Integrated Camp Training Lecture 3 – Field Camp Training – Life Platform (Oneness)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Integrated Camp Training Lecture 3 – Field Camp Training – Life Platform (Oneness)

For Field Camp Training, you have to find and form your important Life Platform. We call this “oneness.” Surpassing “With” and “Immanuel,” it’s having God being with me and forming oneness in the field. It is me, God, and the field.

Speaker Rev. Ryu Kwang Su | Interpreter Missionary Esther Chang

As soon as we began with our Darakbang movement, we began with our Camp Training, and the reason is because Jesus didn’t give lectures, but He gave camp training. Jesus called His disciples, and as He went directly together with them, He told them everything. He wasn’t a leader who taught like a teacher, and the most prevalent promise inside the Bible is that He would be with us, and that’s why we have 5 Camp Trainings, and together with the 237 Training, we’ve got six, so having this integrated camp training really is God’s plan, and you have to see the overall picture of this.

What’s the very first Basic Camp Training? We who have received the salvation need to enjoy the blessing of salvation, that’s rightful, and how are we going to enjoy that? We’re going to enjoy that with the concept of “With,” and that’s God’s absolute plan. We’ve got the five times of how are we going to enjoy the Camp Training of “with,” but we also have meetings, that’s a tremendous blessing. We call that team ministry, and what’s the greatest key for Team Ministry? Now that we’ve received salvation, we have to have to content to enjoy and transmit the salvation we’ve received. The words might sound similar, but we use “Immanuel,” and now because the works are taking place inside of me, the absolute plan changes into the absolute covenant.

You meet with remnants, but those remnants don’t know what salvation is, and they don’t know what prayer is, and if you don’t teach them that, how can you call that Team Ministry? You talk about yourself or other people, but that’s not team ministry; you need to teach them what prayer is, you need to teach them how to enjoy the gospel and how to meditate on the Word. Teach them why the Three Organizations are teaching this strange transcendental meditation and conquering the world with that.

A few days ago, a family moved into a new home and they invited me, and there were four members in the family, and three of them were in the legal profession, so after we had the meal, I explained for about thirty minutes. We had a service first, and then we had the meal, and I explained for 30 minutes, and I could tell how tired they were, so I said, “You should pray this way, and you should maintain your health by breathing this way,” and these three people in the legal profession were wide-eyed as they listened, and you could tell by the way they listened. I said, “Try researching this, because there are many methods.” So, as we share forum regarding prayer, the remnants might not be able to do it very well, so do it together with them.

After finishing the message, there isn’t much time, perhaps our Rev. Kim Dae Eun might believe that, but before or after the message, take some time to really do this together with them. What happens when you become quiet? Tremendous energy forms inside your brains, and also, what happens when you sense that you are happy? Endorphins which are stronger than any medication you can take begin working inside of us, then if that is so, what happens when you breathe very deeply? Then really, you can revive not only your body, but also your spirit. Jesus too breathed on His disciples and said, “Receive the Spirit,” and even God breathed the breath of life into man, and those are tremendous words. Even if you look at Ezekiel, at the valley of dry bones, He breathed His Spirit into them. The work of the Holy Spirit is real, but we don’t have a plan to enjoy that, so we’re unaware of it. So, those who are leading those meetings, at that time, you have to present important topics and tips for your life.

So the prayer for our first camp training is the filling of the Holy Spirit, that’s what Jesus did. These aren’t my words; it’s what Jesus said. Actually have a time of meditation where you read out loud or you say out loud and ask the Holy Spirit to take control of your heart, your mind, and your body. Let’s say you do that for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, or an hour, then what would happen? Tremendous things would arise, so enable them to actually do that during Camp Training.

Field Camp Training – Life Platform (Oneness)
Today’s third lecture is Field Camp Training. Simply put, what is Field Camp Training? Well, simply put, what is Basic Camp Training? It’s “with” and “prayer.” The most important point of Team Camp Training is the gospel content, and you hold onto that and pray. If that is so, then for Field Camp Training, you have to find your important Life Platform, and you have to form this life platform. We call this “oneness.” Surpassing “with” and “Immanuel,” it’s having God being with me and forming oneness in the field. It is me, God, and the field.

