God Who always Works through His Word (John 1:1-5)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God Who always Works through His Word (John 1:1-5)

When you guys read the Word, the Holy Spirit works.  Otherwise, there’s no need for God to give us just another book.  For people who are successful in their walk of faith, they listen to worship with great intent; however, they need to base their faith in the Bible, otherwise you will not grow, you have to be able to confirm the content of worship through the Bible.  If you don’t have that basis, then how are you going to hold onto God?  “I listened to the Pastor’s message and he said this,” then the devil will immediately deceive you.  What are you going to do if you’re in a situation where you can’t listen to the pastor’s message?  That is why the Word of God, through worship and the messages you receive, need to be imprinted, rooted, and have their nature in you; otherwise you will constantly shake.

This week, we are going towards the end of the book of John, so today, we are looking at what the beginning of John says.  In the beginning was the Word, but we listen to a lot of people’s words and read a lot of books, but don’t you think that the words we read and hear are those that come from people?  However, John 1:1 says that in the beginning was the Word.  You have to understand these words to confirm the fact that God, invisible to our eyes, works upon us with His Word.

This Word was with God, and the Word was God.  Who is God?  God is the Word.  Then, if the Word of God comes upon us, don’t you think that the words of people are just passing?  If you do not stand firm within the Word of God, you will constantly be either scarred or lifted up by the words of people.  The characteristic of someone is not whether they are foolish or nice, but it means the Word of God hasn’t become the standard of their life. You can see people who constantly shake even though they’ve lived their walk of faith for a long time.  That’s because God is the Word, and it means that the word of God must come into my life.  That is how God, who lives with us, we will be able to see God’s plan for us and receive His guidance.

That is why we need to have the basis of our faith on the Bible, unlike the Catholic faith which is based on the words of people. Whatever they want to say, they bring that in.  However, we are using the message of the pastor to confirm the basis of the Word of God in the Bible. Especially the remnants, if you do this, you don’t have to do anything else.  “The pastor said this last week,” but what are you going to do if the pastor is wrong? Therefore, during worship, it’s important to listen to the word of God, the Bible, that the Holy Spirit is giving to you.

When you give your forum and say, “The pastor said this,” that’s not really God’s Word; you have to forum with the Word that God gave to you, but instead of receiving the Word God has given you, you say, “The pastor said this,” but those are just the words of the pastor.  Such people don’t have a deeply rooted faith because they haven’t discovered God yet.  The sermon is given every week; however, within the sermon, don’t listen to the words of the pastor, but the Word of God given to your heart is what you must forum about, why? Because He is the Word and He approaches us with the Word.  

Therefore, if the Word of God doesn’t come upon us, it means we have failed in worship.  Even so, you did listen so you say, “The pastor said this or that,” but in some sense, you can’t even call that a forum.  “The Word God really hit my heart deeply with,” then let me ask you, should you live according to your thoughts, God’s Word, or a combination of both?  I hope you will answer the question I’m asking with your heart.

Option 1: Live with just my thoughts.

Option 2: Live with just God’s Word

Option 3: Live with my thoughts and God’s Word.

It’s possible that this question may not be perfect, but you first have to organize what kind of life you’ve lived before you read and received God’s Word. I think most of you guys will say option 3 because in reality, we live realistically with our thoughts as well as God’s Word, so that’s why your walk of faith isn’t taking place.

How many people do you think will agree with me when I say that it’s about only God’s Word?  Today, in this spot, how many people do you think would agree that we should live only with God’s Word?  Only with God’s Word. That’s what I’m saying today. We don’t need our thoughts. Even now, God is moving me with His Word.  

If you guys haven’t begun with this, you’ll always have to reference your thoughts, good thoughts, or the thoughts of other people.  Why? Because the Word of God isnt’ coming into your thoughts and heart, so that’s why you have to live with your thoughts.  When you make the confession that my life I’ll be determined by only God’s Word, your worship will be different. It doesn’t matter how young of a child you are; you will stake your life on worship.

