Greatest Fruit – Thessalonica Evangelization (Acts 17:1-9)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Greatest Fruit – Thessalonica Evangelization (Acts 17:1-9)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

The greatest disease in America is, when people don’t feel good, they don’t feel good. Or if they feel good, it’s a good day. That is the way to seize the future generations of America.  But I must change myself and go into this Word because God is moving the entire world through the method of His Word.  God is working in your life through His Word. 

The reason I’m saying this is because I had the thought, will the kids really understand this?  But in order for you to understand this?


You must not see America by the things your teachers in school have taught you, but because you follow and listen to the words you’ve been taught, you’re wrong.

Gen. 3:5 Myself – God

“I’m having a hard time today,” you are being your own god.  You’re in a good mood today? You’re still your own god, and if you don’t understand, you’ll keep getting sucked into that. I’m sure among you, some are reacting by saying, “Pastor, if I don’t like it, then I don’t like it. What are you saying?”  Those words sound honest but it is a state that is seized by Satan.  Regardless of my fields or circumstances or emotions, what is the Word God is giving me?  If you’re not trained to think this way, you’ll always be a slave to America.

The standard is not how you are feeling.  Today’s rainy so you feel like this? That’s not the standard; what is God’s Word? You must look at America according to God’s Word.  Then, you’ll be able to see how much our future generation is seized by Satan. These kids are not wrong. They say words that are physically correct, however, where is the correctness of God’s Word in that?

Gen. 6:4-5 Myself – Benefit

I hope you will believe in God.  Imagine how much you don’t believe in God that you oppose Him at every opportunity. God takes full responsibility, you don’t have to worry.

Gen. 11:1-8 My Success

Let’s say I have a test tomorrow. If going to worship today will impact my test, there’s conflict. Let’s say there’s an important business partner who wants to meet on Sunday. You have to meet this person, then what do you have to do?  Is success your goal? What is your goal?  This must go into the people ever since they’re young.  For us, success is not our goal; living for God’s glory is the purpose of our lives.  Even if you succeed, that’s not true success. If God doesn’t protect you, one day, you’ll lose everything.  You must be able to see the field in every person you meet with these eyes. 

Acts 13 Shamanism, Acts 16 Fortune-Telling, Acts 19 Idol, Transcendental Meditation

How do they do transcendental meditation?  Closing your eyes and listening to music is not transcendental meditation.  Listen carefully, many people are suffering under problems and worries.  How do they change that? With transcendental meditation. “All the things you’re feeling are not the real ‘you,’” they don’t say this is the solution to your problems. This is far beyond Christians who go to church who solve their problems.  “There is a different ‘you,’ a separate, ‘you.’ The true ‘you’ is good, pure, kind, joyful, and has hope. You must find that ‘you.’”  Then healing takes place as you realize, “I must find my true self.”  Even though that is not the gospel, this message changes people in a startling way. 

There is another form of transcendental meditation where they heal people by saying, “You are not the true ‘you,’ but you are connected to the universe; receive the energy of the universe into yourself.” Why is this so aligned with America?  This doesn’t interfere in any way. You have a mat, listen to music, and go into meditation. You don’t even have to go every Sunday, you go whenever you want.  They can do this during work or lunchtime. 

There’s a lot more healing with this than when they went to church.  Whenever they go to church, they keep teaching prayers that satisfy your own greed. The church keeps telling you to pray to get your own success and greed. You will only become more heavy-laden and burdened, and if something happens, you’re in an uproar, thinking you’ve received answers.  Then when you go to church, it seems low-class so churches keep closing down.  The correct word isn’t being relayed, then what happens? It would be great if they could receive Christ’s healing as they go into transcendental meditation, but they cannot. 


You think you’re smart but we have no choice but to make stupid decisions because of our greed. It’s the same with transcendental meditation, it seems like we’re healed at first, the scars of your past are healed, “There’s another different ‘me,’ there’s a true ‘self,’ this is great,” so you go into transcendental meditation, but Satan sends seven demons stronger than the first to go into that person.  But people doing transcendental meditation don’t know this. 

This holds onto the elites.  Once these elites receive demon-possession, spiritual power, Satan works through the elites.  This happens in conjunction with churches closing down.  But if you’re living without knowing this, you’re going to church without knowing this, what does that mean?  It means you don’t know the mission of why you need to believe or live. If you do not see the field of America without the Word of God, you see incorrectly.

6 Snares

John 8:44

“If I do this, it will be to my advantage,” but your characteristic is your greed.  Once you go for your own greed and not God’s glory, you’ll be trapped by Satan your entire life.  Your greed is trying to be like God.

