Give Peace That The World Does Not Have (John 14:25-31)

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.” The title of today’s message is, “Give Peace That The World Does Not Have.” People in the world say that they are living to be happy, but what exactly is happiness? Some people say that happiness is always having peace in your heart. In today’s scripture, before Jesus Christ is about to die on the cross, He tells His disciples, “I am going somewhere that you cannot come,” and it says that the disciples were troubled in their heart. Then Jesus Christ told them, “Do not let your hearts be troubled; do not be afraid,” and then He says, “For I will send you the Holy Advocate,” and then He says, “My peace I give to you.”
1. My peace
1) Peace not of this world
(1) Peace of Jesus Christ
The peace we’re talking about in the Bible is the peace that the Lord gives us. This is a peace that does not exist in the world.
(2) My I give you (Jn. 14:27)
(3) Do not let your hearts be troubled, Do not be afraid (Jn. 14:27)
Then He says, “My peace I leave with you; do not let your hearts be troubled, do not be afraid.” So, believing in Jesus Christ is receiving this peace, maintaining that peace, and relaying that peace.
2) Peace that the world gives
(1) My worldly strength
(2) My physical strength
(3) My mental strength
When people in the world say that they have peace, whether they’re happy, there is a standard with which they say that. In other words, when things are going the way that they think things should go, they say they are happy and peaceful, “If this is what I wanted, then I like it.” Or, someone has some kind of power in the world, whether it’s worldly power or money, they say that they have peace, and people who are very philosophical, they are at peace when the world seems to be aligned with their philosophies and their ideas. So, the only thing the world can give you is when things are aligned with your standards, and you agree with how it’s happening. You need to always have money at the ready. The world tells you that you can only enjoy peace if you have power.
3) Religious peace
(1) My efforts – Prayer, Chant
So, it’s easy for us to misunderstand, because sometimes you look at an nonbeliever’s face, and even though they don’t believe in Jesus, their face looks more peaceful, but what that really means is that, “I’m not really able to enjoy the peace the Lord gives me.” If I’m able to enjoy the peace the Lord gives me, I will be able to tell the difference very quickly, but there are some people who say that this religious person has peace. A religious person prays so diligently just to get whatever they want, and when they work really hard to pray, they feel more peaceful.
(2) Empty myself – Transcendental meditation
Sometimes, people empty their hearts. Because they have emptied their hearts, their burden feels lighter. People have to concentrate on something in order to empty themselves, but what’s important and dangerous that we have to remember, Matthew 12:43-45 says that if you empty yourself, you can be filled with even more evil spirits, but people keep trying to empty themselves of their greed.
(3) Training to rid of greed
That’s what a lot of religions emphasize, they tell you to focus on one thing and to get rid of all your greed, then they say, “You will gain something that does not exist in the world.” You can see that in a lot of unmarried monks. If you ever get married, there is some comfort to that because you don’t have to take care of a family or children, and for these monks and these nuns, they don’t have to get so afflicted by raising a child going through puberty, which is no easy matter. So, for them, all they have to worry about is themselves and raising their own spirituality. So, they say, “oh, I’m peaceful because I don’t have a house, I don’t have to worry about kids, I don’t have to worry about eating,” then tell them to come down to earth and get married. Tell that monk to find peace in marriage. For us, we live in this world, but we must live with the peace that the Lord gives us. There are so many different things that are happening in the world, but we are holding onto the peace that the Lord gives us.
2. Way to have peace
Believing in Jesus Christ means that you have this peace and you enjoy this peace. Romans 14:17 says that the Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but it is righteousness, peace, and joy. That means that believing in Jesus Christ is peace. Joseph was sold as a slave, so the environment or the present reality may have been very difficult, but there was something else inside of that, because inside of that situation, the Holy Spirit, the Lord, was with Joseph. King Saul was chasing after David for years, trying to kill him, and it was such a difficult situation for David, but because David was filled with the holy spirit, David said, “The LORD is my Shepherd, I lack nothing.” David said, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for the LORD is with me,” and that’s because he has the peace that comes from the Lord; he doesn’t find it from the world. So, if you believe in Jesus Christ, it means you have and enjoy this peace. The important thing is not whether you come to church to get peace; you have peace by believing in Jesus Christ. There are people who have gone to church ever since they were little kids, but it’s possible they don’t believe in Jesus Christ; they just go to church, back and forth.
