Get to Know God More to Truly Love Him and Testify His Word (Deut. 4:1-14)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Get to Know God More to Truly Love Him and Testify His Word (Deut. 4:1-14)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

We will share the grace of God today with Deuteronomy 4.  Deuteronomy is the content of Moses’ final lecture. And this is one area where Moses is confirming the covenant God is going to fulfill through the next generations. And starting from chapter 5 and onwards, God is telling them once they go into the land of Cannan, the laws and commands by which they must live. This contains the meaning that the Israelites will be blessed if they follow these words and cursed by God if they disobey these words, so Deuteronomy is the repetition of words that God has already given for the sake of the next generations and that was the completion of Moses’ mission. 

Who is God? And how can we know God? We try to live by God’s will but how can we do that? In the Old Testament, how did the Israelites who had exodus from Egypt have a good life? Is God someone who just comes down like lightning randomly? In order for you to know, believe and follow God well, you must know who He is. God is spirit, and God is Word, and God is our savior, these are the things God is. 

We have to have a relationship with this invisible God, but how can we do that? Can we have a relationship with him through our emotion, feelings through prayer or can we have that relationship with our good actions? God has a relationship with us through His Word, so anything that’s not His Word has nothing to do with God. Then to what extent does God move with his word? Do you think God is moving only inside of the churches or moving the entire world? You have to know that in order to see how you need to live inside the church and outside the world. 

And let us read today’s main scriptures through those questions. Deuteronomy 4:1 says, “Now Israel, listen to the decrees and laws I’m about to teach you.” Moses is taking the word God gave to him and is repeating it for the sake of the next generations because the first generation had all passed away. This is how you may live. So you can only live if you follow the decrees and laws given to us. Follow them so that you may live and go in and take possession of the land the Lord God is giving you. God gives us the decrees and laws. 

Therefore, God reveals himself through his word and allows us to live following his word. So what is that standard of blessings? This blessing is “Am I going before God’s word?” A curse is going further from God’s word. People say their standard of whether they are cursed or blessed is through the material possessions they have, but the word of God, the Bible, never says that. “Oh I look at this person’s actions and he seems blameless morally and ethically,” but God never speaks like that. 

God never says that, but in the Old Testament he says, “If you live keeping my laws and decrees, then you will live. And you may take possession of this inheritance.” In verse 2, he says “Do not add to what I command you, do not subtract from it, but keep the commands that the Lord God gives you.” It means do not add to or take away from the word God gave you. There are some people who are adding to God’s word, or are cutting out parts of God’s word because they don’t want to hear it. The word of God is not given in a way that I like, the word of God itself is the standard. God is perfect, and his word is perfect. It doesn’t matter if it makes me feel good or bad, the word of God is the word of God. I am somebody who has to adjust myself to the word of God, it doesn’t matter if it makes me feel good or bad. However, if I know God incorrectly like this with the standard on myself, then I will live my life irrelevant to God’s word. 

In verse 3, “You saw with your own eyes what he did in Mount Peor. The Lord your God destroyed from among you everyone who followed Baal of Peor.” In Numbers, there were things that took place that were sexually immoral. There was a king that kept on trying to curse the Israelites using a false prophet but God refused to curse the Israelites, so later on they used a scheme to send in women to the Israelites to partake in sexually immoral acts and be judged by God. Because of those acts, 24,000 people died because of a skin disease. 

God definitely told us, “Do not participate in idol worship like this.” Because back in those times, in order for you to worship idolatrous idols, they had to have sexual acts with prostitutes, that is, female priestesses. So physically speaking, they had to partake in these immoral acts but spiritually speaking idol worship is sexual immorality against God spirituality. Physical things are lustful, physical acts. Someone that is spiritually immoral will be physically and sexually immoral. And whenever there’s a region in idol worship, they are strong in sexual acts as well. And God is repeating this to the next generation. 

Verse 4 says,”But all of you who held fast to the Lord are still alive today.” Does that mean the first generation wasn’t holding fast to the Lord? Their hearts were separated from him. All of those hundred and thousands of people, their hearts had separated God. God is the Word, so our heart leaving the word is leaving God, and the devil continuously makes us leave the word. That’s why he makes us fall into spiritual and physical sexual immortality. But Moses said, “You held fast,” meaning you remained within God’s Word until now. 

