you don’t think that’s a blessing and you keep thinking that the blessings are the blessings that unbelievers talk about, you are not aligned with God.  Your father, the devil, who was a liar from the beginning, will continue to deceive you.

  (3) Those who need mercy (Mt. 9:13)

The Bible says, “I do not desire sacrifices, but mercy.” Of course, we need to give worship and sacrifices to God. The Pharisees did that so well, God gave the Word to the Levites to give sacrifices, and the Pharisees kept all the orders of the law, the sacrifices, and worship, ever since they were young; however, they lost the essence of sacrifice within that. They don’t know who they are themselves, and they just give worship mechanically. Even though I’m righteous, I’m still a sinner; in other words, I am weak. That is why I need the Lord’s mercy.  That is the sacrifice and the worship the Lord desires.

But we have none of that; we just say, “Okay, I’ll give worship,” then that person is on the side of the Pharisees.  They have something they rely on, like their thoughts or their background, and the devil knows that so well. One day, the devil will be waiting and overtake you, so that’s why during worship, ask yourself, “Who am I?” I am someone who needs Christ.  People who are diseased, people who are demon possessed, the tax collectors, and the sinners, even if someone is very successful and elite in the world, some of them realize, “I need Christ.” There are people who seek the Truth of Jesus Christ because they are so empty inside. That is grace and a blessing.

 3) Jesus Christ

What did Jesus Christ do when He came to earth? The incident of Jesus Christ on the cross is your incident.

  (1) Sin, Satan, Hell – Liberated

Jesus Christ solved all the problems of sin, the Original Sin, your ancestors’ sin, and your own sins, on the cross. The shootings that happen are a result of the visible sin; there was already sin inside that person, the sin where they were their own god without Jesus Christ, that resulted in the visible sin of the shooting.  The sin of being addicted to alcohol or drugs, that already started from inside of them. When they face a problem or situation, they do not seek Christ.  They never seek Jesus Christ, and then when they face a problem, these are the results that happen, and when they drink alcohol, they feel okay, and in that moment, they feel okay because the alcohol will numb or dull their brain, and it’s the same for gaming or gambling.  It’s the same thing for substances and gaming, it gives joy in the brain for a momentary time, or the music of a very famous celebrity, in that moment, it gives me joy.  But that is just something that numbs or anesthetizes the brain so it hides the inner problem, but because in that moment, they feel okay, they fall deeper and deeper.

  (2) Finished everything (Jn. 19:30)

People do not become addicted to drugs because they wanted to, but it’s because their original state was like that. That is not something that can be solved by American education, that cannot be solved by making a lot of money, that cannot be solved by living such a nice life. You must have Christ in the center of your life, in the seat of God, that’s how all problems are finished. You need to solve the problem fundamentally, you shouldn’t just treat the side effects; otherwise, the problem will keep on happening, and that problem continues though your children. You are not finishing it just by yourself because the spiritual things are relayed to your children without a doubt. That’s what the Bible tells us. 

If I have the correct faith, it will naturally go into my children. Not only my children, but this influence will go into the people I go to school or work with.  You chose this faith, invisible to the eyes, but that is the influence that goes in. So, the spiritual things, you must invest a lot of time into the invisible things.  It’s the same thing for any development, in athleticism or science or art.  They don’t invest a lot of time in the invisible things, they invest so much time in the basics that a lot of people actually look down on them and do not notice.  We need to put a lot of time into making Jesus Christ into the Lord of our lives, that’s the most basic thing and then all the other answers will naturally follow. That’s how success must follow and money must follow you, why? Because the Lord of my life is the Lord, so money has no choice but to follow.  If I am the master of my own life, then I need to follow money.  One day, you’ll be seized by money, but it’s actually being seized by Satan. That’s the snare people fall into as they immigrate to America, and one day, their children will be the same.  They have these illusions of fantastical things like success and the devil makes you fall into it. That is why the Lord knew that we cannot do it, and He finished everything on the cross. He finished all the problems of our past, present, and future all at once on the cross, and now we have been changed into somebody who is with the Triune God eternally. 

  (3) Christ – Died together, Life (Gal. 2:20)

Jesus is His name and Christ is the work He did, and I believe Jesus did the work of the Christ. If you don’t know what the “Christ” means, then how do you know Jesus?  By His death on the cross, He has finished the problems that mankind could never solve on its own: sin, Satan, and hell, at once. It is no longer a problem.  The Lord is living inside of me as true life, that is not a problem for me anymore. If I’m the master of my own life, then yes, that problem would be a problem, but because the Lord lives within me, that problem is not a problem; it’s an opportunity and an answer.  