The characteristic of a failure is one who doesn’t live by only God’s Word.  Expressed in another way, everything that comes from your thoughts will disappear.  But people who haven’t reached that resolution will continue to live their lives, mixing their own thoughts.  All the things you’ve done with your thoughts have been destroyed, so you’re under a misconception. Only the things of God’s word will remain, and that’s God’s word.

How many people here do you think can agree with this?  If you are not united in this resolution, you have to keep living a religious life where you are mixing God’s word with your own thoughts and remnants shouldn’t be influenced by that because, how precious is your life? Why would you receive help from things like that?  It doesn’t matter whether the pastor said something or not; you shouldn’t receive that, because God only works with His Word, so how does the Word of God come upon me? That’s worship.

Let’s say you always come to worship late, or in the california weather, if it rains a little bit, you all stay home. It’s possible to live like that in California, but then your walk of faith will be difficult. Do you think God’s word  will be not established in California?  What if you lived in Florida? If it rains a little bit, you’ll have to close worship altogether, but if that’s where you are united then your walk of faith will just end.  The Word, what is God saying?  No matter where you are, what you’re going through, God is working with you through the word because He is with you.

When you forum with the Word you have received, that spiritual influence is relayed to the other person. If that doesn’t take place, you just deliver the pastor’s word, then that’s not forum. What is the Word God has given to you through the pastor? It means that the Word of God must be established in your heart, then what must you do? You must concentrate your thoughts and heart upon God. 

When you study and can’t concentrate, would you be able to worship like that?  It doesn’t matter how much knowledge you have if the Word of God doesn’t go into your heart, you’ll live your life independent of God’s Word.  The standard is my thoughts and heart; if the Word of God doesn’t come into my thoughts and my heart,  then I have no choice but to listen to my thoughts and my will, so that’s why this worship time is so important.  It doesn’t matter what situation the pastor is in, because God is working through the Word and the Holy Spirit.

For people who receive this, even if other people cannot see it, they will see the Word of God being fulfilled in their lives, and they will be able to see the future, why? Because God is giving you the future with His Word.  However people who do not do this, even if they worship for 100 days, they won’t know the future and won’t know what to do because they worship with their own thoughts.

Nowadays, after I go home from Early Morning prayer, I still shiver and my body’s very itchy.  It’s a very strange thing, after I got the coronavirus, I tried to come the first two weeks, and the third week I was able to go to early morning service, and God’s grace is so great during the early morning service.  Then I take the Word I received and go home and forum about it.  It’s not as if in the early morning I’m going to call my family together and say, “Listen here,” but 24 hours a  day,  I hold onto it today we received the message about 25 hours, and the word really comes to me, because I come to receive the word of God in the early morning.  

Because the Word of God comes to me every morning, it is reorganized and new every day.  For a few months, the Early Morning service was being led exclusively by one of our elders and one deacon, and part of my heart feels sorry for them and another part of my heart is thankful for them because God raises people so that the light of the church will never go out.  Do you know what a church officer is? They are the ones who save the church.  How do you save the church? You save it through prayer.

It doesn’t matter how much you work throughout the week; are you even going to sweep the floors once here?  What do you call work? Prayer.  When you pray, God works, transcending time and space, without a doubt. That’s a church officer.  So, why does God call church officers, and why does God call you as a church officer to raise the church?  

Today, all of a sudden, we received a call from a hospital in Korea saying that my father in law passed away two days ago and they didn’t know how to contact us. He passed away from a heart attack, which is common nowadays. For me, I didn’t have very many tears; it was my wife’s father.  Then, after I came back from a corona test, my emotions became very different because for me, I lost my in-laws.  Even if I want to go to their home, there’s no way for me to go.  I felt like a child looking for their parents to try to earn their favor, but now there’s no one for me to go to.  

