God’s Work that Saves Lives (Mt. 26:31-46)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God’s Work that Saves Lives (Mt. 26:31-46)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May you have the unprecedented and never-repeated answers today.  We were going through the book of Matthew for a few months, then we took a month and a half break to go through other verses, and now we’re back.  The title of today’s message is, “God’s Work that Saves Lives.”  

1. Cross – God’s work (Mt. 26:17)

What exactly is God’s work?  It’s possible that even as we live our walk of faith, we are not able to discern whether the work we are doing is the work of God or the work of mankind.  In the passage we read today, even the disciples thought they were doing the work of God, but they were actually opposing God’s work.  When we are aligned with God, then God gives us His answers and His power.  Through today’s  Word, I hope that the work of God will continuously take place through you.  

  1) Passover blood of the lamb (Ex. 12:21-22)

In the passage that we read, right before Jesus Christ dies on the cross, Mt. 26:17 says it was the day of Passover and they went into someone’s house.  In the Old Testament, the Passover was named the “Passover” because the blood of the lamb would break down all of the curses and disasters that the Israelites faced in Egypt.  

    (1) Disaster passed over (Ex. 12:27)

    (2) Salvation (Ex. 12:27)

    (3) Observe this ceremony (Ex. 12:24-25)The core of that Passover is actually Jesus Christ Who had come as the young lamb and Who would die on the cross for all the sins of mankind.  

  2) Man’s work – Satan

    (1) The one who sells Jesus (Mt. 26:25)

There are two disciples we focus on, one was Judas Iscariot who sold Jesus for money for Him to die, and yes, Jesus Christ dying on the cross was the will of God, but Judas Iscariot sold Jesus Christ for his own greed of money.  

    (2) The one who blocks Jesus’s death (Mt. 16:22-23)

    (3) The one who disowns the Lord (Mt. 26:33-35)

Then, just like we read in today’s passage, Jesus tells even His disciples, “You will disown me,” and the disciples all said, “We will never disown you, even if it means that we die with you,” but they ultimately did disown Him.  This is the homework that we must resolve in our walk of faith.  From what point did they stop disowning Jesus and start to believe in Him?  When we see the gospel of Jesus Christ, we must see Him and accept Him, but instead, we disown Him.  It is possible for us to throw Jesus away for our own benefit, that’s what Judas Iscariot did.  We have the inner nature of Judas Iscariot inside of us, and all of the disciples did not want to disown or betray Jesus Christ, but they had something in their hearts that left them no other choice, and we have that as well.  That side of us is revealed in the most critical moment.  

  3) Spiritual powerlessness

    (1) Cannot keep watch (Mt. 26:40)

    (2) Cannot pray (Mt. 26:41)

    (3) The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak (Mt. 26:41)

Every human by nature wants to live; because we have a physical body, this is our nature.  Because of that, according to our nature, we choose based on what is physically most beneficial to us, visibly, so we always avoid things that will be a loss to us or will cause our death.  Jesus Christ Himself was like that, too.  We call that, “the work of man.”  What is the work of people?  Selling Jesus, rejecting or disowning Jesus, and before Jesus Christ died on the cross, He asked His disciples to pray for Him and stay awake, but they were not able to pray.  People who are always thinking about the work of people can not pray, they can never pray.  Even though they want to in their hearts, they are unable to actually do it. Why is that? It is because they do not think of the work of God.

Who is Jesus?  He is God.  He is God, even though He is fully in human form.  So, Jesus knew that He had to die on the cross, and He prayed to God, and if you look at the content of Jesus’ prayer, even He had the nature of not wanting to die physically.  Three times, He wanted to live, and everybody has this.  There is nobody who can deny that, because we are living so that we can keep on living.  Even animals live according to their nature.  

2. Prayer – Holy Spirit

  1) God’s work

    (1) Deny what I want (Mt. 26:39)

So, Jesus wants to maintain His physical life, but He has to die on the cross.  In Jesus’ prayer, there is a tug-of-war between what Jesus wants and what God’s plan is, and in the end, the true answer is, my heart and thoughts are aligned with what God desires.  

But there are some people who think that praying is asking God to give them what they desire.  That might be possible, because Jesus did the miracle of the five loaves and two fish and showed them physical food, so there are times when God answers like that, but most of the time, He doesn’t.  If you believe in Jesus for the first time, those things happen a lot, that the Lord aligns Himself to give me what I want.  

