Spiritual Doctor to Heal the 237 Nations

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Spiritual Doctor to Heal the 237 Nations

God is the One Who calls the Remnants and believers.  Even the church is established by God.  If that is so, then the pastors are raised by God as well.  So if you carefully listen to the Word just a little bit and pray just a little bit, you’ll uncover important things, you’ll uncover the talent given from above.  But because you don’t carefully listen to the sermon, you find a different talent in a different place.  Because you’re God’s children, you won’t lose hold of it entirely, but you’ll suffer and realize later on in life. We call that the blessing of the throne.  

Our pastors as well as our Remnants throughout the nation and the world, ,you must remember these four messages.  It must be the talent that God gives from above for you to find your heavenly mandate, calling, and mission, and you must uncover this during your college years, then things become very easy.  You may not be fully aware of it, but if it is given by God, there is nothing more accurate than that.

There are so many people who do music, but to truly match with the talent God wants to give to you from above is a miracle.  That doesn’t happen by your method; it only takes place by God’s method, and that’s why we call that the blessing of the throne.  So, if you really hold onto what God wants, you’ll be able to see the sermon, the headquarter message, and the field messages match. It may not be every single day, but you’ll be able to think about it and pray, and that itself becomes prayer.  We call that the blessing of the throne, and all seven remnants including David had that. It could be tedious to work as a shepherd, but slightly holding onto the word and praying, we saw that things arose for David that even he didn’t expect.

The second point, your studies and occupation must match with the 237 nations, otherwise it will be difficult to survive in the future. It was like that in the past, but it will completely be like that in the future. Each organization has their own method for evangelism, but if that’s not a method to reach the 237 nations, it will be difficult to survive, and the 237 method is in the Bible, and that’s why your occupation must match with the 237 nations, and that’s the message I gave yesterday for the leaders.

This is my third message but it’s the second lecture for the world college retreat, what do you think it is?  There are places that use their skill, use these funds, and either they make money with that or they perish.  There is one common factor among those that make money.  We see biotechnology or science is heading towards healing, It’s heading towards healing, and because they make scientific suggestions, people have no choice but to acknowledge that.

Through biotechnology, they show you the conclusion and results, so that’s why people follow, and that’s why academics are important.  Just by saying, “This person is right or that person is right,” you can’t acknowledge that.  It has to be certified medically and scientifically for it to be sure.  So if you really open up your eyes, a lot of funds attach themselves to those categories.  . If your studies or occupation isn’t connected with healing, you won’t be able to survive in the future. THis is what the world colleges are losing hold of.  

Healing – Mental illness

The most important thing for you right now is healing.  But the healing you must do are the things that average people cannot do, it’s regarding this, mental illness.  You can call this an illness, but on the other hand, it’s  a great power.  Some people research disease because they themselves are sick, and others research diseases because they want to help others.  Some people find a reason for a weakness, but some people find out what the strength is. The content might be similar but the direction is different, then what you must you do?  As college students, you must confirm what true power is, only then can you do healing.

“237 Healing lives, Spiritual doctors”

In one way, you are the healing doctor for the 237 nations, you are the spiritual doctors who will heal the 237 nations. That was the second lecture of this year’s New Year message, so it becomes very important for you.  Then let’s come to the conclusion, what kind of healing does God want from us?  

[3, 6, 11, 13, 16, 19- Thoughts, Heart, Brain, Soul, Hell, Disasters (Mental illness)]

You must know the very important thing first.  If you just know what’s inside of this, you’ll find all your answers.  It’s a complicated world, you won’t carry around your thesis to explain it, that’s why you have to really have this and explain it. Where did this disease begin? In Genesis 3, it began from our separation from God and it came from Satan, so we’re seized by Satan and have no choice but to do what Satan tells us, and that’s the Babel Tower that gets connected with destruction.  Because it’s so hard for humankind, they struggle and it doesn’t work, and the representative case of this happening is Acts 13. They even try making these great shrines, this is how humankind struggles, and this is the start.  

Now, all of that became imprinted in your thoughts.  Even though you go to church, there are people imprinted more with these things than the gospel, and because this is imprinted, what actually moves you is your heart, so that’s why you do what’s on your heart. What’s on your heart? You can’t control what’s on your heart, but you actually follow your heart. Think about it, even if it’s incorrect things, we follow our hearts, but we can’t do the right things when it’s what our hearts want. Think about it, when we’re diseased in this way, we can’t do the things that God wants us to do, but we end up doing the things Satan wants us to do. 