Even though I came to America with a mission to be a pastor, if my wife remained in Korea, she would have been doing the role of a pastor’s wife alone. At first, I regretted being in America.  My first instinct was to have a humanistic kind of regret for being in America, because from a husband’s point of view, I felt I was the reason my wife came to America even though in reality, she has the same mission that I do.  My next thought was, “I’m okay because I’m a pastor. If one of my congregation faces death, I can comfort them but who is going to comfort my wife?” I thought, “She must be lonely,” and it’s true.  Because, when a member of the congregation faces a death, the pastor goes to them and gives the service and comforts them. It’s okay if I don’t receive any of that, but who’s going to comfort and do those things for my wife?  Of course, God has to comfort her, and I realize that her role may be very lonely. 

That’s not the point I’m trying to relay, but what’s’ the reason why we’re here in America/ What’s the reason we’re in America, such that we have to endure such a circumstance?  God’s mission and God’s Word. Am I just doing this because that is my job? or do I have no choice but to do this?  If I’m just relaying God’s Word as a job, that’s a very sad life. If I’m just doing this because it’s my job, it’s a very sad life; however, if I’m standing here because we cannot live unless it is by God’s Word, then that’s a different story.

If anybody can take this role, there’s no reason for me to be standing here.  I need to have this “only,” that it must be only the Word of God, in order to look towards God, receiving comfort from God, no matter what is happening on this earth.  What am I saying?  Is it true that we only need God’s Word?  This is what I went through for the past few hours.  Do I need the Word of God and my renowned thoughts?  Then, we should bring in a very high level to mix in their high level thoughts when they deliver the Word of God.  If possible, we should bring someone who’s very renowned and elevated to deliver the Word of God in this place.

Don’t you think for me, that my life only has meaning when I have the Only by realizing that only the Word of God is Truth, and there’s nothing else I can do but relay God’s Word?  I also thought about the members of the church, it’s possible that their family may be going through something difficult and it’s impossible for someone to visit them, and if they were in Korea, they might have relatives who could do things for them, but there are many members of the church who cannot come or go.  

Then, why do they have to be here?  If we don’t have that “only,” then our lives become so pitiful, don’t you think that’s true?  However, if we have the reason why it must be only the Word of Truth that God has given us, we have a mission for being here. If we don’t reach the conclusion that it cannot be not God’s Word and we don’t have that mission in life then how pitiful does our life become, based on our circumstances?  The Word of God is the Word of God, but more importantly, it’s the Word of the gospel.  God brought Jesus Christ to this earth to relay God’s Word to us, but those who had the Words of the Old testament rejected the gospel, and that’s why God relays His Word to us through Jesus Christ.  That’s the Truth.

The Old testament is a shadow.  It is simply a shadow to explain the light to come; it itself is not the truth.  Because the Jewish people didn’t know this, there was the incident of murdering Jesus.  Jesus Christ did the work we can never solve.

Do you know what sin means?  We do not face the disasters of sin because of something we did, but we’re talking about a sin that we did not commit.  This means that from the moment we were conceived in our mother’s womb, we were born without God, and that’s what we call original sin From the point of view of a baby, they might think“What have I done wrong?” However original sin is irrelevant of us; otherwise, we can find God with our own abilities, we would find God from even the womb.  We did not even think of looking for Him; we don’t have the ability to look for God, and we have no meaning in looking for God that’s what we call a sinner, and that sinner is completely enslaved by Satan in Satan’s world.  That is why as we live our lives, we have no choice but to have spiritual problems.  

When we’re told to look into the future, what should we see?  It means that, as the end of the ages come, the age of suffering will increase.  2 Timothy 3 says that the end times will be full of great suffering because men would love themselves more than they love God.”  If we’re speaking in terms of Noah’s age, he saw that the flood will come and he held onto what he had to, today.  Do you see what’s going to happen in the future? You have to.  When I ask you about the future, I’m sure you’re thinking about your career plans and all the more you have to make.  It’s because you are filled with your own thoughts and not the plans of God.  

