How do We Meet God (Acts 2:41-47)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

How do We Meet God (Acts 2:41-47)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Today we will share the word of God with the title How do we Meet God. I hope you’ll listen to today’s word with the perspective of saving fields. You all received salvation so this may feel bland to you. However, as you go onto the field you must see with your eyes and understand how we can give the message to these people so the can’t meet God, and honestly speaking, not many of the people have their spiritual eyes opened. Though they received salvation, there’s few people who know what message must be given to the field. And it’s the same as saying they don’t know the great blessings that are within the gospel. They’re not able to see the field because even after receiving the gospel, they think something else is more important. 

Therefore, if you’re not able to know the greatest mystery of the blessing of the gospel, you cannot save the field.  

Yes, we should struggle to save the field, but it should naturally take place. In order for this, you must open your eyes. If you’re trying to do something when you cannot see, it’s difficult, but if you can see it, it’s easy. If you can see what the field needs, then it’s easy.  In order for you to see it, you must be enjoying the blessings of the gospel.

Simply put, once you have the gospel, nothing is a problem to you. Legalistic people cannot enjoy this blessing because this person thinks everything is a problem. This person is a problem, that person is a problem; even though they have salvation they’re still legalistic, and the fact that they’re legalistic means they’re centered on themselves. I am centered on myself receiving God’s word, and I am keeping God’s Word.  Other people need to keep God’s Word, too.  So, if they do not keep God’s Word, I have to judge them, so you’re not able to enjoy the gospel.

People are not perfect, people always need the gospel.  You need to know the fact that you need the gospel.  If you don’t understand this, you’re bound to continue wandering.

What about people centered on prosperity? There are people who live their walk of faith just to get physical blessings.  Yes, the Bible does talk about blessings, but there are people living their walk of faith, centered on only that.  When these people see successful people in the field, they cannot proclaim the gospel to them; instead, they are oppressed because, more so than I who have the gospel, this person who is successful seems bigger, so they’re entirely enslaved. They’re dragged around my material things.

What about people centered on unhealthy mysticism?  This is also centered on me; prosperity is also me-centered. I have to experience something, they try to experience God through experience or feelings, and these people struggle and try very hard, do you think they’d be able to save the field this way? They’re too busy trying to experience it themselves, so their walk of faith doesn’t take place.

There are also people who are humanistic, they are the same as unbelievers.  They’re all the same, all of these people are irrelevant to Gods word. They do exactly what they learned in the world in the church, and when you go out into the world, you don’t see this because they’re all the same. You get along well with the people of the world.

They received salvation through the gospel but they know the gospel this way. The problem isn’t that they know Jesus Christ, but whom do they know Jesus as?  They know Him like this. Even though they believe in and follow Jesus Christ, without them knowing, they’re following him in these ways, so their fate does not change.  If your destiny doesn’t change, it means that even after meeting Jesus Christ, you’ll go down the same way your family line did.

“Now that I have the gospel, I’ll do something else,” but your destiny and nature haven’t changed at all. Everywhere you go, you’re criticizing and judging, and it’s all like that. As people are living, they’re always lacking something, but if you see something that’s lacking, “I should fill this lacking,” and there someone who has the gospel but instead you judge and say,” Do denting about this “ how arrogant is that? They’ve become their own god.

Why did God show you this lacking?  If there’s an area that’s lacking, I devote to it, and if that person is lacking, I should pray for them and help the gospel to go into them.  People come to church centered on prosperity, and if they go to church a long time, this doesn’t change.  The way they believe in Jesus Christ is based on prosperity; they interpret their faith based on material things.  

Next week is Thanksgiving, but people like this don’t have much thanksgiving because they haven’t received much.  People who are legalistic will at least keep up the form, even if they have nothing to be thankful for, they are legalistic so they must keep up the behavior.  People who have unhealthy mysticism will do anything to experience something. Humanistic people are the same as unbelievers.  

