God’s Child, God’s Background, God’s Ambassador (John 1:12)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God’s Child, God’s Background, God’s Ambassador (John 1:12)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

How can you change your life? Many of you may think, I don’t want to live like my parents, but you don’t know how to do that.  How can you not live like your parents?  Let’s say you do want to live like your parents, then how can you live like that?  You have to have the answer to these questions for your life to change into one that God desires.

All families are actually the same, people are looking for methods, so people go to school to study but the teachers at school don’t teach you this.  You go to school to gain skills and knowledge that you can learn for your job, but the teachers can’t teach you how to change your life.  If you keep listening to your teachers, you might fall into another misconception that if you keep listening, your life will change, but schools will never have the answer to this question.

“Maybe if I move to a different country, I’ll be okay,” but even if you go to another country, it’s not that much better.  What if you go on a spaceship and go into outer space? I’m sorry but your life still won’t change, but the Lord gives us the answer today.

Whom must I accept for my life to change?  When you accept God who is the Word and the light of Truth, your life will change. I’m going to say this again: if you don’t want to become like your family, the only way to change your fate is to accept Jesus Christ and the reason is because anyone who believes in the name of Jesus has been given the right to become children of God.  You have to believe in the name of Jesus Christ; it’s not enough to go to church. There’s a difference between going to church for a long time and believing in Jesus Christ. There’s a difference between knowing a lot in the Bible and believing in Jesus Christ.  There’s a difference between listening to a lot of messages and believing in Jesus Christ.  You  must believe in something, so believe in Jesus Christ, that’s the only way to change your fate.

No matter what you try to change your fate, you cannot until you believe in this name.  What kind of name is this such that it can change my destiny? It must be the work that changes my destiny for me. I can’t do that. People live diligently even now because they think they can change their own destiny but as they live their lives, they realize later on that they cannot change their fate.  While they’re doing that, they get mental problems and commit suicide.  If you want to know that One Way, you must know what you must change about yourself.  I cannot change myself so He must change me for me.  What must he change?

Satan, Sin, Hell

Satan controls my life, and I recognize the shortcomings in my parents because Satan controls them as well. Then, Satan makes you sin, and the only way to not fall into this is to overcome in faith. Satan isn’t a word we made up as an excuse to sin.  If you misunderstand that, you’ll keep making excuses in your life, “I didn’t do anything wrong, I was just deceived in the past because of Satan.”

Christ = Jesus

Accept, Believer

Friends aren’t people you need for your benefit. What does “best friend” mean? Someone with whom you can speak when you’re bored? Someone who helps you when you’re in trouble? You have to receive your help from God.  Joseph didn’t have anyone to help him, because nobody could help him at all, so he had to hold onto only Christ. If you have any friends like that, they will be a great individual.

If there are many people around you who can help you out, you won’t be a great individual, but if no one can help you, not even your parents, then such a person has no choice but to hold onto only Christ, and they’ll be really great.  That was Joseph, he held onto the correct gospel. “My parents can’t support me; I have nothing,” so such a person needs only Christ, and they become great.  Without knowing this, your background becomes the source of your failures and mistakes.

 Jesus Christ didn’t just come as a king, there would be no reason for Him to die on the cross if He did. If He had to be born in a palace to do great things, that would be a fake.  He was born in a manger to a carpenter and no one looked up to Him, there was nothing for Him to look up to.  Even though He was God, He was a human who had flesh, and the only thing He relied on was God.  He showed this to us as a model, so the more you are in difficulties, the greater you become because there’s only one method, one way: Christ.

God’s Child (+ alpha), Nobody, Nothing

Everything is finished with being a child of God, because God is alive from eternity before to eternity ahead.  The future is forever, eternity.  He exists all at once.  The God Joseph believed in is the same God we believe in.  David’s God and my God are the same God, and that’s why the Bible is our evidence.  Nobody helped David, he was tending the sheep, and his parents and brothers didn’t help at all. He had to do it on his own, how? He finished it by being a child of God.  He asked God and got the answers from God, then people are lacking, but God is perfect.

Why are people bad at studying? They don’t know where they are. You can only begin studying when you know your level, otherwise even when you become an adult, you will still not know your level.  If you don’t even know your own level but you think you should do something great, you don’t have the ability, but you keep doing work like that, then God won’t give it to you because your ability is very low. But that’s how you start.  Even in your studies, begin down here.