When we go to worship, do we just sit in the church and say, “I’m just a part of this church”? There are some church officers who don’t say, “My church,” but they say, “This church.” People living in a home, they need to say “My house,” instead of “This house,” so when we go to church and worship, that’s oneness between me and God. Even when I study and do my work, it is oneness between me and God, and especially, oneness between me and other people. It is me, God, and my field. This is a tremendous answer.

Introduction – Absolute Journey

When this takes place, you have your absolute journey, and we go to the field so we can travel the journey. Then, our field is the journey, so, that is why it’s oneness between me, God, and that field. That’s more than enough, we’re traveling this absolute journey, then what happens?

  1. Mountain – Mount of Olives. In the Bible, there are many references to mountains. We see the Mount of Olives, Mount Horeb, or the Sermon on the Mount. Let me just give you one example, the Mount of Olives, this was a tremendous platform, isn’t that so? This is what we need to seek out and make. We can’t live our life in vain, “I’m too old,” but it doesn’t matter. The older you are, the more sure your platform needs to be. Yesterday, I was going to get a haircut, so I got into a taxi, and the driver asked me if I had a senior discount card , and I said, “No,” and he said, “You need to have that. Even if you don’t use it, you need to have that.” And I asked the driver, “How old are you?” He said, “I was born in 1954.” I said, “I was born in 1950,” and he replied, “Oh, really?” He was telling me how I have to apply for that and if I don’t have it, when I get my pension, they’ll only give me about $130. Can you imagine how difficult his life must be, isn’t that so?

Sometimes I go to a restaurant and there’s an elderly couple, especially people who are Rev. Chung’s age, and the old man is just following his wife. If she tells him to sit, then he sits; if she tells him to eat, then he eats. But Rev. Chung has the leisure to spend two days and have fun with his wife, then he lets her go her own way, and that lifestyle is different. What’s different? The platform is different. His wife should be thankful as well because his life platform is very broad, so there’s many people looking after him and wanting to see him be well. But think about it, if your life platform is to follow your wife around and to get pennies for cash, then it’s not going to work. On Mount Horeb, he made a tremendous life resolution, so we see many references, but it was Mount Horeb. Even at the very end, Jesus called them to the Mount of Olives.

  1. River – Hiddekel, Euphrates. Why does the Bible have many references to rivers, like the Euphrates or the Hiddekel [Tigris] River? It was the platform at this time, so we need to make this realistic platform in our lives for the works to take place. When you go into the field and proclaim the gospel to the people you meet and hand out evangelism tracts, yes, that is important, but you need to make this platform first. Set up a plan to make that and also head out to actually make it.

But when I carefully look at people, I know they’re working so hard to evangelize, but there are so many things that really frustrate me to the point where I wonder if they’re actually receiving answers. You have to make a complete platform. Right now, the unbelievers have made it all and they’re seizing everything.

  1. Ocean – Patmos. The Bible also talks a lot about seas and oceans; it talks a lot about these oceans. They can be lakes as well like Galilee. We see that John [the Apostle] was exiled to Patmos to death, but that became a tremendous platform. The island of Patmos became a tremendous platform where he could speak about the tremendous works that took place until now.
  2. Fields, Wilderness – Elijah, John the Baptist. In the Bible, why did they go into the fields and wilderness? Don’t just look at the letter of the word, but look at the field. Here, there were people like Elijah and John the Baptist. Simply put, they made a platform where they could collect everything. This doesn’t actually mean they should go out to the fields and the wilderness, but we have to make a platform.
  3. Wells – Abraham. Why did Abraham dig so many wells? He was bound to make money, and Isaac gains the fountainhead.
  4. Dock, Port (Paul). Why did they go to the docks, the piers, and the ports as Paul did? Because that was the platform.
  5. Bridge, Station, Airport, Information Technology, Biotechnology. As things advanced, now these days we’ve got bridges. They didn’t have bridges in Paul’s time, and we also see that they had stations. There’s a great difference between places that actually have this kind of station and those that do not. Now we’ve got airports, these are tremendous platforms. If there weren’t any airports, then we wouldn’t be able to go overseas. Information Technology and Biotechnology are a tremendous platform right now, so now, an age has come where people can gather together without having to actually go anywhere.

