God’s Boundless Power (Isaiah 40:27-31

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God’s Boundless Power (Isaiah 40:27-31

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us look at Isaiah 40:27-31, and we will read it responsively.  These are the blessings God has prepared for us.  In other words, if we’re facing God, then these are the powers that will come upon us.  But in order to face God, there is a condition.  If we just face God, it could just be unhealthy mysticism, so there’s a prerequisite.


Of gospel

I have to have the gospel.  If I do not have the gospel, then I will face a direction that is different from God’s.  Then, what does it mean to be of the gospel? First and foremost, you have to understand the gospel; if you do not understand the gospel, you cannot have it.  What happens if you keep facing God in a  state where you don’t understand the gospel? It becomes unhealthy mysticism.  That is why you should understand the gospel but you should also have it.

John 19:30

The gospel says in John 19:30 that it is all finished.  You have to actually hold onto this in order for you to not be affected when problems come.  

(Satan, Sin, Separation)

The true problem is the work of Satan.  Satan works invisibly to make us disobey and to leave God’s Word, which is sin, so that we’re separated from God and completely shoved into this state of hell, unseen to our eyes.  You shouldn’t just know this, this has to actually become yours. I have to hold onto this as my own in order for these three problems to be destroyed.  Otherwise, the same Satan who works upon your whole family line will follow you forever, and the way you’ll be destroyed is the same way that everyone in your family line was destroyed.  Even as you live your walk of faith, you’re destroyed. Everything has been finished on the cross and you have to really have it as your own, how? With faith.


When I say to have it, you must have it with faith, then Satan will know.  Satan who was destroying your entire family line will finally crumble before the gospel. You must not know this haphazardly; you cannot overcome Satan with haphazardness. You have to believe this very firmly and certainly, and follow it exactly. 

By gospel (Word, Prayer)

We must have and enjoy this gospel, but what is the method? The method must also be the gospel. If your method is humanism, you will fall into Satan again and you must not keep using the methods of the world.  For the children of God, all our methods must be the methods of the gospel. The method of the gospel is the Word of God.  If you’re trying to challenge forward with your experiences, Satan will not leave you alone.  That’s why you have to change the way you work, study, and the way you live in church. You need to go forth with the strength that comes from the method of God’s Word and prayer.  

For gospel (world evangelization) 

What is our goal? The goal is also for the gospel.  What does it mean that our goal is the gospel?  God’s plan is the proclamation of the gospel, in other words, world evangelization.  You need to be firmly set in these three things. If you have the gospel but the method is different, it’s not going to work. Let’s say your method is correct but you have the wrong goal? That will not work, either.  Every individual person moves with something.

(=/= Me)

If you’re not of the gospel, you trust in yourself.  You hold onto your experiences, knowledge, and the things you’ve learned.  


And the method you hold onto is humanism you’ve always used, because we read books and we’re influenced.  Then we look at things that other people do and say, “We have to do the same thing.” 


Everybody has their own goals and plans, too. Every human being is bound to be centered on myself, on humanism, and on my goals, so we cannot be of the gospel. Why not? Because we always rely on ourselves.  We think we’re okay but the darkness never leaves us alone.  Why is it that we understand and know the gospel but we keep using humanism as a method?  We move using our brains in a way that benefits us.  We keep using methods so we will not be at a loss.  That person is bound to fall because the devil does not stay still.

The darkness will only be broken down before the method of God’s Word.  I don’t have power so we can only overcome with the power of prayer.  Everybody has their mighty plans, don’t you think it’s success?  It doesn’t matter how beautiful everyone’s plan is, it’s ultimately about success. It’s a good word but it’s not aligned with God, and that’s why our walk of faith keeps not working out.

These are the things we need to heal.  If you keep meeting the same people as you, it doesn’t matter how much you hold your Bible, you cannot receive healing. It doesn’t matter even if you become a pastor, you cannot become healed of this. Your “me-centeredness” will not change without the gospel.

