God’s Goal for Calling Me (Mark 3:13-15)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God’s Goal for Calling Me (Mark 3:13-15)

God is saying “This won’t do.” That is why God called other people for the kingdom of God and raised them up.

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. I hope the blessing of Word fulfillment and answered prayers will be upon all the individuals and families worshipping in their homes, in the church, and especially out of state. 

The title of today’s message is God’s Goal for Calling Me. We do have a goal in our life and I hope anybody who doesn’t have a goal in their life will find it today. For anyone who has the incorrect goal in life, may your goal be corrected to the right one. Our life can only be filled with happiness when we align our lives with God Who created and is moving the entire universe. 

In today’s passage, Jesus went up to the mountainside and called his disciples. And when you look in the Greek translation, it is still progressing now–it is in the present tense. Whenever the Lord does anything important, He does it on the mountain. That’s because most people who aren’t really interested won’t go to the mountain if He tells them to go up. If the Lord were to tell them to do something on the street, they’ll do it because it’s on the way anyway, but they won’t go up to the mountain because it’s not important enough. So, any time He gives an important message, He goes up to the mountain.

After his resurrection, he calls his disciples up to the Mount of Olives. Most of the crowd just looked at the miracles Jesus was performing in the streets, but they don’t follow when He tells them to go elsewhere. You don’t just come to worship; unless God calls you, it’s impossible to come. Because we’re not forced to listen, but if we come to worship, it means the Lord has called us. There are people who don’t go even if the Lord calls. You are people who are giving worshipping because you’re reacting to His call. 

1. Before God’s calling

  1) Separated from God

Before the disciples met Jesus, they were separated from God. That means they were living a life not aligned with God. 

    (1) Authority of sin, Satan, hell

That’s what it means to live in a life of sin under the authority of Satan and Hell. If we’re not aligned with God, it means we’re living our lives centred on ourselves, we’re living however we want to live. Therefore, a life where we’re living to fulfill our own goals is not aligned with God. When people like this reach their limitation, they have no choice but to choose some sort of religion. Those who don’t find religion are centered on themselves and see themselves as their own God. The reason people are serving idols or turning to transcendental meditation is because they can’t solve something on their own. Because of this, their spirits are completely seized by Satan.

    (2) Me, Physical, Success (Gen. 3, 6, 11)

There’s only two choices: are you seized by God or by Satan? “Oh, I just want to be on the middle ground.” In the Bible, there is no middle ground. If you want to be in the middle, you will be seized by Satan. Because our spirit is ensnared and seized by Satan, our mind is uncontrollable, so our mental problems come as a result of our spirit being seized invisible to our eyes. Our mind is uncontrollable. 

    (3) Superstitions, Shamanism, Idolatry (Acts 13, 16, 19) – Spirit, Flesh, Family, Future – Snare

Because of that we are seized and dragged around. That is why our life begins to collapse. When our mental state is ensnared, we cannot control our life. This burrows deep into our family, into our children as well. In the future, we live in eternal suffering and Hell. This is the course of life for every great person in America who does not have Jesus Christ. 

It doesn’t matter how much they try to deny this, they are living in this course. Time will reveal what will happen to people who are trying to live against that. Things beyond my control will keep happening. Especially in your mind, things against your control will happen. Because you lived your life apart from God however you wanted, these unwanted things will keep happening. 

These are the people the Lord called. In other words, by the incident of Jesus Christ dying on the cross, these people are gathered to Christ. The fact that you believe in Christ means you believe the incident of the cross. He received all the curses and disasters of my sin on my behalf. He destroyed all the authority of Satan that we were helpless against. And now he is living in me as the Holy Spirit. 

People who believe in this are children of God. The people of God do not live with the things of the Earth, they live with the background of the throne of Heaven. You can only have the proper answers in your walk of faith if you’re living the proper walk of faith. People whose walk of faith is not taking place are living according to the things of the Earth. That is why they have no choice but to be seized by the things of Satan. But the background of a child of God is the throne of heaven, and everything comes from that. 