Where am I?  What is the closest color to the inside of my heart? This is very important. The perfect gospel means it’s not enough to just say “Christ,” even elementary school students know Christ.  Who is that Christ? That’s what’s important, but we lose hold of this. We say, “Now I know Christ, let’s move onto something else.”  The gospel is everything, what do you mean, “Move on”?  You meet a new believer and who is going to deliver what message? 

If legalistic people deliver the gospel, the people they are nurturing will become legalistic without a doubt.  This is the spiritual color, so even though you’re talking about the gospel, you’re relaying your legalism, then what’s going to happen? The eyes to see the field will never open, and all the ways they see the world will be through the lens of legalism.  They look at unbelievers and think, “Why are humans like this?” and they start judging them, but instead, they should feel bad for them and save them.  

We have no choice but to think the former way if we didn’t enjoy the gospel while young.  People who are centered on prosperity will think their lives are okay if their kids are doing well, they think their life ended up well because they’re centered on prosperity.  They see everything with the standard of materialism so they think they don’t have a lot of problems because their goal for believing in Jesus was for material things.

People who are centered on unhealthy mysticism, and these people struggle.  They talk as if they’re the only ones who experience God and therefore they know everything.  You don’t even have to talk about humanistic people. They say words that are so correct and it seems like it aligns with their brain so well, but they’re not aligned with God.  All these are channels Satan uses to attack, so the problems of your personal life and your family line are not finished.  But these individuals say, “But I have the gospel, I believe in Jesus,” but the Jesus they believe is legalistic like Moses. You have to escape from this, in other words, your destiny must change.  Your destiny must change.

1. Jesus Christ is the Only Way for us to Meet God.

There is never any other way.  If you know Christ well, then you know God.  But if someone knows Jesus Christ legalistically, they do not know God properly.  The Jewish people talked about God, but they didn’t really know God.  The Pharisees applied and fulfilled the Word of God without knowing God.  

God is the Word, but if you don’t know the gospel, you’ll interpret the Word of God in a strange way.  The Word should be fulfilled in my life, but these people never receive that, why? Because they don’t know what the gospel really is. The gospel is that nothing is a problem because you know who you are. I can’t do anything without Christ.  It’s not enough to just memorize “Christ,” but I cannot exist without Christ.  Even today, I cannot live without Christ. If you have lived today without Christ, then without a doubt, you lived in the four states, and ask that person if they believe in Jesus or know Jesus, they will say “yes,” but will they believe Jesus to be?  In these four ways. I’m sorry, but that’s not Jesus; that’s something else, covered in Jesus, but you’re under a misconception.  Once you begin to change in this aspect, the Word of God will come into us correctly.

1) Acts 4:12

Salvation is found in no one else.  There’s no other name.  Stop thinking you know this with your thoughts, but look at this in the field.  When you look at the people in the field and you give the gospel to them, what is the  message you relay?  Only this must be relayed; there’s nothing else that will do. Your problem can never be solved with anything else, your destiny will never change. That’s what we’re saying. People who only know this with their brain will not understand what this means.

2) John 14:6

Jesus says, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Me.”  Christ patted the curtain and made a way for us to meet God, therefore, we cannot go to God unless it is through Christ.  

3) Romans 8:2

Because through Christ Jesus, we have been set free from the law of sin and death by the law of the Spirit of life, but after we received the gospel, we keep going back to the nature that’s under the law of sin and death. Legalistically, it’s already been finished, but we get confused because of our actions.  Romans 8:2 never mentions actions, it says you’ve been set free from the law.  However, Satan will make the gospel so weak to you by making you lose focus on the word of the gospel, and make us focus on our actions.  Christ has legally moved me into the law of the Spirit of life. You have to relay this in order to heal the person.  But otherwise, if you keep talking to them legalistically, “Yeah, you messed up, so act correctly,” then they aren’t healed and yes, of course you talk about the gospel, everyone talks about the gospel, you say other words but that person will not receive healing unless its’ the complete gospel. Instead, you keep putting your human efforts, “Just try a little harder.”

