If You Obey God’s Word (John 15:1-12)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

If You Obey God’s Word (John 15:1-12)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Esther Han

The title of today’s message is, “If You Obey God’s Word.”  Last week, we shared the word about obedience.  If you go to church, you’ll often receive the word regarding obedience, but why do we  have to obey? This is very important.  If you don’t know this, you’ll live your life however you want, but if you understand why you must obey, God has set aside this great blessing for you and he allows you to obey.  

There’s a complete difference in the walk of faith for someone who is legalistic and someone who has the gospel. Someone who is legalistic, their own actions are their standards, “If I obey, then I’ll receive blessings,” is what they believe, but someone who has the gospel is someone to whom God has promised these blessings, and we receive them through obedience.  So, we receive God’s Word when it comes to the messages and trainings and even in the individual worships.

Grace, Message, Application

But something you have to think about is the fact that God has prepared a grace for you today.  It is not that you’re going to receive grace by your conduct, but God has prepared grace for you through worship.  That means God has prepared the message he wants to give to me as well. It is not that I’m holding onto the message, but it is that God has prepared a message for me.  And as such, all I have to think about is small ways I can challenge towards that, then all these three things are actually blessings.  We think the blessings onily stop at the grace we receive from the messages, however, the application is also a blessing.  

What happens if this doesn’t work out for you? You’ll be the central focus of your worship, and you’ll be very burdened by worship, so you must always think of this, because in every worship, God has prepared these three things for you. Isn’t that correct? God must give us the grace, because God has to give us the Word He has prepared for us today.  God has even prepared the blessing of how we’ll even apply this into our fields.  

1. Obedience- Evidence

Then what is the foundational reason we must use in all things? We use the word “obedience” a lot, but why do we have to obey?  

1) John 10:27

In John 10:27, the reason we must obey is, “My sheep listen to My voice; I know them and they follow Me.”  Because we are Jesus Christ’s sheep, we must listen to His voice, and it says He knows us.  It means He knows everything about us.  So, if we go to worship, then He knows every circumstance and gives us the Word, then what’s going to happen? “They follow Me.”

2) Romans 8:7-8 

In Romans 8:7-8, it says the mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God.  Why can I not follow God’s word? It’s because I have the thoughts of the flesh.  It says, it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so, because the physical thoughts are my thoughts, but we cannot live according to our thoughts because the devil tricked us into thinking our own thoughts and made us eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But the more you think to yourself, you might have different ideologies come out because everyone has different thoughts, and the people who don’t think about God’s thoughts will talk a lot about their own thoughts.  

Here are these person’s thoughts and those are those person’s thoughts, and you gather the majority thoughts, that’s what democracy is, isn’t it? That’s how you live if you’re centered on people, however, for us, God’s Word is our standard. It doesn’t matter what anybody else says, we follow only when it’s God’s Word, why? Because Romans 8:7-8 says that our thoughts cannot please God, so if we’re holding onto our thoughts so stubbornly, we’re not aligned with the Holy Spirit, so that’s why we’re constantly fearful and anxious. But if I’m aligned with God’s thoughts, that’s when peace comes to me. 

People who follow God’s Word are constantly peaceful and that’s the beginning of all healing. No matter who it is, everyone can receive healing through God’s Word. No matter how much they receive prayers, they don’t have the Word within them, so this is very important.  

2. Important

1) Deuteronomy 10:12-13

In Deuteronomy 10:12, it says to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the LORD with all your heart and with all your soul, so you have to serve the LORD.  That means you have to know how to fear Him, and that’s how you’re able to listen to His Word.  You listen to people who have high status because you’re fearful that their going to make you leave, and it’s the same thing: you listen because you’re fearful.

Deuteronomy 10:13, “Observe the LORD’s command I’m giving you for your own good.”  So, our happiness and the good things for us are to follow the LORD’s commands, because what’s going to happen in the place where you don’t listen to God’s Word? No matter how good it seems, it’s not a good thing, because according to God, it’s not a good thing. When people look at it, they might think, “It’s such a good thing,” but God has to look at it and say it is good in order for Satan to shake.  But if people think it’s a good thing, Satan will think it’s a good thing and be happy about it as well.

