God’s Blessings within the Covenant (Deut. 28:1-14)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God’s Blessings within the Covenant (Deut. 28:1-14)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Today, we will share God’s grace with Deut. 28.  The content of Deut. 28 is divided between blessings and curses.  God talks to us about the blessings from Deut. 28:1-14.  Blessings are good things, and we can only live if we are blessed. But the issue is we need to correctly receive the Word of God to understand what is the true blessing and how to receive that blessing. If we become too focused on blessings, then we will have prosperity-based faith. Without a doubt, God has promised us blessings, but if we become too extremely focused on the blessings, then our walk of faith becomes dependent on those blessings and prosperity.  God’s Word and God’s works are mystical, but if we become too focused on the mystical power, we fall into unhealthy mysticism.  That is why we must be able to discern what is primary and what is secondary in order to not become askew and be able to receive these blessings.

Deut. 28:1 says, “If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today,” this is the condition He gave.  Then, “the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth.” That means He will place us in a situation or a position where the rest of the nations of the world cannot follow. If you look at the Jewish people, they are receiving these answers.  Everybody says the Jewish people are far above all the other nations. That was given to them by God.  All the way from Abraham down, the Jewish people have carried this gospel. Even after Jesus Christ came to this earth, there was still a small minority who still had the gospel, and because of those people, God continuously blessed them.

We need to carefully discern, are blessings something we earn, or something else? God has given us this condition today.  “In order for us to receive these blessings, we need to listen to and God’s Word.” That is what we call a legalistic life or a religious life. God does not give us conditional things. He is saying these blessings are within God’s covenant.  But if you listen to the Word incorrectly or there are some incorrect pastors who say, “If you serve the church like this, then your children will be blessed,” if you do that, the children will really be blessed, but then that person will receive their faith by thinking, “God is giving me this blessing because I”ve done this and that.”  Imagine how difficult this person’s life will be, because in order to receive those blessings, they have to endure so much. Then, if they don’t see the blessings, they fall into a trial and even get angry.  They said, “I was waiting and enduring to get those blessings, but I don’t see the blessings.” But that’s not what God’s Word says.

God says, “If you remain within My covenant, you will rightfully receive these blessings.”  Because you’re within God’s covenant, you’re so full of thanksgiving that you’re able to devote to the church and give all of your offering for the Temple construction.  Even for believers who don’t have that kind of faith, if they devote, then they are blessed, but that person’s goal and motive are the blessings, then the Word of God is not their Lord, but the blessings are their Lord, and that’s why they have to put in their effort.  Either way, this way or that, you are bound to receive blessings.  But if you think you are receiving blessings because you’ve done this or that, then it’s going to elevate your own devotion a lot.  That’s the same kind of faith as somebody who believes that “God gave me grace to receive salvation, but if I didn’t choose to believe, I wouldn’t have it.” No, that’s not true; we cannot understand God’s Word.  God must give us His grace in order for us to go into God’s covenant, so being in the place where God is relaying His grace is a blessing.  

We are living a walk of faith the same way, but there are some people who receive blessings and some people who cast those blessings away.  It’s not really because I’ve done something.  It is by God’s grace that we are sitting in the seat where we receive God’s blessings.  Whether we came here with impure motives or pure motives, either way, the fact that we are here is a blessing because even if we came here with impure motives, it becomes the beginning for changing into correct motives, because God will give us that grace.

Also, there are people who misunderstand relaying the gospel.  There are some people who are audacious and think, “I don’t really have to do anything, I can just be here because I have the gospel,” that person has not held onto God’s covenant, but they are holding onto themselves. The covenant is not their center; it is themselves. Those are people who only use the gospel and the words of the gospel for their own benefit. That is not someone who has gone into God’s covenant, but that is only someone who is talking about the word of God.  If the covenant of God truly went into that person, they cannot say things like that.

Because a person is so thankful, their actions are bound to follow. Whether they come to church or pray for the people of the church or they do something for the future generations, whether it’s this or that, they only do that because they’ve received grace from God.  Even if, in the beginning, they were only following the environment of the church or they were forced to do things because of their position in the church, either way, they’re bound to change.  