If you have this true peace, it means you are set free from all of your past scars because if we have peace, it means that at least, we are set free from our past scars. Every person can receive scars, especially most often, a lot of children are scarred inside of the family. The parents don’t remember very often, because the parents won’t even remember the good things they’ve done. Subconsciously, they are relaying their own spiritual problems to their children, but the parents are unaware that they’re doing this, but the only thing the children remember are the scars they’ve received, so every single person can get a scar. If you do get a scar, then in that area of your life, you will not develop or mature normally. That’s why there’s so much anger inside of you regarding that.
When you have that uncontrollable anger, it means you’ve got a scar about it. Not only is there anger; the Bible tells us that Satan uses that as a foothold. Eph. 4:26-27 says that, “Be careful, do not let the sun set on your anger and in your anger, do not sin.” So, yes, everybody can get angry, but what does it mean “Do not sin in your anger?” It means, “Quickly turn back to God so that Satan does not control you in your anger.” If you keep on thinking and mulling over the scars you’ve received, Satan will go into your thoughts and seize and control you, just as he did to Judas Iscariot. If that scar just comes into us once, Satan will use that again and again to explode and control our lives. But the individual thinks it’s the other person who tried to pick on me, but that other person just said something without thinking about it, but for that individual, they have a scar, so even if the words are normal without any mean intention, they still get hurt by it.
When Satan works upon that scar and triggers it, you’ll get angry ten times or a hundred times as much. That’s how all of these shootings and mass killings happen. But that is a result that happened a long time ago, inside of their family when they were growing up. A lot of people try to marry somebody who understands my scars and understands me, but no one can understand. We were only able to comfort each other momentarily because that person was also scarred and they understand their scars. But then the devil uses that to completely control this family.
So what does it mean to believe in Jesus Christ? It means you escape from your scars and you have peace. If you don’t have this, then you have to have fake peace by drinking alcohol or doing drugs. Or people keep trying to change their environment because it momentarily makes them feel better, they change their hairstyle because at least, they feel new, and they always have to get new, different clothes, or a new house, and they think, “I suffer because I’m over here, so I’ going to take a trip or a vacation,” so moment by moment, they keep trying to enjoy the feeling of having their problems being taken care of, because they go on a trip for a moment. Yes, that might work, but it’s very temporary, very brief because the fundamental problem is that you have to receive peace. Then, how can we receive peace?
1) The Advocate, the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:26)
In today’s scripture, Jn. 14:26, Jesus Christ says, “The Advocate, the holy Spirit whom the father will send in my Name,” so how does the Holy Spirit come?
(1) Sent by the Father (Jn. 14:26)
(2) Sent in Jesus’s name (Jn. 14:26)
(3) Given to those who believe in Jesus
God the Father sends the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. Hearing this, the Orthodox church says, “Oh, the Holy Spirit is sent by God the Father,” but then the Western Orthodox Church says, “No, the Holy Spirit is sent by God the Father and Jesus Christ together and they’re actually still fighting about that. It says very clearly here that the Holy Spirit is centered, given by the Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ. But who is the Holy Spirit given to? It is given to the one who believes in Jesus Christ.
Why does this Holy Spirit come to us? In the Old Testament, God gave the laws and Ten Commandments on a stone tablet and told them to obey it, but we don’t have the ability to keep the law, and the reason is because we are sinners, we don’t have the strength or ability to live righteously. After Adam and Eve sinned against God, all people have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; this is what the Bible tells us.
