God Prepares Everything for Witnesses of World Evangelization (Acts 1:5-8)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God Prepares Everything for Witnesses of World Evangelization (Acts 1:5-8)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Esther and Tiffany Han

I hope we all received grace by learning about Acts 1 today.  What is prayer?  It is how I get connected with God.  Then, is He Almighty?  Then, who am I?  We are lacking, our bodies are lacking, our thoughts are lacking, and we cannot control anything about our situation.  We are people who do not know the future and we cannot even solve our past.  Unless God reveals the work of Satan to us, we are totally unaware of it.  So, this repetitive failure comes, but we don’t know why it keeps coming.

One day, we have a life where this is changed, so what did we do so that our lives changed like this?  These are the missionaries from the Early Church.  Before then, they were nobodies.  They had no strength, no power, no name, and they were unlearned.  God brought people like this and fulfilled God’s work.  Then, does that mean we do not need power?  We need power, but what is important is that there is a covenant between these people and God.

For God’s covenant to be between them means that God is fulfilling His covenant from heaven.  What is the covenant?  It is that Jesus is the Christ, that is the covenant.  The forces of darkness, sin, and Satan crumbling down in the name of Jesus Christ is the covenant. The “me” who was my own master before has come to an end with Jesus Christ as my Master.  To the person whose Master has become Jesus Christ, they will come to see God’s plan.

Before that, their plan was to just catch fish, eat, and live, and give worship at the Temple.  Eating and living alone is difficult, but they were all so pressed by legalism.  But after they met Jesus Christ, they had a taste of , “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  The law is God’s Word, however, the moment we try to find our righteousness through our actions through the law, that’s when our life becomes suffering.

What God has given to us is given to us by grace.  The reason why He gave us the law is so we can realize that people are sinners and therefore, come to know Christ more.  These were people who fell into legalism in the problems of the world and suffering. But after they met Jesus Christ, they were liberated.  After they met Jesus Christ, they began to entrust all problems to Him.  

Jesus Christ trained His disciples for 3.5 years, but does that mean they were trained properly? No, because after He took up His cross, they ran away, so ultimately, Jesus Christ had to go and find them directly, and when He came to find them, there were some who worshiped, but there were some who doubted.  Jesus brought all of these people together and concentrated on the Word with them for 40 days.

For 40 days, He concentrated on things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. Even though He gave them the Word like this, they weren’t able to realize.  If you look at Acts 1:6, even after they had been trained, they said, “Lord, is it at this time you are going to restore the Kingdom to Israel?” For 40 days, they concentrated on what the Kingdom of God was, but they understood it physically.  They’re actually in a state where, even though they’ve met the resurrected Jesus Christ, they still can’t understand. Their interest is still relentlessly in the physical things.  So, when they hear the message about the Kingdom, they keep changing it into the kingdom they’re going to live in. 

When they’re told about the economy of light, they switch it to understand it physically.  When they’re told that evangelism is everything, they say, “If we evangelize, we receive everything.” The spoils were exactly the same, so everyone’s motives are physical things. Simply put, it didn’t work out for all people.  So, how does God make a person who doesn’t work out into working out?

It’s meant to not work out for us. No matter how much you listen to these words, if God doesn’t give you grace, you’ll understand it physically.  Even if the word is proclaimed from the pulpit, you will hear the words you desire, and they’ll hold onto it as they would hold onto the words of a fortune teller.  This is our image.  However, from what point do we start changing?  Jesus told them once again, “That is not for you to know,” so why are you holding onto the things you are not to know?

You are not to know the things of the physical world, why? Because we’re looking for the things above.  But still, because people live according to physical things, they’re afraid and cannot hear these words.  But of the things of this earth, Jesus says the time is within God.  He said the times or dates are the ones the Father has set by His own authority, so it is not for you guys to know.  

