God’s Word is the Way and the Light (Psalm 119:105)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God’s Word is the Way and the Light (Psalm 119:105)

The title of today’s message is God’s Word is the Way and the Light. The standard of our walk of faith is the word of God. We typically have our own thoughts. And we have our own judgments too, we have our own value scale. And all of our thoughts and judgements are based on our value system. And all of these things come from the knowledge we learn in the world and our experiences.

And there are things we personally and directly learn from our present reality. But all of the knowledge I know and Experience I have are not from the word of God, they are from Genesis 3 and that’s where I make my decisions and judgement from. Everybody knows “I beloved in Jesus Christ” means even the devil knows it, even preschoolers know it. But only Jesus is the Christ. What does that mean? It means all of these aren’t the truth. Everyone confesses Jesus is the Christ but if you reject everything else, only then will you have only. Why do you reject everything else? Because these don’t come from God. 

Everything I have learned in the world comes from Genesis 3 separated by God, enslaved by Satan and that determines everything in life. All of those things simply comes from being separated from God. In other words, I’m full of the things I learned when I was under the authority of Satan. Then what does it mean from being liberated from Satan, Sin and  being separated  from God. It means by Christ these three problems have been finished. It means that I will reject all my thoughts and judgment that comes from Separation, sin, and Satan. That is very important and only Jesus is the Christ, only this.

Even after confessing this, we remain stubborn. It means we don’t yet know what Separation, Sin and Satan means. We know the words, but we don’t know what it means. And that’s why we keep on following my thought and judgment if in order to reject all of your knowledge, experience and surroundings you have to acknowledge all your thoughts come from sin, Satan and separation. Because all of my life comes from these three fundamental problems, the fact that Jesus Christ finished them, means he finished all problems. But we still face problems. But now the problems we face aren’t coming from being separated from God because of Genesis 3, 6,11, it is a problem coming to a child of God. 

In the past, when I was enslaved by Satan and was completely spiritually dead, if I faced a problem I had to use my experiences to overcome it, or I’ll give up all together but know that I have the status of a child of God, a problem is a blessing. God has given me these problems, that’s how you change. In the past, I didn’t have God so I was under the authority of Satan and sin, so I had to resolve my own problems with my thoughts and judgement. This status of a child of God is very important. You shouldn’t just know this by words. I have lived my entire life like this under the 3 fundamental problems, and now I’m completely liberated as a child of God. And for the child of God, all our answers and judgements come from God. That’s God’s word, because it’s no longer my thoughts. 

All of my thoughts come from Genesis 3. And now it is the word that comes from God. Therefore, today’s message title, God’s Word is the way and light, that’s how you enjoy the status and authority of being a child of God, otherwise you’ll struggle again in Genesis 3. There’s no answer here. There’s sometimes where things will work out well here. You think things are going well because you do things according to your thoughts, but that’s actually now things working out well, but you’re going further into destruction. Because I’m a child of God and God doesn’t work according to our thoughts. His Word. You use God’s word through prayer, or when you pray God will answer through God’s word. 

But the most important prayer is Jesus is the Christ and I’m a child of God, and when you pray that way you’ll receive and answer. There’s nothing a child of God is afraid of. David confessed, “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not be in want” why? Because God is my shepherd and God guides me. Do you understand? If you don’t understand then you’ll always wander. You have to live in your Genesis 3 thoughts whether things are working or not, you’re going to live your life. It’s incorrect thoughts. But the children of Gods receive a  special rite of evangelism. The word evangelism contains the greatest blessings and authority but you’re not able to enjoy this. 

It is through evangelism that we rule and subdue,you cannot rule over anything with anything else.  The evangelist, the children of God have this authority.  In other words, I’m a royal priesthood , I’m the prophet who will declare the praises of this light.  My position is the spiritual king, wherever the king goes, darkness is broken down.  Wherever the king goes, the physical things we see will follow.  

If a king is ever worried because of money problems or they’re afraid and trembling, it’s because they don’t know who they are. If they simply go, the demons are broken down, then everything else follows.  Unless you first bind the strong man, how can you plunder the strong man’s house?  Everywhere you go, disasters are broken down and the Word is relayed through you. 

