Jesus Christ Who Came According to the Word (Matt. 1:18-25)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Jesus Christ Who Came According to the Word (Matt. 1:18-25)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park Interpreter | Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  God has given us a new day today, and I pray that the new grace of God will be upon you today. What God has planned is different from our thoughts and our hearts.  We think of the things of earth, however, God allows us His blessings with the things of heaven, and the way He allows them is through His Word.  May today be the most blessed worship. 

Throughout last week, God has allowed us the Karen mission camp and has fulfilled His will.  God has fulfilled His will that He promised through His Word, through the people of His Kingdom.  I believe that even now, God will fulfill the Word He has promised.

The book of Matthew was recorded to show the Jewish people why Jesus is the Christ.  If, while you’re on this earth, you know and believe in why Jesus is the Christ, the blessings of heaven will be yours; however, people keep holding onto and desiring the blessings of the earth.  But humans were not created to hold onto the blessings of the earth.  Humans were created in a special way, to live on this earth while enjoying the blessings of heaven. I hope that, through today’s Word, this blessing will be upon you today.

1. A period of physical prosperity

  1) Superpower nation Rome

During the age when the book of Matthew was written, the Roman empire was a superpower nation.  What does it mean that Rome was a superpower nation?  They were showing the entire world how powerful human strength could be.  

    (1) Idol country

    (2) Centered on people

    (3) Centered on flesh

    (4) Centered on success

They wanted to show the entire world how great their idols and the gods they serve are. 

It was the age where the names of humans were being exalted, so we’re living in the same kind of age today in America.  It is an age where we are showing how great the nation of America is and how mighty the people are to the entire world.

  2) Israel – Spiritual darkness (Jn. 1:5)

    (1) Roman colony 

At this time, there was a repetition of the Israelites back then, and the churches today, being colonized and taken captive to that nation.  Why is it that the churches of today and the churches of Israel in the past were colonized by these superpower nations?  It’s because the ideology that humans can live in a mighty way without God, on their own, has crept into the churches today and to the Israelites back then.  

    (2) Worship without the covenant

Simply put, they lost hold of the promise of God’s Word and held onto the words of the world in the church.  They were worshiping in a religious way.  What was their goal? “We want to become a mighty nation, just like Rome. We want to live a mighty life,” so they go before God for that purpose.  

    (3) Establish religion, rituals, law

They thought the way for them to live a strong, mighty life was by fulfilling the actions of the law and religion, so that’s why they did this. In today’s world, we see that people go to church and there are a lot of churches, but they don’t have power. It’s nothing else; they lack the strength to overcome their scars. It is an age where we lack the strength to overcome our problems, conflicts, and crises.  That’s why we’ve come to a state where people can no longer control themselves because they are so mentally and spiritually oppressed.  This is what it means to be a captive nation, or a colony or a slave to the world.  We have become a church that is enslaved to the money the world brags about. We have become a church that is dragged around like a slave to the success the world talks about. 

  3) Jesus Christ’s coming

Jesus came when this darkness had gone into the church and outside of the church. Why was it dark?  In John 1:5, it says “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it,” meaning the whole world is covered by lies. The world is seized by the lies of Satan, the lie that humans are mighty and can live on their own.  If you look at people who are under this lie, they serve idols and spread idols all throughout the world.  

    (1) Mary – Engaged to Joseph (Mt. 1:18)

That’s the time when God in heaven came onto this earth in a physical body through the body of the Virgin Mary.  How is it that a human being was born through the body of a virgin who was not wed?  God is Someone Who can create something from nothing.  We keep on trying to live and understand things through the things we see with our eyes, but God is Someone Who can make something out of nothing. This is the greatest strength of those who have faith.

    (2) Pregnant through the Holy Spirit (Mt. 1:18)

He was born by the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is invisible and is with us even now.  Even right now, through the problems, incidences, and crises that you face with your eyes, the invisible God is guiding you through by the Holy Spirit. 

    (3) Joseph son of David (Mt. 1:20)

Mary was in a state where she was engaged to Joseph who was a descendant of David.  When we say she was “engaged,” it’s a little different from the meaning today.  Back in those days, in the culture, they would get married at the wife’s house, then they would live separately for one year, then they would get married in the husband’s house.  So, this is something that happened after the first marriage in the wife’s house, and they were waiting that one year before they got married in the groom’s house.  