People who are smart and have structure in their lives will understand those words, because they lived their life that way.  But if someone’s entire life is destroyed, it will be hard for them to hear those words. Even if they live with order in their lives, they can never change.  Through Christ, the law of the Spirit of life has set you free freefrom the law of sin and death. It’s not possible by any other name; only Christ.  

But it’s possible you May be thinking, why we have to keep talking about this, and this person is someone who either never evangelized in the field, or does not enjoy the blessing of Jesus Christ.  The one who knows the real reason why we have to keep repeating this is the one who has seen the field and enjoys Jesus Christ.  Just because you do something once does not mean they’re going to say only Christ and really go all-in. You have to keep repeating these words to them. If you don’t, they’re going to keep mixing the gospel with other things bebidas they hold onto something else otherwise they never receive healing.

4) John 14:26 Holy Spirit

The counselor, the Holy Spirit will be upon you.  Christ is seated at the right hand of the throne of heaven and is with us as the Holy Spirit, and that’s how He teaches us and reminds us of all things. You must concentrate on this, this is how you receive healing; that’s how others and you will receive healing.  If something is complicated, healing will not take place. If someone keeps coming to worship and keeps falling asleep, it is  so hard?  That means your spiritual state is very severe. It may be possible that you’re tired because you worked a lot.  So, I can understand, let’s say security guards or people who have to work the night shift late, I understand if they fall asleep, but otherwise, if you keep falling asleep, that’s without a doubt the work of the devil.

The devil is holding onto me so tightly; do you think I will be able to work? Satan will work  in the important times, and that’s why God gives us the Holy Spirit. Concentrate on this, this is what we call the filling of the Holy Spirit. But if you’re not able to do only Christ, then you’ll concentrate on something else and open up channels.

5) 1 John 2:20-27

He is eternal life.  Eternal life, this is the path of our lives, this is given to us.  This is the way for us to live; there’s no other way to live. If you eat food, then your physical body will live, and if you study your mental state will live, however, your spirit can only be saved with the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

6) 1 John 3:8

The reason the son of God appeared was to destroy the work of the devil, it must be Christ.  There’s no other way to destroy the work and authority of the devil.  If you know the field, it means you know the spiritual reality.  If you don’t know spiritual things at all, how can you go out and proclaim only Christ?  The “only Christ” you relay is a prosperity Christ.  You’ll have a nuanced message, “you need ‘only Christ’ to receive blessings.” You’re going to relay a legalistic Christ, “You need ‘only Christ’ for your life to change.” The works will never arise that way, even if salvation will take place, they will not receive healing because Satan keeps following them around. It will not work unless it is the perfect gospel of Jesus Christ.

If you know this, then what will you hold onto? What will you do next?  What does the world need? Yes, it may need many things, but it must have this. The devil is living even now.  For believers, Satan’s authority may be broken, but Satan isn’t standing still. If the perfect gospel doesn’t go into you Satan will deceive you, he will deceive you with the nature with which you’ve lived your life.  There’s a nature with which this person before me has lived their entire life. Just because they say they understand my words doesn’t mean they understand. As soon as they turn around they will live the rest of their life according to their nature and the devil doesn’t leave them alone, then what are the words you must tell them?  

“I went through all the ten gospel letters; is there something else I can talk about?” This person’s life will be difficult and they won’t be able to see the field, it’s evidence they’ve only done Bible study. That person just studied; they don’t save.  Every church has a lot of Bible studies, and we’re not telling you to do Bible study. God is telling you to save them, and in order to save them, you have to know the real problem.  You’ve only heard about the devil but you don’t really know.  Their ears are blocked, they receive salvation but the devil doesn’t leave them alone and they’re deceived by lies because without a doubt, this person thinks their experiences and knowledge are true. By God’s grace, they’ve received salvation, but they still think they’re thoughts and experiences are true, and that’s how Satan deceives and attacks them. 

