God’s Covenant that Continues to Show us the Blessing of Our Mission (Acts 9:15)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God’s Covenant that Continues to Show us the Blessing of Our Mission (Acts 9:15)

Acts 9:15 was the plan God gave to Paul for the rest of his life as soon as Paul met Jesus Christ. I think it’s different for every person. Whenever God calls any person, He calls them with a plan. And when God raises a church, He raises it with a plan. When God raised up the church in Corinth, He had a plan for that. When God raised up the church of Philippi through Lydia, God had a plan for the church of Philippi. And everybody may discover their plan from God individually at a different time according to their time schedule, but it is a sure fact that they do have a plan. As soon as Abraham was called by God, God gave him the mission immediately. Mission means that God is going to fulfill this work through us. It is talking about our future and our present as well. And you’ll realize that everything we’ve experienced in the past was also for this mission from God. 

There are some people who discover this after much time passes. Joseph realized this mission after his mother passed away. Everybody has a time schedule from God. Moses realized his mission when he was very old. But either way, every single person that was called by God has a mission from God, and the time schedule in which you understand this may be different for every person, which could be when you’re very old or when you’re young. But if you understand your mission, you’ll understand why God made you live everything you experienced in your past. Because your past is related to your future. 

If your past is not related to your future, then that is not your life. Your life is connected to your past, present, and future. But you’ll only understand your past once you understand your mission from God. Once you understand your mission from God, you’ll understand what needs to take place in your future as well. If you don’t know the mission, you have no choice but to be anxious and afraid about your future. It’s not your business or studies that are making you anxious; even when things are going well, you’ll be anxious because you don’t know your mission from God. And if you go out to the world with this kind of anxiety, you’ll become Satan’s prey. If you try to find your future through the books of the world instead of the Word of God, then God may speak through the words of the world. However, you are looking at the wrong address. 

Knowing God means that you surely know that God has a plan for you, specifically through your past, present, and future. If you say you know God but don’t really know your future, then you don’t know God. If you don’t understand the reason God allowed you to experience everything in your past, then you don’t understand God because he allowed you to do that. God is currently with you right now through Immanuel, but if you don’t understand your present, you don’t understand God. 

Thinking about it carefully, saying “I know God and believe Him in my life” is not a simple thing. It might be simple in the beginning. You need to know God very definitely, logically, to the point where you are able to write about him. Paul knew God to the point that he was able to write about him. Philippians 3, Paul wrote about how we understood why he needed to experience in his past now that he has met the Lord. Philippians 3, Paul confesses that everything he used to live for, that he thought was for his benefit, now he considers rubbish. Everything I lived my life, thinking it was the best, before I met the Lord. And he was under the misconception that all his diligence he lived his life with was for the good. But after he met Jesus Christ, he regards all of that as rubbish. Because he has held onto what is true. 

To summarize it, everything I have experienced and lived for in my past was to gain the true Christ now. If I talk about gaining Christ now, then everything I lived for in my past is rubbish. The reason God allowed me to live my life chasing after such rubbish in my past was so that I can live for Christ. Then it’s all connected to the future Paul has to live. That is all in Acts 9:15, the mission for Paul’s life, so you can see their future without going to a fortune teller. There’s no reason for you to go get some prophecy; it’s all written in God’s words.

But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel.” From this moment, this one sentence, you can see all of Paul’s future. Everything that Paul experienced in the past was allowed by God so he can live his entire life for this sentence. Paul is God’s chosen instrument to relay the name of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, their kings, and the people of Israel, who are the Jews. 

Because they were colonized by Rome at that time, and Paul had a Roman citizenship. So he lived in a nonbeliever’s culture. But he also lived in Jewish civilization. Paul knew both the Gentiles and the Jews. And his past as a successful person led him to have experiences with the top people of society. Paul had one mission to proclaim the Gospel to these three different aspects, and he made every conclusion based on this mission. Even when he faced a crisis, he looked at these three aspects and if it fit, he went into it. Even if something was disadvantageous to me, if it fit with the three aspects of my mission, then it is a spiritual benefit, and I make my decision. 

One of these is the kings, so he specifically chose to go to Jerusalem to stand before the Roman emperor. If he went to Jerusalem at that time, he would have been taken to prison and executed. Paul prayed and realized that going to prison in Jerusalem was the best way to stand before the Roman emperor to plead his case for his innocence, so he decided to go to Jerusalem. And this decision came from the mission God gave him as soon as He called Paul. 