Because during this time period, this virgin was showing signs of having a child, Joseph began to wonder and be suspicious.  Back in those days, there was a law such that if a woman got pregnant out of wedlock, she would be stoned to death.  Right when Joseph was thinking, because he had a good heart, “I do not want to publicly humiliate her or shame her, so I will quietly divorce her,” the Lord gave Joseph a message through an angel, saying this baby was from the Holy Spirit.

Why is it that Jesus Christ was not born after Joseph and Mary got married, as the conception between a man and wife?  Because, if someone is born by a man and his wife, they have original sin and cannot save all of mankind from their sin.  That is why God Himself must personally come to earth in the body of a human.  When Jesus Christ came to earth, it didn’t happen all of a sudden from out of nowhere.  Just as everything that has happened in your life, it didn’t happen all of a sudden, coincidentally. 

People who do not believe in God think that everything happens by coincidence or in passing, but if you believe in that, you do not believe in God.  There isn’t a single thing that happens in all of creation without God’s signature.  Without a doubt, they happen out of necessity. Even the coronavirus pandemic is something that happened because God deemed it necessary and it’s not something you should ask for Him to take away; you must find God’s plan.  If God allowed for something to happen, you must ask for God’s plan behind it. 

2. Prophecy – Fulfillment 

  1) Fulfillment of the Word

    (1) Is. 7:14

The birth of Jesus Christ happened 700 years after it was prophesied in Isaiah 7:14.  What will happen in your future? The Word being given to you today will be fulfilled exactly in the same way in the future. If you do not believe this, then you do not believe in God.  That’s why people listen to the words of the world and are seized by the world. God is seated at the throne of heaven, and He has sent His Holy Spirit into us and is giving us His Word even now in worship. Because that Word is eternal, it will be fulfilled eternally.  

That was the Word prophesied in Isaiah 7:14, “The virgin shall conceive and bear a son and His name shall be called Immanuel.” That was fulfilled 700 years later. For people running a business, you need to have a business that will take place. For students studying, you need to study for what will take place in the future.  Therefore, you need to study and work with the Word of God that will be fulfilled in the future.  

    (2) Gen. 3:15 

That promise of giving us the Christ was actually given to us thousands of years ago when Adam and Eve first sinned against God.  In Genesis 3:15, the Offspring of the woman would crush the head of the serpent and the serpent would strike his heel. For other religions, their text is not fulfilled, because that is not the true God.  However, this Bible looks like just any other book, but the Word that God wrote through people is being fulfilled exactly. That’s why we call this the “canon.”  It seems like we need the words of people but we actually don’t.  All the other interpretations or opinions of humans that are written by humans to support this may support this, but they’re unnecessary.  

    (3) Holy spirit – With (Jn. 14:16)

Then after Jesus Christ came to earth, He promised He would ascend back to heaven to be seated at the throne of heaven, and He would send the Holy Spirit as our advocate to be with us.  Therefore, when you listen to the Word of God and that Word comes into your heart, then that Word will be fulfilled exactly. The one thing you need to get rid of is that your life is not fulfilled according to your thoughts, and the faster you let go of your own thoughts, the faster you’ll see God’s will being fulfilled.

Where did your thoughts come from? They do not come from God. These are all the thoughts that came without God, based on all the knowledge and experiences we’ve had in the world.  “How can I move and inspire people?  How can I influence people and run my business well?” Things may work out well that way or they may not; however, the Word of God never changes. That is God’s characteristic, and that’s why God’s prophesied Word is bound to be fulfilled and the Word He gives to you is bound to be fulfilled.

  2) Nature of God (Phil. 2:6) 

This Jesus Christ Who came to earth is, as in Phil 2:6, by nature, God.  But He did not consider equality with God as something to be grasped.

    (1) Made himself nothing (Phil. 2:7) 

    (2) Nature of a servant – Human likeness (Phil. 2:7) 

    (3) Obedient to death (Phil. 2:8) 

If anything, He completely emptied Himself in order to take the form of a servant or a slave, and he went to the point of obeying, even to death, even though He didn’t want to.  What does it mean to believe in Jesus? It means we empty ourselves and the Word and will of God is upon us.  It is talking about a life where we are servants of God, fulfilling God’s will. The fact that He was obedient even to the point of death on the cross means He let go of His own thoughts and was obedient to God’s will. That’s the work Jesus did.  

