Jesus Christ Freed Us from Slavery by Death and Satan (Heb. 2:5-18)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Jesus Christ Freed Us from Slavery by Death and Satan (Heb. 2:5-18)

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.  I hope the great blessing of God will be upon all the families and individuals worshiping in their homes, out of state, and especially in the church.  If someone is able to escape from their fear because they believe in Jesus Christ, they accurately believe in and enjoy the gospel.  If someone knows the name of Jesus Christ but is still not free from their fear, they either don’t know Jesus Christ very much, or they don’t believe Him.

If you know Jesus Christ, it means you know how you’ve lived your life before you met Jesus Christ, and it means you’re able to see how other people are living their lives as well. This is not something you can see by studying a lot, you’re able to see it when God gives you grace.  It’s not something you see a vision of as you pray a lot, you see it as the words of Truth.  

If we have a ruler or measuring stick, we’re able to see how long something is.  If you have a measuring stick of Truth, you’re able to know what is the truth and what isn’t, and if you have that, you will know how to run your business or study.  If you don’t have that standard, then even if you work diligently, you’ll be going diligently in the wrong direction.

The background of the passage we read in Hebrews 2 is that there are people who believe in Jesus Christ but are shaking because they were Jews.  You have to know the reason why they were shaking, and you have to know the reason why you’re shaking. If you’re shaking but you’re not aware of your shaking, then you don’t have the answer. If you’re afraid and you don’t know why you’re afraid, then you don’t have the answer.

If there’s something to fear and you’re aware of it, then at least you’re aware, but if you’re afraid of something, even if there’s nothing to be afraid of, then you wouldn’t know unless God gives you the grace.  Through today’s Word, I pray that this will be the time when you’re liberated from that fear. 

1. Jesus who was made a little lower than the angels

  1) The Jews

    (1) Law – Old Testament (Ac. 7:38)

    (2) Angels – Relay the Law (Ac. 7:38)

    (3) Worship angels

Before the Hebrews converted to Christianity, they lived their life, centered on the law as live.  They had no choice but to worship angels who delivered the law to them as in Acts 7.  God gave them the law, but He gave it to them through angels, and because the law was so important to them, they worshiped angels. If you look at the Jews in the Old Testament, this is how their lives flowed.

For the Jews who converted to Christianity after thousands of years of living like this, other Jews would try to convince them to convert back to Judaism.  Even though the new Christians believe in Jesus Christ and worship in the church, their past life was centered on the law.  God gives this answer to those people about why Jesus Christ is much greater than angels.

If you’re shaking in your life, it means you’re living in a stream that leaves you no choice but to shake. Even if you go to church, you shake, and you’re shaking without realizing why.  But if you understand the stream you’ve lived in for a long time, within your family and within the world without Jesus Christ, then you receive the answer from the Word and you’ll know how to live.  

When I say “stream,” I mean the past influences the present and the present influences the future.  Just like a small stream of water will flow down a mountain and enter into a river, there’s a flow to that stream. There’s also a stream the Jewish people lived in, according to the laws of the Old Testament.  Those were the Ten Commandments and they regarded the Ten Commandments as life.

What stream is America today flowing in?  In what kind of stream did we live our lives previously? You have to know that to escape from that stream, but if you live diligently without knowing that stream, you’re working diligently in that stream, and you’re flustring around, trying to live, but that stream never goes away. I hope today may be a blessed worship where you’re liberated from that stream. 

  2) Jesus Christ – Heir of all things, Creator (Heb. 1:2), Radiance of God’s glory, Exact representation (Heb. 1:3), Sustains all things by His Word, Sits at the right hand (Heb 1:3)

The only answer is to know and believe who Jesus Christ is. It’s because Jesus Christ is the Creator God and the heir of all things.  That’s the stream we should have been in, but instead, we live our lives centered on humans, being in the stream of the world.

Jesus Christ is the exact representation of God and sustains all things with His Word, but instead of going into that stream, we’re living our lives in the stream based on the standard of people’s words, so even though I’m sitting here, listening to the Word, the reason why I shake is instead of listening to Jesus Christ, I bring in the standards of the world.  

Jesus Christ is seated at the right hand of the throne of heaven and is controlling everything.  The way He controls everything is through His Word, and we should have gone into the stream of Jesus’ words, but instead, we lived our lives in the stream of people’s words.  

