God = Word = Love > People = Intellect, Relations, Academics, Philosophy, Ideology

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God = Word = Love > People = Intellect, Relations, Academics, Philosophy, Ideology

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

If we don’t have God, we will rightfully have hatred, disdain, and betrayal.

The incident on the cross is where Jesus died while we were still sinners, meaning while we were disobedient to God, rejecting God–not while we were following God, but while we were rejecting God. Anyone can love someone who loves them, but the Lord loved us while we betrayed Him and cursed Him, how? By His death, God demonstrated His love for us. That is the love of God. God is God, and God is love, and that love was demonstrated on the cross. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ on the cross, He demonstrated His love for us, and if we don’t have that love, then humans cannot exist.

Romans 5:5. There is a way to have this love continue, that the Holy Spirit pours the love of God into our hearts. The Old Testament is different, but in the New Testament, God pours out His love into us continuously. Someone who doesn’t have this love of God has fear. It doesn’t mean your heart is weak; it means you lack the love of God. Someone who is filled with the love and grace of God can drive out fear. For these people, even if they face failure, they are not afraid. Even if they are facing a problem, they are not afraid because there is an answer: Jesus Christ has finished all problems on the cross, and even if that person faces a crisis, they turn it into an opportunity.

God pours out His love into us continuously. Someone who doesn’t have this love of God has fear. It doesn’t mean your heart is weak; it means you lack the love of God.

Fear cannot be solved through any medication, drugs, or alcohol. In fact, the more you do those things, the worse your fate becomes. It is only possible when you remain within the love of Christ on the cross. So, if you’re always, constantly every day within the love of God’s forgiveness, you will become healthy. However, the devil turns the opposite way. It’s all about God’s word, but he makes you leave God’s word, making you hold onto the good things of yourself, like your intellect or sanity.

If Satan tried to tempt you with something that is bad, it wouldn’t work, but he uses the good things like ideologies and wisdom. That’s why Solomon said, “the more you study, the more difficult it becomes,” so just do as much as you need. If you are overly excessive in your studies, you will ruin your health and everything else. All the good things like your intellect, sanity, and ideology cannot save us.

Romans 8:5-6

The mind controlled by the physical things leads to death. Even your studies leads to death. You think, “That person studies so well,” but will that save you? No, it cannot. If anything, the more you hold onto that and follow that, the more you will face fear. Remnants who live in America, what are you holding onto and following? you should not listen to the words of people, yo should not follow the good things of America. You need to follow the words of God, because within the Word of God, you will find all your academics, your logic, and ideology. Within God’s Word, you can find your future. Anything that doesn’t come from the Word will come from fear and will lead to your destruction.

Prompted – Judas

One day, you’ll be seized by the devil. In the Bible, it says the devil already prompted Judas Iscariot, what does that mean? It means he raised up this thought in Judas. Who was Judas? He was someone who loses his mind when it comes to money, so the devil put the thought in Judas to sell Jesus to make money. Then what happens? You cannot overcome Satan with your will. So, Judas ultimately sells Jesus and commits suicide.

You’ve listened to this testimony, right? One day, a young adult confessed that he heard voices to kill his parents with an axe, so he listened to the voices and followed through, killing his parents with an axe. The voice them told him to hide the axe, so he hid it. Later on, the voice of the devil said, “Are you even human? You just killed your mom and dad, so you’re not even human, so you should kill yourself.” That’s what the devil does, how does this happen? How did his parents raise him? They were raised without the love of God, the Word of God.


All your life, what are you enslaved by? Judas was enslaved by money, that’s why your habits are so important, and that’s why how you mature under your parents is so important. According to how you develop, the devil will work. One day, the devil will work in their thoughts. If you’re completely seized by the devil, you’ll be a lying conman, and it doesn’t matter how much you study or learn, because the devil won’t go away. We are shocked when smart people do terrible things, but the devil doesn’t have a threshold.

The devil even attacks me. There’s no cutoff, the devil of America won’t run away, no matter who you are. Does the devil run away if you have American citizenship? That’s irrelevant, and if you try to run away from America to another country, the devil will follow you there. The devil was a fallen angel, so that means the devil has the ability to transcend time and space, and a demon-possessed person will have the devil working in them to transcend time and space, that’s why you need to believe that it’s a blessing to remain within the Word of God at a young age.

What is the Word of God? The words of legalism are still the words of God, but they bear sin. What happens if you don’t have the gospel? You’re immediately going to judge; you cannot save, you hate them, why? Because they committed sin. “How dare that person do that to me? They should not have!” Immediately you judge them, even though God is love, but you’re holding onto the Bible and say you believe God? That means you’ believe in another God. It’s not another love or faith that goes through Jesus Christ.