2) Israel

What is the content God demanded of Israel? It is the covenant of the Exodus, the blood covenant, when they apply it they’re able to be liberated from slavery. If they believe in Jesus Christ, everything is finished. Hold onto this as a covenant, that’s the promise, why? Because Christ did the work that mankind could not do.  It couldn’t be with money, success, any kind of hard work or diligence, but Christ Himself had to come to die, and resurrect on the cross in order for it to be finished, but people think very lightly of this.

Because we have a legalistic nature, we think we have to sacrifice and give a part of ourselves in order for us to see some kind of benefit, but God gave this to us because it could not be done by the actions of mankind.  Because it has no condition, we may consider it to be something very light, but the moment you think of this as something very trivial, that’s when big trouble hits, because even I’d we consider our entire life, we won’t be able to solve this, and this is just going to pass us by.  We have to absolutely hold onto this.  

What is the second content He gave to Israel? It is the Tabernacle, the mystery of God being with us, because mankind has no choice but to be lacking. Because of their sin, they have no choice but to live in the midst of curses. That’s why God gave them the Tabernacle so they could offer sacrifices.

Why is it that we’re in the midst of worship every week at church?  Because God is giving us the Word of the covenant constantly, and what is the content the Israelites need? The land of Canaan. If you lose hold of that, you’re going to wander in the wilderness for 40 years and die. It is these three covenants that God really emphasized for the Israelites, and if you look at the New Testament, it’s Acts 1:1, 3, and 8, so the Old and New Testament are really saying the same thing.

Then, what is the reason? He is saying, “Don’t become slaves.” Why should the people of God become slaves?  If you succeed, aren’t you a slave? Did you live ethically and righteously? You’re a slave, do not live as a slave, and that’s why He is telling us to hold to the covenant.  And he’s telling us to do world evangelization.  Don’t go to heaven after being tied up by material resources, but do world evangelization, because God has prepared this blessing for the Israelites.  

It’s not that the Israelites had to try hard to get something, but they had a promise from Canaan, so hold onto that covenant in faith, because God has prepared America evangelization and world evangelization; it’s not about whether you can do it or not, so hold to the covenant because God will do it through the one who has faith.

This week, I had a conversation with a pastor.  He said he was listening to the message, and while listening, he gets it, but it seems so far removed from him. He says he understands world evangelization, but he’s saying he can’t carry it out in faith and relay it to the future generations.  So, he understands the need for it but he doesn’t have the heart for it, and in the midst of having this conversation, what did I say to him? 

I asked, “Is Christ the answer for you?  Christ must be the answer for you.  If Christ is not your answer, then world evangelization is only a theory, it’s completely irrelevant to you.” He’s a pastor, so I didn’t have to go specifically into details, because if Christ is not the answer for me, I’ll have to look for answers elsewhere.  It’s the same for you and for pastors: the beginning point is, is Christ the answer for you or not?  When Jesus Christ took up the cross, He said, “It is finished,” and every problem is done, but instead of believing that, we are holding onto some other answer. 

All problems come because of the background of hell, sin, and Satan; it’s nothing else, all problems come from these things, and that’s why mankind cannot solve these problems, but because of these problems, that’s why we suffer from these generational curses, but Jesus has finished these problems, and that’s why He says that all past, present, and future problems are all finished. It’s not enough for you to know this; you have to believe it.  You don’t know this by studying it, but you believe it by God’s grace.  

Then, there are the people who have been destined to receive this from you, then it’s actually very simple because God has absolutely prepared the people in the field who’s going to receive there’s words from you. Of the multiethnic people, the future generations, and the 5,000 people groups, everybody has been prepared, but if Christ is not the answer for me, than world evangelization is actually a very heavy burden for me.  Why? Because I don’t have the answer, then is God going to attach to receive the answers from me? No, so even that is God’s grace.

So, I talked to him with theological and seminary terms, but this about being smart or not, whether you are smart or not, but this is about God’s grace and whether we’re going to do world evangelization through God’s grace, but there’s God’s time schedule.  That’s why when we’re doing one heart, whole heart, and continuation, one day, it just opens up for us.  There are people who evangelize with hard work. I’m not saying that’s good or bad, but people are evangelizing diligently even though Christ has not become their answer, then one day, there will be a stop to it. Why? Because Christ isn’t the answer for their lives, they’ll go around, looking for the answer by themselves, and the devil knows, so he’ll attack you regarding the aspects of your life that aren’t answers.  Even though everything is about missions and evangelism, Satan will block you so you can’t do those things, and that’s why the content relayed to the Israelites is so important, because the content of our evangelism movement is this:

Jesus Christ is the solution to all problems.  We do not try to press this on people, but there are people who will understand.  Some people will understand after 20 years, others may understand immediately, but that is according to God’s time schedule and God’s grace. If you just stay still, according to His time schedule, it will come one day. That means healing is something very simple, why? Because it’s not something you research, but God from heaven reveals this to you.  Because Paul held onto this, God allowed the meetings in the field.  Through this, because he was able to imprint root and nature continuously, he was able to receive healing.