Even today, the remnants may be thinking, “In the future, what is the job I need to have?” that’s why you struggle and wander in your own thoughts.  God is the word and you see the future through the Word.  God told you that in the future, there will be an age of suffering. You know the Word but you cannot see the future; that’s evidence of how much you live with your own thoughts.  You need to take out your thoughts.  The answers are in front of you, but you just don’t see it because of your thoughts. 

Of course, you can’t see the answers because your thoughts are blocking them; Satan blocks your vision with your thoughts. You will see it.  You see in advance and you know what you must do right now. You need to be preparing with the answer of the name of Christ.  But because you don’t see the future but you see something else, you’re holding onto something else.  With the Word of God, I’m telling you about the future and what you must prepare today.


In John 1:3, “Through Him, all things were made.”  Who is “He?” It’s talking about Jesus, and Jesus Christ is the Creator God.  The Triune God created everything; without Him, nothing was made that has been made.  Everything takes place by the work of God.  Now, what remains before us is the work of re-creation.  When we hear the word, “re-creation,” you try to force your own thoughts into those words, by saying what kind of recreation will benefit me but because people have been corrupt we must be recreated. We need to have the work of re-creation take place, where we become a new-creation through Jesus Christ within us.  The one who has been re-created that way will see God’s Word and follow.

In John 1:4, “In Him was life,” and the opposite of life is death.  If we do not have Jesus Christ, we are in a state of spiritual death, and that’s what you call a state of darkness. If you’re in darkness, you cannot see.  Because we’re in spiritual darkness, not having the true light, you can’t see the Way.  If you can’t see the path, the future will be dark because you live in darkness.  Because you live your life in darkness, you don’t know what you have to do.  You work so diligently but because you were in darkness, it’s impossible for you to walk the correct path.

Then, the only thing you’ll have is the work of deception because everybody is in darkness telling you which way to work diligently or how to go.  

John 1:4 continues, “And that life was the light of all mankind.” Today why is God giving us his word? It’s because even if we are alive we are in a state of death. If Jesus Chris Who is the Word of God doesn’t come into us, we’re in a state of death; in other words, we’re in a state of darkness.  You won’t see the solution to your past and why you had to live that way.  You won’t know what’s going to happen in the future even though God already told you everything through His Word.  even though God gave you the word, the reason things are not taking place is because you are filled with your own thoughts and darkness.

John 1:5, “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.”  Christ has come to this earth as light, and the people of the world who are in darkness could not understand Him.  He said, “I am here as God,” but they don’t understand because they’re seized by darkness.  In 2 Corinthians 4:4-5 says that the god of this age has blinded the hearts of Jn-believers so that they cannot see the light of the glory of Jesus Christ.  When you guys argue about how diligently you’ve lived your life, you’re just flustering around in darkness.  If you say, “How must I live in the future?” you’re just flustering in darkness. 

If you’re inside of light, you can see, but because you’re in darkness and the light hasn’t come upon you, you’re just flustering around and you haven’t received healing. The pains in your past are holding onto your present and your future, and he is seizing you in darkness. John 8:44 talks about how your father, the devil, is a liar.  How does he lie? He lies according to your thoughts instead of God’s word you follow your thoughts and ultimately fail. What’s the standard of failure?  “I studied according to my thoughts and my grades went up,” but you’ll fail regardless of your grades, because your life will not become light with your grades. “I did this and my business took off,” but you’ve already collapsed and you’ll collapse even more.  Even the devil will give you things and take them away later.

Therefore, the fact that you’re taken in by these lies and temptations means you did not have the light or life, so you shouldn’t be deceived. That’s why God shines His light through the Word of God through worship.  This isn’t something someone can deeply analyze and deliver; otherwise, we’d bring in a Phd.  Some groups do that, and it means that they’re all seized by spiritual darkness.  They think they can only see the light when they dig deep with analysis.  Then, a grandma who’s 100 years old will never be able to see.  You need to be enlightened by the Holy Spirit.

