How Should I Evangelize? (Acts 17:1-9)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

How Should I Evangelize? (Acts 17:1-9)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Esther Han

Today’s title is, “How Should I Evangelize?”  Evangelism is giving someone else the gospel, so it has to come to you that proclaiming the gospel to somebody else is the greatest blessing.  If it doesn’t come to you that evangelism is the greatest blessing, then you’re going to end up doing something else, isn’t that correct?  It has to come to you, that this is the greatest blessing and of the most great value in your life in order for you to do it, but if you don’t understand the value of it and you try to do it, it becomes difficult, why? Because I want to live my life according to what I think has the most value.  

If I think that making money has the greatest value in my life,  that is the direction my life will take, or, if my greatest value is gaining wisdom, then I would live according to that. 

But in the Bible, the people who were used by God were the people who really received the fact that evangelism has the greatest value. In order for you to realize that evangelism is the greatest value, there’s something you have to do first.  Christ, Who is the content of evangelism, has to come into you as the most valuable thing, because to the extent that you do not believe Jesus Christ has the most value in your life,  then some other value will come into your life.

You live your life right now, but where do you place your value?  You have to have this time where you compare the Word to your life.  You have to confirm, through the Word, why God says Jesus Christ has the greatest value in your life.  Why is it that Christ has the greatest value? Let’s confirm that through the Word.

    Gen 1:3, 1

God — Man

It says God created mankind and the world.  In Genesis 1:27, it says God created mankind in His image. In order for you to realize that Jesus Christ has the most value in your life, you must realize God created you.  How did He create you? He created you in His image, meaning He created you to be a spiritual creation.  For mankind, even if they make money and succeed, they cannot be content, why? Because mankind is spiritual and they must be content in spiritual things.  

Our bodies are 70% water, and even if it drops down to 65%, you cannot survive.   Having that percentage of water is the secret to maintaining your body and it’s the same thing spiritually, you must be filled spiritually.  Who must fill you?  God must.  

Genesis 2:7 Life – Spirit

It says He breathed the breath of life, and then spiritually, He filled us with the Holy SPirit. 

Genesis 2:17 Word

He gave us the word meaning we must be filled with His word. 

Genesis 1:28 Blessing, Rule and Subdue, Increase in Number

We see God gives us a blessing, He gave us the answer of being able to rule over, to subdue and increase in number.  You have to know the principle.  You can’t just know this haphazardly, but you have to know this principle, God is the Creator and I am a creation.  For us, the most important part is the spiritual part.  That’s why, even though people make money and succeed, they have no choice but to crumble later on.  

You must be filled by the Holy Spirit, we must be filled by the Word.  At this time, God blesses us with the answer of being able to rule over, to subdue, all of this comes as an answer.  This answer isn’t something we created on our own accord, but it’s something God gives us.  You need to see how you’re living with respect to this Word.


But all these blessings have been taken away from us.  Is it taken away because your business fails? It’s not like that. Was it taken away because you can’t study? No.  Was it taken away when I was sick? No. Because the spiritual things have been taken away from us, these blessings have been taken away.

Satan, Separation, Sin

And we have to live through the word, but satan who is unseen to the eye makes us leave the Word and to live in sin.  Simply put, the spiritual problems begin to enter.  It’s not the mental problems first, but it is the spiritual problems that hit against you first, and this is the most important problem that mankind has.  

John 8:44 Devil

And so because people are living under these spiritual problems, they live  under the enslavement  of Satan in John 8:44.  Why? Because they listened to the words of Satan, they left God’s Word and sinned, so they are slaves to satan. 

Exodus 20:4 Idol

In Exodus 20:4 it says the way to rosehip satan is idolatry, so even if we don’t want to worship idols, we have no choice. People don’t want to bow down to trees but they have no choice. They have no choice but to look at the sky and beg.  If they see a tree that is 500 years old, naturally they think there’s something to it and look towards it, why? Because they have left God, so the way to serve the demons is by idol worship.