  3) Jesus – Name, Christ- Position 

    (1) One who saves us from sin (Mt. 1:21) 

In today’s scripture, God told them to give Him the name Jesus, and it tells us what the name Jesus means:  “You shall name Him Jesus because He will save His people from their sins,” so the name of Jesus is similar to the name, “Yeshua,” which in the Old Testament was the savior of his people. The name “Jesus” has a meaning, then what does the word “Christ” mean?  Isn’t that the same?  Doesn’t “Jesus” mean the same thing as “Christ?”

Before Joe Biden became the president of the US, he was simply Joe Biden. But after Joe Biden becomes the president, he is different.  Jesus is the Savior, that is correct, but that is His name. What does the word, “Christ” mean?  It’s talking about the work that He did. What is the work that the Savior did?  There are three things He did because the word, “Christ” means anointed one, and in the Old Testament, “Christ” also meant Messiah. There are three roles that are anointed; He did the work of the True Priest, True King, and the True Prophet.  

    (2) True Priest (Mk. 10:45) 

    (3) True King (1 Jn. 3:8) 

    (4) True Prophet (Jn. 14:6) 

Why do we use the word, “True,” before each of these? Because all the priests, kings, and prophets of the Old Testament were not the True one; they were only a shadow, and because they were only a shadow of the True ones, if they made a mistake, they were killed, because they needed to fulfill these three roles until Jesus Christ would come to earth, and now that Jesus Christ has come to earth, there’s no need for any other priest, prophet, or kings.

One time, I went to speak to two students from a Mormon church and they had so much to say, so I set a time, “Why don’t you talk about your religion for one hour, and I’ll talk about my religion for one hour?” They spoke for an hour and it was my turn to speak for an hour.  I asked them, “Do you believe in Christ?” “Yes.” “Do you know what the Christ means?” I asked. From that point on, they couldn’t really answer.  I told them, “Jesus Christ is the True Priest and the True Prophet and He is the True King.  “That means that after Jesus Christ, there is no need for any other prophets, including the prophet you believe in,” and the moment I said that, these American students began to shake because the Christ was being relayed to them, and they were spiritually responding. 

In the Muslim religion, they Jesus is simply a prophet. But if you know of Him as just a prophet of the Old Testament, you cannot overcome curses, disasters, or darkness.  He is the True Priest Who has taken all of our sins on the cross and solved all curses and disasters that result from my sin. He is the True King of all kings who has overcome the authority of Satan, and He is the True Prophet who allows me to be with God.  Those are the three works of the Christ that he fulfilled on the cross. That is why we believe in the fact that Jesus is this Christ. Even right now, when you believe in that Christ, you will be free from darkness and curses and God’s Spirit will come upon you.

The Israelites of the Old Testament began to lose this.  Because that became weak to them, they started following after the advancements of the Roman Empire and that’s when they were completely trampled.  The disasters that continue through your family line can never be blocked without Jesus Christ.  It doesn’t matter how much I have to boast about in the world; you cannot block the disasters that are welling up from within you. It doesn’t matter how much you try to be an elite in the world, you cannot solve your problems with the strength that is within you. That’s why God Himself departed from the throne of heaven and came to earth to be with humans.

In the Old Testament, He was only with them occasionally in the temple, and it was only when they gave the blood sacrifice that God forgave their sins and was with them in the Tabernacle through His Word and His grace.  But now, Jesus Christ Who is the true Temple is with us through the Holy Spirit and has made us into His temple eternally.  The One Who is seated at the throne of heaven has come to us to establish us within the throne of heaven.  

Wherever the President goes, that’s the White House. When God Who is seated at the throne that is in us, we are His temple and we are His throne, but we ourselves are nothing. If you think you’re great or something, that is a misconception.  That’s trying to use God to make yourself great.  When Jesus Christ went into Jerusalem, He was riding on a donkey.  All the people were surrounding Him, applauding Him, and praising “David, Hosanna, praise the son of David,” but the donkey thought they were all singing praises to him so he was smiling and was so proud, but they were actually praising Jesus Christ Who was riding on his back, so you can simply enjoy the praise that is towards the Jesus Christ within you, but if you think it is directed towards you, that is a misconception.  Because we have Jesus Christ within us, all the curses, disasters, and darkness, are broken down.  We are the creation that has no power.

