Have Faith in Jesus a Christ and Overcome Sexual Immorality (Numbers 25:1-13)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Have Faith in Jesus a Christ and Overcome Sexual Immorality (Numbers 25:1-13)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Esther Han

Today I am going to share the grace of Numbers 25. Before chapter 25 we see all the incidents. After the Israeliteshave come out of Egypt through the exodus, they have crossed the wilderness and are at the brink of going into the Canaan lands, dwelling in the Moabites land.  There were incidents where the Moabites were afraid of the Israelites would overtake them, so they brought Balaam who was a famous fortune teller and they asked him to curse the Israelites4 different times but instead God blessed the Israelites. 

These are realistically things that have happened to the Israelites. The people of the covenant do not ever fail. Only the people that say they’re going to fail, will fail because the people of the covenants are moved by God‘s covenant. 

The Moabites tried so hard to kill the Israelitesbut instead of killing the Israelites, they ended up getting cursed instead. The incidents that are happening in today’s passage are the incidents that arise because the leadership of the Israelite people are actually partaking in the sacrifices of Baal. This is not an incident that occurs out of nowhere but if you look at the end of chapter 24, it says “Balaam got up and tortured home, and Balak who also went on his way,” but it’s not just a simple matter of going in their own way. 

And if you look in Numbers 31:16, it shows that Baalm gave advice to Balak. And so essentially the advice he gave him was, since we are not able to curse him, there is no way to have them completely crumble by themselves. And so ultimately he said that if you have them partake in sexual immorality and idol worship, they’re going to crumble on their own. 

Balaam was not a prophet who was of God, but he was actually someone who did idol worship. You see in chapter 25:1 the Israeliteswere staying in Shadum, and you see that later on this is the place where everything happens, this is where Joshua takes over the leadership, this is the place where they are about to take over Cannan. But it says in verse 1 in Shadum, men were indulging in sexual immorality with the Moabite women. So this is not something that just occurred out of nowhere, but this is according to the advice Balaam gave to Balak. And so the god that the Moabites were actually serving was Baal. 

Baal is a male god. So the reason why they worship Baal is for fertility, for reproduction, for material possession reasons. For example, if there was no rain, they would pray for rain. Likewise, they pray for fertility, etc. But if you idol worship, you don’t just idol worship. Looking at the temple, there are female priestesses. And these women would engage in acts of sexual immorality, thinking they were not immoral. So naturally, if you go to this temple to worship this god, then you have to partake in the idolatrous foods, you have to take in the procedures, and partake in the sexual immorality with the women. 

So you can’t think of these acts in the context of today. In the Time of the Bible, these acts were okay, because there weren’t ideas of morals or ethics. This idea of morality happened recently. Quite recently in Germany, women and children were treated as animals. At that time, having sexual immorality like This wasn’t considered immoral but natural. Ultimately, the Israelites were eating manna for 40 years and they go and see the food offered to idols. 

They’re tempted because it was the first time to eat food like this in 40 years. Because these people are the descendants, the children of the very parents who complained about the food they used to eat in Egypt. This would be food they’ve seen for the very first time. Because there were so many delicious foods, they would eat of this food and partake in sexual immorality. In verse 2, it shows that the Moabite women actually tempted the Israelites, and invited them to the sacrifices to their gods. And the people ate and bowed down before these gods. And so in verse 3, it says “the Israelites joined in worshipping the Baal of Peor.” The Baal of Peor is the god Baal of the region Peor, and so the Israelites joined in worshipping this god. 

Let us look at Revelations 2:14,it says, “there are some among you who hold to the teaching of Balaam who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin so that they ate food sacrificed to idols, and committed sexual immorality. And where did this teaching come from? It came from Balaam. And so ultimately they couldn’t trip up the Israelites from the outside, so the inner factors that are going to trip the Israelites up are idolatry and sexual immorality. 

