Walk by the Spirit (Gal. 5:16-26)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Walk by the Spirit (Gal. 5:16-26)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May the unprecedented blessings of God be upon you today.  I believe you have made the greatest confession in the whole world. If this does not feel to you like the greatest confession in the whole world, you cannot be the main character. People may acknowledge you as the very important character, but God only regards those who regard Jesus Christ as the most important.  If you have not been the main character, you can begin today. We always have an opportunity before God. 

As we continue to go through the book of Galatians, we will finish Galatians 5. Apostle Paul has continued to peel back the differences between legalism and the gospel. There are many churches in America; however, many of these churches are disappearing; why do you think that is? At first, people came to church and received grace but more and more, the churches are disappearing. America is very strong, but despite its strength, there are more people with mental illnesses than ever. Mental illness is a problem that begins with our heart and spirit, so it is impossible for doctors and hospitals to solve. As a result of these mental illnesses, there are shootings across America, and in elementary schools, a third of students have depression. They think of it as a fad or as a common cold. 

Why do you think these things are happening? Why are these things that we don’t want, and our thoughts and heart are being pulled in opposite directions? All these problems in this age and America are not appearing all of a sudden. The problems actually began long ago, when people  felt the gospel was not valuable, and now it is being revealed.  That’s why there are more young people who rely on transcendental meditation than they do Jesus Christ. We are coming to an age, where more than religion taking the forefront, transcendental meditation is taking the lead. If this actually solved our problems, that would be great, but the more we do this, the more severe our problems become. It’s not as if the churches are lacking the Word of God, but if we do not have the gospel, we revert back to legalism. 

Galatians is continuously telling us about this. Do we not have seminaries? We do. Is the problem that no one goes to church? They’ve all been. The issue is, “Has this gospel that we speak about in Galatians ever come into you as ‘Only’?” If someone has ever felt in their life that this gospel is the only thing they need in their life, they will not fall. However, the issue is that even among people who go to church or used to go to church but stopped, this gospel is not coming into them as “Only.” The only way to not fall into legalism is to believe this gospel is Only; this is everything. 

The more we go into the law, the more our walk of faith becomes a heavy burden to us. We believe we must obey the law with our own will and efforts, and that’s why our walk of faith is such a heavy burden. But God never spoke that way. God gave us the law as a blessing, but instead, we think of it as oppression and a heavy and we stop going to church. As we go to church, it becomes another heavy burden in life. In Gal. 5:6, God is telling us that is not the case. 

1. Desires of the flesh

  1) Man

    (1) Spiritual being (Gen. 1:27)

When God originally created mankind in Gen. 1:27, we were created in the image of God. Only humans were created so we cannot live apart from God. That is what it means to be the image of God. In other words, humans were created to live with God, following the will of God. Then, God will give us the answers of abundance, conquering, ruling, subduing over the world. The fact that God gives us the answer means it naturally takes place. If you are struggling to make your walk of faith work, then you cannot endure; it must naturally take place. 

But if this feels like a fantasy to you, that’s a big problem. Only when this feels very right to you, then your life will work out. If this does not take place, your life will continue to go down a path you don’t want. The mental illnesses of America didn’t come out of nowhere, this problem that nobody can solve actually began long ago, but back in those days, these problems weren’t visible to the eyes, so people thought they didn’t have problems. 

    (2) With the Holy Spirit (Gen. 2:7)

But because humans are spiritual beings, the moment we are separated from God Who is Spirit, we have spiritual problems and as time passes, these problems are revealed visibly. The principle of God’s control is different from the way humans think. The way we operate in the world is not the way people in the world operate. God’s principle of creation–that He simply gave His Word and the entire world was formed–it naturally took place. The principle of creation for God is that He simply gives His Word and everything naturally takes place and moves. If we are trying to live our walk of faith, trying to make things work, it’s better than not having a walk of faith at all, but things will be difficult. However, the grace, the worship, the Word you are receiving today, invisibly, will reveal its result later on.

True wisdom is knowing what will be visible based on what is invisible and what will come in the future, which has not yet come.  You may not be aware of this now, but as you are sitting here, this is determining your future. And the principle of creation is that when the invisible God’s grace and Word goes into you, it will be revealed later on. But the moment a person begins to look down on this, the events that will take place later on in their life have already begun. 

There is no result that does not have a source. If I’m always angry, that means I am in a state that is always in anger. I’m talking about myself and my family line right now, even though there is no cause, we’re always angry.  When we wake up in the morning, we’re always angry. I thought it was just me but my father was the same, and we didn’t know the cause of it because we didn’t know Jesus. Later on I realized, this is all coming from the invisible place. 

