Hold onto the Word as the Covenant to Testify of Only Christ Who Finished All of Our Problems (Deuteronomy 11:18-32)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Hold onto the Word as the Covenant to Testify of Only Christ Who Finished All of Our Problems (Deuteronomy 11:18-32)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us hold onto the covenant of God through the last part of Deuteronomy 11, God’s Word.  Deut. is the Word of God’s covenant that He is commanding to the future generations yet again.  God’s direction is for this covenant to be relayed to the future generations. I believe it is God’s plan to establish God’s kingdom in the land of Canaan, the land He will show Abraham. 

In the Old Testament, the people of God’s covenant must only follow God’s covenant to receive God’s blessing, and being aligned with the covenant is God’s blessing.  The blessings people talk about are the lies Satan created in John 8:44, and in the Old Testament, it says that the life of blessing is to go into the land of the covenant, the land God will show us.  

When they applied the blood of the young lamb in the Exodus, it had finished all problems; because God was with them, there was nothing that could be a problem.  The real problem is not believing in this, because if we don’t believe in this then we have the lifestyles we lived in Egypt.  We are relentlessly bound to live lives that are not from God, but based on our past experiences, thoughts, and plans, but it actually turns out that is how we become enslaved to Satan’s authority.  I’ve become like this without even realizing it.  

That’s why God gives us the Word in Deuteronomy 11:18, “Fix these words of mine in your hearts and mind, tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.”  What is it that we must fix upon our hearts? It is the words of God’s covenant, and the direction of our business must also follow God’s Word, and all of our judgments must also go in the direction of following God’s Word.  

He says to fix these words into our hearts and minds.  It is because Satan is controlling our hearts and our minds, or our will.  Satan continues to deceive our thoughts and our heart with our environment.  So, tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads so that you can see this sign.  God gives us His Word every week, for we must take it upon ourselves to write this down in our notebooks and places we can see so that we can look at it throughout the week.  

The saved people of God are with God, so all we have to do is follow God’s Word. Faith  means believing that all we have to do is follow God’s Word. If you’re following God’s Word and you fail, then simply fail. The word of God will forever be fulfilled. If you are at a loss, be at a loss because the Word of God will forever be fulfilled. The only way to have true victory is to overcome Satan.  The true answer is the answer you receive as you continuously follow being centered on worship, prayer, and the word of God.  

Many people look down on worship and think poorly of evangelism.  Or, they think, “Why do we have to worship? We just have to evangelize.” Those words are correct, but they are actually not correct. It would be correct if you evangelized, but it is incorrect because evangelism is the work God does through us.  But it turns out there are people who think that way.  Evangelism and missions are entirely in God’s ministry.  God fulfills His covenant through those who receive God’s covenant during worship.  That is why God began to work in Mark’s upper room while they worshiped, holding onto God’s covenant.

Deut. 11:19, “Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down, and when you get up.”  We teach the covenant to our children. For the people of God who have applied the blood of the Lamb, all problems are finished.  Now, we follow the word of God’s covenant and go towards world evangelization.  We have to teach this to our children. When we sit at home, when we live our everyday lives, and when we walk along the road, meaning when we are moving with our kids.  When you lie down, meaning when you sleep, and when you get up, that’s in the morning. What is the Word? You must relay to them the Word of God’s covenant.

Why is God making it so complicated and telling us to do this in every aspect of our lives?  Because Satan is working in every aspect of our lives to make us lose hold of only the covenant.  So God is telling us to teach our children so our imprint, root, and nature is to only hold to the covenant.  The only way to teach this to the children is if the parents themselves have it.  If the parents have nothing to say, then they have to say the words of the world.  Then, we continuously have the imprint, root, and nature in the methods of people meaning we cannot do world evangelization.  

God is with us with the blessing and the power to save the people of all nations, all peoples, and the future generations.  What happens if we cannot do world evangelization? We’re dragged off as captives.  If you cannot do world evangelization, you are not okay; you’re dragged off as captives.  Therefore, the covenant is about breaking down Satan and having victory or being dragged into him. There is no “lukewarm.” If this covenant does not flow through me, through my thoughts, and my heart into my children, the region, and the whole world, if it gets caught somewhere, then you will be seized.  That’s why we follow only the covenant because God’s blessings are prepared only within the covenant.  Everyone who says, “It is this or that,” failed in the Bible.  Only those who held onto God’s covenant even enjoyed the physical blessings God prepared. 

Deut. 11:20, “Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates,” meaning, allow yourselves to see this covenant whenever you enter and leave your home.  This is the extent to which we must have our imprint, root, and nature in order to conquer the land of Canaan, because only this covenant is fulfilled, because God is the One who will conquer Canaan, therefore, hold onto his covenant, and God will begin to work upon those who hold onto God’s covenant in faith.