Law = Sin | Gospel

There’s a difference between someone who says, “I’m weak and cannot do anything,” and someone who knows the Word of God in their head but are legalistic. The Law is the Word of God and it reveals sin, and God revealed this sin and gave us the law so that we can receive the gospel of Christ and receive forgiveness, but people don’t know the gospel, they only know the legalistic law of God’s Word, and that’s why they stand at the forefront of judging others, cutting people out. If this is a Christian, then they’re going to go out into the world and cut out everyone. They say they believe in God, but God is love. The opposite of love is hate, not forgiving. When you look at the cross, you can see the love of God who loved us while we were still sinners. He forgave us. A church that doesn’t know the gospel is not a church that follows God. The Jewish people thought they were following God, but they did not. Because God is love, He demonstrated His love to us.

How can we live a life of love to show the nonbelievers? How can you reveal the love of God to nonbelievers who do not know the love of God? you must love them. How can you love them? You give them the gospel so they can forgive. What happens when they do something wrong to you? You forgive them and give them the gospel and make them children of God. Then, what do I need to do for them ?In order for me to give them the gospel of love, what must I do for them? How should you guys run your business and study and work at your jobs? It should be obvious. Do you understand what I mean? If you want to relay the gospel of the love of God, you must see people clearly.

There is a way that God treats me, and if I receive God’s love and grace, then rightfully, I will do that for nonbelievers as well. You use whatever you have to have them receive salvation. Everything else is not love. A love that nonbelievers talk about, based on their own benefit, is not love. Anything that doesn’t relay the gospel is not love. These people are dying, what kind of action could possibly save them? Even if this person betrays me and talks bad about me, cursing me, I have to love them, but why am I not able to do that?

I’m not able to do that because I don’t have the grace and love that comes to me, strengthening me. How can we do this well Can you do it well if you study hard? you need to have the strength that comes from the forgiveness and grace that comes from God. Do you think it’s enough to study hard and to live a sincere and honest life? That’s not a bad thing, but you cannot save with that kind of life. Every day, you have to confirm and receive the love and grace from God.

Love for Enemies – Sin

That is the one who will proclaim the gospel and be a disciple of Jesus Christ. “Love your enemies.” How can you love your enemies? Can you love your enemies? Jesus did, “Oh, but I’m not Jesus,” and I’m not God so I can’t do this.” So you’re not going to do it at all? Are you not going to do it because that’s just something God does? This is a word that is being fulfilled, but whom is it being fulfilled through? Who is an enemy? They are enemies if you betray them. You want to kill your enemies, but the Bible tells you to hate the sin while loving the person, because that’s what the Lord did for us. He hated the sin within us, so He died on the cross for us to take away our sin.

If you have a conflict with a family member, you don’t hate their sin, but you hate the person. Of course, you need to hate their sin, but the you must forgive and love the person. That’s what Christ said would happen to us when we become disciples of Christ.

Sin, Person

What is the characteristic of a nonbeliever? They hate people and love themselves. What about Christians? We hate sin, we hate disobedience to God, we fight against sin and Satan, but we do not fight against people. That is the command the Lord has given us. If you want to put it into practice, you have to know it first. Let’s say you walk around cursing me and saying bad things about me. If I see her, then I’d want to kill her. But what would the Lord have done to me? If God saw me while I was cursing and betraying God all my life, I’m sure He would want to kill me, but He loved me and hated my sin. He drove out my sin, loved me, and saved me.

What must we do for nonbelievers? We must hate their sin but love the person, then what shall we do? We need to forgive that sin with the gospel, and we need to love that person. then that person will know that I’m a disciple of Christ. The Jewish people were not able to do that, because they never heard the gospel. Jewish people who received the gospel were able to carry this out, but those without were filled with hatred and betrayal. Therefore, if we don’t have the grace that Christ gave us on the cross, we cannot even become human. Even as we live our life, we are killing people. John 8:44 says the devil was a murderer from the beginning. You use the wonderful words of God, but you’re using them to kill people wherever you go.

What about the gospel? It saves people. If you study to be successful but you cannot save people, your life is a failure. If you’re not able to save nonbelievers, you’re a failure. That is evidence that you don’t have the love and strength to save the world, then you have no choice but to live in fear and conflicts. So, the division and conflict will continue to find them. Colossians 3:1 says, “Therefore, we need to look for the things above.