The title of today’s message is, “God’s Boundless Power.”  You need to have God’s Boundless Power in the midst of being of the gospel, by the gospel, and for the gospel.  

Reason it doesn’t work

To reiterate, what’s the reason it’s not taking place? The Word of God and I are not aligned, right?

1) Word- Present Reality 

When you listen to God’s Word, it doesn’t match with your present reality, and that’s why it’s not taking place. The Word and your present reality must be aligned, the Word of the 70 workers has to be aligned with my field, but if it’s not matching, that’s why it’s not taking place. The word of “world evangelization” has to be aligned with my present reality, but if it’s not matching, that’s why it doesn’t take place, because only the Word of God is correct. “Me” and “my circumstances” are not correct.

2)  Church- World 

The church and the world are not matching. They have to match, but the church and the world are separate, and that’s why it’s not working.  When we go into the church, we say this is the church, but when we go into the world, we think “this is the world,” and it’s not taking place because these two don’t match.

3) Pulpit- Me

The pulpit message and I have to match, but we do not.  In my thoughts, I cannot understand the pulpit message and I’m not able to receive the message.  So, it’s not working because I’m not matching with the pulpit.  The fact that I’m not matching with the pulpit means I’m living according to what’s inside of me, and because these things aren’t aligned, our lives are not working out.  Answers and world evangelization are not taking place. The five powers should follow me, but instead, I have to chase after those, but if these three things are aligned, we’re aligned with God so all the visible things will follow us.

If you want to heal the people you meet, with what will you heal theM? You have to help them be aligned with these three things, so that means the person who has these three things aligned has to go out in order to heal others. If someone who is not aligned in these three ways goes out with their Bible, they cannot help anyone else. It doesn’t matter what methods you use; it will not work, but the people who are aligned in these three ways will be healed no matter where they go.  If someone is not aligned in these three ways, everywhere they go, the darkness will work and healing will not take place. 

1. Science is limited (Job 26:7)

America believes in science a lot, however, you need to know the fact that science is limited.  Science is not wrong; science is correct but it is limited, but a lot of people just remain in science because it’s correct.  We should be able to transcend science and experience the boundless power of God, but a lot of people just remain in science. 

(1) Why did the ship face the tempestuous headwind (Ac. 27:9-13)

In Acts 27:9-13 there was a great storm that Paul faced, and there were many trained sailors, captains, and soldiers, but none of that worked. They all had no choice but to fall into the storm.  The boundless power of God has to come upon us that transcends experience and science. How does that take place?  Paul was aligned in these three ways, in other words, Paul was aligned with God, then God’s power came upon his storm. The fact that we’re asking God to do this or that is laughable.  Then, the first answer God will give you is, “First, align yourself with God.”  

There was an assistant pastor who prayed for 40 days to build a church, and he did it twice or thrice, and the answer he kept getting was, “You do what’s right here.”  So, he was just doing evangelism where he was, and God opened the door to build a church. We have to first be aligned with God.  If we’re praying for things that aren’t aligned with God, then God will align your prayer topics with him, and that’s the answer itself. 

(2) Who can stop storms (Psalm 7)?

There is no one who can block the storm but God Himself, so this person  must be aligned with God.  Spain evangelization, Rome evangelization was aligned with Paul, and America evangelization must also be aligned with God.  When we come to church we talk about American evangelization but that’s not actually matching with us, so that’s why it’s not matching. But God will work upon someone who is aligned with that in the middle of a storm.  We must not trust in science; we must trust in God. Of course, God gave us science, but science has limitations.  

(3) Has science never been mistaken?

Some remnants try not believing in God because of science, they try to use the things they learned in school to not believe in the Word of God, because they didn’t know science before, but when they do learn science, a lot of things are correct.  Because this student doesn’t know the Word of God, they’re only stuck in science.  What we’ve learned is good but we’re getting stuck there.  

