God’s Absolute Sovereignty from Everlasting to Everlasting (1 Chronicles 29:10-12)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God’s Absolute Sovereignty from Everlasting to Everlasting (1 Chronicles 29:10-12)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

Let’s see how greatly God used David.  This was Davis’ confession of faith. 

You need to know the reason God gave the law to tell us we are cursed.

God cannot use me because I’m trapped within myself, trying to fulfill God’s Word by myself.  The verse says, “From everlasting to everlasting, praise be to God.”

God knows we cannot follow the law, so Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross.  Some people say we must be more Christlike, and that’s correct, but we’re talking about something else. People try to imitate Christ with their behavior like changing their voice. 

If you don’t understand the gospel correctly, you will face your limitation and crumble.  Why do I face limitations?  It’s because you’re not relying on the Holy Spirit but you rely on yourself.  But I cannot do it, what can I not do? I cannot overcome curses and Satan.  I cannot overcome the deceptions of Satan, so that’s why, other than the gospel, it cannot be done.  But instead, we try to understand the gospel with earthly things so we cannot understand it.

What earthly things?  The greatest things of the earth are morals and ethics, there’s nothing greater than that, or religion. It’s about receiving blessings to get rid of curses and disasters, but those will lead to death. The very first curse and disaster is fear.  As soon as Adam and Eve were separated from God, fear came into them. They’re not afraid because of some thing, but they were afraid because they were separated from God, and from that point on, anything they did was shameful.

They were naked and ashamed, but they were naked before and unashamed. Before, it was not a problem, but when they were separated from God, it was a problem.  The problem you face isn’t a problem. Those who are within the law will see it as a problem, but those in the covenant of Christ will see it not as a problem, but an opportunity for God’s plan.  If it’s a great problem, there is a great plan of God.  If you don’t have problems, it’s just so-so.  But if there’s a great problem, there’s a great plan. 

I’m going to Korea to attend the missionaries’ conference, and there’s God’s great plan within that.  What is God’s great plan?  God will give me His Word according to His plan and then I go forth, holding onto that Word. This isn’t something that can be done by gathering people together, to fulfill the law, because God will gather the people and will fulfill His plan.

That’s why God cannot use people who are obsessed with themselves, because you need to look to God for God to use you.  That’s why I hope that our remnants are able to come out of themselves with the gospel.  “What did I do wrong?” Don’t worry about that, think about what God’s plan is.  “That person is a problem, this person is a problem,” but what is God’s plan within this? You need to find this in order to come out from yourselves. But instead of the gospel, if you focus on yourself or your actions, God cannot use you.

In 2 Chronicles 29:11, God used people for greatness as they believed greatness is in the Lord. You don’t need to make an effort to try to be great, just take it into consideration.  God is great for us, Jesus Christ is great. By believing in this, I can follow after.


Not within me, but within the Lord.  Because it’s within God, once He gives it to me, it’s possible.  In Phil. 4:13, I can do all things within Christ who strengthens me.  We don’t believe this as a theory, but it is realistically enjoyed in our lives.

Glory is God’s because God does everything from beginning to end.  God uses these people of faith.  If our remnants have a small vessel, how will they be used? God uses them for greatness. Do not boast about people; boast about Jesus Christ.  “God used that person,” no, “God is working through me,” for when you focus on the individual, you cover over God’s glory.


Victory doesn’t come because you want it, but being victorious over all things is within God’s hands.  A long time ago, there was a pastor who was a soccer player, but before playing soccer, he would gather the players and give the word.  What kind of word?  There’s a goalkeeper, and they prayed, “If God closes it, the opponents cannot score a goal, but if God opens it, then they will have no choice but to score.”  They were imprinted, entrusting everything to God, and went on the field.  Victory is in God’s hands. 

David went to war millions of times, but was David good at war?  I don’t know, because I didn’t see it, but it says he was victorious all the time in the Bible.  If God doesn’t give victory to someone, they can try to succeed and overcome everything but will have no choice but to fall. Some people whose businesses failed because of the coronavirus, they started a business but failed because of the coronavirus.  Even though this person was young, they started a business and died due to COVID.  It’s within the hands of God.

You think you protect your health but it’s actually within the hand of God.  Some people exercise a lot and pass away one day. They just pass away in their sleep so all things are within God’s hands.  Whether God uses them greatly or in a lesser way, it’s all by the plans of God. Do you have a problem? God has allowed it, it’s an opportunity for blessings. If you don’t believe in that, you don’t believe in God.  If there’s a difficult time you’re facing, God has allowed it. It’s difficult for me but God has a hidden plan.  You need to have this kind of faith to be used by God. 

You may learn about economics, but that changes all the time.  But where is this? It is within God’s hands.  This is within God’s hands, and we can either use it or not.  But if I make my vessel, God says He will fill it.  But if you have a small vessel, only focused on me according to the law, God cannot put great things there, so you will be filled according to your vessel. Those who have immense faith will be used immensely, but those who have a vessel focused on living and working, that’s it for them.