When we relay this to our children, our children will be revived.  Because we take this into our business, our business comes to life as well.  Our business being revived is not the goal, but it’s the evidence we are taking the covenant into it.  A lot of people want to receive answers for their business, but you need to know the order in which the answers come.  The answer comes to those who hold onto God’s covenant, but if you do your business without the covenant, then that is a religion and an idol.  It is the same as giving some kind of ancestral worship or bowing down to a tree, because you’re losing hold of God’s Word and the covenant.  

Simply put, there are many people who live their walk of faith and still head towards destruction, and it’s not because of somebody; it’s because they lack the covenant.  In the field, there are many people who go to church, but they are unbelievers or they are religious, and they’ll talk about many problems. Those words are correct, they say it is a problem because it is a problem for them, but what is the true problem?  You must relay the true answer to them, and if you have the answer, God will attach people to you.

The problem is that they have lost hold of God’s covenant, and because they don’t have God’s covenant, they have the problems of lacking God’s covenant.  The blessings are only with God, everything else is curses and disasters.  Everything humans have created are just disasters. Humans do not have the abilities to make blessings for themselves; that’s the reason the Tower of Babel was a disaster.  In Genesis 6, everything humans did, losing hold of God’s covenant, was a disaster.  It doesn’t matter how earnestly or diligently we live; it is a disaster. Only God gives blessings, only through Christ.  That is why I believe God gives answers and takes world evangelization through those who hold onto God’s covenant.

Deut. 11:21.  It says to hold onto the covenant, “So that your days and the days of your children may be many in the land that the LORD swore to give your forefathers, as many as the days that the heavens are above the earth.”  He says He will send you into the land of Canaan, this is the way God says He will lead us.  So, do not be under a misconception. If you simply hold onto the covenant and pray, God moves you. But because you’ve lost hold of God’s covenant, you only hear half of God’s word, you think you have to do God’s word so nothing takes place, you do things a few times with your own strength, but it doesn’t work out.  God does the work through those who hold onto God’s covenant.

Deut. 11:22 “If you carefully observe all these commands I am giving you to follow–to love the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways and to hold fast to Him–” then the LORD will drive out all these nations before you.  It says to “love the LORD your God.” You do not force yourself to hold onto God’s word. If you’re forcing yourself to hold onto God’s Word, that is not really holding onto it.  If a boy and a girl are dating and they force themselves to see each other, that’s not really love.  

It is the covenant God gives me, the covenant of grace.  God gives it to you during worship, He gives you His grace and His Word, and because you love God’s Word, you continuously hold onto it, and you move following God’s Word and you rely on Him.  You are not forcing yourself to do anything; there’s no such thing as forcing yourself. If you hold onto God’s covenant, that’s everything, that’s why worship is everything. 

Deut. 11:23, “then the LORD will drive out all these nations before you, and you will dispossess nations larger and stronger than you.”  This means that if you do something with your own strength, you will not be able to enter, you will not be able to conquer, and you will not be able to dispossess those larger and stronger than you, in other words, no matter how much you struggle and try, it will not work.  

Is God’s covenant in your heart, or is there something else there?  It is the covenant God gives us, because that is the covenant to be fulfilled.  Unless they follow and believe in God’s covenant, the Israelites would otherwise not be able to cast out the 31 kings and 7 nations living in the land of Canaan.  Because it is a battle we can never win, God is saying it’s absolutely impossible to take over the stronger and larger than us, unless we hold onto God’s covenant. Because God’s principle is that he works through those who hold onto God’s covenant and promise in His Word. 

What happens if we don’t? Even if we go into Canaan, it’s a problem, and if we don’t go into Canaan, it’s still a problem.  If you don’t go into Canaan, it’s still a problem. If you don’t go into Canaan then you will spend your entire life focused on the physical things, living in resentment, and then you’ll die.  You’ll never be able to experience the true blessings, you’ll just look for the physical things that unbelievers have and then you’ll die in the wilderness. 

But for those who hold onto God’s covenant, answers will continuously be given, because God says, “Through me, He will cast out all the forces of Satan, curses, and disasters,” and the works of Satan’s kingdom being broken down will take place.  Simply put, God is promising to do this work in the 237 nations through us when we hold onto the answer of the covenant and go into establishing God’s Kingdom.  

The church officers, try continuing this in a specific location and time in your region or field, then your children will come to life. Because yes, you are doing regional evangelization, but you are saving your family line, and there’s no other way to save your family line other than this. How could you save them? There’s no other way, but when you hold onto God’s covenant in your field for regional evangelization, then God will begin to work, that is the work of God in Mark’s Upper Room. It’s the same.  