You must know this and get to know God and meet God every single day through Christ.  How could we meet God in one go?  In one instance, we’ve met Christ, but you have to know Christ in order to know God.  Your field ministry does not depend on your efforts; you cannot do this with your efforts. If someone wants to get into Harvard, then they have to try hard, but this isn’t something you can do with your efforts.  This is not something you can accomplish by working hard. You need to know what people are like, you need to know who you are, and therefore, you must come to the answer, “I must have only Christ.” This is the problem in the field.

7) 1 John 3:2

You are now children of God.  Everything you’ve lived with before you met Jesus, you were not a child of God, but a child of the devil, and you’re completely filled with your thoughts, experience, knowledge, and nature, and if you don’t know that then you will wonder, why do you keep talking about being a child of God?  This new believer who’s received salvation before you is completely filled with the nature of living as a child of God through their entire life. You have to know that to do ministry. Knowing this is how you know the world, because the world is filled with people. You have to know this to know the devil.  

If you don’t know this and you say, “I’ve told them they’re a child of God a few dozen times that should be   enough,” that’s a huge problem.  Everything inside of them is exactly as it was. You keep on making it so that they’re changed and rooted in this Word.  You don’t have to hold onto this person for the rest of your life, but if you bring them into and establish them in the church, then they are going to go according to the stream.  All you have to do is to help them understand the words of the Sunday message and other people.

You shouldn’t hold onto one person or area for the rest of your life, but once they come into the church, there’s discipleship training. Then quickly go somewhere else and find other people.  Set a regional boundary because, exactly where you live is not the only place you should evangelize. God told you to go to the ends of the earth.

8) Acts 8:4-8

There was great joy in that city where the gospel was preached. There’s no great joy unless Christ goes in.  The field is completely filled with demons and idolatry and religion; what happiness is there?  Only when the gospel went into the city was there great joy. There’s no great joy other than the gospel. It doesn’t matter how much you beat them up with the law; they will not have joy; they will only be oppressed. 

Especially when you look at people who have gone to churches for a long time, they’ve really sharpened their legalism. Even if they don’t go to church, if someone has lived an upright life they are legalistic.  The law is good, it’s God’s Word, and that’s the standard, but they become legalistic.  They’re centered on and look at everything through the law, so there’s no space for the gospel to go in. Then, how could this person have joy? They’re not able to live according to the Word of God, so how could they have joy?  If the law goes in, then all it will do is reveal sin and bring about death.  

If you see them, you will need to see that they need the gospel.  “That’s why they need the gospel, that’s why they need Jesus,” this must take place in order to preach the gospel.  That needs to take place for the church to be strengthened and raised in the gospel. This is very fearsome, the Pharisees.  Their specialty is diligence towards God, but they make themselves fall.  Their organization is so great, but the Holy Spirit of God will destroy it all.  They had such a strong diligence for God, but it was irrelevant to God.  The gospel didn’t go into them.

“I have to keep God’s Word well!” but God made the law so we cannot keep it.  God created the law so we would say, “The law is not enough; therefore, receive the gospel,” but they don’t hold onto the gospel.  This is what it means that the church has oneness in the gospel.  This is not about just the knowledge of Christ.  That’s just knowledge; that’s not real, that’s not it. If you’re bragging about your knowledge, that doesn’t change anyone.  “This person cannot exist unless they always have the gospel,” this must go into you for you to change.

How are you going to know the past and religion everyone in your field grew up in?  But with that limited information, if you just keep saying this or that, you’ll meet a few times and then stop.  I was doing ministry in Korea in the 1990s, and the kids who were really into severe substance abuse were actually possessed by demons. When they lie down, they feel a demon stabbing them in the throat with a knife. 

You think of this as a folktale, don’t you?  But this female with a spiritual problem would wake up every morning with bleeding feet.  Demons are actually working here.  The one who was so severely into drugs used to be an assistant pastor in America who went to Korea for training. As soon as you go to seminary, everyone says you’re an assistant pastor, so it just killed her completely.  The pastor didn’t see it because the devil is never revealed by legalism or religion.  