In order to be set high above all the nations of the earth, God must give you that blessing. There’s a difference between receiving blessings and accomplishing something with my own diligence.  People say success is a blessing, but that is just success; it is not a blessing.  There are people who succeed and their lives go wrong because they are not receiving God’s blessings.  God’s blessings must be given to us.  In the footsteps of your life and the future generations, God’s blessings must be upon us.  If you raise your children very well, you may have done that, but they need to receive God’s blessings.  

So, all you have to know is that there’s a difference between God’s blessings and accomplishing something well with our efforts.  Even if we fall over, it’s not a problem for someone who has blessings. If somebody is not blessed then when they fall over, it becomes a disaster. If somebody who is not blessed succeeds, it becomes a disaster. That is why God must give us His blessings.  May your eyes to see the field open, and may your eyes open to see what God desires.  

For example, let’s say your children are not that interested in worship and the Word of God, but they seem to be working and studying very well, then you think they’re doing well but they’re not.  That person just thinks their children are doing okay because their standards are physical and there are no problems right now, but God’s blessings must be upon them.  I hope that you’ll be able to discern that, especially for your children.  You may not be able to see your children well; because you are their parent, you think, if they’re doing well physically, you think they’re doing well.

Deut. 28:2 says, “All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God.”  This is not about doing something; this is not about trying your hardest; but when you obey the Word and follow the Word of God, the blessings will come. There are so many words of God, so what is this talking about?  He talks about the law, and the representative example of the Law is the Ten Commandments.  Don’t you think the Ten Commandments are the main laws?  We can summarize the Ten Commandments into two: love of God and love of people.  If you want to summarize that into one, it is, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” so it means, think carefully of people and give them the Word of God so they may live. 

This is how I follow after God’s Word, and all these laws have been fulfilled within Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ fulfilled all the laws and He is with us.  So, even before we talk about this, we have to look at the promise given to Abraham.  Even before God gave us the law, God called Abram and said, “I will make you into a source of blessings and I will make you a channel to bless all nations on the earth.”  In other words, God was saying, “Through you, I will make you into a channel to deliver these blessed words to everybody else, in other words, through you the message of the gospel will save all nations.”  The same thing even happened hundreds of years later in the land of Canaan. God is saying He will do this within the Word, within the Gospel, for the direction of world evangelization. 

Now in the New Testament, Jesus Christ has already fulfilled all the laws on the cross and now He is living in us as the Holy Spirit, and that’s why we pray for the guidance, filling of the Holy Spirit and He will give us all blessings for the sake of world evangelization. The representative examples for this are the Early Church and the Antioch Church, and exactly according to today’s Word and scripture, God blessed these churches to the point until they evangelized Rome.  So, where do these blessings come from? It is by following God’s Word; it is nowhere else. Everywhere else is just by the efforts of humans, and if you’re not blessed by God, then it is a disaster.  If you’re doing well for yourself without following God’s Word, that is a disaster, because it means God’s blessings are not upon you. I hope you are not deceived.  

Deut. 28:2 talks about what kind of blessings you will get.  Deut. 28:3 says, “You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country,” meaning you will be blessed in the region where you live and the region where you work. Deut 28:4 says, “The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock–the calves of your herd and the lambs of your flocks” will be blessed.  God says this when He gives us the Ten Commandments as well, “I will bless you to a thousand generations,” this is talking about the covenant being relayed. And because I have the covenant rightfully, I relay it, then my children are blessed as well, and my children relay it again to theirs, and the blessing continues. 

Deut. 28:5 says, “Your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed.”  It just means your livelihood will be blessed.  Deut. 28:6 says, “You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out,” meaning even when you fall, you’ll be blessed. That is why, when I fall down within God’s covenant, that is a blessing.  But if you do that without the covenant, then it means nothing.  

Deut. 28:7, “The LORD will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you.”  There’s no need for me to grab them by the scruff of the neck and fight with them. This is something God had already given to Abraham.  God says, “As you are relaying this gospel, there are people who will continuously try to block you instead of fighting them, just be at a loss, and God will take care of it.” Why is that? It is because the gospel is more important than me, myself. When Paul was in the great storm, he was not Paul himself who was so important, but the gospel inside of him had to be relayed to the emperor of Rome, and that is why God blocked the storm.