  2) Jesus Christ’s calling – Came to God (Mk 3:13), Child of God (Jn 1:12), Appointed as Disciples (Mk 3:14)

My status is a child of God. My life doesn’t get swayed left or right by the things of the world, and I’m not living by my own abilities. In Mk. 3:14, he appointed twelve to be disciples. From Mk. 3 until the verse we just read, Jesus was doing the works of healing, and the Jews and Pharisees were attacking him, asking why he was doing this on the Sabbath. 

The Jewish people were losing the essence of the true worship Word of God. God has allowed people to have the Sabbath so we can enjoy the true rest from worship. God gave us the Sabbath so we can gain true rest and peace from worship and enjoy and glorify God for the rest of week, but they’re saying “Why are you healing this man on the Sabbath?” This is the reason churches are fighting over things that aren’t essential at all. We waste our entire lives on things that aren’t essential, even if we have the Word of God. God is saying “This won’t do.” That is why God called other people for the kingdom of God and raised them up. 

  3) Goal for calling

    (1) Be with Jesus Christ (Mk. 3:14)

These are the purposes for which He called them, in Mk 3:14, that He might be with them. If you listen to the word of God really well, you’ll see the answers. The fact that God is with you means that you won’t live according to your own standards. If God is with you, that doesn’t mean He’ll just help you get whatever you want. A person like that is just religious and they’re living the exact same life as any other religion, and they just happen to go to church, they live a religious life with some notion of “god.” 

    (2) With us (Matt. 1:23)

If God is with me, it means He is the standard. I am lacking and weak. Bridging that gap is prayer. If you don’t know this, you won’t receive answers. It doesn’t matter how diligently you pray and walk your walk of faith, you won’t be with God because you don’t know the reason He has called you. The fact that He has called you means all your standards are God’s standards. This and that may happen in your life, but we pray asking God to solve this or that problem. That’s the prayer of people who go to the temples, and that is the problem that every religion in the world prays for, but that is different from the prayer the Bible tells us about. 

The Biblical prayer is being with God. We need to find what God’s plan is. “Why am I gathered here today?” Prayer is being able to be with God by finding His plan. People who aren’t able to do that ask God to adjust everything to themselves. I have to adjust myself to God, but religious people always ask God to adjust Himself with them. Is it right if God adjusts Himself to me?  I have to adjust myself to God.  

    (3) With us in all things (Rom. 8:28)

Whether good or bad things happen, I have to align myself to God, therefore I must look for God’s plan. That is what we call prayer. Then anyone can receive answers to prayer. If you don’t understand these words, you can live your walk of faith however long you want but you won’t be with God. The characteristic of someone living a religious life is that they are utilizing God or manipulating for whatever they want. Once they get what they want, they throw God away and they don’t come to church anymore or pray because they don’t see a need. They only come back when God gives them incredible hardships. This is the repetitive cycle.

From the beginning, you need to understand the gospel that God is with you, and you need to adjust yourself to God. So my daughter bumped into something and got really mad because it hurt. But the reason she got mad is, “why is this in front of me?” I think this will be hard for her future. “Why is it so hot today? Why did COVID have to make my life so miserable? Why did this friend come into my life and ruin it?” That person will not receive answers no matter how long they go to church. 

They have to adjust themselves [to God]. “God, why did you allow COVID?” Then you will receive an answer. But the characteristic of someone who is suffering is they are centered on themselves. They think, “If COVID hadn’t happened, my life would be different.” That person doesn’t believe God exists. But God is with me, and with us, meaning God is with the church. You must understand “us” very well.  

The reason God came to this Earth was as Immanuel, meaning God with us. That’s why the church is so important. I am a temple but I am not a church. The body of Christ is the church. The fact that we are the body of Christ means we are playing one role in the body. The fact that God is with us means that I have to help fill another person’s lacking. That is what it means for God to be with us. 