“Pastor, I don’t worship idols,” but for that person, success is their idol. Because everyone who has left God has no choice but to worship idols. Their money could be their idol, or their children could be the idol, or they themselves could be the idol.  

What is the core of idol worship? It is greed.  Because they are not content and satisfied with God, they have no choice but to be greedy.  Why? Because it says that “Your father, the devil, and you long to carry out your father’s desires.”

Matthew 11:28 Mental

“All you who are weary and burdened,” so those who are burdened and stressed.  Why am I burdened by mental problems and panic attacks? It’s because of these three problems, so it’s not a problem you can cast aside by relying on people.  It’s a fundamental problem they’re stuck on, where they have no choice but to fundamentally suffer.

Acts 8:4-8 Physical

People are held under physical diseases. 

Heb. 9:27 Hell

After living a hellish life, they go to hell after dying, so you can’t overcome death. Because people don’t want to die, Satan holds onto that thought and moves them.  There is a person who overcomes death, and they have eternal life.  

Matthew 27:25 Posterity

The suffering goes down to the future generations.  These problems follow according to a time schedule.  Everyone, without fail, is caught up with these problems.  Everyone you meet is caught up in these problems.  Even people who go to church do not know how these fundamental problems have been solved; they’re stuck in these problems.  So, people live diligently in order to solve these problems, so they choose religion.


You cannot solve these spiritual problems with religion.  


Some people look to philosophy, but it cannot be done with your education and studies, because the spiritual things cannot be done with mankind’s power. 

Good Deeds

People think if they do good deeds, this will go away, but it won’t go away because doing good deeds have no bearing on my spiritual problems. Because these problems cannot be seen by man, they cannot be solved by man; these problems can only be solved by God.  God, in order to solve these problems, came in the form of a man, and He came to this earth and did the work of Christ.  That Savior is Jesus, and He came to do the work of the Christ which liberates us from these three problems.

1 John 3:8 (King)

What is Christ?  Christ is a position, but it’s the position that does these three works.  In 1 John 3:8, it says the reason the son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work, so He came as a true King. 

John 14:6 (Prophet)

Because people don’t have a way to meet God, Jesus Christ came as the Way, the Truth, and the Life in John 14:6

Mark 10:45

In Mark 10:45, it says the reason Jesus Christ came was to serve as a ransom for our sins.  Jesus is the Christ means that this person Jesus but dying and resurrecting on the cross  did the work of the Christ by liberating us from these three problems. 


On the cross, He overcame all of our sins by dying on our behalf.  As he resurrected, He overcame the power of death and Satan.  Even right now, if you accept and believe in Him, you have a way to meet God, that’s why that person is Jesus Who is the Christ. We believe by God’s grace, and you believe now because you have received God’s grace, and in the field, there are people who have been set aside to believe this.  Some have been given grace by God, and believing in Jesus is so simple for them, and evangelism is so easy.  

The problem is, even if you know this, if you don’t understand the value of evangelism, then you’re going to follow after the value of  something else.  What I mean is, Jesus Christ is the very most important thing in your life, why? Because these problems cannot be overcome even if you have a graduate degree from Harvard, because mankind cannot do it with their diligence and effort; it is only done through Jesus Christ and that is why He has the greatest value. 

John 1:12

And when we accept and believe in Jesus Christ, what happens? In John 1:12 it says we are children of God. 

1 Cor. 3:16

It means the Holy Spirit is within me.

John 14:26

The Holy Spirit is going to guide us and teach us everything.  But I’m sure it’s a point of contention that even though you believe in Jesus Christ you still have all these problems. But the Lord told you in John 19:30 that it is finished.  

John 19:30

You have to believe it’s all finished and you have to believe in these blessings, but the problem is you’re not enjoying these blessings, you’re only looking at your problems, so now that your spiritual problems have been solved, you have to enjoy the spiritual blessings but you’re unable to.  