She went to Korea and at first it wasn’t revealed there, either, but later on, she really began to flip out and I asked her and she said, “ The devil is stabbing me in the throat with a knife” and she says right about when she says, ‘Jesus Christ’ the devil flees.” And then when she wakes up in the morning, she’s wrestling with herself, she’s boxing with herself.  I thought, “She really is crazy.”  

Later on, I asked her, “What did you do?”  She said, “The devil was coming to attack me,” and because she didn’t know the mystery of Jesus Christ, she was trying to fight back with her strength. If you look at people on the street, they talk and say things out loud because they actually see the devil, so the devil is actually living and working.  He works both in our thoughts and ideology and also visibly, too.  Imagine how affected this region of Samaria was, and once the gospel went in, how great was their joy!

What does America need?  What do you think America needs? Do you think they need to come to our church? There are thousands of churches.  All these people have gone to church all their life; if anything, this blocks the gospel more.  Because this person already has their preexisting idea of God and the church and Jesus.  Because this person is under a misconception thinking Jesus is the Jesus they heard in the church they went too, or maybe they never went to church, or someone who calls themselves a Christian that acts so strange, so they think, “Oh, if I believe in jesus, I’ll turn weird like this person,” or they’ve gone to church and they heard of Jesus but that Jesus is not the Christ. That’s why it’s important for you to give the proper and perfect gospel.

If the correct gospel hasn’t been relayed to them, then the gospel hasn’t gone into them at all, especially more in America.  All these kids are going to Christian schools and going to chapel, America is a nation founded on Christianity so thats the foundation and they all have Christian friends around them.  All these kids follow their Christian friends to their church, this is their culture, but the problem is that this kid thinks that this is Jesus Christ.

They may go to church for a few months, but they’ve never once heard the proper gospel because the church is talking about their lifestyle.  Christians need to live obeying the law, Christians need to have this and that personality.  Maybe it’d be great if they went into the new believer room and received the gospel, but they’ve never heard it once, or it’s possible that they did hear the gospel but it hasn’t been the proper time schedule for it to go in.  You don’t need anything else of yours.  That’s why we say “relay the things of God.” 

Your experiences aren’t necessary; everyone’s experiences are different.  If you’re not careful, you’ll relay Jesus Christ as your experiences. If someone received healing from their sickness, they’re going to think that Jesus is someone Who heals sicknesses.  Sure, it’s possible that when someone is a similar situation you were in, you share your testimony to open their heart, but it’s important for you to hold onto and enjoy the proper Jesus Christ; otherwise your life will keep going in an incorrect direction.

Even if you fail, it’s Jesus Christ. That’s how he’s Jesus Christ. If you fail and no longer hold onto Jesus Christ, that’s not Jesus Christ. Even when a problem comes, it’s Jesus Christ.  That’s how it’s Jesus Christ. If you hold onto legalism or a prosperity-based faith, you’re going to shake because your Jesus isn’t the Christ, 

How do we meet God?  If you think that’s just the Gospel Letter 3, then that’s wrong by knowing the knowledge like that you will never change anyone.  You have to make it so that this person is constantly knowing by experiencing being with God through the gospel constantly.  Jesus says, whoever know me know the father and God gives his word of Jesus Christ therefore,  knowing the gospel is knowing God; experiencing the gospel is experiencing God.  Then, am I holding onto this gospel and enjoying it every day?  As evidence that it’s not the gospel, you keep holding onto physical things, and even though you hold onto the word of God, you keep on going towards the legalistic direction.

The important thing is you one person, the important thing is the church.  Every church talks about Jesus, but it’s a Jesus for success or a Jesus for revival. They talk about Jesus but the devil laughs at them. You cannot defeat the devil without Jesus.  It will work out, however, if you proclaim the correct gospel.  