I’ll explain in case you don’t understand. For example, say I break this finger. Do you think the other fingers will say, “I don’t care because that’s not related to me”? What would happen if the other fingers thought that way?  The other fingers won’t be able to be used either, because one of them is broken.  All of them are attached together. The fact that God is with us means that if there is someone who is weak or vulnerable in the church, I must support them, because that appendage has to get better for everything to be well.  That is what it means for God to be with us. 

In the family, there is unity because they are blood relatives. So, if a child gets hurt, the parent will hurt too. However, the church is united spiritually through the blood of Christ. So, we may not feel anything physically, but we’re spiritually connected.  I have to raise up this weak individual in order for me to be secure as well. 

But there are a lot of young adults in America who don’t go to church. They think it’s irrelevant to them because, “God is with me.” Then what will that finger be able to do on its own? You need a complete hand to do complicated things.  That finger is under a misconception, there is nothing it can do on its own. Maybe scratching an itch, or pointing fingers, or poking people’s eyes when you get mad. But a church must be able to do this in order to do great things. 

The fingers can’t do this on their own either, they need to be connected to the arm. The arm can’t do anything on its own either without the energy obtained from food digested by the stomach. But if we don’t know this secret, all the people of the church will have no spiritual strength. They say “why would I go to church? All they do is ask for money and there are a lot of people I don’t like.” That’s a diseased person.

God is with us in all things. You have to know this in order for you to do everything before God. If someone is centered on themselves, they don’t want to do the lowly tasks. Everyone wants to become a doctor, lawyer, or scholar; no one wants to be a janitor. “Oh, but not me.” I’m saying most people think in this way. If everyone does these high level tasks, who will clean? Who will raise the cattle? We need cattle-raisers for us to eat meat.  If everyone’s a lawyer or doctor, who will make things in factories? Come to your senses, start from the lowest place with the smallest works. God has a plan in these things, but you’re living your life with these empty thoughts. 

Because God is in all things. My studies may be small, but God is with me in that and He is fulfilling His will and plan. Everything is contained in God being with you. The one who is able to do the small works in front of God will be able to do the big works too. But the ideology of demons is wanting to do the big works. You don’t know who you are. In every little thing, God is with you and He has a plan there. 

2. Jesus’s goal for calling

  1) Send out (Mk. 3:14) – to the world, Talent, Specialty (Job)

The second reason God called us is so He may send us out to preach. God is sending us out into the world. I’m not going there to make money but God is sending me there. When God sends you there, He doesn’t send you empty-handed. Without a doubt, God gives every person their own talent and sends them out, regardless of whether they’re a believer or non-believer. We were created by God and each has a God-given talent, then we raise up and nurture this talent, and He sends us into a job as our specialty. 

I’m using this mic right now. I think it’s a couple dozen dollars. We’re able to buy a mic for a couple dollars, and you can all hear me through me. But what if I were to try to make the mic myself? Even if I were to just try to make the sponge around it, it would take a long time because I would need to grow the raw materials myself and I’d need a processing factory and to run that, I need labor and electricity, and those can’t come from nowhere. So even with just a small thing, many people were involved.

What about this rod? It comes from mountains, so to mine it, we need laborers, and to support the laborers, farmers need to grow food, and to transport the food, we need cars.  Does that car come out of nowhere? No, you need to make that car as well. Thousands of years have been invested to make this car, including the Industrial Revolution. So you need to melt this iron and then make this into a proper shape. Do you want to make a smelting factory to make your own mic?

What I’m saying is that God has given each and every individual a talent over thousands of years to make every little thing, and He’s even progressed science in this way. What’s the goal?  To send them out to preach.  He is not giving this to you so you can eat and survive, but He’s giving it to you so you can go out to preach and save lives. 

  2) Evangelism (Mk. 3:14)

Prayer is enjoying being with God. All our prayer is facing towards evangelism. Our lives, our prayer, our work and our studies have to aligned with sending them out to preach. Then you’ll be aligned with God. If you are, even if you tell the answers not to come, they will come.     