If someone has an inferiority complex, when you see someone who is better than you, even though you’ve succeeded, because of your envy, your relationships are falling apart. King Saul was jealous of his son-in-law, David, so he tried to kill him. That envy doesn’t go away just because you’ve become the king. They were always maintaining a state where this had no choice but to happen. We have that as well. Our walk of faith is actually what changes that into a blessing. That is not possible through just learning or because you volunteer in the world; because these are the things of God, that must come into me. 

    (3) Rule over, Conquer – Business, Family (Gen. 2:1-18)

Humans are created as spiritual being, and then they were entrusted with the business overlooking the Garden of Eden, and that should come naturally. Adam and Eve did not create the Garden of Eden; God gave it to them. When Adam named all the animals and vegetation, that didn’t come from his brain, that came from God’s wisdom. Our business belongs to God and it must take place for God’s wisdom, because we are using it for God’s goal. 

And then, God gave us the family. God gave us the family as a blessing, but one day, it becomes an oppression, something we must simply endure. With the strength of God being with us, even the family will become a blessing that naturally takes place 

  2) Meaning of the flesh

    (1) In a state in which the Spirit of God has departed (Gen. 6:3)

In the Bible verse we read today, we see two words, the Spirit and the flesh. When we speak of the flesh, we are not just talking about the flesh that will rot. In Gen. 6:3, God says humans had become mortal, or become flesh as soon as they were separated from God’s Word. The reason we have incurable diseases in America is the result of being separated from God’s Word in this age.

    (2) In a state in which one lives apart from God, doing what we want to do (Eph. 2:3)

Humans were created as spiritual beings to live with God and according to His will, then things will naturally take place we will have the strength to overcome even mental illnesses. However, because we’re separated from God’s Spirit and his will, these disasters come upon us. This “flesh” is talking about the state where we are always trying to go in the opposite direction against God’s Word. As soon as humans were created, we were created to follow God’s will, but strangely, we want to do anything except that. Even though we don’t want to oppose God’s will, we naturally do. Strangely enough, whenever it is time to worship, we create work for ourselves to do something else. For no reason, if someone is going to church to receive grace, we don’t like them. If someone says they’re Christian, for some reason, I hate them and want to kill them in my heart. That comes from this person, but that person is not alone. 

    (3) A state following the spirit of Satan (Eph. 2:3)

Without a doubt, there is another spiritual entity that is influencing this person. When we talk about transcendental meditation, it is not a simple thing. The beginner-level people will not understand, but people who have done transcendental meditation for a long time have another kind of strength. They run their business and make money using that extra strength. 

If you don’t believe in this, think about shamans or fortune tellers. They are human beings just like you and I, but how is it that they can stand on a the sharp edge of a blade or a stick? How is it that they’ve never met a person before but they’re able to tell them about their future or their past? This is something they’ve received from another spiritual influence. 

You may not know this, but these are the people who are controlling the world and their businesses. That’s the story of Genesis 6.  The average person will say, “We just have to live diligently,” but that is just  because of their ignorance. Your diligence alone is not enough, you must have something that transcends your diligence. People live diligently and then they face mental problems. It is not because they were corrupted, they were like this from the beginning.

In Eph. 2:2, it talks about the ruler of the kingdom of the air; this spiritual being is still controlling the hearts of people today. So this Bible scripture we read today is telling us the 13 results that will follow anyone who is separated from God’s Spirit and Word. You must not think about this as just ethics and morals. If you think of just ethics and morals, you don’t need Christ. All you have to do is just sanctify yourself by looking at a temple wall and bowing, and you just have to not come back into the world.  But even then, you will not be able to control yourself. 

  3) Works of the flesh

    (1) Contrary to the Spirit (Gal. 5:17)

Today, we are talking about the 13 works of the flesh, which is simply the result of our spirit being separated from God.  We can categorize these works into 4 categories. 

    (2) Sexual immorality (Gal. 5:19)

In the age of Rome, the greatest work was sexual immorality. We don’t do works of sexual immorality because we want to; we are simply living our live separated from God’s Word, and this is the result of our life. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, even in the White House. This is irrespective of the age you grow up in, this is simply the result of the world we are living with. If you are not in the guidance of God, this is simply the result of every single age in history.