Do not misunderstand, if you think, “ this is taking place or this is working well,” that’s a fake faith. If it’s not the perfect gospel, but people are attached to you, that’s fake.  It means that you’re giving them something else, and they’re attached to that something else. That’s not a disciple.  A lot of people go to Samsung as well, but the reason they go to Samsung as well is because of the technology and high salary; it’s not because of the gospel.  A lot of people gather in America. What are they gathering for?  People come to America and say, “If I go to America, I’ll make a living and have good education.” But why is the church having revival? That’s what’s important.

If it’s not the gospel, the devil will blow it all away.  For example, the coronavirus pandemic wiped out almost every church in Korea that was sustaining through programs, “If you give offering, then God is going to bless you exactly that much,” all of those closed down. You can gather people without the gospel, and offices gather people.  When people gather, it’s because there’s something they want from there. Gathering is not the issue. The gospel must properly be relayed to them, enjoyed, and relayed to the field.  

“My kid knew the gospel ever since they were young,” how do you know they listened to it? If they’re legalistic, how do you know they really heard the gospel? If they properly hear the gospel then it naturally take place. They might have heard the gospel, but something else crawls into their ears,  “You have to do it yourself.”  They are centered on American ideologies.  You guys are the second generation so you guys are the ones to do it,” so now they’re centered on America because they think Koreans can’t do it, but that’s not the gospel. Nothing is a problem within the gospel. 

Then, people are under the misconception, “Why is nothing working even though they heard the gospel?” It wasn’t the gospel but something that sounded like the gospel entered into them. You and I must think, You and I must always think especially for people who have next generations, you must think, “What am I relaying right now?” It must be only the gospel being relayed. 

2. God sent the Holy Spirit (the Counselor) to be with His saints after Jesus ascended to heaven.

1) John 16:4-7

According to His promise, meaning He promised it to us.  He didn’t come randomly; Jesus already promised to come.

2) John 14:26

“In My name.” The Holy Spirit will never come unless it is through Jesus’ grace, that’s why we say, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus.  Anything that isn’t that is an evil spirit; it’s not the Holy Spirit but it’s an evil spirit.  You need to know the Holy Spirit well. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus.  It doesn’t just end with that, but He is also the Spirit of the Father God. He is the Spirit that God the Father and God the Son sent. 

How can we know God the Father?  God the Father gave everything to His Son.  God sent His Son, Jesus.  That’s why Jesus said every Word He spoke was from the Father God, and anyone who has seen Jesus has seen God the Father.  “The Father’s Words are My Words.” You need to know the Holy Spirit well.  You need to know about the Holy Spirit in order to know about the evil spirits because it’s all spiritual.

3) 1 Corinthians 2:10-14

The Jehovah’s Witnesses say the Holy Spirit is an energy or Qi, but that’s a huge problem. God is inside of you right now, God is inside of me. But do you know what happens if you believe the Holy Spirit is some kind of energy or Qi . You aren’t going to be able to overcome the actual Qi movement that is taking place in Sedona.  Oriental doctors talk about homeopathic remedies and Qi, but that cannot overcome the devil, How can you overcome transcendental meditation with that?  That’s why Jehovah’s witnesses only try to pull Christians because they can’t compete with other demon-possessed people; they’re all demon possessed.

Because they know the Holy Spirit as an energy or Qi, because they’re Jehovah’s witnesses, they believe that only the Father God is God and Jesus is not God. They believe He is the Son of God so He is weaker than God.  They think the Holy Spirit is some kind of qi, like a homeopathic medicine, qi for your body, then they can never evangelize in America.  All of the transcendental meditation is already doing this.

You need to know the field accurately by the Holy Spirit. Today on my way here, I saw two Mormon young adults talking to three Asians or Hispanics.  Ask anybody, they say they believe in Jesus Christ, but Who is the Jesus they believe in?  Most people who believe the gospel to a certain extent will relay the gospel.  If you ask, “Do you go to church?” They say, “ I know Jesus” but who is the Jesus they believe in?

They say, “Jesus is the Christ,” and you think they know, but they don’t know. That’s how we are deceived within our own group because you hear the words, “Jesus is the Christ” at least, it’s possible they know Jesus in these four ways. They dont know why things aren’t working out for them.

