Jesus Christ is Only (John 14:26-27)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Jesus Christ is Only (John 14:26-27)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

It’s not about believing in Jesus, but you have to believe in the fact that Jesus is the Christ. Otherwise, you’ll believe in the Jesus you want, but the Bible doesn’t say that; you have to believe that Jesus is the Christ, and what happens if you believe that Jesus is the Christ?  There will be things that humans cannot do, and even though humans take all their efforts, they cannot do this: they cannot meet God.

Can you meet God if you come to church? You cannot. Can you meet God if you believe in Jesus? No.  You can only meet God if you believe Jesus is the Christ.  If you don’t believe in this, you cannot have the correct beginning to your life because you’re holding onto something else.

Another thing humans can never solve on their own is sin, which brings about disasters.  It’s the problem of our curses that don’t happen because we did something wrong, but it’s simply because we’re sinners.  People say this doesn’t exist, because they’re sinners but they don’t know they’re sinners.   Only after they face curses and disasters will they wonder, “Why is my family like this?” They’ve never learned this in school, and because things like this keep happening, people get frazzled.

Christ has already finished all problems of mankind’s sins and curses on the cross; the problem is, do I have sin? That’s what’s important.  It doesn’t matter how much Jesus said He finished everything; if I say I have no sin, it has nothing to do with me. If you want to know this, look at your family as an example.  If you don’t know this and you think your family is okay, you’re a liar.

You have to know this to understand yourself and your family.  Every single person is separated from God, stuck in the curses of their sin.  Even if they live diligently, it’s a curse.  Even if they build the Tower of Babel and reach the seat of success, it’s a curse. And it doesn’t matter if you get married, it’s within Genesis 6 and a curse. That’s what happens when the problem of sin isn’t resolved.

The problem of the devil, Satan, is invisible.  We can never finish that problem with our efforts or actions. What does it mean that Jesus is the Christ?  You have to know this correctly for your walk of faith to begin correctly. If you don’t know this and you go to church, it will be a headache.  Sure, it’s not a bad thing, but the Word of God will be irrelevant to you.

God is always alive, so I should be able to experience and heal these things, but it feels so distant.  The Bible emphasizes this the most, but the words people emphasize is, “I am right,” and that’s why everybody fights, and that’s why I’m not aligned with God. God doesn’t look at you as something great, but God looks at your problems of sin, Satan, and separation which is death, as a big problem.

These are invisible, and because they’re invisible, the schools cannot teach you about this because they teach about the observable science. People go to church so much but they don’t know what these words mean, so their direction will always be misaligned with God’s direction.

Everything I study is irrelevant to God, then my entire life is nothing, it’s in vain. That’s life. … I need to have God’s Word in my life, but it’s not there, then the Holy Spirit cannot come. Then, if you don’t have God, you’ll suffer a hellish life on earth before going to an eternal hell. 

Believing in Jesus isn’t that you believe in Jesus Christ; you believe Jesus is the Christ.  Jesus is His name, and even now, there are many people named Jesus, but Jesus cannot solve those problems; this Jesus must do the role of the Christ to break these three problems, and this is the most important thing when you believe in Jesus first. It doesn’t matter how much you memorize the Bible without knowing these problems; it’s all in vain. You must not know this in a very weak or vague way, because if you do, Satan will burrow into you. 

Sin is an external, visible problem, and so is being separated from God, but Satan is living now, and Satan is the problem. Satan is using my thoughts and heart and value system to keep me separated from God.  Therefore, if you don’t know Satan, you will never be able to live your walk of faith. You need know about Satan to believe in Christ.

“Oh, I know this now, so let’s go study and make money,” that’s all futile. You’re being seized by the devil of success.  Satan pushes people into curses and disasters; without knowing this, remnants are bound to follow their parents. The problem of your parents aren’t their skills or abilities, they have no choice but to go that way because of these fundamental problems, and if you don’t know the answer to these problems either, you’ll be dragged in the same way.