Let’s look at Psalms 106:28-29. Verse 28 and 29 says, “They yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor and ate sacrifices offered to lifeless gods; they aroused the Lord’s anger by their wicked deeds, and a plague broke out among them.” 

Looking at the Old Testament, the 10 Commandments give the 10 rules. At this time, the Israelites didn’t go by a grand law or a set of laws. It was just life in the wilderness, so they lived how they wanted. It’s an age if a god told you to do something, you do as the god told you to do. So after the exodus out of Egypt, God gave them the 10 commandments. So if you look at it, you can consider this the channel of Satan

The 10 commandments address the 10 channels in which Satan will attack and tempt you. God says do not do the things but do we have the ability to not do these things? This is why God had them sacrifice animals. This is why I can’t have them sacrifice animals because if you said you have to have the sacrifices to get rid of it. 

Which means that there is a standard where God is looking at things. If you look at verse Numbers 25: 4 today, it says,”The Lord said to Moses, “Take all the leaders of these people”. It means the leaders of these people were actually partaking in this behavior. God said to Moses, “kill them and expose them in broad daylight before the Lord”. It was broad daylight because they were giving sacrifices “so that the Lord’s fierce anger  may turn away from Israel.” 

Idol worship is something God hates the most. What is an idol? Exodus 20:4 says, “Do not make for yourself an idol, do not create for yourself out of images from the trees,” don’t make idols for yourself. 

Why do people idol worship? It is because the Lord God is not enough for them. But if you do not know this, then for you not to do smithing is difficult, why? Because of the world’s culture itself, everyone is doing it. In Colossians 3:5 says that greed is idolatry. So do we have the capability to do this? Everything begins from my heart. 

The greed of my heart has to be satisfied with only Jesus Christ, but if it is not complete with only Jesus Christ, you have no choice but to fill it with something else. It means, you are a person of God who have been exodus out of Egypt through the promise of Genesis 3:15, the main character of Genesis 3:15, the offspring of women and its blood, and if you come out of Egypt through that blood then you have to accept that you are his people, and is guided by him, and have to live by him. 

But there’s a channel within me. There are putter attaches God will protect me from, but here are inner channels within me, Satan will use to attack me. Then that is idol worship. If you look at it spiritually, leaving God manifests the same way physically. So then in the New Testament, after Jesus Christ finished everything at the cross, if we still do the acts of sexual immorality, what’s going to happen? Nothing? What is the Bible talking about right now? 

Is the Bible telling you, “because you applied the blood of Jesus Christ, it’s ok for you to do these acts of sexual immorality.” What is the Bible actually saying? The Bible says in the New Testament that it is not ok. “But I thought Jesus Christ finished everything? Even though everything is finished, just because I partake on some kind of sin or do this, will I really be an object of wrath?” But actually in multiple places in the Bible, it tells us not to partake in sexual immorality. Then it says,  God’s wrath will come upon us. 

Then why is it that we have to do it? It comes from one thing. When you do not have the satisfaction of having this relationship with only Jesus Christ, you are bound to go to other things. Normal people don’t do things like sexual immorality. They do have the thoughts of sexual immorality, but most people do not partake in it. Why? Because even sex is something God has given us, but if you misuse it, it becomes sexual immorality. Worship is worship, but if you’re incorrectly worshiping it becomes idol worship. And so even when you come to church, it can become idol worship. So you are not giving praise to God, but you’re actually worshiping God because of your greed, you’re worshiping God because of your greed, and you’re trying to fill that greed. And that is idol worship. 

What’s going to happen if you do idol worship? In 1 Corinthians 10:20 says, “The sacrifices of Pagans are offered to demons.” And so what’s going to happen if a person of God, lives according to the participation of demons instead of worshipping God? It becomes a channel for demons. So why do we need faith? Christ says, believe I have finished everything. Because of the unbelief regarding this, you have greed, and that is why you idol worship. Ultimately that’s what happens. And that is why he is saying “Belge in Jesus Christ.” Because if you do not believe it, you’re going to try to fill your emptiness. And what’s going to happen when you try to fill your emptiness? You’re going to fall into Satan’s temptations. So you have to properly believe and enjoy the incident of the cross. 

