Gospel and Prayer (Acts 2:1-4)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Gospel and Prayer (Acts 2:1-4)

With the prayer, we are now opening up our Oceania Remnant Conference.  In Oceania, we have many of our good remnants, and many of our good leaders, so we’re going to delve [even] more deeply into the message than last time.  Simply put, it is the overall conference, but we’re going into the message targeting more the disciples.  In one sense, it may even be a message our leaders need to hear.  How can we save Oceania?

Oceania? (Acts 18:1-4) “Gospel and Prayer”

How can we save Oceania?  In order to save Rome, we saw Paul went into the Synagogue, Acts 18.  How can we save this?  It’s the gospel and prayer.  It’s not just the gospel and not just prayer, but the gospel and prayer.  Only this can save Oceania.

Yes, we do need to listen to people, there’s no way you can’t listen to them, but my key to success is that I just listen to them for five minutes and end it there.  Even if you’re a fool, if you pray for it for 5 minutes, you’ll find the answer and the rest will follow automatically.  Many people, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, they keep placing other things inside of them.  Not only did the answers to prayer not come, but rightfully, problems came. They don’t know this very well.

If you continue to receive stress starting now, your body will change.  At first you may be okay, but it influences all your cells.  At first you may be okay, you might be okay right now, but one day, all of a sudden, your body is going to be diseased. It’s the same thing spiritually.  Especially, our remnants have to be careful, because what goes into you now will not come out.  The ideology and studies that go into you during your remnant years will not go out of you.  In one sense, you live with that for the rest of your lives.  I can’t emphasize enough how important these remnant conferences and meetings are; Paul staked his life on it.

We say, “The Gospel and Prayer,” but almost all the people say that.  “Prayer is just communicating with God, or it is spiritual breathing,” there are many things we need to consider.  What happens if we can’t communicate with someone? You need to fight with them and you’ll always have division and conflicts.  But what happens if that takes place spiritually?  That means you lack prayer. Spiritually you’ll always have division and conflicts, then what’s going to happen? 

A long time ago, I went to Daegu, and on the plane, there was someone who wanted to go with me, so he sat next to me.  He just couldn’t talk, so he himself said, “I’m in the last stage of lung cancer.” He was gasping and was barely able to breathe or speak.  I thought, “It was very difficult for him to breathe.”  But almost all Christians are living their walk of faith that way because they don’t know how to pray. Forget about evangelism, they can’t even breathe properly. 

If your breathing is shallow physically, at least you can get an oxygen mask, but there’s no countermeasure if you can’t breathe spiritually.  Our remnants throughout the nation and the world must breathe properly.

Acts 2:1-4

People do many things well, but first of all, let me draw this first and go into it.

Gospel 1, 3, 8, Liberation, ChildPrayer 3, 9, 3
Need NothingNothing is a Problem

What is the gospel?  It’s being completely liberated with the power of Only Christ, the Kingdom of God, and the Holy Spirit.  The summary of the gospel is the Triune God, you’re liberated and become a child of God. When the darkness is completely broken, you realize the gospel and you need nothing else.  Other things are things you save; they are not things that I need.  You should need everything such that you can save everything. That’s when everything ends.  Honestly, is there anything more important than Christ, God’s Kingdom, and the working of the Holy Spirit? There isn’t. Prayer is enjoying this.

Prayer 3, 9, 3

Knowing and enjoying are different.  Here, the Triune God with the power of the Throne gives you the answer to save the age.  All your past, present, and future.  If instead of this, you have the things of the world and you’re worried, what will happen to your spiritual state? It’s not that you perish later on or immediately but you’re in darkness; you’ve already been condemned. He said that to Nicodemus.  You don’t know when it’s going to erupt because you’re already in darkness, so it’s just a matter of time before you fall over or fall into a pit.