    (1) Christ’s ambassador (1Pet. 2:9)

So we have been commissioned out into the world as the ambassadors of Christ, as the roles in 1 Peter 2:9. 

    (2) Positions of King, Priest, Prophet

Through the kingly role of Christ, we are liberating the people enslaved by Satan.  By the role of the priest, we are liberating people from the curses and disasters of their sin. By declaring the message of Christ, we are saving people who are enemies of God, separated from God, so they can be united with God again. 

But a lot of people feel heavily burdened by evangelism. It’s only a burden because they’re thinking about the evangelism in their mind, not from the Bible. That’s why you need to change your concept of evangelism to a biblical evangelism. God is not sending us out into the world so we can make money and live, but He is sending us out with our talent and speciality so we can evangelize. Students and professionals who have this mission will see the work of God. 

    (3) Not with wisdom and eloquence, Only Gospel (1Cor. 1:17)

What is evangelism? It says in 1 Cor. 1:17 it is not with words of human wisdom. We are thinking of an incorrect evangelism, where we’re persuading people with our eloquence and wisdom. That is not evangelism, but only the power of the cross of Christ is evangelism. When we think about evangelism, we think about methods–how can I do this? How can I say the correct words? But that is not how evangelism takes place. 

    (4) Foolishness and weakness of God (1Cor. 1:25)

Evangelism is the gospel of the cross and the work Jesus did on the cross being revealed. 1 Cor. 1:25 says that the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. What does this mean? It means the gospel is the wisdom and power of God. You have to understand this in order for you to be liberated from your conception of evangelism .

    (5) Power of the Holy Spirit (1Cor. 2:4)

The characteristic of people living a religious life is feeling heavily burdened by evangelism. They think they have to say the right words and have wisdom, so that’s why they’re always reaching for different methods, but that’s wrong.  1 Cor. 2:4 says that evangelism is not with wise and persuasive words, but with the demonstration of the Spirit’s power. 

When I relay the gospel of the cross of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit is revealed. It is for this reason that I am sent out into the world in my professional field and my studies. When you are aligned with that direction, the working and power of the Holy Spirit will be revealed through you. But Satan will deceive you with lies so you can’t enjoy this. “You need power! You need to speak well, you need to be persuasive.” I hope you will not be deceived by the father of lies, the devil. Christ Himself is power and the work that Jesus Christ did on the cross itself is power, and the Holy Spirit works through this.

  3) Authority to drive out demons (Mk. 3:15)

The third purpose for which He called us is to have authority to drive out demons. Are there demons? There are many Christians who deny that demons exist, because they’re invisible. That person will not know if the Holy Spirit exists either, because that is also invisible. That person is already seized by demons. There are gangs in LA, but if you deny the existence of those people, whose side are you on? You’re on the side of the opponent.

    (1) Authority to heal all illnesses and weaknesses (Mt. 10:1)

The Lord says in clear words to have authority to cast out demons. Demons are the spirits that Satan commands. Satan is the Father of lies, so these demons are running errands, seized by lies. Not only are we given the authority to cast out demons, but in Mt. 10:1 He called us and gave us authority to heal all illnesses and weaknesses. There are diseases caused by evil spirits, and it’s something doctors cannot heal; this can never be diagnosed at a hospital. 

Who can heal these people? God has given you authority to heal these people in order to proclaim the gospel.  That is why there are diseases that doctors can’t heal. But because we’re giving everything to the doctors, people with these diseases are dying .But if the churches don’t even know this, all the people with these diseases will suffer. 

    (2) Seizure (Mt. 17:15-18)

Mt. 17:15-18 talks about someone who had seizures that caused him to foam at the mouth and to fall into fire or water. Jesus heals him with His authority. 

    (3) Commanded the evil spirits (Mk. 1:23-27)

Mk. 1:23-27 talks about someone who is born deaf and mute. It means he is a person who is deaf and mute because he was demon possessed. When they took him to the disciples, they couldn’t do anything, so they took him to Jesus. Jesus Christ said with authority “Come out of him.” Later the disciples ask “Why is it that you could do it but we could not?” He says “You of little faith, this can only be done with prayer.” 

