God of the Living One (Mt. 22:23-33)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

God of the Living One (Mt. 22:23-33)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless and greet one another, Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.  May the unprecedented answer and blessing be upon you today. Last week, we received the Word of God titled, “To God what is God’s,” and we received that guidance. The only way to solve the problems of our lives is to give our lives entirely to God.  God, Who is the Lord of our life, must take full care of our lives in order for our lives to work out. You can only escape from your financial problems if you give them to God.  

1. The Sadducees

The title of today’s message is, the “God of the Living One.”  The people who appear in today’s main scripture are the Sadducees who are plotting to ensnare Jesus Christ.  Earlier that day, the Herodians and the Pharisees tried to trap Jesus Christ with the question about tax, but they failed. As we live our walk of faith, without a doubt, Satan will try to ensnare us, and if Satan sets up a trap for us, then we must not go in.  So, we cannot just live our walk of faith, we need to know well, “Who is God?”  

  1) Zadok – Priests (2 Sam. 8:17)

    (1) Descendants of Zadok

    (2) Tribe of priests

    (3) A member of the Sanhedrin Council

Who are the Sadducees? The Israelites are ruled by the Sanhedrin, and most of the council of the Sanhedrin are members of the Sadducees.  These are the descendants of the Priest Zadok, in other words, they are from the tribe of priests.

  2) Acknowledge only the 5 books of Moses

    (1) Don’t believe in the resurrection (Mt. 22:23, Ac. 23:8)

    (2) Say that there are no angels (Ac. 23:8)

    (3) Nor spirits (Ac. 23:8)

In the Old Testament, they only acknowledge the Pentateuch of Moses. These people also don’t recognize the resurrection, and they do not recognize angels or spiritual things. Simply put, they are living their walk of faith for the physical, present reality.  There is a group of people who believe, “It doesn’t matter what happens after we die, because after we die, everything is finished,” and instead of living for the spiritual things, they live for the physical things and for success, just like the Sadducees.  If there were people who held onto the scripture 2000 years ago like this, there are also Christians who hold onto the Bible and still think that way today.  Then, they only acknowledge the parts of the Bible they want to hear and want to acknowledge, and they ignore the rest, and they try to understand the text of the Bible through their logic. 

So, yes, we have the text of the Bible, but just as when you’re talking to someone, you cannot fully understand what they are saying just by the words that they say.  That person is expressing their words to me, but I need to know their intention to fully understand what they’re saying.  But the characteristic of these Sadducees is that they only look at the scripture as the text, they don’t look at God’s intention or His plan behind these words.  This is the way a lot of people who think they are elites will be.  

  3) Question for Jesus

    (1) 7 brothers – Same wife (Mt. 22:25-27)

    (2) Brothers and wife died (Mt. 22:27)

    (3) At the resurrection, whose wife will she be? (Mt. 22:28)

The Sadducees are trying to use their rationality to stump or trick Jesus Christ by asking this question, “If there is a family with seven brothers, and a woman marries the oldest brother, but the oldest brother passes away, then the woman will marry the next younger brother, until all seven of the brothers and the woman has passed away. Then, in heaven, after the resurrection, whose wife will she be?”  So, we may look at this and think this is a very strange law in terms of morals and ethics, but it made sense for the Jewish people because this was the way the property and the inheritance of the tribe will not go into somebody else’s tribe.  

2. Jesus’s response

There are people who use their own rationality to reject Jesus Christ.  If you don’t know something, then you will get trapped in their questions or their snares as well, but if you know what Jesus’s reply is, then you won’t get stuck.  

  1) Sadducees’ misunderstanding (Mt. 22:29)

    (1) Don’t know the power of God, Bible (Mt. 22:29) 

Jesus responds like this, “You do not know the Scriptures.” Of course, these people read the scriptures, but that is not enough because they are misunderstanding the scriptures. Yes, I believe in Jesus Christ, but right now, I am knowing Him incorrectly with my misconception.  So, we think we believe in God, but we are actually just forcing God to fit in the image we’ve created, and misunderstanding Him.  There are people who think, “We just need to receive blessings on this earth, there is nothing after death, so why would I worry about that?” They’ve created their own god and interpret it however they want. We call that an idol. That person might call what they believe in, god, but that is not what is in the Bible. In that way, they are not believing in the God of the Bible; they are believing in their own convictions.  If there are any of you like that today, I hope that the works of God will take place so that you will believe in and understand the Bible correctly, with God and Jesus Christ, as it is in the Word of God.  