2) New covenant
(1) I will put my law in their minds (Jer. 31:33)
(2) And write it on their hearts (Jer. 31:33)
Because of that Original Sin, God says, “This is not going to work,” and that’s why in Jer. 31:33, “I will write my Word on their hearts, I will make a covenant directly with them, so that means if the law is outside of our mind and hearts it’s not going to work at all. A sinner is not aligned with God, a sinner is somebody that does every single thing that is opposite to what God wants. Even if somebody’s thoughts are so classy and renowned, if they are a sinner, it is not aligned with God. So, a sinner sins. And we must acknowledge the fact that we were all sinners from the moment we were born. If we do not acknowledge that we are sinners then there is no need for us to have Christ. Then, let’s say even if by God’s grace, you do receive salvation, there is something you think is more right or righteous inside of you. God says, “That is like a filthy rag,” so these people who think that there is something righteous inside of them slowly judge the people in the church, “I will do it better than that, or this person is worse than me,” and they keep raising up their own righteousness, but the more they assert themselves, the more they say they don’t need Jesus.
The Bible says, “Only the patients need doctors,” but that person thinks they’re healthy but of course they don’t need Jesus. That person thinks, even without Jesus Christ, I have my own sense of righteousness, I know what’s good or bad, and, “I don’t need Jesus,” But actually, fundamentally, we were born with an essence and a nature that opposes and rejects God. No matter how renowned, how correct, how just your thoughts are, it is not aligned with God, ever, that is why God sent Jesus Christ on the cross, and then He says, “I will put my Law on their minds and write it onto their hearts.”
(3) Through Christ Jesus, the Law of the Spirit of life (Rom. 8:2)
That’s what Rom 8:2 The Law of the Spirit of Life, but for us, we live without the law of God we try to follow our own rules. But what is my law? If it’s good for me, it’s good; that’s my law. If I don’t like it, I don’t like it; that’s my law, but that is the law of Sin and Death. It’s not about being aligned with me; it’s about being aligned with God. For human beings, there is no way for us to do that, and that’s why God had to come himself to die on the cross and take all of the curses and disasters of our sin for us. Then Jesus Christ must overcome death and sin, He must come into us as our life and as our light. Then, I will live my life under the law of the spirit of life, under His reign and control; that is the life that saves us, and that’s what Jesus is promising to give.
3) Holy Spirit
(1) Will teach you all things (Jn. 14:26)
When this Holy Spirit comes to you, then He will teach you all things. “Teach you all things” means everything in your life. You need to have the attitude and the posture to learn in order for you to learn from God, and then, Jesus says “The Holy Spirit will remind you of everything I said to you, because they listened to what Jesus had to say but the disciples really didn’t understand much like us. So what is worship? Worship is when the Word of God comes into our spirit by the work of the Holy Spirit. The person who receives their spirit has victory in their worship. We need to have the spiritual victory in order for the physical victory to follow later. If we gain physical success without having the spiritual victory, then we will fail spiritually. In other words, you only have physical victory but you’ve never had peace in your heart, then the Bible tells us that the wealthy people will have a hard time sleeping. However, we are seated here and if we have victory in worship and we receive the word of God and his peace, then all of our success will be used by God. During this time of worship, if the Holy Spirit works to give the Word of Jesus Christ into our hearts deeply, that Word will be fulfilled through the rest of my week however, even if you were sitting here in worship, if the Holy Spirit doesn’t place the word of Jesus Christ into your hearts, then even though you are sitting here that is a failed worship. The Word of Christ must be established within me to have his peace. I’m in all these situations and circumstances and the Holy Spirit has to give me the accurate word as his answer for me to understand and have peace. That is why John 4 says that we must worship in spirit and in truth.