In the Old Testament, they went towards the land of Canaan, but now that Jesus Christ has come, we go towards the entire world.  That’s why Jesus gave them the mission of God’s kingdom for forty days on the Mount of Olives.  All the people who received God’s mission received the filling of the Holy sorority and relayed God’s covenant to their family.  Whether they were in the Temple Courts or in the homes, in other words, whether they are in the church or field, they were continually devoting to the teachings of Jesus.  

There’s no way to break down the kingdom of Satan and darkness in your region other than this.  The members of the church scatter across the entire region and establish God’s Kingdom, and as they are establishing God’s kingdom, the physical things follow as answers.  That is the content of Matthew 6:33 and today’s Scripture. Just do one thing properly, if you’re not able to do this one thing properly, it means you’re doing unnecessary things.

Deut. 11:24, “Every place where you set your foot will be yours,” which means you need to go in, already knowing your territory.  If you have received the covenant of the 70 regions and the 70 disciples, then step in that direction. Step on that land in prayer.  You step on it again through all of your actions and your business.  You need to have something that is invisible for the visible things to be given to you.  If you don’t have God’s covenant, then nothing will be given to you, because God works following His covenant.  

Deut. 11:25, “No man will be able to stand against you. The LORD your God, as he promised you, will put the terror and fear of you on the whole land, wherever you go.”  God promised to do this.  When Joseph went into Potiphar’s household, Potiphar could not do anything to Joseph. If you lose hold of God’s covenant, the opposite will take place, you, instead, will be afraid and terrified.  No one should be able to stand against you, but the opposite will happen.  It’s not because God doesn’t work; it’s because you’re separated from His covenant.  

When you go out into the field, I hope you will absolutely hold onto the covenant and do the Upper Room meetings. Everything else is nothing, it’s exactly according to God’s Word.  When you do something, it’s not about your actions, all you have to do is go into your field and pray, holding onto God’s covenant, and you relay to those who need it.  You can just do it, but if you lose a hold of this, there is nothing you will gain. 

The only thing is more fear.   Because God promised to make sure there is nothing for us to fear, but if we lose hold of God’s covenant we are afraid of everything, and things that are scary and terrifying will continuously happen. You will be afraid of people and your environment. There are strong people around you.  There are people who are continuously stepping on us. Those people aren’t bad, but it’s because we’ve lost hold of the covenant, so when you repent, you should do it properly. If you did something wrong, you can just fix it.  

If you lose hold of the covenant and do anything, that’s what you must repent for. But you don’t have the covenant of God in your heart at all and are so focused on the world, and that’s why you’re stepped on by the World.  That was the state of the Israelites in Matthew 3.  It’s the exact same when the Israelites were going into Canaan, when they were colonized by Rome, it’s the same. 

In Malachi, it says they lost hold of the Word of God for 400 years. If they lost hold of God’s Word, what would they do? They were just living a religious life, going to church without the covenant, and they were running their business without the covenant, so they had no choice but to be colonized. We have the power to colonize Rome, but instead we are being colonized. It’s the same thing today, it’s the flow of the whole BIble.  Today, there’s nothing else that is different. When the Bible tells you to repent, it’s for this.  But if you don’t know this, there’s no reason for you to talk about who did right and who did wrong. “I scarred other people with my words,” there’s something you need to repent about before that.

In Deut. 11:26, “See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse.” He’s telling us very specifically, there is a blessing and a curse.  The blessing is, if you obey the commands of the LORD your God, I’m giving you today,” where do blessings come from? They come from God, they come through Christ.  If you hold onto the covenant of Christ, the covenant of world evangelization, then blessings will be given to you. But there are some people who cannot hear, then they need their time schedule.  But there are some people who don’t want to hear it at all, what do you think will happen to them?

Deut. 11:28.  The curse is if you disobey the commands of the LORD your God and turn away from the way that I command you today by following other gods, which you have not known, What are the “other gods?” What do you think are the “other gods”?  If you lose hold of the covenant you are bound to serve other gods. An idol is whatever they wanted in their hearts, expressed in a visual way.  The visual object itself is not what’s important but they created that to represent what they really desire in their hearts, and that’s what Satan actually works through.

Why do we beg for things we want? Because we lose hold of God’s covenant. There’s an idol every family one desires, that’s what we are bound to follow, that’s what it means to leave God’s covenant.  The issue is not anybody else, these things have no choice but to happen because you are outside of God’s covenant.  It’s not because you met this person, but because the state of your heart was in idols when you met them, you are bound to meet this person. So both individuals say, “It’s because of you.”  If it’s not a person, it might be your business or enterprise, “I should never have done this.” Or at that time the COVID pandemic started and you say it’s because of the pandemic, and to those people, you must give them the correct answer. 