“Oh, I can’t do that, that’s humiliating,” then you’ll have to live like that for the rest of your life. You have to start from the rock bottom, and that’s the way to get better.  If you don’t go down to your actual level and you try to start above your grade, you will get ensnared. You start from the very bottom with the mindset of going to the greatest place. It’s the same in the church.  If you want to be served in the church, you don’t know your level.  If you want people to serve you, it’s evidence that you’re weak. It doesn’t mean you’re great.

“I’m going to the bottom to serve others.”  That’s evidence of a person who has strength and grace, because in order for you to go all the way to the bottom, you have to have grace. It’s the same in the world, it doesn’t matter how many books about successful people you read; you can’t become like Steve Jobs.  But there’s one characteristic: they knew their level. If you just know your level, it’s easy because you can study appropriate to your level.  Then you can go to the next step after that.  It’s not too late because you have to study your whole life. I’m still studying now.  The work they give you in school is just basic but after that, there’s more studies. 

The studies you’re doing and the work you’re doing require that you know your level.  “I’m in middle school, but I don’t know as much as an elementary school student,” then that’s okay, begin at the elementary level, start studying with that aspect. It’s the same with your job.  A lot of people say there are no jobs, but there are so many jobs.  You are lying to yourself.  Who made chalk?  A lot of people need it, but you don’t want to make chalk. Then make something else, but they won’t pick you to do it because you don’t have the ability.  Start by making chalk and develop your reputation.  Make it the greatest chalk in the whole world.

In the past, we would have chalk that always broke when I used it.  Now, they put scientific research into chalk. Just because it’s thick, it would still break, but this doesn’t.  Nowadays, there are smart boards where you can write and erase just like a chalkboard. Did that come from out of nowhere?  At first, we just wrote on chalkboards, but now people can just write with their fingers because of all this research and technology, and the entire world has to buy it to use it.

How did this begin?  It just started with writing, a black dry erase marker, so you shouldn’t think about thoughts in the clouds.  You also shouldn’t think of yourself too lowly, “I’m just going to spend my entire life as a server,” they won’t accept that when they’re older.  Last night, I was exercising around my apartment complex, and someone on the second floor came back on their skateboard with a lunchbox from their job as a waiter.  30 minutes later, he came and met with me. “Aren’t you going to work?” “I finished today.” “How’s your friend?” “I don’t meet him much anymore.” “Where’s he working?”

Apparently there’s a Korean bbq place on Wilshire and Harvard. That’s a great job for that age, but would you do that for the rest of your life?  But no one tells him this.  I’m not saying that’s a bad job, but will you do that for the rest of your life?  Even now, consider becoming a restaurant owner, but begin at the bottom.  If you don’t, you won’t have the ability to begin.  Whatever work you’re doing, because you’re a child of God, you can go to the lowest place and it’s still okay. 

If your friend is a really true friend, then helping them to escape from Satan, sin, and hell is a true friend; otherwise, they’re not a real friend.  You’re just using that person because you need them right now, you’re just needing them because you’re bored.  If you say, “I’m embarrassed to talk about this to my friend,” then that’s not a friend who knows you well, not someone you have to keep meeting. But if this is true, you would tell them the answer, why? Because we’re children of God, and God’s background is now my background.

God’s Background

This thing called Background is really big, but you have your thoughts that are centered on yourself, so you want the universe to align with you, but you have to align yourself to others.  You have the background of the kingdom of God. Even if you work diligently, this won’t take place. If you’re a child of God, then absolutely, His background follows you.

Word, Prayer

When you hold onto His Word and pray, you’ll do the work that even teachers and presidents can’t do.  Through your prayers, you’re able to heal people that doctors cannot even heal. That’s how you have the authority of a child of God.  That’s what the Bible is telling you about.  The Bible tells you about Jesus Christ, but what does that mean about your life?  You’re a child of God, so now, God’s background is your background.  Listen to God’s Word because you’re God’s child. 

What are the words of the devil and the Words of God?   You cannot discern unless you’re holding onto the accurate Word because Satan tempts you with correct words.  That’s why, through worship, receive God’s accurate word.  Everything else is fake, only God’s Word is true, and when you pray, pray with God’s Word.  If you’re facing a problem, “I’m a child of God,” and how will God guide me through this problem? If you don’t have money, pray about it.  If you pray, then God gives you as much as you need.

Do you think you’re not very smart?  It’s because you’re using your brain, but if you pray to God, the source of intelligence, He will give you wisdom, why?  God gives all those things to you so you can take on the roles of Christ.