There are some people who ask, “Why did God create the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, so that humans would go astray?” but they do not know God. There are people who think, “If I go to worship, then God should not make me sick; but why do I still have this disease?” They are misunderstanding God. “If I give my worship and give my offering, then I should keep on getting financial blessings, but why am I not getting money?” They are misunderstanding God.  Instead of trying to understand and believe in the God of the Bible, they create their own conviction and imagination, saying that is God. That is not God; that is an idol.  Idols are actually Satna and demons, working with whatever image you’ve created for yourself.  That individual might say, “But I believe in God,” but that is a different God than is in the Bible, and that’s what the Sadducees did back then, too.  If you and I want to escape from every single problem, then we must know the correct God.  

Jesus Christ says, “You do not know the Scriptures or the Power of God.”  Because they don’t believe in the Word of God, they do not believe in the power of God, even though the power of God is there, then they ask questions like, “How could the dead resurrect?”  

    (2) Resurrection – No marriage, like angels (Mt. 22:30)

So, Jesus Christ answers, “At the resurrection, people will neither marry nor be given in marriage.  They will be like the angels in heaven, living in the kingdom of the Triune God forever.”  Then, why is it that God gave us the structure of the family on this earth to have future descendants?  It is created so that we can increase in number with our future generations and raise them to believe in Jesus Christ.  But that only exists while we are on this physical earth, after the resurrection, there is neither birth nor death; we are living eternally. 

There are actually a lot of people who ask questions like this, “I got my leg amputated, so when I resurrect, will my leg also be amputated?” or, “I got plastic surgery, so what is my face going to look like when I resurrect?” There are some people who are killed by being beheaded, and they say, “After I resurrect, how will I look?. Will I be beheaded or not?” God has His design plan, so He has His original design, and He works with the power of re-creation to fulfill that.  There are some people who say, “But we had our relative cremated and their ashes were scattered in the ocean, so how will they resurrect?” God created us, so He can re-create us, so what will our resurrected body be like? After Jesus resurrected, He could eat food with His body, but He doesn’t have to.  Jesus Christ in His resurrected body was walking with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, and even though they saw Him, they didn’t really see Him. He was next to His disciples one moment, and then, immediately, He went to the Temple of Jerusalem, so He had a body that transcends time and space.  This is the body that we will have when Jesus Christ comes back a second time, in a resurrected body, to live with Him forever.  

Jesus also said we’ll be like the angels. Angels can make their body invisible or visible.  The angels can be here one moment, then all the way over there another moment, transcending time and space.  So, there’s no such thing as having to live with your husband or wife who you were always fighting with and got divorced from.  We only have a husband, wife, and children while we’re here on earth, but once we go to heaven, the Lord is the groom and we are the bride, living eternally in perfection.  People say, “I love living with you on earth, so let’s live forever in heaven,” it doesn’t work like that.  Only while we are on this earth, the institution of the family was created to raise the next generation so that we can increase in number, be abundant, and raise the next generation to believe in Jesus. 

    (3) Dead are not raised – Christ not raised (1 Cor. 15:15)

1 Cor. 15:15 says, “If he did not raise him, then in fact the dead are not raised.”

  2) Jesus’ response

    (1) God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Ex. 3:6)

So the Sadducees only believed in the first five books, the Pentateuch of Moses, so Jesus answers them by saying, “I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.’”  When God said these words to Moses, He didn’t use the past tense, saying, “I was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, your forefathers,” He says, “I am”–present tense. God is always in the present. And these individuals are not dead, they are asleep, and therefore, God is the God of the living.  If somebody is dead, then they are not God.  For us, we do not die; we sleep.  If we are asleep, it means we are still alive, and when the Lord comes back, then we will be awakened again. 

    (2) God of the living (Mt. 22:32)

Are there any of you who have a fear of death? Once this message of resurrection comes into you, you will overcome that fear.  There may be some of you who have a fear of your business not going well, or of your children collapsing, or fear of the future.  They have a fear, “What if my wife dies of cancer?  What if my kid dies one day from a car accident?” We have this fear. Why do you think we have that fear?  Heb. 2:14-15 says that the devil has the hold of death and controls us with the fear of death.  But if we believe in the resurrection, then we don’t really die.  If I get cancer, and even if my physical body dies, that is not really death.  Even if we have another pandemic in the future, we are not dying.  If our business fails, then we are afraid we are going to die.  If my business does fail, then I can fail and I can keep living my walk of faith, but that’s how Satan works, “If your business fails, then your life is over,” then if you cannot recognize the resurrection, you cannot live your walk of faith. 