    (3) Religion (Gal. 5:20)

The second result is witchraft and religions. There are some families that bow down and worship idols multiple times a month. It’s not because they want to; that is simply the work that follows.  There are people who perform witchcraft and works of demons. There are people like this around you, and it’s not because they want to; it’s simply revealed itself.

    (4) Dissension in interpersonal relationships (Gal. 5:20)

What is the third category? It is dissension in interpersonal relationships, conflict and fighting among people . There are people who really want to live a good life, but wherever they go, they are breaking human relationships. Why is that? We are following the works of the flesh, and our entire family line is like that. We receive our physical DNA from our parents, but we also receive their spiritual DNA.  Even though we want to live a good life, we cannot. We want to meet a fine person and live a good life together, but our human relationships do not permit that. It is impossible to cure with counseling. There are some people who create divisions and factions wherever they go, between who’s on my side and who’s on your side. This can happen to anyone if they’re not in the grace and Holy Spirit of God. This was present even in the ages of Rome, there were two gladiators fighting and people bet on who’s side they’re on. This is our nature.

Even if you go to Europe, people are staking their lives on soccer tournaments, or they keep dividing between people, saying, “This is what my family line is like” or “This is what my racial background is like.” Or they say, “This is what school I graduated from,” we are in a state where we have no choice but to rank people. So it is really impossible for society to be harmonious. Is it possible if we get a certain president? No. You must know this as you look at the world.

  (5) Self corruption (Gal. 5:21)

The fourth type is self corruption. We cannot control this. This is not just an occasional, once- or twice-, corruption, but we are constantly bound by these things. This is not talking about morals or ethics. If we could change our morals and ethics, then Jesus Christ would not have to come to earth.  These are simply the results that we can see from their spiritual state, that is why we need the Christ. There are so many mental illnesses that the elites in the world cannot even speak about.  They cannot express it outwardly, but they suffer internally. Without a doubt, the Bible is giving us the answer, but if the churches cannot give this answer to people, we have no answer. 

2. Following the Spirit 

  1) Jesus Christ – Faith 

    (1) Holy Spirit- In me (1 Cor. 3:16, Jn. 14:17) 

The second point of today is that there are those who follow the works of the flesh and also those who follow the works of the spirit. This Holy Spirit is not talking about some energy or power, but it is the Spirit of God Himself. In the Old Testament, it says that when the Spirit of God has come upon you, that is God. After Jesus Christ died on the cross and resurrected, He sent us His Spirit, that is, the Spirit of Christ. It is a spirit that is holy. The moment I believe in Jesus Christ, that Holy Spirit comes within me, and he is creating me into a temple of God. 

    (2) Put a seal of Holy Spirit in heart (2 Cor. 1:22) 

In 2 Cor. 1:22, it says this Holy Spirit has put His seal of ownership upon us and will never depart. God is controlling everything from the throne of Heaven but He puts His spirit in our heart so we may follow His will and know Him. This Holy Spirit knows the very deep things of God and reveals it to us. The Holy Spirit reveals the things of the future to us in advance. God reveals all the problems that mankind has lived through throughout history. The Holy Spirit gives us the Word of how to live today. 

   (3) Reveal the deep things of God (1 Cor. 2:10) 

Because we cannot see the Holy Spirit with our eyes, we need faith. This faith doesn’t come all of a sudden. Without a doubt, there is a source. By the grace of God, when the Word of God comes into us continuously, we receive faith. If there is someone around you, named A, and they keep talking bad about person B to you, at first, you might be skeptical, “There’s no way person B is like this,” but over time, you’ll start to believe it and start thinking poorly of person B. That’s why marketers know this, and they keep inundating you with ads so that one day, you think “Coke is good.” At first, it just seems that the Word of God is coming into us, but God is beginning the work already having prepared the works of God in the future. 

One day, you begin to believe, and following that faith, the works that are visible to the eyes will be revealed. Because the creation of the principle that God works with, is that the invisible God creates the visible world according to His time schedule.  God called Abraham and said he would be a source of blessings.  How is that possible? He calls Abraham when he and his wife are so old and tells them, “Through your seed, all nations will be blessed,” when they didn’t even have a child. The works of God that are relayed will absolutely be revealed as fruits in His time schedule.. Now is that time. 

People who are seized by physical things, thinking, “If I worship, I will receive blessings, money, and success,” will always be oppressed. They will undervalue this, but as the Word of God continues to go into this, that Word be revealed in their business according to the time schedule. And God will work upon this person and their business as the missionary businessperson to save the world. God will work upon this person’s business so they can do temple construction. It’s not saying, “How is this possible?” It will take place.