Where does this get imprinted? In our brains, isn’t that so?  You don’t even have to ask why diseases come, but they’re bound to come. What’s imprinted in our brains will absolutely enter into our with, and from this point on, things really go downhill, because it gets connected with eternity this way, to hell.  Beginning with Satan, it gets connected all the way to hell. That is why disasters rain down upon this earth, and mental illness arises. 

I get a lot of texts, and normal people are going to say normal things, but people who are not normal will continue to say abnormal things.  There are people really praying for me and the message, and it’s rightfully so, but there are many people who don’t do that, they keep saying strange things over and over again because things are hard for them.  Even though it might not be half of the people who text me, it’s almost like that, and it’s a mental illness.  In one way, they can’t control their hearts and say things that has to do nothing with them, and even the things they don’t really mean, they are saying that, and at times they feel good and at times they feel bad, there are too many people like that, and even the questions they ask are questions I can’t really respond to.  “I can’t find GOd believable, what can I do?” it’s difficult to find an answer to that, and when I tell them about what the Bible says, they can’t understand what I’m talking about. In this way, more and more it is increasing. No need to even ask, “Should we heal them or not?” This is how all disease comes. 

[1, 3, 8, 14, 24, 25, 00, 237, Thoughts, Heart, Brain, Soul- Spiritual Doctor]

Then, when God called us, how did he resolve this? He resolved it through Christ, He already resolved it. So, God’s Kingdom in verse 3, if it isn’t this, it cannot be resolved.  Without the work of the HolY Spirit, you cannot have continuation. You have to make this your own, that’s concentration, verse 14. All you have to do is concentrate just a little bit.  No reason to become discouraged. Even if you spend 10 million minutes on worldly things, one minute of spending time with God will overcome that. If you can just have this come into you, you can concentrate, and at this point, you have this, 24 hours, 25 hours, and eternity.  This comes.  This blessing comes to you, and once that takes place, there’s something that automatically happens. The talent from above and the 237 nations takes place, why? Because both these things transcend time and space.

Now, with the same principle, this covenant begins to come into your hearts and brains, being imprinted in you, and now God’s Word begins to revive your soul, we’re talking about this, this is healing, you’re erviving your soul.  That gets connected to the Throne, that’s amazing, isn’t it?  This is what we mean by you being a spiritual doctor, God called you as a spiritual doctor to do this.  Regardless of the occupation you have, you’re not becoming a doctor; you’re becoming the spiritual doctor.  Then mainly, what kind of diseases arise? It’s about this.

Introduction – ? (Scar)

What kind of disease are mainly arising that God has called you and wants you to study?

1. Things they can’t see with their eyes 

First of all, doctors can’t do this, why? Because they can’t see this with their eyes.  What kind of diseases arise through our thoughts and minds?

1)Disease of our imprints

It’s a disease of our imprint, then it’s a serious thing. Unless it is Christ, it cannot be resolved. Let’s confirm the facts first before we talk about what we must do.

2) Disease of Root

The moment it enters into our brain, it becomes a disease in our root, and saying it’s been rooted in you means it’s now rooted in your brain.  The great problem comes, we call this “addiction,” why? Because it’s rooted in your brain.

3) Disease of our Nature

Now it enters into your soul, it’s set as your nature.  Simply put, it is a disease of the imprint, root, and nature.  


There’s no nee for doctors to know this and there’s no way for them to know it, but it’s connected to eternity.


Ultimately, fearful things come from that.  Hell.

2) Satan

It’s only in the Bible, you can’t find this in your average book

3) Disaster

Unbelievers may say we don’t know whether hell exists or not, but they realize the day they leave this earth, the day they die.  People talk about a past life or reincarnation, that’s all the work of demons, no.  The moment you die, if you’re an unbeliever, you go to hell.

3.Mental illness

As a result, in our present reality, it manifests the most as mental illness, then what do we see?  

1)Mental division

There is mental division.  You have to be very careful, pastors and elders, about what people say because there are a lot of people with schizophrenia.  Even though they know, they keep deceiving.  When I was an assistant pastor, there was also a smart assistant pastor underneath me, and he did things so well that to the point that everyone looked at him and thinks, wow he’s got a bright future, and he was teaching the Sunday School, and there were Sunday school teachers, but one of the Sunday School teachers was a schizophrenic, and other people knew that about him, so he had his good days and had his bad days, but he wanted to become a Sunday School teacher, kand of course people want to devote anad serve in faith, no one tells them to not do that.

