God Uses Those Who Possess the Reason and Answer of Only Christ (Exodus 19:1-6)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God Uses Those Who Possess the Reason and Answer of Only Christ (Exodus 19:1-6)

Let’s share God’s grace with the word from Exodus 19.  It’s easy for me to talk about the Old Testament because it was written so specifically.  In Exodus 19:1, God is speaking these messages to the descendants of Israel. There were things that became rooted down in Egypt for 400 years of slavery, and because of the law of generation in the family members who lived in Egypt, there were things that were deeply rooted and became their nature while in Egypt.

It had been three months since they left Egypt. When they left, they couldn’t just leave, they could only escape when God worked, and the channel through which God works is the covenant.  The covenant is that the offspring of the woman, the blood covenant, and whenever we move in faith, God works.  Unless it is by the offspring of the woman, the authority of Satan can never be broken.  It doesn’t matter how many different methods we research, we could never escape.  

Our family lines have been trapped in this for a very long time, in idolatry.  There are some families trapped because of religion.  Some family lines had been trapped in Egypt for a long time because of things like shamanism and sorcery.  Because they’ve never received the covenant, they had no choice but to fall into the land.  The very central core of Egyptiain culture is that they’re centered on people.  The message of Satan from Genesis 3:5 is the same message that was in Egypt and is still controlling the world today.

If we live centered on ourselves things doesn’t work out the way we want, we cannot bring ourselves out of our own misery.  The final level a human can go through is not being able to endure anymore but death. God waits until that point and then He opens up the way, so they looked for the covenant after 400 years, and they applied the blood of the Passover Lamb on their doorpost so they could go out and offer the sacrifice.

As they lived in Egypt, they completely lost hold of the covenant that was passed out from their forefathers, and because of that, the only thing they learned from their parents is, “You have to live diligently, you have to succeed,” it was all religion. For 400 years, these people were living a hellish life.  Then, how is it they could escape from that? By applying the blood of the Lamb.

From my perspective, I think they need some great and big work of God, but there’s only one way that God works, and it is through the blood of Christ.  God gave us the promise from the beginning that the offspring of the woman would crush the head of the serpent.  Why did they lose hold of this? It’s because they didn’t know what happens to humans when they lose hold of the covenant.

You can never be okay if you lose hold of the covenant, you will go into the land of darkness that has been flowing in your family lines for generations.  Theologically speaking, we have lived for thousands of years, over multiple generations, under the original sin of Satan, under the original sin of Adam and the authority of Satan. Even after having received salvation, I cannot escape from that background.

If people understood the spiritual background of Egypt, it would have been impossible for them to lose hold of the covenant.  If we know the self-centeredness and idolatry and religion that has been rooted down in our family lines, we wouldn’t lose hold of the covenant, but they don’t think about that. They think, “Now that we’ve escaped from Egypt, we’re okay,” and sure it is ok because God is guiding us, but why do we have disbelief about God’s guidance? It means they don’t understand it themselves.

It’s the same thing as starting a business without doing market research about what makes a good place. It’s the same as going into a battle without calculating where the weak points would be.  It’s the same thing as going into a sports game without knowing our own weaknesses.  They’re not able to even understand the reason why it must be only the Gospel.

They’re thinking, “Now that I’ve received salvation, don’t we have to go to the next step?” The Israelites do want to go, but they cannot. They want to go as well, so their own unbelief keeps coming out of them, and that’s the source of our failure.  You must know the spiritual state of your family background well.  If you don’t know this, then you will be taken in by something and you don’t even know what it is. That’s how you will know why God has given you the Christ in your family line.

Only Christ and the Word of God can overcome that because all of our thoughts and our center is so deeply rooted in “me.” Even after having received salvation, our thoughts remain stubbornly in “me,” it’s not aligned with God.  God is moving according to the Gospel and His Word, but I’m constantly centered on me and my thoughts, and Satan is bound to work on that. You must always keep this in mind.

The fact that everything is finished means you know this, you know what is finished. If you don’t know this, then you don’t even know how Satan works. You’re being destroyed without even knowing how you’re being destroyed. “I just have to believe in God,” but what are you going to do if you can’t?  What’s going to happen if everything you’re rooted in and have the nature of is rooted in something else?  This is what we must think about.

There are many channels through which Satan works, but it’s particularly strong in your family and region.  You have to keep this in mind, meaning you must know the reason why it must be only Christ. You know why there’s no hope for this other than the Word of God. Simply put, if you don’t become centered on only God, then you have no choice but to be swept into the past.  