Deut. 28:7 continues, “They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven,” and seven is known to be the perfect number, meaning they will run from you in all directions.  So, as we are obeying and following the Word of God, God will take care of everything that blocks us.  What would happen if we hold onto all these petty things and spend our whole lives fighting over that?  So no matter what anybody says, just stay still and God will take care of it.  But the condition is that you are somebody who is within this covenant that relays this gospel.  If you’re not, then there’s no reason for God to do this because God only says “when you obey God’s Word.” 

Deut. 28:8 says, “The LORD will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to.” There are people who are working very hard even right now, and you must work hard within God’s Word.  But there are many people who put the emphasis on “work” when we hear the phrase, “work within God’s Word.” People think, “I have to hold onto God’s Word in order to work well,” but that’s not right.  If the remnants are thinking, “I need to pray in order to study well,” that’s not right.  If I am within the covenant, it means I stay within the covenant, praying within the covenant, and in that state, I study.  

If the church officers are within the covenant, it means they hold onto the covenant 24 hours in prayer, and in the midst of that, they are working.  In order to do this, it means as soon as you open your eyes in the morning, you go into God’s covenant, because that is when your day begins.  You are not doing this so you can work well, but within God’s covenant, you must work and God’s blessings will be given to you.  A blessing can be various things that you need in the field.  There are various things. 

Deut. 28:8 continues, “The LORD your God will bless you in the land He is giving you.”  The reason is because, on the land of Canaan, Jesus Christ must be born and through Jesus Christ, we must do world evangelization, so that is the time schedule we are in to do world evangelization. Because of world evangelization, we are doing temple construction as well.  But when we talk about doing temple construction, where is your reaction?  Is it within the covenant or is it within the material things?  If you stay within God’s Word, it says, “When you obey God’s Word,” when you are following the covenant of world evangelization of the gospel to the 237 nations, then “I will bless your land.”  God has no choice but to give us that blessing because we need a temple to evangelize to the 237 nations.  But if you’re living in America, then you have the thought of “donations.”  There’s a difference between giving a donation and giving an offering. A donation is, “I just have money so I’m helping somebody else with it,” but offering is something you give to God, because you are saying, “I’m giving this offering as my faith within the covenant of world evangelization that God has given and the temple construction for that.”  Are there any of you guys who think, “I have the money but let’s just wait and see how God works first”?  That is someone who prioritizes money first. I said this earlier, too, but what is your priority? Is it the Word of God or is it the material things?

Let’s say, for example, she and I got married, and I look at this person, and she has a good career and family background, and I’ll get some benefit if I marry her. Am I confusing my love for her because of those benefits, or what is it? Or, do I already love her, and as I find out more about her, I realize her family background is good, too? Then, even though we get married the same way, later on, the result will be different.  Because by God’s grace, the covenant becomes my way and it becomes confirmed. By faith, I’m able to devote like this.  Even if that covenant has not been confirmed for you, if you’re devoting for your ulterior motives, you’re bound to change in the meanwhile. 

However, if the covenant remains secondary to you, then your walk of faith is incorrect.  God is bound to give us the answer of temple construction for world evangelization of 237 nations, and because I have that faith, I’m able to devote my offering.  That’s the reason I come to early morning prayer, to pray for the remnants and the missions fields, that is the path to the 237 nations.  Because I’m in that covenant, I pray and I do these things.  If someone is not able to come to the church,then they can do this early morning prayer in their homes, but if you do come to the church, we can pray for  every member of the church as it is shown on the screen, but if you remain at home, it becomes difficult. It’s just hard.

Deut. 28:9 says, “The LORD will establish you as his holy people, as He promised on oath.” God gives us His oath. We do not make oaths; giving His oath means God will keep it.  As He has promised, He will raise you up and establish you as His holy people, why? Because you’re keeping God’s commands and walking in obedience to Him.  Because I’m holding onto God’s covenant, and I believe in God’s covenant of saving the 237 nations, the 5000 unreached people groups, as well as America, future generation, and the temple construction to do this work, I am going forward with it.  For that purpose, for that covenant, there is a role I must play in the church.  

Without a doubt, there is something for you to do because God has called you to this church, but there are many people in America who don’t have a church.  They just read the Bible on their own and watch whatever messages or sermons they want to on YouTube, but that’s not worship, that’s just their own studying to realize the Bible for themselves. But Jesus Christ bought the members of the Church by the price of His blood on the cross, and that is how He raised up His Church. But there are so many people who don’t know what this word, “Church” means.  In the Bible, it says we are the Temple of God, meaning that we’re the church so they’re not interested in the gathering of the local church.  