This is how you must be able to see the problems in your family.  If you don’t see this biblically, you’ll see it from your own perspective, and you’ll live a life of failure.  Because you don’t know these three problems, you’ll say things like, “Make a lot of money,” and that’s not a bad thing to say, but you make a  lot of money without knowing the problem, thinking this will solve everything. Without knowing the three fundamental problems, you say, “Succeed,” but it’s not bad, but you don’t know the three problems.

Then, what kind of eyes do you think this person has?  On the other hand, if someone is able to study and succeed, with what kind of background will the parents speak?  The parents say those words because they have an underlying belief, “If we make a lot of money and succeed, we can solve our life problems.” These words may seem correct but they have no influence because they cannot break down Satan and block disasters. These words aren’t even the Truth.

Then what must you do with them? Yes, we have to study and make money and succeed, then what must we do? You must tell them the answer.  Without ever telling them the reason why they must do this, you talk like an unbeliever, “You have to succeed and study well and get a good paying job.”  The kids are dying, but it’s not the first thing. You must tell them what it means to remain in Christ and to believe in Christ.

Why would you train someone to succeed only to collapse? That’s what repeats throughout the Bible.  It’s because people saying words that seem correct but they’re wrong, and that can never block these problems.  Even right now, if it were not for Jesus Christ, Satan would deceive you right now with the things you love the most, and you think you’re doing well, that things are working out, but Satan is laughing, waiting for you.

At first, Satan keeps giving you things and it seems like you’re succeeding, then later on, it will destroy you. Then what will you do? “I tried going to church and living diligently; why is my life like this?” That’s what’s repeated in the world. There’s a lot of good education and good schools in America, and anyone can get a job, but they don’t talk about the fundamental problems. They think everything is okay.

What’s okay? We have the most drug addictions, mental patients, then what’s good?  Outside it seems good but we don’t talk about sin, separation, and Satan.  The problems of mankind all must begin from these three things. Beginning with these three problems means it can only be finished once Christ comes in, that’s why there’s no answer other than only Christ.  Remnants, you must be sure of this.  You must have the sure foundation in this knowledge.  If this is shaking for you, but you gather knowledge on top of that, without a doubt, you will crumble.

You have to speak very logically, research this.  There’s no reason to go far; you just bring all the vice presidents. Who’s more successful than the president?  I told this to someone I knew, “Look at all the Korean presidents, one was exiled, one was assassinated, one just left; the fourth president was imprisoned, and so was the fifth president, and he’s now groveling. The sixth president is an elder, and not even that great. After that, there’s President Kim and he’s the same. He’s the only one who didn’t go to prison.  President Noh committed suicide, and the next two presidents ended up in prison, and the current president will be imprisoned next year.

Let’s just speak about the present reality we know. You may think, “Who cares if the president goes to prison?” You look down on prisons, but this is the result of their life.  I’m saying, if you become the president and go to prison, all your glory and honor is dashed; they commit suicide. Shall we talk about Napoleon? We all learned about Napoleon, he was the greatest leader of France. He said, “There’s nothing impossible in my conquest.”  Later on, Napoleon died alone, exiled on an island.

We only learn about these leaders when things are going well, but we don’t hear about what happens afterwards.  What about Genghis Khan, the one who conquered more territory than anyone else? He was killed by scholars.  What about Caesar? He was killed by those close to him. Do you want to talk about music?  All of them died from mental problems, so what exactly are you trying to learn from, to follow and to chase after?

Shall we talk about the famous culture?  Tolstoy, the famous novelist?  There’s a lot, I don’t know them all, but they all committed suicide.  Hemmingway never really found his way, he was a brilliant writer, but can people be great? No. That’s what I’m saying.  So, what exactly do you fantasize about?  If you don’t know Christ, that’s what happens to your life. Satan doesn’t leave you alone. There’s no way for you to block the spiritual curses and disasters.  Only Christ.