“I’m sure if you just haphazardly hold onto God, it will work,” but that’s not how God works. God’s Word is very accurate but if you don’t know God’s Word, then you’re very haphazard about it. When you’re working with people, you can be kind of haphazard because people aren’t very thorough, but this won’t work with God and Satan.  If you don’t understand this, you can’t relay it to your children.  You have to relay only Christ. 

If you just relay “Christ,” it will just be knowledge to them. Christ comes into us as the answer, but if you don’t know the problem, you don’t know the solution. We go to church and hear about the problem of sin,Satan and separation that’s just logic, that’s just theory.  If you come to church once, you’ll understand all of that already, but how is this being fulfilled in my family line?

How is the sin, of being separated from God, being manifest in my family? How is my family being seized under the authority of Satan for thousands of years? That’s what we’re talking about, not some abstract concept, but a lot of people go to church and hold onto these abstract concepts; they just hold onto the abstract concept. Christ is Christ to them, but it becomes a very haphazard and because it’s a haphazard Christ, Satan just burrows in, and that’s why our walk of faith has no choice but to kind of work and kind of not. 

At the very least, you have to know what the problem is for the solution to be your medication, and if you know that, you’ll see others’ problems as well, then of course you can give them the answer of only Jesus Christ. If you don’t see their problem, then even if you know the solution, you can’t give it to them. If you don’t know the reason for only Christ, then you’ll lose hold of evangelism, and it won’t work out no matter how much you receive training.

You may be able to understand this within your training but if you stay in this state, it will never work out because you don’t know your own background. If you don’t know the background that came from Genesis 3, that is within you, then how can you come to a conclusion that Christ is the answer?  Then to you, “Christ” just becomes one method to receive salvation, but it doesn’t become the only answer with which you live your whole life. 

If only Christ becomes your answer, then you come to the conclusion that you have to hold onto this always and you’ll understand what it means to always be spiritually vigilant, but if you hear the words “remain spiritually vigilant” without knowing the reason for only Christ, you’re spiritually falling asleep no matter how long you’ve lived your walk of faith.

You have to know your background to know something, to be aware and to prepare.  In every family line, there’s some kind of religion like Buddhism, and if you’re weak in the Gospel, that comes directly to you.  If you’re seized spiritually, there’s nothing you can do about it and it’s not that you don’t believe in Jesus, you do, but if you don’t have “only Christ,” then that background will seize you spiritually.  If the people of Israel knew the background they lived in while in Egypt, then they would hold onto the reason why only the blood of Jesus Christ and only the word of God, but they were weak in that.

Then in Exodus 19:3, Then Moses went up to God, and the LORD called him from the mountain and said, God is giving us His Word now.  “This is what you are to say to the descendants of Jacob and the people of Israel, you yourself have seen what I did in Egypt, and how I carried you on eagle’s wings and brought you to myself.”  You have seen where you have come from and how you have been brought here, and in Exodus 19:5, “The whole world belongs to me.” 

These are just His Words, but in reality, the world view of the Israelites is centered on themselves, then in reality, they are not aligned with God.  Everyone knows the word of God if they just hear it once or do Bible study, but in reality, my world view is centered on myself so these words don’t align with me. That’s what happens when you depart from the covenant, you have no choice but to see everything centered on yourself.

“Now if you fully obey me and keep my covenant,” this means that if you don’t do this, you’ll live the same kinds of lives as you did while back in Egypt.  Therefore, if the pattern of our everyday lives are not centered on the words of the covenant, then it’ll revert back to the patterns of our family line.

“If you keep my covenant, then out of all nations, you will be my treasured possession.”  If you are within prayer, then you are a child of God and He will take complete care of you, then there’s not a single person who won’t understand these words just by hearing them once, but that’s not what He’s saying.  If you just hear these words, you’ll get it, “I will be His possession and holding onto the covenant, yes.” but in our everyday actual lives, is the Word of God there?  

God is working even now with His Word, God gives us his word on Sunday and fulfills His Word.  Am I actually in those words? If I’m not in those words, I return right back to the family line that has been living for thousands of years, and the darkness will never let me go. He’s waiting for that time, it’s complete hell. 