Cancer, Mental

Among those with physical disease, there are those who have cancer, and because of their mental suffering, there are those who have mental problems.  Absolutely if you believe in Jesus Christ, the fundamental problems are solved.  But will the cancer go away immediately?  There are some people for whom it goes away immediately, but it doesn’t for others.  What about the mental problems, depression, and panic disorders? For people who have been sick for a short time it might solve it quickly, but for people who have been sick for a long time, it won’t. Does it mean it won’t go away?  Because the fundamental problems are finished, you have to focus on the spiritual blessings,  and with time, God will move your problems accordingly.

When it comes to healing yourself and other people, if you don’t have assurance regarding the fundamental things, then you cannot heal anybody, and that’s why “continuation” is so important.  What do you have to tell them?  Everything is finished.  Then, what do you have to do? You have to concentrate on this.  You are a child of God and the Holy Spirit is within you.  In all things, the Holy Spirit is going to teach you and guide you and remind you.  You have to make it so that people are more interested and concentrate on spiritual blessings, but instead, people concentrate on spiritual problems.  But the problems are no longer relevant to you; the thing you must focus on are the spiritual blessings. 

Acts 1:8 Filling of the Holy Spirit 

It talks about the filling of the holy spirit, when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power and go to all nations. If you know these things, then one day, all the problems will disappear.  For those who are sick in the church, I tell them to not stay at home but to come to church so they can focus on the spiritual blessings, and if you’re filled with the Holy SPirit, then one day your spiritual problems will disappear, and that’s how you receive complete healing.

If you go to the prayer monasteries and take a sick person and pray, all of that is in vain, do you know why?  Because if they receive prayer from other people, they may get better momentarily.  But if the spiritual things cannot be maintained in them, the spiritual problems will enter again.  Even if you get surgery for your cancer, if you don’t fix the fundamental things,   the cancer is going to come back.  That’s all within God’s plans, why? Because the master of your life has changed.

Do you have mental problems?That’s the way to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Do you have a big difficulty? That’s a big opportunity for you to receive spiritual strength. But instead, your interest is, “Why is this not going away quickly?” Your interest is not in God; it is in yourself, then the devil will work even more because your interests are always facing problems.  Your interest has to be on Christ and the spiritual blessings, but instead it’s on something else, and you have to help people go into spiritual blessings so that they have no interest in the spiritual problems.  If you worry about something for every 3 days, it turns out, they turn strange, and even if it’s not a problem, they make it a problem.  

But even if you make it so that they don’t worry about something all the time, they will receive healing. For people like this, you have to go to them constantly, you have to go to them every day because they’re seized by their cancer or mental problems every day.  For someone like this, once a week is not enough because they’ll be seized by it again. You have to call them every day, and you have to help them go into this blessing every day.  

This is how God has created us to enjoy His blessings. When you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, you’ll receive authority, what authority? “I can’t do anything, I can’t do healing,” and He will give you the witness to do world evangelization.

Heb. 1:14

When you pray, God is going to send His angels, transcending time and space.  God’s method is to work through His word, He created the Universe with His Word, so even right now, God is transcending time and space, working according to His Word, and you just hold onto the Word as you received it; God will fulfill it.

LUke 10:19

He said He gave us the authority to trample over snakes and scorpions. If you don’t know this, you’ll have a hard time in your regions.  If we don’t know this, then we’ll be seized by demons that have been working in your family to the idol worship that’s going on. If you can’t know this or live with this, you can’t live in places like Hollywood, because otherwise, if you succeed and go into these other places, the demons will seize you. Because success isn’t the problem; the problem is you have to overcome spiritually, but you can’t’, so you’re a burden. It’s Not just the average person who’s running around. The demons are moving this world using the politicians and the leaders.  Then let’s say you succeedYou must have the spiritual strength to overcome those people, but if you do not, you’re going to succeed and be controlled by demons. It is always the successful people who create the problems  

It is not the people who make the problems, it is Putin or the Kim family in North Korea who always cause the problems. Whether a nation goes to war or not is up to the leaders but when did we start thinking  And they succeed and they don’t have the spiritual strength to overcome it so they get seized mentally.  But the problem is, the church goers and christians all want their children to succeed, but the children are being raised with the spiritual strength to overcome them. And the children they end up succeeding but one day they become too oppressed by the spiritual problems. Because the spiritual thing is all about whether you’ll have victory or be seized.  It’s The same thing, when you go swimming in the ocean are you going to frown or swim? Am I right? 