In verse 5, “See, I have taught you decrees and laws as the Lord my God has commanded me, so that you may follow them in the land you are entering to take possession of it.” Simply put, when the Israelites are going to conquer the land of Canaan, they are going in as immigrants, in a land that was king conquered and inhabited by 7 nations and 31 kings. So these nations have been conquering this area for a long time, will they stand still and let the Israelites immigrate? They are invading their land so of course they won’t let the Israelites go. 

In order for the Israelites to live there, they need to have a way of life. And God gave them the Ten Commandments to tell them their way of life cannot be the same as it was in Egypt. God gave it to them, so they could live according to God’s decrees and laws once they go into Cannan. That is a sign of faith in God. And that is the way they lived in Cannan, otherwise how will they live? They would have no choice but to follow the way of idol worshippers of the land of Canaan. God is not only controlling the Israelites but controlling the rest of the world with his word and if the Israelites lose hold of God’s word, then can they have victory? 

How do we have to live our lives to live well in America? A lot of people say we have to work hard. They say you have to try your very best. But as far as I know, the Bible never says that. I don’t think God told the Israelites to try their best in Cannan. Our diligence is just one standard in mankind. But we must not survive with the ways of man because the greatest words mankind can use is human diligence, ethics, and morals. 

“Who acts better, me or you?” It’s all the way people live. But God is telling us that’s not how we must live our lives. We must live by the ways of heaven. If you live following the ways of the world, you’ll be eaten up. The way to live by the ways of heaven is following God’s word. Then the standard of success and failure is if I’m inside of God’s word. If my life is irrelevant to God’s word, that’s a failure. 

But we are so used to thinking on the ways of the land of Canaan and of the world that we think if we have a lot of physical blessing, we are blessed and if we don’t we are cursed. But God did not say that today, he says to follow God’s decrees and laws. And within that, God will give you the possessions of the land of Canaan. 

John 15 says that it’s not about working hard, but if the branches remain attached to the grape vine, it’ll bear fruit. Psalm 1 says that those who meditate on the law day and night will bear fruit in its season, and that’s why the church must be filled to the brim with God’s Word. If the church is filled with people’s words, it’s a curse, and a curse is something that takes away the blessing.  The standard of whether a family is cursed or blessed depends on whether a family is following God’s Word or not.  

Deut. 4:6 says, “Observe them carefully, for this will show your wisdom and understanding to the nations, who will hear about all these decrees and say surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people” So all the non-believer nations of Canaan will recognize this. When the Israelites entered into the land of Canaan that was controlled by 7 nations and 31 kings, how could these people know about God?  When all the unbelievers look at the Israelites – the way they talk, the way they act, the way they teach their kids the word and decrees of God-, they will realize this is a great nation with wise and understanding people; they’re better than us.  

God never told us to move unbelievers by acting very good, because as good as human actions can be, they come from a place without God.  As nice as someone can be, that’s just how nice they can be; this doesn’t bring about God’s blessings. However, when the unbelieving nations saw how you are following God’s words and decree, they will realize, “How are they so great and wise and understanding?”

How are we going to influence the world?  If you think you can influence people by becoming successful, that’s just physically speaking; that cannot save anyone.  Even unbelievers have success, so you shouldn’t think that way. We succeed in order to save other successful people; we don’t become influential because we succeed. Just because your boss says something doesn’t mean they can change how you feel. You can force someone to follow, but you can’t influence someone with power, but we’re under the misconception that non-believers will follow and listen to us if we succeed, but that’s not true.  

There’s a lot of people who criticize and don’t follow the president even though he’s the president, but people just keep changing their standards based on the standards of the world.  On the other hand, if I live following God’s Word, God will work upon His Word, and unbelievers will look on that as evidence.  That’s how our way of life is different. The way that unbelievers live is centered on people, working really hard to try to survive and succeed, but we follow God’s Word. The Word of God is God Himself, it is a light upon our path. The Lord who is the Word of God came to earth in the flesh, and that’s Jesus Christ, that’s why we live following God’s Word.

When we face a problem, we look for God’s Word, and that’s how we find the answer.  God is controlling every single thing, so without a doubt, your problem has an answer in God’s Word.  Hebrews 1:2 says that God controls the entire universe with His Word.  If you don’t know God’s Word, then you don’t know God.  If you succeed without God’s Word, that’s not true success; that’s actually a curse. The Tower of Babel is a curse, no one ever said it was a blessing or success, but a church that is going to collapse is a church that applauds the Tower of Babel movement.