3. Kingdom of God

  1) Immanuel – Enjoy through prayer

    (1) Me – With (Mt. 28:20, 1 Cor. 3:16)

Immanuel means God is within me, and this is an incredible thing. How is it that the Lord seated at the throne of Heaven is within this creation? What does that mean? It means there’s no longer a need for you to rule over or control your own life; now the Kingdom of heaven is being established, where He is reigning over and controlling your life. More specifically, there’s no need for you to think your own thoughts anymore. Your thoughts are of the earth.  With the thoughts of the earth, there’s nothing for you except for conflicts and competition. The only way for you to overcome the level of the earth is if you have the thoughts of heaven.  We are living on this earth but we are doing so, holding onto the blessings of the kingdom of heaven.

If you live with the thoughts of Jesus Christ instead of your own thoughts, you will live with the blessings of heaven, but if you think you’re so great and you think so deeply, you’re going to have mental problems.  If you think deeply, then the result will only be making enemies of people. “I have to study deeply if I want to study,” but God never said that. God said, “I will be with you so study with that strength.  I will be with you so run your business with that strength.” That’s how you enjoy the blessing of Immanuel.  Then, whenever you face a problem, an incident, or a crisis, it may seem like a crisis, incident, or problem for me, but when I look through the eyes of the Lord within me, it’s an opportunity for blessing. Other people say the Pandemic is a problem and crisis, but for those who are led by God, it is an opportunity for blessing. But if you keep holding onto the thinking of the world, “Please get rid of it, please get rid of it,” God gave it to you, why are you praying for it to go away?  God has allowed the pandemic so that through the message being broadcasted here, the Word of God is being relayed all around the entire world.  

If you live a walk of faith centered on religion, the law, or people, you’ll keep asking God to do something, but what that means is that you do not know God’s plan who is with you now.  The Christ Who is with you now is your king and your master, so allow me to see the plan of God. It is not about my thoughts, what is God’s plan.  That is how you enjoy the God Who is with you and that’s how you enjoy prayer.  If you’re praying to get the things you need and want, that’s what buddhists do. That is not a prayer that comes from Immanuel. Prayer is asking for the will of God to be fulfilled through you, and that’s why a lot of people go to church and pray without knowing what prayer is.  

We need to pray, holding onto the levels of heaven, in order to get the answer of heaven, but instead, you’re praying for the things of the earth, something the Roman Empire never had to pay for; that’s why you’re seized by the world, you’re seized by the physical life, and that was the state of Israel during the time of writing this book.

What is the state of you and I and the church today? It’s extremely important.  Because God is with me, it is not about my thoughts but the One Who is with me, His thoughts must be revealed. That’s why we pray asking what God’s thoughts are, then you will receive 100% of the answers.  Why do I pray and don’t receive answers? It’s because you’re praying the incorrect prayers. You’re praying like the other religions. You’re praying, asking God for something. It’s not about what you want; what is it that God desires?  That is the prayer that elevates the king of all kings that is within you and not yourself. What if I have a conflict with this person? If you ask for God to strike them down, that is not the proper prayer. What is God’s will that He desires through this conflict?  That is how you get the answers.

God is answering us 24 hours, and God is fulfilling His plan through us for 24 hours.  You need to learn this properly from the beginning.  If a new believer learns about religion first, they may have the frame of religion, but they become a weak person who doesn’t receive answers. Your standard should never be “Is this an advantage or disadvantage to me?” What is God’s plan? If it is God’s will, then we do it, even if it is a loss to us.  But if you calculate everything and move in a way that is advantageous to you, then God is with you but He seems useless to you. 

    (2) Us – With (Mt. 1:23)

Second, Immanuel also means God is with us.  “God With us,” goes beyond God being with me, He is with all of us, all of Israel, and all of the church. That is why when we receive the Word, we forum about the words again, so God is with me and with that person as well. Then how is God with that person and how is God with me? When you gather that together, you discover God’s will.  

The devil will always prevent you from being together, and the ideology he puts in you is, “You’re right and everyone else is wrong,” but that is the logic of the world and the devil. The logic of God says that God is with you and God is with them, and when you gather that together, that is God’s will. We call that the church. That is the reason God is with us.  But the devil will divide us so we can never come together. He says, “Your thoughts are correct,” but who cares if your thoughts are correct? Everything works out according to God’s will, so it doesn’t matter what’s right or what’s wrong. Just follow God’s Word. Solomon said this himself; he studied, he had success and married many times, but he said everything seems like it’s right but something is wrong.  Only the Lord God is True.  He did everything else, thinking that was correct, but he later confessed that he was wrong.