Even children of God commit suicide, look at King Saul, he committed suicide. He commited suicide rather than dying at the hands of uncircumcised people, and that’s what happens when we’re separated from God and seized by the devil.  We have to know ourselves well. Knowing myself means knowing the background from which you came.  Because he knew himself, he said, “I am a sinner of all sinners,” and the fact that David said, “I have been a sinner since I was in my mother’s womb” means he had the nature of rejecting God came to the conclusion, “it must be only the Gospel.”

That’s why right now, when Korean people get into a fight with Japan, they stake their life on it because they know the suffering of their past.  Because they suffered so much in their past, they say, “We cannot stand these Japanese,” in reality, it’s not even a big problem, but they say, “We cannot endure the things of the past.” It’s the same even when they go into sports competitions, “I don’t want to go through the same thing my family line has suffered from for thousands of years,” and that’s why we hold onto the covenant, it’s a real battle because if you lose, then that suffering comes back.

We all have that background.  You have to know this in order to automatically go into Jesus Christ.  Even if someone tells you not to go, you will go. If you don’t know this, you can still do ministry because you’re talking about Christ, but you won’t receive answers very well because you don’t even know yourself. You know the answer and solution but that’s not healing.  You’re relaying these spiritual problems to your children, you have to give them the answer of Christ by knowing their problem.

“This is how we lived in Egypt,” and that is why even after leaving Egypt, He kept talking about the Three Feasts. God is changing their pattern of living so they could escape their lives from Egypt with the Feats so they are constantly centered on the word of God, then you will be God’s possession.

In Exodus 19:6, “you will be for me a kingdom of priests,” what does that mean? You will be God’s channel to the world. The Jewish people didn’t understand what this meant, they did everything that was the opposite of the covenant. They thought they were chosen because they did something well, but that automatically means they didn’t know their background. They were under a misconception that they think they’re better than others and that’s why they were chosen.  A “kingdom of priests” means that they have been chosen as a channel for the Gospel for the rest of the world but stopped that for themselves.

If missions and evangelism are not taking place, it’s not a simple thing. It doesn’t simply mean that they’re not interested.  There’s not a single person who goes to church and doesn’t have a heart for evangelism, but if evangelism and missions aren’t taking place, it means there’s a fundamental problem. It’s not something we can do with our strength.  

If you’re to really understand the background of darkness you came from, the words of God, that Jesus Christ is the answer, then you know the reason why God has called you is to be the instrument, the Holy Nation of Priest, to deliver the Gospel to the rest of the world. That’s how you’re aligned with God, but they were blocked, why? Because they didn’t know who they were.

Despite the fact that they suffered in Egypt for hundreds of years, they think they were chosen by God because they were an “all right people.”  It’s the same for Christians today, after receiving so much of God’s grace we fall under that misconception, and it’s rightful but we don’t know who we are and that’s why we can’t see the field.  If we knew where we came from, we would see the field, then it doesn’t matter how much we receive evangelism training, they cannot see, because they don’t know their own background.  In reality, my background is the same as that person’s background in Genesis 3, but the less they go to church, the less they can see the field.  The fact that we can’t see the field is evidence that we’re living the walk of faith without the answer of only Christ.

We are not within the words that come from “only Gospel,” but instead we hold onto the law.  Because we’re living our walk of faith, we still have to hold onto the Word of God and pray, but because we don’t know where we came from, instead of holding onto the covenant, they hold onto the law, because you’re going to hold onto the word according to your personality. To a person who is legalistic, the word of the law fits with them.  A humanistic person will listen to the Word, looking for the methods being talked about.  All of it is the Word of God, yes, but it must be the word that comes from the Gospel.

Coming from the Gospel means the words coming out must be the answer to my life and my family line, but you don’t have that, so it comes out as religion, then the longer you live your walk of faith, the longer it doesn’t work out.  Occasionally you may be moved or inspired or receive grace, but nothing will change.  

If you make a little money, you think it’s the work of God and you comfort yourself like this.  That’s the same thing as unbelievers do, but you’re fitting God’s work into unnecessary places.  Unbelievers get the things of the world and success, too. Unbelievers are actually playing above worldly things.  The Israelites were not the ones controlling the culture, that was the people of the world.  

If you go to Genesis, the descendants of Cain, not the descendants of the covenant, are the ones who established the culture, arts and sciences because they didn’t have God.  In a worldly sense, there was nothing given to the descendants from Abel except for the covenant of God, and from worldly sense, they looked like beggars because when the other nonbelievers, they were making weapons of war, they were making music and art, but the people of God had nothing. That’s how God did it in the first place.