So is Jesus Christ the answer of my life, or is it just Jesus christ. I have to know Jesus Christ as the answers to all problems of my life inorder to bind Satan. But if you confess Jesus Christ as mysticism or Elijah like figure, you will not be able to bind Satan. so even if you are focused on only the prophet, priest and king you are focused on mysticism.  So then that is not Chist. Once Again, Jesus Christ is not your answer. So you have no choice but to cling to things that are leading to mysticism. 

Some people talk about Moses, even though they are talking of Jesus Christ, they are talking about the law. And that is how Satan enters into them. Law is something we can abide by. In front of the law, no one is righteous before God, everyone is a sinner. So, what does it mean to be legalistic? It means that you go into judging others and division, which Satan loves most. But they say only Jesus Christ, and that Jesus is the Christ. But their center focus is actually legalism. Satan knows that and attacks that point. And Satan knows that and attacks that point. 

Some people are talking about Moses, Elijah, others  Jeremiah. Even on the Mount of Transfiguration, they talk about building shelters for different people. Even as they were following after Jesus Christ, they were doing these things. Meaning that even as they go to church, they do these things. They accurately say that Jesus is the Christ. But realistically, they are emphasizing legalism and humanism more. Then what is going to happen? Then it won’t be an answer, as Elijah, Jeremiah, Moses are not the answer. 

The thing that I need in my life is Jesus Christ. We need Christ, but if we say it in different terms, it means that Christ is the answer to all my problems. Which is only Christ. If you cannot do this, you say only Christ, but your center focus is on something else. Then what happens? Then you are to live a life in which there is no choice but for the things of this passage to happen. Because you are not content with only Jesus Christ, you have to look elsewhere. 

Everything is in Christ, but you have to look for that everything in something else. You have to look for it, in success, money, or other people. People may think you’re just living your life, but it’s a life Satan is so pleased with you. Because of the conduct they did today, the Israelites received the wrath of God and 24,000 of them died. They are actually the people of God who received salvation, but why did this come to them? Because they did the thing that God hated the most, which is idol worship. Did they need idol worship? No, but they had no choice but to be dragged into it.

How much were they tempted by the food? If you look at Matthew 4, the first thing Satan tempted Jesus with was food. Oh, but food doesn’t mean anything to me,” you say that but you’re actually wrong; because if you don’t eat, you can’t live. You need this food but Satan will actually utilize it.  He makes it so that you eat the food offered to idols and makes you fall into idol worship.  They were eating the manna God gave to them from heaven, but they were Israelites who did not need the word of God.  If they believed in the Word of God, their food would have followed, but they actually changed their priorities. They were always focused on food, it’s not incorrect, but if you believe in God, the food will follow.  However, instead, they switched the order.

So, Jesus Christ actually drove out Satan with God’s Word. He didn’t say, “Satan, get away from me,” but He used God’s Word to cast Satan away from him. “What am I going to eat or wear? How am I going to live?” Yes, these are very important already for people but it becomes a channel for Satan to attack us.  It is correct that we need these things, but God has promised to give us all these things.  But ultimately, as a result of you disbelieving in this God, you are caught in the temptation of this food Satan has laid out before you.

So, people live their lives so diligently because they have to eat.  However, are they living their lives in the midst of holding onto and believing in God’s Word, or are they doing it without believing in God’s word? It’s very different.  There’s a difference between when you say to yourself, “I can study and work within the things God gave me, because I believe he will take care of me” versus, “God is not enough for me, so I have to do things on my own.”

Then when Satan enters, in which direction will he drag you?  He will drag you in the same direction he dragged your family line, why? Because since the days of Adam, Satan has moved down the family line and he will move according to how he has moved in your family line.  Ultimately, these are all the things that happened because they didn’t believe in the covenant God gave them. Ultimately they knew and talked about Satan but they did not have the faith, because if you talk about Satan, does that mean God is going to save you? So it’s not that because in Genesis 3 God cursed Satan, too, and that’s why He gave us the covenant that would overcome that.