If this truth doesn’t go into you and your children, you may be living in the greatest nation of the world but you’ll be seized. The superpower nation is not a superpower nation for no reason. The devil controls this nation with the greatest strategies.  In America, the superpower nation, there are a plethora of jobs, academics, and education; even if you don’t have money, you can go get schooling. But why is it that these youth collapse to death on the streets by drug overdose?  Parents are so shocked, “Why are my children like this? We came here to live a better life, but why is my life like this?” 

The life of mankind cannot be solved by eating and living well; we need to have spiritual strength.  You need to have something such that, even though no one helps you and even though you have nothing, you’re still okay.  It is the throne of heaven of the Triune God.  You need to simply have the technique to always be in communication with Him. You need to have a system where you can always call Him up. Then what happens?  You are not just doing whatever you want, but the Lord is guiding you in the greatest blessing.  You keep relying on your own standards, but the Lord has reserved something much greater for you. It’s okay even if nobody helps you, it’s okay even if you have nothing, because we are the people of the Kingdom of God, everything is there. But if someone has not tasted this once, they’ll always be curious, so the ones who have tasted this, those are the Christians who are witnesses.

There are fake Christians as well, there are people who go to church for such a long time and they don’t receive any answers? Don’t listen to them; listen to the ones who do receive answers, and then instead of surviving in America, you’ll change America.  The Pharisees attached themselves to Rome in order to survive, but the members of the Early Church changed Rome, and now, Jesus has entrusted to us His work of healing and saving the diseased and demon-possessed. First, we go to Jesus because we are weak.  The Lord heals us and gives us strength. But if you think your walk of faith ends with that, that is a misconception.

3. Jesus Christ

  1) Holy Spirit – With

Now, God is sending you out into the field as a witness to save lives.

    (1) Authority of heaven and earth (Mt. 28:18)

That is the reason God told His disciples that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus, therefore, go and make disciples of all nations.  Your job must be connected with all nations, especially in today’s age, if you are not in line with globalization, you will have to fold, because even right now, God is moving the earth according to His Word. Look at the age right now, anything that is not globalized will be destroyed.

You guys go buy things on Amazon, and you choose the cheapest and greatest products.  In the past, you had to go to a store and if it was very expensive, you had no choice but to buy it because it was the only store but now, all of those things will disappear. Now, people in Korea can go to Amazon to buy American products. You have to quickly realize the age. If you’re not able to read the age, then everything you’re doing is futile, no matter how much you study.  This is the age of missiles, but if your country is still developing guns, you will always be destroyed. If you don’t know the age, then you cannot run a business, and even your studies will be futile.

The company that benefited the most in the Information Age is Google. They started with absolutely nothing, created Google, and they put all the information onto there, and now if anybody goes onto Google, they can receive all the information they need. It is the Age of Information. We have gone beyond the Industrial Age where we were working with factories and machines, and we are now past the Agricultural Age that came before the Industrial Age, and now we are even beyond the Information Age.  Now, we are in the age of Artificial Intelligence, and if you’re still in the Information Age, even if you go to an Ivy League school, you will not be used. Regardless of what school you graduate from, we will have increasing unemployment.  AI can process all the information available in the world and they do everything much more precisely.  

Korea is so developed to the point where people no longer have to go to the doctor, even before they get sick, they have a diagnosis kit that tells them what their weaknesses are and what diseases they will get when, then there’s no reason to go to a doctor. Now we have machines that can check things much more accurately than a doctor. The doctors really don’t know, they can only do certain tests to say, “Do you have this? Yes or no,” but they don’t know when it’s going to happen.  This is the age we’re living in, but you’re studying medicine so diligently? We don’t need that.  Go to the hospitals, people are no longer depending on the doctors; they are relying on the strength of machines.  The reason why medical devices are selling so well is because they have an accuracy and ability that doctors cannot do. Does that mean we don’t need doctors? I’m saying we need fewer doctors, then.  

This is the age we’re going into, and if these kids are spilling their blood, sweat, and tears to study, but the hospitals don’t need them anymore, what will you do, then? Bank tellers are always making mistakes, but once AI goes in, they are so accurate. Factory workers can have much higher productivity with machines.  So even though you’re studying now, in the future, we will continue to have more unemployment, and as a result, there will be a continued increase in the mental illnesses people face.  In the superpower nations, the government will have some money with which to support the people, but this is not the case in underdeveloped nations, and that’s when the nation will begin to fight with others, and that is why the Bible tells us that in the end times, there will be famines and wars.  