Today we are told to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, but how? Today’s Word says to walk with the spirit, meaning, “Walk with God.” God is invisible, how do we walk with Him?

  2) Guidance of Holy Spirit 

What is the work that the Holy Spirit does? Jn. 14:26 says the main work of the Holy Spirit is to teach us and remind us of the works of Christ. That means that we are matching pace with the words of the gospel God has given to us through the Holy Spirit.

    (1) Not under the law – Under Grace (Gal. 5:18, Rom. 6:15)

Then, once we receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the scripture says we are no longer under the the law. To express this to you in a way you can understand, let’s say there is an announcement in church, the legalistic people will say, “Oh, is this just another thing we must do?” But what is the gospel? The gospel says, “God is with us and He is doing this work.”  You think you know the difference between the law and the gospel, but that is not the case. 

The Jewish people were deceived by the law for thousands of years.  Moses went up to Mount Sinai and came with the Ten Commandments and 650 other amendments, and the people said, “How can I keep all these commandments?” That’s how these people received the law, they thought, “If I don’t keep the law, I’m going to die.” So they think their walk of faith is trying their very best to keep the law. But the Word says in one sentence that there is no one who can keep the law. 

So why did God give us the law? Because it is impossible for us to keep the law, God gave it us as the way to go to God. Before COVID, I used to go to the beach and I liked swimming in the waves. But my nature is to try to go through the waves, and the result is obvious–getting beaten up by the waves. That is the foolishness of legalism; I say, “I will obey this law and I’m going to break a way through by myself,” but this is not what God gave us.  God gave it to us so we can ride that wave. You know surfers–they ride the waves, they are not afraid of the waves. If anything, because of the waves, these people enjoy. There are some people who are so anxious about the waves, saying, “Do I really have to do this?” That is the law. 

What is the gospel? “Oh, there is something difficult approaching me, but that is why God is with me and will work through this.” There are many people coming to church and there are many announcements, and they think, “Oh, there is so much we have to do,” and they leave. These are all things God has given to us as God’s blessings and God will give it to us, but we understand it in the opposite way. 

    (2) Not gratify the desires of the flesh (Gal 5:16) 

If you walk with the Holy Spirit, the alws will naturally be kept. Even if you don’t keep the law, God will continuously guide you so you can. Once you receive the Holy Spirit, you do not follow the laws of the flesh. If you receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, it means you are relying on the Holy Spirit. 

    (3) Life of relying on the Holy Spirit

What is it that you rely on the most in your heart? For people who are older, you are relying on your children, “I rely on my kid,” but you should not. That child should rely on God as well. Are you living your life relying on the properties you have and your insurance policies? Without a doubt, you will face the result–the result of the greed of your flesh will find you. But if you rely on the Holy Spirit, you will bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit. 

  3) Fruit of the Spirit (Life that comes to life)

There is a list of 9 things that are the fruits of the Holy Spirit, but the fruit of the Spirit is really one, it is singular. There is one fruit of the Holy Spirit, but it has many forms. There is one fruit and 9 ways it reveals itself and we will divide it into 3 categories for us to understand.

    (1) Regarding God – Love, Joy, Peace 

Love, joy, and peace do not come from people. When we try to make a pact between Europe and America, that is not actual peace because the history of mankind is of endless war. The reason we have the arms race and we have so much military power in America is because there will be wars in the future. There are wars between countries,, but also wars against people in your business, in society, in family. Everyone is saying, “My words are right,” and that is a war. It is rightful. The result that comes to those who rely on the Holy Spirit of God are the things of God–love,joy, and peace. 

If I love somebody, I can be at a loss, I can sacrifice myself for them. Parents know this well: “Because this is my child, I love devoting and sacrificing for my child.” Because God loves us, dying on the cross was suffering, but it was joy. That starts to come to us. It is joy. This is not talking about a corrupt or carnal joy. It is talking about a joy that comes because of our Jehovah God. We must have this to heal our mental illnesses. 

The Bible is advertising this medicine from thousands of years ago, but nobody listens. Everybody is interested in in listening to the lies and they are deceived by them. Peace, everyone wants peace. Everywhere this person goes, relationships are mended. That is evangelism. The works of uniting and reconciling God with the people of Earth will naturally take place, because the world and God are enemies right now, but wherever this person goes, they create harmony, and God continuously gives them evidence.