However, if you want to look at that logic, in the Old Testament, all the Israelites lived together, centered on the Tabernacle.  If someone in the Old Testament has the same logic as someone who thinks as they do today, then they will live outside the Israelite camp on their own and they would surely die, because that person has to come to the priest in order to have their sins forgiven, but they will die in curses. There is a specific role that this person must play, but because they’re set apart, so far away, they might as well not even be there.  

Christ raised up the church which is the Body of Christ, and you guys put together is the Church. The fact that we are united means that we are connected together. Christ is our Head, and everything we give worship, He gives us His Word; that is how He unites us with Immanuel.  Then, why do you think Jesus Christ’s name is “Immanuel” and not just “with”? Because you don’t know Immanuel, you don’t know the church.  Jesus Christ did not come for “with”; He came to be Immanuel.  Matthew 1:23 says, “You shall call Him ‘Immanuel,’ meaning, ‘God with us,’” God is with us, so that’s why we say, “Our Father” and not “My Father.”  

What I’m talking about is, what is the church?  There is an ideology and a goal with which the LORD came to earth but if you ignore that and look at the Bible, you are bound to misunderstand many things, and that person will just wither away by themselves.  They have no choice but to be like that, because they’ve never received what the church is.  

This person just thinks, “I can read the Bible and just watch the sermon online by myself, and it doesn’t matter because the Holy Spirit is inside of me and I’m the temple,” but they are speaking out of ignorance.  Look at the Antioch Church in Acts 13. Did they live their walk of faith separated, individually or did they live it together?  Look at the Early Church in Mark’s upper room, the 13 disciples are in there, and they lived their walk of faith centered on that.  But because this is not taking place, our faith isn’t taking place because, how could we do this alone?  So, we give this example of the finger. There’s nothing the finger can do on its own, it can only play its role if it’s attached to the hand.  The reason why God raised up the church in this region is to save this region.  God has gathered the members of the church together in order to save.  God unites us so He may give us the Word, allow us to pray, and create the evangelism system, all to save. But if you’re living your walk of faith all on your own, what is all of that?  You’re someone who is completely irrelevant to Immanuel and to the messages in the church. This person just thinks they can go wherever they want to receive grace, so they never escape “me-centeredness.” That person is relentlessly “me-centered,” and because of that, Satan is always following them around, because the message Satan plants into us is “you can be like God, be centered on yourself,” so if there’s anyone in the field like this, that is not the right path, but the reason why these people do not come to church is because they fall into trials here.  They might not even know the reason why they’re so tested in the church, but that is actually the point to receive answers and blessings.  Because, not only will this problem be in the church, but this is a point of weakness, that this person will run into everywhere in their life so they have to receive God’s answers and blessings to overcome that weakness.

If there are any remnants like this, they cannot survive out in society because the world is even worse; that’s why we’re always brought to our knees by the world. “I can’t work with these kinds of people,” it’s always the same thing.  They say things like, “I’m doing the right things but my manager doesn’t understand me,” why is that? It’s because they don’t know how to be together, then their family will not work out, either.  The reason why their family doesn’t work out is, “I’m so tested by my wife,” or, “I’m so tested by my husband,” and their story is always the same. That’s why God’s blessing must be upon these people.  

Do you think the devil will allow that to happen? He will block it from taking place, but you need to change your thoughts to think, “This is my opportunity for me to receive answers.” You shouldn’t say the words of a failure.  You should have the ideology of saying, “I am going to receive answers within the church. I will be the leader to save this church and do world evangelization,” You shouldn’t be always running away from all your problems, with your face so darkened. That’s a failure, that’s like someone who says, “My life is like this because of my parents.”  Then if they get married, they’re going to say, “My life is like this because of my husband or wife or my kids,” and they can never overcome that their whole life. That’s a failure.

The reason God is telling you this right now is because He promised blessings to you, it means, in the midst of my weakness, God’s blessings must be upon me, isn’t that right? We need to change our weaknesses into God’s blessings.  The many scars we have must be changed into God’s blessings as well, that is how I can save the other people who are scarred. 