But those who say, “I will do missions and evangelism to the 237 nations,” God will use them accordingly.  God will use me and answer me to raise the church to do the 237 healing and summit movement, but you haven’t learned this and you don’t use it. Instead, you use it for yourself, so that’s irrelevant to God.  Everything in heaven and earth is God’s, it’s all God’s and I use it for God’s goal.  But if I don’t use it at all, I can’t use it on others or myself so it rots away because God is the One Who holds all of this. 

Those who do not believe in God’s absolute sovereignty will have to rely on themselves.  You must acknowledge this to acknowledge God. If you don’t acknowledge this, you say you have faith in God, but that faith is very small.  So, why am I in America? It is in God’s sovereignty.  Why did God make me this way, with this face?  It’s not bad, but you must do this with God’s sovereignty.  But instead you change your face.  Your face is within God’s absolute sovereignty.

Without acknowledging God, you’ll become weird.  Did God make a mistake? God chose your height, but there’s no need to try to increase your height.  God will use His power to use you, no reason for you to be tall or short.

Who is the head over all? It is God.  It appears that presidents and leaders are in charge, but God is sovereign over all. Even Satan uses those who are in authority, but if Christians don’t use the name of Jesus Christ to overcome the forces of darkness, Satan will do his works.  Evangelism and missions to establish the Kingdom of God means you crush Satan’s forces, because the One Who is head over all is Jesus Christ.

Ultimately, Satan works within God’s sovereignty and that blessing is given to the church.  You raise your flag and go out because God’s sovereignty cannot be taken away. God uses the church.  Satan is within God’s sovereignty. 

Unbelievers do great things because God put them in those positions. If you see them, they have great minds.  I saw some movies about Genghis Khan. He did not believe in God but he entrusted every war to heaven. Conquering all the lands is not a simple task, or else the individual may become oppressed and weakened and cannot do this.  But this person was an unbeliever, but he believed in this, so no matter what war he went into, if it wasn’t acknowledged by heaven, he wouldn’t. He wasn’t saved but he acknowledged this power, so he was a great person. 

We are children of God. What greater power is there?  Paul confesses, “I know what it means to be poor or to have plenty.”  So he knows how to be poor so he could share the gospel with the poor, and he knows how to have plenty to share the gospel to those who are rich.  God’s work and truth is proclaiming God’s Word to all people, and that’s why God used him greatly.

It’s the same right now, whom will God use greatly? Believe in God’s greatness, the God Who will do world evangelization.  Believe in God Who will do missions to 237 nations, and all things, your studies, your school, even the economy are within this.  If I do this, I’ll receive blessings from God; if I do that, I’ll receive blessings from God.  But it’s not like that.  God prepared all these blessings on the cross.  The Holy Spirit is within you, fulfilling it until the day of Christ Jesus. 

This is what the Holy Spirit does, according to God, and the people receive wealth and honor.  God gives this, so make a lot of money and give offering to God.  Don’t have a small mind, “I’ll make money and give it to the church,” and the thoughts imprinted in you will be different.  Only when God’s Word comes within you can you change.  God called me to do world evangelization, so my studies must be within that place for God to use me.  God uses all things for missions and evangelism for the entire world, but if my thoughts are only focused on making a living wage, I’ll be trapped within my thoughts, even though God has prepared all these blessings.

It doesn’t matter if you’re weak, your weaknesses are irrelevant with God’s authority and power. Language isn’t a problem.  Moses said he couldn’t speak so God attached someone who could speak for him.  The CEO of Hyundai was not educated, but he had a great mind that was greater than the Korean elites. He didn’t have the skills to be specialized but he used the people who have specialized skills.  He said, “We can use people who’ve graduated from Seoul National University. No reason for me to go there, I just need to use those people and use my great thoughts.”  That’s what this person thought.

I don’t have to do everything because God did not give me that skill, so use other people who have, for example, language skills.  “I don’t have a lot of money,” then use someone who has a business.  God said He would do it, according to God’s plan.  If church construction is aligned with God’s plan, God said He would attach people to us, but why are we trapped within the frame of being able to do something or not?  I hope the remnants pray, pray to receive the filling of the working of the Holy Spirit for world evangelization, because our standard is 237 world evangelization.  God called you to do this and gave you this power. 

Why do you suffer? You’re trapped in your thoughts, you’ve turned to the actions of the law.  Restore that with the gospel. The incident of the cross that finished everything is an eternal incident, He solved all the problems on the cross so nothing is now a problem because ethe Spirit of Christ is within me, working within me. 