The people of God don’t need the things of the world.  The reason we go into the world is to save people but that is not our goal.  Of course, the descendants of the devil will take control of the Fourth INdustrial revolution, that’s always the case. If perhaps you think, “if we have the Gospel, we can take over the  4th and 5th generation,” break your old dreams. If you keep holding onto the messages like that, you’re going to chase after Genesis 3,6,11, and that’s how you’ll turn without even realizing it.

The Bible never said that, the Israelites never raised up the Roman empire.  THe Israelites did not make the laws in the Roman military.  There’s not a single thing in Babylon or Persian culture that was made by the Israelites because that’s not God’s goal.  God’s goal is that you become a kingdom of priests to save those people, and that’s why God gives us a talent.  

Our goal is never to take control of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.  You could never do it even if you tried; God would not allow it.  God has given that responsibility to unbelievers. Occasionally God will give it to one believer who has that vessel, but we’re not leading that movement.  

There is a specific pastor who said, “If we get a president in Korea who listens to the words of a fortune-teller, then they are going to make such a headache for the nation.” and I said, “That’s not true, even if they listen to the words of a demon-possessed person.”  The common misconception people have is that they compare the leaders of the world, and with leaders like David and make these misjudgments.  

They say, “Don’t you think it would be great if we had a Christian president?” That’s not true at all.  There was a Christian president in Korea, and if anything, they brought more disasters; they didn’t make things better.  God raises kings, God raises unbelieving nations. God raises up those people because they are  necessary for the physical world. If you keep thinking that, “Don’t we need to elect a Christian president?” Just live properly in the church, and right now, it’s better for Biden to be president than Trump. It doesn’t matter if you’re a believer or not for God to raise you for His will. 

If Trump becomes President, that has nothing to do with Los Angeles world evangelization, and if anything, he was blocking people from doing multi ethnic evangelization so you’re under a misconception. Just think properly inside the church.  The nation of Israel in the Old-Testament is the same as the churches today.  If the leaders of the churches are going astray, this is the result.  

It doesn’t matter at all whether the president is an unbeliever or a fortune-teller himself because they are raised in the sovereignty of God.  The devil doesn’t raise up a president, the greatest economic boom of Korea took place while a Buddhist was president.  What’s important is that God is carrying out the physical world with the vessel and character of the leaders He raises, but God has entrusted spiritual things to the churches.  Do the work in the church properly.  Don’t worry about who is president; do the work in the church properly.

Right now, Biden is Catholic, and he’s more in line with God’s will for world evangelization than Trump was. During Trump’s Presidency, America shut their doors, but now they’re reopening and going together with the nation of the whole world. It doesn’t matter whether they are Christian or not, if they are within God’s will, God raises them up, but we’re under a misconception.  “He’s a believer.”  Being a Christian has nothing to do with following God’s will. The reason why God raises people up is because they’re aligned with God’s will.

If the church church is not aligned with God’s will, that’s a huge problem because God committed the responsibility and blessing or curse to the the churches, so that’s why the church  must pray for the king. That’s the reason the church exists;  it’s not the role of the president, and that’s why churches are so important and the Israelite people in this age were so important, because the Isarelites were the church of God, but they had thoughts that prevented missions and evangelism.

Because they didn’t know where they were saved from, they thought they were chosen because of their greatness, so they received God’s Word, but it was in a legalistic sense, and that’s why they look down on other nations, but if you’re not aligned with Gods will you fall into disaster.  Even now, they cannot realize even now, they are not coming to their senses, even now, churches are not coming to their senses.  They are relentlessly centered on themselves and blessings because that is the background of the family line from such a long time. It doesn’t get fixed overnight.

When they listened to the Word of God, they said, “Oh yes, this is true,” but as soon as they turn around to their life, it goes back to being centered on me, physical things, and success. It’s been in their family line for 1000s of years.  “Be a kingdom of priests,” they know those words, but they’re centered on “me” and “my blessings.”  You are a holy nation, you are set apart from these other people, but they misunderstood this as a physical thing.

“Relay these words to the descendants of the Israelites.” Relaying it means it doesn’t end just once, but you must always hold onto this.  God’s Word is eternal, so it’s not enough for you to just listen to it once and look over it, you have to always hold onto it.  Caleb and Joshua knew where they had come from, and Daniel always had in mind the reason that they are in this state of what the earlier generations did.  Joseph knew, and for people like this, they will follow God’s word, into world evangelization. 