(2) Will remind you of everything I have said to you (Jn. 14:26)
Then, the work of the Holy Spirit must take place, and when the Holy Spirit works, He will teach you all things and remind you of all things. That’s how I receive peace. I hope you will have victory in worship no matter what. That’s happiness. Being able to communicate with God? That is happiness, then you will also have a happy connection with other people. There are people who’ve gone to church for a long time but it doesn’t matter because you must have victory in worship. In order to do that, you have to focus and try to hear God’s voice. There is a characteristic of people who have gone to church for a very long time but they don’t have peace. They never try to receive God’s word with our heart, they try to receive it with their brain, we can kind of understand, but if I can’t understand it, then I reject it, and actually, that person is their own god, so that’s why they suffer and receive no peace. However, if I try to listen to God’s Word, it means that I love God.
(3) Prayer – Answer in the word, Peace
If you love somebody, then your actions change. If there are any people who love money more than they love God, then everything in their life is centered on making money. Their prayers and decisions in everything in their lives are about money because that is what they love, then the Bible says, “You will suffer,” the people who love themselves, they say my thoughts are correct. The Word of God is true, but you think that your thoughts are true, but what is your standard of correct or incorrectness? It’s correct to you, but the person you’re talking to their correct from their perspective. So, these conflicts, these fights, these arguments and this suffer happens because people love themselves more than they love God’s word, and they say “I need this, I’m never going to let thighs go,” and that would be fine if they were God, but they don’t have no love to even think about what,” What does God want? A Christian asked, “What does the Holy Spirit of God tell me about this?” Not my experience, God’s word. Then, when the Word of God is established, that is when I have peace in my heart. That’s how I receive answers, that’s our walk of faith.
“I memorized so much of God’s Word,” that’s not the point. “I’ve never missed a worship”? That’s not the point. Because the Word of God goes into you, you’ll naturally memorize it; and because worship is an answer to you, you’ll naturally receive answers and there’s nobody who can overcome somebody whose receive answers who’s you know what the word of God says, so you hold onto the Word of God and save everybody, everything. God says my thoughts are different from your thoughts, but we think something is only right if we agree with it, you don’t know who you are. You think that your thoughts are right, but what about God’? You need to ask God, “What does God say?” That is a person who loves God. God says that David was a man after God’s own heart, what does that mean? It means he doesn’t have his own standards. He only had God’s standard so that person had ono pray. If you’re not able to pray it means you think your own thoughts a lot, that’s why you need to pray, because they think so deeply and so much, they get mental problems. Hard labor, physical labor doesn’t cause depression. Have you ever seen a blue collar worker with depression? Have you ever seen laborers and farmers have depression? Depression goes to the people who use their brain a lot. Because they are the center of their own universe and they’re spinning all of their thoughts of course they go crazy. Because they are the center of the universe, if something doesn’t go the way I think it should, I try to cut it out of my life.
Then, people don’t actually have peace; they are filled with rage, they have spiritual problems and mental problems, and they have no choice but to enter into war and destruction. We don’t have the power to save. 1 Corinthians 15:45 says that “Abraham was the first fruit” it says that Adam has the first fruits and God made mankind out of dirt. Then it says that God breathed his breath of life into Adam’s nostrils and then Mankind became a living being, it means that we are spirit that is living. Then, we are communicating and connecting with a God Who is Spirit. Animals did not receive the living breath of God, so they cannot communicate with God, they do not have a Spirit. When does that living breath die? That light dies when we sin by being tempted by Satan. Then they are now in a state that is completely controlled by Satan. In that kind of state, how could a person ever save themselves or anybody else? The final Adam, the second Adam is Jesus Christ He is the One Who saves. Jesus Christ is the spirit that saves, that, by Jesus Christ dying on the cross and resurrecting, to all of those who believe. Then, how can we receive and enjoy this peace? And how can we relay it to others? There is even a way to relay it as well, and God has prepared the way to relay it through HIs Word.
So, if you evangelize however you want, that’s not right because there is a way and your job or career has to go together in that way. Then, your job will be used by God. But people try to do their job well. Then they will not be aligned with God. So they keep on saying, “I believe in God I believe in Jesus” But you’re never aligned with him. Doing well is not the goal, being aligned with God is the goal. Then, your business, your studies have to be aligned with God and the work He’s doing. and for the people who have lost hold of this may you begin anew, but when people come to church, they are under a misconception, “God is going to bless me,” yes, He will, but you ended to know the way God bless you. You don’t know anyway God is working or blessing, and you just do whatever you want.