If you look at little children, they’ll throw a tantrum to get whatever they want, and you can put up with it because they’re a little child, but once they go into middle or high school, if they throw a tantrum to get what they want, they’re going to get punished.  If somebody becomes a parent but they are still living like a little kid, doing whatever they want, that’s not right. That’s somebody who is immature and childish, who is not spiritually mature.  Because they are spiritually so childish, life is so difficult because everything is a problem.  Because they are such a young child, studying, working, dealing with people, all of it becomes a problem.  However, if you become spiritually mature, you can do the mature, developed things.  

    (2) May God’s will be done (Mt. 26:39,42)

So, when we first begin praying, yes, we pray for the things we want in our nature.  Even Jesus Christ prayed to the Lord to preserve His life because He didn’t want to die.  However, as He was praying, the Holy Spirit of God worked upon Him so His answer changed, “Not My will, but Yours be done.”  Prayer is talking about me and God becoming one, then God will do His work through this person.  That work being revealed is, saving lives.  The work of God will save lives.  How can you tell whether your studies and your work is the work of God or the work of people? The determining factor is whether people are coming to life or not.  If you have a religion or you have an idol, you are just praying to fill your own greed, so the demons begin to work.  It might seem like I’m getting what I want, but they’re dragging me towards destruction.  

Human beings cannot become God, but in Genesis 3:5, Satan goes in and tells them, “You can be like God.”  We were created to align ourselves with God so that the work of God is revealed through us, but instead, we are trying to become God ourselves. In other words, we are trying to live according to our greed and our desires.  That is the work of people or the work of the devil.  Then, right now, am I in the work of God, or am I in the work of people? The Israelites were worshiping God, but in reality, they were actually worshiping idols.  Because on the inside, they had their own greed that they desired, but on the outside, they were going to church, so they were actually living the life of a slave, being dragged around by whatever their hearts desired. 2 Timothy 3 says that there will be times of great suffering because people will love themselves and money more than they love God.  

So, God’s will and God’s plan must become mine. Your thoughts and your will are not fulfilled; because we are the creation, we must align ourselves to God.  Even if these kids throw a tantrum and cry, they don’t get what they want; they must adjust.  It doesn’t matter how much you shout and scream, criticizing the wrong things in society. You must align yourself with the will of God to do God’s work.  You need to know this before you live your social life; you need to know this before you live your married life.  You need to know this as you study and work.  But if you don’t know this before you do those things, everything will be a problem. 

    (3) Death going to the cross 

Ultimately, Jesus Christ goes gladly to die on the cross, because the Holy Spirit of God worked upon Him to give Him that answer.  

  2) Work of the flesh – What I want

    (1) The one who lives according to the flesh (Rom. 8:5)

In fact, if anything, resisting your hearts and minds to God’s will is death.  Romans 8:5-7 says that the thoughts of the flesh do the works of the flesh.  The flesh lives under the law of sin and death.  

    (2) Mind – Death (Rom. 8:6)

    (3) Hostile to God – Does not and can not submit (Rom. 8:7)

So, we’ve changed into a state that is spiritually disconnected from God. In that kind of state, no matter what you do, it brings about curses and disasters, so this is the way to be enemies of God and to reject or oppose God.  That is the work of the flesh and what I desire.  

  3) Works of the Spirit

    (1) Mind governed by the Spirit – Life and peace (Rom. 8:6)

On the other hand, the work of God is the work of the Spirit, and Romans 8:6 says that the work of the Spirit is life and peace.  When you pray before God, then God’s answers will come upon you as life and peace.  That life and peace come into our thoughts and heart, and that’s how we go forward.  That’s the standard for answered prayers.  

What is the standard of happiness? It is the state where you are filled with life and peace.  People in the world don’t know that, so they just think they are happy if they don’t have problems.  If you ask a nonbeliever, “Are you happy?” they’ll say, “Yeah, my life is going pretty well right now, or even if I do have a problem, I can take care of it with my money or my mental state,” but you’ve never lived beyond that. They’re not even able to control their inner state.  But when the works of God take place, God’s peace is upon us. 

    (2) In order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us (Rom. 8:4)

Then what happens?  Romans 8:4 says that the righteous requirement of the law, in other words, God’s Word, might be fully met in us.  We are not the ones who are living according to God’s will; even if we want to do that, we’re not able to.  We can only live by God’s will by the working and filling of the Holy Spirit.  That’s why in Jeremiah 31:33, God says that He will give us a new covenant and a new spirit, because just by giving the Israelites His Word, they were not able to follow Him. 