Even if you try to pray, you cannot. As soon as you open your mouth, it’s back to me centeredness, as soon as you face an incident, it’s back to being centered on yourself. That’s not something that happened yesterday or today, but ever since the original sin of Adam and Eve, it has become entrenched in your nation, your family, and your land.  

Satan may no longer have the authority to reign over us anymore, but he is always presenting this threat, but it’s impossible to see. When does he work?  Whenever we are outside the Word of the Gospel, that’s when Satan works.  As soon as you open up to your past life, Satan attacks you there. 

We’re so used to our past, and the only thing it brings is suffering.  This is the reason why we must be in 24 hour prayer, to carry forth this covenant in our lives. Prayer is not just asking to give things, it’s the covenant. You have become God’s possession; there’s nothing else for you to ask for because you yourselves are God’s possession, and if you just remain in his word Word, everything else takes place.  Now, you have to open your mouth to the prayer of being the kingdom of prayer to save the 237.  Let’s wait and see if you actually pray that way. You’ll return back to your “me-centeredness.”  Either you don’t pray or you return back to your “me-centeredness.”

The repetition of your family line returns again and it will go into your children, so it’s so frustrating. Even if I live diligently, it’s not going to work, and I have no choice but to use methods.  And you work and try so hard. People who are lazy give up entirely, but how does it begin? Why must it be only Christ?  Why do I and my family line have no hope unless it is only Christ?  That’s how it becomes your Gospel.

Everyone has Christ, and in reality, everyone’s problem is the same, but the way that it manifests is different in every individual and family.  This is very important.  Then your walk of faith takes place. If you don’t know the fundamentals, think about math. I have a friend who always got 100% on math tests, and he has a really mathematical brain, he’s now an electrical engineer at Samsung. I asked him, “How are you so good at math?” 

“My teacher didn’t just teach me math. Most students study math by memorizing a bunch of formulas and trying to solve problems with those formulas, because people who solve 1000 problems will face those same problems later, because these problems don’t come from heaven.  So, the people who are really good at math will solve all the problems they can possibly get their hands on,” but he wasn’t this kind of person.  So I asked, “what’s your secret to math?”  

“Whenever my teacher showed us a formula, he didn’t just teach us the formula, but he went from the beginning of the proof, step by step, down to the derivation of the formula.  Most kids try to get their grades up by practicing the formula and applying it, and training themselves to solve a lot of problems with it,” but for this guy, because he knew the formation from the beginning to the end, it didn’t matter how complicated the problem is, he solved all of them. 

The formula of Christ is the same but you’re not able to apply it when this and that problem comes, right?  You’re just now barely understanding it because you’ve been beaten up in life for so long and you’re used to it, but you’ve been given the answer and you know it’s the answer, but just memorize it and you don’t know why.  You just memorize prophet, priest, and king, but you don’t know why.  It’s great because at least you know the formula to solve it. If you didn’t know the formula , then you can’t even solve a problem. but you have to know the process by which Christ is the only answer to my personal life and to my family.

If you know the entire process, then the way Satan works becomes so simple and obvious because he always works with the same channels, so does the Gospel.  For people who understand this, they can understand the background of the spiritual state of the people they talk to.  But if you don’t understand that and you’re always asking, “What do I do in this situation or that situation?” That person’s not good at studying, and that person is going to have a difficult time no matter how much I teach them.

If you know the background, then it’s easy, but if you don’t see the problem that comes from that person’s problem then it’s hard for you to find the answer, and that’s why you’re able to explain the background to them and to give them the answer in Christ. Whether they see it or not, they have no choice but to receive it, because for the first time, you’re telling them their problem.  It’s not just Satan, sin, and hell.  If you just say “Satan, sin, and hell,” the answer is Christ but for most people, that’s not their time schedule, then even if they do accept, you can’t nurture them because they haven’t seen their problem.  

Not being able to nurture them is the same as saying, “I’m stuck in that problem, too.” That’s why honestly speaking, relaying the Gospel is directly correlated to your state.  As soon as you meet someone, and talk to them a little bit, you’re able to see what this person’s problem is, and you have to keep giving them the answer of God from God’s Word for them to come to Christ.  

If you don’t see their problem at all but you keep pouring the Word of God upon them, their heart is hurting but you’re giving them the medication for their brain.  The greatest thing of all is that you’re a witness of the grace you have received, so the fact that you’ve received grace through the week from the Word you received means it’s your answer.  Then, even if you don’t know the other person’s problem , if you’re able to receive the answer you’ve received it’s a little better.