Another aspect is to proclaim the Gospel to the Israelites, the Jews. Everywhere he went, he went into the synagogues, where all the Jewish people went to in the Gentile community after the diaspora. God had allowed the Jewish people to be scattered all around these Gentile communities, so that he can save the Gentiles. Therefore, all of Paul’s decisions and the guidance of the Holy Spirit led him in the direction of the mission God gave him. 

Let’s say you don’t know your mission. Then it might be difficult to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Because if you go to Jerusalem, you will be imprisoned. So if you don’t know the mission, it’ll be easy for you to make the decision that there is no reason to go to Jerusalem and be imprisoned; I can proclaim the Gospel where I am, here. If Paul didn’t know the mission, would he have gone to the synagogues? Because he knew the mission, he knew the best place to go was the synagogues, where as a result of the diaspora, the Jewish people were spread into these Gentile regions. Every year, people who had money would go back to the temple of Jerusalem to worship; however people who didn’t have money did the Word movement and worship at the synagogues in these Gentile regions. Paul received the guidance of the Holy Spirit according to the mission he received.

What must I do at the church? If you’re going to do it, you should do all of it, and if you’re not going to do it, you’re not going to do any of them. To what extent should I do it and not do it? If you don’t know your mission, then you do not know. And if you don’t know your mission, the direction of your business will be difficult as well. Because God has a mission for you, you have to receive it from God. You cannot make for yourself; it is in God’s hands, and you need to receive it from God. 

If you ask Him for it, God will give it to you. He is not a stingy God; he won’t keep it from you. You simply don’t know your mission because you keep on praying for unnecessary things. A prayer topic that doesn’t know your mission is unnecessary. If you’re praying but don’t know the direction of your life, then it is a wandering prayer. Without a doubt, your past is not organized, and all your scars remain inside of you. Once you receive your mission from God, you understand why everything you experienced in your past was allowed by God. 

If you don’t know your mission and don’t know what is going to happen in your future, then you cannot understand your past. Because you interpret everything on the standard of yourself. Because you don’t have the mission, you have no choice but to interpret everything based on yourself. If you don’t know your mission for the future, then you have no choice but to interpret your future on the standards of yourself. Even if you do believe in Jesus Christ, it is impossible for your walk of faith to grow. If there is anyone like this, I pray that you will quickly change your prayer topic. God, why did you call me? We should have prayed this prayer topic long ago, but we should pray it now as we have already wasted so much time. 

Don’t keep trying to make your own image; it will come out one-by-one during the pulpit message on Sundays. Why do you not understand even if it’s given to you? Because your head is in the clouds; you’re drawing and illustrating your own image of Eden, so even if it’s given to you, you don’t know it, and since you don’t know it, you’re thinking of something special in order to know it, that’s a spiritual problem and a mental problem.  

So, you’re in a state where you’re not able to do things with a stable mindset because you don’t know God.  So, you’re going to make decisions based on what people say is easier.  If you ask God what your mission is, you’ll realize He’s been constantly giving it to you. Don’t try to think of it or interpret based on your brain, you should just pray about it. God even gives his son to us freely, why would He not give you a mission if you ask for it? You need to receive that mission in your life for you to have a calm understanding of your past, present, and future before God.  

As soon as Paul received the gospel of the Lord, he went into the wilderness and there was a period of 10 years where he reinterpreted everything he learned and experienced from the past from the perspective of the gospel.  All of the legalistic things that he had, because he was a pharisee of Pharisees.  Just because you receive the gospel, your nature doesn’t change all at once.  So, he went into the Arabian desert, and most people say it was 3 years.  Then he spent another few years in his hometown, So, from the time he spent he was deeply reinterpreting what he experienced from the perspective of the gospel, and he had no choice but to do that because as soon as he was born, he was learning the law from scholars, and he was a pharisee and said he was blameless from the law.  Imagine how frustrating it was for him, who had such a legalistic nature.

After receiving the gospel, it doesn’t change overnight and because of that in his later years he was suffering, there are two laws within me, the law of sin seizes me.  The law of sin is the law, because sin is born under the law, and he was suffering so much because of sin.  He was so tested by that legalistic nature that he would have to come to that realization “Oh I revived the gospel” and then overcome.  So, this shows that we cannot be perfect, only Christ is perfect.  As much as we go into the grace of Christ who is perfect can we stand as witnesses.