Need Nothing, Nothing is a Problem

If you know the gospel, you need nothing else. Only then can you save everything else. In order to come to this answer, prayer must take place, and when prayer takes place, nothing is a problem, why? Because prayer is taking place, and you have this, then you can save all things.  It’s not a problem for me.  If Esther did something wrong, all I have to do is help her, then she will realize.  But if I keep on chasing after her and nitpick at her flaws, she can’t realize.  As I help her and stay at her side, she will receive greater grace. That’s God’s will, then what can be a problem? There is an answer to all problems.

You must understand this during your remnant years, and if you do, you will conquer the world. It’s very important.  Our Oceania remnants and remnants around the world, find your answer here. “When will this person quit? When will this person leave?” There wasn’t anything happening but I said, “Treat them well because they’re going to leave.”  He said, “Okay.”  I had meals with them because I knew it wasn’t going to work with them. Those who won’t go long with you must be treated well. Only then will they go out and not be mental problems.

A few years later, a problem erupted and they left; their future is the biggest problem, why? They don’t know the gospel.  Just wait.  Even Jesus told us to wait.  You need to know the gospel and prayer in order to save Oceania.  You must remember this, it’s the most important words in the Bible. We see how the seven remnants receive answers through this.

“Because the LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want.”  Were there really no inadequacies in David’s life? There were.  Later on, he had nothing to eat, he was on the run, so he even ate the bread in the Temple.  Did he not have any problems?  If you nitpick, if that’s the sure path to becoming a king, he had no problems.  It’s a sure fact that you’re the main figures to do world evangelization, and there’s nothing else you need. 

I had 30 workers next to me, but they all left, but not a single one of them knew this so God had to strike them down so they could leave elsewhere.  I couldn’t strike them down; God did it.  One really didn’t listen in Busan, and he himself probably doesn’t realize how tremendous that is.  He took all the precious materials and put his name on them, and he’s disseminating them. It makes no sense.  He took all my lectures, put his name on it, and his organization is using it.  I don’t criticize but I feel sorry for them.  In the name of his publishing company, he published all those books in his name. I wasn’t interested in money at all so I didn’t realize he was doing that.  The workers around me were worried, so they called me to meet with him.

“If you sell this on your own, what will happen?”  Back then, there were so many people gathered together that there were many people gathering in line and we sold so many books and made so much money, he wanted to take it all.  “You can’t do that, you have to manage it within our headquarters, and we’ll use the leftovers for missions.” His slogan is “only gospel,” but he’s not praying and talking about “only prayer.”  He’s breaking things because he pounds on them so hard.  Pastors are so moved by that, they ask him to speak at their churches.  He isn’t sincerely, earnestly praying.  As soon as I told him to count up the money, he did a 180, and then he passed away in six months.

Remnants, as you grow older, you have to be cautious of that.  Nothing can be a problem; if there is a problem? “There are so many things I need,” God will give it to you when you need it. Are you going against God?  God prepared it all and has given it to you in His time; are you going against God?  Come to this answer.  Before we go into the content, in order to save Oceania, you have to be a child of God, set free from the darkness with the power of the throne.  These aren’t my words, these are Jesus’ words.

Introduction – System (Imprint, Root, Nature)

If that’s correct, our remnants need to make this system. It must become yours. Simply put, what do we mean by “System”?  You have to make this your imprint, root, and nature.  High class remnants in Oceania, God will use you because that was given by God. 

1. 7 Remnants – “Spiritual State” (Genesis 41:38)

What was the base or standard of the seven remnants? They themselves didn’t know, but God gave it to them. They didn’t think about what to do, but God gave it to them and they enjoyed it. Whether good or bad things happened, their spiritual state was important. In Joseph, even unbelievers acknowledged it.  “I have only the gospel,” but people don’t see that.  “I’m only the gospel and only Christ,” but when others look at you and say, “That’s not it,” something’s wrong.  An unbeliever looked at him and said, “You are filled with the Spirit of God, I’ve never seen anybody like you before. Take responsibility for our nation.”

