Gospel, Word, Prayer, Evangelism, Missions

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Gospel, Word, Prayer, Evangelism, Missions

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Esther Han

When you know the Gospel, the Word, Prayer, Evangelism, and Missions, everything will come to you, so I hope you’re able to enjoy this kind of blessing.

What is the gospel? It is about being liberated from one place into another.

Where was I? I was in sin.


What is sin? Not believing in God and leaving God is sin.  But if you talk about sin from a worldly perspective, you cannot understand it, and people conclude that they have no sin, but sin is when, spiritually, you have left God and this unbelief makes you leave God.  This isn’t something that comes all of a sudden;


Satan tempts you first.  We don’t really sin because of Satan; we sin because we don’t believe.


Then we have no choice but to fall into the background of hell, into the world. But this talks about our spiritual state.


Through Christ, we have been rescued from this place. What did Christ do?  He rescued us from these three problems: Jesus Christ is the one who died for us, so we no longer pay the price for sin.

Child of God (Finished)

Being rescued from here, we become children of God, and that’s what it means for it to be finished. You are a child of God, so for 24 hours until eternity, God takes responsibility over you.  Even in the midst of hardship, God will take the responsibility and move you.


But you cannot see these spiritual problems, yet they manifest in a visible way. It comes out as “me-centeredness,” then what would happen?  You being alive is a problem because you’re self-centered, and the state of being within these three spiritual states manifests in self-centeredness.  “My thoughts are correct,” and you keep thinking of yourself.  Unbelievers live like this.  For us, even when we’ve been rescued, we keep going in this direction and we leave God.  So, we have no choice but to be a branch that bears no fruit. Yet, we’ve already been saved from this sin, and salvation is unchangeable.  However, our spiritual state changes.  That’s why our spiritual state changes into one that is like an unbeliever, because if we have unbelief, it means that we are spiritually separated from God.  Even though we are saved children of God, we live apart from God, then Satan will seize you, why? You are consumed by your own thoughts.


You’re centered on money so you worry because your spiritual state is seized.  You’re living your life for physical and everyday possessions, how you’re going to live.


These are all traps laid out by Satan.


People choose religion and go to church, but it’s religion and cannot change your state, but religion is idol worship where you live for yourself.  People do transcendental meditation because they just think they have to let go of themselves and their greed.  You are trapped within this inescapable frame, enslaved by Satan. You worship idols and suffer mentally as you have left God, so Satan messes with them. Then there are also physical diseases and problems with your children.  Then, breathing and living become hard as well; your own ideologies exist within you.  Only money, only success, that is why we end up dying. 

What is salvation?

Salvation is coming out of these three states and being with God.  My old state is completely ended; I am now with God.  These three fundamental problems lead to the 12 life problems, but I am a child of God.  But that is why we must understand and proclaim the gospel accurately. I’ve been saved, but I keep going back to my old nature, I keep leaving God.  A child of God should be able to hold onto God’s Word and pray, but because we don’t have this, and we hold onto our own thoughts, we live for physical things to survive and win.  This is our lifestyle. Without understanding, enjoying, and relaying the gospel, the church will die.

What is Prayer?

  1. Take all your problems to God, because God is going to answer you according to what He needs.  God is not someone who fulfills our desires; He fulfills our needs.  Would a parent give a car to a five year old? No, and it’s for the child’s benefit.  Prayer is taking all of this to God in prayer.
  2. Need X. You realize you don’t need it. You pray and realize it’s irrelevant.  If you enjoy God being with you, you realize you don’t need anything.
  3. Word.  Then, the Word will come upon you, the mission will be given to you.  That is why we hold onto the Word and pray. 
  4. 24 Hours.  Prayer isn’t just at the church; you hold onto the Word and pray continuously, then for 25 hours, you’ll receive this prayer.  You have to enjoy and know prayer properly, but some cannot pray, why?  Their spiritual state is completely gripped by themselves, and they pray out of greed, and of course, that’s part of how it works, but whether you pray from your greed or not, the most important part is prayer. Forget your thoughts; just pray and take everything to God, then eventually you will realize you need nothing else, and it’s rightful.  But people cannot pray at all, so you need to know properly. If God’s Word comes upon you, you can pray about it all week, 24 hours.  Some people say we need to pray with diverse prayers and switch up their prayers a little? Those people don’t pray, they are not holding onto the Word, so it’s difficult to receive answers.  Do you think Joseph held onto diverse words?  Did David hold onto different words? No, they held onto the God-given Word.  David heard, “You are going to be the king.”  That’s it.  When problems came, “I’m going to be king.” When King Saul went against him, “I’m going to be king.”  That is how he was able to overcome all of King Saul’s attacks.  But for people who don’t have the Word come upon them, “Oh, Saul is attacking me! He’s too much!” and they pray about that.  But for you, you realize it doesn’t matter. This answer must come upon you, then ultimately, God’s Word comes upon you and fulfills the mission.  Then, you’ll receive the answer of 24 hours.
  5. 25 Hours. The 24 hours isn’t referring to a time, but you’re always holding onto the Word. If you continuously think about the Word, that is prayer and the word will be fulfilled.  You believe and have faith because He gave you the Word, and then you will receive the answer of 25 hours where the authority of heaven comes upon us.