For people who are legalistic, this might sound very strange, and that’s why Paul proclaimed the gospel to the Jews to the point where they couldn’t say anything about it.  Paul was also used to proclaim the gospel to the Gentiles, and all the Gentiles in that time period was in the colonization of Rome so it was the culture of Rome.  Paul lived the rest of his life fulfilling His mission with God for eternity holding onto his covenant. 

So, you shouldn’t just live your walk of faith haphazardly.  Your human relationships may be haphazard, but your relationship with God cannot be like that.  God is someone who gave us His Word and His Scripture is very logical and rational to show Himself, and God is giving himself to you through his word; there is nothing vague about it. It’s simply that I’m not clear; God Himself is very clear.  It is simply that you do not know because you’re not holding to the covenant, but God has already called you and it’s with you, and He has already prepared the ability and power to fulfill that mission; He has also prepared all the people in your field for this mission, just like He did for Paul.

If you don’t know your mission, you think you have to do something and if Paul was incorrect, the Holy Spirit kept moving him towards Macedonia, in other words God is giving you his covenant every Sunday,  but I think you guys are not understanding the covenant very well. When I say “covenant,” I think you guys only think of Jesus Christ.  The covenant is the word that God gives to you then in order to fulfill your mission, God is giving you the covenant of the Word every Sunday, and you go out holding onto that.

Abraham didn’t know where to go, he said “Go to the land I will show you” and we know that he was going to the land of Canaan, but Abraham didn’t know that, do you think God was doing it to tease Abraham? No, God was training him how to follow the covenant and moment by moment, God gave the covenant even when Abraham made a mistake, God would give him the covenant and call him back.  So, living our lives, following the covenant God is giving us week by week is actually the path to fulfill the mission.  

There’s one thing we must be careful or cautious of, “This word doesn’t fit with me,” then you have to quickly change and fix yourself “Why did God give me this Word?” then that will save this person, but it’s hard for us to think like that.  Because we’ve lived our lives so centered on ourselves for such a long time, we think if the word of God didn’t give me grace this week, then God didn’t give me his word this week.  Then you’re saying there’s no Word that God is guiding you forward with this week, then why did God call you to worship? 

You think the pastor is just giving the Word because that’s his profession and your role is just to sit there?  That’s a person who doesn’t believe in God, and because they don’t believe in God, they have no choice but to listen to the devil. The core of the message of the devil is that you follow after your thoughts, your desires, and your convenience, so on Sunday, ask, “Why did God give me this word?”  You’ll concentrate especially on the Lord’s day until you are very certain of that message.  

As I went to a lot of American and Korean churches around America, I get a feeling that they have a standard of faith where they say, “In the morning we will worship and in the afternoon, let’s go somewhere, let’s go on a picnic.” I think the standard of their faith is, “Now that I have given worship in the morning and afternoon, let’s go somewhere with our family and have a vacation and have fun.”  I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to go somewhere in the afternoon with your family, but what am I saying? I’m saying they don’t understand what the standard of worship is.

A lot of American churches give the announcements at the very beginning because a lot of people leave before  they listen to the announcements so they give the announcements first and then the message is only 15 minutes the longest it goes is 30 minutes because these people can’t handle anymore, “I have plans in the afternoon, don’t take my time.” I don’t think that’s bad in itself, but I think they don’t understand the standard of worship.  I think they think of it just like going to a temple where they put a candle in front of a Buddha statue and bow down.  I think it’s fine if you’re a Buddhist because if you’re Buddhist, you only have to go to the temple really one time a year the day that Buddha came, and you just have to set up a candle, and who are diligent will go a few times a month.  People who are very diligent in their faith will go to the temple every day, but there are people who don’t go at all.  

Many people in the world say that they are Christian but they never go. But if we talk about worship “We worship at home pray at home.”  I think they’re actually quite wrong.  If that person’s correct and all you need to do to worship God, is just read the Bible and pray at home? Then why would God go through the effort of taking someone who is living their life perfectly fine and drag them into  pastoral ministry and raise a church? Even logically speaking, that doesn’t make sense and if you look in the Bible, God raised the church in Mark’s Upper Room first.  Why did He do that?  Instead he could have said “All of you guys go to your own home, read the Bible and pray, and we will do world evangelism that way” but that’s not what happened; they all came to worship, then what is the standard of worship?  We might say this or that, but how do we confirm that the invisible God is saying this to me?