When He said it is all finished, it means all the problems are finished. All problems come from here, mental problems and family problems, the problems of America. That’s why only Christ, not the president or some doctors, can solve this problem.  No great individual can solve this problem, it’s only Christ.

How do you know about Christ?  Is this how you know Christ, or do you know Christ differently?  If it’s not accurate, you will be stuck in problems.  Jesus is the Christ. These are my family problems, it’s not a problem with my parents, but it’s sin, Satan, and separation, and this all began with the first human, Adam.  This problem came from Adam and continues through the future.

That’s why God immediately gave you the answer to solve that problem, Genesis 3:15, the offspring of the woman, but there’s a big difference between holding onto this as some kind of theory or knowledge, versus holding onto it.  Romans 8:32, God says, “I have given Christ to you, and I will give you all things as well.” Everything is contained within Christ, but you keep trying to find it elsewhere. It’s so frustrating because you’re blind, but the more you try to find it somewhere else, the more you’ll get caught up in these three problems.

Colossians 2:3 says all treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden within Christ. You must find the answer and plan through your problems, and that’s prayer.  Isn’t that right? You have to have a time of prayer; you can’t find it otherwise. If you were God, you could find the answers to your problems immediately, but you’re not God. You can only receive the answer if God gives you the answer to the problem. We call that the time of prayer, the time of looking for God’s Word.

That’s what it means, that you must know this.  The fact it’s been finished on this side means you begin with “with.” You shouldn’t just know this and the three roles of Christ. If you just know this, it’s just knowledge. The reason God gave us the Holy Spirit is to be with us through the Word. You must always see your problems connected to God’s Word, that’s the real way to solve the problems.

But if you think like this, if you face a problem, you’ll want to get rid of the problem, but that’s just physically-centered. This is how you break free from sin, Satan, and separation. As soon as you see a problem, you must begin with “with,” and God guides through the Word. That’s how you find the answer through the Word.

Unbelievers of Gen. 3 will try to get rid of their problems and get rid of people; they live at the level of the earth, even as God gave them these problems. You find the answer through the Word, otherwise you cannot live your walk of faith.  If this isn’t imprinted, you’ll live a foolish walk of faith and change everything into religion.  Because you’re such a physical person, you’ll focus on physical things to resolve your problems like a religious person. Where is God, there? If God just existed to give you physical blessings, what kind of God is that?

In today’s passage, John 14:26-27, it says the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth.  You heard the message today, then the Holy Spirit that lives within you, the spirit of Truth and Jesus Christ, will remind you of everything.  Then you will have peace.  Until you receive the peace of the Word of God coming into your life as your answer, you will always have fear.

Doctors cannot do anything about this; doctors themselves cannot find peace. Only the spirit of Jesus Christ, the Spirit of Truth can do this work. This is how our lives are being led, then how thankful must we be? This peace results in all healing. All the addictions and mental problems are finished with peace. Why are you addicted? The things we see with our eyes manifest like addictions, they say that drinking alcohol constantly is a problem, but that’s someone who doesn’t know the fundamental problem. It means this fundamental problem is met with alcohol and is revealed with alcoholism.  What must we do, then? Only when the peace of God comes into me, as the spirit of God comes into me as the Word through my problems, will I have peace.

People are afraid to be alone, right?  But God has given you His Word and the Holy Spirit is with you. “God, give me Your Word,” otherwise, the pastor cannot do anything; no one can do anything.  That’s why there are so many American pastors who commit suicide.  Even though they have such a big church and a strong pastoral ministry, they commit suicide. Or they’re a megachurch but the pastor’s wife is addicted to pornography. It’s not just any addiction, but it’s pornography and she’s the pastor’s wife of a megachurch.  The son committed suicide but people flock to the church because it’s so logical.

The son went to the father so many times and said, “I am depressed,” but people don’t know what to do.  All you have to do is tell them this way. There’s no other way.  It doesn’t matter whether you’re a pastor or the pastor’s father; no one can escape from this without peace.  From birth, humans are filled with fear and we race in the fear of death.  “Anyone who’s afraid of death, come to Me.” When you have peace and the assurance of heaven, you will laugh in the face of death.