That covenant is everything, it is perfect and complete, and it’s important to believe in this, but if you don’t believe in this, you will believe in something else, and that’s the reason people suffer even as they go to church.  “I keep going to church for a long time but my family problems haven’t changed and my individual problems aren’t going away, why is that?” It will work out if you restore this true faith in Jesus Christ, then later on, even the act of sexual immorality will be healed.

Why do you do sexual immorality? It’s because you need it.  It’s not something you can stop by just saying, “Stop it.”  For people who do drugs, it’s not enough to say, “Stop doing drugs,” if someone who listens to the words of “stop doing drugs” they would have listened to it in their own accord but if they continue to do drugs, they do it because they need it.  If you say, “Look at what it says in the Bible, you heard what’s going to happen? You’re going to be cursed” it’s the correct words but they won’t change, so that’s why any law you point out is not going to solve the problem, isn’t that correct? That’s why legal things cannot save people.  

People who keep drinking alcohol need it, but they can’t stop drinking, why? Because to them, they need it. Some people keep lying, and it’s not a matter of you educating them and telling them not to lie, because if it had something to do with education, then they would have been able to put a stop to and fix that behavior. But to that person, lying is a necessity.  So, people lie when they do their business.  Were they taught to lie? No, everyone was told not to lie, but they lie because they can only survive when they lie.  That’s the culture of the world.

Then, what is it for us?  We don’t have to do that; we have to have the faith where we don’t have to do that, but if we don’t have that faith, we will live like unbelievers.  Why are kids afraid of the future? Why do people commit suicide when their studies aren’t going well?  Every person might be different, but why would one student commit suicide? It’s because something incorrect has gone into them; they think their studies are everything.

So, this gospel, the Word God truly desires, hasn’t entered into them. I’ve never heard of an incident where someone who was last place in school has died.  You don’t die because you’re in last place. However, people die when they drop from first to second level, why? Because being first is everything to them. They live diligently, they study without sleeping like normal people.  They live by diligence without God. It was a diligence that was not correct before God.  It’s the same thing as creating their own problems.  

What is it like for you and me?  Are you complete with Jesus Christ?  Are you really satisfied?  Then why is your expression like that?  Your expressions are so dark.  There are times when I look at your expressions and think, “Are those the expressions of those who are weary and burdened?” We keep receiving influence from other people’s words. 

This is where the Israelites messed up.  Idolatry is the symptom that manifested; however, the fundamental source is that they had disbelief in regards to God’s Word.  There are different things that trip up families, some people are tripped up by success, money, or sexual immorality, but ultimately all of them are fundamentally rooted in the fact that they have disbelief regarding God’s Word.

In Numbers 25:6, Then an Israelite man brought to his family a Midianite woman right before the eyes of Moses and the whole assembly of Israel while they were weeping at the entrance to the Tent of meeting.  This Israelite must not have seen anyone else die, because she went to the tent and partake in immorality, and then Aaron’s nephew threw a spear at him, and it says once they were both dead, the plague against the Israelites was stopped.  

The plague doesn’t just arise out of nowhere, rather than saying, “A is A and B is B,” there’s actually a connection between the plague that is happening and God’s wrath.  Most people die in America, it’s absolutely related because the one place where sexual immorality is number 1 is America.  There is nothing to stop drug and sex here, so you just live however you want.  These kinds of people are coming to church.

So, how are you going to save them and heal them?  The American churches are different from the Korean churches.  In the field of America like this, people like this are coming to church, and people are living in the midst of this tremendous spiritual background, so unless it’s the complete gospel, you cannot save others.  If you worship diligently, it’s not enough. You have to know who Jesus Christ is properly.  You have to know and believe Christ to be the answer to your life. Only then will God’s mission come upon you.