You are blind, but the Holy spirit enlightens the Word of God for you so that it comes into your heart and you can see the future.  I’m pretty sure that the remnants live diligently throughout the week in darkness.  Then, the parents, when they come home, threaten them, saying “If you live like this you’ll fail” so you’re afraid when you come home, and then you come back, why? Because the Sunday  message didn’t come into you.  

It doesn’t matter how much you forum, if it’s religious, you’re playing footsie with your brain, “This is what I received.”  If you really received the Word of God before God in worship, then even if you don’t say anything, it’s different already. Even if there’s one remnant among the remnants like this all remnants are revived, because the light is already shining, of course the darkness would break. If this doesn’t take place, then you’re just mincing with your words or playing with words, all the remnants will fall into religious life.

If you say you really want to receive the word but you really don’t have  heart for it, why? Because you’re going to live with your thoughts anyway.  That’s why you cannot escape religious life.  Even your ministries, it doesn’t matter how much of the Word of God you throw at them; they’re not going to budge. It’s not as if the churches are delivering the words of the devil; they all speak the Word of God, but it doesn’t matter how much you give the Word of God if you’re spinning around in your brain. If you haven’t received it yourself, then people will not change.  Everyone’s just using their brain to strike another person’s brain, and everyone is always saying, “I know, I know.” If the Word of God truly goes into your spirit, then your spirit will move spirit, that’s worship, but how many people are like that?  That is the difference between a church that is alive or dead, then no matter how much you talk, that’s not the work of the Holy Spirit; that’s the work of the devil.  Only the people who can do this can shine this light, and Satan knows that.  Then, wherever this person goes, the darkness will be broken in the family line.  It doesn’t matter how much you guys talk about the light or the darkness with your words; those are just words.  The darkness doesn’t crumble because you deliver some words, but it can only be relayed when the light of the word is really in your heart, and gets relayed, so you must not live a religious life.

So that is why, stake your life on worship. In the future, the mental diseases and spiritual problems will deepen and your families will crumble even more. This isn’t just talking about business; it’s talking about the spirit.  If you haven’t received the true Word through worship, then without a doubt your family and life will go into the darkness. 

Satan will of course deceive you, “He’s such a nice boy and will make a lot of money,” and you’re all going to fall into darkness but because we have these thoughts that our lives are okay if we can eat three meals a day, of course the word of God cannot come into us We cannot live unless it is by God’s Word, in other word, it must be only God anyone who says they can live without God bring them to me I can tell them with staking my life on it because I lived diligently myself.  I was the kind of person who said, “You can do it if you try,” I was someone who lived as earnestly as I could.  I’m sorry to tell you this, but that’s not how it works. You must first escape from darkness, but because you are living in darkness all words you hear are words of darkness you don’t receive an answer.

Among the remnants, I hope you will absolutely put this into practice. Put your studies on the backburner and stake your life on worship. Try it. Stop being deceived by your studies; you’re not even good at studying. Call up someone who’s better at studying than our elder.  You guys are not good at studying, just speaking from a worldly perspective.

Then why do you guys study so much? Why else do you think our elder sits up here every early morning? Do you think he wasn’t good at studying?  It’s because he received grace that life cannot work unless you receive God’s Word.  I’m telling you directly and very personally.  There are a lot of adults outside our church who haven’t come to their senses yet.  There are still adults who think, there are still adults who think “Oh if I study a little bit more my life would’ve been better.” they haven’t escaped from darkness yet.  

If you really cannot believe me, then look at Paul. He studied so much but his life was not working out. But most members of the church would say, “I wish I studied as much as Paul,” so they’re completely enslaved by their thoughts and the logic of the world.  I’m talking to the remnants because there are many here, but even for the adults, try staking your life on worship. Stake your life on worship, create a schedule where you can stand before God in worship.  You shouldn’t calculate it, because then you try to calculate it with God but instead worship before the omnipotent, living God.