Why do you study music so hard? Why do you study so hard or work so hard?  “If I don’t work hard, I’ll fail, and if I fail, I will die.” You can’t solve this fear.  Only when the spirit of Jesus Christ, the Spirit of Truth gives us the Word in all circumstances will we have peace, and everything is okay. That’s why we’re receiving God’s Word together now. Everyone has something to do at this time, and when other people in the world look at you, you seem foolish, but such people in the world live in fear. 

“How am I going to work or study on Monday?” They hold onto their fear. Is that even living? We call that hell.  They’re practicing for hell before they go to hell.  Heaven is here, but instead of enjoying the blessings of heaven, you try to go towards hell. What should you do then? There’s only one method. All you have to do is constantly remain in this.  The problem is, how can I remain in peace while I’m studying?  How can I remain in this while I’m in my professional field? You have to resolve that question to have continuation. Unless you resolve this, you’ll have peace in church but you’ll have hell in the world. 

If you have this, you conquer the field; otherwise, you’ll be overcome in the world. You’ll surrender both your hands when Satan attacks you.  Who is the one who can take this peace to the field? That’s the remnant, that’s the disciple. Not just a disciple in the church, but one in the field. There’s only one method for this, “I will only do this,” and you have to do this. There’s no other way.  If you don’t agree with this, you have to stay within the field, and in your brain, you disagree right now. Until you agree, you will live in fear. God has made it so that it will work out.  

As soon as I believed in Jesus, this was my greatest concern, most people would accept Jesus Christ haphazardly, but I wondered, “Why is the grace of Jesus Christ not established in my studies?” That’s when I went to Korea to receive training, too, and because of this one issue, I stayed in Korea for training for 10 years. Unless I received that answer, I know the fact that even though I believe in Jesus Christ, I’m still the same.  Even as time passed, I couldn’t get it.

What about now? Now I can tell you about this, so I’m telling you, just do this, but I wasn’t able to resolve this because I didn’t know what it meant to only do this.  If you want to only do this, you have to have the faith, because your studies are contained within this as well.  You can only do this if you receive the faith that, even if I only do this, my work will go well.  Then, your life itself and your faith become united as one.  Therefore, only Christ. That’s why it’s “only,” therefore, “uniqueness,” and the result is the re-creation of evangelism.

That requires time but the remnants must at least listen to it. Even if it’s not working out right now, listen to this so it works out later on. If you’re not able to do this, you’ll wander back and forth, and that’s why families are not working out.  I’m not saying to only hold onto the word, Christ. There are so many words, the words of God’s mission. Hold onto that.  Christ and world evangelization.  As you remain within this covenant of the Lord, His peace will be upon you. Hold onto this and study, that’s what it means to study holding onto this covenant. 

If you study by losing hold of the covenant, you’ll be filled with fear and Genesis 3 again.  Satan’s attacks aren’t just about fear, there’s different varieties of prayer. “God give me wisdom to study well,” it must always be the fundamental prayer that has no choice but to result in peace.  Christ, the solution to all problems, world evangelization, and my studies connected with this. This has to take place for you to move forward without any fear.

Then, whether you receive grace in your field or school, it’s the same, hallelujah. If you have peace, you’ll not be stressed out, you just work harder because you have the goal of world evangelization.  Studying helps you follow after it.  But if you don’t have the covenant, you’ll think studying is everything, then if you do it well, you’re happy but if not, you’re sad; both of these are unnecessary.

This time schedule will come to you. Church officers, you will have the time schedule of going to the field and giving the answer to all people, to those shaking in the church, to those who are not able to evangelize well. It’s not about evangelizing well; it’s the covenant; you’ll just end up saving everybody, and this will happen now or later on because God prepared it that way and guides us forward.