When you go swimming in the ocean, you have two opins: Stay afloat or die. There’s no middle ground; you either stay afloat and sink or die.  It’s the same thing with spiritual things, are you seized by Satan or are you overcoming it? And the devil tries to confuse you by saying “You’re in the middle ground” but there’s no middle ground. 

Are you going to overcome America, or is America going to overcome you?  That’s why eJesus Christ is the greatest value for us.  In Phil 3:20 it says our citizenship is in heaven, and all the authority and power comes from the throne of heaven.  For people who don’t realize this, keep relying on the words of people, why? Because they cannot enjoy being in the separate lane.  Now, Matthew 28:18-20, God called us as the ones who are going to do world evangelization, 

That’s why Jesus Christ has the greatest value, and within this Christ, He has given us all these answers and blessings. You reveal the talents the kids have, and God reveals to them the specialty, the knowledge, and because God wants you to proclaim this gospel, He’s going to send you to the regions.  Then everything is within this, why? Because when the Holy Spirit comes upon you then you’re going to receive power. 

Money is in that, people are in that, and everything is in that, but if you don’t know this and your parents are going to be complicated, but for the people who do, it’s just one thing. Even in a war if you want to overcome the war you have to overcome Putin. No matter how much you kill other people, the war is not going to finish. You have to pray for one thing, then everything is going to follow. When you say “Christ,” all the blessings follow into that.  But because people don’t know Christ they say this and that and voice out their time.  So how do you evangelize, because people don’t know the value of the gospel, So you have to understand and receive and find that the filling of the Holy Spirit is the most important thing, why? Because in Christ you have been given the blessing of the filling of the Holy Spirit. You might study, but if you don’t do it with the filling of the Holy Spirit, even if you work hard you are a slave and Satan is going to seize you even more.  

If people married without this, Satan would attack them as if he were almost waiting for them.  But if the family knows the value of Christ and of these blessings, that family gets to enjoy the greatest blessings, why? Because God’s power follows after, they are not following after money, money follow after them, I am not attached to people, but people are attached to me,and God will give me the necessary wisdom, and thats how you conquer, however, if you don’t have spiritual strength and try with your own efforts, then you’re a slave because makind only has an IQ of 200, but if you have the filling of the Holy Spirit, then you overcome that.  Because the Holy Spirit is the spirit of God, he gives you the answer of re-creation, he works transcending time and space. This is not a matter of you going to someone and trying to convince them, but it is the working of the holy spirit. And someone who has all these blessings, that is who you call a Christian. 

But all of the people who go to church without knowing these blessings, are those we call religious,  why? Because they’re going to church not with Jesus Christ as their greatest value of their life but with money and success, so they’re doing a religious lifestyle. And for that person, evangelism is difficult. For people, when they try to succeed they might go down the path of success easily, why? Because they have success as their greatest value. But if you say Jesus Christ is your greatest value, evangelism becomes easy for you. Your life has to be easy, but if you don’t know Christ, life is difficult. You go to church and it’s difficult, you pray and it’s difficult. And later people say, “It doesn’t work even if I go to church,” then they have no choice but to not go to church. You have to know Christ, you have to know the blessings in Christ, know it and enjoy it. These people have to go to church, or as you go to church you have to come to know these blessings. 