What must you do?  But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.  So the thing you need is only the Holy Spirit.  So, living and eating was so hard, living by legalism was so hard, right? It’s bound to not work out.  He told them about these days for 40 days, but still they didn’t understand, and that’s why it’s bound to not work out for us.

No matter how much we try, people aren’t meant to have things work out.  Only when the power of the holy spirit comes upon you can you change your fate; simply put, it has to be by the power of God.  You will receive power and then you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and they held onto this as their covenant.  Jesus taught them what prayer was, and there are people whose prayer hits up against them, and other people take them as a faraway neighbor’s words.  But the one who holds onto this covenant through Acts 1:14, they all joined together in prayer, but for people for whom this doesn’t work out, they keep holding onto the earthly things and start worrying. They only concentrate on, “When do the earthly things come?” Why ? because they did not receive God’s grace, because God’s word did not come upon them, and they keep changing God’s word according to what they want, and that means the master of their own life is themselves.  

Ultimately they suffer because they’re seized by Satan and that’s what it means to be seized by Satan. No matter how much you give them the message, something else enters into them, then who does that? That’s what the forces of darkness do.  We are constantly suffering.  No matter what you do, you need to realize that you cannot do it. No matter what you do , you cannot do it.  You have to understand you can’t do it in order to go into the prayer of only the power of the holy spirit.  Then, the power that comes from the throne of heaven comes upon you. Then He is with you through the power to be witnesses until the ends of the earth.

To a person like this, it is “only.”  Only, according to the covenant He gave you, the holy spirit will come upon you.  When these people gather, it’s only the Holy Spirit and they pray, why? Because they are going to be the witnesses until the ends of the earth.  That is this person’s unique vision and future.  To anyone for whom this is not working out, they keep focusing on worldly things and then they constantly worry, “When is the Kingdom of Israel going to be restored?” When are we going to do Temple Construction? That is not for you to know; it is only when you hold onto that strength, the strength of the covenant so you have to go into only.  

It is the prayer the resurrected Christ taught, the Church that goes into this prayer, the individual who goes into this prayer. How do these people come?  They will receive the filling of the holy spirit just as God promised.  When you receive the filling of the holy spirit that was promised in Acts 2, you receive the five powers.  But the people who don’t see this keep looking at themselves, they’ll be disappointed, “What about me?” but the people who know this, “Only.”  Doing this always, 24 hours.  Because what we need is the power of the Triune God.

Then we become witnesses of Christ to the ends of the world and God gives us all the power we need.  You need to have this faith to be able to go all the way to Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth.  I think a lot of kids commit suicide because they don’t know this mystery.  Even in LA and Koreatown, there are an incredible number of people who are committing suicide.  Esther Choi told me on Monday they were showing videos of autopsies where they dissect deceased corpses, showing their age as well as their ethnicity.  When they find the cause of death, many people die of suicide.  She said there were a lot of Korean people, and I asked, “How old are they?” “Most of them are in their 20s and 30s.” 

Why do you think people have to commit suicide in their 20s and 30s? Why would they do that? If they had a reason to commit usicide, they would do that.  They commit suicide because that’s better for them than living.  But why do they have to commit suicide even while they live int he superpower nation of America?  Why is it that in this nation where their future can be completely guaranteed, they are committing suicide?  

If the correct gospel of Jesus Christ goes in, then Satan and curses and disasters are broken down.  Why do people have no choice but to continuously take drugs?  Kids are dying because of drug overdose.  Why is it that even kids in their youth have to die of drug overdose?  Why are they in a state where they face such great difficulty that they go to the point of overdose?  Why are they in a state where they have so much resentment inside of them that they have to shoot people?  God has been giving us this covenant in the face of this field of America.

But where is your interest?  Are you still interested in making a living? Are you still interested in success?  Those people cannot come into Mark’s upper room. Those are the people who would run away when Jesus Christ died on the cross because they don’t want to die. Because they don’t want to die physically, they’re so worried about making a living.  God says, “Not you yet, you step to the back.   Until you experience what Christ truly is, you cannot go into Mark’s Upper Room.  That’s the time schedule.  