Jesus Christ has to be everything for you in order for you to receive the mission of proclaiming Jesus Christ, but if Christ is not enough, you will live diligently and start doing useless things, so you live your life diligently, completely irrelevant to missions and evangelism, then one day you’ll be caught by Satan, why? Because there’s a channel.  That’s actually the state of many believers nowadays.  It’s not about, “Do this or that action,” but before there is a sinful action you see, you see the unbelief in God’s Word. It is the sin of not completely believing in Jesus Christ, and it’s the multiple channels of Satan that follow that disbelief.

So, Eleazar  drives a spear through the man and woman, and after that God says, “I am a jealous God, but you acted on my behalf, so I will make a covenant with you,” and that’s the content of Numbers 25:11.  In Numbers 25:11, “Tell him I am making a covenant of peace with him,” and in Numbers 25:13, “He and his descendants will have a covenant of a lasting priesthood because he was zealous for the honor of his God and made atonement for the Israelites.”  This means he did what God was about to do. 

The Levite clan was actually a clan that had been cursed, but when did the curse become a blessing?  It was after Israelites worshiped the golden calf God says, “Who is going to do My work on My behalf?” And the Levite clan stepped forward, and at that time they turned into a blessing when they used their talents for God’s work, that is when it turned into a seat of blessing.  From that moment on, that’s when God uses the name of Phineas, not Aaron, to fulfill this covenant.  

So, through today’s Word, what is the Word God is trying to give to us?  He’s saying, don’t worship idols, but is that enough? He already told us that, but we don’t have a choice but to worship idols because we have no faith in regards to the covenant, so He is telling us to restore the covenant.

What is the covenant?  The 66 books of the Bible is the covenant, but the Old Testament is the promise that was made before Jesus Christ came, and the New Testament is the promise after Jesus Christ came, because Jesus becoming the Christ is the covenant.  Why is Jesus becoming the Christ our covenant?  Because in every age, every person who was born after Genesis 3 cannot receive salvation unless it is by Jesus Christ. So, age by age, God gives us the Word of Christ, but instead of the actual words of Christ because He had not yet come, He was giving us the shadow of Christ, and that’s what Noah’s Ark portrayed.

But if you have received this, you have to receive it into your life and you have to enjoy it.  Every time there’s a temptation or a problem, you have hold onto and enjoy the covenant of Jesus Christ. Then, what is the covenant after that?  Proclaiming Jesus Christ is God’s covenant. Isn’t it enough that I received it?  Why do I have to proclaim Jesus Christ? God says He’s going to do it anyway.  But because you understand it that way, that’s why people follow after success, money, food, and then they crumble.  

God spreads the covenant through the one who has the covenant, that’s why God called the Israelites a nation of priests.  So, He has called us to be people who will reconcile others to God; we will connect people to God.  For those who believe and went forward, holding onto this covenant is the one who will save the age. That was Abraham, that was Isaac, and Joseph.  What does the entirety of the Bible talk about?  It is talking about that. 

It is the complete gospel, it is world evangelization.  The Holy Spirit is not just with you, but with you in power.  Everywhere he went, Joseph was weak, but because God’s Spirit was with him, God was able to empower him.  There was no reason for him to be sad, even as a slave, why? Because he had the covenant.  There’s nothing for you to be sad about right now because you have the covenant. 

If you have a bellyache because of fierce competition, it means you don’t have the covenant. If you’re oppressed about the ideas of what you are going to eat or how you are going to survive, it means you don’t have the covenant, because if you have the covenant, it would be everything to you. Then according to your faith and according to the promise, God is going to work.

How am I going to proclaim this gospel? You have to have this plan within your life. The reason you live where you are is because God desires for you to do regional evangelism. “Pastor Park, can you stop talking about this?” Then what shall I talk about? Should I talk about going on tours or going cruising? Or should I talk about making plane reservations to go to Europe? That is not aligned with God. “You have to work diligently,” no, working diligently is only on the level of living as an unbeliever, that’s not what the Bible talks about.