He didn’t put this on his resume; the king appointed him directly. These days, the President appoints someone and there are still worries about that, but back then, the king said a word and that was it.  There were no votes, it was that king.  The king said he was so amazed, and he confessed “The LORD God” with his own lips.  Whether it’s right or wrong, whether you like it or not, what’s important is your spiritual state.  This is very important.

2. Three Things – Thoughts, Body, Soul

Ultimately, this is determined by your spiritual state.  All those listening to the Oceania message, remember that there will be things happening in your church, but don’t lose hold of your spiritual state.  You’re saying the right words but if you lose hold of your spiritual state, then you are wrong.  People who came out of Egypt said correct things, “If we’re not careful, we will die in the wilderness.  If we were back in Egypt, we had good meals.  We have nothing in the land,” these were right.  “Why are we going to Canaan, and when we get there, will we be able to overcome those mighty nations there?  All this happened because we met the wrong leader.”  Everything they said was correct, but their spiritual state was dead.

Of the ones who came out and understood well, there was Joshua and Caleb.  “Just as God spoke to Moses, God will be with us, the LORD told us we will go in, so we just have to go. Whether we live or die along the way, that’s not up to us; we just go.”  Remnants, listen very well, in one sense, you don’t even have to write it down; just hold to the covenant.

Three things must come together to be an answer to prayer.  We have our thoughts, body, and we can see our body but we can’t see our thoughts.  God’s Spirit.  My Spirit.  When these three things come together as one, that is prayer.  Our thoughts as well as our bodies are connected to the brain, and our spirits are lifted up to God. This is prayer.

1) Prayer ß Three Things

That’s why there’s three things we must keep in mind when we pray.  With these three things, you must enjoy them in prayer.  My thoughts, my spiritual state, my body, prayer must take place that way.  In our bodies, of course our activities are very important, but what gets connected is our breathing.  Prayer takes place, it’s so comfortable and joyous.  The moment I got up this morning until now, I continue to pray and it’s so wonderful.  You are praying with these three things.  You have your body.  You have to go to church with your body.  There’s only one thing you control with your body, how you breathe and move, so use it for prayer. What’s important is our spirit. We pray with that.  Conversely?

2) Three Things ß Prayer

It must be the opposite way as well. The words seem similar but it’s different.  As prayer is taking place, those three things take place, and you take those three things into prayer. It might seem complicated but it’s simple and healing takes place.

3) Peaceful, Quiet, Meaning, Concentration

Have a peaceful and quiet time. Otherwise you’ll get old and face mental illness; if you have this during your remnant years, you’ll have tremendous energy.  What is this place?  In the time and place, the field where God’s plan is being spread throughout all of Oceania, you’re here right now, why?  Today, it’s just once in my lifetime, and in this once-in-a-lifetime chance, you are sitting here for the Oceania conference.  You weren’t here to make money but she’s here to save lives.  Doing the broadcast is not an easy thing, like going down to the market to buy a piece of bread.  There are invisible things, but why are they standing there?  Right now, they are recording this message, and it’s being criticized for being only the gospel.  Meaning.

I don’t just place anything anywhere, I throw things away whether it’s expensive or not.  It’s a state where it’s always quiet and I can always pray.  When I got married, my house was confused and turned into a garbage dump.  I fought with my wife at first to get her to clean the house, but later on, I realized it’s better for me to leave that and go to the mountains to pray.  Back then, you could transfer trains to get to the mountains, but it was okay.  I could say, “I went for a walk.” “With whom?” “By myself.” That didn’t work other, so what I realized was continuous prayer.