In Matthew 16, they confessed Jesus is the Christ, and before that point in Matthew 10, they even went to the evangelism field and heard the lessons directly from Jesus Christ and experienced Jesus’ miracles and signs; simply put they did everything they had to. They even received the grace of knowing Jesus is Lord in Matthew 17.  But they couldn’t go to the cross with Him.  That’s why they avoided it. 

They were only following Jsus Christ to live, but they have to die with Christ? They could never do that; simply put, they knew the gospel but hadn’t experienced it yet. Don’t you think that’s why we fight? We fight and assert ourselves so we can live. The reason why you protect your pride is you end pride in order for you to win, why? Because you haven’t experienced the gospel yet.  Even if you follow Jesus Chirist directly, it hasn’t happened yet.  

You need to receive the grace of experiencing Jesus’ resurrection.  That’s when Paul confessed, “I have been crucified on the cross with Chrst and now Christ lives in me,” we must experience that.  “I cannot do it. I’m someone who has no choice but do it into the cross,” and now Christ lives within me. Experiencing that means experiencing the resurrection.  He is living me through the Spirit, all problems are finished.

There will come a day you experience this gospel. Until that point, your prayer  topic is not a prayer topic; in other words, it’s an unnecessary prayer; you’re unnecessarily praying a prayer you don’t have to. If anything, such people must pray, “help me to experience Christ.  “Oh, but I listened to the message so much,” who cares, everyone is following Jesus listening to messages. How do you experience that in your life? 

If you haven’t experienced it and you pretend you just know something, then you’ll be revealed when you keep coming back to life, and your thoughts keep coming back up.  The more you do that, all that will amount to are worries about the future. When you face a crisis, it’s so hard.  But for people who have gone through this time schedule, it doesn’t matter. God’s Kingdom.  We do not live for the kingdom of this earth, we do not live for the kingdom we created for ourselves.  Because the kingdom we live for ourselves is only for me, for money, and for success.  

Once Christ comes in, all of that crumbles; it is the kingdom where Christ isr eignina dtha tmust be in me first, as the Lord commands and tells me to do.  Only at that point will the devil be broken, the forces of darkness that have beeon cotninuously torturing your family like will flee; until that point, it will never happne. It doesn’t matter what kind of showmanship you try, it will never work. It doesn’t matter even if you read the bible 100 times.  The Jewish people studied the Bible ever since they’re born.  In their Bar Mitzvah, they memorized it all at age 13. There’s no one who prays more than the Jewish people.  The way the Jewish people  memorize the Bible is by remembering the first letter of each line.

Because they have to memorize the entire  Bible, God gives them wisdom and that’s why they’re so smart.  Because they have to memorize the Word Of God, God gives them that wisdom, so the Jewish People are incredibly intelligent because they have to memorize the Word of God ever since they’re young. 

If you look at all the atomic missiles created, it was all by the Jewish people, and it was also true in America. The Jewish people lead the way because God give them the wisdom, why? Because they have to memorize the word of God. the problem is, they don’t have Christ, but in the Old Testament where were some people who had the Christ. Not all of them did, but God blessed all people just because of that small minority.

This week I gave 20 Remnant University lectures from the perspective of the disciples and it was by God’s grace. There was a message I heard for decades and things I’ve heard and confirmed in the fields, and these are things God opened my eyes about, according to Gods’ time schedule, and that’s what I’m talking about right now. The reason why evangelism didn’t take place is because God told them not to, “Don’t tell anyone about this, don’t open your mouth until you experience the death and resurrection of Christ. “ You only allow them to experience going into the evangelism field to evangelize like that, but if God does not open the doors, when will that take place?  Only when the holy spirit of God comes upon you, then anyone can do it.