The reason we shake today? We shake even when we listen to the news. That’s not the Word of God; that’s just the present reality in the world, that means if you have a problem in your life, you’re going to shake again, why is that?  It’s because Jesus Christ is not there.  But Jesus Christ is holding onto every problem, incident, circumstance, and crisis with His Word. But because you don’t have that, you begin to shake because of external influences, and when you go out into the world, you’re going to shake as you live your life.

  3) Jesus who was made a little lower than the angels

Today, we are explaining who Jesus Christ is to these shaking Hebrews, and why Jesus Christ came as someone who was lower than angels.  Angels don’t have a physical body, they are spiritual beings and can directly go to the throne of heaven.  

    (1) Suffered death (Heb. 2:9)

Why is it that if Jesus Christ truly the Savior and the Messiah, why was He a human being like us and why did He have to die on the cross?  Something confuses many people, “That’s right, if He was truly the Messiah, He should have come with a crown of glory, riding on a steed with a sword as the king to rule over the world, why did He die on the cross, powerless?

    (2) For everyone (Heb. 2:9)

The Messiah the Jewish people thought about was a king who would rule over the entire world with power and strength.  But on the other hand, Jesus was born in a manger as a carpenter’s son, with no real father, with no power or educational background, and He died powerless.  How could He be God? The Jewish people thought Him powerless. If Jesus was really sent by God, He should have the ability to overcome all people, but why is He cowering, powerless before the Roman council?  The Word gives us the answer.

Let’s say for example, what are the expectations you have when you believe in Jesus?  Do you think that when you believe in Jesus, you’ll have a lot of strength?  Do you believe that if you believe in Jesus Christ, you won’t be poor?  What’s your standard? If you truly know Jesus, your standards will be true as well. If your standards aren’t true, then the devil will shake you through untruths.  Through today’s Word, I hope your standard will change.

Children are also like that, “If I believe in Jesus Christ, why am I still bad at studying?  God knows everything and He is my Father, but why don’t I have any ability?  Why am I always last place in my school? Why is it that my parents went to church for a long time, but they’re poor?” So what the Jewish people saw in Hebrews is the same as what the people who don’t know Jesus Christ see today.  

    (3) Crowned with glory and honor (Heb 2:9)

Heb. 2:9 tells us why Jesus Christ had to come to this earth as a powerless human being like us, He came in a physical form like us so He could die, so He came in the powerless form as a human. Even though He’s not powerless, the reason He came in a form of powerlessness was so He could die on our behalf.  The Jewish people saw that powerlessness and thought He was less than angels so He could not be God.

He was wearing a crown of thorns but that was actually His crown of glory.  Instead of wearing a crown of glory like a king, He wore a crown of thorns, and that’s the real crown of glory as He took our death upon Him.  There are people who still don’t understand when they hear this, because the stream of the world says, “I have to be king, I have to be strong, and the God I believe in must be stronger than me. Why is He so powerless?” 

They’re so confused.  As they run their business, they say, “Why am I still so powerless? Why is my job still not working out? God says He has power, right?” That’s what makes people shake back and forth.  Then they can’t leave the church but they don’t want to stay in the church. God gives this message to those people.

2. Jesus Christ

  1) Pioneer of salvation (Heb. 2:10)

    (1) The Way, The Truth, The Life (Jn. 14:6)

Jesus Christ is the author of our salvation, how? He is the Way for us to meet God.  Are you facing problems? What is the way?  Solving the problem isn’t the way; Jesus is the Way.  What is Truth?  Solving your problems isn’t the truth, the words of Jesus Christ within those problems is the Truth, but if we’re not sturdy in this, then when we fall into problems, we’ll rely on humanism and other methods.  

You say the same thing, “Why did Jesus Christ have to come as the son of a carpenter?” Because there was a role He had to play in that, but you don’t see it.  If you face problems, you have to see what the Lord is doing through those problems, but you can’t see that. “God should get rid of all my problems, that’s God.  It’s only God if those problems stop.”  We know Christ incorrectly.

If you know Jesus incorrectly, you’ll keep going down the incorrect path.  Problems don’t matter to Jesus.  People who are powerless will pray to get rid of their problems, but problems are irrelevant to Jesus. People shake when they face a storm, but Jesus remains in the storm. You have to know Jesus properly to live your life without shaking.

I am the Truth and the Life.  The words of people are not the truth.  The Truth never changes; Jesus is the Truth.  It’s not that the words about Jesus are truth, but Jesus Christ Himself is the Truth.  Only He is the life.  Do you want to live? Hold onto Jesus, then everything is finished.  That is why He is the author of salvation.