We need to reveal that God is with us, even in the land of America, then the best way to do that is to close your mouth, why? Because God is currently working. He is working in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, and if you continue to share the Word God Has given to you, people will come to life for you.  

This is the God who is with us and your family. The problem in your family is that this isn’t taking place. Everyone says they are right, but God says, “You’re both wrong,” and God is right. God is saying, “My Word is with you, and with this, you should be together but you’re not.”  People listen to the words of Rome that was physically so successful. It’s always the words of Genesis 3, “If you eat this fruit you will be a mighty person.  If you just do this one thing, you will be a mighty being.” These are the lies always coming into us. These are the lies of the world. If you go into bookstores, it’s all talking about how to be strong and to influence people, how to become successful. It’s all telling us methods, but God said one thing, “I will be with you.”  That finishes it all, that’s how you finish your walk of faith. If God is with you, you need to enjoy that, and we call that prayer.  Even right now, the Lord is with you, so you enjoy that while you pray.  

Then the Holy Spirit will take the Word you absolutely need into your hearts. The issue is not about the pastor’s message, but the message is a vessel where the Holy Spirit comes into your heart. Then you will see the stream of God’s Word.  There are some times when the messenger will give you a message from Matthew and then 1 Corinthians, and they may talk about different things, but the holy spirit within me is revealing the stream of God, with continuity. May you enjoy that blessing.  

    (3) All work – With (Rom. 8:28)

Third, Immanuel, God is with all things.  If God is with me but I work my business however I want, that’s not God being with me. God is with you and there is a plan He wishes to fulfill through your job, and that’s what you must see. Through your studies and job, you need to see God’s plan, and you look at that and form according to that. If God is not with your job, then it’s nothing. It doesn’t matter how hard you work, if it is not with God, it is all useless.  People have to experience this in order to realize it.  They don’t believe in the Word of God because they look at the Roman Empire and see how mighty it is. Only later on, when the Roman Empire collapses, they see it, but it’s too late.  They see that Rome is moving everything with power, and they’re shaking in that. They’re always shaking in fear, wondering when it would all come crashing down because God did not build it up. Ultimately Rome did collapse. There is nothing eternal if God doesn’t build it up.  

The ideology of God’s Word must be built up inside of us ever since we’re young. What is the temptation that you constantly face? Look at those unbelievers, they’re successful, even without God, and we’re caught in that temptation. That person has no faith but everything works out for them, and that makes us shake, why?  It’s because the ideology of being centered on humans is controlling this person. Everyone in the Bible collapses like that, but even though we read the Bible, we don’t believe.  

The Babel tower collapsed. Look at Noah, there’s nothing else he did. Noah had any competition, the entire world was his because everyone else died in the disaster.  For the children of God, there is no competition. How could the things of heaven compete with the things of the earth? You only have competition because you’re fighting with the things of the Earth. God is the one who can create everything from a place that has nothing. God conquered all of Rome, starting with fishermen who had nothing. God takes the weak and the least of them to change the entire nation, why? Because God is strong. And if you believe in God and follow Him, that’s what happens.  That went into the early church. 

  2) World – Prayer that conquers (Mt. 12:28, Mt. 6:33)

    (1) Working of the Holy Spirit

Now if you enjoy the King of Kings Who is with you in spirit through prayer, then you need to send that in your field as well. The field is seized by evil spirits and Satan’s lies.  But if you truly see that, you can confirm in the field how important you are.  That’s why you shine the light through prayer.  Pray for the Holy Spirit of the Lord to work upon every field connected to your life, right now, at this moment. Then the invisible spirit of God will go to those fields and establish God’s Kingdom invisibly. Once you go, you’ll see it. You will see how much the darkness has been broken, and that is the blessing we’ve enjoyed. So we are able to enjoy the entire world through prayer.  If a business person is not able to enjoy this prayer, then your very business is being seized and enslaved. Try doing it with your own strength, and see what happens later; it’s not aligned with God’s way. God makes it so that God makes His will fulfilled through people.

    (2) Evil spirits flee

    (3) Kingdom of God

When the Holy Spirit works, the demons are cast out and the Kingdom of God is established, but that seems so vague and ambiguous. If that seems nebulous to you, it means you’re surely holding onto the things you see with your eyes.  Yes, the knowledge you’ve seen with your eyes must be accurate, but the invisible, spiritual knowledge must also be accurate for you. This is talking about the blessing of the throne of heaven being established on this earth, then the darkness is cast out. 