“God, give me Your Word,” then He will. I’m someone who relays God’s Word. The message changes because of the ones who receive God’s Word.  If the members of the church don’t really care if the message gets relayed, then the sermon itself becomes wishy washy.  I feel that a lot.  I’m telling this to the adults because the remnants who are growing up needs to see a model doing this.

Worship means you stake your life before God.  When you guys are able to do this aspect, you can overcome the world because God is the One who is moving the world.  He is simply lending some authority to the devil, but the world will not turn unless God allows.  Then, do you fear your studies more or do you fear God more? Of course the kids fear studies more but you don’t see God, and that’s what it means to be deceived before God.  Before God, who controls your life, stand before God who controls your life, death, success, and failure.  That One who is God came to earth as a human and the darkness cannot understand it.

As He resurrected into the sky, He made an age that is not the temple, but the church, and now we must only worship in spirit and in truth.  In the past, they had to raise up a priest to give sacrifices, but no longer.  We are worshiping in spirit and the truth of the Word of God, that God is the Word.  During the time of worship, you meet God with His Word, so He is with you.

Then, are you not going to live tomorrow and the next day? God is guiding you, and not only is He guiding us, but He has to work upon us.  Then God has to actively come upon me as I’m living my life.  That’s the Word of God that is living and active.  That is the Word we must receive.  It’s with that Word that you share forum. If you forum with dead words, then everyone will die.  You need to forum with the words that are living and active.

Hebrews 4:12 says that the Word of God is living and active. The Word that you receive through your brain doesn’t move. However, the Word you receive with your spirit will move the people around you.  How?  It will heal even the joints, marrow, heart and spirit, and even judge your thoughts.  It will even judge your thoughts and the intentions of your heart and mind.  You yourselves do not know where your motive comes from, but because the Word of God judges, you’ll see where you’re coming from.

You don’t see the Triune God with your eyes, but without a doubt, He is sitting on the throne of heaven with authority. This is not talking about some abstract thought.  Try to take a rocket into the atmosphere, I’m not talking about the physical air.  God is omnipresent; He is everywhere.  The throne of heaven means He is moving everything with authority and power.  Isn’t that right?  If the president comes here, then this place becomes the White House.  I’m not saying that the throne of God is a physical  location, but He’s moving everywhere, and at the right hand of that throne is Jesus Christ.  He comes upon us as Spirit, so the Triune God is moving as one, connected in oneness.  

Therefore, the Holy Spirit lives within us, and this is the spirit of God the Father and Jesus Christ.  That is why the Holy Spirit gives us the Word of the Father God.  Christ is still fulfilling the three roles and doing the ministry of salvation through us.  The Holy Spirit lives inside us and answers our prayers, giving us the power of the Triune God.  Therefore, the Triune God within Jesus Christ, and Christ within us, and we within Christ.  

You don’t understand this by being smart; you can understand this even if you’re dumb if the Holy Spirit works upon you. This is what it means that the Triune God is with me.  Even if you try to fail, you cannot because God is holding onto you.  We hold onto the accurate Word, then God works according to His Word, not your thoughts.  The fact that the Word of God is being fulfilled means that the Word of God comes true, according to the Word of God and prayer, the Word is fulfilled.  

When you receive God’s Word and pray today, God has already sent His angels, do you believe that?  Without believing that, your prayers will become religious, as if you’re praying to Buddha.  When you receive God’s Word and think about that Word before God, He will give you answers, and the Triune God works, transcending time and space.  Therefore, when we receive the Word of the Triune God and pray before Him, then he will work in our fields to fulfill that word transcending time and space.