In Jeremiah 33, God promises a new covenant, “I will write my Words into their hearts, and they will be My people, and I will be their God.” In the passage that we read today, even Jesus could not control His heart, and of course, the disciples as well.  It’s impossible until the Holy Spirit of God works, and that happens through prayer.  If you begin to understand prayer biblically, then it will not matter where you are, and it doesn’t matter even if you lack strength because, I may lack strength, but when the Holy Spirit of God works, He will work with power.   The disciples rejected Jesus Christ, but later on, their lives change so that instead of disowning Jesus, they live as witnesses of Jesus. That’s not by their own ability.  

    (3) Led by the Spirit of God (Rom. 8:14)

What is the standard?  It is after the Holy Spirit of God came upon them. Romans 8:14 talks about those who are led by the Spirit of God.  We pray to be led by the Spirit of God.  Today, you need to know the biblical meaning of prayer.  Then, instead of saying prayer is easy or hard, you realize you’re just adjusting yourself to match with God. When we face a problem, we struggle to try and solve that problem, but that is living according to our fleshly desires, because “I need to get rid of this problem,” because “If I keep holding onto this problem, I will always be weary and burdened.”  

However, if you pray to God, then you will find God’s answer within the problem.  In today’s passage, Jesus Christ dying on the cross is so scary and burdensome to Him, and then when Jesus prayed, He received the answer: “I can die on the cross,” we call that an answer.  Then, what is the difference between before and after?  The person is the same, but when God gives them an answer through the working of the Holy Spirit, their heart changes.  So, when you make any decision, if you just make that decision, then you are thinking with the work of people.  

How can we know if something is the work of people or is the work of the devil?   In Matthew 17, Jesus told His disciples that He would be crucified, and Simon Peter said, “No, Lord, I will protect You,” and Jesus says, “Get thee behind me, Satan, you do not have the concerns of God in mind, only human concerns.” So it means Satan is working in the church as well.  Inside of our thoughts, instead of thinking about the work of God, we think about our desires and what our plans are, that’s the work of the devil, and the result of that is, we are not aligned with God, and if you’re not aligned with God, you will not be aligned with people, either. Then of course, there will be continuous conflicts, division and fighting.  

3. God’s work of saving lives

But if you continue to pray, concentrating on God, then what happens?  God’s work takes place. Then what is God’s work?  It is to save, because God’s Spirit is the Spirit that saves.  My spirit is revived.  “May all go well with you as your spirit gets along well.” Your spirit must get along well in order for everything else you do to receive strength.  But if your soul is not aligned with God, then even if things are going well for you, that’s not actually a good thing.  

Then, every single morning, when you wake up and open your eyes, you need to adjust yourself so that you are no longer thinking about the work that you desire, but instead, you align yourself with what God desires.  When you concentrate on God, then you will no longer be obsessed with things.  Even people here who are obsessed with work cannot hear God’s Word.  If you’re not able to concentrate on God, you will be obsessed with the scars of your past. You might be obsessed with things like alcohol.  Every time you face a problem, you immediately turn to alcohol, or as soon as you get stressed, there is something that you want.  As soon as you get stressed, you pack your bags and go on a vacation trip. That’s all obsessions, but why are we like that?  It’s because we don’t know how to concentrate on God.  What happens if that obsession gets worse and worse? We call that, “addiction,” there are even people who are addicted to work. Because you’re not able to concentrate on God, you’re in a state of division, and that division leads to obsession and addiction, and when you fall into addiction, you cannot save yourself. Ultimately, you are seized by Satan, so you can never escape.  

What is the cause of our many problems in our lives? It is not being aligned with God.  Why is it that as I live my walk of faith, I’m not able to receive answers and I keep going towards my nature and I have no control?  It’s because you are not aligned with God.  In the Bible, Joseph was young and he was a slave, so physically speaking, things were not going well; however, inside of Joseph, he was aligned with God, and that’s why God’s works were revealed through Joseph.  