God has given each and every individual their own talents. Then, God gave us the talent that he works to develop that talent into a specialization, and gives you a job to use that talent to save the world. But if people study so diligently without receiving the peace of God, then they will no longer have peace later on, and money in successful problems will not give you peace; it will only gives you anxiety. The devil controls and deceives the world, people can never give you peace. Why do you keep relying on people and try to get peace from people? It’s not there. If you go all the way as far as you can and they still don’t fit with you, you have to say “No,” that’s what a sinner is. The reason why people keep getting divorce or separation is because that person doesn’t agree with everything. Of course they shouldn’t be like you, they need to seek what God wants, what God’s plan is, because He is the Judge. If you live something or someone, it means you are the person who loves the Lord.
Inside of us, we should not have anything we love more or enjoy than the LORD, that peace is broken. For us, we need to make it so that through Jesus Christ, only the Triune God is at the center of our lives, then you receive His peace. This is something we can all have, then even if you lack something, you’re not lacking because you have peace. Even if I die, I’m not dying; I will enjoy this peace forever, and Nobody can take it from you. This is what the goal of believing what Jesus Christ is like. Its’ the peace that follows your faith. The emotion for us is also happiness, and then the righteousness of God is revealed in us. It’s not my righteousness; it is the righteousness of God. People who are really prioritizing fairness cannot handle it when they see injustice. That’s what the world is mostly like though, but what is the righteousness of God? God cannot handle seeing Satan deceiving people with fake peace. The righteousness of God is wanting to tell people that is a lie. And that’s God’s righteousness in us.
People of the world say, “This person is so righteous or fair,” but that’s just their standard, and then the people of the world will look at a righteous person and say, “Oh, they’re a hero.” but that’s just their leader. The righteous of God is different, yes it might include people as heroes but it’s not like that. When God sees Satan destroying and killing people with fake happiness, God cannot stand it. So, we act, we tell them that Satan is wrong, that is the righteousness of God. For that purpose, Jesus died on the cross; for that purpose, Jesus studied and work. That is how we live a righteous life. So do not fight with fake righteousness. If you look at a legalistic person or a religious person.
3. Way to share peace
There is a way to now relay this peace, because if I try to relay it, it will ever work. There is another way that it is relayed, in other words, there is another way that our lives must walk.
1) Jesus Christ
(1) It is finished (Jn. 19:30)
First, that Jesus Christ finished everything on the cross. Those words, “it is finished,” has to really enter into you. If you believe in Jesus Christ, then it means those words go into you; you must find those words believable. But if you don’t really know what these words mean, or you still really go to church when you don’t really fully believe in those words, then you’re going down the wrong path, and on that path, in the wrong way, all of these things keep happening. Then all of these things will just take away your peace.
What does it mean when Jesus said “it is finished”? I was born as a sinner and I committed sins, but Jesus Christ died on the cross, taking the practice of all of my sins, that’s the only way I can communicate with God, and then He resurrected, He overcame death. That Lord is now living within me as His Holy Spirit and as life. In other words, I died on the cross with Christ, I am no longer “me,” the scars of my past are not me; they are no longer me. The new “me” is Christ living within me as my life and Lord. You need to know this from the beginning and believe in it, but it’s hard to believe. You can still receive God’s grace and salvation, but what misconception will you always fall into? The “you” that’s dead will keep crawling in other words, your own standards keep crawling back up. If this is no longer meeting my standards, they fall short, then instead of the Lord being your Master, you become your lord again, then life Israelites so hard.