Some people are full of emotions and say the praise really touched them, and some people never pray on their own but are filled with grace when they receive the representative prayer.  Some people say the hymn they sang during the offering was so graceful and touched them.  Or some people say, “You gave one specific example during the message and it really touched my emotions,” so it’s really based on their own standard; it’s the Word of God, but what is the Word of God that has been established upon you? That’s important.


I’m not saying all of that is necessarily bad, however, if anything doesn’t have the word of God then it doesn’t really matter because it’s not the Word of God; there are many books and movies I can be moved by, and there are some songs from unbelievers that still inspire me today. It may be true that it is inspiring and it’s giving you grace but what is the specific Word of God that is with you in your heart? That’s the standard, that’s how you hold onto that as your covenant and live the rest of your life with faith.  If you don’t have that faith and covenant from the Sunday message, then you’ll have no choice but to live your life with your experience, emotions, and trying to live a good life, so you’re just living a very diligent, earnest, and sincerely good life.  

You may live a very earnest, sincere, and good life, but that’s not a walk of faith so that’s why it’s the standard of worship.  So, on Sunday, if the Word of God doesn’t come into you, you stay here until it does. “Pastor, I’m really busy though,” there’s no thing that is more important then this “Pastor, I’m not really used to staying late at church,” then you have to change your style.  “Pastor, I don’t really like being surrounded by a lot of people,” then you have to change that.  The standard is that you don’t do anything on the Lord’s day until you’re able to confirm and really spread out that God’s word specifically came into me, that is the Sabbath.

I think there are some people like this, on Saturday, you can hear the headquarter’s message from Korea, and there are some people who receive grace from that and then you come to this church on Sunday.  I think it’s possible some of them may think, “I’ve already  received the grace from the head quarter message so it doesn’t matter if I receive grace here or not.”  I’m sure there are people like that. I’m not saying that’s bad, but it means that this person doesn’t know the covenant and the word that God is giving to that person to fulfill in this time schedule, this field, and this region.

But if you want to get to that point, your faith has to mature. But anyone can go onto the message and listen to any message they want.  And so the standard is based on themselves; they don’t really care about reviving the word of God as their covenant: it’s just about where I received grace or not.  More so than saying that’s a bad thing, I’m saying that the standard of your faith has to go beyond that.  At the very least, if you’re not able to succeed in the worship that God gave to this church, for this fields and the covenant that God is giving you for this church, then that person’s walk of faith will not grow.

This is your church but you’re under a misconception.  They’re saying, “I came from Atlanta, so my church is in Atlanta,” but that’s a misconception. So you’re interpreting everything based on your standards.  Do you know what the field is? Do you know the field?  The field is where you’re breathing, where your body is moving and God is giving you the Word that is living and active there; that is the church where your body is residing.  You need to have a very accurate and specific walk of faith where you know what word and covenant God is fulfilling in that field.

Until you get to that point, it’s fine if you go to worship and “Oh I receive new grace and  I can live,” I’m fine with that but if you just stop there, you cannot receive the answers of the field.  If you’re receiving strength now, then it is great in the beginning point and ultimately the Word of the covenant that God is fulfilling within your field through the church 

I honestly don’t know why these words are coming out, but what I’m telling you is, how are you going to have success on the word God is giving you on Sunday?  My wife interpreted for Pastor Ryu into Japanese in Busan for many years, and after she married me, she moved to the region I was living and she couldn’t receive grace.  Rev. Ryu’s messages are very rational and logical, there’s a into 1 2 3 and a conclusion but the church I went to was very vague and abstract, and she said she couldn’t receive grace for six months, but do you think that’s a different God?  That’s the same God, right?  Then, who do you think is in the wrong? The person is in the wrong.

So, after about six months, she started to receive grace. You are not the standard, but if you move to the region of Anyang, following your husband, then no matter what God will give you the covenant through his word there. That is normal because God is giving you the Word wherever you are, so if you’re going to this church, then there’s a mission.  So, from that point on, she was able to understand the messages and the parts of herself that weren’t touched before started being touched by God, and of course, God is going to take care of it because He is guiding us forward according to His time schedule, but what am I trying to tell you?