Being able to pray whenever I want, in any situation.  Look at the remnants, just pray instead of nitpicking.  You find the meaning.  What happens when you go beyond that stage?   From this point on, you can have concentration, and there’s tremendous power in concentration. Even today, I said to one of my members, “Pastor, one person gets really good grades,” but that’s not it. Originally, those who are talented or have good grades, they have a talent given by God, but they also have spiritual problems, and they’re very strong in obsession and also concentration. In one sense, it’s not concentration; it’s obsession, and because they’re very strong, they’re quick.  You can’t concentrate but they obsess over it.  Some people speak several languages fluently and it’s fearsome.  Concentration may seem like the same thing, but when it goes astray, it’s obsession. Remnants, you have to see this.

Make time for yourself. Even just five minutes, it’s all it takes, you can revive your spirit, your brain, your thoughts, and everything.  Not that I don’t like to talk, but because this blessing is so tremendous, I don’t need to talk. It’s so wonderful. Continue to pray in this. Then you have continuation.  You’re not just going up into that point.

Power, Healing, Throne, Transcend Time and Space

Now, power begins to come upon you.  You’re able to concentrate so God’s power comes on you and your spiritual state is able to change.  Remnants, don’t wait, hold to this now. Not that you have healing, but healing takes place.  Don’t try to focus on your depression, but concentrating on this, it goes away as God works.  I’ll speak more important things in our second lecture.  Finally the power of the throne comes upon you and things really become different.  Transcending time and space.  World evangelization. You realize the gospel and everything is a problem and you need everything?  How can you do world evangelization?  You don’t even have to go; the words will open. Talking about the introduction before we enter into the main theme, you must do this.

3. [Receive Prayer | Transmit Prayer]

I take the blessing of the 3, 9, 3 and receive it and then transmit it.  “Receive prayer” means I receive what I wrote in the beginning. I do certain things always.  My first service message, I recite it all week long, try it.  Many forget the sermon they even gave, and the people who listened will forget. Don’t lose hold of this. The words God gave to Nicodemus, you don’t need the Sanhedrin, “but you, too, will perish, you need to be born again,” that’s the blessing of the throne, and then that comes upon you.

“Look at the wind, you need the working of the Holy Spirit. Receive that. Do you know where the people are? They are in darkness.” Jesus gave a tremendous message, so all week long, from the moment I finished my sermon, I prayed for all this to come upon me.  Jesus went to Samaria, what was that? Healing of the age.  He’s healing the scars of the age, and also, personal healing for her.  Worship, even her walk of faith was tremendous. Some people are scarred by the church and must receive healing, so I pray for that.

The rest, whenever I have conferences, the Lord gives me the important flow of the messages so I hold to that.  In our world remnant conference every year, distill it to one sentence, repeat it, and no need to ask God for anything; it’s on its way and it’s already in front of you.  If God works, things will take place, and no one can do anything about it.

[Kingdom (Throne), Holy Spirit, Light | Scar]

This must come upon us.  Every time I breathe, every time I pray, I receive all these things.  It means the first service message is continually upon me, and when I exhale, I transmit this to the people I pray about.  As I transmit this, how much is in God’s Word?  Three scars.  Everyone has three scars.  Longstanding scars of the age, personal scars, and scars of the church.  Honestly, I could end this with the introduction. 

If you’re deceived now, you’ll be deceived for the rest of your life. I’m not saying it won’t work as you grow older, but it’s more difficult to move the age.  Others can, but being prepared in the covenant and doing the work later on? This is a little different.  For example, our Rev. wanted to become a soccer player.  Then, what kind of answer comes? 


1. Reality – Paul

Three things are bound to come.  You see the sure reality.  You can’t be holding onto illusions.  Let me talk about Paul.  He was called for the sake of the remnants. He was among the Pharisees and there were only 6000 of them, and he was part of the Sanhedrin, of which there were only 70, and he was an outstanding scholar.  But he considered all of that rubbish because he saw the reality.

1) Rubbish

2) Acts 9:15

He was realistically holding onto God’s sure covenant.  You are my chosen instrument to stand before Israel, the Gentiles, and their kings.  Also?