If you look at Noah who built the Ark and your eyes don’t open to say, “Yes, this is the only answer,” then your eyes are already blind.  The true blessing is being able to concentrate everything you have on this “only,” which God is saying everything in his word is talking about.  But the people in that time were all destroyed as they had gone outside of “only.”  

The people God destroyed were always thinking, “Why do we have to be only about the gospel? Why can’t we have fun, get married, and live the best lives we can?” They all got destroyed.  You cannot compare God with anything in the world; He is Only.  The Word of God is not comparable with the words of people, He is Only, and that’s why we only go into God’s Word, following His Word.

Deut. 4:7 says, “These people will say, ‘What other nation is so wise as to have their god’s near them the way the Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to him?’” I’m able to pray to God because I believe that my relationship with God is like a father and a child.  Because our Father God is working through the Spirit to give us answers, unbelievers can look at that evidence, and say, “God is real.”  

That’s why the members of the Early Church held onto Jesus’ words and prayed, and they became witnesses.  It doesn’t mean God gave them anything physical that they could actually see, but they held onto the word and prayed, and God did the work of fulfilling God’s Word, and the early church were able to stand as witnesses of that, to the Jews, the Romans, and the rest of the world.  That’s the way of life we have today, as we live.  

This is what God’s Word says to us, we shouldn’t add something like, “We need to work hard, too. We need to do something on our own.”  Those are the words of people, they think they didn’t do enough, but that’s not what God’s Word says.  Galatians says if you change the Word of God even one degree, you’re already cursed.  Receive God’s Word exactly as it is. Don’t treat the Word of God like some kind of fortune teller like, “I’m going to have a big problem tomorrow, what is the Word going to tell me about that?” Don’t treat the Word of God like He’s some kind of fortune teller or demon, “I’m going to take a big test tomorrow, let’s see what the word of God says about it today?”  

The Word of God is the same, from the past, the present, and the future, for all eternity, it is the same, but there are some people who believe in the Word of God as if they believed in some kind of demon or fortune teller.  “Because the Word of God said this during this week, I think later on this is going to happen.” That’s why we talk about the continuous stream of the Word of God because it’s eternal.  “When I did this, the word of God said that, and when the word of God said this, I did that,” that’s like a demon-worshiping fortune teller.  

You can go to a fortune teller and they will say to do this or that, but that’s not what God does.  God gave us the Word an eternity ago, and we just didn’t realize it until now. If we have a test next week, that’s just what is happening in your life, God is still fulfilling his word exactly the same way.  How is that Word flowing through this week’s Word?  Otherwise, you’re going to keep altering the Word of God in a way that’s similar to someone who worships idols. 

Deut 4:8 says, “And what other nation is so great as to have such righteous decrees and laws as this body of laws I am setting before you today?” The Word of God is good, and when we follow GOd’s Word, then His righteousness comes upon us.  I’m not trying to live a righteous or just life, but when I follow the words of God, my life naturally changes that way. How can we live righteous lives? Only Jesus Christ is righteous, God only looks at Jesus Christ as righteous.  But if you misunderstand these words, you keep thinking you’re doing something righteous, that’s a misunderstanding.

Deut. 4:9 says, “Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.”  Be careful and watch your heart so that you never forget the things your eyes have seen and let them slip from your heart  and teach them to your children and to their children. Yes, as parents, we may have to nag about the physical things. However, if we’re not able to relay the Word of God to our children, it doesn’t matter how elite of an upbringing we give them; if they’re separated from the Word of God, that’s a curse. 

The Bible says that if you relay the Word of God to a child, God will reward you 1000 times.  But what about on the other hand? If someone encourages other people to be separated from God’s Word and to not believe in God’s Word, God will curse their family line for three to four generations. 

Deut. 4:10 says, “Remember the day you stood before the LORD your God at Horeb, when he said to me, ‘Assemble the people before me to hear my words so that they may learn to revere me as long as they are in the land and may teach them to their children.’” This is the Word God gave to Moses before He gave the 10 Commandments.  In Exodus 19:4-6, God said to Moses, “You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.”  When you were in Egypt, you saw how I brought you out through the 10 curses and the curse of the firstborn, and I submerged the entire Egyptian army in the Red Sea and brought you out with wings of eagles.  It means you’ve seen how it doesn’t matter how much a nation controls the entire world; they will be controlled back and forth by God’s Word.