But one woman’s family was an unbelieving family, and in her heart, she liked that assistant pastor, and that can happen, but being a schizophrenic, she believed her lies and told her father, “I was attacked by the assistant pastor,” and the father knows his daughter is suffering, but because she was speaking in tears, saying it was a real thing, her father was deceived.  So he came to the church and grabbed the assistant pastor and said, “You even have a wife; how could you do that to my daughter?” and he beat him half to death in a secluded place where nobody could find him, and then the grounds person happened to find him, and the assistant pastor, though no fault of his own, was on the brink of death. Later on, we found out. 

Being a schizophrenic, when she comes back to her good days, she sets things right. When she came back to her senses she said she lied, then what’s going to happen? Her father was so taken aback because he could have been a murderer.  These kinds of people only have the church to go to.  It’s not a matter of it being a good or bad thing, but there are so many people like that.


People suffer from depression. Anyone could be depressed, but we’re talking about things beyond that.

3)Bipolar Disease

Their up-downs are so severe. When things are good it’s so good and when things are bad they’re down in despair, and they can’t control that. Already it passed through these stages when it got there, but it might have entered into them through something that was so small, through a scar. But it also means if you can heal that scar, they will have great healing, and the method that this entered into them is usually through scars or through some great shock like a trauma. It’s all similar things.  In one sense, trhauma is a big scar.


Now they completely go crazy and see things like demons. They begin to see things.

5) Panic Disorder

Even though there’s nothing happening, they become so anxious with panic disorders, and this is how it comes.  College students, if you don’t know this, it will be very difficult to live in this age.  This is what our pastors and college students must really know.

Main -Reviving their fundamentals 

I’m not saying that we don’t need any other kind of healing, but they cannot solve this.  Moment by moment, it does help them, so we do need to do these things, but in one way, it’s not even the responsibility of the doctors.  Doctors don’t lie, they can only talk about the things that are noticeable, they can’t talk about the things they can’t see.  We wish we could pass this over, but no, it will affect society and the church.  Pastors, if you lack this power, you cannot bring revival to the churches, and in one way, if you do have revival, problems come and you can’t overcome that.  Satan knows this strategy.

That’s the reason why he cannot attack the church that has the gospel.  Even though it may seem as if a problem comes, that problem cannot overcome the gospel.  That’s why we’re saying we should use this or that method, but we say the gospel is the solution to all problems.  But unbelievers get seized by Satan over insignificant things, simply put, they don’t have the gospel. So think about it, Satan who raised these works only fears, the Gospel and he knows these words so well.  Satan is so fearful of the gospel, his last strategy is to prevent the church from knowing and spreading the gospel, so you must remember. 

We are not trying to repair them, but repairing them is up to the doctors.  We are reviving them, reviving what?  Their fundamentals.  That’s why we continue to do the Word Movement and pray.  So, in the future, healing and all kinds of things will come, but I can tell you with confidence that it’s all wrong.  We see scientifically that many things will come out because it’s an age of diseases.  Cancer isn’t just anything, it’s an age of mental diseases, and so we will see many things but the conclusion is that they’re all lies, why? Because the root is not being healed, think about it, look at this principle, what’s going to happen? Think about it, by using some kind of VR apparatus, you can’t solve this, but the three organizations are using that, but it’s not going to work. In one sense, it may make things more severe.

What do we mean by healing the source or the root?  First?

1. Shock of the Word inside the Gospel

    Shock therapy 

We’re talking about the shock of the Word inside the gospel.  Medically speaking, it’s shock therapy.  Inside the word, the moment you’re shocked by the gospel, healing begins to take place.  

1) 7 Remnants

Simply put, as you well know, the seven remnants were like that.  As you well know, Abraham sent Isaac and was shocked on Mount Moriah, and in one  sense, it was a good shock. If it’s a bad shock, it will remain with you as a trauma, “I was about to die, but I lived because of the ram.”  In one sense, it is such a joyous shock to his life.  So, this mystery is tremendous.  If  you look at the Bible starting with Joseph, all the remnants had this.  

