Giving the Answer in the Field

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Giving the Answer in the Field


You must not evangelize, you must be the evangelist.  You learn to be diligent in the world, but you cannot do God’s Word with diligence.  This is what God does.  Then, I must be the person who goes within this.  If I am not within the works of God, then how can I do this work? 

Evangelist’s Life

It is not a certain kind of life; it is a life receiving answers, but when legalistic people listen to this, they get stressed.  They think, “How can I live this kind of life?  How can I live a diligent life doing evangelism?” That’s how legalistic people receive this.  They perceive it in the opposite direction of the Word of the Bible.  Those are the Jewish people.  That’s why they knew the Word of God and the Bible, but they judged others.


Even we may individually be legalistic as well. What is the reason God gave us the law? The law is a teacher, it’s just a tool to go to Christ, but some people either beat themselves up or they reject the law.  Jews. It seems they know so much about God’s Word but they don’t.  They must receive the law to go to Christ but they nitpick, “Am I right or wrong? Am I following or not?” It’s a process, it’s not always like this.

One day, you realize the gospel. Do you think you know the gospel? It’s not that the gospel is simple, but it isn’t. I’m evidence of this.  I didn’t grow up hearing the gospel from the beginning, I’m a person who listened to the complete gospel regardless of my nature.  I have not lived a religious life, following a religious organization, but I heard the gospel and accepted it as-is.  That’s me.  But regardless, I still have legalism from my unbeliever days.  The more an unbeliever tries to live an upright life, the more they rely on legalism. It’s the same for people who go to church, for legalistic people.  If they live a haphazard life, it doesn’t matter if they live this way or that. It won’t work out, but look at how they perceive the gospel. It takes too long for them to be changed and healed because they are so broken down. Whether it’s like this or that, it doesn’t matter.

Field, Answer

Jesus Christ, Salvation, Field

The characteristic of those who cannot relay the answer in the field, even though they have grace and the gospel, they do not know the field. If I know the gospel correctly, then of course, my eyes to see the field naturally open.  In what state did I receive the gospel?  There are some people who say, “I received the gospel because I have cancer,” and such people can never evangelize.  They boast of other people, “I was healed with the gospel from mental illness,” they cannot evangelize. 

Answer – Problem

What is evangelism? Is it bringing them to church?  Sharing the gospel and them being joyful in Christ is evangelism, but they can’t relay the answer.  Until you can relay the answer, you must relay why you must believe in Jesus Christ and what you’ve been liberated from. Why do I have no choice but to change after believing in Jesus Christ?   Know the fundamental answer.

You’ve received vague grace from God, but I’m within this and salvation, so it doesn’t really touch me. “I received grace and it’s great, I’ve become a child of God,” and we can only say up to this level, “It’s nice to believe in Jesus and go to church.” But they cannot evangelize and give the answer. 


Give the answer of Christ. Imagine if a person in your workplace tells you about their problems.  Then what do people usually say? “I’m still praying for you,” but that’s not giving the answer.  In your heart, you think, “It’d be great for them to come to church,” but you can’t say anything for evangelism.  Why can’t you say anything?  If you have the correct word, you can boldly proclaim it to them, but without the correct answer, you are worried, “What if they’re frustrated or angry with me?” This person came to you with a problem.  Why has this person come to you with this problem?  They told you this problem so you can relay the fundamental problem, the real problem, but you’re not able to relay this even though you go to church, and you try to do this diligently.

If you don’t have the answer but you try to do it diligently, how can you do it?  You just give them a piece of paper and somehow, by chance, they end up coming, but a lot of people around you, relatives, have problems in the field but you don’t relay the answer. But that’s what it means for the pastor to go to seminary to receive evangelism training, but they still can’t evangelize.  It’s not something a seminary or evangelism explosion can solve. This isn’t solved by you memorizing Bible verses and relaying those to other people. This is something so simple, they’re telling you their problem, “Do you know why your problem came?”

But you worry, “If I talk about Satan, that person will be angry with me.” That person is living under the control of Satan, but you talk about other things, beating around the bush.  But you question, thinking about the person’s position instead of their soul.  Your problem comes from sin chaining your spirit and Satan ruling over you, so now, you need the answer of Jesus Christ. But why can’t you say it? It means you don’t know Jesus Christ, because you haven’t heard it from church.

If this person comes to you it means God has allowed them to open up their hearts to you, so you can tell them the real answer and the real Jesus Christ, so you must be the real evangelist.   It’s not like you went to seminary school for a long time and now have to evangelize like a pastor, why is that?

Satan John 8:44

It talks about Satan, the ruler of the kingdom of the air.  You may know this from the Bible, but you don’t have assurance and cannot relay this to unbelievers.  That’s when sin enters, this nature to reject and go against God.

Sin Romans 3:23

All fall short of the glory of God, that’s when we’re separated. 


You live in this state so other problems follow, but it’s difficult for you.  “I don’t have time,” then I’ll talk about it later with you.  As a Christian, you may say, “I pray for you,” but you’re not relaying the answer. “Come to church,” you’re not relaying the answer. Can the person come if they fall into a problem?  But instead, unbelievers think, “I’ll just go to church once my problem is solved, because I have to put on new clothes and makeup before doing so.” What’s worse is for believers, they’re confused, “Oh, I’ll pray for you,” it’s just at that level. You’re not able to give the answer even to believers.  Why?  That person has received salvation, and you can only say, “I’ll pray for you”?