In Acts 13, Paul goes to the island of Patmos and there is a sorcerer, Elymas, who is controlling the proconsul from behind the scenes. What did Paul do at that time? He was filled with the Holy Spirit. You can’t drive out demons on your own; you must be filled with the Holy Spirit. Paul commands them to leave, and they do. That is how you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit and exercise your authority. 

If you receive God’s grace during times of worship, you have received the filling of the Holy Spirit. At that time, pray to bind and cast out all the forces of demons and Satan that are working in your region and family. Mt. 12 says that if it by the power of the Holy Spirit that I cast out demons, the kingdom of God has come upon you. 

The person who is committing mass shootings is possessed by demons. The church has been given the authority to heal people like this, but we aren’t using it? That’s why we have to run away and avoid this.  There are a lot of criminals and murderers, and that’s why LAPD has been given the authority to wield guns to fight that. People do drive-bys and kill people.  What happens if a police officer has the gun and authority to fight that, but they don’t know it? That officer will be the first to be killed. 

    (4) Legion of demons – Region – Mental healing (Mk. 5:9-15)

Satan is controlling this entire region. Should I give you evidence? Mk. 5 talks about someone who is possessed by a legion of demons. That means thousands of demons were in one young adult. When Jesus goes to this person, the demons recognize him. They plead to Jesus, and ask Him not to send them out of the area. “That area” talks about the region that this legion of demons has been controlling for thousands of years, guarding that region.

When you move, you lose some kind of balance. Because whenever you go to a new region, there are different forces of darkness controlling that region, and they work differently. If you don’t know this, you’re taken in by it. If you go into certain regions, everyone may be lost in powerlessness and poverty, and all they do is sleep. There are certain regions where everyone seems to be sick and diseased. 

There are places like that in Korea. In the age of Joseon in Korea, there was one region with a lot of diseased patients, and that is where this Korean doctor began to concentrate his work. Whether that was a hundred years ago or now, that place is full of diseased patients. There is another place where a lot of people commit suicide. Long ago when Japan colonized Korea, there was a location where many poeple went to committed suicide. That work of demons that took place hundreds of years ago continues today.  

You have to know this in order for you to know why Jesus has given you authority in His name. There are armies of demons that have been possessing this region of LA for a long time. You have to know this in order for you to bind them with authority in the name of Jesus. There are also forces of darkness flowing in your family line. You have to know that to bind it.  It’s there.  

It’s the same problem flowing from generation to generation. Especially Mongolians. Because for thousands of years, they’ve had a very shamanistic culture. Without knowing this, you cannot do missions and evangelism. If you don’t know this, you will collapse. Because for thousands of years, the forces of darkness and idols have been controlling this region. Later on, you’ll be taken in by it and you’ll say “I went to church and it didn’t help.” Muslim regions didn’t happen overnight; it’s been like that for a long time. You have to know that in order for you to overcome that in the Lord’s name. 

Many things are happening especially in your region, correct?  That’s the original spiritual state of that region. Why did God send you there? God sent you there so you may preach and have authority to cast out demons. But Christians don’t acknowledge it so they’re the first ones who are afflicted. Daniel resolved to pray to God, and it took 3 weeks for him to get an answer. Why? Because there were forces of darkness controlling Persia at that time. These forces of darkness are waging war to block our answers. In Persia, there was a group of demons that have been working through the idolatry there, what is now modern-day Iran. 

For three weeks, God sent the archangel Michael to wage the spiritual battle. This isn’t taught to you at Harvard or anywhere. It’s in the Bible but you don’t know this from just reading the Bible. You’re not even taught this at church. Most people don’t even like hearing this.  God gave you the Bible, but most people don’t like it. God gave you authority and wants you to use it.  

