How to Be Successful in Worship (Numbers 14:1-10)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

How to Be Successful in Worship (Numbers 14:1-10)

Worship involves coming in advance to control the spiritual environment. If you have success in worship, you will have success in your life in the future.

… Ultimately, that person will become food for Satan.

That’s why we see the Word from the pulpit message says they were given a new covenant because they couldn’t do it on their own, so that when a problem hits, the spirit of God will move them.  So, God is saying He will protect our hearts and minds so we work by the filling of the holy spirit.  So, if you look at it that way, the Old Testament was difficult and they were bound to fail. But because the Holy Spirit is within us, guiding us, we go down the correct path.  

I’m sure there are people who don’t go down the correct path, then what’s going to happen?  Then, just as in the Old Testament, your life will be completely irrelevant to God, then what are we going to do?  There’s a possibility you’ll be like the 99% of people who fall into unbelief. Will you be like that?  This unbelief is our imprint, root, nature, and we can’t always know this, but when we face a problem, our unbelief comes out.  So, unbelievers are about to stone the believers, “Does this make sense?  Do we have money? Do we have power?” Those may seem like correct words.  

But at this time, what does God tell us?  With these words, we are able to change people’s hearts, and that’s worship, because in every worship, God gives us His Word.  “Just because He works upon us, do we listen? Many people come to worship but don’t listen. We have to prepare our hearts and minds to receive His Word.  So, you can’t just listen to a sermon, the sermon is just something God gives us through the pastor.

People just think of it as receiving a sermon from the pastor, so they say, “I can just listen to the message online through YouTube,” but that’s a failure.  How is God, Who is with me, going to use the Holy Spirit and work through the Word?  That’s why we worship in spirit and truth, meaning you worship with the Word and the Spirit.  

He never says to worship with your brain.  He is saying, “You coming into this location isn’t worship; you are worshiping in Spirit and in Truth.”  Through the Holy Spirit, how will He help us understand the God-given Word?  So, for people who don’t know worship very well, they might not know this, but worship is actually a service.  Service means you are completely serving the Lord, so just listening to the message isn’t worship; that’s just a part of worship.  

In order to give proper worship, there’s something I must give to the Lord, so what do I give? I give my praise.  Some people don’t think highly of praise and just want to receive the Word and don’t give praise. We have to give our praise to God, but we don’t praise, then what’s going to happen to that person later?  They’ll praise themselves, they’ll praise other people, why? Because they don’t praise God, so they’ll praise something else or praise America, why? Because they don’t praise God so they’ll praise something else.  Worship means we are giving our hearts and minds as dedication through praise.

God is with us in our praise, because during praise, the angels are mobilized and the forces of darkness are bound.  That’s just one portion of praise.   So, you don’t just praise.  There are people who give great praises and bring people of the world to play instruments, but that’s just appealing to what you see with your eyes, but when you praise sincerely, Satan flees.  When David praised by himself with the lyre, all the demons left, so praise is so important.  

What happens when a few believers give praise?  The forces of darkness will flee.  So, every time Pastor Wesley had a revival, he had people praise for hours, so why does he do that?  It’s so that the Holy Spirit works and the forces of darkness flee.  If you know this, then people who lead and sing praise will know.

In praise, there’s no such thing as “preparation praise,” because praise is something God receives, there’s nothing to prepare. What’s the introduction, what’s the main? That’s incorrect.  Why do they use that term, “preparation praise”? Because they think that when the bell rings, worship begins, but God says to put your whole life into worship.  Through that, the form of worship begins. Even in the field, you must sing your praises as well.  It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to sing or say lyrics, but your heart must praise the Lord, and that’s worship.  

The second thing is to offer your prayers to God. There’s a representative prayer, but it’s not a message, and it’s not about rallying the people, “Let’s do this,” but as a representative, they are collecting and giving up the prayer topics to God.  You must properly understand prayer, it’s not about a leader saying what they should do, but they are a representative, bringing the church’s prayer topics to the Lord.