The remnants and church officers need to understand this in order to know what it means to be here at this spot and in order to know what worship is, that God is moving at this time. If you don’t know this, but you run around until you sweat in your feet, then you are working diligently  on your own.  It’s the same as trying to fight with a sword while people are shooting missles back and forth.  It’s the same as being in the age where you can press a button to shoot a nuclear warhead all across the world but you are riding around on a horse, saying you’ll work diligently.

Then of course you’re working very diligently because you’re riding a horse around and you’re living with a sword but no matter how good your sword is, you can’t even get to Irvine.  RIght now, at this time, God is working all the way across the world but because you don’t believe this, because you can’t go there yourself. This is worship. This is how to enjoy the blessing of the Triune God through prayer, then you can pray for the 237 nations.  There’s no reason for you to go far because the 237 is gathered in your field. Even if it’s not the 237 nations, there are people of at least 10 nationalities around you, and when you hold onto God’s accurate word and pray, then God fulfills that word in your field.  God is fulfilling that work and that Word within your studies, job, and your fields.  That’s worship.

This is what you do before God when you are alone at home. What happens to the one who knows this meaning and does this? Satan knows, then do you think transcendental meditation and yoga will be able to compete?  Otherwise, how will you overcome the Three Organizations that receive the filling of evil spirits to transcend time and space? You can’t compete with them spiritually or physically. The only things you have left to do is to become their slave.  Just thinking on a big scale, America has the Three Organizations.  In Asian countries, people become physically demon-possessed, but in America, it doesn’t manifest that way.  In America, Satan deceives everyone so it’s invisible to your eyes and he uses successful people to do his work.  

Those successful people gather together every single day and do the demon possession movement that transcends time and space  to spread Satan’s kingdom but we don’t know spiritual prayer. We can’t even compete with them successfully, so we have no choice but to be enslaved to Satan.  Most people are going to think, “All I have to do is go to church well and live a comfortable safe life,” I’m sorry to say this, but you’re a slave. It means you do not know who is controlling the field.  You think if you wake up early in the morning and open your shutters, and you give your offering and you live diligently then God will bless you although that may be true, you’re still a slave to America, or your children become slaves.  God knows that and is giving you a message.

If you don’t know the field of America, you’re not living in America. God is giving you the word regarding the field of America, but it’s irrelevant to you?  Because you don’t know the field of America, you’re saying “Why is God giving these words that are so irrelevant?” and you push it aside, but that’s not right.  God is giving you the Word that is appropriate for you because you have to do world evangelization.  

Watch and see, as you guys get older, there’s nothing in this world other than ripping each other up and succeeding.  Satan is gonna crawl into you and there is no way to know the spiritual truth.  The works of the Triune God that transcend time and space are working in your right now, but you don’t even know it in darkness.  But if the remnants do know this, what do you think will happen in your school fields?  If we receive a remnant leader, who is able to lead the remnants in this direction  then all the remnants will be saved.  Then the remnants will no longer be discouraged or arrogant because we’re talking about something that goes way beyond that.  That is how Joseph, one person, was able to conquer all of Egypt.

Without understanding all of this, it’s difficult.  David conquered all of Philistia, and it’s not because he just threw a rock.  There are many people who throw rocks but he already spiritually conquered.  Just like the Early church, they conquered in advance and did everything. If our church doesn’t become that church, it doesn’t matter how hard we live our walk of faith ; we’re all slaves.  If you guys resolve in your heart to do this, God will give you the answers accordingly.

The Bible tells us that the moment David resolved in his heart, God had already mobilized His angels at that moment, but it was just that that answer took him three weeks to see, why? Because Satan was blocking his vision. Up until that time, we have no choice but to be slaves and dragged around in darkness.  We are not people like that, but if you know this meaning, your prayers will become different.  If you don’t know this, and you keep asking, “God do this, give me that,” you are a slave. The youngest one here is Sharon, and because the Triune God is working with his power upon everyone, age is irrelevant.  May you begin this prayer.

Let us hold onto the word that we received today and pray for the region and the world. 

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