Depression is done.  Right now, someone may be oppressed by depression, but people who do not have an answer of Jesus Christ, they cannot go to other people and say that everything is finished.  Why? Because the problem of depression still persists; how could they say it’s over?  But it’s over, the spiritual problem is finished, and that problem is just something that manifested, but the spiritual problems of sin, Satan, and hell are done, and when that person has a faith that all problems are finished, that’s when the problems will disappear.

It’s not just depression, but it’s also the finances.  It’s not something we can enjoy just because we have the background, but by enjoying Christ, I’m able to enjoy it regardless of what I have.  It’s a very paper-thin difference, but if you don’t know this, you won’t be able to do ministry. Even though they seem like similar words, it’s completely different, so this is most important.  

3. Jesus – Teaching

What did Jesus Christ train in his disciples thoroughly?

1) John 4:34 Will – Life

“My food is to do the will of Him Who sent me and to finish His work,” because we have to live according to God’s will, right?  Because no matter how diligently I work, if I’m not aligned with God’s will, then it is completely irrelevant to the onwards of the world, which means that His work is done through me.  This is something Jesus trained His disciples thoroughly on. You have to live according to God’s will.

What is God’s will?  The will of the Father is to save lives. Why do we study? What is God’s will? It is to save live. Why do we do business, what is God’s will? It is to save lives. Why do we do business? What is the Father’s will? It is to save lives, isn’t that correct? What are you going to do after saving lives? You’re going to establish them in the church and send them out into the field again, and that’s why we need temple construction, and that is why we need the the blessing of economy, but if one thing doesn’t work out, then everything else won’t work out; but if one thing works out, then everything else is going to work out.  

But because of this one thing it doesn’t work out, that’s what the Bible says, because you cannot conclude in this one thing, one thing is everything, but this is the one thing Paul didn’t know. He had everything but he didn’t have one thing, what could he not solve? The spiritual problems.  But because he held onto Jesus Christ, He found everything in Christ, and that’s important.  If the church loses hold of this, the church will close down, and what will happen then? The congregation members will become slaves to Satan and the world.

Living in Egypt, and getting education, and citizenship, what’s the point if you’re a slave the whole time?  The more you go, you’ll receive more spiritual problems but you have the answer without realizing you have the answer. That’s the state of the Israelites living in Egypt, isn’t that right? It says they were suffering endlessly. What kind of suffering? It’s spiritual, it’s physical, it’s all sorts of problems, because if you think about it, we’re talking about building pyramids.  Even right now, building a pyramid is very difficult.  It was all physical labor at that point; we didn’t have the technical skills, so it was all physical labor.  So, because they were so physically and mentally oppressed, they were not able to bear it, and that’s why they were waiting for the time of the LORD.

2) John 8:29 Peaceful Person

It says, “He has not left Me alone because I always do what pleases Him.”  We have to do what pleases God; we can’t do the things that please people,but we do the things that please GOd, and that’s why God is with us.  Even then, we don’t know what pleases God, so the Holy Spirit must come within us. How do we do that? God gives us peace. Peace is not something you can buy on this earth, even if you graduate from Harvard.  

Apparently all the ducks, lions, and tigers all belong to Queen Elizabeth. The Queen says, “Not only am I the leader of Britain, but I am also the leader of Australia and New Zealand, and I have to sign off on the president in order for them to become president” that’s how much power she has. So you have to do the work to please God, because pleasing people is just the standard of man.  The Holy Spirit has to give us peace in order for us to be happy.  But when are we peaceful? It’s when the Holy Spirit comes inside of us and helps us realize God’s Word and hold onto it, and that’s when the fear goes away.  