Christ. The moment you’re shocked by that, from that moment on, you begin to change. “Jesus is the Christ,” even Satan knows that.  You’ll realize how wicked Satan is.  The reason why the son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. I was shocked by that.  He came as the sacrifice for all our sins.  It is a shock because we cannot solve this problem; it’s only possible by Christ and you need to see this well.  

2)Shocked by the Gospel

You’re shocked by the gospel, simply put.  At this time, there are three works of re-creation.


What happens if your spiritual DNA changes.

(2)Spiritual DNA

If it’s not this, you can’t have healing

(3)Galatians 2:20
Then truly Galatians 2:20 takes place, how? It’s your imprint, root, nature that is healed.  

3) Imprint, Root, Nature 

Simply put, you’re healing your imprint, root, nature with the gospel shock, and it’s only possible by God’s grace.  However, when you know and believe this fact, this answer comes to you, and once it comes to you, you can now transmit that to others. It doesn’t just end with this.

2. Word inside of the Gospel

It’s nothing else but the word, it has to be Word inside of the Gospel where the power of that word appears.  In one way, you can talk about it as a method, procedure, or therapy as continuation, but number two doesn’t take place very easily, and think about it those who are shocked by number one, they are darak bang members they were shocked by the Gospel, now all that’s left for them is the power of the Word, and this really begins to heal us.  

1)Mountains, Wilderness, Darak Bang

Now, why did they go to the mountains?  Why did God give all the messages in the wilderness? Why did God call them to Darak Bang? And so what is this? We see a very important thing.  We see the word “continuation” from here.  After being shocked, you have the blessing of continuation and enter into true power and happiness. It’s through these things that healing takes place.  If you know the above principles, then I’m not saying this will happen through all these steps, but if you know the overall scheme, it can happen immediately, for example, Bartimaeus. The moment he met with Jesus, he was immediately healed.


From here, because the power is in the Word, it revives us. We are revived through the Word.  When we hold to this and pray, we are revived, and when we give thanks, we are revived.  


Ultimately the power of this Word comes to our spirit. Don’t just end it with a shock, yes we were all shocked, and shamans are shocking, too.  They’re shocked as well, they come to Darak bang and we address every single one of their problems, they’re shocked by what comes after that is important, Continuation. When will they get well? Don’t worry about that.

(1)Subconscious is healed

What we’re talking about is, what’s in their subconscious is healed

(2)Unconscious is healed
More importantly, what’s in their unconscious is healed, and we move according to what’s in our subconscious. Without us even realizing, we’re moving according to our unconscious, and that’s how great the power of the Word is.  There are times we meet with important people who are sick, we can apply this stage-by-stage.

3.Fulfillment of the Word inside of the Gospel

It’ s not going to work with the Word outside the gospel, it must be the Word inside the fulfillment of the gospel, because the word not only has power, but it has fulfillment.  The gospel Word not only saves us but works in us in power, and ultimately, it fulfills our lives. What do we call this?  It might not be a method, but lack of a better term, it’s a treatment, so keep in mind three things.

1) Mental Illness (Brain) Infinite Potential

How are we going to heal mental illness?  Don’t make it complicated, just understand one word and understand it very scientifically, it’s our brain. Inside our brain is great spiritual potential, and because we’re connected with God, we have this infinite potential, but the issue is the brain. Why do we tell you to meditate and hold to the word? You must know the reason and understand this.  Now, science is beginning to reveal this, and it’s not that doctors don’t know about this; it’s not their responsibility, but there is a way for strength to be supplied to our brains.  That’s where the problem begins, but this doesn’t show up on any x-rays so it’s not the responsibility of the doctors.  

There is a power that is supplied to our brains, and that’s three things.  It’s quietness, peace, and thanksgiving through breathing.  That’s why even the bible emphasizes breathing, so we can do this through breathing.  If we keep that in mind, we find many things from here.  If you can really peacefully pray, your breathing becomes lengthy and even if you exercise regularly, you’ll have deep breathing.  If you really pray properly, your breathing becomes very long.  But some people are born with shallow breathing.  Absolutely, diseases will come to the brain, so it comes this way, with mental illness (introduction, 3). There are people who are smart, they use their brains so much but lack the energy supplied to the brain, then very quickly, mental illness will come.  Some  people finish all their studies and go crazy, and on top of that, they’ve got this attitude where they din’t want to lose, that itself isn’t bad, but that’s what makes them go awry, and they’re very hasty, then their breathing becomes shallow, it’s shallow to begin with, but it becomes even more shallow. Some are very quick tempered, then their breathing would get more shallow, then they get very angry easily, and it’s with very short breathing, then you’re going to die.  There are tremendous things here. 