Ex. 19:5 says, “All the world is Mine,” the whole world belongs to God.  Even when we’re destroyed, God is the One who destroys us, and whenever someone succeeds, God brings them to succeed.  Before God gives Moses the 10 Commandments, He says, “If you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations, you will be my treasured possession.”  God is controlling the entire universe, He is the One Who brings failure and success, and there’s one condition: If you listen to His Word fully and then if you keep his covenant, then He will bless you fully.

God is invisible; because God is the Word, we have to listen to God’s Word well. If we don’t listen to God’s Word well, we’re bound to listen to something else, which means we’re going to listen to the words of the world instead.  If we do not live in this world this week, holding onto God’s Word, then we’re bound to listen to and to follow after the words of the world.  This will only lead to destruction.

The Word of God is not optional, like I could listen to it or not.  If someone says, “You say the same thing every week; who cares if I miss one week?” That person doesn’t know God.  “Oh we listen to God’s Word on Sunday and we have to come on Wednesday?  Isn’t that a bit burdensome for our lives?” That’s just how this person is living.  This person is thinking that way because the way of their life is not from the background of God’s Word, it’s coming from the words of the people, the culture of the world that is controlled by the devil.

Even right now, God is working with His Word.  It’s important to listen to the Word of God, but what’s even more important is to testify of the accurate Word of God, which means we first must listen to the accurate Word of God.  If you’re listening to the accurate Word of God but you’re not able to hear it, then honestly, that is the greatest misery.  

Romans 10:9-10 says we gain more faith by listening to the words of the gospel, so if you don’t listen to begin with, you can never have more faith.  Back in those days, it’s not as if they had these texts, either; they just had what was engraved on the stones of the 10 Commandments, and they placed these stones in the Ark of the Covenant in the temple, then in their everyday life how did they do it? They had to keep the Word of God in their hearts because God works with His Word.  

If you lose God’s Word, then you have no choice but to live, following the ways of the world of Canaan, but the Word of God is getting weaker and weaker in America. The Words of God that are spiritual are getting weaker and weaker.  When we say that Jesus Christ has three roles, the prophet, priest, and king, it means He is playing three roles.  He is the Priest and Prophet, meaning Jesus Christ has forgiven our sins and has made a way for us to be with God, those two roles are being relayed well.  However, because America is not testifying of God’s Word that Jesus Christ is also the King Who defeated Satan, America is suffering under spiritual problems.  

The reason people are practicing witchcraft in American churches is because they don’t know the spiritual meaning or implications, and they accept all religions.  There are young believers who say “I believe in Jesus Christ but you can meet God through other religions.” But the Word of God is being relayed in the church, but they’re not relaying the word, “Only,” that’s why younger kids are saying things like that, even though they go to church.  

Because the churches don’t know and they don’t tell people about the spiritual meaning of transcendental meditation and they are universalists, accepting all religions, the young kids are swept up by it. They don’t know the dangers of fortune telling and witchcraft, and they get sucked into it. Because the spiritual word isn’t being relayed to people, they are losing the idea of “only.”

Deut. 19:6 says, “You will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”  It means we will become a kingdom of priests, which means we are the ones who are in charge in facilitating the ones who facilitate a connection between God and the world, then the Israelites play the role of introducing the entire world to God. They will become a holy nation. 

“Holy” isn’t something that can be compared to morals and ethics, but the churches aren’t able to distinguish between the two, to the point where they say, “If you live a moral and ethical life, you’re good.”  That may be true but it also may be untrue.  Those things have to come as a result of following God’s Word.  It means people are trying to live a clean life, a patient and virtuous life without the Word of God, too. 

However, when we follow and seek after God’s Word, God says we are a holy nation, set apart. Any niceness that is apart from the Word of God isn’t nice. Any personality or popularity that doesn’t have the Word of God isn’t really good, because God is talking to us about holiness; He doesn’t talk to us about anything else.  These are the words of God you have to relay to the next generation of Israelite people again.

Deut. 4:10, He says the reason we do this is so we may learn to revere Him as long as we live on land, and so we may teach them to their children. God teaches us the 10 Commandments so we can learn to revere God. The main point isn’t about, “If you break the 10 Commandments, you’ll be cursed.”  God is not giving us the 10 Commandments to seem like a scary God, “If you break one of the words, He is going to kill you.”  God is making us revere Him through this.