Deut. 28:10, “Then all the peoples on earth will see that you are called by the name of the LORD,” and they will fear you.”  “All the peoples on earth” is talking about unbelievers. Why would unbelievers be afraid of you? It’s not that you do something scary, but they know God is with you. These are the blessings you must receive in the field.  Otherwise, the world will trample all over you because there’s nothing scary about you.  But the Pharaoh saw that the Lord was God and He was afraid.  

The kings were afraid when they saw Daniel, and the reason is because, “We can’t bother him because there is a God he believes in.”  That’s why they relied on Daniel more than the gods they themselves believed in, because Daniel received wisdom from God. 

Deut. 28:11 says, “The LORD will grant you abundant prosperity–in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock, and the crops of your ground–in the land he swore to your forefathers to give you.”  Deut. 28:12 continues, “The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none.”  Then, you have to realize, if you’re in a situation where this is not happening for you, what kind of person are you?  You have to confirm yourself, “Am I somebody who is following God’s covenant, or am I somebody following the ways of this world through my own experiences?”  Or, if there are some people who say, “I may not be following God’s Word, but I’ve existed fairly well on my own strength, I haven’t borrowed the strength of anybody else,” that person may think they’re okay but they need to come into God’s covenant as well, because they cannot bring down the rain; this is not something you can just farm diligently for. When we face the COVID pandemic, our diligence is not the issue; God must give us His blessing, and that’s what this is saying.  So yes, working hard is rightful, and our efforts are obvious, but the real issue is that you feel secure with just that.  You think you can guard your own life with your strength, and that is the ideology Satan gives us. What do you think will happen later?  Satan has been just gaining our trust until now, but one day when he enters in, he is going to destroy us. 

Deut. 28:13 says, “The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. You will always be at the top, not at the bottom.”  The “tail” is somebody who is always following behind, and God says, “I will not make you like that.” Why does God give us the blessing of the summit? If you remain the spiritual summit yourself, first, the spiritual summit means, if you remain at the summit of the covenant, if you remain at the spiritual summit through the Word of God and prayer, within the covenant of world evangelization, then God will give you the skill summit, because that is how you will change the culture, then God will work upon you as the cultural summit. 

That means the same thing as this.  Everybody, Joseph, David, Daniel, his three friends, Esther, the Early Church, why? Because that is how we save the world.  Because the world does not have God, they are trying to use their own diligence or their religious acts to get above, but God is saying, “I will make you the head.”  

Deut. 28:14 says, “Do not turn aside from any of the commands I give you today, to the right or to the left, following other gods and serving them.”  In other words, is Christ the solution to every problem in my life? That is the first word that must come into me.  When that word doesn’t come into me, my walk of faith will be different.  The Old and the New Testament are talking about Jesus Christ, and who is this christ? He is the One Who fulfilled all the Law.  We are not able to fulfill the law; that is why He forgave our sins on the cross for us, He has destroyed the power of Satan, and He is with us even now.  By simply believing in that covenant, God calls us righteous and we will not be cursed with disasters, as long as we remain within that covenant and he has finished all problems of the past, present, and future.  Now, we must be able to see God’s vision for world evangelization to the 237 nations. 

When God says to obey the words of the Lord, these are the words He is talking about. Will you obey the Word, that is, Christ finished everything on the cross? If you say “no,” then God will say, “Okay.” Will you believe in the covenant of world evangelization? We say “Yes,” then God says, “I will fulfill this through you using your talent, specialization and dream.” That was the heavenly talent given to us during the RCA message, because this is something I must do to save the 237 nations. How will this be fulfilled? Through the answers of God’s Word and prayer, that is why God continuously give us his Word throughout the week, that Word must have a direction, that is what we call the stream of the Word.  God is giving His Word to us continuously, following His time schedule for the region, and world evangelization.  Then God will be the One to fulfill His masterpiece.  

For the church officers, set a regional church to save the 70 regions and 70 disciples.  For the remnants, set up the platform and watchtower to save the world. How else will you save anybody?  That’s a disconnect between your thoughts and reality.  It’s not about what’s in your brain, but actually in your field, create this system to save.

Let’s say for example, the church did not exist.  If we just think in our heads, ‘Church, Church,” that’s not going to do it.  Someone, one person, has to put it into practice to raise up the church, then the church will be built.  Of course at first it begins as the faith unseen, however, to raise up the platform and the watchtower in your field means, don’t let it just stay as your thoughts. It means to raise up the platform and watchtower in your field so people can actually come to receive God’s word, and pray. That is how God will send people from all around the world to you, that is what it means to raise up the field church in your field.  Whether it is in your home or in your job, raise up the field church where you’re able to give people the word, pray for them, and evangelize.  That is how you can obey God’s Word. 