Exodus 20:3-5 Curse

Students who study science will say, “The earthquake in Turkey and Syria is the right time,” but they do not know the Word of God that says there will be earthquakes and famines in the end times.  If you don’t see the Word, your circumstances will go into your life as fear.  California also has a fault line, there is a fault line underneath you.  When this fault line becomes active, you’ll face the same reality, so what are you so confident about?  You have a fake sense of peace because you think nothing like this would happen to you, but what about people in Turkey or Syria? Are they stupid? Why do these things happen? It is related to the idols and the curses.  If you don’t see this but you listen to scientists, you will be half right and half wrong.  Even now, if God moves the great fault line underneath California, we will suffer just like that.  However, if you look at the Bible, God says He will not rain down disasters upon the places where there are people whom God desires to relay this gospel.  We are not living here just to make money and get a job; we are living here for the greater job of raising disciples. 

Matthew 11:28-30

We are completely seized by Satan, and there’s only one medicine. The only medicine that can liberate us from the devil. But the world keeps lying, “It will work if you do this or that,” and you listen to those lies and keep spending money. I’m not telling you to not make money.  I have a few friends who are doctors. It is a business for them.  I had a two-day procedure that was spread out through two months.  Right now, doctors and pharmacists are divided. In the past, whatever the doctor prescribed would be given.  What kind of drugs did they prescribe?  A lot of these drug companies lobby the doctors and give money, so it’s about their own benefit.

Judges will make judgments based on who gives them more money. If you don’t know this, you’ll be so disappointed in the world, but that’s of no use.  Even if someone pretends to not be like this, they go in the direction.  It may seem they’re not like this on the outside, but later on, they’re uncovered as someone like that.

Everyone lives for their own benefit, you must know this when you look at the world.  Otherwise, one day, you’ll confirm this by some incident happening. Don’t talk about justice; whatever you think is right but if someone offends you, you don’t think about that.  If someone has offended you, you should be just.  But instead, if somebody hurts their feelings, instead of being just, you hurt their feelings. 


Our mental state struggles so much as we study to be successful. You’re stressed on top of that because you think you can’t succeed? It’s over for you. These kids grow up stressed; what will happen when they’re adults? They never learn what studying really is.  They’ve been taught that if they don’t study, their lives are over.  God is your background, regardless of your studies. Study as much as you can.  But people study so much and they get mental problems.  They have no choice but to touch drugs. Because they’re in this kind of mental state, you can’t communicate with them.

Acts 8 Physical Illness

There are so many diseases in the Bible. There are many like this around you. They go to the hospital and cannot be diagnosed.  Why? They are seized by Satan’s snares, or there’s a problem or disease of constant powerlessness.  Someone wants to be motivated to accomplish something but that’s a disease as well, a disease of powerlessness.  It’s a result of being seized by the devil.  If you see the field like this, you can analyze it quickly.

Hebrews 9:27 Eternal Suffering

Matthew 27:25 Future Generation

You must be prepared in this before you go out.  If you don’t know the truth and the Word of God, you’ll see incorrectly. When you meet someone, you won’t understand.  See someone through the Word of God.  On the outside, people package themselves in education. Do not be deceived. The reason why kids suffer is because they’re deceived.  These kids package themselves with makeup, they package themselves with plastic surgery. I’m not saying these things are bad. It’s great to be pretty for the gospel. The more tempting you are, the better.  The real problem is we’re trying to package ourselves.

Are you guys able to discern that? If you’re dating someone, can you really see them?  A lot of celebrities are very different compared to middle and high school and the present day.  Imagine how much they changed themselves with plastic surgery that they look completely different. I’m not saying doing it is bad; do it, and plastic surgeons make money as well. But are you doing it to hide yourself? What are you doing it for? If possible, it’s best if you’re attractive without it, like me, I’m a natural beauty, but you’re seeing the outer things without seeing God’s Word.

Some teachers are psychos.  Instead of saying that they’re psycho, look at them like this and realize why you’re in that class. “I have to pray for this psycho teacher in my class.”  Without seeing this, you’ll be deceived and influenced by what you see with your eyes.  When you guys forum throughout the week, forum with these words, about the people you see in the world.  Without knowing this, it’s of no use. You may have salvation but you’ll suffer.  If you live in the world, you must correctly see the problem of the world, but you’ll never be able to see it, so you’re always confused, beaten up by the world. I’m a believer, but I’m always beaten up. If anything, I’m betrayed by my family.