From our perspective, we might think that something is not working out for someone, but inside of that person, there is something that leaves them no choice but to work out.  In our walk of faith, we must have something that leaves us no choice but to go well, and the thing we need to have is, alignment with God. We call that “faith.”  If you want to align yourself with God, you need to know what He desires, and that is why, “God’s Word.” God is His Word, and I must be aligned with that Word. There are people who keep on reading the Bible but they keep reading the words that they want to hear, because they say, “This Word fits with me,” but I need to fit with God.  If they disagree with something, they just ignore it and they only hold onto the Word that they desire.  If you go into the restaurants, they have all these inspirational quotes from the Bible postered up, but there’s no 237 world evangelization up there, there’s nothing that ever says, “May God raise disciples of all nations through this restaurant.”  So they don’t actually hold onto God’s Words; they just put up whatever words they desire, then God never works.  Why would God work upon your nature or do what you want?  God works upon us with His Holy Spirit to fulfill His work.

When God first created mankind, why did He design us the way He did?  God created mankind so that humans could be with Him, and that His work would be revealed through us.  That’s called the “image of God.” The “image of God” does not mean you have a high IQ; it means you are with God, and if you are with God, that means you are aligned yourself to Him.  You align yourself to Him through the Word and prayer.  Then, the works of Genesis 1:28 where God blesses people to rule over and subdue the earth will take place.

  1) Cross – Jesus Christ who finished everything (Jn. 19:30)

But what’s the problem? It’s that we don’t want to align ourselves with God, “I want to keep living however I want,” but it turns out, those thoughts are from the devil.  But we don’t think those thoughts are from the devil, we think they’re our thoughts. Then what must we do? That’s why the Lord gave us the Christ.  What does it mean that He sent us the Christ?  It means that Jesus Christ took all the curses and disasters of my sin on my behalf on the cross. I can never escape from the authority of Satan, but the Lord has saved me from Satan’s authority.  Then He resurrected and gave me this Holy Spirit to reconnect the way for me to meet with God.  

That’s what it means that “It is finished.” Everything has been finished, He has finished the fundamental source of problems.  If you have cancer, then you can get surgery to remove the source of that cancer, but if you still have some side effects, you’re in the process of getting better, and if you’re suffering mentally, you’re in the process of getting better.  

The disciples can only change when they begin to understand what the word “Christ” means.  But if the disciples do not understand what the words, “only Christ” mean, they have no choice but to do their own work.  Then, they have no choice but to disown the Lord and go back to their physical work of making a living by fishing. Then, their scars are not healed.  These people are poor fishermen from Galilee, people who normally would be under welfare from the government. There are people who are always living in this very strict region, and they are always very crooked, so they say, “What good could come from Galilee?” They used to say the same thing about Nazareth. These people in the beginning followed after the Lord to fulfill their own greed and desires. They said, “Let’s try to overcome this theocratic government and try to make a name for ourselves.” These were people who tried to accomplish what they desired through Jesus Christ, and the Lord did not fill that greed.  God will continually break down your greed because that is the situation of rejecting Jesus on the cross.  We’re not able to fully receive or acknowledge God.  

    (1) Raised with Christ (Col. 3:1)

After the incident of the cross, all of these people changed. You must not think that you know Jesus; how must you know Jesus?  You need to know Jesus Who is the Lord Who finished all problems of your past, present, and future.  Then, the problem you have right now and the problems you will face in the future are no longer problems because the Lord is with me and He will guide me, that is the God we must recognize.  But instead, we reject that God, and because we reject that God, we avoid that problem.  Or, we try to solve that problem using humanism, but that is what it means to disown or reject the Lord. The Lord is the Lord of my life, and God has created all of creation with His Word.  Even right now, He is moving all of Creation with His Word, and we must receive the answer to every problem or incident we face from that God, through HIs Word.  

    (2) Set your minds on things above (Col. 3:1-2)

    (3) Earthly things – Greed for myself (Col. 3:5)

That’s why in Cool. 3:1, it says that, If you have died on the cross with Christ, then you have a new life in Christ. Then in Col. 3:2 it says, “Set your minds on the things above,” not on the earthly things. The earthly things are our physical greed.  Col. 3:5 says these earthly things are “sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed,” all of these are idolatry.  Why do we keep having these different types of greed? Because the things of God are not filling us, we live according to our nature of greed.  Even if you succeed, your greed is still not satisfied; until you are filled with God completely, you’ll always be wanting more.  The things of the earth are greed and idolatry, but now, we’ve become the people of God, so now we seek the things above, the things of heaven. That is what we must think of. Then what happens?  God will fulfill His work through me. 