(Remnant Unity Training Center, 237 Center, Remnant Theological Seminary, Remnant University)
That is why we want to make these RUTCs everywhere. To say that we are making RUTCs everywhere means that we are making these platforms everywhere, and now with the remaining budget that we have or with any extra money that comes in, we’re going to continue to make RUTCs, and that is why we’ve now made this 237 Center. This is a tremendous platform here, it is an actual visible platform. That’s why we also made the RTS and RU, and if we can correctly do this at RU, it becomes a tremendous platform to move the world. If we can raise good students at RTS, it becomes a world-class platform. Right now, we’ve got countless foreign students at RTS. We are traveling this absolute journey, so don’t lose hold of this, but make your life platform.

Main – Utmost Concern

In making this life platform, we’re not just making this, but what must we keep in mind? We have to realize where God’s utmost concern is. How do we view this? You have to accurately see the platform for this age.

  1. Platform for the Age. We must absolutely make the Platform for the Age.
    1) Seven Remnants (Answer). What kind of platform did they make? They gave the answer. If there’s any remnants listening to the message, you must remember. If you think that it’s hard, then it is hard, but as you are working inside of your companies, if you think it’s hard, then you’re going to die of fatigue. Instead, think, “This is my platform,” do you understand? “This is my platform. I’m going as a slave, and in this place I am cleaning, this is my platform.” This is the field camp. I’m sure you understand what this word means now. Even though he went to prison, even though he went to the palace, that was his platform, and what did he give? He gave the answer because he already had the content.

I’m sure assistant pastors are listening to the message now as well, but the church division you are in charge of, that is your platform, and you’re helping the kids to grow there, and as I spoke about yesterday, you have the content. Make it into a system because now you’re helping them to properly take their path. As you well know, the seven remnants made this historic platform, and that’s why the entire world followed them. Moses wandered for 80 years, unable to make this platform, but he finally discovered it, and then tremendous things followed. If I calculate, I don’t think there are many people who received more answers than Moses. Look at Genesis, all the answers are there. When you are doing Bible study with demon-possessed individuals, and as you study and go through Genesis, they will be healed. Exodus talks about worship and Numbers teaches you what a disciple is, it’s all there. If you look at Deuteronomy, it’s talking about the imprint, root, and nature. It’s because people did not realize, we’re not able to hold onto it, but the perfect answer is there.

Then, as soon as I went to Yeongdo, we would start the morning service with Genesis and in the afternoon service, I did the book of Acts, and even before we got to the end of those books, the works arose. Even before we got to the end, works arose, so our greatest concern was always for a lack of space and people around us were saying we’re too noisy. So, the elder was saying, “People around us are complaining about the noise so we have to keep it quiet,” so I told the elder, “We don’t have anything right now. We don’t have a building, we don’t have any money. The only thing we can do is make noise, so it has to be rambunctious,” and he began to smile, but the works continued to take place. So, to have this platform is a tremendous thing. Because we don’t have much time.

2) Romans 16. Look at the people of Romans 16, these people were a complete platform. These kinds of people supported Paul, then Rome Evangelization was bound to take place.

3) Luther, Calvin. Luther and Calvin who raised the Religious Reformation, what kind of platform did they have? They had the platform that the entire world had no choice but to focus on, it was the restoration of theology and a translation of the Bible. It was the gospel and the restoration of the Word, and that’s what these two did. They had that platform, the restoration of theology and the gospel. That was Calvin, so these two individuals were outstanding.

[Personal, Talent, Stream, Evangelism Strategy, Prayer]
What is the platform for our Darakbang? It is the content but also the platform. The 21 points I personally need to enjoy. The mystery of turning my talents into my platform. The platform to overturn the nine streams, it’s perfect. The 20 evangelism strategies, and what else? The prayer platform within that. These things are our Darakbang platform, and no one will be able to stop that. Even now, people who don’t know will say, “If we continue these kinds of trainings, will people continue to come?” They will. “What would we do if we just broadcast this for free? Is it going to work?” For example, you see these days that people don’t want you to illegally copy things, and those kinds of people might be able to calculate the money in front of them, but they don’t know the principles that rule society.

In one way, they keep copying CDs, so their own CDs don’t get sold, but that’s the way for the music to come to life. So, I told Headquarters, “Starting next year, don’t make CDs anymore, it’s all on YouTube anyway,” but in order for us to archive it, we might be able to make CDs, but there’s need for us to make that. The more they can take it out, the better. But if no one downloads it? That means you don’t know society. Right now, society sets up a rule for how much money you should make, “You make this much now,” that’s even harder. There shouldn’t be rules like that; in one way, that’s a free market, so be able to see society. Think about it, if you continue to do this, you’ll have the content and the platform. If you really look carefully, if you look at your church as well as RTS, RU, and your field, that’s all the platform.