If only the Holy Spirit Comes up your job, then God will open doors through the blessings of meeting with people.  God continues to open the doors to people in your studies and evangelism everywhere you go.  That’s why even though they were persecuted by Romans and people call them  heretics, it doesn’t matter for those people.  It doesn’t matter to them. It isn’t a problem for you because you’re still your master, but if the covenant of Christ becomes my Master, nothing will be a problem.  If you’re trying to use your brain to figure out what you need to do in this station, God will give you hindsight and open the way.  This goes all the way from Acts 2 to Acts 28.  

You have the greatest blessing, it’s just that you’re on the time schedule, so if possible, concentrate.  Stop wasting your time on other places on Friday and concentrate.  What are you going to do if you’re at home? You’re’ just resting, that’s the same thing you do every day, instead of having the life of “only,” you just live in your everyday life.  

But once you go into “only,” you’ll receive the answer of “uniqueness.”  God will give you the answer of uniqueness that on one else in the world other than you can do, then your life will be changed by re-creation.  You cannot change yourself, you cannot change your business field; God has to change it through recreation.   Because that individual has already changed.  

God gave this blessing to the members of the Early Church and they received it with an “amen.”  That’s why they received this covenant and gathered together in the Temple courts and took it back home to receive this blessing, as “only.  Do you know what “only” is?  It means this is all we have to do, does that mean we shouldn’t work? You can just work, should we not study? You can’t do that.  But that “only” must be in your heart.  Everything else, you just do as it comes, because the Lord gives you strength.  When the holy spirit comes upon you, you will receive power, so you receive the power God gives you and do the physical things that follow. 

What’s important is, Where is your “only”? That’s what’s important.  God will continuously guide you forward. Then there’s no reason to worry about your future, and there’s no reason to worry about your scars.  You have “only,” what are you talking about yours cars?  “It’s because of that person,” Why is it because of that person? “You just have to receive God’s authority.  You don’t need money, you need the power of Only, and we told you to do this, but this is the only thing you’re not doing.

Do only, when students go to school, do this, that’s 24.  What does it mean to do 24 hours?  You can only have 24 hours when it goes into the past part of your heart that this is everything.  But if you say that success is everything, you will have 24 hours of success.  For that person they are always obsessed with success no matter what they’re doing, and that’s how their life is destroyed.

Only the Triune God, when that goes into the deepest part of your spirit, even while you’re eating, that is “only.” Whatever I’m doing, “only.” 24 hours, then without a doubt, you will receive the answer of 25 hours.  You will receive the covenant according to God’s time schedule from heaven.  This is the blessing God gave us, and He wants us to enjoy this.  I hope that today will be that time.  If you just live a general life, it won’t happen; you have to live as “only.”  It seems like you’re cutting everything off, but when you go into this “only” everything else will be revived.  These people had no names, they had no backgrounds, but in the end, they were the main figures.  How are you going to live your life in America? You have to live according to the covenant given to you in the Bible.  God will guide our church forward according to the covenant He has given us.

In the future, God will raise the Temple Construction because this gospel movement must continue on through the future generations. Those are answers that should rightfully come, isn’t that right?  That’s not anything tremendous;  these are rightful answers. What do we do in this building? We must do the evangelism movement, the healing movement, we need to raise up the future generations, we have to save the 237 nations.  

I hope you will pray about the MIssion Home.  I think 99% of people receive this as a joke.  I’m sure the 99% of people who say, “those are just words you say,” will not receive answers.  God works according to His time schedule and according to His need.  If we need workers, then we need to have a mission, then you should pray about it. Stop trying to calculate everything. Stop trying to make money through the Mission Home. Why do you keep trying to calculate? You need to receive the blessings of heaven. It was like that in the past.  I saw there were places with Mission Homes in LA and God wasn’t happy with them. You need to receive the blessing where you can just freely do this and you should pray about it because all God has to do is answer.  As someone is saving lives and raising up the multiethnic people, God will answer them.  Then we just have to follow God’s time schedule. 