Believing and proclaiming the covenant is the life of the evangelist, and those who are able to do this will be used by God even within the superpower nations. The weak will overcome the strong, that’s the content of the Bible.  The remnant, the ones who remain, will be used by God.  It’s okay if the person is weak because the covenant itself is not weak, because the covenant is something God will work upon; it’s okay for the person to be weak.  It doesn’t matter if you’re weak or old; that’s irrelevant to the covenant.

Do you believe it, though? Are you working and studying through that belief?  Because, if you’re living without that faith, then as you live your life, it may seem great, but when God looks at it, it’s very pitiful.  Shamans and fortunetellers wake up at 4am; do you know how much they pray?  But, with that kind of diligence, do you think you can make God happy? The eliters, the people who have succeeded, how diligently do they live? They live their entire lives so diligently, and only then can they make something of themselves, but with mankind’s diligence, can you really satisfy God? It is only by Christ that God is satisfied with us, and by proclaiming Christ, this is what makes God most happy.

First seek God’s kingdom and righteousness, then everything else will be given to you.  We have been given this blessing of the covenant.  That’s why every day, you have to confirm this covenant. You might find it burdensome when I say Early morning, but too bad, be burdened, come here in the early morning.  Because, even without having lived that day, you already know what it’s going to be like, because you’re holding onto the covenant with faith and you are living accordingly. So, even though you’re going to work, you’re actually thinking about, “What kind of blessings and meetings God has set for me?” That life is what’s important.

If you don’t have this kind of life, then the things that happened in today’s passage will keep coming upon you.  This is not something mankind can resolve to change.  Every day, we have been given life, so every day if we hold onto and proclaim this covenant, we can live a life of victory, why? Because in order to fulfill this covenant, the Holy Spirit will follow this person. Even if you don’t ask for money, God is going to bring money to you.  Even if you don’t ask God to change you, He will know and change you anyway.  Why? Because you are the person to fulfill God’s covenant, so God will continue to work on you.  

So, every day, with faith and hope and belief, we are able to enjoy this kind of blessing God has given us. But let’s say this doesn’t work out for you, then you’re going to worry about how to live.  Or you’re going to keep living your life repetitively and then when your old, you’re going to be tired of your life because everything is the same.  If anything, dogs seem to have it better because they just have to wag their tails and their owners take care of everything for them.  

There are people who won’t go to the hospital because they don’t have insurance, but if they find out their dog is sick, they’ll take their dog to the hospital immediately.  Even though we might not have enough money to get our hair done, they’ll take their dog to the groomers, and they’ll shampoo and condition and do everything for their dogs.  All the dog has to do is to act cute to the owner.  All we have to do is enjoy the covenant, but we do these useless things.  We act as if there’s some other meaning to life; there’s only meaning to life in the covenant. 

Because you’re a child of God, you’ve been given this covenant and you’ll praise Him and live this life proclaiming Jesus Christ; what else are you going to do?  What are you going to do by opening your mouth?  We must enjoy this blessing every day.  It is not that we are barely surviving, but with the faith of a conqueror, in believing that Jesus Christ already has victory, you are stepping on the same Satan that Jesus already stepped on.

Then that person’s facial expressions will be different, and they will go into the world and of course they will be able to discern. “Live a holy life,” what’s a holy life? Is it a holy life if you never get mad? If you try not to get mad, then you might explode even more later. Becoming holy means Jesus is changing my life.  It is not I trying to be patient because that’s just humanism, that’s just a person’s capabilities, but acknowledging that I’m weak, I am going out, holding onto God’s promise, believing that He is going to do it.

You enjoy this continuously, 24 hours.  Then all the illnesses you don’t even know about, the ones you can’t even fight, and all the scars you don’t know about that you can’t even deal with, and even though you don’t dig into these things, all the healing will follow.  But the Isrealites lived a life having lost all of this because of their unbelief, but God gave us this Word because He doesn’t want us to live like that.  