Some hold onto very specific words, so instead of thinking about the word God gave, they will nitpick and choose words that match with them. They’ll hold onto the Word about what the pastor said and were beneficial to them, so that is why you have to understand the background of the word. 

1. Background

What is the background of that Word?  What is the Lord trying to say through this Word? If someone is trying to say something to you, there’s a background that you need to know for you to understand them.  Let’s say for example, a member in the congregation said, “Hey Pastor, wear a mask because of the coronavirus,” but if I don’t understand the background, I’ll get offended, “Why are you saying this?” even though the person may be wanting to protect me.  Instead of holding onto the Word as it is, we hold onto what we want, but we need to understand. 

So, when I tell you to read the main passage before coming to worship, that’s what we’re talking about. So, even though someone said something to me, that’s being interpreted from your own experiences.  For example, if someone doesn’t understand the pandemic, they won’t understand an order to wear your mask.  They may simply comply and wear the mask, but they don’t know why. When God gives you the Word, there is a purpose and goal behind the Word, so you must understand the background, and that is why you look before and after the passage, because it’s easy to understand that way.

If you talk to someone with an hour, but if you only hold onto one word from the middle, you will have misunderstandings and can’t do anything and you won’t be able to study.  It’s the same thing with the Word. 

2. Stream

You need to know the background to see the stream and apply the Word properly to your life.  Because people don’t understand the stream of the word, they hold onto strange things and that’s why people can’t overcome the Shin Chun Jee religion.  That’s why the Shin Chun Jee religion comes in, and they hold onto strange words.  What kind of people become Shin Chun Jee?  Professors and nurses and actors, because they just memorize things and recite them.  So, they cannot discern the beginning and the end.  For people who study humanities and philosophy will look at something holistically, do you understand?  That is why it’s important for you to learn the accurate background.

Look at Moses, “Go apply the blood.”  If you didn’t know the Word with the right background, you’d be confused.  “The pastor said to apply the blood so we’ll do that!”  Some people live their walk of faith like this.  People are enslaved to Egypt, so with that background, God gave the Word to apply the blood, but people put blood on their doors to get blessings. That’s how people fall into heresies.  Ultimately, they fall into this because they don’t know the Word of the Bible.  

If you’re able to see the beginning, middle, and end of the Word, they can know the background.  For example, if people know the Word about the vine in the Bible, they’ll connect that vine and make strange connections, but I think those are people who don’t study very much.  Those who know the entire story recognize what’s going on.  America today didn’t all of a sudden become America; you have to look at the history. 

3. Future

Then you can see that these words will be fulfilled in the future.  America has the same background as Rome.  With this background, Paul gave the Word in Romans 16.  Within that background, you have to understand the Word, but people are trying to memorize it.  Background.  The church that became colonized. The churches colonized by America. Right? You have to see the background. Even if you have a house and education and live a good life, you are still living the life of a slave. Even if people live in the world, they cannot see this.  That is why Jesus explained about true blessings.  “Is it really a blessing if you’re still a slave under these people?” In order for you to recognize a true blessing, you have to understand the background and the stream to apply the Word to yourself.

The Israelites had been colonized by Rome, and their lives may have been more comfortable, but is that a blessing?  Look at the American churches and multi-ethnic churches, how do the messages come out?  Everyone is talking about how God wants us to live diligent, sincere lives, but they don’t understand that they are seized spiritually.  They’re in a state where they should be able to save Rome, but instead, they are just complacent holding onto Jesus Christ.  The priests lived good lives, and megachurch pastors have so much wealth, but they don’t see the dying souls.  What’s the extent of people’s beliefs? They see what’s happening to America and don’t realize what God is doing, so they hold onto the word incorrectly while being Satan’s slaves.  They themselves think they’re doing a good job, but their eyes are shut.

Do you think Jesus was crazy in Matthew 5?  You have to understand the background.  But instead of understanding the background, people think they have to let go of all their possessions to be blessed.  What does Hebrews say about Moses?  He rejected the comforts of being known as the Pharaoh’s daughter while his fellow Hebrews were slaves. “Why should I live like this, a slave in Egypt?” But we live for these things, so what happens if your eyes aren’t opened? Then you are going to receive Egypt’s disasters, and everywhere you go, you’ll be hit by disasters.  Why? Because there has never been a time when the Word has been relayed. Whose fault is that? The pastor; the Word must be relayed.