“I, one person, am the beginning of world evangelization,” so you cannot look down on yourself.  You can’t forget about the background of the past of your family line that you lived in, and it doesn’t mean you must ruminate about it, but you must always be aware of it, until the channel changes with the Word of God.  That’s why every single day, for 24 hours, you’re vigilant in prayer on the Word of God.  That is how the 237 and 5000 unreached people groups are directly correlated to your life, business, and studies. 

We have a catch phrase out there but it’s not really in my life.  We’re told to go to all nations but that word is not connected to my life, then nothing will work out. There’s nothing that takes place beyond your limitations and power. Prayer is the way for you to change your “me-centeredness,” that is focused only on “me” and “my children,” into being centered on the word of God and if the church itself doesn’t become centered on God and Christ, we go back to disasters.  

They love the things given to them, they love the grace and blessings, so they’re under a misconception that they’ve received grace, because they are receiving the messages that are connected to them, in other words, they love it because the message comes out, connected to their Genesis 3.  They’re actually inspired by it, because everyone in the world is trying to take away from them but the message is aligned with their motives of Genesis 3, but they cannot save their children and evangelism and missions are even more of a problem.  Gradually this person is dying just like a frog boiling in hot water, but they’re smiling as they die.

Why must it be only Jesus Christ? It’s not just Christ; it’s only Christ because this is the only problem in my personal life and family life. That’s why there’s no way to be  entered back on God unless it’s only by God’s Word, and there’s no way to maintain that center unless it’s by only prayer, and there’s no way to see God’s work unless it’s by missions and evangelism.  That’s why, from that perspective, I, one person, am very important.  I am connected to the evangelization of my family line.  

And I, one person, I am a channel connected to my family line and people who are connected to me, and the beginning of that is the reason why it must be only Christ.  So keep praying for that, to see it, and once you see it, you’ll be able to see their background, and once you see that, you’ll want to relay the answer of only Christ because you’ll see their spiritual state.  It doesn’t mean you’ll become some kind of fortune teller but if you’re within prayer, you’ll be able to see their background, and you can see it flow all the way down to their kids as well, so you can see what will happen to their future.

Therefore, why must it be only Christ? That was the Early Church.  The Early Church didn’t have any other characteristics, was the Early Church simply a shabby building in the attic? If we always break bread and share with each other, does that make us the Early Church? It doesn’t matter how much we imitate the early church, it doesn’t work. 

Only Christ.  Why must it be only the Word and prayer of only the Kingdom of God?  Why is world evangelization only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit? It’s these three “only’s”, that’s what we call only and at the same time the talent comes as an answer.  God doesn’t give you spiritual and physical answers separately, God works all together.  Our specialty comes with an answer too, it’s not two separate things because all our answers come from one place, God.  

Then, this is necessary to the field. If it’s not necessary to the field, it doesn’t matter. The British were so specialized in making boats and hundreds of years ago,it doesn’t matter how good they are it’s not necessary now. The boats of the past aren’t very fitting with today. It doesn’t matter if you spend your life researching how to make boats, it’s not going to align with the field. You can never win a war that way it must align with the field, so you’re not doing something because you’re good at it by yourself, you do it because God gives you an answer that is aligned with the field.  

So we received the three messages from the World Remnant Conference, but the beginning of that is figuring out why it must be only Jesus Christ, and everything else will take place automatically, there’s no other choice. The world will just pass by, but the church cannot do that, because we have our time schedule, and that’s why the pulpit message is so important, it’s aligned with our time schedule.  Today, what is the reason it must be only Christ? It starts here and is connected to 237.  I hope you will enjoy this blessing. 


The prayer you pray with after receiving the word will receive answers.  You have no choice but to pray with the Word you have received because it is God’s Word. Let us pray. 

Let us pray for the Sunday message. It’s important that the Word you all require is proclaimed. That’s how we pray and receive answers.  Either way, it’s going to be relayed through the servant of the Lord, so you have no choice but to pray for me.  While we’re gathered today, let’s have a time of praying for missions and evangelism because the Early Church held onto this as a covenant and gathered together in one heart to pray for this.

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Chirst, the unending love of God, the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God who desire to do world evangelization, covenant, and only the Holy Spirit, upon the multiethnic people and the remnants, from now until forevermore always, amen.

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