But if you misunderstand this, you’re going to think that God is someone who will kill you and punish you if you break one of His rules.  That’s not God, and there’s a lot of people who live their walk of faith like that, even now.  So, they’re so scared of being beaten up by God that they cannot do anything.

But that’s not God’s goal, in the Old Testament or even now.  God says, “The entire world is mine, and I am the LORD Who brought you out of Egypt,” so just believe in God and love and trust in God.  Love God, and the way for you to look to God is through the Ten Commandments.  We have the Ten Commandments separately, however, if you really know who God is and believe in Him, your life will naturally be bound to follow God’s Word.

Think about it, if there’s someone you really like or you really love them, you want to keep your promises because you love them, not because you’re afraid they’ll beat you up because you break it.  How can we know if we love our parents? The standard is how you react to the words they say. But if a kid just thinks, “If I do what my parents say, they’re going to give me money; if I don’t do what my parents say, they aren’t going to give me money,” then that’s a misunderstanding of your relationship with your parents. 

There are some parents that are like that, but that’s not what God is like.  Everything is in God’s hands. Everything follows God’s word, and because you believe in that God, then everything will follow God’s Word and commands.  Otherwise, you’re just going to struggle saying, “I don’t want to hold onto God’s Word, but I feel like I have to,” that’s because you don’t really know who God is.  If you know who God really is, you have no choice but to love Him. It doesn’t matter, no one should tell you if you should do idol worship or not; you’re not going to want to do it at all

Even so, because we’re so weak, our spiritual state isn’t always maintained like that, and that’s why God sent us Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ completely fulfilled the law. The fulfillment of God’s law is loving God and loving people.  Jesus Christ is someone Who truly loved God, inside and out, and there wasn’t a single moment of a fraction of sin, that’s how much Jesus loved God.  That’s why even though Jesus Christ didn’t want to die on the cross, He followed because He loved God’s Word.  

When Jesus Christ died on the cross, that was the fulfillment of God’s law which tells us to love God and to love people, because Jesu sChrist died to save all of us.  That’s how Jesus Christ fulfilled the law and that’s it, period.  Because we believe in Jesus Christ we are righteous, because of faith. If you don’t believe or understand what that means, you’re bound to fall back into legalism, you’re nota able to understand and you keep going back to the law.

So, if you don’t understand the gospel, you’re bound to go back to legalism.  That’s what we learned about in this week’s Sunday message, too. The reason God trains and disciplines us is so that we may receive the fruits of righteousness and peace.  The reason God is putting us through this time schedule of training and suffering is so that we can have faith in Jesus Christ, because there’s no way we can have righteousness and peace come from ourselves.  

If you misunderstand this, you may think you have to live a righteous life and you have to get peace for yourself, but that’s not the gospel at all. What’s the evidence of that? You’re going to start attacking other people, “Why can’t you live a righteous life?”  That’s evidence that you’re saying, “I’m trying my best to live according to the Word of God righteously, why aren’t you even trying?” that’s someone who is really irrelevant to the gospel.

They may know Jesus Christ but they’re very far from the gospel of Jesus Christ; they don’t understand the gospel.  They understand the word, “Jesus Christ,” but they don’t understand the content of the gospel. Jesus Christ says He’s finished it all, and by believing in Jesus Christ, His righteousness comes upon me.  Because I believe in Jesus Christ Who is the Prince of Peace, I receive peace.  That’s why the righteous live by faith, not by actions.  

Let’s say I think she’s really weird, but because I believe in the Jesus Christ inside of her, I’m able to help her in prayer.  That’s why you cannot judge anybody because Jesus Christ has already paid on our behalf.  There’s no need for us to judge ourselves, either.  Even when Paul got older, he struggled so much because of his legalistic nature. He kept having legalism within him that kept judging himself, and that’s because he’s lived his entire life with a legalistic nature. Even though he knew the gospel, he couldn’t do anything about what was inside of him. 

Our nature is so scary, it’s like a battle inside of us, and that’s Romans 7.  Inside of himself, Paul says, “I now hold onto the gospel, and I’m liberated.”  That’s what this means.  It’s not that Paul didn’t know the gospel, but his legalistic nature and the gospel were fighting inside of him. We know the gospel but our lives are rooted in something that is far from the gospel.  How quickly are we able to change our roots and nature into the gospel? That’s the way we come to life. Without that, we oppress ourselves with legalism.