How will your eyes be opened?  You will see the future.  If you know this, any congregant can do the Word movement.  But without knowing this, you can run around, but you must know your motives.  The way to hide your motives is to hold onto specific words of the pastor.  What’s the background of the Word?  With the content of the message, he may be going a completely different way, but there is a background of the Word.  This means that, even if it’s the same word, it’s going in a different direction depending on the person.


Work, Studies

People misunderstand evangelism, but you evangelize through your work. People misunderstand that only great and courageous people can evangelize, but they don’t understand why God has given us our work and studies. Through this, God will use us to save others, but because people don’t understand this, they do evangelism that cannot continue.

Spiritual Summit

Acts 1:8.  It means you’re at the top, receiving the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Is that hard?  God said He will give it to you, so hold onto it and pray.  “Everything is so difficult,” but this is promised to you, and you will receive power and strength.  Within this, the skill summit where you can be a witness, because my work has to receive an answer from the spiritual summit. 

Skill Summit

But if I think my work  only pertains to  my lifestyle and my living, things don’t work out.  We think so much about our talents, but we can’t connect them to our lives.  Why do we have skills? 

Culture Summit

You will stand as a witness in front of the world and give them an answer as the spiritual summit.  Evangelism is giving the answer of Christ to help people escape from the 12 problems.  But if you cannot evangelize, you don’t understand.  Evangelism is the spiritual summit, and the skill and cultural summit follow. But because you don’t understand evangelism, people want to quit their jobs and evangelize and go to seminary, but those people cannot evangelize because they do not understand evangelism.   Rightfully, within my God-given Word, these things follow. 

If you always complain and do a terrible job, people will look down on you because you don’t have the spiritual summit.  To be the spiritual summit, to have summit time, that’s important.  But instead, we watch TV, why? Because it makes us feel content, but that’s why work is difficult for us.  We have to be able to overturn the culture of the world, but we fall into the TV culture.

Finances, People

In the work you are doing, God will give you the answers because it’s something God prepared so you can save people in your field.  There are finances and people. We must give our finances to this work, and through our skills, we must give the answers to people, then the culture will change.  The 12 disasters and curses will change.  That’s the flow.  With one person, the flow can change.  Evangelism. 


What is missions?  It is God’s plan pertaining to all the world.  The three summits.  For us to do missions, God must work within us, however, we are evangelizing to a different culture. It’s a promise to go to all nations and make disciples.  Of course, we have missions to go to other places, but everyone comes to America, so we can do missions like this.  God didn’t just say to heal Korean people, but to heal all nations, and when He said save the future generations, it pertains to all nations.  This is our church.  But if you don’t understand our church, you don’t understand missions and evangelism, so you think it’s enough to read the Bible on your own.  Then, to those people, working will be difficult.  When finances are hard, they’ll get lost because God has no reason to give the blessing of finances.  He won’t make you starve to death, but it will be very difficult.

The Antioch Church was able to help the world in a famine, but why did they have the blessing of finances? Because they were a church that needed to send Paul and Barnabas and other missionaries, so God blessed that church.  Antioch Mission Church must continuously raise disciples, right?  And that’s why God raised disciples and the future generations and we have to heal people. We must teach them about prayer and the summit, that is why God is giving us the answer of temple construction. That is why we have to listen to the Word with an unshaken prayer.

Through Paul and the Antioch Church, the doors of evangelism opened to Macedonia, and that is us, because the Word God promised then is being fulfilled right now.  Go to all nations and make disciples, “But that is irrelevant to me,” Then you are irrelevant to God and you’ll be disciplined by God.  Because of your stubbornness, God will break it down.  God may give people cancer, like my mom who never wanted to believe in God, but she became so sick and she had to turn to God.

God gave the vision of what heaven and hell is like, where people wore black on one side and choir robes on the other. Even Deacon Ted got encephalitis from undercooked pork, and he saw a similar vision.   “Am I going to hell?  I don’t want to go there,” but I told him, “If you believe in Jesus Christ, you’ll go to heaven.  You must have success in worship and have the Word,” and he was so strengthened by those words.  When he couldn’t make it to church, someone made him some soup and he got better.  In terms of marriage, in order to talk about raising remnants, I’m talking about my family line.  God is going to pull people to you for the sake of missions. When you know about these five things, everything will come to you, so I hope you’re able to enjoy this kind of blessing.


God we thank You. May you help us to understand, enjoy, and relay these five things. In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, amen.


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