There’s always today, there’s no tomorrow.  Today is the day I can make my covenantal self, and I give the covenant to everyone I meet.  When I cannot convey this, I pray, and if I cannot say the word directly, I just give them the bulletin.  Or you just give them the QR code saying, “Listen to these words.”  Or if the time permits, you give them the Word yourself.  But even if you just think about this, the forces of darkness will flee.  Because for us, even before doing something, it’s about where I’m centered on.  If we just do this, the works where we see things happening will arise.

If for some reason you didn’t do this until this point, just start today and do it tomorrow.  Please have victory.


Father God, we thank You. You grace us with the covenant.  Allow us to live the life of faith where we can be inside the covenant. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

Let’s pray for the region, there’s one thing God needs of us in this region.  God will work upon the one person God needs in that region.  So, it is only Jesus Christ, but God will work upon those who know the answer of only Jesus Christ.  “I am going to be that disciple, please allow me to save that region,” then your family, work, and school are all included in that. Let me be the one to save the 50 states and the 5000 unreached people groups, let me be the ones to save them. When you pray God will transcend time and space, so we shine the light to the 237 nations of the world. Let us pray together.

We had the General Assembly meeting, and two female pastors were appointed. It’s very important, why? Because they weren’t appointed as pastors to do their business but they wanted to proclaim the gospel.  Because if they wanted to do business, they could go get appointed in business however they are doing the work of God, and it’s a very important vision, they have so if it’s someone who holds onto the covenant, it doesn’t matter if it’s male or female.  

Many of the Lord’s servants must arise like this, and you must stay within prayer, why? Because if you don’t want to come to church, you don’t have to come to church, you’re not going to go to hell because of it, but it’s not like that for the Lord’s servants. God will never let them be, and of course, you who are blessed by God isn’t going to let you be, either. But God anointed them with oil because of His mission for them.  A lot of future ministers have to arise through RU like this.  So, let’s pray for the church leaders and pastors so the future generations can arise.  

On Oct. 31, we’re going to have Holy Wind at 5pm.  This is not just an event, but on Halloween, evil spirits work.  You have to know this in order for you to realize what God wants you to do and where God wants you to be.  If you immigrate here and think, “ Halloween is something they do as a part of culture, and you let your children partake in that, then you’re actually not knowing what you’re doing. Even the people who are born in America don’t understand what this is all about.  The reason why people hang up scary things is because they’re trying to ward off evil spirits, but it’s the same in all religions, even Buddhism.

So, at this time, it seems like it’s a celebration, but it’s a time when the evil spirits are concentrated and working.  Whether you know what’s going on or not, this is what’s happening, so for us, it is a day where God works.  At the least, in the region where we live is where the Holy Wind is going to blow. There is nothing to do diligently, it is only by God’s work and that’s going to be on October 31, the last Sunday, at 5pm.  In the back, we have small pamphlets, so invite people with this. Let’s pray together for Holy Wind that it may be a time where the Kingdom of God will be established, the forces of darkness will be bound, and the remnants will arise.  

During the 1st service this past Sunday, the owner of Elim Silver Town came to worship.  So this actually came up with the prayer topics, but I want you to know that Elim Silver Town is a facility where the elderly are and it’s a great field for missions and evangelism, so when you pray, please know this as you pray, because when you pray how onto God’s covenant, God will move everything accordingly so that missions and evangelism can occur, but if you’re not holding onto the covenant then the results are going to follow accordingly. This is the kind of time schedule we’re in.  God is pulling the church in this direction.

Father God, we thank You. Thank You for giving us the covenant of world evangelism.  May You allow us to be the church that is going to save the 237 nations, the 50 states and the 5000 unreached people groups.  Will You allow us to be completely satisfied in Jesus Christ and allow the church member to confess that Jesus Christ is everything.

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unlimited love of God, and the filling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the multiethnics and the remnants, who want to do the work of God and proclaim the gospel, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen  


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