When you worship and receive spiritual strength through worship, may you utilize your authority then. “May the forces of darkness working in my company be bound and cast out through the authority of Jesus Christ.” If you don’t know this, how could you even do missions? The demons of idolatry that have been working for thousands of years in that region.

But then how will you do missions? That family and nation and that region aren’t existing out of nowhere. There is something they’ve been locked into for a long time. You have to know these spiritual things to know why you’ve been given authority. 

3. With Christ – Heal my family and me

  1) Shock (Scar) – Anger

The third point is that Christ is with us but inside of us there are scars and anger. That is why we must heal ourselves and our families. You can’t heal this by going to a hospital. The only thing a doctor can do is cut out some part of your body or give you medication to control the hormones. There is a spiritual problem that no laser can fix. 

If you’ve been scarred or shocked by trauma, you’ll get scarred by it. For example, if a child who is traumatized at a young age, that scar will not go away. Parents think the child is fine but the child still has the scar. Parents fighting have a large effect on children, and children are shaken by that. They don’t just stay at that level of insecurity. The parents are fighting with each other but it affects the child, but the child doesn’t say anything about it. 

There are things that the mother and father relay to the children when they’re in the womb. You think the child doesn’t know while in the womb, but they know spiritually. My kid knew. When I put my hand on my wife’s belly to pray for her, she was kicking my hand. That’s when I kinda got the feeling that “wow this daughter has a strong personality because she’s like me.” They know everything because these spiritual things are all connected. 

Just as how a pregnant mother is addicted to drugs, that addiction will be relayed to the children, or drinking alcohol during pregnancy, that addiction is relayed to the children. It’s not just the alcohol or drugs, but there’s a reason she is doing drugs. That state of suffering and misery is also relayed to the children. Even after they’re born, they receive shocks and trauma, invisible to the eyes, even through the family.  

    (1) Commit sin (Eph. 4:26)

But the Bible tells us that scarred people are angry. If you have a scar, you might get angry unreasonably, but God says not to sin because of that anger. It’s possible for us to get angry but not sinning means do not leave God’s Word because of it. Quickly, restore that trauma through the Word of God. But how could a kid do that?  That’s why this problem is untouchable.  These kids mature with this. Their physical body and mental state have matured but the things inside of them are the same. 

    (2) Foothold for Satan (Eph. 4:27)

Eph. 4:27 says “do not give the devil a foothold,” but you’ve already given Satan a foothold.  A foothold, which means Satan is coming in and stepping on you with it. So Satan is using this scar for your entire life, and he controls you with it. What can you do about that? It is only possible with the Word of God. 

    (3) With Christ – Faith (1 Pt. 5:8-9)

1 Peter 5:8-9 says be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy, the devil, prowls looking for someone to devour. Who is he looking for? 1 Pet. 5:9 says he is looking for those who aren’t firm in the faith. Therefore, stand firm in the faith, but to whom is he speaking? To believers. You Have to find God’s plan in your scars, but if you don’t, Satan will attack you with them for your entire life. 

    (4) Word of Christ – Healing (Heb. 4:12)

Heb. 4:12. Only the Word of God can penetrate, dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, judging the thoughts and attitude of your heart, and that’s worship, that’s the Word of God. These are things that money, the president, doctors, politicians can’t do. That is the reason God has called you for. So may you restore this in yourself and save others. 

But if you’re just praying “God, give me this or that,” that’s a religious person. Even if you just align yourself with God, God will work accordingly. You must first seek His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be given to you as well. Therefore, our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the authority of darkness and Satan. People are not our enemy, but the devil who is working behind this person is the enemy. But people don’t know this so they fight at church or in their families. Instead, you must fight the spiritual battle against Satan that is working inside this person. 

  2) Armor of God (Eph. 6:11)

    (1) Truth – Belt, breastplate of righteousness (Eph. 6:14)

In order to do so, you need to have the belt of truth. Jesus Christ is the truth, he must be your belt so you don’t lose your pants. The breastplate of righteousness must be Christ on your chest to block the arrows. Only Christ is righteousness, the words of people are not righteousness. 