(2) A new creation (2Cor. 5:18)
(3) The resurrected Lord lives in me (Gal. 2:20)
2 Cor. 5:18, we have been changed into a new creation. Unless I completely change myself, I have no hope. Only when you acknowledge this by God’s grace will your walk of faith become normalized and corrected. This is what it means to deny yourself. You have to acknowledge that every single thing you think is not aligned with God, and everything you do leads you down a path of destruction and death. if you knew that this was the case, you’d throw it away quickly. I need to follow the Way of the LORD inside of me. Once you’re able to hear and recognize the Holy Spirit, then you receive strength. That strength is not the strength of the world; with the power of the word, you cannot maintain peace; you cannot do anything. If you have the power of the world, then you’re just going to do a high class drug or high class corruption. The corruption is still corruption; you’re still not aligned with God.
2) Holy Spirit
(1) Filling – Strength (Ac. 1:8)
We must receive the power of the filling of the Holy Spirit given by God. The Holy Spirit dwells within me, but I have to ask Him to completely fill and seize me. When I was younger, my uncles were drinking and they had me try some rice wine. Because my uncle gave it to me, I drank it, and because I was getting a little tipsy, they thought it was so funny so they made me drink more, and because I was just a little kid, Idol worship as falling over and my tongue was tied, it was funny for them to see, they gave me more. If you get drunk, then the alcohol controls you. If you get high on drugs, you’re controlled by the ecstasy the drug gives you. If somebody is seized by gambling, when we’re coming back, they’re often broke, but on the way to gambling they feel an incomparable joy just by the thought of winning. So, for that person, they’ve experienced the filling of joy when they gamble, and for people who don’t understand, if you’ve ever really liked someone, you’re thinking of him or thinking of her. That’s what it means to be filled, but we must be filled with the Holy Spirit. “May the Holy Spirit completely seize my thoughts and Spirit.” You can receive the filling of the Holy Spirit if you know the reason why you need it. You can only receive the filling of the Holy Spirit if you recognize that you can’t do this on your own. If you think that you’re okay even without that, then you’re not going to ask for it.
If someone is very smart or well-educated, they rely on the power of their education, so they do not think they need the power of the Holy Spirit, but their spiritual strength is just withered away, but if you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, then you receive the power to overcome the world. Inside of the power of the filling of the Holy Spirit comes the wisdom to run your business, the manpower, the economy and finances, it all starts from that spiritual strength. Everything that comes from anything else is cheating. Then, without a doubt, that thing will steal my peace and steal my spirit. Jesus Christ says, “Anything that has come before Me is a robber and a thief,” whatever comes must come as a result of the filling of the Spirit of Jesus Christ in order for it to be right, and you need to know this way. You don’t even know this way and you think,” I just have to do something”? Of course not, then not only are you speaking out of spiritual ignorance, but ignorance of the world and people as well. You have to be aligned with God, that’s why you ask for the Holy Spirit to work in and fill you, then you will receive power. I may not be the US President, but I can control spiritually, that’s a spiritual summit. I may not be a politician, but I am a spiritual summit of this region. That was Joseph. He went as a slave and even though he was a slave to Potiphar who was the captain of the guard or security for the Pharaoh, Joseph was higher than Potiphar, and that’s how everything was moved around based on the prayer of Joseph. That’s you and me.
(2) Guidance of Holy Spirit – To the ends of the earth
So, believing in Jesus Christ is not a simple, small thing. Everything in our lives is contained within Jesus, the way where success is bound to follow us is within Christ. But if people believe in Jesus Christ inaccurately or vaguely, they try to mimic the form. Even right at this moment, if you know the reason why you need to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit and ask God for it, then He will give it to you even now, then he said, “Until the ends of the earth,” meaning, you can be led by the Holy Spirit, step by step. There is a way for you to be okay even if no one helps you. There is a way to be okay even if there’s nothing in your hands.
(3) Witness – Save lives
You will be My witness, a witness to what? A witness who has and enjoys peace, because the world does not have that peace, and that is why when Jesus Christ sent His disciples to evangelize in Matthew 10, and He says to ask them if they have peace. Then if they receive that peace, then that peace will be upon them. But if they reject that peace, then the peace you gave to that family will come back to you. Then, He said, “If there’s a household that rejects your peace, do not look back a second time, but dust off your sandals and leave.” If you offer to give them peace and they reject it, then turn away from them. However, if they do ask to give your peace, then testify of Christ and peace will be upon their household.