4) Acts 1:8

You will receive power.  The Holy Spirit must be upon us in order for us to receive power.  The fact that He is coming upon us means we have our spirit, heart, and thoughts.  What is the state of the thoughts and heart of this person in front of you? They may have received the gospel, but the value of their thoughts and heart are set somewhere else.  If the Holy Spirit works to completely fill this person’s thoughts and hearts, that means all of the things they knew from the past can no longer exert influence on them. Otherwise, their thoughts will keep popping up, because everyone has the values and experiences with which they’ve lived, so they keep saying things like, “In my opinion,” but they’ve received salvation.

Still, but when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, what is the power you’ve received?  First and foremost, it makes powerless all the things I’ve lived for in my past, and now the real power of God is revealed.  You need to know the Holy Spirit to know what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit and you can teach about prayer correctly.

5) Acts 2:1-13

The Holy Spirit worked upon Mark’s upper room and that’s how the doors of evangelism will open, It’s not by our strength. You might be able to make sales in your insurance company well by your own strength.  People make sales with their own strengths, people who sell makeup can do it with their own strength, but I’m sorry, you won’t be able to evangelize. They think about evangelism this way, “I have to run around and sweat and try my best to evangelize,” and sure, occasionally things might work out for them, because God will bring urgent people to you, but that’s not what we’re talking about. The biblical evangelism of the Early Church is impossible without the working of the Holy Spirit. 

6) Acts 3:1-10, 12

They raised the crippled beggar before the Temple Gates.  The crippled beggar was crippled before and after, but when you’re filled with the Holy Spirit, you’ll see them differently. Let’s say you’ve lived you walk of faith for 38 years and you have seen this person everyday but when you receive the filling of the holy spirit, you’ll see them differently. You’ll see the person is lacking Christ, and that’s what’s important.

It’s not that you never saw them, you saw them before, but if you keep staying in the same region without the filling of the holy spirit, it’s a headache and you’ll say it doesn’t work.  “I know the region so well,” it’s the same thing. This crippled beggar had been sitting in front of this temple for 38 years, they went every week to see him, so of course they saw him, but when you receive the filling of the holy spirit, you’ll see things differently and you’ll want to give this to them. 

“What I have I give to you.” Give them Christ because you see they do not have Christ. That’s what this means. It has nothing to do with studying, isn’t that right? When the spirit of God completely fills me, He will move my thoughts and heart.  What happens if you don’t teach this to a new believer?  Evangelism will never take place and their business will never take place, either. There’s another business that God prepared, but they’re always so focused on their own diligence, and that is not going to benefit, it’s not going to result in world evangelization.  In order to have the blessing of world evangelization, God’s Holy Spirit must take hold of you. That’s why the Holy Spirit works for world evangelization.

Your eyes must be open for world evangelization, and that’s connected to the 237 nations. Until that point, you’re ignorant. Once you receive the filling of the holy spirit, you’ll realize, “oh, everything is connected.” Until that point, you’ll never be able to understand it. You’ll understand with your brain but not realistically. How could they understand Samaria? Samaria was their enemy.  Let’s say there’s someone in your region, “I never want to see this person in my life again,” you become filled with the Holy Spirit and you end up meeting that person, that’s what this means.  They didn’t even think Samaritans were human because of their mixed blood, but the Holy Spirit sent Philip there.  That’s why you shouldn’t have your own thoughts.  If you think, “I’ve lived in America long enough to understand it,” you’re talking about  knowing America based on your standards and where you’ve been.  You may think, “I know the language well,” but you won’t be able to do this; you’ll never be able to see with your eyes that this person needs the gospel.

So if anything, the people that have experienced a lot will block the gospel, “I’ve lived in America for a long time but it doesn’t work.” Should you listen to those words or not? They’ve never received the filling of the Holy Spirit, and they say they know.  If anything, if someone has no experience and they say, “Because I don’t have experiences, I don’t know,” they have more hope. It’s possible that your experiences block this, you don’t actually know, you think you know, but you don’t.  The Holy Spirit of God must be upon you for you to truly see.