There’s a difference between what’s in your brain and you actually obeying.  If there is somebody who think, “Pastor, I really like hearing about the gospel, but when you tell me to do this in the field, it’s really hard,” then you can just wait, but you guys are all running your business in your fields, you have your office buildings and everything, but why don’t you do this? It means your priorities are askew.  Everybody is doing things in the field, they’re making a living, but when you’re told to save people, they say “not for me, not yet,” it means your priorities are switched.  So, for you guys, the church is your first priority, that means, worship is first priority.  If everything that is necessary to continue worship is the first priority in your life, then your walk of faith is going correctly.  If evangelizing in your field is your very first priority, then you’re aligned with today’s word, that is how you love God and love people.  If you just think in your head, “I love God and I love people,” those are just the thoughts in your head. ”Love” means your first priority.  If you just use your words to say, “I love God and I love people,” then that’s just your imagination, and there are so many people who do Bible study like that.  Today’s Word ays, “If you obey God’s Word,” meaning, you are following with faith. Putting it into practice doesn’t necessarily mean actions. The actions naturally follow if the actual priorities in your head are set, so you just need to have the church be your very first priority.  In your field, the evangelism that saves and loves people must be your very first priority.  Then just like today’s Word, God will bless you to do this work, so in your brain, you must think, “This is of the greatest value, my first priority,” I hope you will try this, do it and stand as a witness.  Right? There’s no need for you to live your life as the tail, always following behind, but God will use that and raise you up. 


May the blessings of God’s Word fulfillment come upon you exactly according to God’s Word.  Let us pray together holding onto the Word God has given to us at this time.

The multiethnic remnants are receiving training in our church.  The way for this to happen is the church, so you need to know the church.  So, those remnants are drawing their image of the church by looking at you guys, so you guys sitting here is missions because they grew up watching the church, so I hope you will make the church your very first priority. Who sees that? The future generations see that. That becomes the message relayed without words, and they will follow the same way. There’s no need to tell them, “Do this,” and the second, if evangelism in your field becomes your first priority, there’s no need to say anything about it because the next generation will follow. That is why we train within the church.  So let us pray for our remnants and future generations to have the proper view of the church and field evangelism.  Let us pray together for the remnants.

It’s a very frightening thing, right? The future generations watching and learning what you do means you are raising the future generations now.  Without that, the kids cannot grow up properly.  If you perhaps think that you can raise your kids properly without doing this, that’s impossible, right?  Because they learn from what they see.  The words that are imprinted as your first priority in your brain are relayed to the kids.  If it’s not this, then it becomes religion.  

On Dec. 24, we have our Christmas Eve celebration, so I hope you will think of this as an evangelism camp opportunity, so think about people and invite them. … we must receive God’s Word.  If we are spending all this energy to do this activity but it doesn’t have God’s blessings, it’s a waste of time, money, and effort.  

The Winter Retreat, the last announcement I heard is they are looking at a location in Palm Springs, so I hope you will be thankful because they are looking for the place where God will pour down His grace, and they’re doing this for us so we should be very thankful.  I hope there are no legalistic people who think, “Why do they keep changing the location?” I heard the price is more affordable but they still have to go and see it.  This year for the winter retreat, I will be leading the Winter Retreat in Washington DC.  Please pray that … remnants. Let us pray.

Finally let us pray for our missions fields.  On Dec. 6, the son of Missionary Kim in Africa who is attending the DL Moody seminary in Chicago, his son will come to receive training and return to Chicago. It’s possible they may stay in the same room as the Karen remnants.  So if you guys are able, I hope you will pray for the Mission Home for the future.  Don’t you think there’s a reason for God to bless even your kids for the covenant of His Word? Mission Home is not just about bringing people to sleep at your house, it is talking about a home that has a mission. Then, honestly, it’s really possible.  It’s only because the house doesn’t have a mission that it just becomes a place for people to stay, and physically speaking, that’s something to be thankful for as well.  Let us pray for our missions fields and end with the benediction.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of the people of God, the people of all nations and the remnants who desire to save the fields and the church within the covenant of world evangelization, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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