The Things Above

What are the things above? It is the things where Christ is, seated above. In order to be centered on the things above, you don’t look up down, left or right, but where is Christ seated? At the right hand of God, and Jesus is with you through the Word. When Daniel was taken captive to Babylon, there was no temple there, because at the time, there was only one temple in Jerusalem, and that was the place where they slaughtered lambs and cows. Then how were the people taken captive in worship? They gave worship with the Word of God. Isn’t that right? In the synagogue, they listened to the Word of God and worshiped with the Word of God. No one was there to slaughter lambs and sheep. In the Old Testament, there was only one temple in Jerusalem, so the captives could not worship.

That’s why, after the people were taken captive, the Word Movement spread even more. As the Bible was being translated to different languages, the English language was developed. The Word. The language of mankind follows the Biblical translation. What Word must we follow? We must follow the Word that talks about the meaning of the incident of Jesus Christ on the cross, and setting our hearts on that the Holy Spirit within us will continuously pour out God’s grace. The one who has that strength needs to go out into the word and study to change the world. What happen when this does not take place? you become enslaved by the world.

No matter how high level your intellect, logic, or education may be, you will be enslaved by the world, and the only thing that’s left will be mental illness. Do you think a mental patient is restricted to a mental asylum? You’re sitting there in anxiety, and you can’t go out there. When you go out into the world, you’re afraid of the future because you set your heart on the places that have no choice but to give you fear. Every day, God gives you time, and that is what sets your heart. Are you going to set your hearts on the words of legalism, or are you going to set your hearts on the words of the gospel? The demonstration of God’s love is the cross, that is how we get forgiveness and grace. The Holy Spirit is continuously developing this within us. The one who has received this grace of God continuously and abundantly can transform the darkness in the world.

There was one famous revival pastor and his friend. Both of them believed, but everyone could see that his friend did not really have faith. So, they researched these family members for many generations, but what happened to the friend’s children? They became murderers and prostitutes. Looking at the future generations, they had lifetime sentences in prison and were addicted. But looking at the pastor’s future generation, most of them were pastors, but there were also politicians and renowned leaders, doctors, and lawyers.

You can be a Christian, but what happens to the next generation? You were born a sinner because of Adam and Eve; however, when the gospel of Jesus Christ who is the grace and love of God, comes into me, that goes into my next generation. Nothing can solve your mental illness a or fear, but if you face a problem, you will be even more afraid. You’re afraid, thinking you will die, then how will you live in the world? Everything is fear, so you have no choice but to get a mental illness. That’s why people end up killing each other. However, when the perfect love of God is poured out into our hearts, that will drive out fear. As the Holy Spirit continuously works in our lives, we are thinking of the Spirit. When we study, the Holy Spirit continues to work in our hearts, so we think of spiritual things. That’s why the family line becomes one that is used to save the medical, legal, and all fields.

You think all you need to do is go to church, but you really need to receive the love of God. Even if you go to church, the church cannot be legalistic, but it must be abundant in the gospel. When you are homeless or a beggar, that is not failure. “Among all these people, why am I homeless?’ There’s no need for you to become someone like that who is not able to give the love of God to many people, but the thing you must do every single day is to be filled with God’s Word.

Word, Holy Spirit

“I was dead, but Christ saved me.” From that, I am filled with thanksgiving because that is grace. If that doesn’t give me grace, what do I need? Christ is grace and love, and the Holy Spirit gives me this all the more. Do not misunderstand, your intellect and logic and education are physical things. This cannot save you. The intellect of mankind cannot save you, it is physical, “Oh, but aren’t our intellect and logic and education very great?” It’s all physical; you need to go into the Word of God to gain these things properly, otherwise you will drown in death. What is the characteristic of death? Fear, you want to avoid things, panic. But if you go into the Word of God through the love of God, God will raise you to a position where you can save other people. Isn’t that real success?

Don’t you think that real love and success is to be able to save other people in the world? The Israelites who were not able to do this were always suffering. If the American churches are not able to do this, people churches will close their doors and people will fall into mental illness. Why do people betray others? There is greed. Greed is idolatry, the source of all problems. If you remain within yourself, you will have greed, the source of all problems, and Satan will follow you around.

You know the GPS, right? With the Word, the Holy Spirit will follow you around. If you have your greed, Satan will continue to make you follow your thoughts. Greed for material things and success, greed for your own glory and status. You don’t know that that’s what’s killing you, but you’re being controlled by the world, thinking that’s a good thing, and you talk to other people, thinking it’s a good thing, but that’s how everybody fails. you’ll see the results in the end because you will reap what you sow, so that’s why you need the words of the gospel. Not just Sunday, but every day, at night, that was David, Joseph, and Daniel.