  1. Field Platform. You need to be able to make the field platform.
    1) Acts 2:1-47, 11:19-30. They looked down on Mark’s Upper Room, Acts 2, but that became the platform to move the age. Here, they did Camp Training, and these people went as far as Acts 11 and even became a platform to save Korea. That was Antioch, look at the Bible. Going into the missions first, what did they do first?

2) Acts 13:1-4 (Contents). They made the field platform, they began with Camp Training. So, those who are going overseas, keep that in mind, then these works took place in verses 5-12. It’s bound to have revival and growth because it became a platform. How do you view this? They did healing, that platform is tremendous. Persecutors cannot block that. In the future, if you properly make this healing platform, unconditionally, churches will live. So, you need to open up your spiritual eyes, and the reason is because the age of spiritual problems is approaching. It has to be the most high class, medical, the most scientific, and yet, the most spiritual. You really need to be able to rest. Right now, we’re lagging behind the Buddhist temples, honestly speaking. Honestly speaking, we lag behind them so much, and we see that Buddhist temples are made so that you can rest anywhere, and in all the methods, they have the content and the platform, so we need to pray.

I told our church to make this perfectly. This is everything, the field platform. Going to the field, if you can make this platform, then many people will arise. Don’t rashly do healing ministry, don’t think “I’m the one who’s doing it,” no, God is the one doing it. “They have to complete the Immanuel Church,” not at all, God is going to do it. If things are working out a little bit, they think, “I’m the one who did it,” but no, God did it. You need to have the platform to really have assurance and have healing with that.

A person who has cancer didn’t just catch cancer, isn’t that so? It’s been that way for a long time, isn’t that so, so what do you need to do? You have to raise up and build up their basic immunity and strength. I remember saying in the sermon, our Dr. Kim Yushin came out, and Americans think that cancer and diabetes are the same thing, but Koreans think that the moment they are diagnosed with cancer, they think they’re going to die. But rather than dying from cancer, they die from something else, and there’s a reason for that. I’m not saying the church should act like a hospital to heal diseases, but we need a platform so that people can come to the church and fundamentally gain strength, and you go into the field and fundamentally give that strength.

Just slightly make this content, and when you are doing this, don’t do it in a strange way. I saw some strange things coming up on YouTube on the broadcast, and I told them to stop it, you shouldn’t do it that strange way. Look at Paul, it really was amazing. Proclaiming God’s Word and the gospel, he completely broke down the evil spirits and the culture of darkness. Look at this field platform.

3) Acts 16:6-10, 10-15, 16-18. This is Camp Training, this is field camp training, isn’t that so? You have to understand the term, “Field Camp Training.” “Oh, when we get together, we don’t have to pray; we can have some fun,” that’s not what I’m saying. Getting together and having meals together and meeting with your friends, that’s all good, however, absolutely, you must have the content and the platform. Then, what kind of platform was made? They meet Lydia in verses 10-15. Who imagined that this would turn into the church at Philippi? Ultimately, a complete and perfect platform was made, they healed a demon-possessed servant girl who was moving that entire village. These kinds of things begin to take place. It is the platform for the age and the field platform. This is the walk of faith, this is field camp training. So, take a look at this.

4) Acts 17:1. Paul really did this in an amazing way, everywhere he went, he set up this platform, so our assistant pastors, remember, you need to seek out the platform where they can be clothed by God’s grace and God’s Spirit and receive grace. It doesn’t even take much money; utilize what you have.
5) Acts 18:4. So amazingly, he plowed into the synagogue and made the platform, but it goes beyond that.
6) Acts 19:1-7, 8-20. Once again, we see Field Camp Training. From this point on, amazing healing takes place from verses 8-20. That is the platform. The entire region was turned upside down, and it doesn’t just end there.
7) Acts 19:21., 23:11, 27:24 I must see Rome as well, that’s right. It was the platform for the age, and those who understood these words all received answers. “You must testify about Me in Rome,” “You must stand before Caesar.” This is the platform to move the age.

This year is almost all finished, so don’t just begin next year. Find your content, that was yesterday’s second lecture. What was our first lecture? If you can do everything with just one thing, Christ, then that’s it, and that becomes the content. Through one thing, Christ, everything else takes place. That’s the content, that was our first lecture, and that’s Team Camp Training. That becomes the meeting, and we’re not just meeting people in passing and go our separate ways, no. Now, we have to make our platform.