The Early Church seemed complicated but it’s not; and it’s the same thing today. This covenant  is being fulfilled exactly in these same ways today. We do the evangelism camp at the law school ,and I; sure you know this, but as soon as we moved into this location, I prayed for the law school, so the assistant pastor said, et’s do an evangelism camp,” and I said, “No, because if these old ladies are just wandering the campus, the security guards won’t like it. They’re so obvious, there are students and then there are the old ladies, and if we get caught by security, they will stop the bus from coming in, and it’s obvious. 

Then how are we going to evangelize?  There must be someone in the church who is connected to the law school, and the first person was Esther, and I realized she had no interest in the school but she had an interest in the youth, and we must do what God has prepared for us.  Secondly there was Ted Yun, and I didnt say this to him at all.  The third person was David, and when I asked him about it, he said, “Don’t talk to me about evangelism.”  Then about a month ago, the message went into him and he said, “I’ll do it, let’s do the evangelism camp,” why is that?  Because there are people whom God has prepared for evangelism of the law school.

Now he’s going into the law school for evangelism with the multiethnic disciples training here and the senior deaconesses.  People are fascinating, even after two times, unbelief came in.  I think that’s the reason why you guys feel so burdened by evangelism camp.  What is the reason you feel such an oppressive burden when you go to your jobs to work? That’s normal, because simply put, even someone who has dedicated their whole life into evangelism like me when someone goes in twice, there’s a burden in my heart. I look at the situation and see nothing happening, and the security guard tells us to stop, and we went up to the front door and they told us to stop.

“Okay, then we have to set up a table with coffee and crackers and do it like this.”  We were talking to these Hispanic ladies and men and children following by, but no one followed up and  continuously  got disbelief. That’s why it’s important.  Without a doubt, God has hidden a disciple here, and you are not the one doing this.  Then I received a new strength.  Because then I can go no matter what.  You have to overcome that limitation.  This field of the world is nothing else, it is our faith.  I said, “Let’s all pray and see how God works.”

Everywhere David is meeting, he’s meeting with Caucasians and European people, and he was wearing glasses, and I asked, “Why?” “I have to show them my blue eyes,” and I think there’s something to that. He was talking to them and they were listening, the caucasian people were listening to thim. It wasn’t important if they listened or not; we give them the church bulletin, and  said, “when you go through a hard time, listen to the messages on this website,” and there was one female and man who were walking, she looked Asian, and our senior deaconess Choi went bravely to them.  

She’s not very good at English so our senior deaconess Choi went and followed, and she was Christian.  She was a foregin exchange student from China going to law school and she came here when she was in middle school.  We kept talking to her because she was waiting for her ride to pick her up, and our Senior deaconess met with her twice, even on Holy Wind, and last Sunday, they listened to the Sunday message together on zoom.  She has a lot of etiquette because her Chinese family background is businesspeople.  

You can tell they have a very good upbringing because of how they present themselves.  Whenever she meets with the Senior Deaconess, she has her head one and makeup done, and she’s dressed in a very gentle way.  She said, “I want to listen to the message on zoom right now and I want to come to church eventually.”

This is not something we do; just because we meet with people doesn’t mean the works are taking place.  God prepares them and allows you to meet them.  Imagine, she came as a foreign exchange student while she was young, imagine how lonely and desperate she must be.  I think writing is a little difficult there; she’s great at reading and listening, but it’s hard for her to write, so we need someone to help her.  

All we have to do is come to church and worship, but because we do these evangelism camps, God allows these meetings. What do you guys think about this? You guys have your business fields, our senior deaconess Jo brought African American parents to church, and Stephanie from Long Beach sat next to them and gave them the gospel and said, “let’s pray together,” and they did.  They were just embracing each other for five minutes, and I wondered, “Do all African Americans hold each other for five minutes?” I wasn’t sure what to do.  Later on, she gave me the tip and told me that they were taking antidepressant medications and that means she wants me to pray for them. 