But if you say, “Even if I’m dying, I am not dying,” then nothing is a problem for you.  There are a number of people in the church who do not believe in the resurrection. Then these people must always live in fear, fear for their children, they cannot entrust their children to God because they are afraid their children will die, and even between husband and wife, they are always suspicious of each other because of their fear. They’re always afraid of their business failing; if it fails, it can just fail. And what happens if I can succeed? Then I can just succeed.  The real problem is, through whatever situation, Satan is dragging us towards the fear of death, and who can overcome that?  Humans have their physical limitations and everyone dies once.  There are many nonbelievers in the world who are wondering, “Is the reason why I study, get married, and get a job, just so I can die?”  There are many people who think, “If this is everything there is to life, then it’s so empty,” and there are many groups of elites who think, “I have accomplished success, but was I really born just to do this?” Then, life is so empty and meaningless.  If the answer of the resurrection is not given to these nonbelievers, they have no reason to move. 

    (3) No resurrection – Your faith is futile, Still in your sins (1 Cor. 15:17)

We’ll look at one last thing regarding the resurrection, it says in 1 Cor. 15:17, that if Christ has not been raised, then your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.  If you look at people and children who have gone to church for a long time, they are really good at saying, “Jesus died for my sins,” and they only talk about the death, not the resurrection.  If there is no resurrection, all of that is nothing.  Not only is your faith futile, but you are still in your sins.  But it’s because people teach them that way.  The person who is teaching them the gospel has not experienced Jesus Christ Who has resurrected and is with us now.  People go to church and they learn about the cross and learn about the word, “resurrection,” but they don’t have it realistically in their hearts, so they always live in fear, there is always a fear of failure. Even if they go to church, their fear is not resolved.  

If you don’t recognize the resurrection, then you don’t recognize the throne of heaven or heaven itself.  Then, it means you have no choice but to live for the things of this earth that you can see with your eyes. You have no choice but to always be seeking money, success, and blessings, even though that’s already in the Bible.  The Bible promises that, if you first seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, then everything else you are seeking will be given to you as well.  If you don’t acknowledge the resurrection, then how could you acknowledge the kingdom of God, because you don’t acknowledge the spiritual things?  If a human doesn’t have a spirit,  and only has our thoughts, emotions, and physical body, then we can live without spiritual strength.  But humans have a spirit, so we have an invisible spiritual problem.  

Why do we keep doing drugs? It’s not because we want to do drugs, but it’s because we have a mental problem that leaves us no choice but to do drugs. If you have a mental illness, then you can go to a therapist or counselor to fix that, but it doesn’t get solved because you have a spiritual problem.  If you don’t acknowledge the resurrection, then can you acknowledge the spiritual things? There are spiritual problems all over the world; people don’t get addicted out of nowhere, people don’t get addicted to alcohol out of nowhere.  They already had a spiritual problem that destroyed their mental health, and they go into addiction with no choice. 

There is a war in Israel with Hamas right now.  Do you think it’s possible for you to shoot and kill somebody point blank?  When I was in the army, I was hunting for deer to eat, and I was aiming at a deer, and we made eye contact.  I kept on getting calls because people around heard the gunshot. Even if you just make eye contact, you can’t pull the trigger.  But if somebody is able to commit a mass shooting where they are looking at these people and killing dozens of people, they are not in their right mind.  That is only possible if somebody is completely seized spiritually, regardless of their willpower. It is impossible for somebody to commit suicide in their right state of mind.  The reason people are suffering so much is because they are struggling to survive. The only reason they are afraid is because they want to survive. But you kill yourself? That is impossible. You must be spiritually seized by something.  Regardless of yourself, people go to these very high buildings and they jump off, when in reality, if you’re in your right state of mind, you’ll panic at the height. Some people will really jump off a really high apartment building, but for us, our legs would turn to jelly. You have to be seized to do that.  But if the churches are not acknowledging the resurrection, they don’t acknowledge the spiritual things and just say, “Oh, I guess that person jumped off a tall building,” then of course they cannot give the answer. 