Just sit here, attached.  Even if you go to some useless place, there’s nothing worth seeing there. Even if the Word isn’t taking place, if you sit here, you’ll be a witness. I’m a witness because I’ve been concerned about this for a long time. Even while doing ministry, if you can’t do this, you can’t have a satisfying ministry.  You can’t give the answer to anyone, you just have momentary ministries. You’ll only be able to give one aspect of it.

These are the blessings the remnants have, in other words, you’re a child of God. I’m talking about “with” in different ways. I’m a spiritual doctor, the one who can heal things that doctors cannot heal. Doctors cannot solve fear, and there are so many different diseases that come from fear, but they can only treat the disease and not the root fear.  Doctors themselves suffer from this. 

I learned about this retired neurosurgeon from Elim Silver Town, but she has amnesia. She’s a neurosurgeon, so she should be able to stop her own dementia, but she cannot even recognize her husband; she cannot solve her own problem, but humans don’t just have one part, they have many parts. But you and I are the spiritual doctors who change fear into peace.  The spiritual doctor who blocks the spiritual disasters in your field.  These are the boundaries of your prayer and vessel.

Your prayer topics will change depending on your vessel.  Someone who has the vessel to do world evangelization will pray for world evangelization.  Someone who doesn’t pray about world evangelization but only cares about themselves will only pray about themselves, and such people only eat three meals a day and die of that disease because they only care about themselves; there’s no need for God to give them anything extra for anything else.

If a person proclaimed the gospel, God would have to heal them to proclaim the gospel, but they do not.  The prayer topic is your life vessel. Some pray for the remnants, and this is something only God, the devil, and they know.  This is poured into their vessel, God pours His blessings upon His children, and you can only receive as much as your vessel can hold.

The church officers can only contain the blessings according to their vessels of prayer.  If someone is self-centered, that’s it.  Or one step further, it’s just about their children, then that’s the only thing they can receive. The whole nation, world evangelization, then the answers will fit your vessel.  It’s a matter of faith. 

Remnants, at the very least, you should pray for your school, how? Pray for the working of the Holy Spirit and for evangelization to take place, right?  We have received this blessing and we must restore that blessing, how great is it?  That person will receive answers according to their prayers.

Let’s conclude, why do we need Christ?  Because the problems of life are invisible, and no one talks about it, so God gave you the grace to talk about it yourself, and Christ has finished all problems because God is with you. Nothing is a problem, then, because God is guiding you.  God is living within you and knows everything about you and gives you His answer through the Word.

How thankful must we be? We’re children of God and now we have the authority to save the world?  You should find that authority.  If you’re losing hold of your authority and holding onto only your identity as a child of God, then you’re only someone who receives grace while in the church building; you’re like a president who doesn’t know the role of a president even though you’ve been elected.

We have been given the authority to break down the power of sin, Satan, separation, and hell.  Use this as you testify of the gospel, and God gives you your talents for this reason. If you just remain within worship, within the stream of God’s word, God will reveal your talent.  What happens to young adults who don’t do this? They go into college according to their grades, and they just go to whatever company they like, and it turns out that’s’ not it.  “it doesn’t fit with me, and I still haven’t found  my talent. I don’t like it, so I will leave,” and they have hope for the next job, but because they haven’t found their talent, they are always wandering.

You  must not live like this.  Even if you remain properly within worship, God will reveal it to you.  God has prepared everything all the way through your specialization and the people you meet and education, and there’s a higher education that will lead you to save people. God has prepared even the field where you will use your talents and specialization to do missions and evangelization to save people.

If someone has not yet received this, don’t listen to their words because it’s all lies.  “Try this or that,” anyone could say that, but we need to help people find what God is saying. “If you do this, you’ll make a lot of money,” everyone can say those words but it has nothing to do with God.  May you believe God has prepared all your talents, specialization, and everything to save people. 


God, we thank You.  Bless the remnants, may they enjoy the status and authority with Jesus Christ who finished all problems and given us the status and authority as children of God. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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