I heard that when a child turned 18, they said, “Thank you for raising me. I’m out. I’m cutting you off.”  Why are kids able to say that to their parents?  The parents planted that into them.  The exact same fruits are borne in this way. It doesn’t matter how much you cry or lament.  They’re only your kids when you can do what you want with them, but later on, they move according to their own conscience or will. That’s why you must teach them this, the inner state of man and why we need Christ.

You must teach them why they need Christ. Going to church is not what’s important. Believe in Christ, and what happens if you don’t believe. If you don’t, then you fall into this, but if you do believe, you’ll escape from this and enjoy the blessings from God.  Jesus Christ, in today’s scripture, prepared His disciples in this and commissioned them out into the world. He commissioned them out into the world with the eyes to see this.

In Matthew 10, the disciples still struggled because this is before Jesus Christ died on the cross.  For us, we have the Holy Spirit within us as Jesus Christ died on the cross. If you run a business without knowing this, you cannot run your business. Know this to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  To fight a battle, you must know the opponent. It’s the same with soccer, but to win the tournament, you must know the opponent’s strategies to win. Receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit according to the problems of the person you’re talking to.

Ever since you’re in elementary school, you’ve come here to eat and survive in the world, but in the world, you’re not able to survive at all. It’s a shock so you lose all your strength.  “This isn’t like my mom and dad or the people in church,” but you grow up sheltered. The world is filled with wolves and you go in. What happens if a sheep goes into the den of wolves? They cannot fight to win.  Satan prepares 12 strategies to devour you; that is the reason Jesus told us to be crafty as serpents but gentle as doves, but without knowing the spiritual state, you’ll say useless things, “Do I have to receive training and do this or not?” What are those person’s thoughts? They liked that they received salvation and have assurance in going to heaven, but?


This is just the truth.  Your parents are sad, but they hide their sadness from you.  Don’t be deceived.  Even if they don’t have money, they pretend they’re strong and have money. Don’t be deceived. Parents outside of Jesus Christ, outside of the guidance of the Holy Spirit, have no choice but to be like this.  That’s how you can understand.  Otherwise, any consideration you give is for your own benefit and you pretend to be humble for your own benefit.  I’m sorry but you cannot be humble.

Everyone is always lying, they do not stand before God.  Stand before God and say, “I cannot do this,” but they package themselves as if they are something great.  But later on, they have an emptiness inside of them. 

Mission, Commission

This is the standard of the gospel.  When God bought you, He gave you a mission.  If you don’t think you have a mission, you’re trapped in Gen. 3, 6, and 11.  You’re in a state that is trapped in the state of the unbelievers without a mission.  God didn’t call us for fun; if that were the case, He could send us to heaven.  Why did He allow you to live in America?  He has a mission to heal and save people who are demon-possessed and diseased. “I’m too busy studying,” but you’re studying for that work. That’s studying while holding onto the covenant. 


Without this authority, the devil destroys us.  The devil has no authority over us anymore but he does deceive us.  People who don’t know this say the same thing, “Life is hard,” but I laugh because not even nonbelievers say that. they must receive training to at least say, “Life is not hard.”  I’m sorry, maybe I received special forces training, but I’m a little stronger. If someone has a hard time, I cannot empathize, but that’s how God made me.  Some pastors say, “Oh, you’re having a hard time?” They’ll cry with them.  But if someone tells me they’re having a hard time, I say, “Why are you having a hard time?” Even unbelievers blink back tears and go strong.  Then I look at why they struggle and it’s so childish.  They struggle with something so petty. I don’t even know what to say. I want to hit them in the back of the head.  Even my kid.  “I have a hard time because that person said something to me,” but why did you pay attention to them?

Should I give you the answer? You’re really struggling because you’re being your own god. You’re lying to yourself. You’re having a hard time because you’re in the seat of God.  If you are not in the seat of God, it means you are praying to God, then you receive answers, but you keep lying to yourself, then I cannot even pray for them.  God sent you out into the world with a mission to save the world.  Whether you understand or not, it is the truth of the gospel with these answers.  Without this, you struggle with the 12 states of the nonbeliever.  Then nobody around you can help you. Your parents cannot even help you as they cannot change how you feel. The Holy Spirit of God gives you peace within your soul. Nothing else can help you.  Church members help you to stand up, but in reality, people cannot help you. Not even my parents could help me.

I cannot even help my daughter, you have to know this well.  Only God can really help you.  “Helping you” doesn’t mean He will give you materials or money, but if you face fear and depression, how will your parents help you with that? There’s no help we can have other than the Holy Spirit of God, guiding our hearts and minds. 