  1. Occupation (Studies, Work, Business). It is our occupation, and for our students, it is your studies, and for those who have jobs, it is your work, and for businesspeople, it is your business. Make them into your platform, and if you can’t make this platform, you won’t be able to succeed in your business and you won’t be able to succeed in evangelism.
    1) Seven Remnants. Look carefully at the seven remnants. They didn’t just do this with words, but they turned the work they were doing into a platform, they turned that into a platform of blessings. So, Potiphar was bound to be compelled and inspired, “Stop being enslaved; you be the head of the household.” So, you have to make a platform to completely revive your occupation, your studies, and your work. Without even doing this, “I’m going to use some kind of strategy,” then it’s all in vain. Without this, if you just work hard, you’re just working yourself to death. If you keep working that way, you’re going to crumble, and you can’t even get back up again. Failure, maybe once or twice is okay, but if you keep on failing, you won’t be able to get up again. David, while he was young, as a shepherd, he made a platform. It’s all this answer. Because you know this, let’s move on.

2) Obadiah (100). In one way, he was a court official, but he made a platform to raise 100 prophets in his home. He really was outstanding. The prophets that the king forbade, he hid them and raised them, and he was the king’s official. Even now, I wonder, was the king unaware of this? Think about it, he hid 100 of them, that’s not an easy feat. Think about it, I’m sure he’s got enemies inside the palace, and they’re probably going to talk about it. Politicians are very scary. Think about it, when you’re having a political battle, even if it means the death of your family, you’re going to go at it, but the answer here was very simple.

Someone like Obadiah was someone the king absolutely needed, then that’s it, so he made a platform even inside the palace, a lifesaving platform. Then if the king favors him, then that’s it. As you are going to work, don’t think, “That person doesn’t like me,” but you have to make it so that you become essential to that person. In your workplace or in your churches or in the Darakbang organization, if you think, “We’re better off than that person,” that person’s life is pathetic, then. “Because he’s not here, work is going better,” then what’s going to happen to that person? Don’t become a person like that. You have to make a platform to save the church, make a platform to save the field, why? Because you already have it, and you’re making it with that. Obadiah didn’t just end this, but because of this, it led to the 7000 disciple Dothan Movement, and God did that.

3) People of Babylon. These people made a life-saving platform in their workplace, especially Daniel. He was unstoppable. He interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, and he interpreted the writing on the wall during King Belshazzar’s feast, and when King Cyrus came, he gave him the message. He was unstoppable. King Darius was completely moved by Daniel, why? Because he had this lifesaving platform. Absolutely, there won’t be anyone who dislikes you, but there may be people who are jealous of you. What is your occupation? Make that into a lifesaving platform. If it’s hard, it really will be, but just think, “It’s not hard,” then how joyous is that? Those who are older, if you don’t want to exercise, you should, only then will you be revived, so we need to make this lifesaving platform.

4) Simon the Tanner, Seller of Purple Cloth, Tentmaking. Let’s take a look at the Early Church. Simon the Tanner, that’s what it says. This was a tremendous platform. Leather was used by the high class back then. Lydia, the seller of purple cloth. If you utilize this well, it becomes a tremendous platform. Simply put, it was scarlet silk, and scarlet silk wasn’t just used by anyone. And, Priscilla and Aquila who were tentmakers. What was this? Tents may not seem like much now, but back then, it was like construction. Priscilla was from Rome and Aquila was a Jew, and these two came together to make this amazing platform. Those who have interracial marriages, if you have the gospel content and platform, it becomes greatly advantageous.

5) Feudal Lords. They’re the ones who arose, but if not, then they could not overcome the pope. How could they overcome the pope? But it was the feudal lords who arose, and that became the platform for reformation. Even the one who hid Luther was a feudal lord. Turn your occupation into a lifesaving platform, and absolutely, works will take place. Save everyone through the CVDIP. If that is so, what conclusion do you come to? Once again, let me say.

Conclusion – Oneness Platform

It is the oneness platform between myself, God, and the field. This platform is very important. This succeeds.