David was able to enjoy these blessings while he was a shepherd by himself, so you have to enjoy the blessings through the work that you do during the day.  Within the work you are doing, you have to receive the filling of the Holy spirit.  David played music, he wrote, and he was a shepherd.  He enjoyed the filling of the holy Spirit as he was doing these things, so you cannot separate the holy spirit with the work they are doing, because work is separate, and prayer is separate? Of course it’s hard, hard you live in church however you want.  For Joseph, it was easy even though ne went as a slave. Being a slave was his job,  but within that, He had the mystery of the filling of the Holy Spirit.  

Joseph – Slave Genesis 41:38

“I have not seen anyone who is more filled with the spirit of God,” being with Christ, and within Christ, knowing the blessing of the filling of the Holy Spirit.  He went as a slave, but he was able to overturn the field of slavery.  Because Of Joseph, God blessed Potiphar’s house, what did he do?  Did he do it diligently? That is a basic, who doesn’t work diligently,  everyone lives diligently, unless you’re demon possessed so you can’t do it, everyone lives diligently. But diligence is not enough because diligence is something people perform on a basic level. Even with Christ, people live diligently, this cannot be done with your diligence he went in as a  slave but because hw was filled with the spirit of God, 

God worked upon him. He went to prison, it was the same thing, and because God worked, he had a blessing of meeting. Meeting is not something we do, but it is a blessing God gives us, and he became the governor, everyone tries to become a governor, but his interest isn’t being a governor. “Only when the holy spirit comes upon you, you’ll be witnesses to the ends of the earth.” He put all his focus on saving people, on evangelism. God is the same even now, God worked upon the early church and He’s working on our church.  

Every Day

I hope you yourselves are able to enjoy the filling of the Holy Spirit every day. If you don’t receive this, you have to live by your own mental strength, and when there’s a limitation on your mental strength, you’ll be oppressed by others. And ultimately, you’ll be seized by satan. So every day you have to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit and enjoy this blessing. Simply put, you have to receive spiritual strength. 

Did you eat? You all eat well right? Because if you dont theres an immediate reaction  in your body. And you sleep, right? Because if you don’t sleep, then immediately a problem comes, but for the spiritual things, there’s no sign. If you don’t receive power from the word and prayer, then even though there’s a problem, you cannot see it so you think the problem is elsewhere. Daniel was taken into captivity, but that place of captivity was a blessing, why? Because he enjoyed this blessing every day. So you have to have the new believers know that this is a blessing they have. 

Because when you receive the power of the Holy Spirit then you are going to be witness to the ends of the earth. If you do not have this blessing then of course evangelism will not work. So no matter what you have to receive the spiritual strength of being content of the Spirit of God. You have to determine this time, and receive this strength, if you don’t have this strength, then it is bound to not work out. For evangelism to not be taking place means you are spiritually down, if you are spiritually down, then these problems will keep arising, but you cannot overcome it. And so people end up doing evangelism for themselves.  

If you cannot evangelize, then ultimately you will be enslaved. There’s no middle ground when it comes to this; it’s the same when you go to the ocean, you either sink or swim.  It’s the same as planes, either you rise to the sky or fall to the ground.  The spiritual world has two … and that’s why Jesus Christ is everything and that’s why evangelism is everything.

1. Direction of Evangelism

What is the believer’s direction of evangelism?

1) Acts 2:1-17 Filling of the Holy Spirit

Because they received the gospel, they received the filling of the Holy Spirit, and when the Holy SPirit came upon them, we lumped everyone together.  If you don’t do this but you help people do other things, that’s in vain. Because if you say, “Memorize this,” then everything is in vain.  If you take the word from the deepest depths of the BIble and ask, “Do you know this?” That’s all in vain.  You have to let believers know why it must be only the filling of the holy spirit and only the gospel for God to work upon them.  

If your thoughts and emotions are filled with the fullness of Christ, no problem would be a problem. One day, your depression will be completely irrelevant to you, and you may  have cancer, but if you receive the filling of the holy spirit, it’s irrelevant to you. It doesn’t matter if you have cancer now.  That’s not for you to know. Paul was diseased for his whole life, but Paul’s interest was in Christ, filling of the Holy Spirit, and evangelism. He had no interest in whether he had money or not, why? Because God worked according to the needs of His evangelism.