You live here, and there’s a problem and mission in your field, and God gives you the mission for the field through the Word.  You must be at a level of faith where you’re able to take that word to your field in a very normal state and experience fulfillment in the field.  There are also people who join our church from faraway regions as well. They don’t have a church there, so they’re able to follow our stream through the broadcast.  Those people can’t fly over here in a plane, so God will give them the word through this church to save their field.

If anything, the word fulfillment will take place through the people over the internet even more, why? Because that person has a mission, and because they have a mission, the Word is being fulfilled in their field every week.  If somebody doesn’t have a mission from God, it doesn’t matter how lively and active they receive is, their standard is where they receive strength or grace or not. and it’s possible to be like that according to God’s time schedule, and it’s possible for you to be in that time schedule when you’re in the process of your maturing, but if you think that’s the standard for your worship, that’s a misconception.

It is a fact that just like Paul, when you hold onto the accurate mission for which God has called you, then the word of the covenant is fulfilled every week by week.  Even for a pastor, if they don’t have this, it’s very difficult.  I’m sorry to tell you this because some of you know pastors who did this. There are people who have been in training a long time in Korea and came to the pastoral ministry in America and then left because they couldn’t cut it; do you know what the reason is? It’s because they don’t know the field of America. “Oh I did so much ministry when I was serving the headquarter church in Korea ” But that’s not their skill, all of those pastors went back to Korea because they couldn’t make it here, simply put, they didn’t know the field.

Even when you run a business, my friend from Korea came here, and for people who know business, those who come to America can see the empty places. You see it, even if it’s your misunderstanding. If they come to Korea from the standard of Korea, they’re able to see the empty places, but what do these people not know? They don’t know the American field.  So they see these empty places and think if they do something here, it will take place but they don’t know the structure and system of the area.  So they come with all their perspectives and experiences from Korea, and look at these empty spots.  But that’s evidence they don’t know the field.

This is not the system in Korea, and the laws are different as well. You have to know the field in order to know that this is an empty place, but you don’t know the field so everybody fails.  It’s the same in your ministry as well.  Korea is so great, they have messages every week, and if you’re in Busan, it’s even better because they have such strong messages, and when you do ministry’s people are going to flock to you.

But they come to America and they’re under a misconception, they come to America and they are under the vaccine thought they had in Korea and see a lot of empty places, but what are they not able to think about? They don’t understand that America doesn’t have any of the systems that Korea has.  They think so simply; they don’t think about how we lack lively and strong messages given out every week by such a strong pastor and all the people who are supporting that pastor.  So, the thing they always say in common is, “Oh, it took place in Korea, why is it not taking place here?” But it never took place here, and they didn’t know the field at all, but they were being carried along by the environment in Korea.

Because they don’t know the field, they say the American people are the problem and the congregation in America is trash, but they don’t say they didn’t know, why? Because you don’t know the field you’re in. You don’t know the spiritual atmosphere here, you don’t know the time schedule, you don’t know the mission, you don’t know anything.  If someone is very used to being served and adored in Korea, no one will do that in America; you have to walk with them and serve alongside them, why?

I’m saying you have to accurately and properly see the field where you are because God is giving you the accurate word regarding the field but if you’re not able to know the field, you can’t distinguish between poop and pee.  You just think that whatever gives you strength and sounds good to you, and if that’s the word you’re looking for, there’s so much more on the internet, isn’t that right? There’s so many things that are good for you, but you need the word that is going to be fulfilled, you need the covenant of God’s Word that God will fulfill through you, and that’s a mature faith. That’s what must take place in order for you to not flip flop back and forth based on the messenger

If you have the mission and you’re praying, then even if it’s for your sake, God is going to five the message through the messenger.  I’m talking about the walk of faith from that level.  “I can’t be like that immediately,” that’s okay, but all you need to do is follow the stream knowing this standard and stream, but if you don’t even know the standard to begin with, you’re going to be under misconception “I didn’t receive grace today,” or, “The Word of God isn’t really fitting with me,” and it’s possible for you to be under that misunderstanding. “ or you say this word really fits with me,” that’s also a misunderstanding too, the standard is, what is the covenant that God is giving you?