    (2) Regarding others – Forbearance, kindness, goodness

The next three–patience, kindness, goodness–are regarding other people. That’s why people are attached to you or drawn to you.  If someone is drawn to you because you have money, the second the money is gone, they will go away. If someone is drawn to someone else with power, that is not a proper relationship; it has an ulterior motive, so as soon as the power goes away, the people will leave. However, if you’re constantly receiving God’s Word and God’s grace and relying on the Holy Spirit through prayer,  people will be drawn to you continuously. 

Even the two young adults getting married today, this is how a relationship must start, but if you say, “Oh, I like this person,” that relationship will not go for a long time. I’ll speak of this during the wedding ceremony as well, but a human’s love is limited. Two individuals must constantly be receiving the grace of God within His covenant, and then they get married together. Then, the works of restoration will continuously take place. 

If you listen to the sermon with ethics and morality in mind, you are bound by legalism. And people who feel oppressed in their heart, it is because you’re bound by legalism. God has given the blessing of being with us. That is why marriage is a blessing. If you’re thinking, “I like power in this aspect, and this person has power, so if I marry them, that power will be my own,” I’m sorry, but the problems have already begun, and that is the state that will be revealed in your family.

Knowing the future is wisdom. Today, this moment, when you’re receiving the Word of God and the Word makes its place inside of you, that will determine your future. Once you truly believe in Jesus Christ once and you receive God’s grace, even if you try to betray someone, you cannot. That is their state.  That is the taste of the gospel. Someone who has a taste of drugs go into a state where they cannot leave drugs.

    (3) Regarding self – Faithfulness, gentleness, self-control

The final three is regarding the self.  Faithfulness does not just come from your words or education; people go into the military for years but still end up betraying their nation.The faithfulness of God comes into us and is revealed as our faithfulness to the nation, to the church, and to the world. But the more you don’t have this, the more people will betray. Why do we betray? It’s rightful. Because the things of God are not coming into us, including God’s faithfulness, the betrayal is a natural result. Kings will always be looking for those who are faithful to them in case someone betrays them.

3. Live by the Spirit

The third point is to live by the Spirit, but how can we do that?

  1) Keep in step with the Spirit

    (1) Died with Christ, Life (Gal. 2:20)

Before we know how to live with the Holy Spirit, we must understand when Jesus died on the cross to solve our sins, we died on the cross with him. When He resurrected, I resurrected with Him and now the Spirit of Christ lives within me, that is how you live by the Spirit.  Inside of us is not an evil spirit, it is the Holy Spirit. So in today’s scripture, it says “Let us keep in step with the Spirit,” meaning let us match our pace with the Spirit continuously. Do not go ahead of the Spirit or lag behind the Spirit, how do we do that? That is called meditation.

    (2) Word – Meditation (Ps. 1:1-6)

Psalm 1:1 says, Blessed are those who meditate on the Word of the Lord day and night, they will bear fruit in season. The time of meditation is when you take the Word of God you received today back into your life and align your life with it. But the reason why people who go to church for a long time and know the Bible well sometimes seem very weird, it is because they don’t align the Word with their life. We have to match our step with the Holy Spirit, and that is meditation.  Then your life is bound to be completely aligned with God. The law is trying to fulfill God’s Word on your own, but then you give up. So the one who has strength is the one who meditates on God’s Word–not transcendental meditation, but Holy mediation.

    (3) Pray in all occasions (Eph. 6:18)

How else do we align ourselves with the Holy Spirit? Pray in all occasions, Eph 6:18. I hope you will learn prayer properly today. Prayer is not asking God to adjust Himself to me. That is only a life of corruption, trying to fulfill the cravings of your flesh. That is what religions do. It doesn’t matter what God they believe in; they say, “Give me what I want.” That is not the life of the Spirit. Prayer is me aligning my life with God. That is how you keep in step with the Holy Spirit. 

In John, it says those who seek the will of God have already received everything. So prayer is not just asking for whatever I want, but it is about laying myself down and adjusting myself to God. Praying 24 hours a day means you are in a state of constantly matching yourself to God. How can we do that? That state itself will bear the results. The state, the nine fruit of the Holy Spirit, that is the result that will follow. That state is a result that will save me and save others.

  2) Working of the Holy Spirit

If someone doesn’t know prayer, that means they’re living a walk of faith where they cannot align their steps with God. Today, we’re worshiping and going to a wedding and people who have lived their walk of faith for a long time already know this content. But if you really want this Word to be embedded and intertwined with your life and affect me, then God gives us this Word again. 

Now that the Holy Spirit is within us, God’s will is for this Holy Spirit to completely fill me. God promised that if you pray according to the will of God, He will answer.  The only way you can begin praying for the filling of the Holy Spirit is when you believe your own things are not of much value. But those who think their words and thoughts are correct, they will not be able to pray. 