3) Phil 3:21

Paul knew the name that would bring everything in creation subject to it.  Not that I’ve already obtained all this, but he doesn’t need anything else, but more will come.  Think about it, the king doesn’t always have to ask for food; the parents will give it to them.  It is a name to which all of creation is subjected. You must remember.

2. Fruit Priscilla

If you have this blessing, you can see the fruit.  He met her, but who was Priscilla?

1) Acts 2:10

She participated in Mark’s Upper Room.  She received grace but was chased out from her country. 

2) Acts 18:4

That’s how she came to meet Paul and they headed out to the Synagogue.

3) Acts 18:24-28, Romans 16:3-4

She explained these things to Apollo.  If you read Romans 16:3-4, she risked her neck for Paul, not just her words, but her life.

3. Time Schedule

The undoubted time schedule of the Word. You come to know the time schedule.  If you’re within this, if you really know the blessing of prayer, you already know the time schedule in advance. Not in vision, no need to go to a psychic, but that’s more important, and you see it for real.  It’s simple then, because you see it for real. 

1) Imperativeness, worship, God’s Kingdom

Paul went to the Synagogue and spoke about the necessity of Christ. We need that word, Christ, and then he spoke about worship because of the Sabbath and spoke about the Kingdom of God in Acts 19:8.  When you talk about the importance of worship and God’s Kingdom, the time schedules are fulfilled.

2) 70 A.D., 313 A.D.

Israel fell and they were used.  In 313 A.D. the walls came down.  Ne thing must come to you during your prayer.  These days, don’t do anything but know this, you need to know your passcode.  The passcode serves as a key these days, and God gave us that key.

Conclusion – Key Isaiah 7:14

We utilize that key to open things up. Each time we enjoy this tremendous blessing, we must utilize the key.  The virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Immanuel.  We use that name.

John 17:11-12

The name of the LORD was given to Jesus.

John 1:12

Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name.

Acts 3:6

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!

Acts 16:16-18

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, they would command demons to depart.

Phil 3:21

The name to which all of creation is subjected.  All creation is subject to Jesus Christ. As you continue to pray in Jesus Christ’s name, you break down the forces of darkness and pray about that.  When this prayer comes, your afflictions will be there on their own, but those who are afflicted, they will always be afflicted.  People listening to the message right now, don’t lie, “Because of the pastor,” just hold onto your blessing and right, but they were like that ever since they were young.

I healed one mental patient and really criticized that person. The parents said, “This child was fine but went crazy after going to your church.” “Oh, really?” I went to that kid’s school and did some research, that the kid was already in and out of the hospital.  “You need to stop lying. You’re like this every single day, you went to the hospital twice. Did you come to church and become like this?” Strangely he listened to me, and he accepted Jesus Christ and the gospel, “This is how you need to pray,” and in the morning and afternoon, it’s easy because I just looked all of this up for him.  Then works took place for him.  I didn’t lay my hands on him and pray for him but works took place for him.

The entire world is deceived by darkness. This is our Oceania lecture 1. Even if you don’t understand, it’s okay because I can’t tell you anything else.  Listen to the most important words of the Bible and save Oceania, and we’ll speak about more important things in the second lecture. In one sense, don’t even use the word, “healing,” you can’t get rid of it on your own, but receive true answers. Paul never used the word answers, but he was thankful for all things.  He did give thanks because he received money that one time, he was a bit embarrassed, “I’m thankful you sent this but I don’t really need this, I know what it means to be in need and what it means to have plenty and it’s okay; I give thanks for all things through Christ.”

Paul gave this reply to the church of Philippi.  He didn’t think it was a great answer, he gave thanks and said, “I don’t need this.  If anything the Lord will supply all my needs.”  Tremendous messages will be given in Lecture 2 and Lecture 3. 

I believe this to be a very important start for Oceania, let us pray.


May the Lord Jesus Christ, the solution to all problems, the love of God, and the working of the Holy Spirit, upon the remnants who will heal the world, and the Oceania remnants who will save the age, be both now and always forever, amen.

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