Did your business fail? Then simply fail, who cares? You have to fail to succeed.  Thomas Edison failed 99 times to succeed once.  You can only find the true success if you fail 99 times.  Do you have scars in your past? You have to have those scars to find the Truth out.  Were you afflicted in your past? You had to have that affliction to realize Jesus is the Truth.

Do you think your kids will fail because they don’t study well? They’re not, but only you have the thoughts of failure.  Are you afraid of the future? There’s nothing to be afraid of because Jesus is the Way to our future, but because we always hold onto incorrect words, we’re always deceived by the devil.

    (2) Firstborn (Heb. 1:6)

Jesus Christ is the firstborn Son because He came physically. If there’s a firstborn son, it means there’s a second-born son, and we are the second, third, and fourth-born sons.  That’s why Jesus Christ is the author of salvation.  The fact that we are sons means we are the ones who will inherit everything. You have to know this to be liberated from everything.

If you just understand this as doctrine, then you will fail by doctrine.  If you know this with knowledge, you will fail in your reality.  The devil is working 24 hours because the devil is a figure of power, a fallen angel who transcends time and space.  The devil isn’t a kind of witch who rides a broomstick and has a long nose.  You keep interpreting the devil based on things that are not in the Bible. 

A powerful angel fell because of his corruption, he transcends time and space and he is the devil. He goes into your thoughts and digs into your business as well and scatters your thoughts so you cannot make the proper decisions.

    (3) Brings many sons and daughters to glory (Heb. 2:10), Calls us brothers and sisters (Heb. 2:11)

So, Jesus Christ is the pioneer for salvation who opened up the doors for us to receive salvation, and that’s why we are brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ.  The first pioneer is Jesus and then it’s us.  Sisters are also included.  There are some people who say, “why does it only say ‘brothers,’ why is God not equal between the genders?” “Brothers” implies they are to receive the inheritance.

  2) Jesus Christ who came as human

    (1) Children – Have flesh and blood (Heb. 2:14)

I will share the main content starting from Heb. 2:14.  We human beings are children who have flesh and blood. Of course, we need to have flesh and blood, we have a body, but this means we are only living with a physical body; our spirit is dead because of sin, so why did Jesus Christ come in the flesh, in a body? 

    (2) Jesus Christ – Shared in their humanity (Heb 2:14)

Jesus Christ came to earth in a body of flesh and blood on our behalf to atone for all of our sins.  Jesus Christ came to earth in order to die, that’s why He came in the body of a man. He didn’t come in a human body because He’s weak, but people say He’s less than an angel, so they don’t know who Jesus is.  They say He is not God, but why did Jesus have to live a body of flesh and blood?

    (3) For death (Heb 2:14)

Human beings were created as spiritual beings to be with God in spirit. Our flesh and blood come after that.  Our natural essence is that we are spiritual beings who live with God in spirit, and because we sinned against God, our spirit died.  Because our spirit is dead, now we only live with our flesh and blood.  

A person who lives like that is a physical person. What happens if you live that way? That’s going to go into Genesis 6. Everyone died because of the disaster of the flood because everyone had become mortal, and all their thoughts were corrupt.  Their thoughts had no spirit, they were only flesh.  

  3) Jesus Christ who destroyed the devil

    (1) Wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23)

If people live for physical things, they’re bound to fail because we are created to live with life, but instead we live to only gratify our physical flesh and cravings, so Ephesians 2:2-3 says we are enslaved by Satan because of our desires.  The wages of sin is death, and therefore, because of our sin, we die physically and spiriutally.

    (2) People who are slaves by their fear of death (Heb. 2:15)

What is the picture of someone who is spiritually dead?  That’s Hebrews 2:15, because they are living for physical things, they are afraid of death. If someone has eternal life, they wouldn’t be so afraid of death, but because their spirit is dead and they only have a physical body, they have a terror and fear of death. The reason they live so diligently is because they’re afraid.  

The reason the people in Genesis 11 built a tower of Babel was so that they wouldn’t be scattered over the face of the earth, because if they scattered, they would die, and they were afraid of that.  If people do not have spiritual life within them, they will live very diligently for physical things.

    (3) Devil who who holds the power of death (Heb. 2:14)

What is the devil doing?  Heb. 2:14 says the devil holds the power of death. We died because of our sin, and now the devil is controlling us by the power of death.  That is what Jesus Christ completely set us free from, because He died for me and He resurrected as life in three days.  Galatians 2:20, now the spirit of Jesus has come into me, and now I no longer live for physical things, but for the one who lives for the spiritual things, all the physical things will follow.