  1. Meditation Practice Platform. Try making this, you have to make a platform so that you can really study or practice meditation, beginning with children.
  2. Meditation Power Platform. Gather together the specialists so that you can raise your power through meditation.
  3. Meditation Healing Platform. Also, what’s more important is a platform for healing through meditation, so realistically make this. As you are making this, remember that our content is the gospel. You need a platform for people to come here, so now we need to renew evangelism, only then can we block the spiritual problems that come from the fourth industrial revolution. An age of homosexuality will come, but we need to block that. An age of ecumenism is going to come, so we need to save them. So, we are making these three things. Even though you just slightly make it, the works will be amazing. We’ve got one lecture left tomorrow, but all these lectures must serve as the framework for your entire life. How?

[Prayer – CVDIP Journey]
The CVDIP Journey must become possible through your prayers.

[World Journey]
Through prayer, traveling around the world becomes possible. It’s through prayer.

Conclusion – [Spiritual Platform (Philippians 3:8-21)]
Our overall conclusion is to make this, a spiritual platform, we call that camp. Through meditation, you help the kids to really study and learn that, and also raise up their power and have healing, then you need a spiritual platform. If you can do that, you become an evangelist. Even though it doesn’t happen quickly or immediately, you need to keep doing this, and the reason is because as you begin this, the answers will come, isn’t that so? It was a sure thing that David was going to become king, even though it would come later on, so that’s why “now” is important. So, God was compelled to protect him, why? Because he’s going to become the king who saves the world. That’s why everywhere David went, he made this important spiritual platform. Even when he was a shepherd, he made this, and even when he was in the palace, he made this, and ultimately, he called for all the complete plans for the construction of the temple, and then he left. Especially, take a look at Paul, it was a tremendous platform, Philippians 3:8-21. It’s a spiritual platform.

[Future (Hope)]
Simply put, it was a platform that contained the future. “Not that I already obtained it or am already made perfect, but I press on to make it my own.” Then, this is the mystery for making this platform. Think about it, it’s not that you achieve it, or that you’re already made complete, but you press on towards it. It really is a platform of hope. That’s tremendous. Think about it, people will come if there’s hope; they won’t come if there’s despair, so there are these tremendous words. Our citizenship is in heaven, so not for the things of this earth, but I press on for the reward in heaven, and he comes to the conclusion, “I’ve already gained everything,” but in verse 21, “the name that brings everything subject to Him.”

So, those who are old, don’t just retire, but make a platform, a spiritual platform. Read more than anyone else and make this platform, why? Because you already have the content, you already possess the content, so all the training we’ve had until now is the training for content, so now, what must we do? Make a platform, do you understand? How are we going to make that? We’ll talk about that tomorrow. Simply put, grab hold of the covenant and make this prayer journey, and you’re taking this world voyage.

If the believers don’t understand these words, they cannot overcome the shamans. If the believers do not understand this, they cannot overcome the people doing the Qi movement. People are chanting incantations, but you won’t be able to overcome them because you’re not doing anything. You don’t even have to experience anything, just believe it, why? Because it’s a fact, and because the Holy Spirit is working unseen to our eyes, we have to believe it. What gives life is the spirit; the flesh counts for nothing. You don’t have to exactly experience that, why? Because the accurate answer will come, the Word is fulfilled.

Over the past 30 years, we’ve come this far, then God’s grace has been so great that we’ve made all the preparation and content for world evangelization, so make these platforms everywhere. The work that our elder is doing with the broadcast station is so important. The ministry our elder has left is to make real disciples throughout Korea and the world, but there are real disciples out there. You have to make them into the platform, and they’ll begin to arise worldwide, and in a short while, really great individuals will begin coming to RU, and when really great individuals begin to come to RU, things will be different, and that becomes the platform.

Important people from those 15 nations who came to Mark’s Upper Room were very important and they changed into a platform, and that becomes world evangelization. It’s not difficult, and no reason to become discouraged, why? Because they’re buried among the many people where things are not working out for them, so don’t become discouraged. Even for those where things are not working out yet, later on it will work out, so we wait for that. There are some people who are so diseased, they can’t do anything, but one day, they become healed and they can do work.

This is today’s third lecture, and everything is within Camp Training, and with tomorrow’s last lecture ahead of us, let’s once again enjoy great answers. Let us pray.


May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ who is the King of Kings, the great love of God, and the working of the Holy Spirit right now, upon the witnesses who will make the spiritual platform to save the world, be both now and always forever, amen.

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