If you don’t hold onto this, you will always go into slavery. We’re bound to be enslaved by the physical things we see in the world. The students are bound to be enslaved by their studies, for business people they are bound to be enslaved by money. Why is that, even though we’re children of God? It’s because we don’t know our authority.  You’re only a slave because you don’t know you’re an evangelist to save the world, a royal priesthood to declare the praise of his wonderful light.

“Oh, business is hard, studying is hard,” why would you live to do something hard? It’s difficult because the goal of life is myself. Despite the fact that you’re a child of God, you don’t have God’s plan in your business and studies, then of course it will be hard.  If you’re doing well without God’s plan, then that’s not doing well because ultimately you belong to the devil.

You must organize this word of God for you to come to life, otherwise nothing else you do will work. It doesn’t matter how much you struggle or try, it also doesn’t matter how much you struggle or try because you are always stuck in your own thoughts, you keep biding in your own thoughts and fall further into your thoughts.  Whenever you face a problem, you have to quickly look for God’s plan. If you’re stuck in, “What is he like, what is she like?” you’re going to fall into the devil.

Today’s Word is the Word is the Light, There is a lawful authority to the Word

1. Word – Authority

1) Walk according to the law of the Lord- Blameless (Psalms 119:1) 

The word is God. Then, we don’t even have to talk about the authority of God’s word. Psalm 119:1 says, blessed are those who walk in laws of the Lord in the Old Testament talks about the acts of our behaviors and in the New Testament, we have the grace of God’s word coming into us then we are changed. If you are struggling to obey the word of acid yourself it only contains your glory and your good actions. It’s only fulfilled by faith, you have to believe in God’s Word.  But if you don’t believe in God’s Word, then you try to do or keep God’s actions, then you’ll get cut.  In order for you to believe, you have to receive God’s grace and that’s why Sunday worship is so important because it’s by God’s grace that we’re able to believe in His Words, so you’re bound to follow His Word, and that’s determined during worship.

That’s why Satan breaks down worship because you receive the Word of God as knowledge, and you think you have to do something, but that’s foolish nonsense .  The legalistic jewish people thought they could be good before God by keeping the actions of God’s Word, but it’s impossible to do that, but if you receive God’s grace, the Word of God will move you.

But we don’t receive God’s grace. If we become like a Pharisee, we live our walk of faith with our brain, and we say, “I already know these words with knowledge ,” then you push it out of your heart. That person dies, because they know the Word of God with their brain but they don’t have the strength to follow it.  When the Word of God comes into us by God’s grace, we’re able to believe, then life follows after it, and that’s why our walk of faith naturally takes place and grace naturally takes place. 

If we do it with the law, it’s hard.  But Psalms is in the Old testament, so it’s talking about those who walk according to the law of the Lord and about our actions.

2)  Whole Heart – Blessing

Psalms 119:2 says blessed are those who keep with all their heart. If this time becomes unprecedented and never repeated time, it becomes a blessing. My success is being able to give my whole heart to God.  What’s the characteristic of a failure? They don’t stand before avid but life their life on their own will.  “I don’t really feel good on this time and on this day,” they move their whole life.  Right now is a unique time, unprecedented and never repeated time.  That person has already  received God’s blessing and is able to enjoy it as well.

3) No Shame 

Psalm 109:6 says, “Those who follow his words will not be put to shame.”  It’s possible for me, a pastor, to do my pastoral ministry and still be put to shame. For example, reven as I speak that Jesus is the Christ, it’s possible that my pastoral ministry may be centered on humanism, legalism, and mysticism even though I talk about Jesus Christ. I have something else inside of me, so that’s why I would be put to shame.  Even after receiving all the blessings, they kick this aside, and this is very important.  

Isn’t that right?  Even as we talk about Christ the person is so mystical that they talk about Jesus like Elijah, or they talk about Jesus Christ but they have legalism so they talk about Jesus like Moses.  Of course we go to church so we have to talk about Jesus Christ, but instead we talk about him like Jeremiah, with his humanism, his humanity and goodness, then even as they go to church they will be put to shame.  Even as they talk about Jesus Christ, the people who are only revealing justice or personal righteousness will be put to the same.

There isn’t a single person who goes to church and doesn’t say, “Jesus is the Christ.” It’s possible we may say Jesus is the Christ every day of our lives, but it’s not really the case for us.  If your Jesus Christ is full of humanism then that’s not “Jesus is the Christ.”  Jesus must truly be your Christ, it’s very important.  Only then will you not be put to shame.  

If you keep doing the Word movement, you’ll keep bearing fruit, and your business will bear fruit as well, but you don’t do that and you keep on doing other things, and that’s why you’re put to shame by people, by the devil, by everyone, because you’re holding onto something other than the fact that Jesus is the Christ. You hold onto yourself, your success and your plans.  

The devil toys with you so much. Even though the church talks about the gospel, you personally are not the gospel.  You keep hearing the words of the gospel through the internet, but you personally don’t have the gospel, but you’re under a misconception because you’re living a religious life, and you’re under a misconception because you listen to so many messages. 

You listen to the words that Jesus is the Christ, but it’s not the case for you today, so that’s why you have no sensitivity for evangelism, you have no relation to evangelize because evangelism is Jesus becoming the Christ.  So you have a job and studies that have nothing to do with the fact that Jesus is the Christ.  You have a prayer topic that has nothing to do with the fact that Jesus is the Christ, and that’s why you’re put to shame. It’s not because you’re doing something wrong, but it’s because Jesus is not the Christ for you.

4) More precious than silver or gold 

Psalm 109:72 the law from your mouth is more precious to me than silver or gold, it has more value than material possessions, but as the counterexample you follow after material things, it means that this person thinks the gospel is less than material things, it’s evidence that Jesus is not the Christ for them, but the words are that Jesus is the Christ.  “Even today, I received the Word that Jesus is the Christ, but it’s not the case for me.  For me, Jesus is not Christ; Jesus is success.”  So if you do not have only Christ, then the devil will play with you and you will be put to shame.  

5) World moves according to God’s word 

Psalm 109:91, “your laws endure to this day, for all things serve you.” you must know this, it means God moves the entire universe with His Word. Of course, you have to follow his word, I have to follow God’s Word, and God pours His Word upon us every worship. Every day, we listen to His Word, that’s the principle we have to follow.  But instead, we think our thoughts and experiences from the introduction are correct. But those experiences and knowledge and “me” are Genesis 3, separated from God.  

If you receive the word of God on Sunday and you’re truly enjoying it, then prayer will naturally come out, but if you’re wondering, “What’s the Word today?” then it’s evidence you’re living by your thoughts, and you have to escape from your religious life, because as long as you’re living religiously, the devil will oppress you and play with you. That’s why you don’t hold onto Gods word. You’re only holding onto your thoughts and experiences , this is very important.  

6) Word – Experience

Psalm 119:126, “It is time for you to act, O LORD; your law is being broken.  What does this mean? It means we don’t need God’s Word, then it emas we’re living according to our own thoughts and experiences.  It means we are living according to the standards the world talks about, then what’s going to happen?  God is working through His Word even now.  

This is the very important word of God, the devil knows the Word of God, too, but the devil uses the Word of God to dislodge you from the main essence, so that you use the Word of God to live for yourself.  

In Matthew 4, Satan tempts Jesus Christ quoting the words from Psalms saying “If you jump from the angels will catch you,” so he uses the word of God and makes you use it for your glory and your honor. You must testify of the Word accurately.  We received the word of God, but the way we apply it is all centered on myself, then that’s not God’s Word.  You must receive the Word of God exactly as it is.  But instead, you interpret the Word of God however you want, 

Then what’s going to happen? You cannot overcome the devil. The Word of God is the alight of your path, but it cannot be your light. The reason we tell you guys to forum is because you don’t know if the word your received from God is your thoughts or truly the Word God gave you unless you forum about it, but there are people who hold onto the Word of God completely centered on physical things, and they apply spiritual words to the physical things, so it’s a headache.

What do you think is going to happen if a minister is ministering like this? They’re going to spread darkness around them. And I notice there are alot of people like that. There are people who take the word of God and only interpret it centred on themselves, for their own benefit. That’s not God’s word.  That is why you have to take the main scripture from the message and apply it to your circumstance in life, but there’s some people who only pick out one Bible verse from the message, that’s an incorrect application. 

Even if you’re reading a letter or a book, there’s the author’s intent, but instead of looking for the authors’ intent, you’re only highlighting and listening to the words that make you feel good, then you’re going to receive a message that is completely unaligned with the message the author tried to relay.  That’s actually not holding onto the Word of God; you’re holding onto your own ideologies.  The reason why you’re not able to hold onto the Word of God even as you’re listening to God’s word is that you’re so focused on your own value system and your own ideologies that you’re putting the word of God on top of that.

If you’re completely ignoring the intention of the Word of God, but you only manipulate it to fit your own will, that’s not the Word of God. This week’s message was, “The King of Righteousness, the King of Peace,” there’s the intention God is trying to relay through Melchizedek.  The intention of God’s Word is that these long-time converts should be at the level of teachers, but they’re not growing; they’re at an elementary level, and this is the target audience for this message. This audience is composed of people so deeply entrenched in the words of the law of the Old Testament, and blocks them from receiving God’s Word.

Because they are so deeply rooted in the idea that the Priest must come from the Levite tribe, they were not able to accept the fact Jesus Christ is the High Priest because He was not from the Levite Tribe, so even though they believe in Jesus Christ, they’re not able to root deeply because of their pre existing roots, so they’re telling them, “Look the Malchazedeks was a priest even before Abraham and the Levites.” And Melchizedek is the king of Salom, the king of peace and this king is Jesus Christ. The reason He is the King of Righteousness is because He died to cover up the sins and transgressions and calls us “righteous” by His death.  

Because we’re now righteous, we used to be God’s enemies but now we’re united with God and filled with His peace. If you’re a child of God, do you just have peace? There must be no obstacle between God and me.  If you’re constantly following your thoughts, how could God’s peace come upon you?  You can only have this unified relationship where you receive God’s peace and follow the Word God gives you. 

When God’s power becomes my power, I can overcome the world with ease. When God’s plan becomes my plan, because we’re in alignment, we enjoy the blessings of missions and evangelism taking place.  This is the intention that God desires to give to us.  If this Word of God is given to you by His grace, you will enjoy this the rest of the week.

But let’s say you don’t know what He’s trying to say at all? You listen to something, receive something and then a little grace but you don’t know what it is, then you hold onto something else.  That’s the characteristic of someone who’s bad at studying, they don’t understand the lecture the teacher teaches them so they have to listen to something else.  But the Word of God connects everything with one Word.  

If you don’t understand the Word on Sunday, then look at it again on Monday and ask God, that’s why He gives you the message every day. Listen to the message again and He will give you a new answer, so you say, “Oh, the reason God gave me this message was to give me this message,” and if you understand this word, you’ll have no choice but to follow it and that’s why you’re able to do ministry with this Word. BecauseBecause you’re able to abundantly enjoy and understand the Word of God, you’re able to relay it to others. 

But if you’re not able to enjoy or relay it, you must listen on Sunday; there is no other method. The Holy Spirit is not who you think He is.  He works, so on Saturday, I beg of you, stop doing unnecessary things but go into prayer and the Word of God and prepare your heart for worship.  Then please come to church early on Sundays, and instead of doing something else, read the word, scriptures and pray, “What word does God desire to give me today?” and prepare yourself. That’s the process to make your heart into a fertile field to receive God’s Word.

There are some people who receive the grace of God just by reading the scripture because the Word of God is power, and some people receive the power from the message because it’s the time schedule of evangelism for this church in America, but listening to random messages on Youtube are useless, why? Because those messages aren’t aligned with this church and they’re not aligned with your time schedule either.  That YouTube message is not aligned with this field.

People who are centered on knowledge will love things like that because they think they will gain more knowledge.  Does that mean you shouldn’t listen to it? No, you should listen to God’s Word, but you must stake your life on worship.  If you think lightly about it, then you’re looking down on and thinking lightly of God. 

It was great to see all the people receive RU training this week.  I realize that there are some people who say “Amen” a lot during training but don’t say it during church.  So, I’m kind of questioning, “Why do people not say ‘amen’ during the Sunday worship and only say it during the training?” Do they say it to create a better environment for the speaker?  Do they say the amens that they don’t on Sunday ?  Just stand before God.  If you’re really saying “amen” before God, then say it and give glory to God.  

7) Great Peace 

Psalm 119:165, “Great peace have they who love you law, and nothing can make them stumble. Why? Because the Way opens up the way for us, the thoughts and the words of people will only be stumbling blocks based on their level, but the Word of God transcends any stumbling block, so this is different from people’s words and your thoughts ; the Word of God overcomes everything. May you rely on God’s Word.

2.Wisdom and knowledge of the word 

The second thing is the wisdom and knowledge of the word. Make sure not to stop saying “amen” because I said something about it, but give glory to God through amen.  Some people say “amen” in their hearts.  

1) God’s wisdom is greater than the wisdom of man 

Psalm 119:98, God’s wisdom is greater than the wisdom of man.  It says in 1 Corinthians that the smallest word of God is greater than the greatest thoughts of man.  

2) Meditating in the word 

Psalm 119:99 says, “I have more insight than all my teachers for I meditate on your statues.” The Word of God is the Word of God, and it goes beyond the knowledge of people because God created people with His Word, so of course, if we simply meditate upon God’s Word, then the knowledge and wisdom poured upon us will be greater than anyone else’s.You do not receive wisdom from your experiences ; that’s the way of living like the people of the world.  You must find all wisdom and knowledge within the God Who created the heavens and the earth with His Word. 

3) Obeying the word will rejoice when they see you

Psalm 119:100 says, “I have more understanding than the elders for I obey Your precepts.”  Therefore, when we follow God’s Word, we are more wise than the elderly people who received wisdom from their many experiences.  The fact that they’re elders means they have a lot of life experiences.  It means they have a lot of wisdom in regards to the things that happened on this earth, but even if they are not able to control their own life, isn’t that right? They can’t even fix their own life properly, but they do have a lot of wisdom and knowledge from their experiences.  

Of course, they have more experience than someone who is less experienced, So even if they fail they can give their wisdom, that’s why people aren’t able to look down on elderly people.  However, the Word of God is far greater in wisdom and knowledge than even the wisdom and experiences of people.  

4) Word

Psalm 119:74, “May those who fear You rejoice,” why do I rejoice?  Because we fear and put our hope in God’s Word. the Word of God is God, you have to look to GOd’s word to enjoy. When you look to God’s Word in worship, you receive God’s Word in prayer, especially the words of the gospel; not the words of the law, but the words of the gospel; not the words that people of the world understand, but the word that God gives us contains everything.

3. 3 Purposes

There are three purposes to the Word. 

1) God’s word helps us realize our sins and trespasses

Psalm 119:67-71, it reveals our sins and transgressions to us. Of course, people are lacking, and that’s why we have to pray.  I think I’m doing the right thing right now, but my thoughts come from Genesis 3.  Sure, your thoughts may provide some physical benefit as you do this or that, but it is not a benefit to your entire life.

2) The word makes us realize God’s perfection

Psalm 119:1 says that the Word reveals the great ways of God.

3) The word shows us the way to meet God 

The Word shows the way to meet God, because within the Word of God is the gospel. There’s a lot of words, but what is the central core of that Word? It is to receive salvation because all humans are separated from God, and that’s why other than Genesis 1:1-2, it is all talking about salvation.  Genesis 1-2 is about Creation, but from Genesis 3 onward, it talks about human beings separated from God because of sin.  Every single human born after Adam is in need of salvation and therefore this is the way of salvation.  If you take to the comment to salvation, but instead you use the word of God to say, “if you live like this, or live like that then you are the same as an unbeliever.

But instead, you take out the content of salvation, we say, “we have to do this, or do that, oh we have to help these people, “ yes that is correct, but that’s not the main point or goal. If you’re received the blessings of unlocking.  That’s why God is moving everything forward, He creates the entire history of mankind and gives humans relationships so we may relay the gospel, that’s the goal for which God has given me at my job, and priest on this earth.  

But instead, if something goes bad, you think “ do not be precious so people. Yes, those are good words, but the reason the Bible was written was not for that goal.  There’s a person why God wrote everything out to receive salvation.The bible contains the messages, age by age, every age before Jesus Christ came to earth, with a shadow image that represents the Jesus Christ that will come. If you believe in this word then you receive salvation. If you can’t understand the word of God your life is a failure.  That’s what the Bible says.

If you’ve received salvation, you should enjoy the blessings of salvation but if you don’t know about it you go back to live your life as a slave. Why do we serve idols ? It means we have lost hold of the position God gave us as priests to declare God’s word to the rest of the world.  The Israelites still gave their ritualistic worship in the morning and night, but because they lost God’s main goal, they look at the things of the world bigger, then how can I hold onto the great things of the world?  They look at all the idol worshiping nations, and they all look so big, powerful, smart, and rich. So they’re tempted by the temptations, and they serve idols. Same thing happens today. People go to church but they don’t hold onto God’s Word. “The Word is the Word, but there’s something else I’m holding onto .”

We must receive God’s grace, this is not something you can force or persuade. If that’s possible, then everything can be solved by dedication, we must receive God’s grace.  It is something impossible for us to do so we must receive it with God’s grace, “Wow the gospel is truly everything.”   There were some people who questioned me when I say the Gospel is everything because you don’t know the reason why? You’re not able to relay this to your children because you don’t know the reason why. Everyone says the gospel is everything, so you just repeat after them, but it’s jot everything to you. But if you think these words separately, being a child of God is everything but the kids are able to believe that, why are you having trouble believing you are a child of God? 

You didn’t do this by your own efforts only by believing in Jesus Christ , “Oh, is that true? “Yes, it’s so easy, but why do you think it’s so difficult?  If the president, the most powerful position of the country, a child of Family I has one that’s what it means everything is finished. Do you think if they were a child of a president or king, they would they go out onto an alley wall and play with the homeless kids, even the children of a king. How they play is different. The children of kings practice to be a king, if someone is not the son of a king, then they have to live on this world to learn and survive but children of king’s practice to become kings. 

Then the children of God need to live their lives with the correct posture of status and authority and the special rights of a child of God. Is it right for a child of a king to worry about what to eat today? Even after receiving the gospel, we’re not able to enjoy it. And we’re so upset about what this person said to us, but if we’re a children of God that believes, then even if you leave them alone we actually have to apply and enjoy this gospel we’ve been given in our everyday lives, so the easiest way for the remnants to understand.

But now you’re a child of God you think a child of God would worried. If  you don’t teach them who they are, they will never know who they are, so they’ll always be afflicted by their studies, work and people, but the children will live like a child of a king. If you simply have the position of being a child of a king. Remnants, you are a spiritual king, I have a position that will break down the devil and if you’re still doing that, we have I’d rather be in stability. 

A King is supposed to rule and subdue but instead you’re  enslaved by what people say to you and how to survive. You are not at the status to worry about these things. You are in a position where you block disasters, adn break down satan, and unite people with God. If you secure the posture of your status, then the devil knows and flee. Then from that point on, the economy of light that God  has hidden will begin  to be revealed one by one because if God reveals it to you before you know this mystery, you’re going to think you did it with your own diligence. If a student know the mystery of who they are and goes to school, the darkness will be broken down because the devil knows. 

And even while you’re doing the same studies as others, your attitude is different. There are some people who are so anxious to study because they think their life depends on it. Children of  God, they just study, they know what to do. They need to know the knowledge of the world, so they study. But that’s not our goal. Who am I? 

I am a child of God, I’m a prince, a royal prince or princess, and the One controlling the Universe is my Father. If I’m a child of God, everything should follow my word; why am I following others? Why are you following money or your studies? You have to know who you are.

What is the special goal God has given to me?  Only the children of God can do the work of saving people who have no way of being saved. Only the children of God can block disasters and relay the word of God. That authority has been given to us.   That’s the goal for which. Then, the way you live is different. You are living on this earth with the status and authority of heaven, and because you’re a king, all the things of earth are bound to follow you.  

All the things the people of the world love so much and beg for are bound to So, there’s one more I wanted to cover and go in-depth into this. You shouldn’t explain this complicatedly to kids because the kids don’t understand complicated things. If the gospel were complicated, then ordinary people in the world wouldn’t be able to understand it, so that’s not right.  

What’s important is how is the gospel imprinted and rooted in their hearts?  There’s going to be a lot of things that’ll happen. You are a child of God, you’re at the position of the spiritual priest, prophet, and king who will save this world. Once they really hold onto it, they won’t want to tap anyone else.  Our status and authority within Christ, may you and I enjoy this blessing and testify of it.  


Father God, we thank You.  We pray that You will guide us to the evangelist’s lifestyle through this evangelism healing message and may we testify and relay this blessing to the field. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.

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