2) Disease

The diseases in our body are simple things, it’s a battle of immunity, so just receive the doctor’s help for that.  Think about it, doctors can’t take responsibility for everything, and because of your spiritual problems and shallow breathing, you’re always running around and falling over, that’s not the doctor’s responsibility. The only thing the doctor can do is those who have diseases right in front of them, and help them, so what happened before and after that, I’m responsible for that, not the doctor. Because it manifests itself in our bodies, it bothers us, so that’s why we get help from the hospital, but the root isn’t healed.  So college students as well as our pastors, you need to know the principle in order to apply it 

3) Healing of the lifestyle 

Because of that, we have to have the lifestyle healing that isn’t taking place. What do we mean by lifestyle? I’m sure there are many things.  Even though my life is very busy, you got this, even though you have a lot of work to do, even though you’ve got many hardships, you’re thankful, so you need to have this kind of power for healing to take place, isn’t that so? Even though you’re so busy, you’ve got this calm.  Even though your body is busy, don’t let your hearts be busy Even though your body’s busy, you have to have leisure in your heart because one day, damage will come.  Even though complicated things happen, your thoughts have to be thankful.  Even though there are many hardships, you’ve got the blessing of being with God, so be thankful. The fundamentals of healing are all within this, so remember this.

Our brains aren’t simply our brain cells, but we have infinite spiritual potential. Even inside our bodies, God gave us this infinite potential for immunity but we keep destroying this. We have to revive it.  Having this life that really revives it, it really helps us.  You slightly have this quiet time and great power is revealed.  All remnants have this time to heal the world.

Conclusion – (Prayer) 

[ (Brain) – Soul) -> Throne ]

Always the conclusion is to connect it to prayer.  What was the prayer in our first lecture?  Our prayer in the first lecture was the prayer that revives our brains, regarding our soul and the Throne. This is how our hearts and minds work. That was the prayer for the first lecture.  What’s the conclusion for the second lecture? The prayer for the second lecture is a little different. it’s the second stage, what we must remember. What is the greatest answer?

[ 24 25 00 ]

24 hours taking place, that’s the second lecture. Be able to take a prayer voyage all over the world, that’s 25 hours, isn’t that so?  Then being able to take a future voyage through prayer, that is eternity, and this was the prayer for the second lecture, so connect the first and second prayers.  The prayers for the first can be called scheduled prayer.  When we say scheduled prayer, it’s not just about designating a time, but hold to the covenant and pray a little, these kinds of works arise, but there are people who don’t do this whatsoever, there are people who do it incorrectly, and  some people always listen to people’s words without listening and never once holding to what the Word says, always listening to people’s words and using humanism since they were young. They put all this in their brains, then rightfully, problems will come.  The first is scheduled prayer, and the greatest answer to prayer is number 2. 

We’re not just talking about healing a sick or diseased place, we’re talking about fundamental healing. God’s word, the Word within the gospel saves our fundamental roots, and so, in one way, this shock treatment is doing spiritual surgery. After surgery, you don’t immediately come home, but you have to raise up your strength, and not just raise up your strength, but now fundamentally having power.  It’s this.

College students, if you think about this well, it becomes your lifelong answer.  Back in 1987, I went out to a judo competition, and they did it on Sunday, so I told the master that I couldn’t do that, I didn’t have to be promoted to the next stage. “I’m just a pastor and I just enjoy this as exercise. I do this exercise and enjoy doing it, so I don’t have to go up to the next rank.” He was the director of the judge panel for all the judo competitions, and what does that mean? He is the one who can actually award you with the belt or not.  

He said, “Pastor, I know how much effort you put into this, but I can’t just give you that certification.” Because he’s the director of the committee, he said, “I’ll call in some of the judges to come in on Saturday, so you can come in.” I said, “You’ll go that far for me?” and he said, “Yes, is that okay?” He said to come,  and so, a few of them came, and so, we did the basic things and sparred with each other, and he gave me the certification.  But as he was giving it to me, he said something very important.  