It’s not you at all.  The standard of the worship you give on Sunday is the word of God’s covenant is specific and sure.  Throughout the rest of the week, you go forward with the faith that comes from the covenant. Isn’t it like that for all? Look at Paul. After receiving the mission from God, what does he do? God keeps giving him the Covenant and we call that the covenant journey.  In other words, if your goal has been determined, God will give you guideposts along the way to tell you where to go. That is the Sunday worship, and sometimes you confirm it with the training messages. You honestly check the overall direction you’re  going through the training messages. 

However, the message God gives you week-by-week in the field and the local church you are in is specific and is regarding your field.  You need to have this frame in your faith.  Otherwise you’ll keep making misjudgments.  It’s always about me, me, that’s a person who hasn’t escaped from “me” yet.  It is not about you, it is about God; stop saying “me,” say “God.” It’s not about whether you like this church or not, you have to pray why God has sent you to this church.  Do not look for your reason, but you must find the reason of God for the devil to not shake you.

That is why God is giving us the Word about Paul to teach us this, but our firm nature has been rooted and centered on ourselves.  You guys have to know the proper direction you must go so that you may not be deceived by yourselves and your nature, and if I want to give you more specifics there is no end to it.  I can express this using motives as well.  Is your motive coming from you or is it given by God? It’s very different.  Even if you receive the exact same gospel, are you the church officer that is going to take this to world evangelization, or are you going to take this gospel and give yourself grace from it?  There’s a very big difference from the word that you receive. 

The standard of your faith is whether you are going in the direction the mission God has given you or not. It’s the same for all students who are studying. Are these studies going to be used to save the 237 nations or are these studies going to be used just for you to eat and survive? There are differences, everybody has different motives, and only you know and for the ministers, they know when you see. When you give me your prayer topics, I already know, “This person really cannot escape from themselves,” when you look at their compass, it’s only about “me” and their kids.  “This person still doesn’t have a mission yet.” You pray with a parents’ heart because biologically they are my kids.  You can even ask a dog, and they will protect their own kids. This is just our nature.

“This person still doesn’t have a mission,” then what do you do? You have to help them find a mission.  Then what about you guys?  The prayer topic that God desires, it’s not about your circumstances, but it’s about what God desires. It’s not about your present reality, but it is about what God desires. It’s not about whether you have something or not if God wants it you do the life movement.  It’s not conditional at all; if you do this, then God will do that? That’s a condition based on yourself. Those people cannot overcome the spiritual battle.

If this is God’s will, you do it.  Even if you talk about a physical battle, those are the soldiers who win.  If the commander says, “Go this way,” but you say, “ That looks a little dangerous I think that I might lose my life,” if there are a lot of soldiers like that, then you would lose the battle and if knowing that you may lose your life and you go,  because it’s their mission then it’s because of these people that the battle is won. It’s the same, spiritually speaking, but different from the physical world, God protects us so that we will win spiritually, then quickly, you have to escape from yourself.

All you have to remember is that you have no choice but to constantly think about yourself, so if you’re not constantly praying, holding onto the covenant, you’ll return to your nature, and if you don’t get filled up and satisfied, you’ll complain about it.  Let’s say this person says something I don’t like and I feel bad about it, it’s because she hurts my pride.  But when I ask, “Why did God allow me to hear these words?” then that becomes different. My pride may be hurt, but when I ask, “Why did God allow me to hear these words?” then I’m able to see God’s direction, so even if your pride is hurt you receive an answer then you overcome yourself; that’s your walk of faith.

So when you’re in difficulty and crisis, honestly that is where the answer is but we keep listening to words we want to hear, or things that will make things more comfortable for us. There’s no answer in that, you just live according to your common sense, but the real big answers are within that. If there are conflicts, why are there conflicts? All you have to do is change yourself. Stop oppressing yourself, telling them to change. If you change yourself, it doesn’t matter. Does someone continue to be a problem to you then if you don’t want to be a problem to yourself you change yourself.  But you guys are both the same so you keep fighting, saying it’s a problem for each other.

 If you overcome yourself, then you receive the answer and you should pray for that person, whether or not they received an answer. There’s no example of someone who is wrong will go in the wrong way; God is alive so He will touch that person. But you’re just not able to overcome in that one moment, so you say something and they say something and that’s what causes conflict. But just let them be. Whenever you come to that situation, you see the problem is with me and you change yourself to the point where that person is no longer a problem to me, and the next time you meet someone like this, they won’t be a problem to you at all. It means you have something that is correct.