All things have no choice but to kneel before the cross. This is the grace David communicated and this is the person God used.  God gave us the gospel, and that’s why we need to be connected through the gospel. So, that heart needs to be aligned with God.  God said, “I will use David greatly and with power.”  In the age of David, the entire land of Canaan was conquered. Until then, they were not able to conquer.  This is recorded in Judges.  They lived according to what they thought was right.  If God said that you need to go forth and conquer these lands and to believe in it, they were too stubborn in their thoughts.  People nowadays, “Just do your own thing, other religions do their thing.  In America, we care about individualism and privacy, so why do we need to go out and give the gospel?” That’s why you can’t conquer. In David’s time period, he conquered all of Canaan. This was promised but they could not believe, because they were trapped within their thoughts.  They were constantly within a cycle of being enslaved or held captive.

There’s no time within the gospel.  No need to fight, just acknowledge it.  The gospel is that answer because you can only save others with the gospel.  If you do everything else and lose hold of the gospel, you lose everything.

All these things are within only Christ.  If you’re not within Christ, then all these become nothing.  Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons talk about God, but is it the same God?  The fortune tellers and shamans, the three organizations use this term, “God,” and they say God is everywhere.  If you ask them who God is, they say, “God is everywhere.”  They say, “God is love, hope,” they use all these great terms, but when you ask, “Is Christ God?” They say no. 

Then, what is the love they talk about? It is not the love that comes from the cross of Christ, it is a human love, and if you’re not aware of it, you have no choice but to be deceived. Everyone has faith, hope, and love, but our faith is faith in Christ, faith in God Who is everywhere. They believe in god who is qi and comes within them, so they use positive words because God is positive.  So, they use hopeful terms, “You can do it.”  So they constantly talk about love, about loving other people, but this is not Christianity.

Whatever is devoid of Christ is nothing.  If you’re not aware of this, you have no choice but to be swept away by the culture of America and its beautiful terms. Even if you see money everywhere, it says, “In God,” but is that God Christ?  If that’s not it, then it’s not correct.  For the remnants, if someone says something about God, they think that other person must believe.  But you must ask, “Is Christ God?” If no, then that’s not it.  If it’s not Christ, they cannot come out of Satan, curses, and disasters. 

Who is the God they are talking about?  It’s one they made.  We use the term “God so freely, they say, “Jesus Christ,” but does it mean Christ?  But you need to know this accurately.  All the words of the Old Testament were used to fulfill Christ.  It is difficult otherwise, you may meet someone in the field who “believes,” but they actually don’t, and you’re not aware of it.

People say God is everywhere, the qi is God, and the God of the universe comes within me and I can become like God. They use this term, “God,” but if you believe in and are deceived by this, you’re deceived by Satan.  If you say, “Oh my God,” will the demons flee?  They’ll respond, “Oh my God,” but that’s it.  If you say “Jesus Christ,” will they flee?  Those who believe in faith will wield the authority to make them flee,

All things come from Christ, then Christ is everything.  Some people only talk about Jesus Christ when they first believed or before they eat.  Christ isn’t anywhere else in their daily walk so they cannot enjoy these blessings. When you proclaim Jesus Christ, everything follows.  Listen carefully to the messages.  The gospel isn’t stagnant, it moves in the direction of saving lives, so go to the places nobody else can go.  People will not go to the places nobody else will go, so the gospel must be relayed in that place and your skill will be revived. 

Why do you want to go?  The field of the 237 nations is my field so you must have a business in the place nobody else goes.  If you go somewhere there’s already people, you will fight. Go into the study that nobody else does.  The studies no one is interested in, because that is where God is.  No one likes that field, so the one person can share the gospel there.

The fields of mental illness, and the elites, no one likes to talk about mental illness.  Why do we talk about missions and evangelism?  Nobody goes to this school, there are so many empty places.  “I heard from this person about this place, so I realized that no one ever went into the region of El Salvador.  You can’t just go there by knowing English; you have to know Spanish to go to the rural areas.  Go to the empty places and share the gospel.

Many places in LA still haven’t received the gospel, so why are you trying to hold onto people who go back and forth from church?  Don’t go into the places with competition, That’s how your skill will be used.  Then you will have no competition. I had to leave Korea because I was afflicted by the competition.  It becomes hard for me.

God has created me in this way because he has a plan for me in this field, so that’s why you need to be raised properly. The remnant needs to rise up to save.  Alex volunteered to go to the Navajo Indian Reservation with us, so you need to rise up to train other people and God can open more doors.  Don’t use your vacation days on useless things; just use it for missions.  El Salvador, Navajo, Karen missions, you can even have your honeymoon like this. Pastor Heo had his first baby while having evangelism camp in Taiwan. We didn’t have a proper honeymoon, we had a small wedding at church.

What am I trying to say? It’s not that this or that is right, but what’s the important thing?  That’s why you need to rise up quickly.

You have to rise up, no need to be shy, but you pray to be a witness, so when you come up, you can improve.  Prepare.

May David’s faith be their faith.  Through Christ, may the missions of world evangelization take place.


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