All the words you say you think are right are only for your righteousness instead of saving people through the gospel of Jesus Christ.  If the church is full of the gospel,, it doesn’t mean that everyone just knows more about Christ.  It means that we need the church to have the imprint, root, nature in the true meaning of Christ, in the true meaning of the gospel.  Otherwise, if we talk about the gospel but our nature is legalism, we cannot save anybody.  

Let’s say I’m able to perfectly analyze everything in the Bible from the perspective of Jesus Christ, centered on Christ, but I’m centered on legalism, I’m going to kill myself.  There’s  a great gap between what’s in my brain and versus the nature of my life inside.  Why is it that I know the gospel but I’m struggling  so much? Why is it that I know and hear the gospel, but my life reacts more for something else than it does for the  Word of God? That’s how we go.

So, this is the end of our message, but Jesus Christ has finished all of the law of God on the cross, so we are righteous by  believing in Jesus.  By believing in Jesus Christ, I receive the answer of a righteous life.  Isn’t that right? If I’m running a business, I have to run a righteous business, it has to be one that follows God’s Word and righteousness.  The standard of a business isn’t whether I’m doing a good or bad job, it must have righteousness and peace to save people. May you have victory this week.


Let us pray together holding onto the word God gave us.  The Word is God, not just the Word of God, but the Word that has fulfilled everything in the gospel, only this gospel saves the world. God, allow us to be witnesses of this gospel.  God, allow us to change our incorrect nature to only the gospel. 

Shall we pray again? Let us pray for the remnants. If they come out to church on Sundays and haphazardly listen to the Word of God, it’s going to be hard for them to live in America. Because the Word of God isn’t just something you reference; it’s not something you just keep in mind, it is the standard and the main point In our whole life, in every situation, God is controlling everything with His Word, so the Word of God is our standard. “Here’s what I think,” that’s not what it’s about, but it’s about the word of God. Let us pray for the remnants, the next generations, and the multiethnic people.

Let us pray again for our missions, so that the accurate word of the gospel be relayed to another country outside of our own, not the words of legalism or mysticism because those cannot save anybody.  We can do missions from here.  We can do missions online, there are people who send the messages to dozens of people.  Whether I personally give the message or I’m delivering the message in this online age, it’s the same, we are missionaries. Whether we’re missionaries who are sent out or if we’re the missionaries who are sending out, the word of God is being fulfilled. Let us pray for our mission fields and regional fields. Let us pray together for our missions fields.  

I want to pray for the missions in El Salvador, there was one Darakbang we are doing, and she is connected with someone in El Salvador, and this region is so thirsty for the gospel. We’ve sent them the gospel letters and the way of salvation circulating in the region.  They hadn’t heard this before, and this is unimaginable if it weren’t for COVID. For some people, COVID is a blessing; for other people, COVID is a curse; the only standard is, am I inside of the Word or not.  

Let us pray for the El Salvador pastors, we’re able to send the YouTube videos and they’re going around because the gospel has never gone into them before. There are a lot of pastors in El Salvador who haven’t even graduated from seminary, so I hope you will think about it and be led as well.  On the church bulletin, there’s a QR code that takes us to a YouTube link with all of our church messages;however, there’s a separate website for our church, and if you go there, there’s the gospel letter and way of salvation in multiple, different languages.  

I hope you will be aware of this and just send out the messages whenever you can.  It doesn’t have to be you giving the message directly.  A lot of people are under the misconception that I have to be the one to give the message, but that’s not true because God can work through anything to deliver it. I think it would be very good if we can put the church website address on the bulletin, and it will be a good tool for evangelism.  Then, even if you don’t tell them anything but you give them the church bulletin, then they can play the messages for themselves.  If I don’t speak the language, I don’t have to give the message myself, I could just give them these links, otherwise I would have to spend decades learning the language.  It’s a very good tool for missions and evangelism.  

Let us pray for El Salvador.  You guys all have your own 237.  It’s just that you guys aren’t thinking about it, but it’s there for you, surely.  All the multiethnic people living around you will be connections, and the Korean people will be connections as well. Let us pray for El Salvador, and your own 237.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of the people of God, the remnants, and the people of all nations who desire to believe and testify of the Jesus Christ who fulfilled the law on the cross, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen

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