You need to know this kind of age and adjust your business and studies to that. Especially for our students, you need to listen very well right now. We are beyond the age where you need to just listen to your parents and work hard. In Japan, there were people dedicated to the art of Samurai fighting, but when the guns were developed, they were useless.  They have the Japanese band on their forehead, and they were proud of being a samurai, but they all died from the guns. All of the traditions and pride of their country were no longer necessary. You need to quickly know the age and follow it, otherwise, you cannot survive.

    (2) Until the end of the world – With (Mt. 28:20)

    (3) All nations – Save sinners, disciples (Mt. 28:19)

The Lord knows this, which is why He said, “Make disciples of all nations.”  That is not only the way for you to survive, but the Lord is saying He will give you all authority in heaven and on earth. Because the Lord gives you this, there’s a huge difference between you and everybody else.  Look at Daniel, success was not his end; the real problem was maintaining his success. Most people like Daniel would go into politics and just die, but there was something he had.  He was just as smart as everybody else, and he did politics like everybody else, but there was something Daniel had that others didn’t. Daniel had the throne of heaven and he received all his answers from the throne of heaven.  In the future age, God will move that, and who has the answer to that? It is not with us; it is with God.  For the people who have this prepared, it doesn’t matter what they go through. 

  2) Church

    (1) Baptism, word – Teach, obey (Mt. 28:19-20)

    (2) Healing (Mk. 16:17-18)

    (3) Summit (Ac. 1:8)

The church is the place that heals these people, raises them up, and sends them out into the world, so that is why Jesus Christ says, “Make disciples of all nations, baptize them, and teach them everything I have taught you,” and that is why the church does Word training, and it would be great if worshiping once a week was enough, but we must be trained in the Word.  

In Mark 16, Jesus says, go and heal the diseased and demon-possessed with the gospel. That is why all authority in heaven and on earth is with Jesus because He has the authority to heal the sick–through you, through me, through us.

  3) Business, academics

Your business and your studies must be used for that, you need to be on the path where the power and authority of the heavens must be revealed through your business and studies. So, people should not just be trying to survive or endure their life in America, they need to receive the answer of saving others, and that is the standard that Jesus gave us.  Jesus never told us to live in the world, being afraid of what other people thought, and trying to stay on safe ground. He says, “I will be with you; therefore, go and save.” 

    (1) Tool to save sinners

    (2) Church construction

That’s why God gave you His business, that’s why God allowed you to see your talents and studies, and go into a specialization. God gives it to you as a tool to save lives, and we do temple construction with that.  There are so many temples in the world.  In LA, there’s even a street called Temple Street, and if you go there, it’s all lined with temples. It’s actually a good thing, however, there are many temples that are not praying in the name of Jesus Christ, they pray in the name of another religion.

Just think about where you live, when those people pray in the name of something else, what moves?  Evil spirits, evil demons are moving, and that is influencing your family, unseen to your eyes.  It influences in different ways like mental illness and powerlessness. What does the church do? It is a place that changes that spiritual environment. It is the church, the Temple that gives the holy influence.  If you don’t understand what this means, if you built a police station, crime would stop in that area, just as if you’re driving on a policed road, your speeding stops.  If there is a correct church built in the region, then the forces of demons cannot move. That is the temple we are building. That’s why we do our business and our offering, because God has prepared that blessing for us.  

    (3) Tool to save the 237 nations

I hope you will use it as a tool to save the 237 nations. Let’s conclude the Word.


1. Me – Complete Gospel that liberates

I have been completely finished with the Gospel because the Lord is with me now.

2. Infinite power of the world

We now receive the infinite strength from the Throne of Heaven to save the world.

3. Kingdom of God – To the world

God desires to use your business and studies to spread this influence to the whole world, and without a doubt, those witnesses are bound to arise. May you have victory.

Message Prayer

Let us hold onto the Word we have received and pray together. For people who don’t know how to pray, you can just say, “This is how I received the Word today. “ Pray to have the Word fulfilled in your week. 

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You.  We praise the Jesus Who has come for the sinners.  We thank You for calling us righteous, for being with us with all authority in heaven and on earth to save the world. We return Your material blessings.  May this be the offering that builds the Temple Construction, and saves the future generations, the world, and the church.  We believe You will work upon the hands that have given this offering with the blessings of the power of the economy to save the world. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

God, we thank You.  May the Word You have given to these people be fulfilled exactly in their lives, and may You be with them with the power to save this world. Please bless their business and bless their studies.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the unending love of our Father God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the future generations who desire to enjoy the blessing of all blessings, Jesus Christ, and use that to save the world, be from now until forevermore always, amen.

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