2. Human experiences are limited as well (Jn. 20:27-29)

Human experiences also have limits.  People keep making judgments based on their experiences.  Paul said there was going to be a storm but the captain had been going back and forth on that same exact route for 40 years, imagine how much experience he had.  The engineering for earthquakes is most advanced in Japan because the nation is so prone to earthquakes, even the way they build bridges is so specialized.  Because their nation is an island, they’re very prone to tsunamis, so they have to research that as well, so they built walls with calculations that the tsunamis will not be able to overcome this wall.

However,the tsunami did overcome that wall and enveloped everything. Based on their experiences, the tsunami had never gone beyond that height, but if God’s going to bring it over, God will bring it over. You shouldn’t rely on the experiences of humans.  During the big tsunami in Japan, only Missionary Lee’s mission home was okay; everything else was swept away and God used that as a tool for evangelism.  Only that mission home was safe because it was protected by God and everything else was swept away.

God is moving. Who is moving the coronavirus? I hope you wear your masks well, but who is moving it?  Are scientists moving it?  Thinking that way means you’re listening to the words of scientists. Science hasn’t even come to that point yet. They don’t even have the baseline data to control COVID if God calls your life, then we have to go.  When people get COVID, they die because of other diseases; it’s not because of the virus itself.  There are some people who get the COVID virus, they get better from it, but they die later on because there are now other parts of the body that are now weakened and are attacked.

You shouldn’t listen to such unnecessary words; listen to God’s Word. You have to remain, always asking, “Am I aligned with the covenant of America and world evangelization?”  If you are not aligned, then how can you overcome the storm? God has to overcome it for you.  For the remnants and the parents, are my parents in this covenant?  If the kids are not in the covenant, you’re going to be scared to send them abroad, and you’re always going to be scared because you don’t have the certain faith in believing in God.

What is the basis of our faith?  Is my child correctly aligned with the Word of God? But if that’s not taking place, you’ll always be worried, and if you yourselves are not like that, you’ll always be worried. 

3. Rational logic is limited (Jn. 3:1-15)

We should have rationality and logic, yes, that’s how science develops and that’s how our academics are developed. For Eastern countries, more so than rationality and logic, they have religion that’s developed, so they’re very established in religions and things like philosophy, but they’re behind on the sciences.  Nowadays, if you’re lagging behind in science, you cannot make money, so you cannot live.  Because rationality and logic are the foundation, everyone now thinks that’s the standard.

(1) Human law, order, and knowledge have limits.

But the Jewish people and the Pharisees thought these were all they needed. They made human law according to God’s Word. They couldn’t go to the gospel through the law, they just stayed in the law.  They just kept the order of the five or seven feasts, but they lost all the spiritual content.  

I was shocked at a recent funeral I attended because of the way the people thought.  I think people think that this person passed away and they happened to be Christian so we had to do a funeral in a Christian manner, so they were so stuck in their order and traditions, but there was no spiritual Word of God there at all. If they had that, it would be so different. Even in death, God is with you with His Word in worship.  

Same thing with marriage, it’s not simply a form you just sign or a tradition, but you have no idea how much people are stuck in these human laws and traditions that have nothing to do with God. Through everything, God is giving you the blessing of His Word through worship.  There are a lot of members of the church who do not have this, so they said, “Let’s just get it over with” a day before they die.

What are these thoughts? They’re just thinking, “Okay, we’re Crhsitian, so we’ll just get it out of the way in a Christian way,” and they’re thinking, “Oh, just call any old pastor, put him in a gown and put him in front of a mic.”  Why would you do that, it’s just expensive, if you’re going to do it like that, don’t even do it at all.  Just because someone has a Christian wedding doesn’t mean that someone who was destined for hell will go to heaven or vice-versa.  In death itself, we are acknowledging God, and we are with God in worship, receiving His Word.  If a child is born, it is not simply a birth, God gave this life so we worship God. 

It’s the same thing as moving out and starting a family. God gives you His Word because he is giving you that family.  But the characteristic of people for whom it’s not working out they think it’s just a law, or order or knowledge we need to pass through for something.  It means that all the spiritual meaning has been taken out, and they only look at the form or the order of it.  