All you have to do right now is pray, asking God, “What do you desire from this worship?” Then God will begin to work.  There are some people who are sitting here, who are only following after their own greed, they refuse to bend their will, and they go one heart, whole heart, continuation for their desires. That is somebody who does not acknowledge God as their Lord. The Lord is not their Lord; the Lord becomes their helper.  The LORD is our Lord, but if you just think of Him as your provider or helper, then you’re just thinking of the things of the earth. Therefore, set your minds on the things above, what is God’s will? What is God’s plan? That is what we think of. Even if you are studying, you study with that. It is the studies to fulfill God’s will, then God begins to work.  

  2) God’s work

    (1) Believe in Jesus Christ (Jn. 6:29)

Then what exactly is the work of God?  John 6:29 says, “The work of God is this: to believe in Jesus.” If you want the work that you’re doing to become the work of God, then you must believe in Christ.  Don’t just believe in Jesus Christ when you change from a nonbeliever to a believer; you need to believe in Him now as well. That is the work of God, and if you believe then God begins to work, so simply put, we do the work of God through faith, and then disbelief becomes the work of earth. Today, I hope you and I become the ones who do the work of God. God has to do His work through me. Then, can we just believe in Jesus?  No, 1 Corinthians 12:3 says we can only confess that by the work of the Holy Spirit. If you know Jesus Christ correctly from the beginning, then the Holy Spirit of God will continuously work on you. We call that the filling of the Holy Spirit. 

The disciples started from rejecting Jesus Christ and denying Him on the cross, but they didn’t do that themselves.  They went from denying and rejecting Jesus Christ to dying for Jesus Christ, and it was by the Holy Spirit that had changed them like that.  It’s not like the disciples were forcibly dragged in that direction; the life and the peace that filled their hearts and minds naturally led them.  How can you check whether the work you are doing is going well or not? “Is the work I’m doing peaceful?” That is the work of God.  It means, “I am aligned with God,” but if things are going well, even though I have no peace, that’s the issue.  Because you’re being deceived by things going well, so you’re continuously chasing after your own greed. And if you want to turn away from that,. it takes a long time, even if you’re just completely destroyed it would take a long time, but the children of God will surely come back. 

For nonbelievers, He won’t intercede for them, but for the children of God, without a doubt, He will bring them back to Him.  So, actually, failing is an answer, failure is an answer, things not working out is an answer.  What is the standard of an answer? Being aligned with God is the true answer.  God chose David because he was aligned with God’s heart.  God chose David when he was a young shepherd boy and God said, “He is a man after My own heart,” that means God is His Word and the Word of God was in the heart of David, so they were aligned. That’s why God raised David as King. Was David a good fighter? That’s a misconception.  God was actually the one doing God’s work because God and David were aligned.  

So, David threw the stone that brought down Goliath, but there were many people who slung stones back then, just like today, there are many people who have businesses and study; there are many people who are athletes and musicians, that’s not the issue, but whatever you’re doing must be held in God’s hands and used by God. There are many skillful people.  That’s not the standard; you must be right to be used by God, that is how God will do His work through you.  Then, that work will save.  If your studies and business are used to save, it means God is working upon it. How is that possible?  That work is only possible when the Holy Spirit of God completely fills and seizes me. Even though Joseph was young and a slave, the reason why this was possible for Joseph was because he was one in whom was the Spirit of God.  Joseph did not do that work because he was nice or good-looking, but we keep trying to make our standards based on something that is not God’s Word and live with that.  

    (2) Say ‘Jesus is Lord’ by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:3)

Was David brave?  Yes, his family line is of the tribe of Judah, who were like lions and very brave, but just because somebody is brave does not mean they can stand before Goliath. You must be filled by God and seized by God, and it was because he was always aligned with God.  Our God is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and He is established within me as the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ and the Spirit of God the Father. That is how the Holy Spirit even reveals the deep mysteries of God, because the Triune God is connected as one.  So, the Holy Spirit reveals all the things of God the Father and God the Son to us, and that Holy Spirit must completely seize me.  

When will that Holy Spirit hold me? When I believe and think like that, then I have died on the cross.  That means I no longer need my own things.  My own things are not from God, they come from death and sin so they’re no longer necessary.  The one who confesses in faith and goes out in faith that only the things of God are my own, then inside of that person’s work, God’s power will follow.  Why does the power and the Holy Spirit of God come upon you? To become a witness to the end of the earth.  Why did the Holy Spirit of God come upon David? To reveal God to the entire world.  Why was the Holy Spirit of God upon Daniel?  So that, through Daniel, God may be glorified over all the world. The Tower of Babel was raised up to elevate the name of mankind, but that is the work of the devil, and that is the work that people are dreaming of, today.  Bu that’s why we keep on seeing so much division and people losing strength.  