We are the people who have the greatest value and treasure on earth, then we can relay it to other people as a gift. If you know this, there’s no reason to be so cowardly because I’m helping that person, but if you don’t know this then people become so cowardly. Peace is more valuable and precious than trillions of dollars, and I can relay that to people for free. Then, you need to do so with boldness; if they don’t want it, great, fine. But there are people who do receive it. If your thoughts are centered on relaying this peace to every single person in your life, then your studies will open because of that, your business, your entire life will open up this way for this purpose, to relay peace.
But people always ask, “How can I study well? How can I get a good spouse? How can I work well or become successful?” It doesn’t matter how, “There is no “how,” and even if you do find a “how,” it’s wrong. There is one way. If you pray, asking God, “How can I relay the peace of Jesus Christ to the people around me, then God will tell you how. Joseph was praying, “How can I change all of Egypt and relay this peace to all surrounding nations, and God made him the governor. Especially for people who are studying or working, I hope you will realize that everything else is futile, a wasted effort. That’s like somebody having beginner’s luck. You have to go in the way of God. If you continuously pray, “How can I use my job or business to give peace to those around me,” then you will continue to receive answers, then God will move your business and joy because He’s the reason why God is making you study. So there’s no reason to read the self-help books of the word on,” How to succeed “
3) God’s kingdom
(1) My background – Throne of heaven
Now, we have the background of the Kingdom of God. Whenever we pray, God mobilizes His heavenly armies of angels to answer wherever we are. That means that I can be sitting right here, but when I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, God will send, from the Throne of heaven, His angels and armies to work in Hollywood. You can be sitting right here, but if you pray in the name of Jesus Christ to relay the peace of Jesus Christ in the business field, God will answer and send His angels now. Worship time is not a waste of time, or taking away your time; it’s actually the greatest way to save time, but if people grow up not knowing this, they’re going to say, “I don’t have time to study, I actually need time to go hang out with my friends,” It’s because they don’t know, it’s because their thoughts are so limited by space and time, but if you pray in the name of Jesus Christ God works seated at the throne of heaven, working beyond time and space.
(2) Prayer – Transcend time and space – Army of heaven
(3) Unprecedented and never repeated answer
So even before I go anywhere, God already did the work. That’s what happens during this time of worship and this time of prayer. Then, the center focus of everything in your life is worship and prayer, and we must always hold onto the direction of giving this peace to other people and saving them. If we’re always thinking about that, God will guide us, step by step, and in the midst of that, God will give you the wisdom to take your business down the right path. Then, you’re bound to receive the unprecedented and never-repeated answers.
The more you believe, the more you see God’s way and forward path. When you didn’t know this, you just thought “I have to work really hard and try really hard,” that’s laughable. Think about when you go fishing, it’s not about how hard you try to fish; you have to know where the fish are, you have to know what kind of fish lives in this water, and based on the types of fish , what type of lure to use, that’s how you need to cast your line, and that’s what believing Jesus Chris is like.
So people are thinking, “Well if I just try really hard, and I cast this line for 24 hours, don’t you think I’ll get a nibble?” No, the fish won’t even bite. That’s someone who tries hard with their own diligence but Jesus Christ says, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life;” there’s another way. There’s another way for your job, there’s a specific way to live in this world, set apart. When you’re actually armored with this and you go out into the world, you will no longer chase the world, the world will follow you. May you enjoy and testify of this blessing.
1. Prayer in everything – Answer
2. Relay peace to all people
3. Ambassador of Christ who changes all cultures
Message Prayer
Let us pray together holding onto the Word we have received.
1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer
2. Hollywood camp – Temple
3. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch
Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, guidance, working, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all the people of God, especially the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to have, enjoy, and testify of the peace that comes from Christ, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen.