God’s Preparation for the Evangelist (Exodus 3:7-8)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God’s Preparation for the Evangelist (Exodus 3:7-8)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo


Genesis 1:27 Image – Life

Genesis 1:28 Blessings, Fill, Rule Over, Conquer

Satan (Eph 2:2), Sin – Death (Eph 2:1), Hell – Thoughts – Evangelism, Physical (Eph. 2:3)

Christ – Life – Prayer

Old Testament – New Testament – Evangelism

1. Works

Even though you have Christ, you’re not able to enjoy Christ, so you’re at the level of, “I want to do it, I don’t want to, I like it, I don’t like it.”  You must go to your work field and school field with the mindset of a missionary, “How will God work in this place today?” Then this world is not a burden to you, but you can enjoy life. 

If you don’t understand evangelism, then your life will become hard and difficult.  You always go back to yourself thinking, “Evangelism is very hard and difficult for me.”  You say the incorrect things, “If I have time, I’ll evangelize.” You fall into your own thoughts thinking, “Because of my environment, I can’t evangelize. I haven’t received much training.”  You remain in these thoughts.  It seems correct but you’re actually unable to come out of yourself.

What happens to these kinds of people? They’re completely seized by Satan and continue suffering. This is what Moses did for 80 years, “How can I do this?” “I will be with you.” When you hold onto this and go into Egypt, it won’t be a burden to you but you’ll enjoy it. This world and Satan know our weaknesses so well.  If you don’t understand evangelism, you’ll surely become enslaved, taken captive, and become colonized by the world.

Such a person who evangelizes doesn’t have an optimistic mind. It’s someone who enjoys this life. Why can’t you continue? Because you don’t have this life.

2) Ezekiel 3:18-20 Blood Accountability

It says if you don’t evangelize, you will be held accountable for their blood.  God gave the answer to Ezekiel to share to the people who are dying, but if he doesn’t share it with those people, then their blood is on his hands.  We can or cannot eat food, we can or cannot go to college; we can exercise a lot or a little bit.  I have the option of getting plastic surgery or not. But if we don’t share the gospel, then all people will die.  But God has given this gospel of life to you, so it’s not something you can or cannot do; you will be held accountable for that person’s blood.  This becomes possible once you hold onto the fact that it is only the gospel.

If this doesn’t come into you, then you have no choice but to donate and give to charity, and that’s a good thing, but that’s the only thing you can do. Then you talk about useless things, like politics, things that don’t help at all.  Then you have to speak about morals and ethics.  But if you don’t relay this gospel, the people who are dead cannot come to life.  

In the valley, there were four high school students who overdosed and were brought to the emergency room, but who will save those people?  It’s not that they just dabbled a little bit in drugs; they overdosed.  Then, who must go and save them? The people there must do that. The church in that region must do it. That’s why God has allowed you to live there, to raise a church there, and allowed you to go to school there. 

“But how can you do it if I’m a high schooler?” It doesn’t matter what your age is; relay it. We have no choice but to train the children in the church because if they’re left out in the world, they wouldn’t be able to save the world. You cannot have the rotten thought, “Just because I’m in high school, I can’t do it.” If you have life, relay that life to others.

Joseph went to Egypt as a missionary when he was 17 years old.  The missionaries who went to Korea went after graduating from college.  These are the people who graduated at the top of their medical schools and abandoned everything to do missions. All these people came and died at an early age, but why did they decide to do that? On what basis? It’s nothing else. They had a life that was more precious than the medical field, and of course, it was according to God’s grace.  High schoolers and college students are the ones to save the world. 

3) 2 Timothy 4:2

It says, be prepared in season and out of season.  It’s not that you prepare for this or that season; you are prepared in and out of season. It is that urgent.  Is there a difference between God’s urgency and how you feel right now?  As you look at your life, I want you to confirm whether it’s urgent for you or not.  “Because I have a lot of years left to live, it’s not urgent for me,” but you’re not the one who decides how long you can live.  God can take you away in one year, five years, or even tomorrow; it’s not something you decide for yourself.

“I’m a remnant with many years to live,” that’s not something for you to decide.  In season and out of season, be prepared.  So during Holy Wind, I hope all the remnants invite their friends.  If they can’t do this, these kids can’t do anything else. Why? Then God can’t give His strength to the kids.  We’re preparing everything but you’re not able to invite someone? We can’t anticipate much from such people because they’re not the ones sharing the gospel; we’re just telling them to invite their friends. 

“I’m embarrassed.” Such children can’t do anything.  They’re not even being prepared in season or out of season; it’s a one time thing, so if they can’t do this, they can’t do anything else.  That’s why, in your region, create an Upper Room Ministry meeting and either relay the gospel or invite people.  Inviting someone is very important because this must continue every week.

4) 1 Thessalonians 2:19

The crown is us, who will share this gospel.  When we leave this earth and go to heaven, the crown and the thing that remains are the people whom we have evangelized to.  Then, what has God entrusted to His evangelists?

3. Entrust

1) Acts 1:1-11 Witness, Kingdom, Holy Spirit, Witness

It says You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be witnesses. God has entrusted the Kingdom to you and God’s work is only done by the Holy Spirit, you’re witnesses of that.  The Kingdom of God must be established.  You cannot always constantly talk about yourselves and your kingdom; that’s ultimately Satan’s kingdom. There’s nothing you can do with your own level.  I have died and now Christ lives within me, as the Holy Spirit comes upon me, that’s the kingdom I live for.  The kingdom where the Holy Spirit works so the kingdom of the forces of darkness are broken in the field.  You are witnesses of this.  This is what God has entrusted with us. 

4. Contain

What must we contain within our hearts as we pray?  God has entrusted an important thing to us, but what does that have to do with me?  This precious life and spirit must come within me.

1) Acts 1:8 Promise, Wait

The promise of God must come into my heart.  You hold onto this promise and wait for His works as you hold onto it with your heart. When someone promises you something, you wait for it; that promise will surely be fulfilled, and that’s why you pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit. 

2) Acts 1:14 Prayer

They all joined together, constantly in prayer.  It’s not that you pray for something that you want, because that means you’ve not been able to come out of yourself.  These are the people who have not come out of the level of the law, just like the Pharisees. These people don’t like the gospel; they’re more interested in what they like, in what they desire. The Jewish people didn’t like the gospel, they didn’t like Christ.

It’s because of “me,” “I must do something to reveal my righteousness.”  These are the people who cannot go here, the people who went to the Temple of Jerusalem could not join Mark’s Upper Room.  God’s promise must go into the hearts of the remnants.

What is in our hearts? That’s important.  Is this a person who has the promise of God within them, or are they trying to fulfill their own will and promises?  That’s important. How is the future determined? It depends on what is contained within your heart. Even though you haven’t lived your life yet, the result is obvious. If that person is within God’s important promise, then that person will surely pray.

Prayer is not labor, prayer is waiting for God’s promise, isn’t that so?  If you have this assurance, then you can wait. If you don’t have this assurance, then you cannot wait. You met God and received His promise and are sure in it, then you are able to pray and wait. That’s why it says they gathered together in prayer.  These people will pray while studying because they hold onto the promise.  Students say, “How can I pray while studying?” That’s a weird question.  Have you not dated a girlfriend or boyfriend before? While you study, you are constantly thinking about it, and that’s in your heart.  “I must study quickly so I can meet them, I must get a job so I can marry them.”  You live with whatever is contained in your heart, and that’s your motive and goal.

Why do you go to work? What’s your motive, what’s in your heart? Is it money or success or what you envision as a happy life?  It means you have not been able to come out of “me.”  I have died with Christ on the cross, and now I live with the resurrected Christ, and this is the experience I must have.  If you don’t experience this, then you’re like the disciples when Christ died on the cross.  The disciples chased after Christ, but the reason was for their physical motives, dreaming of their own kingdom, but that will not be fulfilled.  The result of those works is just going to fish.  Those people all left Jesus and went back to fishing.  It’s because they were in that time schedule.

You must experience the resurrected Christ.  I have died on the cross with Christ, and that’s when Satan will flee. In Heb. 2:14-15 it says that we were held in slavery, those who lived in fear of death, and these disciples ran away because they were afraid of death.  We had no choice but to constantly be under the forces of the devil, held in slavery by our fear of death.  

Why can’t you go to your workplace as a missionary? You think you’ll starve and die. You can’t go and pray at school because you think you’ll die if you don’t study. Such people are in a time schedule that is much later.  But for those who enjoy and experience the cross, they received and saw God’s promise.  It’s not something you do, but you hold onto this promise within your heart and pray.  

You must not misunderstand prayer.  You think prayer is asking God for whatever you want, but that is not prayer. You pray with the things God has given to you, then the working of the Holy Spirit will come upon you according to the time schedule. That’s when the middle and high schoolers can be witnesses in their schools; these are the remnants who must arise in their fields.  When Pharaoh saw Joseph, he said, “This is one who is filled with the Spirit of God.”

This week, there was a high school fair at my daughter’s school so I went, but there were problems at a particular school, I didn’t know what it was, but I told her, “You must go there to a place like that and save the people there as a missionary. If there are problems there, unbelievers try not to go there, but we don’t compete because we go to the empty places where nobody wants to go.”  For those who have this promise, it’s okay wherever they go because God will work according to His promise.  

For those who know this and go into their workplace, it doesn’t matter what kind of workplace they’re placed in, because when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will go to the ends of the earth as a witness.  God will give you the strength in order to do this work.  The physical things follow.  God Who fills our needs. Satan is the one who fills our greed.  Satan’s deception is filling us up with unnecessary things.  

5. Power

The resurrected Lord gave these people this power. What kind of power? They received the power of the filling of the Holy Spirit. 

1) Filling of the Holy Spirit

Then what happens?  They receive authority and power

2) Authority, Power

3) Witness

Then they become witnesses until the ends of the earth.  God gave them this complete promise. Even though God has already given us this complete promise, Satna makes it so we can’t go within it.  How pitiful is that?  

6. Signature

God has signed something

1) Acts 1:8

God has allowed in terms of evangelism, that you will do evangelism. 

2) Kingdom

God has already signed off that He will give you the Kingdom of God.  

3) 120 People – Pray

That’s when 120 people began to pray. God approved such people who had experienced Christ. God cannot approve those who haven’t experienced Christ. Even if God approves them, they will hold onto something else as they don’t know this value, so they throw this away and hold onto something else.

Esau sold this promise for a bowl of porridge. Even if he gets this, it’s a problem because he doesn’t know the value. God has given this to us, but we don’t know the value of this, so we consider it useless.

4) Acts 2:9-11 15 Nations, Business, Academics

God gave this promise and 15 nations were attached. My business and academics must be like this, the academics and business that aren’t aligned with this have nothing to do with God. Even unbelievers run their businesses and academics, but what does God approve?  He says He will give you the filling of the Holy Spirit, and then through those who pray, God will attach these kinds of people. 

7. Principle

There’s the principle of the gospel to save your region. In other words, there is God’s principle in how He saves the region and does evangelism in the region.  

1) Life

It’s the life we talked about in the introduction.  What do people think about this? “I received life and do something else.” They receive salvation and become children of God, but they do something else; they haven’t realized that this is everything.  For fish, water is their life source.  But if a fish as a spiritual problem, the water is just rightful for them and they do something else; they think water is just the basics and they look towards the land, outside.  But if they go outside, they die.  But the life of Christ is contained within this.

What is a spiritual problem? It’s looking for something else in this life. That’s a spiritual problem. You just need to be within this, but instead, you look towards something else.  

2) Power

If you’re within this life, then power will follow.  If you’re within this life of Jesus, then this power will surely follow.  

3) Healing

Then the diseased “me” will be healed.  Even though I have life, I try to enjoy something useless, so I have no choice but to be diseased, suffer, and fail. What is failure in life?  When evangelism and missions don’t take place. That is failure in life. The success of unbelievers is not real success because that is a success that will end in hell.  How could that be success? They’re suffering on this earth and have to suffer eternally in the future; how is that success?  This life of conquering and ruling is true success.  

From the Lord, we must receive this power.  That is when all the diseased things of my heart and mind will be healed.  God wants me to share this life with other people so they can also experience this power and receive healing.

4) Prayer

That is when you can do this prayer movement of praying for other people.  It is praying, holding to the covenant of God.  Why can’t we pray? We don’t believe in the promise, but the promise is in every part of the Bible. The Bible says even evil fathers want the best for their children, so then, why wouldn’t God give you the Holy Spirit?

When you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, God moves the Holy Spirit to work everything. “I need something,” you don’t need to ask for that.  The Holy Spirit will surely work and that’s when the doors to evangelism and missions will open, then you become a witness in evangelism.

5) Evangelism – Witness

Conclusion – School – Jesus Christ

In your school fields, you must do exactly this. Pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Don’t think about yourself but pray with Christ. Don’t use the word, “me.”  “I can do it, I can’t,” it’s not that, but in the name of Jesus, when you pray, then you will surely receive the works of the filling of the holy spirit.  Through what? Through the name of Jesus.  What will happen? The filling of the holy spirit as was promised.  


Then what happens is God’s kingdom will come upon you. The kingdom of Satan will be broken down and the kingdom of God will be established, then that is when God will surely open the doors.  

Acts 2:9-11

He will open the doors of the blessings of meeting through your academics and business.  In Acts 2:41-42, they prayed holding onto the message they received from the pulpit, and God continued to add their number daily.  Then, disciples will surely rise up in the business field. If disciples don’t rise up in the business field, that is not success; you’ve just worked diligently.  When God works, that is when people like me, other disciples, will arise in the field.

70 Region, Church

That’s when in my field, the 70 regions, the church will be raised.  This is only possible through those who believe in God’s promise.  This is not done through people who have gone to church the whole time, it’s not done through diligence.  Believe in Jesus and contain this in your heart, then it doesn’t matter what kind of situation you face. If it’s not in your heart, no matter how great your environment is, it will not take place.  Because God’s promise was placed within the heart of the Early Church, Rome could not block it.  God will continue this stream upon the remnants who have Christ, God’s Kingdom, and the Holy SPirit contained and imprinted in their hearts.


God, we thank You. We believe You have prepared all things for your evangelists.  Through the name of Christ, we believe the Kingdom of God and the Holy Spirit will be established so we’re able to save and witnesses to the 237 nations.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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