In Prov. 3:5-6, it says, do not rely on yourself, but rely on the LORD in all circumstances. That is not about “doing” prayer; it is a state of prayer.  Legalistic people will think their walk of faith is about doing something, but what is there for us to do? God is already doing everything; our state is matching ourselves to God. Then your life will be a result of the state you’re in. As I’m talking to people, I’m sorry to say this, but I can see what their state is now and how it will be in the future. Whatever they’re saying are just their words but I can see whether or not they are stepping with the spirit or not, and that determines their future. 

    (1) Within me (Ac. 2:4, Lk. 24:49, Jn. 20:22)

Now it is the will of God for us to pray for the Holy Spirit within me to completely control our thoughts, spirit, mind, subconscious, and body. If we’re not able to enjoy this blessing, we’re bound to have everything spiritually stolen from us by those who practice transcendental meditation in this world. Even though we go to church, we are not able to get our answers from church, so we have to get our answers from transcendental meditation.  

    (2) Witness – All people (Ac. 1:8)

    (3) My work

First, the Word must be fulfilled in the people, the work I do, that is why you pray for the Holy Spirit to work upon them. Today, we’re going to a wedding, and if these two people begin their marriage with their own will, then the result is obvious. The beginning must be the will of God, that is why we give the Word of God at the wedding. Getting married in Las Vegas is a wedding as well; however, worship is where we receive God’s Word.

There are some customs or families that celebrate the 100th day of a baby’s life, but what is important is not just the party itself, but the Word of God being given in that. When people build houses, they ask the pastor to give worship in their home. This is not just a formality, but they’re asking to receive God’s Word and message for this region. Your week does not begin on Monday, it begins today. When you begin this week today, you ask, “God, give me Your Word this week.” That is worship. Then, as you receive this Word and meditate and pray, so that you’re aligning your step with the Holy Spirit, the result will be obvious. 

  3) Church – With

    (1) To the ends of the earth (Ac. 1:8)

    (2) All nations, people (Mt. 28:19, Mk. 16:15)

    (3) Pray together (Ac. 1:14) 

Acts 1:14, the church prayed together, with one heart. When we gather together, there is an explosive work of God for that. That is why the Bible tells us to not avoid gathering. Yesterday, we had the children’s retreat where we gathered together. People who don’t know the spiritual things ask, “Why are you trying so hard to gather together?” But the truth is, God is using these gatherings to give His Word, prayer, and His will to raise up these children.  God told us to bring this blessing to the ends of the Earth, a blessing to be a witness. He doesn’t say to try to be a witness, but He says He will give the work and evidence to naturally be a witness. 

For those whose walk of faith isn’t working out, know you are stuck in legalism. The moment your legalism turns into the gospel, your walk of faith will be enjoyable. Right now, we’re giving a relay fasting prayer for our El Salvador missions coming up, if someone asks, “Must I do that too?” they are stuck in legalism. But if someone knows God, they say, “God is having me pray for El Salvador, but actually He is working upon my family and region,” because God doesn’t just work in El Salvador, He works in totality.  We must enjoy this blessing.  


1. Life of Christ

Let us conclude the Word. To live following the Holy Spirit. Continue walking in step with the Holy Spirit. You align your step by meditating on the words of Christ and through prayer. Once this is aligned, your day begins. Your state determines everything in your future. 

2. Guidance, work of the Holy Spirit

May you continue this state of blessing every day. There are some people who don’t really like to pray, but at least right now, let us pray with the Word God has given to us. May the Holy Spirit work upon me so may walk with God, receiving the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  

3. Witness who saves

May the will of God be fulfilled in every person, business, and study I encounter this week, by the working of the Holy Spirit. 


Let us pray.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

Father God, we thank You.  Allow us to walk with God with the Word you have given us today. May we become witnesses in our life where the Word is fulfilled. We have returned Your material blessings as offering.  May this be the offering that saves the future generations, temple construction, and all the 237 nations of the world. May you bring the economy of light to the hands that are giving the offering. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  

God, we thank You. We believe that the grace and blessing of God will be upon all the people introduced just now so that the grace and works of God will be upon them today. We believe that wherever they go, the works of saving lives will take place. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.  


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the multiethnic people, and the remnants, and all their studies, their businesses, their ministries,and their work, the ones who want to follow the spirit of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, for the rest of their lives, be from now until forevermore always, amen.

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