Do you understand? Are there any of you here who are addicted to the internet? Even if you try to stop your addiction, you cannot. You cannot solve your spiritual problems with your mental will. If you try to do it with your mental power, you might last three days. Peter said, “I will follow You until the very end and stake my life to protect you.” that came from his own righteousness, intellect, and logic. It’s true, you want to do that, but with these things, you cannot.

Ultimately, Simon Peter rejects Jesus Christ and betrays Him three times, so don’t misunderstand. “Oh, I’ll never be like that,” that’s your intellect. You just studied a lot and it’s coming form your theories, it’s not real. Ultimately, because you have no spiritual strength, you’ll end up betraying. When was Simon Peter changed? After Jesus Christ resurrected and the Holy Spirit of God entered into Simon Peter.

Don’t deceive yourself. Just like Simon Peter who said, “I will follow you into death,” it didn’t come from the Spirit, but it came from hismelf. Nonbelievers live like that, and I’m sorry to say this, but you can’t do it. There are a small minority of epople who are able to die for their est friends, but there are none who would die for their enemies. THat is how you are filled with the Spirit of God, moved by the SPirit.

If you live your life filled with the Holy Spirit, you will walk into death, but there is a fear that gathers Satan and his works. You need to think that the filling of the Holy Spirit and the Word are life in order to move according to them. If you think the Word of God and the filling of the Holy Spirit are the same thing as your intellect and logic, things won’t work out, and Satan will use those things to move people. A disciple is someone who Only the people who are able to experience the grace and love of Jesus Christ are able to be His disciples every day.

Greed = Idolatry

If someone says, “Pastor, I will follow you and do world evangelization until the end,” I won’t believe them. You may say those things right now, but you don’t have the ability to do that. If you don’t go into the Word of God now, even between spouses and children, there will be conflict; that is the natural state of man. You need to know your natural state. “For the country!” that’s foolish. If the country wasn’t beneficial to you, you would run away.

Human beings are like that, so what do you have to do? It doesn’t work with your morals and ethics, then what does it work with? Should you study a lot? That’s not enough. You have to continuously go into the words of God with the gospel and go into the works of Christ. Then you will be filled with the Holy Spirit, because the mind that is governed by the spirit that has life. This is the person who needs to study and do their businesses. Then, your studies and business will be used to save people, but people are deceived, “What can I do in the name of Jesus Christ to make a lot of money?” “If I make a lot of money and offer it, then God will bless me.”

All religions talk about the same thing, go to any idolatrous temple, they do the same thing as you. So, people are just doing one heart, whole heart, and continuation with all these religions. The words of the gospel–without the words of the gospel, you cannot even become a human. If you do business with someone, they must do business like this, that’s how you will not be betrayed,. If you don’t do this, then even your kids will run away wen you don’t have any strength. They have no choice but to do that because they are weak. It doesn’t matter how much you try to educate or discipline them, because it’s not enough.

Even in psychology, you might heal their scars, but you cannot heal their fear until the love of God is poured out upon them. Someone who studies psychology will block the Word of God, but even if you let go of all the counseling methods, if the Holy Spirit works, the person will change. Of course, we shouldn’t look down on being able to help people and wait for people, because that is what God does as well, but ultimately, it is the working of the Holy Spirit, and even our work is for the sake of the work of God and the Holy Spirit. Unbelievers will recognize that, even I can recognize that.

When I was a nonbeliever, I realized that there were people who always praying for me throughout. Christians were so nice, unlike Buddhist people who are more like me, but for some reason, the Christians are always docile and nice because they’re so oppressed by the Word of God. Ever since they were young, they were oppressed by legalism so they can’t say anything bad. Then, whenever anyone says something bad about them, they run away to the mountains, but this was someone who prayed for me. You never know what will happen, so keep praying for them.

Do not be deceived. Without the Words of the gospel, you cannot save people. The wisdom of the world appears valuable, but ultimately it kills people. If you hear my words as extreme, it means you are stuck in your own rationale and wisdom. I’m not saying you don’t need those things, but I’m saying that with only those things, you cannot save yourself. So, every single day, especially the young remnants, if you’re able to go into the Word of God and the filling of the Holy Spirit every day, then you will become the remnant who will save their age, just like Esther from the Old Testament who had more than just a pretty face. The one who is able to make the resolution in the gospel without fear of death. There is nothing more important than doing this every day. May you confirm and enjoy this blessing every single day.


God, we thank You. Bless the remnants. Allow us to confirm every day the spreading of the love and grace of Jesus Christ that You have shown us on the cross. Even though we have a nature of denying and betraying Jesus Christ every day, I pray that you will give us the grace to do this every single day. We pray that we will be able to have the love of Christ that Christ showed us first, and we believe that by doing so, everybody in the world will be able to recognize us as Jesus’ disciples. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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