Why is it that you believe in Jesus but you still are afraid? You’re afraid because you’re still centered on physical things. You have to enjoy life in order for the fear of death to disappear.  You guys are afraid of your business failing, right? Do you know why you’re afraid?  It’s not because of failure, but it feels like if you fail, you will die. You have to know this well, it’s okay even if you fail because if you fail, you’ll just get back up, but that’s not our nature.  

The essence of fear that seizes you is that you think if you fail, your life will be over, and there’s no way to overcome that fear other than the life of Jesus Christ.  That’s why people who believe in Jesus Christ are okay even if they are surrounded by death, it’s okay even if they fail because failure is not going to kill you, but people who are physical are afraid and the devil seizes them, using that fear.

They live so diligently to try to get rid of that fear, because they think they will die if they can’t eat; they think their life is over if they can’t succeed, and that’s why they live so, so diligently for the physical things, being controlled by the devil.

If any of you live your walk of faith like this, then until the day you die, you can’t be freed from Satan’s slavery.  Even if you believe in Jesus Christ, your life is still for physical things, in other words, you’re living your life exactly as you did before you met Jesus Christ.  Before you met Jesus Christ, you had no choice but to live for the physical because your spirit was dead.  Now, the spirit of Jesus has come into you, then you need to live with the spirit of Jesus.  You do the physical work for the Spirit of Jesus. 

Unless your life changes in this way, the devil will follow you for the rest of your life, why? Because the devil will use the panic of failure and death as a foothold. That’s why people commit suicide as well.  People don’t commit suicide for no reason, and for the people who commit suicide, they feel so great when they jump off buildings, but if you’re afraid of death, you can’t commit suicide.  

Many parents will nag at their kids, but where did this nagging come from? It comes from their fear.  Their parents are so afraid and they are oppressing their kid because they think if their kids keep living this way, they’re going to fail.  Your kid will not fail; a child of God does not fail.  If the physical things fail, just get back up if you think it’s the end.  

A lot of elderly people say, “I just want to die quickly,” but it’s all a lie; they’re all afraid of death. Who transcends death?  Only the one who has and enjoys the eternal life of Jesus Christ can transcend death.

Do you have any problems?  Is your problem a problem? If you believe in Jesus Christ, your problem isn’t a problem. If you live for physical things, then we want our physical problems to disappear, that’s why the problem is a problem to you.  Are you afraid of your environment?  It’s not fearful; it’s the fear that’s already inside of me.  If you’re in a difficult circumstance, you feel like you’re going to die. In reality, it’s not the environment that causes fear, but it’s the fear that comes from not having Jesus Christ.

Are you lonely? You think if you meet someone, you won’t be lonely, but you’ll only be lonely again. When I was a young adult, I was an unbeliever, and I wasn’t just lonely, but I had a fear of loneliness.  Because of that, every day after work, I would meet my friends, but as soon as I went back home, I was struck with panic of being alone again, and in order to run away from my fear, I met with my friends and drank every day.

Drinking wasn’t just drinking for me, it was my inability to overcome the terror of my loneliness. Then, if you get married, will you not be lonely?  You’ll be lonely again.  Human beings can only overcome the fear within them if they enjoy true life.  Do you think you won’t be lonely if you have two or three dogs? You’ll still be lonely.  I’m not telling you to not have dogs, but I’m telling you that’s not the solution. I’m saying you have to solve this fear fundamentally.

    (4) Eternal life in Jesus who has overcome death (Rom. 6:23)

You have to overcome your fear of death with life.  If I’m going to fail, I’ll just fail. You shouldn’t be afraid of failure. If you fail, you just have to get back up, but the problem is, this person thinks, “If I fail, that’s the end and I’m going to die,” and that’s why they’re afraid, and that’s why it says there will be people the world cannot handle.  Satan is binding everyone in the world with fear, but because the Christians don’t have anything to be afraid of, Satan cannot control them.

If you accurately know and believe in Jesus Christ, you will be liberated from fear.  Why is it that more than 90% of American soldiers come back from wars with mental disabilities or commit suicide from trauma?  Doctors are not able to get to the bottom of this, even now.  So, they created a specific type of trauma for veterans, and none of the doctors know why they have this because the doctors themselves are not liberated from their fear.