This must be healed.  The person may even be a pastor’s kid, but you become more afraid when a person believed since birth, but you’re not able to give the answer.  For believers, they come with a problem, and they’re not able to solve their problem?  This spiritual problem cannot be solved . Through prayer, you can earn more money or be healed of disease, and this happens in religion, but their spiritual problems cannot be solved.  They’re seized by Satan, under Satan’s control, but you cannot discern this or give them the answer.

I’ve said this for many years.  “How can believers come?” It’s not possible.  That’s why it can’t be solved.  This person is facing this problem being possessed by evil spirits. “This person is a pastor,” do pastors not have evil spirits or scars? You don’t have any of this, so you cannot save them.  That’s why you must know the spiritual things and spiritual problems to give the answer.

That’s why, whether you’re at work or in the field, research people.  Don’t make useless relationships, but make them to save them.  To hear about them, say your things first. If you only talk about water prices, then you can’t say anything, and that individual has nothing else they want to say. God attached that person to you to save them, but you don’t do it.  I’m not talking about you, but this is out of pity for the current state of the field. 

That’s why I ask them, “What kind of religion do you serve?” “I’m a Christian.”  A long time ago, I used a method, “I cannot solve this problem either,” and for me, I talk about this example a lot, it’s a spiritual problem and I always woke up angry, even without having something to be angry about, that’s what it meant to be possessed by evil spirits.  In the past, I lived diligently and put in a classy effort, but these are problems I cannot solve on my own.  These are my stories to share with others.

“That’s when I met Jesus Christ and became liberated.”  Are you not angry or frustrated anymore? “It’s not God all the way, but people know that. What does it mean? Other people have hope regarding their spiritual problems.  You must have a story, otherwise your spiritual problem isn’t solved even though you’re saved.

You must be the evangelist, the one who has the evidence of the gospel to evangelize.  If you’re saying, “I dislike salvation,” that’s just like, “you can receive salvation but you cannot receive this answer.”  When you hear this, do you think about a person who lives a very rough life, but you think they have potential?  You need to diagnose and relay this problem to them.  You’re not doing great because they changed all of a sudden, but you’re in the process of healing, so you must relay the fundamental problem.  But a characteristic of legalistic people is, “How can they evangelize and live like that?’ They think they can only evangelize 30-40 years later after their rough edges are carved smoothly.

For example, this person comes and accepts Christ. The correct problem and correct answer is relayed, and I evangelize with this. Such people exist around you, right? I can’t meet them but this person is meeting them,” relay this problem to them and share the answer with them.  But they don’t know how to pray?  They have the answer to the problem, but there are some people who think, “Rather than me telling you, I’ll send someone.”

Why is this possible for such people?  It can’t happen if you think it’s nice to evangelize or go to church. You used to be in this state,  but you have been liberated through Christ, and that’s salvation.  As time passes, you don’t evangelize after you’re healed, but you have already been liberated from the fundamental problems.  Or you can share this answer with me and we can meet up in my room.  You don’t have this, but onetime with this person, one time with that, but there’s no possibly o continuation.  But if I did something wrong with the unbeliever, or among your friends, or your colleagues, or classmates. If God attached you this long together, God has a plan.

You must be that one person who can relay that answer.  Through that person, see the field behind them, and form a team.  If this person isn’t able to relay the answer to this person or the other side.  We continuously talk about healing, but healing is something God does . Through that person, you continuously give them the answer.  They are unbelievers, surrounded by unbelievers . They talk about the six states of the unbeliever, and it applies to them and also the others. 

If you share this with them, they don’t go out, so evangelism doesn’t take place.  So what’s important is, whether you’re an evangelist.  When your eyes open, you can do Biblical evangelism, otherwise you think all guys are the same. Even if you’re by yourself, God will do evangelism through you.  Without this, you think it’s pointless because you think, “They can just come to church and hop on.”  I’m thinking of going to collage.

But if that person has mind whom they want to evangelize to, then I will go because that is the Upper Room. I’m determining whether this is the time when Worship and Word of  God. One day, they will come to me,’ I have, that is when I will go to the field.

If this person cannot worship or sitting there, I grow evangelism thinking It’s as soon as school hasn’t started school.  There’s Rise Kohyang middle and high school. We ask, “We will be there at school at this time; bring out your children,” or, “We’ll be at this specifically pray with the Word, Steve, Chris, Carlos, and Jacob are so precious. Those who cannot be focused this way will only see them legalistically so evangelism cannot take place.

But for evangelists, the children seem … set a time to receive this answer.  If you try to go to people to relay this answer, it won’t continue. Whether they go to church or not, people must continuously receive strength ad nurturing.  Once you set this time and location, when you see someone who needs to receive this answer. You can come whenever you need to.  “But pastor, I’m very shy,” then do it with them.

That is how, through virtual services, we can connect to people in Africa and Karin.  We have this mission.  We’re supposed to talk about the mission but this is talking about the mission.  That problem is something the mother suffers from obedience, you’re a person who can’t evangelize, If I’m someone who evangelists in the field, I must request it.  I worked more diligently than you for them.

For evangelism to not take place, This is the evangelism one. I just have so much pity for the field and it a training g a When you’re today.  I was also like this, too. Others were frustrated, but for me, those people who are frustrated by me cannot say anything because they also didn’t have the answer.  When I went to training camp, a teacher talked.

According to God’s answer, may this be your answer.

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