  3) Disciples

Jesus Christ is giving these answers to the Sadducees, and the disciples are listening next to Him. Even after the disciples heard this, when Jesus Christ died on the cross, they all ran away, but He resurrected in three days and then approached the disciples. Imagine this, He definitely died, and now He resurrected. The way the Jewish people saw and the way we see are different. They saw, “Ah he is truly God. He is the God Who doesn’t die even when He dies.” Then your life is finished with that.  You need to believe in that God, the God that is recorded in the Bible.  

    (1) Met the resurrected Jesus (Mt. 28:17)

The incident of Jesus Christ dying on the cross and resurrecting is the incident that solved all of mankind’s problems.  Every single problem comes from the spiritual problem of being separated from God, seized by Satan in the background of Hell, and that invisible problem results in the visible problems.  Whatever you think of a problem is not a problem; the real problem is, not believing in God. Because you don’t believe in God, then you think this problem is a problem, but if you really trust in God, you’d look for God’s answer and plan because He has allowed that problem. But if you do not believe in the resurrection, it means you don’t believe in the God Who is alive and working right now.  People talk about Jesus Christ Who died on the cross so much, and they talk about His blood so much, but they don’t talk about the God Who resurrected and is with us now.  They ask God, “Why is my business only like this?  God, if I give this much offering, then the financial blessings should be piling on my business, is God even real?” There are some people who say, “I want to worship, why did I get a disease? They don’t really know who God is.  They just created their own image of God and they think that’s God.  You need to know God correctly through Jesus Christ.  We believe and heard of the Bible, but we know it incorrectly. If you know the truth incorrectly, then you will look at everything incorrectly, then even if you look at a problem, you will not be able to see it correctly; you will not be able to see the past, present, and future. 

    (2) All problems – Confirm it is finished (Jn. 19:30)

 But if you have truly met God through Jesus Christ, then all of your problems are finished. Nothing can be a problem; God is with me, how could it be a problem? If a child is with their mother, then what could be a problem for that child? That child is not living by their own strength; it is by the power of the mom.  The Creator of the Universe and the inheritor of everything in the Universe is with me.  Why would you be in conflict because of human relationships? You can just change yourself. Instead of changing yourself, you always wonder, “God, how could they do this, and how could You allow this to happen?” But that’s not going to amount to anything.  Did the resurrected Lord Jesus Chris not say anything to His disciples, just give them a wink, and then ascend to heaven? No, He gave them the message, and that message is what is important, and that message is being fulfilled even now.  

    (3) Mount of Olives – Mission of God’s kingdom (Ac. 1:3)

In the Old Testament, it is the prophecy of Jesus Christ coming to earth. Everything in the Old Testament exists to prophesy Jesus Christ coming to earth, and His death and resurrection at the cross, and then after Jesus resurrected, what did He promise? For 40 days, on the Mount of Olives, He gave them the mission for God’s Kingdom. Our center is not on the physical world; it is in the Kingdom of God now.  You need to acknowledge the resurrection of Jesus Christ in order to acknowledge the invisible spiritual world, and that’s how you’ll know what the Kingdom of Satan is. If you are like the Sadducees who do not acknowledge spirits or the angels, how could you live your walk of faith? You’ll never be able to live your walk of faith. As you land then later on, down the line, you’ll wonder, “Why am I so broken? I was working so hard.” But it’s because you didn’t acknowledge God. 

The goal of your life is the Kingdom of God being established in me and then being fulfilled through me.  The goal of your life is no longer to live, make a lot of money, or gain a lot of visible things in the world, it has now changed to live into the invisible Kingdom of God. That’s why Matt. 6:33 says, “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, then all these things (meaning, all the visible things) will be given to you as well.” He will give it to you. You need to know the Word of God correctly and live your walk of faith correctly.  Even though it is invisible, the spiritual state within the person is most important.  As you look at the Universe and all of Creation, it is so beautiful, but you must also see the invisible, creator God.  Yes, you have to be able to see the problem that is in front of you, but you also need to see the plan of God Who has allowed that problem. God gave His invisible Word and created the visible universe.  The spiritual state inside of us that believes in God invisibly, will be revealed in a visible way, and if we have a spiritual state that believes in God correctly, then it will be revealed in a visible way.  However, if you have the spiritual state of not believing in God, then the fruits of disbelief will be continuously revealed in my life, but if we don’t know this, we’ll always be chasing the visible things and then get trapped in that. If you want the visible things, you need to remain within the thing God desires, then everything will follow you.  