2) Acts 2:1-47 Field

Every day, the filling of the holy spirit from the church flows into your homes and your fields.  Why? Because the Holy Spirit has to work for the evangelism boundaries to be broken down …

3) Acts 6:5-10 7 Deacons

4) Acts 7:14-60 Stephen

The persecution of Stephen actually raised the Antioch Church

5) Acts 8:4-8 Samaria

When … Samaria is a place they actually cannot go, why? Because the Jews always thought Samaria was a cursed land, but because the Holy Spirit worked upon them, they were able to change their thinking and went into Samaria. W ehnt ey went, there was someone prepared to receive the gospel, so this is not something we do with our own thoughts.  If you have your own thoughts about this, and people in S… “I cannot speak Spanish, so how could I proclaim the gospel in Spanish?” That’s your problem. … so that it could work.  How are we going to do this work of evangelism if you think by your own thoughts? Then you’ll neve do it. 

6) Acts 16:6-10 Macedonia

7) Acts 18:1-10

It goes all the way to Corinth and Romans.  All of this happened through the working of the holy spirit because He gave the blessing of meeting.  This was not something that could have been done … and even in your iled in America right now, … 

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2. Believer

The main point of a believer is a disciple

1) Disciple

Where must you focus? On raising disciples. We talked about three parables last week, do you remember? The fish, you don’t just grab any fish, but you only hold onto the things of value and throw everything else away. If you find a treasure in the field, you give up all your life savings to buy that field.  It looks like you’re doing business haphazardly, but no, you’re doing it to get a pearl.  One more, if a seed really falls into fertile ground, it bears so much fruit. What is this talking about? Disciples.

You must have all your interest here, and that’s how you’ll be aligned with God’s interest. If you have interest in something else, God will … Holy Spirit.  You give the gospel for this reason.  If you’re not interested in this, you’re interested in something else and you won’t be aligned with God.  You have to align with this for your work to be aligned with God’s work. If you find this, it will work.  Go to all nations and make disciples.  So, all our interest must be finding disciples of all nations. 

Why do I live in LA? God sent me here because the disciples are here.  Why do you go to work? There are hidden disciples there, so your heart and God’s heart must be aligned.  Everything else will not be aligned with God.  Because it’s not aligned with God, even if you live diligently, you live a so-so life.  

2) Obedient People

If you do this, you will find those who are obedient to the Word. Those who are obedient to the Word must meet; others don’t need to meet.  What’s the standard that you meet?  Until a disciple comes out, so when you graduate from UCLA, that’s when you have a disciple; if you don’t have a dispcie, you should keep going to school, you should go to graduate school, why? Because this is the standard.  

I’m sure you’re oppressed by this, “This isn’t aligned with my plan,” either way, disciples, it’s the same for all people, why? Because God has hidden the disciples in that region. When does it come out? When you find this, until this is raised.  When do you quit? Until you do this.  With these people in mind, only those who listen to the Word. It’s not the people who listen to useless things, but it’s the people who listen to the Word, why? Because God said, “Give it to the obedient people.”

3) Reproduction

You reproduce.  After you find the disciples, you gather people who received the Word and are obedient, then you reproduce, and what’s the result of evangelism?

3. Result

1) Nation, Land

Why did you come? To save the nation. You didn’t come to succeed; you came to save, and that’s why America keeps telling you to leave because people are saying useless things. W”hy come to America and do useless things?” that’s the message, you do useless things.  Saving this land is done by giving the Word and the gospel; the gospel has to go into the land and the families for God’s blessing to come upon them. That’s how families and this nation will come to life. The drug addiction plaguing America is fixed by the gospel, then the nation will love you, but you come to America and do drugs, so America says, “You’re making a mess of our country, go back.” That’s what happens.