Some people pray for their own things during a representative prayer, but this is not a time for that. You are going up as a representative to pray on behalf of the people.  Some people pray for a long time, but that’s not something to complain about because it’s all worship, but simply put, if you don’t offer your prayers to God, you won’t receive an answer, because ultimately, if you say you don’t need prayer, you’re going to live based on your own diligence. 

Worshiping is giving your own prayers up to God. The content of your prayer is the Word God gave you at the beginning of the week.  This is a church, it’s not an organization that people rule over, but everyone gathers and there’s a Word God gives to us, then the answer and word God has given us to guide us throughout the week, and  the word he is going to give today, pray about that. And so everybody’s collective prayer topic is to go towards world evangelism. 

You have to be able to discern this correctly to receive answers. So does that mean we don’t pray in the fields? We have to give a living worship. If you don’t pray in the field, it means you will live by your diligence, so that means you must have this time in the field to give your prayers and praises to God.  What else do we give during worship?

During worship, we give our offering to God. Some people can’t do this properly, some say, “In the Old Testament, they gave the sacrificial lamb, but now, after Jesus Christ came, we don’t have to do offering” but it’s not just the lambs that they sacrificed, they also sacrificed grain and gave tithes. This is not a living sacrifice, so they gave a burnt offering, and gave their possessions to those who were weak.  So, for them to not know what worship is means their entire lives aren’t working out.  

Simply put, all the work we put in will come back to us as money. What does that mean? It means it’s not God, but it’s money I gained through my work.  But if you are giving that portion of your money to God as offering, you are acknowledging that you are giving it to God. That’s sacrificing, service. We give everything up to God, and we are going to receive God’s Word.

Because we emphasize the Word so much, we forget the other three things, and that’s not worship because God receives our worship, but that’s nothing we need to receive, but nobody is giving their lives, so do you think they’re going to be able to receive the Word? No, it’s just knowledge, but in our entirety of our lives, God gives His Word, but because you keep saying it’s yours, God has no reason to give you His Word.

To the extent that you do not give your praises to God, what will happen? You will live for your glory.  Because you only think of praise as songs, your imprint, root, nature becomes integrated with worldly praise.  Even if you properly give worship, your entire life will change, so I hope there are people who arise where worship happens in you, you have to come preparing your offering in advance.  There are people who collect offering, but some people don’t know about it, so they pass it up, but that means that person isn’t worshiping. 

Worshiping isn’t just about receiving the Word, and some people do a representative prayer for everybody, and some people give the message for everybody, and there are people who serve food and drinks on everyone’s behalf; all of this is worship, so that’s why you have to come, prepare your offering on Saturday, why? Because that’s what it means for your life, you give it in prayer. 

You don’t just look through your pocket as if it’s a donation, and especially the remnants don’t give offering, “Because my parents gave offering, I don’t have to do it,” meaning they weren’t taught this.  Is your life the same as your parents’ life? Is your mission the same as your parents’ mission? Because physically if you depend on your parents taking care of you, you don’t concentrate on God, but because the remnants don’t know what worship is, they keep failing at it.

Why am I talking like this?  Because the Holy Spirit comes to us and changes our nature so we have no choice but to fail, and He continues to change us through the Word.  Once we receive the Word, if we don’t remember it, we will go back to the nature of failure, so we must go into it and pray. That’s communication with God, so when a crisis comes into our life, then they are going to hold onto the word at that time, that’s the beginning of worship.

So in America, there are many young adults who can’t worship, and there are many churches but the churches cannot block curses and disasters.  Then, constantly, they will have problems in finances and with the economy because they haven’t devoted themselves to God, and they don’t know the reason why they must have finances.  It is one portion that they must give to accomplish God’s mission, but because they don’t know this, they live the same as unbelievers.  