When you go to your job and you do what the manager wants, then they’ll take care of your pay, your benefits, and everything you need.  But there are some people who work very diligently, but it’s in the opposite direction that the owner wants to go in, then they will be fired quickly.  A teacher will create their curriculum and then test their students on it to make sure they understand the important parts, but if a student works really diligently but is not aligned with the teacher, then they are not right.  That student might study so diligently, but only focus on the unimportant things instead of what the teacher thinks is important, then they will get all the questions wrong. The material possessions are not as important, if your spiritual state is organized as it should be, all those things will follow. If we follow the Kingdom of God, then the physical things will follow us.  If we begin to pray invisibly, then the physical answers will follow. That is the resurrected spiritual life.  May all go well as long as your spirit gets along well.  

But if your spirit has fallen, then everything will fall, isn’t that right? What if I have a mental illness, then what good is my money?  If I make so much money but I want to kill myself every day, then what good is the money I am making?  If I have success but everybody I meet, I want to kill, and I’m hearing things, then what good is my success? First, my spirit must get along well, then all the money and success will follow after that for things to work correctly. So you shouldn’t try to cheat.  If you completely neglect and make a mess of your spiritual state but you’re only seeking physical things, then you’re trying to cheat.  If you build a house but you don’t build the foundation and you just make the outside of the house very beautiful, it might look very good but it will crumble.  Even when women do makeup, they have to have their base and foundation, but if you put on makeup without that, it’s going to look weird.  There are a lot of people who have back or waist pain, and they try to adjust their spine but it’s not going to work because already, their hips are not aligned.  If you look at their legs straight together, then they’re not aligned, they’re not the same, and in that kind of state, it doesn’t matter how much you try to adjust your spine, until your foundations are aligned. Same thing for spiritual beings. 

If you are not aligned with God, it doesn’t matter how much you try to straighten out your spiritual life, it will always go awry.  You need to first align with the fact that the Triune God is with me always and eternally, that becomes your background.  If that doesn’t become your background and instead, you have a background on how much money you made, how skillful you are, or the people you know, it will go astray. But if the Triune God is with me, then it doesn’t matter where I go, it doesn’t matter even if nobody helps me.  Even if I have nothing, it’s okay because God is my background, because He works with power to create something out of nothing, even now. Do I know that God correctly? If we go astray from that then our entire life will be crooked.  The key is to know that God is Jesus Christ, and that’s why all problems are finished.  The Triune God is with me, now and forever.  

    (4) Power of the Holy Spirit – Prayer (Ac.1:8,14)

The resurrected Lord went up to heaven, He ascended, and then He promised to send us the Holy Spirit. 

3. Holy Spirit

  1) Within me – Temple (1 Cor. 3:16)

The Holy Spirit. Where is the Holy Spirit? In me.  1 Cor. 3:16 says, “Don’t you know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives within you?” You need to know that God definitely. But if you don’t believe in the resurrection, you don’t believe in the God Who is alive right now.  He is not only alive; He is resurrected, He is alive, and He is with me now and forever.  Then, not only is He with me, but His power must come upon me in order for me to live on this earth.  I do not live on this earth with my mental strength, but I pray for the power of the Holy Spirit of God to be upon me. It doesn’t matter if you graduate with a master’s or a doctorate from an Ivy League, you only have the physical knowledge.  You cannot solve the many problems that happen in your life with your mental strength.  The devil is controlling the authorities of the world, and it cannot be solved by the knowledge we learned in college. But if the power of God comes upon you, you will have wisdom.  

    (1) Filling, working of the Holy Spirit (Ac. 1:8)

1 Cor. 1 says that the knowledge of the world cannot do anything, because the greatest knowledge of the world is more foolish than the foolishness of God. So yes, we do study, but we don’t rely on that. We rely on God.  When God’s power comes upon us, then the wisdom will follow.  I hope you will stop saying you’re powerless, but instead, pray for the power of God to be upon you, then God will restore your health as well, because you need to be healthy to live for the Kingdom of God.  Yes, there are some people like Paul who allows them to be physically diseased, because they’ve received so much grace of God.  But the churches and Christians haven’t organized their sense or perception of money. They always say things like, “If I do this for the churches, then God will give me financial blessings,“ but that is a complete misconception. 