Even if we open a business, we start it with worship, because God started this business and we have to receive God’s Word.  But people are just replacing their old idols.  Before, they used to bow down to pig heads and now they have a pastor instead.  You have to receive God’s Word.  God is carrying this out within God’s absolute sovereignty then God will give you His Word.  

That’s what it’s about; it’s not about the pastor coming to give you blessings through prayer; this isn’t buddhism. Why do we worship even as we move houses? Because God is the One Who is making us move, and if God is moving us in this region, then there is a word for God here.  That’s what it’s about. Are you calling a pastor to cast out evil spirits in the region?  Or are you just thinking, “Who cares if we move a lot? We’ve moved our whole lives anyway”?  It means God is missing from this picture; you’re taking God’s actual works out and you are falling into law, order, and knowledge.  

It’s the same thing right now, are you just sitting in Friday night worship because this is something Christians do?  Are you guys just here because this is the position at which you must be? If you’re doing it like this, you’ll die. This is where God’s Word comes upon you in worship, that’s the reason why you’re never aligned with the pulpit.  If you believe God’s Word comes upon you in the pulpit, you’d be aligned with it. If you believe God’s Word comes upon your field, you’ll naturally be aligned with it.  But if someone is so bound by human law, order, and knowledge, then they kick aside God’s word 

That’s why things continuously don’t work out, even though it’s so simple for things to work out. All you have to do is believe in God, believe that God establishes God’s kingdom on this earth through worship.  If Jesus Christ said it’s finished on the cross, simply believe in those words and you’re depression will simply go away. It’s simply the fact you don’t believe your depression comes from darkness.  The day someone who’s truly afflicted believes that all problems have been finished  on the cross, then they will be liberated. 

The only problem is that I’m nota aligned with the gospel.  The problem is not that I don’t go to church enough, the problem isn’t that I’m not being diligent enough; the problem is that the Word of the gospel is not aligned with me. I must be aligned with the Word of the gospel to be aligned with the Word of God.  If this is not aligned no matter how much church materials you have, it’s not going to work.  The words of the Bible itself are talking about the gospel. So if im not aligned with the gospel, it doesn’t matter how many sermons I give, but it will work out for the people who do have this. That person will work out no matter where they are, because they’re aligned with God. 

You guys have the New Year’s message.  In the conclusion of the first and second messages, it said, “Nothing is a problem to me, nothing should be a problem for me, and in any field, I can be connected with God.” That has to take place, and that’s how you can do the evangelism movement.  If you’re okay here and you’re not okay there, even though God exists everywhere, it’s because you’re not connected with God.  “I don’t like this kind of person, I only like that kind of person,” that’s not right, either. Nobody should be a problem to you. If this person is a problem to you, you cannot save them.  This person shouldn’t be a problem to you, that’s how you save them, it doesn’t matter who it is, it doesn’t matter what work it is. It shouldn’t be a problem. 

COVID should not be a problem, but if it’s a problem to you, you will struggle.  “I’m in America now,” it shouldn’t matter where you are.  “Oh, this job is so hard,” it shouldn’t matter, the reason it doesn’t matter is because I’m aligned with God.  Why am I okay here but struggling there? It’s because we’re not connected with God. You should be okay if you’re a slave, in prison, or a governor.  That’s a person who can do America evangelization. 

It doesn’t matter how much you want to do world evangelism, if this person is a problem, you cannot give them the gospel. When you come to church, nobody should be a problem to you at all.  If they are a problem to you, you’ll have to avoid them and you won’t be able to evangelize.  Every person who meets me should receive blessings; that’s God’s covenant.  Through you, all peoples on earth will be blessed.  God promised this to us, but we don’t believe in that. We say things like, “This is why it’s not working out and this is why you cannot do it” and it’s because the Word of God and I are not aligned. It means that the Word of God is weaker to me than my own words.