Everybody has an innate fear of death, but if you see someone next to you physically dying, you have an extreme sense of fear.  That is the fear with which Satan controls us.  Satan controls our thoughts, emotions, and heart, and that’s what it means that, after we come back from war, we have mental problems and we can never heal that unless we overcome the fear.

Why is it that we always have mental problems even though we believe in Jesus Christ and went to church for a long time?  If we live our life centered on physical things, we cannot overcome fear.  It turns out, the reason why I’m working so diligently to make money and succeed is that I feel I will die without this.  

There’s one person who transcended that, it was Apostle Paul.  Apostle Paul said he learned to be content whether he was in poverty or wealth, it means he wasn’t affected by that; he was content in all circumstances. That’s the standard of believing in Jesus.  We do believe in Jesus, but if you’re still afraid, it means you’re living for physical things.  If you live for physical things, you’re afraid, and that’s the reason why you live for physical things.

3. LIberated from the slavery of death

  1) It is finished (Jn. 19:30)

    (1) Finished everything already

How can you solve this completely?  That’s the reason Jesus Christ said in John 19:30, it is finished.  All the problems of your past, present, and future have been finished on the cross. “Pastor, if it’s really finished, why do I still have problems?” God wants to show you that these are really not problems.  God wants to give you evidence that He really has finished everything.

You’re afraid because you’re going to face more problems, but it doesn’t matter even if they do come, because it’s not a problem to me, because there is a work Jesus is fulfilling through this problem.  People pray so diligently, but if you look carefully, the reason why they pray is to prevent problems or solve problems.

Praying is to enjoy the life of Jesus Christ, especially enjoy Jesus Christ’s life in your school and in your job.  But you’re so afraid, “What if I get fired?” If you get fired, just get fired, and you can go somewhere else.  If you’re fired because you’re so bad at your job, you have to renew yourself and gain more skills then, but many people fire others to cut costs, then it’s fine, you can just gain more skills.

    (2) Child of God (Jn. 1:12)

The problem is, you think you’re going to fail, and it’s fine if you fail, but you think you’re going to die. That’s what’s seizing us.  If you believe in Jesus properly, the devil should flee, but instead the devil attacks you more, and that’s when you say, I’m a child of God.  A child of God will never fail, why would a child of God fail? Is God powerless? 

Everyone is a child of someone, but you’re not a child of your physical parents because they have no power, but you’re a child of your Father God, and the life of Jesus Christ within you is the Holy Spirit.  It’s okay whether I go here or there because I’m a child of God. If you’re not able to enjoy that life, then you’re afraid.

The reason why people go to fortune tellers is because they’re afraid. The reason people worship idols is because they’re afraid and Satan controls them here, and that’s why the work of demons continues to happen, and this turns into disasters.  The original role of Satan is to give us failure and disasters.  The idol itself is just an object, but the reason you worship the idol is because the devil puts fear into your heart, and that comes to you as a disaster, and that later turns into mental illness.

    (3) With, Immanuel, Oneness

If you’re holistically enjoying true life, your life will go in a way that corrects itself, but if you’re always seized by fear, you’re not enjoying life.  God is with me, everything is finished.  All the standards are not me, but it is God. If I face a problem, it’s a problem to me, but in God’s eyes, it’s not a problem, it’s an opportunity.

The church is a place that enjoys the blessing of Immanuel.  A lot of elites aren’t able to have good human relationships because they think they can only communicate with people at their same level, and they have a lot of fear regarding people. You should be free and be okay to meet anybody, but most people only want to meet with people who are helpful to them. That’s not enjoying Immanuel, but that’s living your life according to your own standards.  

Enjoying the blessing of Immanuel, “God with us,” means that no matter who you meet, it’s okay. If someone is lacking, you just pray for them and bless them.  But if you’re not able to enjoy Immanuel, you judge them based on your level.  “They’re not at the same level as me; I can’t communicate with them,” you need to enjoy the blessing of God being with us, but you’re cutting them off by yourself.  

God has a plan for everyone you meet, and God has a plan in every single thing that happens. There’s no such thing as a small task, big task, worldly task, or church task, God is fulfilling His good purpose in all things.  You’re not just doing things that make you money, and sometimes, even work that would lose money would be the work of God because all of that is used to fulfill God’s good purpose, but instead, we keep cutting out our own blessings. We only do things that are beneficial to us, and because of that, you’re not able to enjoy God’s oneness, and you are so deceived within yourself to go after physical things.  