When Jesus paired up the disciples and sent them out into the field, he told them to ask, “Do you have peace?” It wasn’t “Are you happy” but he asked them “Are you peaceful?” because some people think, “Because I don’t have any problems, I’m happy,” but are you peaceful?  Peace is something God must give to us. People think peace is the same as not having problems, but that is not the same thing as peace that is just not having problems, because, what’s going to happen when you have a problem?  Peace. It does not exist unless it’s the peace given by the Holy Spirit.

3) John 14:15, 21

In John 14:15, we will see the connection between obedience and love. There is a foundation to obedience. It’s not that we’re just obedient,  at 14:15 it says, “If you love me, keep My commands.” Did we love Jesus first? Jesus loved us, so what is the content of love? “I don’t know, I just know love because God says He loves me.”  but if I don’t know the content of love, I’ll just imagine the love I received from my parents or loved ones, and I’ll cry over that love.  Or I’ll cry as if I cry for a lost father, thinking that that’s kind of love God is, but you must be careful with your tears.

Just because someone’s crying doesn’t mean someone’s moved; what is the content of those tears?  Are you crying because He’s the answer to all your problems, or are you crying just because you’re moved by your emotions? You actually have to know this. When you come to church, many people cry, but unbelievers don’t cry because they have nothing to cry about. But when you look at the people who cry, it’s not with the tears Jesus desires; it’s the tears people cry because they fail, or they’re sad about their lives and think about the cross and become even more sad, so they cry, but we’re not talking about that.  

Is it the works of Jesus Christ finishing all the problems on the cross. Am I moved to tears by this?  Because when I receive this love by grace, I’m able to love and obey God in return.  If you were to meet a new believer and you told them, “You have to obey God’s Word,” without conveying the whole Gospel, then they might be able to do it in the beginning, but in the end, they will go back to their original state.  It’s just like for students, if you look at those textbooks, everything is filled out, but in the end of it they go back to their original states. You must be moved by what Jesus Christ did for you. All problems are finished.  But if you’re not moved by this, instead you’re trying to obey God’s word, then you’ll move towards legalism, isn’t that correct? You’re following with your diligence, but you have to be moved by this.

We’re not just talking about the emotion of thanksgiving, but you have to realize that all your life is finished with this because if you become a child of God, all your life is finished, and this realization comes when you really understand what we’re talking about. It’s not just about emotions, but by this, my love for the cross is loving God, and that’s why I’m able to follow after God’s word and that’s why I’m able to evangelize and love my neighbors. This is what it means for it work out, so your walk of faith should just work out.  But if you go down a path where it’s bound to not work out, that’s a headache.

All things are bound to work out because you will be witnesses until the ends of the earth.  Everything is going to work out. 

So, what is the promise of grace for those who obey?  If you look at John 14:21, it says, “The one who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will show Myself to them.”  So Jesus has to show Himself within your family, within your business and workplace, so does that mean He physically reveals Himself in the flesh? No, He reveals it but you realize, “This is God’s work.” My diligence is something I reveal, and even unbelievers can live like that.  If you think to yourself, “I worked so hard today,” that is just something you reveal to your own, but it’s not that; Jesus will reveal Himself. You have to really see this is God’s work, and that’s what He is saying He is doing.

Then, everything is finished.  When you have your kids, ,and Jesus says He will reveal Himself, everything is finished. It’s not about this or that, but when Jessus reveals Himself, everything is finished.  Even for Antioch Mission Church, the hands of the Lord reveal himself, then it’s done. “People are like this and that.” God is going to shut everyone’s mouths. Don’t you have answers like that? I do.  

I was in Korea and just received a few answers, but because of those few answers, those higher up had to shut their mouths.  Everyone will say what’s good for people, but if you reveal the work God is doing, everyone has no choice but to shut their mouths, and that’s the work God is saying He will do. 

Look at Joseph, because God revealed Himself to Potiphar’s household, and Potiphar himself knew it was the work of God.  As Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams, God revealed Himself, because no matter who it is, it’s not something a human could do. If you go into the covenant, and into the word, that is the work God is going to do, so the walk of faith is not difficult; it’s difficult if you are going to do it.  But if it’s not you doing it, but you’re receiving the grace and doing it, then it becomes very easy.

That’s why the grace of all grace is for you to receive the gospel of the cross, and you confirm this every day, why? Because it’s a promise.  It doesn’t go back and forth according to my faith and actions, but it’s a promise, and every day, you confirm that promise.  So, it doesn’t matter how much you shake.