This is the first week of 2022 and I hope you will quickly change yourself with the words of the gospel. There’s nothing better than the church, because when you come to church, people who are irrelevant to you gather every week. Every week, they should be irrelevant to you, but if you think, “I wish this person wasn’t here,” you’re going to have a hard time. That person shouldn’t affect me like that, but they will only not affect me like that if they believe the words, “all people’s on earth will be blessed through you.”

If two spouses live together, they shouldn’t affect one another. “If I could just not live with this person for one day, my life will be better,” I’m sorry but you cannot live a gospel life. This person should be the closest person to you, but if you don’t want to be with them, then you cannot do world evangelization. You feel that way because you’re not aligned with God.  They keep making themselves their own standard and want everyone else to adjust with them. The only place they can go is to go to heaven or a mental hospital.  The mental hospital is a gathering of people like that.

If they were to go, they wouldn’t create any problems, but we’re all not going, so we are creating problems.  There was a young adult in America who says they are creating artificial rain.  So, there are people who believe there’s an organization creating artificial rain to poison people’s brains, and I thought, “What a hard way to live.”  First, they should go to a mental hospital. Is God dead?  If someone has the gospel, do you think God is dead such that He could not stop them from being poisoned by artificial rain?

Some people always refuse to hear the Word of God but they hold onto conspiracy theories regarding the rain, then the first person you’ll have to meet is the mental hospital doctor.  There’s someone who used to think while they were in Korea, they were followed around by helicopters, and now they think they’re being followed around by the FBI, even though nobody is following them, they think they’re always being pursued. Look at people who came back from wars, they’re fighting a war even here.  They feel like they’re always being shot at. They have to receive healing.  

If it’s raining then just get hit by the rain. If you have a hoodie, just put it over your head.  If it’s not aligned with God’s will, He will stop it; is God dead?  But there are people who are stuck in their own weird world; there are so many patients like this, how could we live like that?  If you just hold to the covenant of world evangelization, God has to take care of everything else.

4. God’s knowledge and power are boundless

God is infinite.  Believing in this is way better.  There are things posted online and people research very deeply into that, and it’s easier for elderly people to get sucked into this. There are people who are very gullible and get sucked into conspiracy theories, and then they get into these groups that are also sucked into that theory, and they gather together and protest and things like that.  Then they fall quickly into these natural conspiracies. Most of these people are Christians. 

Then, God should have planted a president who was good, who had faith? But God has raised Buddhist presidents and demon-worshiping presidents, is God dead? They must think God is dead if they think they need a Christian president. That person is not aligning the word of God with the field. They keep misunderstanding the king of the world like David in Israel; they’re just lost in their misconceptions.

Then Biden shouldn’t be the President because he’s Catholic, it should have been Trump. Did you not pray enough? Why did God raise up Biden instead of Trump? I thought you were Christian, then did God not answer our prayers? God raised up Biden because Trump couldn’t do it. If you have the incorrect biblical knowledge, it’s easy to fall into extremes. 

Pastors fall into that.  When I first believed in Christianity, I thought the President should be Christian, but I went to America from Korea and stopped believing in that.  That’s just the desire of a Christian, but that’s not aligned with God’s desire. This nation is not the holy nation of Israel.  This is a land that is mostly controlled by unbelievers in which churches exist.  So I’d decided not to believe in things like that, God is going to entrust the presidency to the person who has the vessel to control His nation.  That’s why even John F. Kennedy was president. Do you think God raised 

Kennedy without knowing he would get rid of the Bibles in the schools?  It’s not the president’s responsibility.  It’s the responsibility of the churches. Instead of doing regional evangelization, we keep on pushing our responsibilities to the president. The pastor who is saying those words should be doing regional evangelization instead of relying on the president. The president has no responsibility to do America evangelization, they are only running the nation. This is the responsibility of the churches who have the gospel. So that person doesn’t matter to me, it doesn’t matter who the president is. Just because the president is chrisitan doesn’t mean that LA will receive the gospel. That is the responsibility of the churches. I’m telling you that you guys are distant from God’s Word.