8) Revelation 3:20

This spirit lives within us.  

3. The Holy Spirit works most precisely through the church

If you want to evangelize, you have to know the church.  If you don’t kown the church, you can’t continuously evangelize. Yes, you might meet person by person and they might meet Jesus Christ, but they won’t have discipleship training or nurturing.

1) Acts 2:42 

They devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching, which is the word of God that God is fixing to do regional world evangelization. That’s what it means for them to devote themselves to the apostles ‘teaching.

2) Acts 2:42

Fellowship and breaking bread, that’s the church. If you’re by yourself, how could you say that’s the church?  Yes, you’re a temple, but why do you think Christ says He is the head of the Church and the body? Why do you think Jesus said, “Our father in heaven” instead of “My father in heaven”?  He is fotelling the church.  Our salvation is personal and independent, but God does the missions and evangelism through the rh church.  To consider the church as precious, you must consider the people in the church as precious, but if you don’t know this, you’ll keep bragging about the things you’ve learned, but the church is not a place where you reveal your own ego.  If you have knowledge you’ve learned you have to use it for God, and that’s why you have knowledge; it’s not to exalt yourself.  Otherwise, the church will become the bottom of the world.

That’s not what you do in church.  Let’s say I have some power and authority and money.  Church is not a place where you come and show off.  Use whatever strength you have to help the weak and vulnerable people in church, that’s why God gave that to you, and that’s how you save the world.  

You need to understand the church well to have the blessing of the church, and a lot of healing takes place in the church because there are people you don’t like to see here.  Why don’t you like to see them? Because you have an incorrect standard, and God wants you to quickly heal that. But if there’s nobody you hate seeing, you don’t know you have this inside of you.  Then, you need to realize, “I don’t hate this person, but there’s something incorrect that needs to be healed” You hate seeing that person so it’s hard for you to see them there, “I wish you’d leave the church. If you don’t leave, I’m going to leave.”  

God brought this to you to heal you but you set your direction in the incorrect way.  You should be thankful for the fact that the incorrect things, twisted up inside of you, are revealed through this person. Then instead of hating this person, you’re thankful.  If it weren’t for that person, I wouldn’t know the areas I must receive healing.  If you know the church well, it’s a blessing. If you do not know the church well, you cannot even lead your family well.  

4. When we respond to the works of the Holy Spirit, He works within us with great power.

In the churches of America, there are people who haven’t received salvation. Even in the Bible, it says there are goats in the church.  That person’s goal is their own benefit, and that’s why they came into the church.  Even though this was never their intention, they came into the church and never received the gospel, so now the only option they’re interested in are money, position, and corruption. These are the Things they run ramped churches.  Pastors, pastors’ wives, Edlers, and Church Officers can all like this.  Because they’ve not received the gospel of salvation, they’re always interested in their own position, and maintaining themselves.  They have no choice but to seek benefit from the church because they don’t know the meaning of the church. All they think about are the acts of corruption. There are people like this.

However, there are also believers.  I’m sure most of them are believers, however, there are also those who are desperate and thirsty for the Word.  The average church member will just worship and leave, however , the committed workers are those who live their lives with a mission in the church.  These people gathered together and move the church forward .  But you can know who has not received salvation because either interest is elsewhere.  

Real sheep listen to the voice of the Shepherd, but goats do not listen; they go according to their own thoughts, but they still pray in the name of Jesus; they still haven’t received salvation, however. That’s Judas Iscariot, he followed Jesus around saying, “Jesus,” and even though he was following Jesus to the point everyone thought he was a devoted disciple his heart was somewhere else: money, my position. That’s all he knew. It’s possible to be like that.  God does world evangelization through the church and you have to understand this in order to guide them well.


God, we thank You.  How can we meet God?  We believe we can know God more and more every day only through Jesus Christ.  God, please work so that this gospel of Jesus Christ may be relayed accurately into the field. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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