This Wednesday, a young adult from Torrance who sometimes comes to the Wednesday night service. I told her, she hasn’t listened to the message for very long, and work is difficult for her.  She has her superiors, so how hard are human relationships? But there is one way where all of that is irrelevant. Why is it difficult for her?  It’s because if the manager says something, she’ll waver back and forth based on her abilities, but there’s a way where all of that is irrelevant: if you hold to the covenant, everything is irrelevant, why? Because God will work according to His covenant.

It’s not that I don’t have influence because I’m so strong, it is that I receive this covenant and I’m holding onto that so I don’t waver. That was Joseph.  That’s why, according to the covenant, God reveals Himself in the field. If he was in Potiphar’s household, then he is in Potipher’s household, if he’s in prison God is going to reveal himself in Prisonwhy is that? Do you think it’s because he did something well with sincerity? No, it’s because he held onto the promise of God’s Word, and according to God’s Word and time schedule, He had no choice but to work upon that field.

This kind of faith is important.  Is it that he was joking around as governor? No, he held onto the covenant and God knew he would hold to the covenant to do His work. To the extent that he was able to hold to the covenant, he was able to proclaim the gospel to the neighboring nations.  Why? Because he thought it was something he was going to do, so he would have hesitated, but this is not something he’s going to do, and that’s why everything, the success and money, everything you want, is found within this.

In Romans 8:32, it says God sent his son, Jesus Christ and he’s going to give you everything else. but if you don’t know this, you’ll be a slave to America, and no matter how much you emigrate here to work hard, you’re going to become slaves, and if you raise your kid without knowing this, your kid will be a slave as well. That’s why, for 400 years, they were slaves to Egypt.  

But one person, Joseph, held to the covenant, so instead of being a slave to Egypt, if anything, Egypt became slaves to him. Why? Because even if you’re living in another nation, it depends on how you live there. You live in America, but how do you live here?  Are you living as a conqueror of America, or are you living as a slave? It’s one of two things, but God has prepared the life of a conqueror for us.  

5. Obedience

Why does Jesus emphasize the importance of obedience?

1) Matthew 7:27

Matthew 7:27, it says, be the house that is on the rock, your house has to be built on the rock of Jesus Christ in order for you to go perpetually, without shaking.  But let’s say you’re built on something other than rock. It doesn’t matter if it’s gravel, or sand, everything is bound to fall if it’s not rock.  When you make a large building, it’s not enough to pour concrete, because if the concrete shakes a little bit, it’s all gone. Do you think that if you just poke metal rods into the ground, the foundation will be strong enough? No.  

If you really want to build a skyscraper, you have to go deep into the earth into the rock foundation.  Then, to the extent that the rocky foundation does not shake, the building will not shake.  The promise of God’s Word is something Satan cannot shake, so we have to build our lives on top of that, everything has to be built upon the promise of God’s rock, but because we build our lives, our businesses and studies on something else, it has no choice but to crumble one day.

Do you think your degree will overcome Satan and disasters? Your degree is only useful if it’s on top of the rock.  If not, it will only make you crumble faster, and that’s why it has to be the rock, the rock of God’s promise. Every day, you must build your life on top of this, and you must confirm this every week.  Then, even if a storm comes, it doesn’t matter to you.

In other words, you have to be in the Ark.  That way, even if a flood comes, if anything, the harder the flood comes, the better. The one who has studied very hard will want the test to come quickly, but those who didn’t study are afraid of their test date.  But the ones who studied hard, if the teacher postpones the test, they get very upset, but those who don’t study are very happy when this happens.  

For those who hold to the covenant, then even iifa problem comes, it’s a blessing to them.  But if a problem or disaster or circumstance comes to those who are not on the rock, then they will crumble immediately.  You have to place your life upon the rock that is the answer to all of life’s problems.  For people who have mental problems, you have to constantly convey this.  Before you talk about mental things, you have to plant the sure, spiritual things, because from that point, their mental state will stabilize. When they’re able to go into the promise in faith is when their mental state becomes stronger.

If they tell you to eat medicine, then take the medicine.  The medicine will help regulate your hormones. If there’s a hormonal imbalance, then there’s a tendency to become violent, or other kind of reactions, then it’s very important that if the doctor tells you to take medicine, you should take it.  