I think it was on a Monday, he said as he awarded me, “Pastor, I haven’t seen anyone who’s as hardworking as you,” and I said, “It’s not that I’m hard working. After my Early Morning prayer service, I come here,” and he handed me a book, and I said, “I’m sorry but this was a book that I’d already read.” Even though I said he read through it, it was almost a new book, and it was about maintaining your health through breathing, but I read that book, and of course, I’m not going to come to my life’s conclusion with that one book, but from that point on, I began to buy every single book in that subject, and there’s a lot out there.  

Once you read through all of them, you find your own conclusions and I began to apply them from that point on. After 10 years, I began to see the effects.  I’m sorry to say, but after 20 years, I had a realization, I had to connect this to prayer, so I never once thought about this, for the past 20 years I was doing my breathing exercises and praying  separately. My prayers, exercise, and breathing, they were all separate from each other, but after 20 years, I began to connect them all, and from that point on, prayer really became peaceful because what I wanted to do and what God wanted to do was all within that.  The Word, prayer, leisure, power, all that was in there, and truly, it was by God’s grace.  

There isn’t anyone who has as chaotic a schedule as mine. Strangely, I find myself organizing all the messages late at night. It’s usually around midnight or 1am, and after organizing all of that, I should immediately go to sleep, but because I’m organizing it so much, my head becomes very clear and it’s difficult for me to sleep, so even yesterday I went to sleep at 3am in the morning and woke up at 6am. That’s my normal day, and I should be sick, but I’m not sick at all.  So I’m sure there isn’t anyone in the world at my age who isn’t on medication, but in this way, I can really enjoy the power of prayer.  So, find this during your college years, and you can save the world.  

What is the prayer in connection with the first two for the third lecture? It is the healing of the five powers. What’s the first?  

1. Spiritual Power Healing (24)

It’s healing of our spiritual power for spiritual strength, that’s 24 hours.  Then what?  We can do this wherever we are because it’s 24 hours, but from this point on, what comes?  You’ll be able to accept and transcend everything.  Listen very carefully, accepting everything and not getting lost in that, but transcending it. 

2. Intellectual Power Healing (25)

We call that the healing of our intellect, it’s intellectual healing.  Studying a lot and knowing a lot is just knowledge; it is not intellect. There are many people who study a lot and have realizations, but that’s not intellect, that’s wisdom. So college students, be able to accept everything and just transcend that. We call that 25 hours, we must hold to that.


3. Physical Power Healing (237)

What’s the third?  It’s the healing of our physical power.  What do we mean by physical power?  Simply put, being able to enjoy the 237 nations.  Think about it, not being able to enjoy the 237 nations, what kind of spiritual strength is that? No matter how feeble your body may be, if you’re able to enjoy the 237nations, you can have this power. We’re talking about physical power, it’s not just power and strength in our physical body, but we have power inside our lifestyle because we’ve got spiritual power.  Then what follows?

4. Financial Power Healing (Eternity)

The healing of our financial power, what do we mean by the healing of our financial power? Not being bound by money. You won’t have the problem of being bound by money so that you can’t evangelize. You won’t follow after money; rather you have money following you. You don’t love money nor do you waste money either.  This kind of person finds the answer of eternity.  So look very carefully at this.

5. Manpower Healing (Summit)

What’s the last? It’s the healing that moves manpower.  What do we mean by the healing of manpower?  It’s the power to save everyone.  Those who lack the power to save everyone will lack manpower.  Even the bad people? God will take care of them.  God will take care of the incorrect people, too. Isn’t that so? God resolves these five things.  God will block them with the covenantal blessings, the principle source of blessings, the representative blessings, the commemorative blessings, and the irresistible blessings. The healing of our manpower is what we call the summit.

Our world college retreat isn’t simply messages, but it’s the testimony that really saves our lives, so please understand that I didn’t want to just relay things to you and pick things up from here and there, but the evangelists who are moving the world are gathered together in this important place, and because God has called you and wants to move you, I’m simply running the errand of relaying the message that God wants to give to you, and that is prayer. Those who know this, when they go to church, they won’t listen to what people say; what’s so important about that? Just yield.  But God won’t allow you to yield the important things.  There’s no reason to live like unbelievers. Even unbelievers listen to what demons say, but you need to listen to God’s Word, then you’ll understand what’s been put into our brains and that’s everything. We call this our imprint, root, nature. If our nature becomes the nature of the Throne, then we will win.

So, we’ve got our final lecture left for incoming freshmen. Let us pray.


May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ who is the King of Kings, and the great love of God and the eternal working of the Holy Spirit, upon all the college students who will heal the world, be both now and always forever, amen.


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