“I’m so young,” but Joseph understood when he was young, that God sent him to Egypt, it wasn’t his brothers who sold him.  When the Holy Spirit moves, no reason to misunderstand. There are separate kids upon whom the Holy Spirit works, and you guys are bound to understand as well. Even if you’re tormented right now, you scratch your head but you cannot understand. Are you stronger or the Holy Spirit within you stronger?  You are I are missionaries, do you understand?  “I’m a college student, elementary student; my parents cannot help me,” but God has sent you in order to save people who are going through difficulties. 

“I have no strength,” look at Joseph.  “Whom can we find who is filled with the Spirit of God like this man?” That’s wisdom, everything is in that.

Given Freely

I don’t need anyone to help me; God helps me.  You are not working to get something in return; everything you get is for God; but everything you do is to help and save others. That was Rockefeller. It doesn’t matter what people say about him, he raised the most churches and schools.  That was only possible because God gave him the strength.  He didn’t do that so he could make a living.  He ran his business so that through his business, he could save the churches and future generations. Even now, on the East Coast, there are churches that don’t have to pay taxes, and that’s because God gave him this power.

Worthy, Peace

Normal believers will find saving others they meet to be the easiest, most fulfilling and enjoyable thing.  You think evangelism is hard because it’s imprinted to be hard.  Evangelism is the easiest thing; this is God’s method. I’m not saying to evangelize to everyone, but when you see them, you’ll see the signs where God prepares them.  No reason to say anything else.  It’s only difficult because you’re talking about Jesus to a Muslim. Talk about peace. “I had this but now I’m like this,” and the person had the same problem, they ask, “What is that?” The Lord even told us the method for evangelism, so why is evangelism so hard? 

Is the Lord wrong, or am I wrong?  You think America evangelism is hard?  Then my relationship with God is too difficult.  Evangelism and I must have an easy relationship for me and God to have an easy relationship. This must go into the future generation while they are young.  That person will suffer more greatly than in Sodom and Gomorrah. 

When you go out, whether they accept is not up to us.  But the correct gospel must be relayed at least once. We do that in today’s world, today’s media.  God opened up the age of YouTube and media, not for your comfort, but to spread the gospel throughout the world. We run our businesses with this to proclaim the gospel.

God did not open YouTube to watch it all night long and say, “This is great,” God opened the age of YouTube so all the people of the world can hear this gospel.  If you only know half of human history, you cannot interpret the words that are happening in this age. You need to know the works of God and the history of the church, combined with the principles of the world.

After the printing press, the Bible was disseminated throughout the world. After coronavirus, the gospel was spread at an unprecedented rate, and businesspeople can ride the online wave for their business. That is the team Paul’s team was commissioned out for in Thessalonica. They relayed the answer to these problems.  Explain the gospel logically and factually. Why do I have to believe in Jesus?  Americans use Jesus Christ as a swear word, “God, oh my God,” I hear “God” all the time, but they’ve never received the necessity of Jesus Christ, why we must believe in Jesus and what happens if we don’t.

If you don’t believe this is what happens; but if you do believe, these are the blessings.  Relay this at least once, and if you cannot do this with your words, use the YouTube link.  People think, “I have to go and personally tell them,” but can you go throughout the world? It was possible when, in Paul’s age, because there was a smaller population of humans.  But now, the human population is so large. How many people can you meet in your life?  You shouldn’t think thoughts that aren’t aligned with the age; receive the answers of the age.  You will only receive answers if you have the thoughts to give influence to the 237 nations. 


Ever since you’re young, pray for Temple Construction. If you think it’s a waste, I’m telling you that it’s in the Bible and from personal experience, you think giving offering is a waste, then you’ll experience what a waste is. All your money belongs to the Lord. Ever since you’re young, give offering and pray for that.  David prayed for that ever since he was young.  I am not my parent’s child, I’m a child of God, I have my own blessings.  Pray, otherwise you’ll be a slave to finances. God does this on purpose and makes it like this until you realize.  Ever since you’re young, give your offering, praying for Temple Construction and 237 evangelism.

At the end of the year, my daughter came with a piggy bank and she filled it with coins and she said, “It’s for Temple Construction.” How much do you think is in there? Throughout the year, she gave her offering for Temple Construction in a way that is appropriate for her.  Of course, God would receive it, and when God pays you back, you can’t even imagine. That’s up to God.  God decides which way the fish swim. No matter how much you cast your net, you can’t catch any fish. But if Jesus says to cast your net on this side, you’ll have so much fish your nets will rip.

God has prosperity, poverty, life, and death in His hands. 


God, we thank You. May You work upon us so that we may enjoy Temple Construction and saving the 237 nations and the future generations. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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