It’s the same when you go out into the world; it doesn’t matter what you say, then the world is always moved by the environment and their feelings.  But if you have this uncertainty, then you’re going to be shaken.  If you lack something, you’ll think you’ll be at a loss, then you’ll think you won’t be able to make it, then you’ll have this anxiety and you can’t handle it, then you’re going to use the exact same humanism the exact same way they’re doing it. That’s the method of the devil and it’s killing both of you guys.  

So it’s very important for you to follow the Word, your faith, and the covenant.  If I’m saying these words to you in a petty or tacky way, “These are the words I’m saying and you should follow me,” then honestly, I’m already finished because the devil already knows that if I’m speaking from that self-center, I have not overcome the small vessel of myself. If you guys who are listening are interpreting my words in that way, then you guys are finished as well.  Why did God allow me to hear these words? That’s a person who needs to stand before God to be victorious.  

I’ve explained things from the frame of worship, but this is not only within the church; if you apply this within your family, your job, and society, you’ll be able to confirm answer by answer, then you’ll stand as a witness for others, and it’s not because you did anything great, but you’re standing as a witness of what God has given you.

I said this in the last message too, but just apply one thing.  Especially if your human relationships are a particular way, then apply this. Or if you’re saying, “I’m not able to receive God’s grace to follow the Word of God as my covenant,” then begin on Sunday.  Once you apply something, then you’ll be able to confirm it, but once you confirm it, you will be able to know it beyond your knowledge, but you’ll be able to confirm it within yourself personally.  Then that person is going to pray a lot for the Sunday message.  Mark my words, God is going to change the message just for that one person. 

You think I’m giving the message, so I’m giving the message, right? Then there’s no need for you to listen to my words.  It’s possible you might think that I’m giving my own message using the basis of my own words on the Bible, but even the book of Peter was written according to Simon Peter’s levels, knowledge, and experience, and by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, it was written at Simon Peter’s level.  So even though his level may have been lower, it’s still the Word of God, and that’s what I’m saying.  No matter where you are or what circumstance you’re facing, if you’re in a spiritual state where you’re able to receive the Word of God, that person will absolutely be victorious.  

I’m sure everyone is doing this well, so if I were to leave you with one last word, it is the one who is able to follow the words from the pulpit message as the covenant with faith throughout the week. If you want to make a very broad direction, you can use the headquarters message as a broad general direction, then you can do your ministry because you received the Word of God, you have the evidence God has given you in your life, and you’re just talking about that; anyone can do ministry. In the Early Church, everyone was just a common believer; they weren’t seminarians.  They received the Word of God, they prayed, holding to the covenant, they received the evidence and witnessed about this.

If you say that’s difficult, it means the Word of God doesn’t fit with you yet, but does that mean God is not right? Then you cannot be a witness of God.  So today, I’ve just roughly sketched it out with you.  I’m able to explain it to you in great detail because this is the life I’ve lived. I didn’t do it on purpose, but it’s because I didn’t know any better.  As time passed, I realized, “This is the covenant, this is how God fulfills the covenant” and as time passed, God gave me the grace to understand and relay it to you.

We have already been predetermined by God to receive God’s grace, and especially with the church officers and their business to save the world, and if you just simply follow the Word of God consistently, the Word of God will be fulfilled and we call all that the CVDIP.  I hope that today, you will be able to confirm and examine yet again the answer and the blessing through the Word you received. If you’re not at that level, may today be the day where you receive that grace.

Let’s pray holding onto the prayer topic, not the one I desire, but the one that God is giving me today.  So it’s quite late, so let’s just pray for the missions field today and then do your individual and church prayers.  Let us continuously pray for Nigeria because one of our brothers, Jonathan’s nephew, was shot, and he was killed because he was so smart and someone was jealous of him.  The reason God is giving us this message through his relative is because he has a mission for our church through Jonathan and Nigeria, so let’s pray for Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, Latin America, Mongolia, Sedona, and the Karen people. These are the missions we’ve been connected to, and the Jewish community as well. Through David Abrams, we’re connected to the Jewish community and missions field.  Because it’s surely the mission of God, if you just pray for it, then according to the time schedule, evangelism will follow. Let us pray for the Sunday Message as well as your individual prayer topics and return home.

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