    (2) Peace – Shoes of the Gospel, Faith – Shield (Eph. 6:15-16)

Have the shoes of the gospel of peace.  The gospel must be comfortable for you, and Christ being with you must be comfortable for you. This means that no matter what problem or circumstance you face, the gospel will give you peace, why? Because God is with you, and that’s how you enjoy the gospel. Your shoes must be comfortable for you to walk for a long time. 

Have a shield of faith, that the Lord is with me, and all problems have been finished on the cross, and my background is the throne of heaven. You have to block the flaming arrows of the enemy. Do you know what a flaming arrow is? If the arrow hits you, you’ll be set on fire. The NIV says “missile.” What happens if you get hit by a missile? You’re completely finished. Every single time you have unbelief, the devil is shooting at you.

    (3) Salvation – Helmet, Holy Spirit (Word) – Sword (Eph. 6:17)

“Have the helmet of salvation,” the assurance of salvation, and fight using “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” If you don’t have the sword, how can you fight with the devil?  If the word of God is so weak in you, how will you take on the world? The word must be sharp and accurate.  “What was the word I received this week again?” Then you’ll be attacked. You must have the accurate word you received to take out the enemy in one hit.  Let’s say you have a sword but it’s dull, “What did he say again? I remember some word…” But if you don’t have the word, how will you stab the enemy? The only thing that can strike the enemy, the devil, is the word of God. 

    (4) Pray in the Spirit in all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests (Eph. 6:18)

You have to communicate to Heaven in all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. If you’re fighting a battle, you have to receive commands from the headquarters. That is how God will work, transcending time and space, and sending his angels. If you’re lacking something, tell God about it. If you don’t have people or power, request more people or power.  But you aren’t able to pray because you don’t know what you’re doing. You barely pray, and the things you pray about are, “God, give me this or that,” it’s the same as any religion. 

    (5) Pray for church members (Eph. 6:18) and the Evangelist – Words given, fearlessly proclaim (Eph. 6:19)

Eph 5:18 says to pray for the members of the church, and it’s for your benefit as I said earlier. And also pray for the evangelists, so that whenever they speak, it may be the words of the gospel. 

3) Concentration time of prayer

That is how you participate in evangelism together, and that’s why you need to have a concentration time of prayer. Transcendental meditation is a form of concentration, but there are limitations to that because you’re concentrating on yourself. But we concentrate on God. If you don’t have that concentration, you’ll always be facing more obsessions, divisions, and addictions. Because your mind is so divided, you can’t even work well.

What happens if you’re always divided in your mind, if you’re obsessed with unnecessary things? You won’t be able to hold onto your work because you’re so obsessed with your worries and they’re going to control you. 

    (1) Filling of the Holy Spirit (Ac. 1:14)

“But they devoted their hearts to prayer.” When they did that, they received the filling of the Holy Spirit and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You must receive this in order to live not according to the flesh. Otherwise, your life will flow according to your thoughts, emotions, and the scars of your past. “Because I have limitations, I must receive the filling of the Holy Spirit to be led by it.” Such a person is within the works of the Holy Spirit, and through this, God will give you the amazing blessings of meeting. 

    (2) Guidance of the Holy Spirit – Contrary to the desires of the flesh (Gal. 5:17)

For people who are following the desires of their flesh, their greed for money or success, they will always meet people who are similar to them, because that’s my level. 

    (3) Works of the Holy Spirit (Ac. 2:9-11) – Blessing of Meeting

But if I receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, I will meet the people God has prepared. Even if you’re doing business, you must meet people like this for God’s Kingdom to be established.


1. With Jesus

2. Jesus’s evangelism through me

3. Drive out demons in Jesus’s name

So let us conclude everything: the reason Jesus called us was to be with Him, to evangelize, and to cast out demons. May the rest of your week be blessed so that you may be aligned with the purpose for which God has given you. 


Let us pray together at this time

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