So if you take one thing away from this, success in worship is success in life.  People who worship properly will sit in the front row and do it properly, why? Because they’re able to concentrate on God. There’s no such thing as sitting in the way back, because you need to give your utmost to God, you must stake your life and conclude in this, because if you don’t conclude in this, you will conclude in something else. What that means is you will conclude based on your own efforts, so that’s why through worship, you conclude your life and ask God to control your life, then God will rule over you so you have no choice but to have victory. That’s what worship is.  

People who lead praise must listen carefully.  This isn’t about creating an environment or doing it out of habit.  It’s a time where you can move the spiritual influence.  So, before worship begins, come early and pray.  The leaders have to create this environment of worship for the church to come to life.  These aren’t words I speak, but because according to your spiritual influenced people will come. So, the leaders come in advance and are able to control the spiritual environment, and that’s worship.  So, if you’re able to have success in worship, you will have success in your life in the future.  

You have to teach this and enjoy this blessing as well.  Why? Because if you don’t teach this to the kids, they will just see worship as what they see. They know the Word, but when they going to the field, they are not able to see it, so they crumble.  In the church, there’s no first or second generation, there’s no multiethnic, there’s no separation; that’s not the correct church.  It’s just going to be that.  

A specialty church becomes very cliquey and the 1st generation, 2nd generation, the multiethnic. But from the beginning, in the Bible, God gave Moses an African wife.  He brought people from Egyptian lineage into the Israelite camp.  As they crossed the wilderness, he brought the people of Midian into the Israelite community.  A church isn’t about differentiating this group and that group, but everybody is mingling. Why are you unable to mingle? Because it’s hard for the 1st generation to understand the 2nd generation. why is it difficult? Because they’re all centered on themselves.  

Because the second generation grew up here, they try to move according to the culture they grew up with, but the first generation has a different culture, but if you do that, America evangelization will never take place, why? Because with a mindset that is centered on yourself, you will never be able to accept other people. You must acknowledge and accept other people’s culture and move together, and that’s the church.

If you do things separately, you can’t conquer the world.  Even if you look at the Antioch Church, it was all peoples who gathered, because what was their center? It was Christ, it was the Word, and it was the command that God gave, that is, the mission.  That’s why you have to be able to accept all kinds of diversity.  You have to completely acknowledge and accept all the diverse cultures, because only then can you save the people.  

If you keep forcing people to sing in Korean, then it’s difficult. Why should the multiethnic people learn Korean? That means the status is not moving towards evangelism, so we must change to English because if we want to do world evangelization correctly, we must do it in English. Either that or we don’t do world evangelization.  Why should we tell the Mexicans to learn Korean?  Are they an idol group like BTS so they should sing in Korean?  Who’s going to see?  They’re just doing it to follow along.

We sung along to pop songs in English because it has a nice rhythm, we should be able to accept every person from every culture and diversity, and we are going towards world evangelization together.  That’s why when they do praise, they do it in both English and Korean, because if they just do it in Korean, the multiethnics who come won’t understand, so we have to have the elders stand up to do the representative prayer, and we have to have the multiethnics stand in choir, because we have to really change to the direction of world evangelization.

Even the food, we’re not eating right now, but we can’t have all the Korean stews because multiethnic people will think you’re closed-minded, and you have to have this king of thoughts to align your thoughts with your children.  There are things you have to emphasize, that is, God’s Word, but leave everything else be.  

The things we absolutely must do is according to God’s Word.  What is everything else?  “You have to match with me,” that’s not biblical. You must create something so that everyone can be brought to life according to their own characteristics, that is the vessel, because through that person, God will open the doors to missions and evangelism, so our church is actually very well offness God is giving us this Word just in case we go back to our old nature. 

If you’re going to do world evangelization, you must realistically prepare for world evangelization, so realistically you have to have this church. If you really want to do world evangelization, you have to pray for Temple Construction, isn’t that right? Because you have to have a platform through which you can do world evangelization.  So the disciples who do world evangelization must arise, so we have to raise the future generations. 