2) Region

Your ministry will save the region, how? With clubs and social gatherings? With different clubs?  Those are all just physical service, but how are you going to save the people spiritually?  Unless it’s the gospel movement, there’s no other method.  So you have to know that evangelism has the greatest value to be aligned with the Bible. If evangelism doesn’t have the greatest value for you, then Christ is not the greatest value, and God is not your greatest value, then what has the greatest value? You’re holding onto the lies and deceit of Satan.  You’re actually being seized by the things Satan is sprinkling around.

3) Church

The church is the place to do the gospel movement, the church isn’t a place where you talk about people, but you talk about God’s Word. Yes, come to church and eat but the main goal is worship. Church is not a place where you come to borrow money, it’s not a business place. Do that elsewhere.  The church is a place where you have to allow people to know spiritual blessings.  If you don’t relay the gospel has the greatest value to your children, they will follow the lies of Satan.

4. Right

Who has the right to do this gospel movement?

1) Jesus – Life

This is the word from Sunday, life is everything. Those with life can save everywhere they go, but if they don’t have life, no matter where they go, they cannot save.  It doesn’t matter how eloquent you are, you can’t save people with your words, you have to be alive and only when you’re alive can life be relayed.  If you’re dead, you only speak well, then you cannot save people.

2) Jesus – Power

Those who have the power of Christ

3) Guidance of the Holy Spirit – Wisdom

This is wisdom.  God is our Wisdom, and being led by God is wisdom. What happens if you don’t have this? The deeper you think, the more mental problems you have.  Don’t think deeply of your problems, but pray.  The deeper you think, the base is yourself, so think of God until the things of heaven come upon you.

4) Prayer

Who can do the evangelism movement? It’s those who pray.  If you think nothing of Early Morning prayer, it’s nothing, but those who do it will change.  People come to church to do intercessory prayer, but they will change.  God’s Kingdom is not done by thinking about it, People come out because they’re looking at others and say, “My role is a senior deaconess or deacon so I have to go,” so they change, but those who just think won’t do it, because this is ultimately our thoughts being misaligned with God.  That’s why we have to do it according to Christ.  So you just do it.

5) Word

People who are led by the Word.  It is not the words of people, but God’s Word.  

6) Nurture New Believers

Where are all the doors of evangelism? It’s all the new believers.  Those who devote are a blessing, but the doors of evangelism are within new believers.  So, the people who evangelize should focus on new believers.  But the people who have no interest in evangelism are focused on something else. They have to help the people who devote but they can’t evangelize because in the midst of new believers, there are so many unbelievers behind them. That’s why within the church, it is the most important thing to nurture new believers, and not anyone can do this because they’ll give something else, and that won’t work.  So, at the least, someone who can do these things.  Otherwise they’ll go to new believers and ask for money.  In America, there are so many people like that.  If a new believer looks like they have a lot of money, they pretend to give the word, but in the end, they ask for money, then you won’t be able to evangelize to new believers.  It is the people who do all these things.

7) Prepared

Those who are prepared.  For example, when new believers come and look at someone’s clothing, if it’s not good, they may be hindered because they look at physical things first.  So if you don’t have a sense of how the world works, new believers will look at that, being unable to focus on the gospel. Simply put, you have to have sense.  These are people who are quick to pick up on this. If you can’t pick up on things, new believers will be stressed by you.

It’s those prepared in a worldly way.  New bles don’t look at faith, they look at physical standards, then the people who are physically a little better off should go forward with these blessings.  This is something everyone can do, but new believers need this.

So, how are you going to evangelize?  Before you think about how you’ll evangelize, is evangelism the greatest value to you? Because if you think of it as the greatest value, it will work out because you’ll stake your life on that value.  But in order for evangelism to have the greatest value to you, Christ must have the greatest value to you, because it’s not just Christ Who has the greatest value. It is that He has solved our fundamental problems on the cross, and the spiritual blessings are within that. Those who know this will say evangelism is the greatest value.


Father god, we thank You.  We pray that through the healing evangelism school, we pray the healing workers will arise. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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