God’s Ambassador

Because I believe in Jesus Christ after being a nonbeliever, because I wanted to experience God.  People can’t help me, don’t be under a misconception that people can help you. That’s the reason you keep leaving God.  You keep relying on your parents and what you have, so that’s why you keep leaving Christ.  Even if you have something, it’s no help to you whatsoever. Try succeeding in your studies to see if it helps at all.  It cannot change your fate.  That something is just something you use as a tool to fulfill God’s righteousness, it doesn’t help you at all, honestly. The world thinks you can save and collect more, but it won’t help them. It belongs to God, but they are under a misconception that it belongs to them. God is the owner.

If you go to your workplace or school, it belongs to God, but they think it’s theirs, so they try to collect and save more.  They need to collect to do God’s will but instead, it’s for themselves, so God will give them nothing. To experience God, you must enter into nothing, so the less you have in your family background, the better. The less people are able to help you, the better, because God doesn’t stay still.

I have been called as Christ’s ambassador.  God is sending me out into the world to do the role of reconciling or unifying the world with God, because the world has become an enemy of God.  Saying you have no talents means you reject God; God has given everyone their talent, and that’s how the world spins. That’s how this world is maintained.  What would happen if we don’t have anything to do?  God gives us talents to maintain the world but that’s not the goal.  God gives us talents to reconcile the world to God.

Talent – Only, Specialty

You have your own “only,” because there’s a specialty.  Getting a doctorate in psychology, there would be many places to work in America as a doctor. In Korea, it might not be so useful because Korea is a place that looks down on mental health and psychology.  But the more developed a nation becomes, the more they emphasize human rights, so they’ll work towards healing mental problems and psychology. Physically, Americans live comfortably, but in every single area, in the army, in the hospitals, there are people who have mental health problems, so they send psychologists everywhere, and they make a lot of money.  They have job security.

She’s going into child psychology which doesn’t make as much money because politicians don’t give a lot of money to child psychology because children don’t vote, and politicians make the policies to get funding.  Then, the politicians are only going to get adult votes if they give money towards those voters, but children can’t vote, so that means even if they do work, they won’t get money. But this is her field, and I’m sure her mom wants her to make money, but this is the talent given to Lois. When she sees a child like this, it moves her heart.

Looking at this, it seems like her future will be so difficult because it’s not a job that has a lot of perks, so everyone is going to the hospitals because there’s pediatrics in the hospitals as well.  If you go into the hospital, they acknowledge you highly, but we go into the empty places.  You heard that word but don’t put it into practice, you don’t want to send your child into the empty places; you want to send your kids where everyone else is going instead of a deserted place where nobody goes.

What’s so great about the deserted place?  No one wants to go there, there’s no money in that area. You go there and take care of a kid whose parents can’t take care of them, those who are abused.  Go to “nobody” first. You must change your thinking.  If you go to a place where everything is already established, your brain will explode. You have unnecessary competition.  Do the work where politicians have no choice but to support you, and that’s the mentality of a child of God. 

Otherwise, you’re always going to be in competition. At first, it seems like you’re making money, but it will be more difficult later on.  This is her specialty but that won’t change anything; she has to receive training as an ambassador of Christ simultaneously.


Stand before the Pharaoh, those at the highest levels of the field.  They don’t have the answer, no matter how much they study, they cannot find the absolute things.  No one could solve Pharaoh’s dream, but God raised Joseph up at that time.  I start from the bottom and head to the highest place to save the people in my field, then my entire field becomes influenced, and that’s Egypt evangelization.  Because America is a superpower nation that influences the world, your psychology influences the world.

Ever since she was young, she saw the circumstances between her parents, and that wasn’t just misery for her, but it was an incredible internship for her to discover her talent.  Other people don’t have hearts for those who grow up poor, in difficult situations, so this is something only she can do. That’s why it’s only, her specialty.  The world emphasizes specialty like your doctorate degree. Of course you have to do things well, and it has to be fitting to the field, but you go into the Nobody that Nobody wants to touch.  Everyone struggles to succeed but you go elsewhere.  Then you turn it into the “Everybody” work, where everybody has no choice but to go where you go.

Nothing can help you, only God.  Just worship and receive training well. That’s what this means. You are called as such a person of blessing. It doesn’t matter what your present reality is, because everything’s finished for a child of God.  Start at the level and position where you are and rise to the top.


God, we thank You. Bless the remnants.  May they utilize their authority as a child of God. 

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