Am I wrong? Are you confused? Are you sleepy? May you fight the spiritual battle.

Heavens Earth 

Oneness- Me, Us, Church, Field, World

God moves the heavens and the earth, isn’t that right? You acknowledge that, right? Then if you believe God is moving all of creation, that’s oneness.  God’s reign is moving everything centered on God, that’s oneness, isn’t that right? You have to acknowledge this first.  If God is not moving all of creation right now, there’s no need for you to have oneness because God is dead.  But because God is controlling all of the universe, His method for doing so is oneness.  In order for you to have that, I have to be aligned with God, isn’t that right?  If I’m not aligned with God, then the way the universe is spinning is irrelevant to me, and that’s why my life doesn’t work out.

Us. We have oneness with God.  Isn’t that right? God is moving all of creation now so that my family or my organization, we must be aligned with God.  The church must be aligned with God.  If the church is not aligned with God, it’s bound to fail.  The nation of Israel was not aligned with God, so they had no choice but to be scattered. You have to be aligned with God. You study and work, your field has to be aligned with God.  Are your studies and business aligned with God?  Are my studies aligned with God?  God is moving everything, then all of those things in my field  have to be aligned with God.

The world must be aligned with God, that’s why we use the word, “world evangelization,” isn’t that right?  World evangelization talks about evangelizing to people, not to material things.  That means we’re making all the disciples around the world aligned with God.  Aligning it this way are the words of the gospel, and that’s why we testify the gospel.  Once we testify of the gospel, we have to change these people’s ideologies to match the Word of God.  This person’s plan has to be aligned with God’s plan of world evangelization.

Future – Remnant

The future must be aligned with God. The future is the remnants, and they must be aligned with God. If you’re not aligned with this, there’s no method.  Even if we go to church from a young age, things don’t work out because we’re not aligned with God’s Word, because the church is teaching law, order, and knowled;ge they’re not aligned with God’s Word.  That’s why when they go into the field, everyone says, “I’ve tried going to church, I’ve tried going into order, I’ve even received baptism and have been appointed a deacon.” They think this is what it means to go to church , even though they’re never aligned with God.  Change them so they’re matching with God, that’s healing. 

If someone says, “I’ve tried going to church,” that’s not enough, you have to check if this person’s inside changed, I’d this person says, “I’ve tried going to church,” and you think, “Oh, this person is a Christian,” that’s why you cant do either wise If I meet this person, then the real blessing of meeting is me being aligned with God, and this person being aligned with God. That’s what we call Team Ministry. Team Ministry is not just a word we use as a method of evangelism, you’re helping them to become aligned with God.  Otherwise you’re going to pick another method of relaying legalism, order, and knowledge, then they always have to wander around looking for methods, “What’s the best method?”

First, align yourself with God. Once you align yourself with God, you’ll know what to do with other people. That’s where you get your family education from, “I have to align myself with God, then the business I’m doing must be aligned with God.” If you don’t have these basics, then of course things won’t work out.

Culture- RUTC

The culture must be aligned with God, the culture of America. This is why we do the RUTC movement, to conquer the culture. God is infinite, isn’t that so?  If we simply align ourselves with God, then this boundless power follows us. What’s right is Temple Construction being aligned with God. If it’s aligned, don’t you think God will work? It’s so simple, then God is going to begin to work through the one who believes. 

But if we don’t have this, we rely on the science, experiences, and rationality of America, then you cannot overcome yourself. That’s why they say it’s not going to work out. In order for things to work out, you must be aligned with God, and that’s what healing is.  If someone is diseased, healing their disease is not important, but helping their insides be aligned with God is what’s important.  We have to do the ministry where we help everyone who comes to church be aligned with the Word of God from the pulpit.

May these blessings actually take place this year.


God, we thank You.  Allow us to experience and testify of the boundless power of God. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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