Realistically, you have to go into prayer so when a crisis comes, you can overcome the crisis.  Before they were able to go into Canaan, God made this preparation, so all the people who complained in today’s passage, they weren’t able to do Canaan conquest.  They looked at the people who were taller than they and said, “We can’t do this,” but through tall people, God has a work that He is going to do as well.

If your thoughts and heart are aligned with God’s Word, then the doors will open. God did not make everyone the same, so don’t try to match other people to you.  It is biblical for us to match with other people, but you only have to align with the Word.  When we make this kind of preparation, we are able to go into Canaan.

America evangelism is God’s will. There are a lot of churches, but that doesn’t matter, because the field is completely empty.  We have to raise the future generations to do the works of missions and evangelism, and we must leave after having left behind the Temple. If we leave them something else, then they will lose it to the world.  Isn’t that correct?  Everything that isn’t given up to the Lord is bound to be stolen by the world.


Let us pray holding onto the Word we have received.  What must we renew? Allow us to really confirm Your Word and go forward in faith. Help us to prepare a vessel for world evangelization.  Let us pray.

Starting today, there’s a youth retreat. Age by age, through the Mizpah movement, the Temple movement, the synagogue movement, God raises these movements, and God is preparing the future generations through the RUTC movement.  The movement isn’t just about a location or building, but it is about gathering the future generation, and making the word go into them, that is the RUTC movement.

The youth retreat is today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and absolutely among them, there is a Timothy. Absolutely, there are 7000 hidden disciples.  From the Mizpah movement, there’s absolutely someone like David.  In Isaiah, there’s the watchmen who will do this work, so we must see this blessing through our prayers, because when we pray and go into the thing that God desires, we are blessed.

Let us pray for our missions.  When we pray, God sends the angels from the throne of heaven to the 237 nations to fulfill His Word.  So, we should pray for the whole world, but the missions we should pray for are the ones where we have sent missionaries, because there’s no way we can know everything.  Because other churches pray for other mission fields. 

Please pray for Utah as well, I spoke with Pastor Kim, and the church isn’t working out there.  They were connected to a person, but they don’t want to come, so there’s a church where lesbians go because the pastor is lesbian.  They do it for 2 hours and receive $150 a month, so it’s $600 a month, so I said, “Do camp first, go to the American churches. $600 is a lot, but they have to pick a location, and if they cannot give a message, listen to the message online.”

I asked, “Why does the person connected to the church not come?” “They watch it online, so having a location is important.”  “Why don’t you do this?” Because they’re lacking, we must help them out.  He’s actually working for Uber Eats for support, then as a church, we must give offering.  “So, look for a location and tell us.” Utah is actually completely seized by Mormons and homosexuality, and the fact that they’re there is missions.  Let’s pray for Utah missions.  Please know this and pray for the missions field.

When you pray, don’t just do it like physical labor, but when you pray, the angels are being mobilized, so enjoy prayer. We do intercessory prayer, so enjoy that, because there’s nothing we can do but pray, so enjoy that, because those people don’t have people to pray for them, and that’s our evangelism.  All our prayers and possessions go to the place where God wants, and that’s worship.  Have this worship be the worship where God has no choice but to work upon you because you’re giving the praise, offering, prayer, word, that God desires.  I hope you will enjoy this blessing every worship.

God, we thank You.  Thank You for allowing us the mission of Jesus Christ within us.  May our thoughts and hearts be fulfilled with Your Word, and may we live every day filled with the Holy Spirit.  I believe that You will work through our lives for world evangelization and for saving lives.  We know that through the work, you will do the work of saving the 5000 people groups.

And now through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unlimited love of God, the working, guidance, filling, and indwelling of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God who want to hold onto Your Word, upon all the multiethnics and remnants, upon all their work and their families, be with us now and forevermore always, amen.


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