    (3) Filling of the Holy Spirit – Witness (Ac. 1:8)

The power to be a witness until the ends of the earth is with me. God is with me with the power to save the world, the 237 nations, then God’s power will be upon these people infinitely. The power of creation is established in me and my job.  Why? Because God must save until the ends of the earth all people and all nations.  That’s why the members of the Early Church concentrated. God is invisible but they concentrated on the Word of God’s promise.  Then, the Holy Spirit began to work. Because the Holy Spirit began to work, the doors to save 15 different nations took place. 

  3) Concentration

    (1) Only prayer (Ac. 1:14) – Door of evangelism (Ac. 2:9-11)

    (2) Time of prayer at three in the afternoon (Ac. 3:1) – Paid attention to the works of the field (Ac. 3:4)

Then, these people went up to the temple to pray during their time of prayer, meaning, during their time of concentration, and they saw the crippled beggar. They didn’t just see the crippled beggar, but it says they stared straight at him. If we just live based on our own greed and desires, then that crippled beggar is of no help to me, so I’ll just pass over him.  Or, people who have some strong sense of ethics and morals will just throw over a coin and pass by.  However, because they were going to this location in a state that is concentrating on God, God made them look straight at the crippled beggar, then they gave him the gospel they had. That’s evangelism.  Evangelism is not some method or skill, it is that God inside of me, doing God’s work. Then, why is it that I want it but I can’t have it? It is because you are not aligned with God.  When you receive training, then you’re doing this very well, but as soon as you go home, you cannot because you aren’t aligned with God.  However, if you adjust yourself to fit with God, then God’s work will be revealed in my business, studies, and everything I do. 

    (3) Worshiping the Lord and fasting (Ac. 13:2) – Work of missions (Acts 13:2)

In Acts 13:2, the disciples were fasting and praying for missions, meaning they were concentrating.  Then, God told them and gave them the Word to “set apart for Me the people I have designated,” and even showed them the regions He had set apart for missions. The book of Acts is about the working of the Holy Spirit in the church, however, the important thing here is that they were concentrating. Are you somebody who can concentrate on God? Or are you somebody who is divided from God? That determines the work that will happen in your future. 

    (4) Doors were closed – Turning point (Ac. 16:6-10)

In Acts 16, the doors to evangelism were closing, and people with a strong ego will keep on trying to break through.  However, when they prayed and concentrated, God changed their direction to Macedonia.  God will do God’s work through those who believe.  

    (5) After works of Asia – To Rome (Ac. 19:21)

There are these great works that took place in Asia, and according to our nature, we would typically think, “I’ve done enough,” that’s usually our thinking.  But when they concentrated in prayer to God, they said, “I must see Rome as well.”  Paul said, “I race forward for that which Christ Jesus took hold of me,” and he’s concentrating on that. 


1. For the works of God

In conclusion, we want to do God’s work, but in order for that to happen, the cross must be the cross that has finished all the problems of the world. 

2. Concentrate on the filling of the Holy Spirit

And that is why we must concentrate on God to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.  

3. Answer of the businesses, studies, ministries that save

Then the work of saving will take place through my business and whatever I do.  That is the work that God does.  I hope that you will receive this Word accurately, embed it deeply into your heart, so that you will be the ones God works through.  

Message Prayer

When we look at God’s Word, how must we pray?  I’m sure now each of you know, so let’s pray together.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You.  We have returned Your materials as offering. We pray that You will bless the hands that have given the offering for tithes, temple construction, missions, future generations, Sunday, thanksgiving, and miscellaneous.  We believe You will work upon these people with the economy of light as the answer, according to their faith in the covenant. May You work with the filling of wisdom, may You allow them the blessing of physical health, and may You attach to them the people of blessings. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

God, we thank You.  Even though Deacon Kim is only visiting for a short time, we pray that according to Your Word, the work of saving lives will take place through his business.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer

2. Remnant day and Remnant leader training is on 2/24(Sat.).

3. 3/12 (Tues.) – 13 (Wed.) RU Doctorate, Dallas

3. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to live only for the work of God, upon their studies, their work, and all of their ministries, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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