What is the answer you must give?  You need to give them the fundamental problem. It’s not because of COVID but because there’s an idol you wanted in your heart other than God’s covenant, so you had no choice but to come and give them the answer. The characteristic of people who have gone to church for a long time is that they are legalistic, “This happened because I have not been able to keep God’s word like this ,” you need to turn them back to the covenant, most people are like that.

Deut. 11:29.  When the LORD your God has brought you into the land you are entering to possess, you are to proclaim on Mount Gerizim the blessings and Mount Ebal is the curse, and we talked about this earlier as we read through John.  

Deut. 11:30, “these mountains are across Jordan.”  Deut. 11:31, “You are about to cross the Jordan River to take possession and enter the land the LORD your God is giving you. When you have taken it over and live there,” he said he will surely give it to you, we do not surely do it, but He says he will surely do it through us who hold onto God’s covenant.  The entire Bible is the content that Jesus is the Christ.  All humans must be liberated from sin, Satan, and Hell, there’s no human that can escape by their own power. So whether it’s in the  old Testament or the New Testament, you must hold onto Christ.

The saved people of God, their method of life is testifying Christ. There is no other method, only Crist is God’s method.  Success must come from within this.  Any success that doesn’t come from within this is a disaster.  So especially for the remnants, do not be deceived by the world and what the world says, because that is the opposite. God moves everything and His method is through Christ. it is never through your good or polite actions.  

It’s only through Christ, and God works through people who testify of this Christ, there is nothing else that can ever move God, it is only through the covenant and God will be with them with the blessings of the throne of heaven. That is the power to break down the Kingdom of Satan. World evangelization and temple construction for that is moved by God, only through those who hold onto God’s covenant.

If people do not have God’s covenant, they receive nothing; the only thing they get is what they get with their own efforts, and when they face something terrifying or scary, they cannot overcome it. Today, God’s plan, His power, His method, His everything is to testify of only Christ who has finished all our problems.  For the rest of the week, may you be rooted in this.  I hope you will move your entire life, first and foremost, with the time to concentrate on God’s covenant. 

When you wake up in the morning, you must move centered on this, centered on worship, which is where the covenant is relayed. I’m sorry to tell you this but nothing else is guaranteed. If we can survive without God’s covenant but we can never survive without God’s covenant. Satan is afraid of those who have received God’s grace. He’s not even afraid of those who remember God’s word with their brains. We don’t lose hold of God’s word because we don’t know it in our brains. Even if it’s in our brains we can lose hold of it because it’s not on our hearts. That’s why He told us to put His Word in our thoughts and minds.

May you have this blessing.

Announcement, this Saturday is the college retreat and Sept. 17 is the young adult retreat.  One of the speakers is Elder Choi who is a professor at Penn state. I don’t know how you feel about it, but being a professor for that long is hard. Just being a professor itself is hard, but not only is he doing that, but he’s also doing the work of missions and evangelism and raising disciples and relaying the gospel to both professors and students. That is no simple matter.  At your job, you shouldn’t just do your job but how can you continuously do this discipleship movement? Just living a professional life alone is hard but how is this person continuing to do the evangelism movement while doing well at his job? I hope you will go and receive grace.


Let us pray holding onto the word we received from God together. Allow us to become people of the covenant, allow us to concentrate on the covenant, and may my life be used to relay God’s covenant.  Let us pray together.

Our second prayer topic together, Remnant University is an extremely important place because both the laypeople who go there as well as the ministers and servants of the Lord are important. So let us pray for all the future generations and the people of all nations enrolled in Remnant University.  If they haven’t enrolled in Remnant University yet, I hope you will help them to quickly do that. It is important that the evangelism disciples arise.  Imprint them with this covenant through theology.  If anything else gets imprinted through theology, it is a headache because it will never come out.  They talk so much about religion and legalism, so let us pray for Remnant University.  Let us pray for Naysay and Charles who are enrolled.

The Youth Evangelism School will begin again at our church.  The time will be from 10:30am to 12:30pm.  I said “Okay” to that because the leader of our youth evangelism school at our church said okay.  So, we are going to continue meeting in-person again because the coronavirus is never going to go away, we are just going to continue in this state, so please be aware of this and help our youth to come because it’s the same thing, it’s a time for the youth to be imprinted rooted and natured in the covenant, and as much as it goes into them, without a doubt the fruits will be revealed later.  Let us pray together for the Youth Evangelism School.  

After the benediction, we will have our personal and church prayers, and I hope you will especially pray for the covenant of regional church evangelism, and the faster we do this, the more the darkness breaks.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants, who desire to establish God’s kingdom and region of all America through the throne, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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