    (2) Guidance of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:18)

You need to first seek what you should seek first, then the money will follow. People say, “It was because there was no one around to help me, it was always me by myself,” but when God works, He can give you blessings of meeting. God is bound to work because the work I want to do is the work that God desires for His kingdom. You need to change that first. If you don’t change that priority and you try to use your cunning mind, it will be a big problem.  Then, you’re always thinking and working for the things of the earth, and you don’t acknowledge the resurrection of the Lord at all. Once you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, then you receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit. People who have very strong thoughts will follow their own will, and you need that if you only want to live for the physical kingdom of the word; however, if you want to take the mission of God’s mission, you must receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

    (3) Overcome the acts of the flesh (Gal. 5:19-21)

If God leads the way and you follow, then it’s so simple, but a lot of people try to take the forefront and lead their own life, but the Bible tells us not to neglect the Holy Spirit. If we receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will overcome our physical sinful nature, like our sexual immorality, addictions, wrath. We cannot overcome those things at all. The power of God must be upon us to lead us forward.  The Pharisees tried so hard to keep a good life by their own strength, but it did not work. You cannot solve the stubborn problem that is flowing down your family line with your own strength. If you don’t have the answer, it will go to your children as well.  If somebody becomes demon-possessed to become a shaman, then that demon-possession has to go down to their child as well. There is no other way, it has to go down to their kids, that is the spiritual stream. 

  2) Throne

    (1) Citizenship – Background (Phil. 3:20)

Phil. 3:20 says we have the citizenship in heaven, which means we belong to the kingdom of heaven. Who doesn’t know that? What that means is, everything comes from heaven.  

    (2) Kingdom of God – On this earth (Mt. 6:10)

It means that things do not come from the earth, but they come from God Who is in the Kingdom of Heaven as an answer, and it is revealed on earth. But if you’re always looking and seeking for the things of earth like success and money, then you will be blind. You need to be able to see far into God’s Kingdom, all of your answers come from there.  That is the life of the people who acknowledge the resurrection and believe in the spiritual kingdom of God, so we do not live for this earth, but we are living on this earth for the kingdom of God. 

In Mt. 6, Jesus told us to pray for God’s kingdom to be established on earth.  If God’s kingdom is established on this earth, it means the kingdom of Satan is broken down. But you don’t acknowledge the Kingdom of God, the spiritual things or Satan or angels, you don’t acknowledge any of that. People don’t even acknowledge that they themselves are spiritual beings; they only acknowledge the physical things they can touch.  

    (3) Working of the Holy Spirit – Drive out demons (Mt. 12:28)

Mt. 12:28 says, “But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you.“ The Holy Spirit of God must be within us first in order for the things that Satan has imprinted in us, like, being centered on myself, money, or successes, to be broken down. If my entire life revolves around me, of course I’m not aligned with God; it doesn’t matter how much you live your walk of faith, you will not be aligned. Only when I align myself to the center where God is revolving around will my life work out. That is why, God’s Kingdom. 

    (4) Authority – Drive out demons (Mk. 3:15)

Mk. 3:15 says Jesus has given us the authority to cast out demons.  Satan uses his demons to already destroy your professional field before you go to work.  Of course, Satan will not leave you alone to make a lot of money because he knows that you give offering to missions, evangelism, temple construction, so he blocks you.  If you do not the spiritual things, then you go in there to work hard?  Satan’s already destroyed it. As soon as you think you make it, he uses people to destroy you.  Then, it doesn’t matter how much people ask, “Does God exist?” Because God has already told you through His Word.  

Mt. 12:29 says, “If you want to rob a strong man’s house, you must first bind the strong man,” meaning that you must bind the forces of Satan first so you can receive the blessings from your job. If you don’t acknowledge the spiritual things, you’re going to look at the text, just like the Sadducees and Pharisees.  Then, you only analyze the text, the Greek and the Hebrew language, analyzing word-by-word, without acknowledging the Spirit.  God is Spirit, and behind the text, there is the meaning of that spiritual God.  You need to know that person’s perspective and desires, then listen to their words, in order to understand their meaning, but if you don’t understand God’s intention, and you keep on reading the text of the Bible, you will always misunderstand. I hope there will not be a single person who is like that. 