6. Obedience is commonly underestimated, and faith is overemphasized. This is the same as neglecting faith.

James 2:14-19 says that faith without works is dead.  So, you have to know what this means very well.  Is it faith or is it action? You have to listen to the  messages well, it’s important where you place your emphasis.  Because we’re receiving salvation by faith, we’re not saved by our actions, then does that mean that if we believe, do we no thave any actions. There’s an action that comes from our faith, but when you listen to the messages there are incidences, for the sake of conduct you’re holding onto faith, that’s what we’re saying is incorrect.

There’s a chance you may not understand this, why? Because we tend to have a legalistic nature, so we like these kinds of messages more.  When we talk about personality or characteristic traces, then we talk about faith and people cannot budge.  But according to the faith, the deeds will follow, this is something very important. If you do not understand this, then you will not receive healing.  

Actions do exist, they come from your faith, but you cannot emphasize faith in order to carry out your actions. For example, you cannot emphasize faith by saying, “You’re a child of God, is it correct for you to live like this?” No, you’re a child of God, and GOd is with you, you’re someone who’ll do world evangelism. When this faith goes into them, the actions will follow. This is very important.  If you don’t know this, you’ll raise your kids in a very interesting way, and it’s because this is not just about you knowing the scriptures, but you have to understand. Otherwise, when the kids do drugs, the parent’s can’t control that, but even as they’re listening to the messages, “you’re a child of God,” that’s it, but constantly, theory’e not changing.

Do you think the parent is actually relaying this? Do you think that faith was actually relayed? That’s what’s important. “You’re really a child of God, you’re weak aren’t you? you have no choice but to do drugs, right? But you’re a child of God.”  What happens when this faith goes into them? Then the actions will slowly follow.  Or, there are other instances where you say “You’re a pastor’s child; is it proper for you to  act like this?” That may influence them faster, but one day, that person will say, “What do you want me to do about it? Who cares if I’m a pastor’s kid, I can’t do this myself,” and that person will leave.  

Is the pastor incorrect? No, he speaks with words from the bible, but where was the emphasis? The emphasis was on the actions. Faith, because according to the faith, the actions will follow.  Look at Caleb, He asked for the hill country, why? Because that was the action that followed from his faith.  When David went to go meet Goliath, it was a conduct that resulted from his faith. If anything, King Saul was more manly and had more characteristics of a leader, but he wasn’t able to budge with that; you have to have faith, and it’s the actions that come by faith.

7. What happens when you obey God’s Word?

Moses was 80 years old and he had no capabilities.  But one day, when he went out with faith in the Exodus, he went out with one staff, and with this one thing, everything else followed.  What happened to his family? If he went up by himself, God protected his family. God will take care of everything and is guiding you. It’s the same with Joshua.  If you’re within the covenant, you’re going to be peaceful and all will go right with you. How worrisome would it be for him to live in a place nobody has lived before? But you hold to the covenant and follow God’s Word. 

How do you follow after the Word? In faith.  I was talking to an assistant pastor from a different church, and there was one question where we were not aligned, and it was because she said the kids were not understanding the pulpit message. To that person, she could not understand why the kids weren’t able to hold onto the pulpit message.  Because she received it legalistically, if she was told to do something, she just did it.  Because she lived legalistically for a very long time, there are people who are like that, they just do it because they’re told to do it.

Why is it that the kids aren’t hearing the pulpit message even though they’re listening to it? In order for it to work out for them, the gospel has to work out for them correctly, but I couldn’t align with her on this, because we’re not talking about legalistically holding onto them. THe Bible itself is the gospel; the method itself is the gospel. If the gospel comes into you, even if you’re told to not hold onto it, you will. But if this seems far removed from you, then it is that the things of the gospel are weak to this person. 

I was able to discern that she grew up from a very legalistic background, so when people told her, “Hold onto the pulpit message” she was like doing it, “Why can’t other people do it?” Man, I could not align with her on this one thing.  Do you think the leaders can’t hold onto it because of a lack of ability? It’s because the tremendousness of the gospel must enter into you, and only then can I follow after God’s Word.  

Everything is finished on the cross, but even then, my problems don’t appear to be finished, so even if I want to follow after it, I cannot. Even if I follow after it, I do this because I think legalistically, that something good may come out of it.

We’ll end here because of time.


Father God, we thank You.  Through healing evangelism school, may the healers arise who’s going to the work of healing, the multiethnic people and the future generations.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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