  3) Light – Life

    (1) Darkness – Life is revived

What is the darkness? It is people being seized by lies. Christ is everything, but they’re seized by the lie that Christ is not.  “Yes, we need Christ but we need something else as well,” that is the lie they are seized with, and that is how you are seized by darkness, that’s why Israel was seized by darkness.  

How could a child of God be seized by darkness? The darkness is simply the devil, your father, the father of lies. If it’s not the accurate Word of God, you’re bound to be seized by darkness, and you’re dragged by it.  You yourself, when you yourselves receive the light of the life, you will come to life. Then when that person goes to their job, it is no ordinary job, but they save lives. If your business doesn’t save lives, it’s already seized by darkness. The darkness may help you succeed little by little, but in the end, you collapse. He went before Jesus and lied to him. 

What was the last lie that Satan told Jesus? “I will give you everything in the world if you just don’t worship God.  Worship me, the devil, instead.” What does it mean to worship the devil? Instead of worshiping God, worship the idols that God has created. God is the One Who gave you success, but take that out of the sandwich and worship success instead. He’s saying, “You don’t need God for success, you can succeed on your own.”  That’s how you worship the devil. Then what happens? The works of the devil will find you.  The devil destroys us and breaks us down. The evidence of proper worship is that God gives you His grace through His Word.  That is what it means that God is with us, within me, within us. 

    (2) Business that saves lives

    (3) Future generation that saves lives

Then our future generations will be the ones who save lives.  Stop showing off by being good at English, but use your English to save people of all nations.  Stop showing off about your citizenship. If you have citizenship, it means you can stay here forever, using it as an instrument to save lives. That’s the reason God allowed you to be born here.  The reason God allowed you to be educated here and to learn the culture and language of America is to save the people here. If you’re born here and you don’t know this, you’ll be seized by America and the citizenship, and you’ll brag about unnecessary things.  It doesn’t matter how much you boast in the things of the earth; that can never overcome the devil.

Jesus Christ is everything, that’s the reason God gave you the language, success, and education. Christ must be revealed for the darkness to flee. The future generation who does this work is like Daniel, Joseph, and David.


1. Immanuel – Enjoy through prayer

Let us conclude the Word. We enjoy that God is with us through prayer.  Enjoy how God is with you.  

2. Immanuel – Enjoy meetings

When you face a difficulty, don’t run off to ask someone for help, but instead, ask, “God, You are with me, so let me find your plan or your will,” and whenever you meet someone, don’t operate with your own thoughts, but look for God’s plan in allowing you to meet them. 

3. Immanuel – Enjoy work

Enjoy God being with you through your work.  I believe God left His throne of heaven to be with us, to give us Immanuel, and is giving us His Word that He will fulfill now.  I hope you will hold onto this word, “Immanuel,” all throughout the week, and not by your own strength, but ask in your heart, “God, what do you want?” in all things. As evidence that God is with you, you will receive these answers. May you and I have victory throughout the week.  


Let us pray together holding onto the Word God has given us today.  We talked earlier about how to pray, enjoying Immanuel, for God’s will to be revealed, for God’s plan to be revealed in your problems.  Let us pray together. 

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You. We thank You for leaving the throne of heaven to be with us as the Holy Spirit now.  Allow our lives to enjoy the blessing of Immanuel where God is with me, with us, and with all things. May we show the evidence of this light into the world.

We have returned our material blessings as offering.  We pray that everywhere it is used, the kingdom of God may be established. We believe You will work with the answer of the economy of light to save the 237 nations.  Allow us to confess, through the materials we have, that the owner of all materials is our Father God. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  

God, we thank You.  We pray that the blessing of Immanuel will be upon the two young adult newcomers. We pray You will use them as the light who will shine the light of Christ to the 237 nations of the world. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  


God, we thank You. We praise the Lord Who is with us and all the things we do. We thank you for revealing the plan through the Word of God that you will give to this church. Allow us to hold onto this Word and see it fulfilled in our fields. 

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the multiethnic people, and the future generations who desire to hold onto the covenant of Immanuel and relay it to others, in all the work that they do, be from now until forevermore always, amen.

One Response

  1. Bulcha Belay Etana says:

    Always being Man of christ is the Winner of wolrd

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