  3) Witness

    (1) Until the end of the earth (Ac. 1:8)

When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be a witness until the ends of the earth. Your business and your children’s education is contained within that, and your faith is in that, too, because these are the words Jesus gave us after He resurrected.  The words of the Old Testament are already fulfilled on the cross. There is a Word Jesus promised after He resurrected: He said to go and make disciples of all nations. 

    (2) All nations (237 nations) – Disciples (Mt. 28:19)

So where should we go? We need to set the direction of our business to make disciples of all nations. The church’s direction must be set towards making disciples and proclaiming the gospel to all nations for the Holy Spirit to work.  

    (3) Healing (Mk. 16:17-18), future generation (Jn. 21:15-18)

Inside of your family, you must educate and raise your kids so that the direction of their life is towards making disciples of all nations in order for God to work upon your family.  Therefore, take them to Mark’s Upper Room and heal them. They are diseased, they have mental illnesses. They look perfectly fine on the outside, but their mental state is gone. They cannot make normal decisions. They look at other people but they cannot make a normal judgment, and they break down all of their relationships. They cannot communicate with other people, they are always alone. That’s how much Satan works upon people. It doesn’t matter how skilled you are. We cannot just live alone; we have to live in society. Even your family is a  type of society, but you always fight with people because you misunderstand them.  We need to heal that.  

Then, there’s the physical disease that comes from the spiritual. It is the physical disease that cannot be healed, even if we go to a hospital. There are cases where the physical disease comes because of a spiritual illness. You need to heal that with the words of the gospel, then He says, “Raise the future generations.” 

    (4) Temple construction

This is where our life must be, it is the temple construction for these works.  It’s not just a temple construction for no reason; it is the church building that will save the 237 nations, heal, and raise the future generations, and your business must be within that stream as well.  The kids’ studies must be within this stream in order for the works to take place. “Oh, why can’t we just work hard and live diligently? Isn’t it enough to just live a nice life or a correct life?” We’re not nonbelievers.  The Word of God must be our thoughts. Why would the correct thing be our thoughts, when the Word of God is the Truth?  Because whatever you think is correct is only correct to you; other people might think they’re wrong, so those words are wrong.  From the parent’s perspective, their kids are the most beautiful kids in the world, and that’s right for them, but that’s not true for others.  

Then, should you live according to what you think is right?  There are some people who receive some kind of mental training, and they say, “Oh, there’s no problem in life,” but they cannot solve their own life. It doesn’t matter how much training you get in the world, you cannot solve the problem of your own fear. The reason I say this is because I’ve tried all of this myself. If you really believe in God, you will have true strength.  That is the strength that the devil knows and trembles in fear over. It is a strength that doesn’t matter even if you die. We stake our life for that.  Even if people gamble, if something is right, they go all into that bet.  We shouldn’t live our walk of faith like that, giving a little to that or a little to this. If it’s right, we go all-in, because even if you die, you’re not dying. Everybody dies physically once, but that is not our death. If we have a disease, then okay, we have a disease, but we still follow God’s Word. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear a mask or you should be reckless. 


1. First pray for the kingdom of God (Mt. 6:33)

2. Answer to save the church, field (Ac. 2,13,16,19,27)

3. Fill all my needs (Phil. 4:13)

But in conclusion, if we acknowledge this invisible spirit and resurrection, then we pray for the Kingdom of God, then God’s power comes upon us.  If God’s power comes upon us, then everything you want, you think, that you’re worried about, will follow you. This is completely the opposite of what you’ve learned in the world. You need faith. May you have victory all throughout the week and relay this answer to your field.

Message Prayer

Let us pray individually holding onto the Word God has given us.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You. We thank You for finishing every problem on the cross, and the Triune God being with me, the church, and the field. We pray that the direction of our life is to be led by You and fulfill Your Kingdom, and we pray that our life will be the fulfillment of Your Word by Your power. We have returned a portion of your material blessings to us as offering. We pray that everywhere this offering is used, God’s works will take place and people will be saved. We pray that You will work with the answer of the economy of light upon all of the hands that have given this offering in faith, for missions and evangelism, future generations, and temple construction. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

God, we thank You. 

In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to hold onto the covenant of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection on the cross, live for the kingdom of God by the filling of the Holy Spirit to save the world and the future generations, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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