Through Holy Wind, God brought them and they told her about the deepest parts about themselves that they wouldn’t be able to tell anyone else.  There was a deaconess who came to church to teach Tae Kwon Do, and she also brought a boy and a girl.  One of the other parents, the mother, came with them.  They were Caucasians from South Carolina and Florida. What I heard is they’ve  tried both public and private school; now they’re being home-schooled, so she said, “”we’ve been wanting her to learn TaeKwonDo, so we’ll send her to you.”  

When I heard they were from Florida, I attached Stephanie and Cameron to them, they’re from the south so they created a group together. I told senior deaconess Choi to give them the gospel after that, and the deaconess teaching Tae Kwon Do saw this.  She just came to Holy Wind to teach Tae Kwon Do because that’s her skill, but she saw the Word was being relayed through this.

Another Hispanic family met with Senior Deaconess Song, and after that, Esther confirmed the gospel with them again, and so camp was going on like water flowing freely.  Then there was an African American man who was a rapper.  He goes to church and they called him Satan.  He thought, “What kind of church is this?”  He went to a very conservative church so they said things like that.  

“I’m going to stop going to church, then,” so I don’t know how he ended up coming to this church but he lives around the area.  “I like this church,” and he will start coming to this church starting Sunday. I’m Sure he might or might not, but this seems like nothing to us because it’s our everyday culture, and at first, it’s difficult to make, but once it becomes our everyday culture, it’s very easy for us, but then God sends the people whom He has prepared for salvation here.  

This is how God is moving.  On Saturdays we have our evangelism school for children, youth, and young adults, and we have our business meetings, and it’s difficult at first, but once the system is set up, the kids just ride it.  Hope you will know about this system and keep inviting people; all you have to do is invite people because it’s already made.  

If there’s no regional evangelism system, just send the kids to the Saturday evangelism schools. Carlos’ friend says he sees demons so that’s the time schedule.  He came to Holy Wind.  If you’re simply holding to the covenant and you see the time schedule will come. The only problem is you’re only interested in when the Kingdom of Israel or your business are restored but He says that’s not for you to know; Go all into what God has promised you, then when the time comes, God will work according to the need.

That’s how you can go all in.  That is the image of the correct church.  Any type of person can come and must change in that way.  Then the number of people doesnt matter and their level doesn’t matter either, because God works.  One of the RU pastors came and listened, and said, “This church does world evangelization just by sitting here.”  It seems like they’re not even going anywhere but they sit here doing world evangelization, to Africa, Nigeria, Mongolia, and he told me, there are pastors in America who tell me this doesn’t take place, so he says, to go to DC or NY where it’s strongest.  Why would it not take place? It’s the time schedule, just see how God is moving forward.  It’s so much better to do this and just follow God’s time schedule instead of holding onto God’s time schedule with your unbelief. 

We’re within this blessing. I hope you will do “only.”  Then everything else will follow. That’s The answer you will receive. God will make your seat.  If you need money, God will give you that money because the gospel is so important. This is the reason why God took the cross and this is the way God is moving even now.  May you enjoy this blessing together and be a witness of it.  I hope you will always have this hope and encouragement inside of this covenant.


Let us pray holding onto the covenant God has given us today. Please work with only Christ, only God’s Kingdom, and only the working of the holy spirit so that the prepared disciples will arise and the life movement will take place. Let us pray together.

Let us pray together, tomorrow is the RUTC, the remnant unity training center. Pray for the evangelism schools and for the business meeting tomorrow, please pray for the Sunday message. It will only change when only the holy spirit works. 

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God, the people of all nations and the remnants who desire to go 24 hours holding to the covenant of only Christ, only God’s Kingdom, and only the Holy Spirit, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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