  2) Kingdom of the Triune God

The Triune God is alive, but the problem is, what does that have to do with me?  God is alive in heaven, but what does that have to do with me, living on earth? 

    (1) Word – God (Jn. 1:1)

The way God in heaven comes down to earth is through His Word. Through your worship, the God who is seated at the throne of heaven comes upon you with His Word. Then it doesn’t matter what problems you face, but God gives you His answer through His Word. THat’s how God works.

    (2) Prayer – Answer that transcends time and space (Heb. 1:14)

God Who is seated at the throne of heaven is giving you His answer through your prayers, and that’s why you should pray.  There are some people who think very deeply, and 100%, they will have mental problems.  The world says, “It’s good for you to think deeply” because they don’t believe in God.  What is it that they should think so deeply about? You can only think at your level.  Your standard or level is what you like or don’t like. 

The deeper you think, the more you’ll be afflicted. Don’t think, but pray.  If you pray to the all powerful One, then His answer will come to you through prayer. How can we confirm God is living and is with us?  God works upon us with His word, and when you pray holding onto His Word, God gives you the answers to your prayers.

    (3) Evangelism – Power and works of the Holy Spirit (Ac. 1:8)

That’s why He does the work of evangelism by saving lives through us.  Do you have any idea how big of a blessing evangelism is?  Do you think America would use nuclear missiles to catch a whale?  Do you think we would use a nuclear missile when we go hunting?  When you go hunting, you won’t need a nuclear missile.  

If there’s a war against another nation similar to America, that is when you’ll use nuclear missiles. Why would God pour power upon your job?  Even unbelievers can succeed with their abilities, there’s no reason for God’s power to be there.  But we cannot do the work of destroying the works of Satan, death, and hell. Only the work of the Holy Spirit makes that possible, and that’s where God pours His Holy Spirit’s work. That result is missions and evangelism.

If your business is in the direction of missions and evangelism, then God pours His power there.  Before that point, His power cannot be there, because you live your business life for your life, so you do it with your own strength.  Unbelievers do this, too, so don’t misunderstand.  God isn’t going to use a nuclear missile there, God is not going to pour power there, because you can work with your own strength and live by your own level.

When is God’s power established?  Whenever we are liberating people from sin, death, and Satan, we can’t do it, we can’t do it with our own ability.  People can only be saved when the power of God comes upon them.  So, if you’re working just to live and survive, you’re going to live according to your standards. Not only will you remain at your own standards, but you can’t escape from your fear, because as evidence we’re not enjoying life, we live for physical things.

  3) World – Answer

    (1) Use my business and academics

    (2) World – Origin of fear and reason for slavery

    (3) Only Jesus Christ – Liberation (Reveal His glory)

    (4) Give glory to God through worship (1 Cor. 10:31)

Why did God gives us talents?  God gave us talents so we can turn it into a specialty in order to save people in the world, in other words, God gave it to us to save lives.  I’m not able to enjoy the life God has given me, so I live in fear, living for physical things, but that’s not who we are.  God gives us the answer of specialization for sure, so you shouldn’t just work wherever you are.  That’s what unbelievers who don’t believe in God will do. 

God has made a visible program for us in order to save souls.  Not only does He give us the talent, but He raises that talent to a specialty, and He gives us a field with which to apply that specialization. That’s the work that God does to save lives.  If you change into that, then your fear will be done.  But instead of living like that, if you work and study diligently so you can eat and succeed, you’ll always be in fear.

Only life can liberate you from the fear of death.  Even if you go to church for a long time, there are people who are so afflicted by fear and panic, “What will happen if my kid fails?” You will only be liberated when you believe and know Jesus Christ accurately.  You’re going to face fear, “What’s going to happen if I fail?” It’s okay if you fail, because either way, I’m using this to save lives, so God is bound to work upon it.  

It doesn’t matter who you meet, it’s okay because God is with you.  You shouldn’t keep avoiding people, “I only want to talk to people like this, I don’t want to talk to these kinds of people,” then you’re only going to eat the foods you like, then your body is going to die. Even the food you don’t like is food, and even the people you meet and you don’t like is still God’s blessing of meeting.  Especially in the church, a healthy person must be able to communicate with everybody because you have to escape from yourself.  


1. Jesus Christ who has come as human

2. Died for people

3. Freed us from slavery by death and Satan

4. Reveal God’s glory through me…


I hope you will enjoy this blessing for the rest of this week and give glory to God with your worship and reveal that glory through evangelism. Let us pray.

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